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Exploring the Back roads of Ireland: Featuring the Reverend Ted & Mrs. Ann Welty August 10 -20, 2015 Castles, Kings and Celtic Saints

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

Exploring the Back roads of Ireland:

Featuring the Reverend Ted & Mrs. Ann Welty

August 10 -20, 2015

Castles, Kings and Celtic Saints

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

Dear Friends, September 22, 2014

Ann and I would like to invite you to join us in Exploring the Back Roads of Ireland: Castles, Kings, and Celtic Saints on August 10-20, 2015. I know that many of you have probably visited Ireland before, but please consider another visit where we will stick to the back roads and sites that you may not have seen before.

Ireland is special to Ann and me for several reasons. First of all, we love the landscapes whose beau-ty is unsurpassed in all of the rest of the world. From the lush, green fields to the drama of the coast-line, to the magnificent gardens, to the ancient castles and thatched cottages, Ireland is amazing. On our tour, we will experience all of this.

Second, there is a mystique about this lush, green island, that draws one closer to God. The Celtic Church that originated in Ireland was instrumental in the preservation and the spread of Christianity in the West. The Celtic Church in Ireland served as a refuge for the scholars who fled the Dark Ages on the Continent. The Celtic monasteries developed many of the practices of worship found in our church-es today. Also, Celtic Christianity was ardently missionary, not only evangelizing the people of Ireland, but also sending missionaries to England, Scotland, and countries on the Continent. On our tour we will visit ancient holy places and follow in the foot-steps of Celtic saints like Patrick and Columba.

Most of all, Ann and I love the people of Ireland. There is a shared sense of community found in Ireland. The pace of life is slower. People stop to chat in the streets. They are happy to give direc-tions to tourists. You will be warmly welcomed in the pubs. The real joy of Ireland is the friendliness of the people, and you can be sure of a warm wel-come everywhere you go. We hope that you will join us for this happy tour of the Emerald Isle.


Ann and Ted +

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

DAY 1- DEPART THE USA/SHANNONDepart USA for overnight flight to Ireland. Dinner is served shortly after take-off.

DAY 2- ARRIVAL/SHANNON/BURREN/BALLYVAUGHNAfter customs we will meet our Driver Guide just outside of baggage claim. Continue on and gaze at the majestic awe of the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher, a spectacular natural phenomenon, rising

660 feet above the Atlantic. O’Brien’s Tower is the best location from which to view the Cliffs. From

this vantage point one can see the Aran Islands as well as The Twelve Pins and the Maum Turk Moun-tains to the north in Connemara. We then visit a ruined Cistercian Abbey dating from the 12th century. Corcomroe Abbey located in the Hills of the Burren, home of “St. Mary of the Fertile Rock” from the 12th century. It is then onto Ballyvaughn, Co Clare in the heart of the Burren to Gregan’s Castle for our overnight and Welcome Dinner. (D)

Day 3- BURRENAfter breakfast we will meet our driver guide in the lobby of Gregan’s Castle at 9 a.m. We then take a tour of Ireland’s stony place- the Burren

(Bhoireann). The Burren, is a great rocky expanse in Ireland’s County Clare, is one of the world’s truly unique places. Its ancient, awe inspiring stone structures hold secrets from the past that may never be unraveled.The Burren hosts a spectacu-lar array of over 70% of Ireland’s native flora, it’s home to over 500 ring forts and over 80 known

Neolithic tombs, the Burren is very well endowed in this regard, resembling ‘one vast

memorial to bygone cultures’ according to cartog-rapher Tim Robinson. However,the main source of attraction is the landscape itself. The Burren hills are teeming with such geological oddities as labyrinthine cave systems, disappear-ing streams and lakes, tiered hillsides and oddly dissected pavements. It is then we make our way to

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

Gollum Cave, said to have influenced the creation of the character Gollum in writer J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings.” Contemporary novelist Cora

Harrison writes of the Burren, and her works are primarily set in the areas around the Cliffs. We then

make our way to Clareville House Garden, which houses many of the various plants and flowers seen throughout the Burren. Then we make our way back to Ballyvaughn and our castle for the evening. Dinner is on your own this evening in the local town of Ballyvaughn or again at the castle if you wish. (The driver guide will be available around 6 p.m. this evening to pick you up at the Castle and travel to nearby Ballyvaughn). Over-night Gregan’s Castle. (B)

