feugaitepulae, contents - asci-india.comasci-india.com/nos-panel/uploadpdf/qp-coconut... ·...

Contents 1. Introduction and Contact…………………………. [1] 2. Qualificaiton Pack……………………………………..[2] 3. Glossary of Key Terms……………………………….[3] 4. OS Units…………………………………………………….[5] 5. Nomenclature for QP and NOS…………………[41] 6. Assessment Criteria…………………………………[43] Qualifications Pack- Coconut Grower SECTOR: AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SUB-SECTOR: Agriculture Crop Production OCCUPATION: Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops) REFERENCE ID: AGR/Q0503 ALIGNED TO: NCO-2015/0851 Coconut Grower: The Grower is responsible to cultivate Coconut crop on a given piece of land and is involved in raising of coconut planting material by his own or by procuring from outside nurseries to marketing of the produce. Brief Job Description:The job of a Coconut grower involves cultivation of Coconut as per the package of practices recommended for a particular agronomic climate zone, type of soil, rainfall pattern and climatic conditions to achieve the Coconut yields as per the genetic potential of a given variety and sell the produce as per the competitive market prices without distress sale. Personal Attributes: The Coconut Grower should work independently and must have the ability to make decisions pertaining to his/her area of work. Requires clarity and skill for basic arithematic principles. The individual should be result oriented and is responsible for his own working and learning. The individual should also be able to demonstrate skills to manage risks such as climatic threats, market crash and should be able to use various tools for decision making and instant problem solving. Introduction QUALIFICATIONS PACK - OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS FOR AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED INDUSTRY What are Occupational Standards(OS)? OS describe what individuals need to do, know and understand in order to carry out a particular job role or function OS are performance standards that individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding Contact Us: Agriculture Skill Council of India, 6th Floor, Building No. 10, GNG Tower, Sector 44, Gurgaon Haryana- 122002 T: 0124-4814659 E-mail: [email protected]

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Contents 1. Introduction and Contact…………………………. [1]

2. Qualificaiton Pack……………………………………..[2]

3. Glossary of Key Terms……………………………….[3]

4. OS Units…………………………………………………….[5]

5. Nomenclature for QP and NOS…………………[41]

6. Assessment Criteria…………………………………[43]

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Qualifications Pack- Coconut Grower


SUB-SECTOR: Agriculture Crop Production

OCCUPATION: Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)


ALIGNED TO: NCO-2015/0851 Coconut Grower: The Grower is responsible to cultivate Coconut crop on a given piece of land and is involved in raising of coconut planting material by his own or by procuring from outside nurseries to marketing of the produce.

Brief Job Description:The job of a Coconut grower involves cultivation of Coconut as

per the package of practices recommended for a particular agronomic climate zone,

type of soil, rainfall pattern and climatic conditions to achieve the Coconut yields as

per the genetic potential of a given variety and sell the produce as per the

competitive market prices without distress sale.

Personal Attributes: The Coconut Grower should work independently and must have

the ability to make decisions pertaining to his/her area of work. Requires clarity and

skill for basic arithematic principles. The individual should be result oriented and is

responsible for his own working and learning. The individual should also be able to

demonstrate skills to manage risks such as climatic threats, market crash and should

be able to use various tools for decision making and instant problem solving.



What are Occupational

Standards(OS)? OS describe what

individuals need to do, know and understand in order to carry out a particular job role or function

OS are performance

standards that individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding

Cont act Us:

Agriculture Skill Council

of India, 6th Floor,

Building No. 10, GNG

Tower, Sector 44,

Gurgaon Haryana-

122002 T: 0124-4814659 E-mail: [email protected]

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

Qualifications Pack Code AGR/Q0503

Job Role CoconutGrower

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

NSQC Clearance on 18/06/2015

Job Role Coconut Grower (Coconut Farmer, Coconut Crop Cultivator, NariyalKisan)

Role Description The Grower is responsible to cultivate Coconut crop on a given piece of land and is involved in procurement of seed material from the market to the sale of farm produce in the market.

NSQF level

Minimum Educational Qualifications

Maximum Educational Qualifications


No Entry level Barrier; 5thStandard Passed preferably

Not applicable

Training Not mandatory

Minimum Job Entry Age 17 Years

Experience Prior experience in coconut / palm cultivation

Applicable National Occupational

Standards (NOS)


1. AGR/N0515 - Planting Material Preparation in Coconut


2. AGR/N0516 - Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut


3. AGR/N0517 - Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut


4. AGR/N0518 - Integrated Pest and Disease Management in

Coconut cultivation

5. AGR/N0519 - Optimal Cultivation practices in Coconut palm


6. AGR/N0520 - Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in

Coconut Cultivation

7. AGR/N9901 - Basic farm management

8. AGR/N9902 - Assimilating market information

9. AGR/N9903 - Maintain Health and safety at the workplace

Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units




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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

Keywords /Terms Description

Sector Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.

Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the characteristics and interests of its components

Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of functions in an industry.

Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional analysis and form the basis of OS.

Job Role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique employment opportunity in an organization.

Operational Standard (OS)

OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian and global contexts.

Performance Criteria

Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard of performance required when carrying out a task.

National Occupational Standard (NOS)

NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian context.

Qualifications Pack Code

Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a qualifications pack.

Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.

Unit Code Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is denoted by an ‘N’.

Unit Title Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be able to do.

Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS they are looking for.

Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that an individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.

Organizational Context

Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.

Technical Knowledge

Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish specific designated responsibilities.

Core Skills or Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning and working





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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

Generic Skills in today's world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.


Vertical may exist within a sub-sector representing different domain areas or the client industries served by the industry

Cultivar Is Cultivated Variety. To propagate true-to-type clones, many cultivars must be propagated vegetatively through cuttings, grafting, and even tissue culture. Propagation by seed usually produces something different than the parent plant.

Seed Material Sexually or vegetatively propagated planting materials which are used for seeding and planting.

Tilth Physical condition of soil, especially in relation to its suitability for planting or growing a crop.

Farm Yard Manure (FYM)

Farmyard manure refers to the decomposed mixture of dung and urine of farm animals along with litter and left over material from roughages or fodder fed to the cattle.

Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)

Integrated Nutrient Management is a practice where all sources of nutrients namely organic, inorganic (chemical fertilizer), Biofertilizer can be combined and applied to soils so that crop growth is enhanced and we can get good yield with quality product.

Fertigation Fertigation is the application of fertilizers, soil amendments, or other water soluble products through an irrigation system.

Keywords /Terms Description

OJT On Job Training

OS Occupational Standards

NOS National Occupation Standard

NSQF National Skills Qualification Framework

Agr Agriculture

MIS Micro Irrigation System

IPM Integrated Pest Management

INM Integrated Nutrient Management

FYM Farm Yard Manure




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AGR/N0515 Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation



This unit is about dealing with planting material preparation for Coconut Palm cultivation.

