fall 2014 ush review

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  • 8/10/2019 Fall 2014 Ush Review


    United States History

    Fall Semester 2011 Study Guide

    1. List some of the advantages of westward expansion for the United States.

    2. The belief that God intended the U.S. to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean was

    nown as what!

    ". #hat was the relationship between the completion of the Transcontinental $ailroad andthe Plains %ndians!

    &. 'efine the (orrill )ct.*. #hat were some of the reasons for the increased settlement of the #est!

    +. #hat was the relationship between cattle drives and the development of cities in the


    ,. #hat was the 'awes General )llotment )ct! #hat impacts did it have on -ative


    . /ow did the U.S. government attempt to assimilate )merican %ndians into white c0lt0re!

    . ities s0ch as Gar3 %ndiana and Pittsb0rgh Penn. were positivel3 impacted b3 what

    ind0strial process!

    14. #hat happened to )merican %ndians that agreed to go to reservations!

    11. #hat is the difference between a corporation and a small b0siness!

    12. #hat is the difference between a monopol3 and a tr0st!

    1". #hat is Laisse56faire capitalism!1&. #hat is Social 'arwinism!

    1*. 'escribe woring and living conditions for most worers in the late 144s.

    1+. #h3 did the Sherman )ntitr0st )ct fail!

    1,. %dentif3 and describe the vario0s inventions that allowed 0rban centers expand verticall3.1. #hat ca0sed 0rban areas to grow from 1+* to 144!

    1. 7xplain problems that developed in 0rban neighborhoods d0e to %nd0striali5ation.

    24. #h3 did most immigrants d0ring the period of %nd0striali5ation settle in eastern cities!

    21. #h3 was the invention of electricit3 so important in the development of factories!

    22. List some reasons wh3 new immigrants came to the United States.

    2". #hat was done at the immigration station at 7llis %sland!

    2&. 'efine at least three p0sh factors that motivated immigration to the United States from

    1+* to 124.2*. 7xplain where and describe who went thro0gh the two main %mmigration Stations.

    2+. 'escribe the pop0list movement.

    2,. Progressives so0ght to do what!

    2. 7xplain how and wh3 did the P0re 8ood and 'r0g )ct get passed!

    2. 'efine and describe S0san 9. )nthon3 and her infl0ence on the passage of the 1th

    )mendment."4. #hat legislation was passed to mae government more responsive to the peoples needs!

    "1. List the progressive era amendments to the US onstit0tion :1+61; and explain each.

    "2. #hat were referend0ms< initiatives< and the recall designed to do!

    "". #ho was #.7.9. '0 9ois!"&. #h3 did )merica want to become an imperial power!

    "*. #hat events contrib0ted to )merican s0pport for U.S. involvement in 0ba!"+. #ho were the $o0gh $iders made 0p of!

    ",. #hat were some of the o0tcomes of the Spanish6)merican #ar!

    ". #hat ca0sed the U.S. to become an imperial power!

    ". #h3 was President Theodore $oosevelt willing to s0pport the (onroe 'octrine!

    &4. List some iss0es that affected the constr0ction of the Panama anal!

    &1. /ow did the swamp conditions within Panama create problems with b0ilding the Panama


    &2. #hat were the fo0r 0nderlining ca0ses of ##%!

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  • 8/10/2019 Fall 2014 Ush Review


    United States History

    Fall Semester 2011 Study Guide

    &". #ho were the )llied Powers in 11&!

    &&. #ho were the entral Powers in 11&!

    &*. #hat was trench warfare!

    &+. 7xplain the vario0s events that led to US involvement in ##%!

    &,. /ow was the U.S. contrib0ting the )llies before entering ##%!&. 7xplain wh3 in 11, President #ilson s0pported involvement in ##%.

    &. #hat were the responsibilities of the #ar %nd0str3 9oard!*4. 'efine omm0nism and give an example of how it affected ##%.

    *1. 7xplain #ilson=s 1& Points and the Treat3 of >ersailles.

    *2. 7xplain the #ar6G0ilt la0se.

    *". The re?ection of the Treat3 of >ersailles reflected a ret0rn to what )merican foreign


    *&. /ow did the U.S. tr3 to isolate itself from 70ropean conflicts after ##%!

    **. ompare and contrasts the foreign policies of presidents Theodore $oosevelt< Taft and


    *+. #hat was the /arding administration=s view on big b0siness!

    *,. #h3 did )frican )mericans move north!

    *. #hat did the @0 @l0x @lan do!

    *. #hat was the goal of the Pan6)frican movement!+4. #hat was the Lost Generation and who are some of its members!

    +1. #hat did the 1th)mendment do!

    +2. '0ring the 124=s< what was the nation=s biggest b0siness!

    +". #hat did the assembl3 line lead to!+&. List some effects of the $ed Scare.

    +*. #hich movement originated among )frican )merican m0sicians of the so0th!

    ++. #hat was the mindset of man3 )mericans d0ring the $ed Scare!

    +,. 'efine -ativism.

    +. 7xplain the connection between the strong feeling of individ0alit3 and fashion of the


    +. #hat was the p0rpose of the -ew 'eal!

    ,4. #here did the '0st 9owl occ0r and what were its affects!

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