Day 4- LIMERICKAfter a full Irish Breakfast the morn-ing is free. Optional opportunity for morning

coffee with Fr. Ted to reflect on our journey and the life of St. Patrick. In the afternoon we depart Gregan’s Castle and travel south. We continue through Limerick, Ireland’s 3rd largest city and home to author Frank McCourt who wrote Ange-la’s Ashes. Limerick is an area steeped in history. The origin of Limerick city dates back to the 9th century a site settled by the Vikings. Next we will experience King John’s Castle, which is a fortified 13th century Castle on ‘King’s Island’ in the heart of medieval Limerick. The castle overlooking the river Shannon opens an exciting window on the lives and stories of the people through political upheaval, war and famine. Archaeological exca-vations open to the public roll back the mists of time to pre-Norman houses which predate the castle by 100 years, as well as siege mines, gar-

rison and soldiers quarters and sally port all found under the level of the present courtyard. We will also take a walking tour on the Limerick Garden Trail. The Limerick Garden trail contains seven of the region’s best gardens, some of which have won national awards and featured in gardening magazines. The gardens range in size from small to very large gardens and from new to old gar-dens, so there is something to stimulate both the novice and experienced gardener. The gardens are situated along some of the most attractive routes through the county. Then we proceed to Askeaton, the 12th century Franciscan Abbey, one of Ireland’s ancient monastic settlements. Overnight at Gregan’s Castle. Din-ner on your own. (B)

Day 5- BALLYVAUGHN/DINGLE/SLEA HEAD/KENMAREAfter breakfast we depart Ballyvaughn for the Din-gle Peninsula. The journey begins with some of the most magnificent scenery in all of Ireland. The little town of Dingle is straight out of a story book.

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

The fishing boats in the harbor and tiny brightly painted pubs portray a time that has continued to stand still. The population of 1500 people and only 52 pubs are ready to welcome you this af-ternoon. The native seafood chowder served up at lunch time with freshly baked brown bread is well worth the wait. We continue on to Slea Head, where along the way we will also see the famous

Bee Hive Huts. The huts were originally inhabited by 12th century monks, which overlook the rug-ged Blasket Islands. The awe inspiring beauty of this particular area is unmatched. There is no other landscape in western Europe with the density and variety of archaeological monuments as found on the Dingle Peninsula. It is then onto Gallarus Oratory “The Church of the Place of Foreigners,”

where we tour and learn about the 12th century martyrs and saints from Dingle. Then we travel on to the traditional Irish town of Kenmare. Kenmare is home to many still stand-

ing thatched roof houses, and is classic “Ireland Country.” We then make our way for our overnight to the five-star luxurious Sheen Falls Lodge, the glorious oasis nestled in the hills of Kenmare. Din-ner and overnight Sheen Falls Lodge. A driver will be available for transport into town. (B, D)

Day 6- KILLARNEY/MUCKROSSWe will enjoy a traditional Irish breakfast this morn-ing before we board our luxury vehicle to travel south to Killarney, in County Kerry. This town is a lively hub of activity with many restaurants and

singing pubs. Upon arrival we will enjoy a tour through Killarney Na-tional Park. Within the park there are various walk-ing and garden tours as well as jaunting cart rides that we may partake in. Then we travel to see Muckross House Estates. Muckross House is a magnificent Victorian mansion and one of Ireland’s leading stately homes. A walk through the period-furnished rooms reveals the lifestyle of the landed gentry, while in other portions of the home, one can experience the working conditions of the servants employed on the estate. The gardens are

enhanced by the natural setting of the mountains and lakes of Killarney. Rolling grasslands lead to an expanse of mature rhododendrons, punctuat-ed by boles of Scots pine. Af-ter touring the bustling town of Killarney we make our way back to the authentic Irish town of Kenmare and the Sheen Falls Lodge. Din-ner will be on your own. A driver will be available for transport into town. (B)