National Occupational


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AGR/N0515 Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation

Unit Code AGR/N0515

Unit Title (Task)

Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Palm Cultivation

Description This OS is for a Coconut palm grower who is responsible for identifying the appropriate planting material for Coconut cultivation and also know the necessary methods of treatments to be provided to sustain the palm.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Identification of appropriate planting material

Procurement & treatment of planting material

Nursery management

Health and Safety Precautions

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Identification of appropriate planting material

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. identify the Agro-climatic zone in which cultivation is taken up

PC2. list the varieties that are suitable to the zone

Procurement & treatment of Planting Material

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC3. identify various vendors / suppliers (including government nurseries /

department) of the planting material or select the seed nut from a good

mother palm

PC4. ascertain the quality of seed nut from each source in terms of ‘free from pests

and diseases’, ‘survival rate’ etc.

PC5. ascertain the prevailing market rates for the planting material

PC6. procure the planting material

PC7. identify an appropriate storage space (free of infestation and having congenial

climatic conditions for the planting material)

PC8. store the planting material (if there is time lag between procurement and


PC9. ascertain the prevalent pests and diseases of Coconut palm in a given Agro-

climatic zone

PC10. ascertain the appropriate pesticides available for planting material treatment

PC11. treat the plantingmaterial as per the dosage recommended by the State

Agriculture University / Department or as prescribed by the pesticide




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AGR/N0515 Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation

Nursery Management To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC12. select nursey area in a well drained plot PC13. prepare nursery beds as per available resources PC14. plant seed nuts in a long and narrow bed at the recommended spacing and

timing PC15. do the intercultural operations in nursery regularly PC16. regularly survey for pests and diseases PC17. select and discard the seedlings basing upon the germination PC18. harvest the quality seedling at the recommended stage from the nursery by

lifting with spade

Health and Safety Precautions

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC19. read the safety precautions in the reading material provided with the pesticide PC20. keep ready with all the necessary first aids as suggested in the safety measures PC21. use all the necessary safety material and follow all the preventive measures to

avoid any injury during use / application of pesticide

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

its processes)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment

KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining to


KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related information,

clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the

impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business

KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work

B. Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. Various climatic parameters such as maximum and minimum temperatures,

intensity and distribution of precipitation (rainfall), relative humidity etc., KB2. Pest and Diseases specific to a given agro climatic region, the life cycles of

these pests and diseases and the sources of infection KB3. Duration of the variety KB4. Yield of the variety KB5. Resistance and Susceptibility to various pests and diseases KB6. Biotic and abiotic stress resistance (in terms of temperature fluctuations, dry

spells, heavy downpour during critical stages etc.,) KB7. Suitability of the variety to the given soil type KB8. Uses and harmful effects of various pesticides KB9. Safe methods of handling the pesticides KB10. First aid to the exposure of humans to harmful effects of pesticides

Skills (S)

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AGR/N0515 Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: N.A

Reading Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. Update oneself about the latest technologies used in Coconut plantation by

reading the newspaper and magazines SA2. Keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and

product information sheets SA3. Read relevant newspapers/booklets SA4. Read the hazards of use and contamination written on the labels of pesticides

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA5. maintain effective relationships with neighbouring farmers & extension

workers etc SA6. communicate clearly and effectively with various stakeholders SA7. understand information and grasp its meaning SA8. seek advice from senior people, extension workers & experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take preventative

action following workplace procedures SB3. follow basic arithmetic and algebraic principles

Plan and Organize

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB4. plan and organize Coconut plantation SB5. organize meeting of co-farmers if necessary

Customer Centricity

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB6. participate in Coconut exhibition/seminar/workshop SB7. make use of exposure visit SB8. work with Coconut experts

Problem Solving

Theindividual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB9. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and take up an

optimum /best possible solution(s) SB10. Identify creative / innovative solutions to resolve delays in case of emergencies Analytical Thinking

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AGR/N0515 Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB11. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment required for

seedling and planting material preparation Critical Thinking

Theindividual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. Apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,

experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action SB13. Take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N0515 Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N0515

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N0516 Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut Cultivation



This unit is about dealing with Land preparation and Plantation for Coconut Palm cultivation.

National Occupational


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AGR/N0516 Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut Cultivation

Unit Code AGR/N0516

Unit Title (Task)

Land preparation and transplantation in Coconut Palm Cultivation

Description This OS is for a Coconut palm grower who is responsible for preparing the field and planting through appropriate methods.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Land Preparation

Planting the Coconut seedling

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Land Preparation To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. select the planting site

PC2. avoid shallow soils with underlying hard rock, low lying areas subject to water

stagnation and clayey soils

PC3. ensure proper supply of moisture before planting either through well

distributed rainfall or through irrigation

PC4. dig the pit of appropriate sizedepending upon the land and soil type

PC5. maintain appropriate spacing of the pit depending on the planting system, soil

type etc

PC6. plant the seedling at appropriate time according to the agroclimatic zone. Planting Coconut seedling

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to:

PC7. fill the pits with top soil /red earth, sand and powdered cow dung / compost up

to appropriate depthbefore planting

PC8. take a small pit inside this, so as to accommodate the nut attached to the


PC9. plant the seedling inside the pit and fill up with soil.

PC10. before planting, applygeneral/specific insecticide inside the small pit if there is

chance for white-ant attack.

PC11. apply common salt per pit in the required quantity in laterite areas for

improving the physical condition of the soil.

PC12. bury coconut husks in layers in the pits for moisture conservation.

PC13. shade and irrigatethe transplanted seedlings adequately during the summer


PC14. provide staking so that winds may not uproot the young seedlings.

PC15. for the first two years after planting, irrigate the seedling twice a week during

the dry summer months

PC16. provide shadeto the transplanted seedlings.

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work



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AGR/N0516 Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut Cultivation

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

its processes)

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment

KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining to


KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related information,

clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the

impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business

KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work

B. Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. soil types, their advantages and disadvantages in the light of Coconut palm

cultivation KB2. based on the soil type, various methods of land preparation to maintain soil

tilth KB3. various farm machinery available and their utility to maintain soil tilth and

health KB4. duration of the variety KB5. yield of the variety KB6. resistance and Susceptibility to various pests and diseases KB7. biotic and abiotic stress resistance (in terms of temperature fluctuations, dry

spells, heavy downpour during critical stages etc.,) KB8. suitability of the variety to the given soil type KB9. uses and harmful effects of various pesticides KB10. Safe methods of handling the pesticides KB11. first aid to the exposure of humans to harmful affects of pesticides

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills


The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: N.A

Reading Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. update oneself about the latest technologies used in coconutpalm plantation

by reading the newspaper and magazines SA2. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures and pamphlets SA3. read the hazards of use and contamination written on the labels of pesticides

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to SA4. maintain effective relationships with neighbouring farmers, extension workers

and experts SA5. communicate clearly and effectively with various stakeholders SA6. understand information and grasp its meaning SA7. seek advice from seniors and experts

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AGR/N0516 Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut Cultivation

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take preventative

action following various procedures SB3. follow basic arithmetic and algebraic principles

Plan and Organize

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: SB4. plan and organize Coconut plantation procedure for land preparation

Customer Centricity

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB5. participate in coconut exhibition/seminar/workshop SB6. attend refresher training SB7. make use of exposure visit SB8. work with coconut experts

Problem Solving

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB9. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and take up an

optimum /best possible solution(s) SB10. identify creative / innovative solutions to resolve delays especially in the case

of emergencies

Analytical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB11. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment required for land

preparation and plantation

Critical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,

experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action SB13. take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N0516 Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut Cultivation

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N0516

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N0517 Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut palm Cultivation



This unit is about dealing with Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut palm cultivation.

