evening world. (new york, n.y.) 1904-04-09 [p ]. · 2017-12-21 · soooo women npkaarcrk wows leave...

rt MTURDAYkvLeNlNa THE EVENING ee W6RLb s HOME 8 MAGAZINE I < r H I mt Bod nbllstud fay the Frets Publishing Company No K to 08 Pork now New York Entered at the EostOfflc at New York as SecondClass Mall Matter i VOLUME 44 NO 16072 SUICIDE ITS FIGURES AND FACTS- A hlld wife rharried when she should be still in the i grammar school ends her life by swallowing acid in TrentonI- A discouraged book agent turns on the gas and so dies in his room in Brooklyn- A young lawyer crazed by a firs horror blows out his brains in Long Island City Altogether the local papers yesterday chronicled six y successful efforts at selfmurder and one attempt which ° failed It Is a melancholyreciwd These of voluntary 4 death are duplicated and day by day we grow more hardened to the fact of their occurrence They- are all in the lifetime of the news 1I Nevertheless it is still possible to make one pause by a contemplation of some aggregates in suicide e r e t- t In 1891 there were recorded 3531 cases of self destruction in the United States In 1903 the number a increased to 8597 Out of a population of eightymillions eight and a half thousand persons may be missed only In spots One may reflect however that for such a 4 number of people to slay themselves is as though a whole town of size of Annapolis Md or almost Long Branch N J had by its own vote and will and act all within a year consigned Itself to annihilation That view of the matter is more Impressive one- S may agree 0 a e e- i Inthe current number of the Independent George- P Upton a Chicago editorial writer presents many u interesting figures on suicide both in America and abroad- It is not to be assumed that the frightful increase in 1 selfkillings is confined to this country France shows- an increase In twentyfive years from a rate of 157 per 100000 of inhabitants to a rate of 224 Among foreign cities rating by the 100000 the Dresden latest suicide figures are 51 Paris 42 Berlhi36 Vienna 28 Stockholm 27 London 23 Students of nations and conditions will draw their own inferences from the fact that it is Russia the country of oppression and depression which shows no b increase in the suicide rate e e e e 0- t Mr Upton finds that in all countries suicides arc more common among men than among women Of 77617 selfmurderers recorded In this country II in the thirteen years of which 1891 is the first 57317 were men But the increase suicide Is greater among women Fifty years ago five times as many men as women killed themselves twentyfive years ago the proportion was three to one now it is two and a half to one i It Is also noted sadly that children are becoming in i < swelling numbers conspicuous in the lists of those who > t take their own lives tvr slight from a playmate a reprimand at home a P rebuke from a teacher envy at the success of a com- panion ¬ f r disappointment over an cRhemerallove attach ¬ r 1 mentthese are among the boys zr n and girls to seek solace In selfinflicted death 1 Do also indicate the need for a little more- intimate counsel and confidence as safeguards in the i homes- In o the thirteenyear period just defined there have been among selfslayers in the United States 535 t physicians 98 and 61 attorneysonly those- of such prominence in their communities as to appear In the general news being taken into account Causes of suicide In numbers noted by Mr Upton ate is follows Insanity 5748 cases ill health 4206 domestic Infelicity 4365 j liquor 3459 j disappoint- ments ¬ > In love 3008 business losses 1389 i AS to agencies for selfdestruction 61933 out of the 77617 victims in the years 18911903 Inclusive M r used either poison or the pistol Before 1894 shooting was most In favor Since then poison has the yl M fatal list The Evening World has heretofore called I the attention of the lawmaking authorities