Day 7- GLENGARRIFF/BANTRY/SKIBBER-EEN/CLONAKILTY/KINSALEAfter breakfast we head to Glengarriff and Gar-nish Island. Located in the sheltered harbor of Glengarriff in Bantry Bay, in Southwest Ireland,

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

will be on your own, and a driver will be available for transport into town. (B)

Day 8- KENMARE/CASHEL/KILKENNYAfter breakfast we depart Kenmare and travel north, stopping at the impressive Rock of Cashel. The Rock of Cashel, with its well preserved eccle-siastical remains, is one of Ireland’s most spectac-

ular landmarks, rising above the surrounding plain and dominating the land route southward. The large Cathedral, ancient round tower and the very early Romanesque Cormac’s Chapel, perched on a dramatic outcrop of rock, were silent witnesses to many of the stirring events of Irish History. St. Patrick converted the local King Aenghus here in the 5th century and Brian Boru was crowned King of Ireland on this spot in the early 11th Century. We continue to the Medieval City of Kilkenny, where we enjoy an optional visit to the Kilkenny Castle, which has been completely refurbished in recent years. The impressive Victorian build-ing was erected in the mid-19th century when it served as a home to the Hackett family. Dinner and Overnight Lyrath Estates. (B, D)

Day 9- KILKENNY/CASTLEDERMOT/POWERSCOURT/DUBLINAfter breakfast we depart Kilkenny. Our first stop is Castledermot, where a monastery was founded here by St. Dermot. The monastery was plundered

Garnish Island is a small island of 37 acres known to horticulturists and lovers of trees and shrubs all around the world as an island garden of great beauty. Its sheltered position nurtures luxuriant Mediterranean flowers such as fuchsia and arbu-tus. Bantry sits at the head of one of Ireland’s most beautiful bays with a harbor that reaches right into the town center. Next we travel to Skibber-een, known as the capital of West Cork. It is the “hub” from which the many “sparkling jewels” of the area can be reached. We pass by Clonakilty where castles dot the shores of the bay and the Catholic Church is a fine example of Gothic architecture. Then we move on to pictur-esque Kinsale where we have time to browse the winding streets. In the afternoon we return to Kenmare where we will have the evening on our own to explore, relax, and enjoy the serenity of this town. Overnight at Sheen Falls Lodge. Dinner

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

on numerous occasions by the Vikings. There are a Round Tower and two High Crosses: the North and South Cross, both of which are granite, plus the base of a third cross. There is also a Roman-esque archway that is still standing. We continue to Powerscourt where the Powerscourt Gardens are situated 12 miles south of Dublin in the foothills of the Wicklow Mountains. The gardens were begun by Richard Wingfield in the 1740’s. The word “Garden” belies the magnitude of this creation which stretches out over 45 acres. It is a sublime blend of formal gardens, sweeping terraces, statuary and ornamental lakes together with secret hollows, rambling walks, walled gar-dens, over 200 variations of trees and shrubs, and a Japanese Garden. We then travel on to Killiney for our overnight at Fitzpatrick Castle. (B)

Day 10- BOYNE VALLEY/NEWGRANGEAfter a leisurely breakfast fit for a king, we de-part Killiney and head to Newgrange. We make our way to the Bru na Boinne Visitor Centre. This center is designed to present the archaeological heritage of the Boyne Valley, which includes the megalithic passage tombs of Newgrange and Knowth. The Centre is the starting point for all visits to both monuments, and contains extensive interpretative displays. We then make our way

back to the Fitzpatrick Castle for our over-night. Farewell dinner and overnight Fitzpat-rick Castle. (B, D)

Day 11- DUBLIN AIRPORT-USAAfter breakfast we make our way via pri-vate transfer to Dublin Airport where we will depart and head back to the USA. (B)

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525


PRICESTour price is $3895.00 per person, double occupancy. Single Supplement is $1195.00 per person.

DEPOSIT & FINAL PAYMENT A Deposit of $650.00 per person is due to reserve a place on this tour. Deposits and payments can be paid by check or any major credit card. Final payment is due May 12, 2015. The Travel Insured Group Deluxe travel insurance protection plan is strongly recommended, at a cost of $289.00 per person.