National Occupational


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AGR/N0517 Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut palm Cultivation

Unit Code AGR/N0517

Unit Title (Task)

Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconutpalm Cultivation

Description This OS is about taking care of coconut palms at various stages of their growth by the application of fertilizers.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Soil Sampling

Testing for macro and micro nutrient analysis

Application of Organic and Inorganic Fertilisers

Weed Management

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Soil Sampling To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC1. take soil sample as per the recommended sampling procedure from the field

PC2. dry the soil and prepare samples as per procedure

Testing For Macro And Micro Nutrient Analysis

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC3. pack, label and submit to nearby soil testing laboratory for analysis

PC4. collect the soil analysis report from the lab

PC5. collect the recommended organic and inorganic fertilizer dosage from

agriculture department based on the soil analysis report

Application of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC6. regularmanuring from the first year of planting is essential to achieve higher

productivity. PC7. apply the manure to the soil as per recommended dosage and procedure PC8. ascertain green manure/ eco-friendly botanicals/biofertliser that can be applied PC9. adopt various cultural practices that enhances the soil nutrient status for the

benefit of coconut crop stand PC10. apply fertilisers for macro and micro nutrients as per the recommended dosage,

timing, placement locations and method of application

Weed Management To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC11. take up weed control as per recommendation PC12. remove rogue infected plant/ plant parts PC13. perform weeding manually / herbicides as per the recommendations and


Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment

KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining to work

KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related information,



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AGR/N0517 Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut palm Cultivation

its processes)

clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the

impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business

KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work

B. Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. importance of soil testing & judicious use of fertilizers KB2. various procedures of soil sampling KB3. soil testing laboratories and various nutrients (macro and micro) that are

analysed KB4. soil analysis report KB5. recommendations based on the availability of various micro and macro

nutrients in a given soil or crop sample KB6. soil types, their advantages and disadvantages in the light of coconut cultivation

with reference to the nutrient status KB7. based on the soil type, various methods of land preparation to maintain soil

tilth KB8. various farm machinery available and their utility to maintain soil tilth and

health KB9. role of fertilizer at various growth stages of coconut KB10. knowledge of various organic and inorganic fertilizers relevant to coconut KB11. appropriate methods of application of various fertilizers and micro nutrients KB12. timing in a day and location of the application KB13. time of application of fertilizers / nutrient in the crop life cycle KB14. interaction affects of the soil type, level of the land and water availability on the

crop growth and its yield KB15. different types of weeds and procedure to control those

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: N.A

Reading Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. update oneself about the latest technologies used in coconut plantation by

reading the newspaper and magazines SA2. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures and pamphlets

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

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AGR/N0517 Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut palm Cultivation

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA3. maintain effective relationships with neighbouring farmers, extension workers

and experts SA4. communicate clearly and effectively with various stakeholders SA5. co-operate with others in accordance with required procedures SA6. understand information and grasp its meaning SA7. seek advice from senior people and experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take preventative

action following various procedures SB3. follow basic arithmetic and algebraic principles

Plan and Organize

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: how to SB4. plan and organize nutrient management all through the crop production cycle

as per recommendations

Customer Centricity

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB5. participate in coconut exhibition/seminar/workshop SB6. make use of exposure visit SB7. work with coconut experts SB8. develop good rapport with input sellers & buyers

Problem Solving

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB9. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and take up an

optimum /best possible solution(s) SB10. identify creative & innovative solutions to resolve delays

Analytical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB11. monitor the growing coconut plant and maintain the condition of tools and

equipment required for nutrient management

Critical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,

experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action SB13. take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N0517 Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut palm Cultivation

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N0517

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N0518 Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut Cultivation



This unit is about dealing with pest and Disease Management of coconut palms.

National Occupational


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AGR/N0518 Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut Cultivation

Unit Code AGR/N0518

Unit Title (Task)

Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut Cultivation

Description This OS is about identification of various pests and diseases which have affected coconut palms and adoption of necessary control and prevention methods.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Identification of pests and understanding behaviour

Identification of diseases

Preventive and curative methods

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Identification of Pests and Understanding Behavior

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. identify the types of pests associated (rhinoceros beetle, black headed

caterpillar red palm weevil, termites, etc)

PC2. identify the stage of crop and pest incidence – pest calendar

PC3. identify the signs and symptoms of damage

PC4. identify the pest life cycle – estimate the duration

PC5. identify the natural enemies of the pests

Identification Of Diseases

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC6. identify the types of diseases associated (bud rot, leaf rot, stem bleeding,etc.)

PC7. identify special problems in coconut palm (pencil point disorder, button

shedding, barren nuts etc.)

PC8. identify physiological disorders (lack of major nutrients/minor nutrients)

PC9. identify the crop stage and disease incidence – disease calendar

PC10. identify the signs and symptoms of different diseases

PC11. identify the mode of transmission of disease

Preventive And Curative Methods

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to:

PC12. rejuvenation of existing garden by thinning of thickly populated gardens and

ensuring adequate manuring and irrigation

PC13. use of resistant varieties

PC14. take up seedling / planting material treatment

PC15. perform cutting and burning the severely affected portions of palms as a

whole which cannot be saved

PC16. remove affected tissues of crown

PC17. use various traps (light, pheromone etc)



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AGR/N0518 Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut Cultivation

PC18. do pest and disease control

a. chemical approaches

b. non-chemical approaches

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

its processes)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment

KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining to work

KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related information,

clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the

impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business

KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work

B. Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. pest management through cultural practices KB2. biological pest management KB3. identification of insects and their damage symptoms KB4. field sanitation and pest management KB5. chemical pest management KB6. handling and maintanence of plant protection machines KB7. preparation of bordeaux paste and other bio-pesticides KB8. training methods, their advantages & limitations KB9. types of chemicals/natural pesticides available – causes and effects

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. keep records SA2. report problems to the appropriate personnel like extension worker,

agriculture officer etc in a timely manner

Reading Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA3. update oneself about the latest technologies used in pest and disease

management in Coconut by reading the newspaper and magazines

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

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AGR/N0518 Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut Cultivation

