gridgain feature comparison vs gemfire

© 2014 GridGain Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved GRIDGAIN.COM The GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric  is a proven software solution, which delivers ultimate speed and sc ale to accelerate your business and time to insights. It enables high-performance, full ACID transactions, real-time streaming and fast analytics in a single, comprehensive data access and processing layer, which includes a clustering and compute grid, a database-agnostic data grid, an in-memory streaming engine as well as Hadoop acceleration. The GridGain In-Memor y Data Fabric provides a unied API that spans all key type s of applications (Java, .NET, C++) and connects them with multiple data stores containing structured, semi-structured and unstructured data (SQL, NoSQL, Hadoop). It oers a secure, highly available and manageable data processing environment. GridGain vs. GemFire FEATURE COMPARISON* EDITION FEATURE GRIDGAIN 6.5 GEMFIRE 8.0 IMDG Distributed K ey- Value Store Local Partitioned Replicated IMDG Generic Cache Features Near Cache Refresh-Ahead Delta (Partial) Updates Persistence - Read-Through, Write-Through, Write-Behind to Database Data Redundancy (i.e. key backups) Synchronous and Asynchronous Backup Update Synchronous APIs Asynchronous APIs Fully Async Mode (Primary and Backups are Async) Memcached API O-Heap Near Cache Data Anity and Collocation of Compute and Data Eviction and Expiration Pluggable interfaces (SPIs) to customize grid subsystems IMDG Integration Plug-n-Play Web Session Clustering Plug-n-Play Hibernate L2 Caching IMDG Distributed Queries (Searches) OQL Queries SQL Queries Continuous Queries In-Memory Indexes Distributed SQL Joins (select * from Person p, Company c where In-Memory O-Heap Indexes for O-Heap Data Group Indexes JDBC Driver (synchronous only) ? (values only) (rich support) (LRU, FIFO, Random, Custom) (LRU)

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8/10/2019 GridGain Feature Comparison vs GemFire 1/3© 2014 GridGain Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved GRIDGAIN.COM

The GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric is a proven software solution, which delivers ultimate speed and scale to accelerateyour business and time to insights. It enables high-performance, full ACID transactions, real-time streaming and fast analytics

in a single, comprehensive data access and processing layer, which includes a clustering and compute grid, a database-agnosticdata grid, an in-memory streaming engine as well as Hadoop acceleration.

The GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric provides a unied API that spans all key types of applications (Java, .NET, C++) andconnects them with multiple data stores containing structured, semi-structured and unstructured data (SQL, NoSQL,Hadoop). It offers a secure, highly available and manageable data processing environment.



IMDG Distributed Key-Value StoreLocal


ReplicatedIMDG Generic Cache Features

Near Cache


Delta (Partial) Updates

Persistence - Read-Through, Write-Through,Write-Behind to DatabaseData Redundancy (i.e. key backups)

Synchronous and Asynchronous Backup Update

Synchronous APIs

Asynchronous APIs

Fully Async Mode (Primary and Backups are Async)

Memcached API

Off-Heap Near Cache

Data Affinity and Collocation of Compute and Data

Eviction and Expiration

Pluggable interfaces (SPIs) to customize grid subsystems

IMDG IntegrationPlug-n-Play Web Session Clustering

Plug-n-Play Hibernate L2 Caching

IMDG Distributed Queries (Searches)OQL Queries

SQL Queries

Continuous Queries

In-Memory Indexes

Distributed SQL Joins (select * from Person p,Company c where Off-Heap Indexes for Off-Heap Data

Group Indexes

JDBC Driver

(synchronous only)


(values only)

(rich support)

(LRU, FIFO, Random, Custom) (LRU)

8/10/2019 GridGain Feature Comparison vs GemFire 2/3© 2014 GridGain Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved GRIDGAIN.COM


IMDG ACID Compliant TransactionsAtomic Mode (one operation at a time)

Optimistic Concurrency (Two-Phase-Commit)


XA Integration

Fault Tolerance (Including client/near/primary/backupnode failures)Pessimistic Concurrency (Two-Phase-Commit)

One-Phase-Commit Optimization

Custom Affinity (Partitioning) Function

Near Cache Transactions (i.e. Client Cache Transactions)

Eviction / Expiration Policies for Transactional Caches

Merge with DB Transactions (e.g. Oracle DB, MySql, etc.)

Cross-Partition Transactions

IMDG Data Loading and RebalancingSync Preloading (aka Sync Repartitioning)

Async Preloading (aka Async Repartitioning)Delayed Preloading (delay preloading until all nodes started)

Data Loader (optimized bulk put or load operations)

Store Loader (optimized bulk DB load)

IMDG Distributed Data StructuresDistributed Queue

Distributed Lock

Distributed Atomic Long

Distributed Atomic Ref

Distributed Atomic Stamped Ref

Distributed Atomic SequenceDistributed Count Down Latch

IMDG Elastic Off-Heap MemoryOn-Heap and Off-Heap Memory

Disk Overow

Tiered On-Heap to Off-Heap to Disk Approach

Platform Grid ManagementGUI (graphical) Management Tool

Command-Line Management Tool

Elasticity (ability to add/remove grid nodes on demand)

Datacenter (WAN) Replication (Active-Active, Ac-tive-Passive)Rolling Upgrades

Network Segmentation (Split Brain)

Distributed Event Notications

Distributed Messaging



(via GridDataLoader)


(ordered and unordered)

(via GridCacheStore.loadCache method)

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GRIDGAIN.COM1065 East Hillsdale Blvd. Suite 220, Foster City, CA 94404 | ph 650.241.2281 | fax 925.369.7193 | [email protected] | @gridgain© 2014 GridGain Systems. All rights reserved. This document is provided “as is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL andother web site references, may change without notice. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any

GridGain product. GridGain®

is a registered trademark of GridGain Systems, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of theirrespective owners and used here for identication purposes only.



Platform SecuritySSL Support

Client Authentication

Cluster Member Authentication

Per-Client Permissions

Client Grid Client ConnectivityJava Thick Client

Java Thin Client

C++ Client

.NET/C# Client

Scala DSL

Dynamic structure changes

.NET and C++ Near Cache

.NET and C++ Explicit Locking

.NET and C++ Transactions

HPC Distributed Compute FeaturesAffinity-Aware Execution

Topic-based Publish/Subscribe Messaging

Point-to-Point MessagingSub-Grid Messaging / Task Execution

Zero Deployment Technology

Direct API for MapReduce

Early and Late Load Balancing

Computation State Checkpoints

Distributed Computation (Task) Sessions

Cron-like task scheduling

Streaming In-Memory StreamingBranching Pipelines (Workows for stream processing)

Complex event processing (CEP)

Pluggable routing

Congurable data windows

Continuous queries over data windows

Cloud Public And Private CloudsTCP/IP Cluster Protocol (any cloud)

Automatic Dynamic IP Discovery (AWS / EC2)

Pluggable IP Discovery (any cloud)

Pre-congured AWS Images

(PDX)(Portable Objects)

(S3-based IP Finder)

* This comparison is based on our best knowledge of the features available in the GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric and in theGemFire software at the time this document was created.