feature article comparison

Feature Article Comparison Style model and My article

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Feature Article Comparison

Style model and My article

My Article

Similarities• With both my article and my style model, there is a constant theme throughout,

the megaphone on the front cover plays a part in my style model, and with my article, the model has the same bright red lipstick and “tattoos” on her fingers with connotations of rebellion

• Both my article and style model have a colour scheme running throughout also, with it being very similar, or the same colours used on the front cover.

• Both have a small black banner in the top right hand corner of the page with the artists name, so that it isn’t cluttered, but is still seen as a feature.

• On the first double page of my 6 page style model, there is a large close-up of the artist being featured in the magazine, and this is also the case for my first page on my double page article, I used a close up of my model.

• The columns in both my style model and my article are a colour similar to that used as part of the colour palette to keep a house style running throughout the magazine.

Differences• My article has a smaller amount of pages than my style model but due to the fact

my magazine is monthly, rather than weekly like Kerrang!, the length of the features will vary, as there are less features in a weekly magazine, thus, making it necessary to write more about features that are present.

• My article has only one model, but uses a lot more photos than my Kerrang! Article which uses the whole band, and only one or two photos per page.

• My colour scheme is different to my style model.• My article has a bar running along the bottom with the page numbers on it, which

is seen in other feature articles – mainly in Q or NME but it is not in my style model.

• My model is female, where all the models in my style model are male, therefore, I would have to apply different theories such a Naomi Wolfe and Marjorie Fergusson, where they do not apply to the males in my style model.