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA4. maintain effective relationships with farmers, extension workers and experts SA5. co-operate with others in accordance with required procedures SA6. communicate clearly and effectively with various stakeholders SA7. understand information and grasp its meaning SA8. seek advice from seniors and experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take preventive

action following workplace procedures SB3. follow basic arithmetic principles

Plan and Organize

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB4. plan and organize/implementtimely Coconut pest and disease management

Customer Centricity

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB5. participate in coconut exhibition/seminar/workshop. SB6. attend refresher training SB7. make use of exposure visit SB8. work with coconut experts SB9. develop a good rapport with input sellers and buyers

Problem Solving

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB10. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an

optimum /best possible solution(s) SB11. identify creative & innovative solutions to resolve delays

Analytical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment required for

coconut pest management SB13. monitor the coconut pests and diseases and maintain the plants in good

condition SB14. maintain the records of stage of crop and pest / disease incidence and options


Critical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB15. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,

experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

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AGR/N0518 Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut Cultivation

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N0518

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N0519 Optimal Cultivation practices in Coconut palm Cultivation



This unit is about dealing with Optimal Cultivation practices like intercropping, proper

irrigation etc to increase the yield & quality of output in coconut palm cultivation.

National Occupational


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AGR/N0519 Optimal Cultivation practices in coconut palm cultivation

Unit Code AGR/N0519

Unit Title (Task)

Optimal Cultivation practices in coconut palm cultivation

Description This OS is about managing coconut gardens by performing optimal agricultural practices

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Irrigation management

Inter-cropping and mixed cropping

Organic farming

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Irrigation Management To be competent, the user / individual on the job must be able to: PC1. use appropriate irrigation method and follow irrigation schedule based on

the availability of the resource, climate, age of plant and soil typeetc

PC2. adopt methods of precision farming (drip/basin irrigation)

PC3. use existing resource efficiently say fertigationetc

PC4. manage drought and practice soil moisture conservation by mulching with

coconut husks/leaves/coir pith or by burial of coconut husk or coir pith

Inter cropping and Mixed Cropping

To be competent, the user / individual on the job must be able to: PC5. select crops that can be taken as inter/mixed crop based on the climatic

requirement of the inter/mixed crop, irrigation facilities and soil type,

market and price

PC6. consider the canopy size, age and spacing of the coconut at the time of

selection of inter/mixed crop

PC7. consider green crops and cover crops that may also be raised to increase

the organic matter content of the soil and to prevent soil erosion

PC8. consider taking multiple crops depending upon the suitability.

PC9. apply recommended quantityof water and manures and fertilizers to the

intercrops separately.

Organic Farming To be competent, the user / individual on the job must be able to: PC10. prune / remove of dry leave as per requirement and procedures

PC11. remove dead plants

PC12. do tillage

PC13. utilize recycled palm waste

PC14. apply organic manure

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work



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AGR/N0519 Optimal Cultivation practices in coconut palm cultivation

Context (Knowledge of

the company /

organization and its


KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work


KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining to


KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related information,

clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and

the impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business

KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work

B. Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand : KB1. various methods of irrigation and resource use efficiency KB2. timing and method of irrigation and drainage appropriate for a given soil

and climate type KB3. understanding and knowledge of cultivation practices of crops which are

selected for mixed/inter/multiple cropping

KB4. knowledge of market suitability is required for selection of crops for

mixed/inter/multiple cropping

KB5. various operations that have the potential to increase the yield and

decrease the incidence of pests and diseases

KB6. latest technological developments that has the potential to increase the

crop yield and resource use efficiency

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/ Generic


Writing Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: N.A

Reading Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. update oneself about the latest technologies used in coconut irrigation

methods by reading the newspaper and magazines

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA2. maintain effective working relationships with farmers, extension workers

& experts SA3. communicate clearly and effectively with various stakeholders SA4. co-operate with others in accordance with required procedures SA5. seek advice from seniors & experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take preventive

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AGR/N0519 Optimal Cultivation practices in coconut palm cultivation

action following workplace procedures SB3. follow basic arithmetic and algebraic principles

Plan and Organize

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB4. plan and organize irrigation timely & in association with other farmers in

case of canal irrigation SB5. use ideas in particular situations

Customer Centricity

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB6. participate in coconut exhibition/seminar/workshop/auction. SB7. make use of exposure visit SB8. work with coconut experts

Problem Solving

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB9. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest

an optimum /best possible solution(s) SB10. identify creative & innovative solutions to resolve delays

Analytical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB11. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment

Critical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,

experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action SB13. take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N0519 Optimal Cultivation practices in coconut palm cultivation

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N0519

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N0520 Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation



This unit is about dealing with Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut


National Occupational


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AGR/N0520 Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation

Unit Code AGR/N0520

Unit Title (Task)

Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation

Description This OS is for a Coconut grower who is responsible for Harvesting and Post Harvest Management.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:



Post Harvest Management

Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Harvesting To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC1. harvest the crop at the appropriate time as per the variety(tall/dwarf/hybrid)

and purpose (culinary/copra making/seed nut etc.)

PC2. keep the harvested nuts in heaps under shade for a few days since the stored

nuts are easy to husk

Storage To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC3. store the nuts as per the recommended procedures

Post Harvest Management

To be competent, the individual on the job must be able to: PC4. do the post harvest management depending upon the pupose of use of nuts

PC5. choose means for transportation, say by trucks/lorries / rail wagons for distant

markets based on the requirement and cost dynamics involved

PC6. decide on storage or sale based on the prevailing market rates across the

markets and the cost of storage

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

its processes)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment

KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining to


KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related information,

clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the

impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business

KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work

B. Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. various methods of harvesting KB2. precautions to be taken while handling the nuts during harvest KB3. advantages of grading/purpose of use (at the time of harvesting ) in the price

determination KB4. influence of crop stage of harvesting and method of harvesting, on the keeping

quality of the nuts and the affect on storage losses KB5. use various methods of storage and their influence on the nut quality,



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AGR/N0520 Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation

processing and on the health on the consumer KB6. take up various methods of storage and their cost dynamics KB7. advantages and challenges of various latest developments (both institutional

and technical) on the keeping quality and revenue.