not without reason It may be observed to the ease with which carbolic add may be obtained in the city drugstores e + a Mr Upton points the opportunity of the to is r discover some efficiency and cheapness- Of those persons who shunned pistol and poison 2976 hanged themselves 6o9l took to drowning t L 4447 used the knife 809 jumped in front of loco- motives ¬ YJ 763 leaped from roofs and windows 294 sought death by fire 77 used dynamite and 237 found individual pathsto the lasting silence S 1 r a 4 R- r Q Such are some of the facts and figures of suicide Their Importance for serious study can scarce be denied ro r By 1 Copyright 1904 by the Press tul- CltAPTBRB hNONiII OF PRECEDING mallard a youric- klllM ttiew r a lit Paul CradSocki- llall psrttntnts 9evere l np iUpthiBturid event ha Ie thy tahlele alto rare round In ht t pocket but e autopsy reveaU no truce of d r noKon the i Aa treiham not ttltvea two d are fllicUiilnft the ae eclair they tall thin En e Itttroaucen Vo e hlcll treihpneriatII nn1Ie1CItLIww1 tnedn to tell tne 1 tb N re The othet an crna ve I And toll t OrtihaM that atIu tefcr to him rr Enallshthnn Enn r e ti llihmnn undertaKM to tolv the Dullard myi tea tlnkiUhhiaha eurplclone At Irncth fall llullard the murdered man brother 1t has rrnion to believe lliiyc ern < a a certain document lirnrlnir oatbe tlme and rrioiven to nwurn IL- nff atelae warm I The UnitUihman e airebtabyta In JeijiyjayIn orJr that Af nay DV who t pee the warrant eyee TjMfVnillihman nllh 9 a2 CItAt1JJfftwt- w yea s The Ilunttlir itnntea bt8 euggeMed the Enlish- majt i L Jildlnjr under an air ot Im patlenco his growing nervbus j I I What are wa SrHMag forl Let A OOEbO Ove 9di0 4 Fitrir r3S04v0 0r rv0 f O J 0t OC 00DYi0 d kt DevCf04mQ 1 Rapidtoodleum a Brush with an Automobile J I QpA 1 yeURp Y nsrarl- rels7 NR- tN15157 u w > cn N SSW AUTToNS- M j 7owN oN YLSRa > I Sy n I I rf 4 This Husband Not Worth fl Wifes Love B9 Nixola Dear MlM OrMleySmtthl whet la your opinion of thug kind of man Ho has a wife arid chill twelve years old and he In niftyear old He- says he likes his better than any other place on earth but he haa a mar ¬ tied woman friend thirty years old whom ha takes riding and to places of amusement Presents and letters aro filmpit dally occurrence between them besides various meetings Would his wit bo justified In leaving bltnT- ANXIOTJ8 WIFE THE writerof Is appar the hopeless product of 11th the kind who nothing more or less a oplritunj big amlit a moral hn not the effrontery avow the sympathy Ui ar Uy with the principles 0 I or rather lack of them protected by the Latter Day Saints which he undoubtedly feel The question whtoh she ask II at once the oldet and the newest in the worldbeing old as the days of Eva and th new as the latest threecornered divorce There no doubt whatever that the anxious author of the letter ha every right to object to leer huabandi unmis- takable ¬ manifestation of Mormonlim Whether she should leave him or not Is however another matter If It were not for the child ehe mention aba need only consult her own Inclination In solving the problem Dut on account of this child Iho should mole every effort to prccerv the home which U undoubtedly threatened Does her husband realise what he le doing Ha li probably very fond of hle child at any rate and If some third a friend to both hUiband and should Imvr a e rtcus talk with him about the course he Is pursuing and let hum know that not only his wife but everybody known about tile friendship for the other woman and may ultimately wreck hla home lose him his child and bring upon him thu scorn of voiutrvatlv humanity he might realize the error of ways The chance though a alum one Is worth taking If It falls the thing for the anxious wife to consider Is whether ratter all It Is not better taka Hamlet ad ¬ vice and bear the evils has rather than nv othcra that she knows not of Is It