fisiologi olah raga

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Post on 03-Mar-2016




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presentasi fisiologi olah raga untuk mahasiswa keperawatan


  • Faal Olahraga Lab Fisiofarmakologi FK UNEJ

  • Manfaat olahraga

    Melancarkan aliran darah keseluruh tubuhMemperbaiki oksigenasi jaringan dan menyediakan energi yang dibutuhkan untuk aktivitasMengurangi StresMeningkatkan enthusiasme dan optimismeMembantu melepas ketegangan, relax, dan tidur

  • Menurunkan berat badan dan atau mengontrol berat badanMencegah penyakit jantung, DM, Obesitas dan osteoporosisMenurunkan tekanan darah Menurunkan kolesterol total, LDL dan TGMeningkatkan HDL

  • Komponen Program Olah Raga

    Flexibility peregangan dengan intensitas rendah, 5-10 menit sebelum dan sesudah olah raga

    Cardiovascular melibatkan penggunaan otot dalam jumlah besar dalam beberapa waktu dengan irama yang teratur (walking, jogging/running, swimming, stair-climbing, aerobics, rowing)

    Strength Training latihan beban dengan intensitas sedang

  • Warm up

    Prepare yourself for exercise both mentally and physically Reduce the chance of injury Increase circulation around the body gradually Not to put any part of your body under sudden pressure

  • Is stretching Good for You?Muscle SpindlesCreate reflex contraction when stretched

  • Wilmore & Costill, Physiology of Sport and Exercise. 3rd Edition

  • Kinds of StretchesStatic or PassiveActiveBallisticRepeated small bounces beyond the end of ROMDynamicControlled movement through the active ROM

  • Static stretching causes muscle and tendon to become more compliantDo we want that?In sprinting and agility there needs to be a rapid switch between relaxing and contracting muscle


  • Olahraga Aerobik FITT

    Frequency: 3-5 days a weekIntensity : Moderate to Vigorous intensity (60-90% of Maximum Heart Rate)Time : You should exercise at least 20 minutes or more per exercise session.Type : involves the use of large muscle groups over prolong period in activities that are rhythmic in nature

  • Types of Aerobic Exercise

    Aerobic Classes Walking Rowing Machine Jogging/Running Nordic Track Stair Climbing Swimming Elliptical Trainer Water Aerobics Stationary Bike

  • Target Heart Rate

    60-85% of Maximum Heart Rate Max HR = 220 age Example: 30 year old female 220 30 = 190 Max HR To get target HR range, multiply 190 x .6 & .85 Range is 114 161.5 Optimal range for fat burning is 70%

  • Exercise & Sport Science | *


  • Increasing Muscle Strength3 times a week1-2 lbs hand weights or cansRaking yard, weeding gardenMowing with push lawnmowerVacuuming, scrubbing floorsCleaning windowsFishing

  • General Tips on Starting YourExercise ProgramTry exercising 20-30 minutes 3-5times a weekTry not to sit for more than 30minutes at a timeStretch before and afterStart slow and gradually increasetimeExercise in smaller time increments

  • Energy for Exercise

  • Aerobic vs. Anaerobic EnergyAerobic: O2 requiring energy production

    Anaerobic: No O2 required for energy

  • Energy metabolism Anaerobic metabolism only carbohydrate increases when lack of O2 lower amount of ATP, but very fast and huge in short time production of lactic acidAnaerobic metabolism carbohydrate, fats, proteins enough of O2 higher amount of ATP, but slowerNote: proteins are not very important sources of energy (5-10%). Amino acids are preferabely used as a building matters for muscles hormones, etc.

  • Anaerobic EnergyATP stores

    Creatine Phosphate

    Anaerobic glycolysis

  • ATP CP Energy SystemSmall amount of ATP stored85 g in whole bodyMust be re-synthesizedCP: quick energy for ATP reboundCP stored in larger quantitiesAll out Exercise 5 to 8 seconds

  • Energy metabolism ATPhydrolisisADP + P + EphosphorylationATP is only the one immediate source of energy for muscles work, etc.Other ways of the creation (phosporylation): ATP + PADP + CP(creatine phosphate)ATP + AMPADP + ADP

  • 100%% Capacity of Energy System10 sec30 sec2 min5 min +Energy Transfer Systems and ExerciseAerobic Energy SystemAnaerobic GlycolysisATP - CP

  • Energy metabolism Aerobic glycolysis36 ATP36 ATPAnaerobic glycolysis2 ATP3 ATPFrom one molecule GGGTotal glycolysis38 ATP39 ATPGlycogen reserves are in muscle cells (500 g) and in liver (100 g).- From 1.500 to 2.500 kcal.1 calorie (cal) is the amount of energy increases the temperature of 1 gram H2O from 14.5C to 15.5C.

  • Lipids (FFA)more energy (1 g = 9,3 kcal)need more O2 (EE = 4,55 kcal)use while enough of O2 (at rest, low intensity of exercise)Carbohydratesless energy (1 g = 4,1 kcal)need less O2 (EE = 5,05 kcal)use while not enough of O2 (higher intensity, and anaerobically as well)small amount is always use at rest

  • Mechanism of energy release in dependence on intensity aerobic anaerobicNOTE:Ideal modelRESTAnaerobic thresholdVO2maxAerobic threshold

  • Lactic AcidByproduct of Anaerobic Metabolism.GlucosePyruvic Acid (2)EnergyH+Lactic Acid (2)ATP

  • Lactic AcidCauses FatigueIrritation of local muscleDecreased pH of cellular environment & bloodstreamTraining increases lactate tolerance and decreases lactate formation at any given workload (by 20-30%)

  • Percent of VO 2 max25%50%75%100%[Blood Lactate] UntrainedTrainedEffect of Training on Blood Lactate / Lactate ThresholdLTLT

  • Lactate ProcessingCori Cycle

    Muscle CellLactatePyruvateLiverGlucoseLactatePyruvateGlucose / Glycogen

  • The more O2 is delivered to working muscle, the higher aerobic production of energy (ATP)Better endurance performance, smaller production of lactic acid while the same speed of run, longer lasting exercise, etc.

  • *****