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: N.A

Reading Skills

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. update about the latest technologies used in coconut plantation by reading the

newspaper and magazines SA2. read the hazards of use and contamination written on the labels of chemicals

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA3. maintain effective relationships with neighbour farmers, extension workers

and experts SA4. communicate clearly and effectively with various stakeholders SA5. understand information and grasp its meaning SA6. seek advice from seniors and experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take preventative

action following workplace procedures SB3. follow basic arithmetic and algebraic principles

Plan and Organize

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB4. plan and organize coconut harvesting procedure in a timely and effective


Customer Centricity

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB5. participate in coconut exhibition/seminar/workshop SB6. make use of exposure visit SB7. work with coconut experts SB8. Develop good rapport with buyers & sellers

Problem Solving

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB9. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and take up an

optimum /best possible solution(s) SB10. identify creative & innovative solutions to resolve delays

Analytical Thinking

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AGR/N0520 Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB11. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment required for

Coconut growing

Critical Thinking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,

experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action SB13. take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N0520 Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N0520

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 21/10/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture Crop Production

Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N9901 Basic Farm Management



This unit is about dealing with basic farm management including crop management,

record keeping, financial management and interface with the market.

National Occupational


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AGR/N9901 Basic Farm Management

Unit Code AGR/N9901

Unit Title (Task)

Basic Farm Management

Description This OS is for farmer who is responsible for managing the farm

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Undertaking crop planning

Record keeping for effective management

Financial management

Understanding market interface

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria Undertaking crop planning

To be competent, the individual must be able to: PC1. choose the crop based on agro-climatic condition of the region PC2. take sample of the soil for testing PC3. perform intercropping with suitable and recommended crops (as per

the main crop cultivated) PC4. perform crop rotation with suitable crops PC5. interact with agriculture / extension expert for crop planning PC6. choose crop based on the economic advantage

Record keeping for effective management

To be competent, the individual must be able to:

PC7. maintain crop production activity record

PC8. maintain crop calendars

PC9. maintain calendars of weed

PC10. maintain insect and pest calendar

Financial Management

To be competent, the individual must be able to:

PC11. ascertain total cost of production (land, production practices, labour,

equipment , fuel, administrative cost etc.)

PC12. maintain records of investment and expenditure

PC13. maintain necessary books of accounts

PC14. identify government schemes and their eligibility for availing

themselves of the same

Understanding market interface

To be competent, the individual must be able to:

PC15. identify the nearest market

PC16. identify local traders, mandis in the villages and nearby and compare

the rates

PC17. identify market rates of the produce season wise

PC18. arrange cost-effective transportation of produce to the market

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work


KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining



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AGR/N9901 Basic Farm Management

its processes)

to work

KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related

information, clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards

and the impact of not following the standards on consumers and the


KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of


B. Technical Knowledge

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. soil testing report and its components KB2. benefits of intercropping and type of crops to be intercropped KB3. benefits of crop rotation and types of crop to be rotated with KB4. types of crop suited for given piece of land KB5. record keeping components & methodologies for various activities KB6. total cost involved in production of crop viz. from land preparation to

marketing KB7. understand basic accounting principle KB8. understand basic book-keeping principles KB9. market demand for the produce KB10. location of different markets/mandi in the region KB11. rates of different produce and the fluctuation in the pricing KB12. transportation requirement for the produce

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/

Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. mention the data which are required for record keeping purpose SA2. write the record in appropriate format SA3. write descriptions and details about investment, expenditures and sale SA4. write basic book of accounts

Reading Skills

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA5. read instruction manual for crop planning

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA6. communicate clearly and effectively with others like farmers, concerned

officer/stakeholders SA7. comprehend the information shared by senior people and experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to types of crops to be grown SB2. make decision regarding crop rotation and intercropping

Plan and Organize

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AGR/N9901 Basic Farm Management

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: how to SB3. schedule daily activities and drawing up priorities; allocate start times,

estimation of completion times and materials, equipment and assistance required for completion

Customer Centricity

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB4. manage relationships with co-workers and managers

Problem Solving

SB5. Identify creative / innovative solutions to resolve delays in case of emergencies

Analytical Thinking

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB5. monitor and maintain the condition of crops, tools and equipment SB6. assess situation & identify appropriate measures

Critical Thinking

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB7. take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N9901 Basic Farm Management

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N9901

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 25/02/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture crop

production Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N9902 Assimilating Market Information



This unit is about locating different sources of market information to the

implementation of market information in different activities related to farming such as

seed selection, seed procurement, planting, weeding, pest management, irrigation, post-

harvest activities

National Occupational


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AGR/N9902 Assimilating Market Information

Unit Code AGR/N9902

Unit Title

(Task) Assimilating market information

Description This OS is for farmer who is responsible for locating different sources of market information, analyse and implement them in different activities related to farming such as seed selection, seed procurement, planting, weeding, pest management, irrigation, post-harvest activities

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Locate information sources

Analyse information

Utilize information for decision making

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria Locate information sources

To be competent, the individual must be able to: PC1. understand the different sources of information at village-level through

other farmers, neighbours, relatives, agricultural extension workers, agriculture specialists, concerned government and private departments like gram panchayat, co-operative societies and SHGs etc.

PC2. identify different sources of information at market level through commission agents, mandisamitis and input dealers

PC3. identify different sources of information through media sources like radio, newspapers, television, magazine internet, SMS in mobile phones etc.

PC4. identify the appropriate sources of specific market information and proper ways to collect the required information

PC5. identify the reliable source of information

Analysing information

To be competent, the individual must be able to: PC6. ascertain methods of collecting information through personal visit,

telephone, internet and published reports, magazines and articles, workshops, attending seminars and training by agriculture extension service providers

PC7. ascertain periodicity and cost of assessing market information PC8. ascertain availability and non-availability of specific market information PC9. perform documentation for analysing market information PC10. evaluate the authenticity of information received PC11. analyse the information for taking decision

Utilizing the market information for decision making

To be competent, the individual must be able to: PC12. utilize market information for taking cost effective production decisions PC13. understand quality-wise and variety-wise prices of different products

such as seeds, pest, fertilizer, etc PC14. use market information and decide on crop and area be to sown which

could result in better productivity for the season PC15. utilize market information for taking effective pre-harvesting decisions

like seed preparation, land preparation, nutrition management, weed management, pest and diseases management and irrigation management

PC16. utilize market information for appropriate post-harvesting decision like drying , grading, bagging, transportation, processing and storage



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AGR/N9902 Assimilating Market Information

PC17. decide on marketing parameters like where to sell, when to sell, to whom to sell and what quantity to sell etc. which leads to profit

PC18. understand benefits derived from market information PC19. make projections/future price movements through information sources PC20. understand price fluctuations in markets and take appropriate decision

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

its processes)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work


KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining

to work

KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related

information, clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards

and the impact of not following the standards on consumers and the


KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of


B. Technical Knowledge

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. different sources of information to assess and use KB2. organisations, media, individuals involved in providing market

information KB3. information provided by different stakeholders for different activities

related to farming KB4. price trends of various farm related products such as seed, pest, etc KB5. cost benefit analysis of different sources of information KB6. availability and non-availability of different sources of information

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: N.A

Reading Skills

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. get updated on various sources of information available at nearby area

through agriculture extension service providers and experts etc. SA2. get updated on how to use various sources of information through

agriculture extension services providers and experts etc. SA3. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures,

pamphlets, product information sheets etc. SA4. read relevant newspapers /journals/ booklets etc.