CONNOISSEURS TOURS PROTECTION PLAN PROVIDED BY TRAVEL INSURED Traveling is a big investment. It pays to protect your-self against unforeseen circumstances that can result in trip cancellation and additional expenses such as costs related to medical emergencies. This Travel Insured Pro-tection Plan is specifically designed to provide you with peace of mind knowing you are protected against the financial impact of unexpected events while on your trip.

Additional insurance is available to include the cost of your airfare. Please contact Connoisseurs Tours if you would like to insure the cost of your airline tickets after your have purchased your airline tickets.

See below for the Schedule of Coverage:

Trip Cancellation* (not applicable if $0 trip cost) Trip Cost*Trip Interruption** ($500 return air only if $0 trip cost) 150% of Trip Cost*Cancel for Work Reasons Trip Cost*Trip Delay – 6 hours $750 ($150/day)Baggage/Personal Effects $1,500Baggage Delay – 24 hours $400Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $50,000Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation $250,000Accidental Death & Dismemberment $25,000Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services Included

*Up to the lesser of the Trip Cost paid or the limit of Coverage for which benefits are requested and the appropriate plan cost has been paid. Maximum limit of $10,000

**150% of Trip Cost paid up to a maximum of $10,000 for the unused portion of Your Trip and the transportation cost to re-join the Trip or return home.

Please see the attached: Group Deluxe Travel Protection Plan, General Limitations and Exclusions Document.

CANCELLATIONS• From the date of deposit up to 121 days prior to departure, $300.00 per person is non-refundable.• From 120 to 91 days prior to departure $650.00 per person is non-refundable.• From 90 to 60 days prior to departure 50% of the full program cost is non-refundable.• From 59 to 0 days prior to departure 100% of the full program cost is non-refundable. • All cancellations must be in writing.

RESPONSIBILITYConnoisseurs Tours acts only as an agent for the traveler with respect to transportation, accommodations and other services offered on the tour. Connoisseurs Tours and their agents assume no responsibility or liability for any act, error or omis- sion, or for any injury, loss, accident or delay or irregularity that may be caused by any defect in any aircraft, ship, train, bus or other carrier or through neglect or de-fault of any subcontractor or other third party. The passage contract in use by the carriers when issued shall constitute the sole contract between the carriers and the traveler. Connoisseurs Tours and/or their agents will not be respon-sible for loss, injury, damages or expenses to person or property, due to illness, weather, strikes, local laws, hostili-ties, wars, terrorist acts, acts of nature or other such causes in connection with the tour for anything beyond their reasonable control. Connoisseurs Tours is not responsible for transportation or other delays or changes in the tour program beyond their control, nor any additional expenses or loss of time that may be incurred by the traveler. It may be necessary or advisable for the well-being of all travel-ers to alter the itinerary at any time, without notice to the travelers, and such alterations will be made without penalty to Connoisseurs Tours. Connoisseurs Tours reserves the right to decline or not to retain any person as a member of any tour or to change or withdraw a tour as circumstances demand. All rates quoted are based on tariffs in effect at the time the tour was planned and are subject to change in the event of adjustment therein. Baggage is carried at the owner’s risk and baggage insurance is recommended. Connoisseurs Tours reserves the right to substitute hotels of equal or superior quality. The proposals of this section are governed by Georgia law, and final payment by the traveler to Connoisseurs Tours shall be deemed to be consent to the above provisions.

VALIDITYSeptember, 2014 through February, 2016

Basic Tour Cost: $3895 Insurance Premium: $289Tour Cost from: $4500 to $5000 Insurance Premium: $379Tour Cost from: $5001 to $5500 Insurance Premium: $399Tour Cost from: $5501 to $6000 Insurance Premium: $459Tour Cost from: $6001 to $6500 Insurance Premium: $489Tour Cost from: $6501 to $7000 Insurance Premium: $559

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CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045 • [email protected] • 1-912-351-9525

RESERVATION FORMExploring the Back roads of Ireland, August 10 - 20, 2015



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Connoisseurs Tours 1 Tiffany Place • Savannah, GA 31406 (912) 351-9525 • 1-800-856-1045(912) 351-9565 [email protected]