facebook ~social networking and business~

Facebook ~Social Networking for Business~

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SOWK388 presentation Unit2


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Facebook~Social Networking for Business~

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"Social networking“ has been around forever.

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Here are the 10 Most Popular Social Networking Sites

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What is Facebook?

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Spend time on Social Network Sites

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How long we spend time on Sites

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Who is using Facebook?



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High income people spend greater time on Facebook more than Low income people.

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How often we check Facebook

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Now, you know How Facebook is popular.

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Fascinating points of facebook business

• Facebook makes it possible to be advertised by word of mouth.

• People trust what their friends say more than what advertisements say.

• The costs of inbound marketing are 62% less than traditional marketing.

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The effects of being a fan

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Fascinating points of facebook business. Cont.

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Get many “Like”

• The number of “Like” means how many people recognized that one.

• Therefore, for a good business, the number of “Like” is important.

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Then, how people gather many “Like” for their business.

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TO GET MANY “LIKE”• Need to make sure who is the target: gender, age,

location, etc.

(To decide the target makes easier to plan of advertisements)


• Create the good connection with users for gathering users feelings or opinions.

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TO GET MANY “LIKE”, CONT.• Test more than one advertisement to check users’


Show some types of advertisement to the same user.

• Change only one spot of advertisement to clear what changing infects users.

Ex) Change the pic

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TO GET MANY “LIKE”, CONT.• Use coupon to get users’ interest

If user is able to share coupon with his/her friends, it is more effective to spread out.

• Use friendly and simple words to explain about events.

• Use photo or videos to get more attention from users

• Create the Q & A system for users.


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THE EXAMPLE OF SUCCESS• Papa John’s waged campaign which give users a free medium cheese pizza with a $10 online purchase for becoming a fan.

• About 48 hours after start the campaign, Papa John’s succeeded to get new 250,000 friends.

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Facebook is a good method to develop business.

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