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA5. maintain effective working relationships with experts/trainers

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AGR/N9902 Assimilating Market Information

SA6. communicate precisely, clearly and effectively with others like other farmers, concerned officer/stakeholders

SA7. comprehend information shared by senior people and experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work SB2. identify problems that may arise in carrying out tasks and take

preventive measures SB3. take decision based on information analysis SB4. take decisions to achieve monetary gain, increased productivity and


Plan and Organize

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: how to SB5. proper planning of work identification of information sources SB6. plan and organize assessing of market information SB7. plan and organize effective and efficient utilization of market

information sources

Customer Centricity

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB8. participate in exhibition/seminar/workshop SB9. attend and make use of exposure visit and personal visit SB10. work with experts and trainers

Analytical Thinking

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB11. analyze market information on the basis on of time, cost and quality SB12. analyze market information on the basis on availability and non-


Critical Thinking

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB13. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from

observation, experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

SB14. take up his own-working & learning

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AGR/N9902 Assimilating Market Information

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N9902

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 25/02/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture crop

production Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Field Crop Cultivation (Cash Crops)

Next review date 14/06/21

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AGR/N9903 Maintain Health & Safety at the work place



This unit is about dealing with health and safety of the farmers and co workers at


National Occupational


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AGR/N9903 Maintain Health & Safety at the work place

Unit Code AGR/N9903

Unit Title (Task)

Maintain Health and Safety at the workplace

Description This OS is for the cultivator who is responsible for maintaining health and safety of self and others co workers at workplace

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

Maintain clean and efficient workplace

Render appropriate emergency procedures

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria Maintaining clean and efficient workplace

To be competent, the individual must be able to:

PC1. undertake basic safety checks before operation of all machinery and

vehicles and hazards are reported to the appropriate supervisor

PC2. work for which protective clothing or equipment is required is identified

and the appropriate protective clothing or equipment is used in

performing these duties in accordance with workplace policy.

PC3. read and understand the hazards of use and contamination mentioned

on the labels of pesticides/fumigants etc

PC4. assess risks prior to performing manual handling jobs, and work

according to currently recommended safe practice.

PC5. use equipment and materials safely and correctly and return the same

to designated storage when not in use

PC6. dispose of waste safely and correctly in a designated area

PC7. recognise risks to bystanders and take action to reduce risk associated

with jobs in the workplace

PC8. perform your work in a manner which minimizes environmental

damage all procedures and work instructions for controlling risk are

followed closely PC9. report any accidents, incidents or problems without delay to an

appropriate person and take necessary immediate action to reduce further danger

Render appropriate emergency procedures

To be competent, the individual must be able to: PC10. follow procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies,

including communicating location and directions to emergency. PC11. follow emergency procedures to company standard / workplace

requirements PC12. use emergency equipment in accordance with manufacturers'

specifications and workplace requirements PC13. provide treatment appropriate to the patient's injuries in accordance

with recognized first aid techniques PC14. recover (if practical), clean, inspect/test, refurbish, replace and store

the first aid equipment as appropriate



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AGR/N9903 Maintain Health & Safety at the work place

PC15. report details of first aid administered in accordance with workplace procedures.

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational Context

(Knowledge of the

company /

organization and

its processes)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in work

KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work


KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information pertaining

to work

KA4. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related

information, clarifications and support

KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards

and the impact of not following the standards on consumers and the


KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of


B. Technical Knowledge

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1. personal hygiene and fitness requirements KB2. your general duties under the relevant health and safety legislation KB3. what personal protective equipment and clothing should be worn and

how it is cared for KB4. the correct and safe way to use materials and equipment required for

your work KB5. the importance of good housekeeping in the workplace KB6. safe disposal methods for waste KB7. methods for minimizing environmental damage during work KB8. the risks to health and safety and the measures to be taken to control

those risks in your area of work KB9. workplace procedures and requirements for the treatment of

workplace injuries/illnesses. KB10. basic emergency first aid procedure KB11. local emergency services KB12. why accidents, incidents and problems should be reported and the

appropriate action to take

Skills (S)

A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills

Writing Skills

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. mention the data which are required for record keeping purpose SA2. report problems to the appropriate personnel in a timely manner SA3. write descriptions and details about incidents in reports

Reading Skills

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AGR/N9903 Maintain Health & Safety at the work place

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA4. read instruction manual for hand tool and equipments

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA5. communicate clearly and effectively with others like farmers, concerned

officer/stakeholders SA6. comprehends information shared by senior people and experts

B. Professional Skills

Decision Making

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to types of tools to be used SB2. identify need of first aid and render it accordingly

Plan and Organize

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB7. schedule daily activities and drawing up priorities; allocate start times,

estimation of completion times and materials, equipment and assistance required for completion.

Customer Centricity

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB8. manage relationships with co-workers and managers of the who may be

stressed, frustrated, confused or angry

Problem Solving

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB9. Identify creative / innovative solutions to resolve delays in case of


Analytical Thinking

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB10. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment SB11. assess situation & identify appropriate control measures

Critical Thinking

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB12. Take up his own working and learning

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AGR/N9903 Maintain Health & Safety at the work place

NOS Version Control

NOS Code AGR/N9903

Credits NSQF TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Agriculture & Allied Drafted on 25/02/14

Industry Sub-sector Agriculture crop

production Last reviewed on 14/06/17

Occupation Generic Next review date 14/06/21

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower


Nomenclature for QP and NOS

Qualifications Pack

[ABC]/ Q 0101

Occupational Standard An example of NOS with ‘N’

[ABC] / N 0101

Q denoting Qualifications Pack Occupation (2 numbers)

QP number (2 numbers)

9 characters

N denoting National Occupational Standard Occupation (2 numbers)

OS number (2 numbers)

9 characters

Back to top…

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC]

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC]

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

The following acronyms/codes have been used in the nomenclature above:

Sub-sector Range of Occupation


Agriculture Crop Production 01 – 40

Dairying 41 – 42

Poultry 43 – 44

Animal Husbandry 45 – 48

Fisheries 49 – 51

Agriculture Allied Activities 52 – 60

Forestry, Environment and Renewable Energy Management

61 - 70

Agriculture Industries 71 – 90

Generic Occupations 96 - 99

Sequence Description Example

Three letters Industry name AGR

Slash / /

Next letter Whether QP or NOS Q or N

Next two numbers Occupation code 01

Next two numbers OS number 01


The range of occupation numbers have been decided based on the number of existing and

future occupations in a segment

Occupation numbers from 91 – 95 have been intentionally left blank to accommodate any

emerging segment in future.

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower


Job Role

Coconut Grower Qualification Pack


Sector Skill Council

Agriculture Guidelines for Assessment:

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC. 2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC. 3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS. 4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below). 4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training center based on this criterion. 5. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to successfully clear the assessment. 6. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.

