facebook for professional networking

Facebook for Career Networking Shifting Gears OCC - Peer Network 1-Apr-2010

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Presentation to OCC Shifting Gears Executive Class on Using Facebook for Professional Networking


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Facebook for Career NetworkingShifting Gears OCC - Peer Network1-Apr-2010

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Today’s Scope

Very High Level Overview of Using Facebook for Professional Networking and Putting Your Story Out There

There’s a Huge Topic Around Using Facebook to Promote Your Firm

Not covered today

I expect Kevin Outland of Pure Energy will have some of that in his Twitter presentation

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Linkedin, Facebook & Twitter - Business Networking, fairly “closed” system, limited company information

- “Social” Networking - but growing use for business contacts, and lots of companies use to get closer to their customers, and to offer promotions

- Immediacy and Freshness, started out social, but becoming more mixed - some recruiting & lots of customer contact

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Alternatives - Should I Use Facebook for Professional Purposes?

Need to Make a Strategic Choice Going in:

Tight security levels . . .(NYT article)

but, lose the advantage of 5x as many Facebook users as LinkedIn users

Or, don’t post anything that you don’twant your mom or your potentialfuture employer to see . . .(About.com & Sirona Consulting articles)

but, must think about Inclusion vs. Exclusion, not just questionable content/photo’s/friends

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Examples of AlternativesMashable.com - Building Your Personal Brand on Facebook

Remember your audience (family, friends, or business) and then be strategic about how your “story” or brand is communicated

Fill out profile with info that can be “hooks” to attract connections - schools, past companies, organizations, etc.

Import your contacts and grow your network monthly - from e-mail, Linkedin, Twitter, IM, etc.

Update your status (always a good idea . . .)

Start a group or a page

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Mashable.com - Building Your Personal Brand on Facebook (continued)

Join or start a local event

Link out to your Facebook profile from other sites (your website, blog, Linkedin, Twitter)

Feed your social networks using an application to update all of them at the same time

Mashable.com - Facebook for Professional Networking

Suggests using Facebook Lists (of “friends”) and security settings to divide personal and professional messaging

Gives details on using Facebook Groups (like Linkedin Groups) to expand your network

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Examples of Alternatives (continued)

Jobbored.com - The Facebook Job Search

Diary your job search in your status

“Made 3 new quality contacts at Michigan Wind Working Group meeting”

Key to making this work seems to be including details

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NY Times - Privacy Settings

Jobbored.com - Journal your Search Status

http://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/facebook.htmAbout.com - Social or Expanded Business networking

Time - Using Social Media for a Quick Job Search

http://www.keppiecareers.com/2009/04/14/facebook-applications-for-your-job-search/Keppiecareers.com - Facebook Applications, Search, Profiles, LinkedIn Sharing


blog.sironaconsulting.com - 10 ways to use facebook to find a job


FastCompany.com - Comparison of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & More


Mashable.com - Building Your Personal Brand on Facebook, Facebook for professional networking

Helpful article links

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Facebook Redux - My ThoughtsYou Have to Have an Approach That You’re Comfortable With, This is My Approach, It May Not be a Good Fit For You

Electronic Security is a Contradiction in Terms - I go With the Mom Approach

Probably Want to be Able to say Yes if Someone Asks if You are on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter

Should have consistency if the same information is on more than one site - can’t be 10 years younger on Facebook

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Facebook - My Thoughts (continued)

Both the Type of person You are and the Type of Firm You are Looking at can Inform how “Social” Your Facebook is

For me, Linkedin is business, and Facebook is mostly social, with a little career info included

I have more than twice the contacts on LinkedIn than I do on Facebook

With my sites mostly aimed at different audiences, I don’t think it’s a good idea to link contacts or posts automatically

I plan on adding more professional info to my Facebook profile. I have limited personal profile info due to exclusion issues

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Facebook - My Thoughts (continued more . . .) One advantage of having different information on Facebook vs. Linkedin is that it gives a more complete picture of you

Barbara mentioned that some small businesses commented on wanting other interests displayed in communications

The Sirona Consulting link, after going through all the things you shouldn’t post, concludes with . . . don’t be boring

A couple of stories . . .

Balance in all Things

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S - BOO Obama!! NOT happy my right is being taken away!! I didn't support you when you ran for office and I certainly don't now either. Shame on you!5:39pm

L - At the end of the day, I will sleep better knowing that approx. 47mill. more people in this country will have the right to be covered by our healthcare system. Being asked to pay a mere 4% more in taxes if thats what it ends up to be is a small sacrifice for each of us considering. Only those who have had to go without or know someone who has gone without seem to truly appreciate this. Empathy is truly a rare commodity these days.5:12pm

So, When One of These People Interviews the Other one Tomorrow Morning, What’s the Conversation About? Has the Opportunity to Promote the Strengths One Brings to the Firm Lost, and Subsequently, What Potentially Could Gave been a great Match?

Exclusion Example

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My Own Facebook To-do’s

Continue to Refine My Story and Brand

One of the best examples out there is Danica Patrick, and she learned it all from Bob Parsons of GoDaddy.com

Worth checking out Bob Parson’s blog and info

Put a Short Career Summary on (similar to the ones in Matt’s spreadsheet)

Add a Link to Linkedin on my Facebook, but not Vice-Versa

Review Linkedin, Facebook and Address Book Contents for Potential Adds

Remove GM From My “Network”