exercise in bed with these workouts

Exercise in Bed with These Workouts As we have the colder months upon us, I know it can be hard trying to get out of bed and go workout. I, personally find it even harder to leave my bed to take care of the “essential” life bits #lazyforlife. So working out seems out of questions, but fortunately I have found a solution for everyone who are trying to whip themselves in shape while still being well, lazy. We found a way you can exercise in bed and STILL GET RESULTS. Now, isn’t this the best Christmas present? Through these workouts, you can easily exercise in bed and you won’t need to spend that extra ten minutes squeezing into your workout clothes. The best part is, you can catch up on your workouts while watching a cheerful movie, to really get you going. Let’s get started now, shall we?

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Exercise in bed with these workouts

Exercise in Bed with TheseWorkouts

As we have the colder months upon us, I know it can be hard trying to get out of bed and go workout. I, personally find it even harder to leave my bed to take care of the “essential” life bits #lazyforlife. So working out seems out of questions, but fortunately I have found a solution for everyone who are trying to whip themselves in shape while still being well, lazy. We found a way you can exercise in bed and STILL GET RESULTS. Now, isn’t this the best Christmas present?

Through these workouts, you can easily exercise in bed and you won’t need to spend that extra ten minutes squeezing into your workout clothes. The best part is, you can catch up on your workouts while watching a cheerful movie, to really get you going.

Let’s get started now, shall we?

1. Jack Splits

This exercise in bed is perfect to work those hidden upper and lower abs and as well as your chest and quads. The trick is to lie down on your back with your thumbs interlocked, arms and legs outstretched, and feet together. Tighten your core as you lift your arms and feet off the bed, keeping knees and elbows locked. Exhale as you lift your legs up and out to form a V shape, and lift your entire upper body off the bed. As you come up, swing your hands straight forward through the V. To get proper benefits of this exercise, do it with control and try to not touch the bed, release your arms and legs, and lower back to starting position. That’s one rep. Do as many reps as you can but a solid 20 rep session is a good standard.

Page 2: Exercise in bed with these workouts

2. Marching Hip Raises 

For this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent, heels near your butt, and arms along your sides with palms facing down. Press into your heels as you lift your hips up so your body forms a line between your knees and shoulders. Without extending your leg, try squeezing your butt as you lift your right foot up off the bed and bring your right knee directly over your right hip. Place your right foot back on the bed and repeat on the left side. That’s one rep. Continue to alternate between each leg. This exercise in bed is made to work your butt, abs, and thighs.

Page 3: Exercise in bed with these workouts

3. Dolphin Plank 

This is a variation on already very “trusted” exercise by many fitness fanatics but if you have tried a regular plank and find it quite boring or just not showing you the results, you want. Then this exercise in bed can easily be moved to your “real” workouts as well. Start with getting into the traditional plank position with your forearms and palms on the bed, and your shoulders directly over your elbows. Your body should form a straight line between your head and your heels. Remember to keep your core tight and legs straight, lift your hips straight up into the air. Pause, then release to starting position with control to complete one rep. You will need a little bit practice to fully get the hold of this one, so don’t worry. I recommend you start off with a standard of 10 reps and slowly build stamina.