Assessment outcomes

Assessment Criteria for outcomes Total Mark (600) Out Of Theory

Skills Practical

1. AGR / N 0515 - Planting Material Preparation in Coconut Cultivation

PC.1 Identify the Agro-climatic zone in which cultivation is taken up


4 2 2

PC.2 List the varieties that are suitable to the zone 3 1 2

PC.3Identify various vendors / suppliers (including government nurseries / department) of the planting material or select the seed nut from a good mother palm 3 1 2

PC.4Ascertain the quality of seed nut from each source in terms of ‘free from pests and diseases’, ‘survival rate’ etc. 3 2 1

PC.5Ascertain the prevailing market rates for the planting material 2 1 1

PC.6Procure the planting material 3 2 1

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

PC.7 identify an appropriate storage space (free of infestation and having congenial climatic conditions for the planting material) 3 1 2

PC.8Store the planting material (if there is time lag between procurement and planting) 2 1 1

PC.9Ascertain the prevalent pests and diseases of Coconut palm in a given Agro-climatic zone 2 1 1

PC.10 Ascertain the appropriate pesticides available for Planting treatment 2 1 1

PC.11 Treat the planting as per the dosage recommended by the State Agriculture University / Department or as prescribed by the pesticide manufacturer 2 1 1

PC.12Select nursey area in a well drained plot 2 1 1

PC.13 Prepare nursery beds as per available resources 4 2 2

PC.14Plant seed nuts in a long and narrow bed at the recommended spacing and timing 4 2 2

PC.15 Do the intercultural operations in nursery regularly 2 1 1

PC.16 Regularly survey for pests and diseases 3 1 2

PC.17Select and discard the seedlings basing upon the germination 3 2 1

PC.18 Harvest the quality seedling at the recommended stage from the nursery by lifting with spade 3 2 1

PC.19Read the safety precautions in the reading material provided with the pesticide 2 1 1

PC.20.Keep ready with all the necessary first aids as suggested in the safety measures 4 2 2

PC.21 Use all the necessary safety material and follow all the preventive measures to avoid any injury during use / application of pesticide 4 2 2

60 30 30

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

2.AGR / N 0516 - Land preparation and Plantation in Coconut Cultivation

PC.1 Select the planting site


5 2 3

PC.2Avoid shallow soils with underlying hard rock, low lying areas subject to water stagnation and clayey soils 2 1 1

PC.3 Ensure proper supply of moisture before planting either through well distributed rainfall or through irrigation 3 2 1

PC.4 dig the pit of appropriate size depending upon the land and soil type 4 2 2

PC.5Maintain appropriate spacing of the pit depending on the planting system, soil type etc 3 2 1

PC.6Plant the seedling at appropriate time according to the agroclimatic zone. 4 2 2

PC.7 fill the pits with top soil /red earth, sand and powdered cow dung / compost up to appropriate depth before planting 3 1 2

PC.8 Take a small pit inside this, so as to accommodate the nut attached to the seedling. 3 1 2

PC.9 Plant the seedling inside the pit and fill up with soil. 4 2 2

PC.10 Before planting, apply general/specific insecticide inside the small pit if there is chance for white-ant attack. 4 2 2

PC.11 Apply common salt per pit in the required quantity in laterite areas for improving the physical condition of the soil. 3 1 2

PC.12 Bury coconut husks in layers in the pits for 3 1 2

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

moisture conservation.

PC.13 Shade and irrigate the transplanted seedlings adequately during the summer months 5 2 3

PC.14 Provide staking so that winds may not uproot the young seedlings. 5 2 3

PC.15 For the first two years after planting, irrigate the seedling twice a week during the dry summer months 5 5 0

PC.16 Provide shade to the transplanted seedlings. 4 2 2

60 30 30

3. AGR / N 0517 - Integrated Nutrient Management in Coconut Palm cultivation

PC.1Take soil sample as per the recommended sampling procedure from the field


10 4 6

PC.2 Dry the soil and prepare samples as per procedure 6 3 3

PC.3 Pack, label and submit to nearby soil testing laboratory for analysis 6 3 3

PC.4 Collect the soil analysis report from the lab 2 0 2

PC.5 Collect the recommended organic and inorganic fertilizer dosage from Agriculture Department based on the soil analysis report. 5 2 3

PC.6Regular manuring from the first year of planting is essential to achieve higher productivity. 5 3 2

PC.7 Apply the manure to the soil as per recommended dosage and procedure 10 5 5

PC.8 Ascertain Green manure/ eco-friendly botanicals/biofertliser that can be applied 10 5 5

PC.9 Adopt various cultural practices that enhances the soil nutrient status for the benefit of Coconut crop stand 8 4 4

PC.10 Apply fertilisers for macro and micro nutrients as per the recommended dosage, timing, placement locations and method of application 10 5 5

PC.11 Take up Weed control as per recommendation 10 5 5

PC.12 Remove rogue infected plant/ plant parts 8 4 4

90 43 47

4.AGR / N 0518 - Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Coconut cultivation

PC1.Identify the types of pests associated (Rhinoceros beetle, Black headed caterpillar Red palm weevil, termites, etc)


10 5 5

PC2. dentify the stage of crop and pest incidence – pest calendar 5 2 3

PC3. Identify the signs and symptoms of damage 10 5 5

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

PC4. Identify the pest life cycle – estimate the duration 5 3 2

PC5.Identify the natural enemies of the pests (naids/dragon flies, trichogramma, mirid bug, lady bird beetles, spiders, preying mantidsetc) 5 2 3

PC6. Identify the types of diseases associated (Bud Rot, Leaf Rot, Stem Bleeding,etc.) 10 6 4

PC7.Identify special problems in coconut palm (pencil point disorder, button shedding, barren nuts etc.) 8 4 4

PC8.identify physiological disorders (lack of major nutrients/minor nutrients) 5 2 3

PC9. Identify the crop stage and disease incidence – disease calendar 4 2 2

PC10Identify the signs and symptoms of different diseases 5 2 3

PC.11 Identify the mode of transmission of disease 4 2 2

PC12.Rejuvenation of existing garden by thinning of thickly populated gardens and ensuring adequate manuring and irrigation 4 2 2

PC13.Use of resistant varieties 5 3 2

PC14.Take up seedling / planting material treatment 5 3 2

PC15. Perform cutting and burning the severely affected portions of palms as a whole which cannot be saved 5 3 2

PC16. Remove affected tissues of crown 5 3 2

PC17. Use various traps (light, pheromone etc) 5 3 2

PC18. Do Pest and disease control

a.Chemical approaches 10 5 5

b.Non-chemical approaches 10 5 5

120 62 58

5.AGR / N 0519 - Optimal cultivation practices in coconut palm cultivation

PC1.Use appropriate Irrigation Method and follow irrigation schedule based on the availability of the resource, climate, age of plant and soil typeetc


10 6 4

PC2. Adopt methods of precision farming (Drip/ Basin Irrigation) 10 4 6

PC3.Use of existing resource efficiently say use fertigation 8 4 4

PC4. Manage Drought and practice soil moisture conservation by mulching with coconut husks/leaves/coir pith or by burial of coconut husk or coir pith 5 3 2

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

PC5.select crops that can be taken as inter/mixed crop based on the climatic requirement of the inter/mixed crop, irrigation facilities and soil type, market and price 10 5 5

PC6.Consider the canopy size, age and spacing of the coconut at the time of selection of inter/mixed crop 5 2 3

PC7. Consider Green crops and Cover Crops that may also be raised to increase the organic matter content of the soil and to prevent soil erosion 8 4 4

PC8. Consider taking Multiple crops depending upon the suitability. 5 3 2

PC9. Apply recommended quantity of water and manures and fertilizers to the intercrops separately. 10 5 5

PC10.Prune / remove of dry leave as per requirement and procedures 4 2 2

PC11. Remove dead plants 2 0 2

PC12. Do tillage 5 3 2

PC13. Utilize recycled palm waste 4 2 2

PC14. Apply organic manure 4 2 2

90 45 45

6.AGR / N 0520 - Harvesting and Post Harvest Management in Coconut Cultivation

PC1.Harvest the crop at the appropriate time as per the variety(tall/dwarf/hybrid) and purpose (culinary/copra making/seed nut etc.)


20 10 10 PC2. Keep the harvested nuts in heaps under shade for a

few days since the stored nuts are easy to husk 10 5 5

PC5.Store the nuts as per the recommended procedures 15 8 7

PC4. Do the post harvest management depending upon the pupose of use of nuts 20 10 10

PC5. Choose means for transportation, say by trucks/lorries / rail wagons for distant markets based on the requirement and cost dynamics involved 15 7 8

PC6.Decide on storage or sale based on the prevailing market rates across the markets and the cost of storage 10 5 5

90 45 45

7. AGR /N9901- Basic farm management

PC1.choose the crop based on agro-climatic condition of the region


2 1 1

PC2.take sample of the soil for testing 1 0 1 PC3.perform intercropping with suitable and

recommended crops (as per the main crop cultivated) 2 1 1

PC4. perform crop rotation with suitable crops 2 1 1

PC5.interact with agriculture / extension expert for crop planning 1 1 0

PC6. choose crop based on the economic advantage 2 1 1

PC7. maintain crop production activity record 1 1 0

PC8. maintain crop calendars 1 1 0

PC9. maintain calendars of weed 1 1 0

PC10. maintain insect and pest calendar 2 1 1

PC1.ascertain total cost of production (land, production practices, labour, equipment , fuel, administrative cost etc.) 2 1 1

PC2. maintain records of investment and expenditure 2 1 1

PC3. maintain necessary books of accounts 2 1 1

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Qualifications Pack For Coconut Grower

PC4. identify government schemes and their eligibility for availing themselves of the same 2 1 1

PC1. identify the nearest market 2 1 1 PC2. identify local traders, mandis in the villages and

nearby and compare the rates 2 1 1

PC3. identify market rates of the produce season wise 2 1 1

PC4. arrange cost-effective transportation of produce to the market 1 0 1

30 16 14

8.AGR/N9902- Assimilating Market Information

PC1.understand the different sources of information at village-level through other farmers, neighbours, relatives, agricultural extension workers, agriculture specialists, concerned government and private departments like gram panchayat, co-operative societies and SHGs etc.


1 1 0

PC2. identify different sources of information at market level through commission agents, mandisamitis and input dealers 1 1 0

PC3.identify different sources of information through media sources like radio, newspapers, television, magazine internet, SMS in mobile phones etc. 1 0 1

PC4.identify the appropriate sources of specific market information and proper ways to collect the required information 1 0 1

PC5. identify the reliable source of information 1 0 1 PC6.ascertain methods of collecting information through personal visit, telephone, internet and published reports, magazines and articles, workshops, attending seminars and training by agriculture extension service providers 2 1 1

PC7. ascertain periodicity and cost of assessing market information 2 1 1

PC8. ascertain availability and non-availability of specific market information 1 0 1

PC9. perform documentation for analysing market information 1 0 1

PC10. evaluate the authenticity of information received 2 1 1

PC11. analyse the information for taking decision 2 1 1

PC12. utilize market information for taking cost effective production decisions 2 1 1

PC13.understand quality-wise and variety-wise prices of different products such as seeds, pest, fertilizer, etc 2 1 1

PC14.use market information and decide on crop and area be to sown which could result in better productivity for the season 2 1 1

PC15. utilize market information for taking effective pre-harvesting decisions like seed preparation, land preparation, nutrition management, weed management, pest and diseases management and irrigation management 2 1 1

PC16.utilize market information for appropriate post-harvesting decision like drying , grading, bagging, transportation, processing and storage 2 1 1 PC17.decide on marketing parameters like where to sell, when to sell, to whom to sell and what quantity to sell etc. which leads to profit 2 1 1

PC18. understand benefits derived from market information 1 0 1

PC19. make projections/future price movements through information sources 1 1 0

PC20. understand price fluctuations in markets and take appropriate decision 1 1 0

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30 14 16

9.AGR/N9903- Health & Safety at the work place

PC1.undertake basic safety checks before operation of all machinery and vehicles and hazards are reported to the appropriate supervisor


2 1 1

PC2. work for which protective clothing or equipment is required is identified and the appropriate protective clothing or equipment is used in performing these duties in accordance with workplace policy. 2 1 1

PC3. read and understand the hazards of use and contamination mentioned on the labels of pesticides/fumigants etc 2 1 1

PC4. assess risks prior to performing manual handling jobs, and work according to currently recommended safe practice. 2 1 1

PC5. use equipment and materials safely and correctly and return the same to designated storage when not in use 2 1 1

PC6. dispose of waste safely and correctly in a designated area 2 1 1

PC7. recognise risks to bystanders and take action to reduce risk associated with jobs in the workplace 3 2 1

PC8. perform your work in a manner which minimizes environmental damage all procedures and work instructions for controlling risk are followed closely 2 1 1

PC9. report any accidents, incidents or problems without delay to an appropriate person and take necessary immediate action to reduce further danger 1 0 1

PC10.follow procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies, including communicating location and directions to emergency. 2 1 1

PC11.follow emergency procedures to company standard / workplace requirements 2 1 1

PC12. use emergency equipment in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and workplace requirements 2 1 1

PC13. provide treatment appropriate to the patient's injuries in accordance with recognized first aid techniques 2 1 1

PC14. recover (if practical), clean, inspect/test, refurbish, replace and store the first aid equipment as appropriate 2 1 1

PC15. report details of first aid administered in accordance with workplace procedures. 2 1 1

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