not better for herself and for her child to remnln with her husbnnd Of course she need not consider him In the matter Sho not advtaed to put up with him for his own esker Hut while It U very envy for n mar- ried ¬ to home and think that woman be much happier It ilia vtro to sot out In ml mnjo a living for anA her onlld the attempt to do so another mftrhome her ntattui U a married woman Is a protection to her from the III humor ot all mankind lavo one 1he tact that die tins endure annoyances of various klndn from him snvtsi her from others which she would ilirolv encounter she wern out n tho world making a living All this aside from the fn < t that making a Involve a Brent many moro disagreeable things thnn the woman who iua one made for her bee nny Idea of The husband In IN cage will eltlior lire of the woman or she will tiro of him f I THE FATAL CHORD If Ors ill Albert Payson 4 Terhune venometkwtth The Has Greelik9Smith illsh log Co New York World Us move on I want tq get this man to the station house I For answer tile policeman pocket ¬ ed the warrant Give that back to me commanded The Englishman sharply What on earth Is the matter he wondered un- easily ¬ Thla wdlTantbeaan the policeman Well Interrupted The Englishman Its r6Ularfthd cdrrect lent It All rpglnr ah crect nsaented the policeman The only thlhc tho matter with It In that Its a dew York war- rant ¬ amp ydurfc servln In Jersey Well sold The Englishman again I Well11 rchoed the bluecoat How long havd you l con on the force not to know that a Nov York warrant cut no led aver hers in Jersey Youre a nice sort of tec aint your Say he added suspiciously as Th Kngllkhhian reddened with anger under tile knowledge of the error be had madei there aunt k cdp or a dtteotlvd- In tlill Whbl aduattqUiM Qqt ithb- trtwu I i > d 1 t 00- c f 0 > i < < 1 ItW y this ¬ mated to moat NewYork of men li really than Mor- mon ¬ who to Lilt II per- son to Iho to Is Is to If other dont roco- NCO 0 gMiJesf- t a for I e o fUD Musr e Doc rnI Is Ok L T oK I V r EvgI NORNINQ ANe IN THE I ti t iG- 4 I r- L DoGS1- r 0 t 1 r r vrarr N e NE G TUD6 I Is Ierrae e1FM t V Otr- li i w vll pC- YCIONtiI1Th r- o71rp The Great and Only Peewee rh Peewee Who Knows About Buys Tootsle E HioherOt itII n OaiOWWNIRXorNaRMCIRare AHTCOTTIEY- dtEEVfyG AN- INTFLIIQFNT SOOOO WOMEN NPKAaRcrk wows LEAVE T00751E1 Fjeet- RtTWpN EVENING 1aL- 11y IEMPERO- RILUAM 54S04- WVCf 7ArD a- aaiS MA oroRl W8 off We 5 Was By New City PEEWEE for L No Prospect Place No 2 418 East 16th N Y City No A No b Prize Gook Oitr 1W 4 that a warmnf only good ter Ute i State Its made out in I youre no more a detective than I am What your gamer As he spoke he threw back the la- pel ¬ of The Enfrllshmahs coat Just as I thought ho exclaimed not even a I dont know Just what your rune Is but itll take you to the slatlonhouse Ul right And this feller you were blunin 11 go along as witness The Englishman seeing that he had made too grove an rror to permit hla continuance of the rolo of Central Office man tried a new tack Look here offleer he wlhspere- dthl Is Just a joke of mlna Help out on It and 1te no In your Cut It out ordered the policeman tersely The Cuptn at our stations flame judge of joke Well Just put it uoto him- Cato111n g The Englishman and Ballard each by An arm ho started icon the steps leading street The walkbj meckl alone offering ho reslstence or remon- strance ¬ Never before tn all his varied ex- perience ¬ had be been cdiifrenlod > lth a dUhi 1llti tbla Maoy A Uma had r < Yi i J- f j Baffling Mystery of Carnegie Murder Ills life been In dangers but sera oriee had a mere i 61tc >man overmatched kiln Ha felt for the moment helpless agnlnst title mere nonentity whose brain was Inferior to his own It Is my own folly he thought wrathfully But for my aonceil in wanting JLo crow over Beokwlth and Iresham Id have told them this plan- of mine and have explained this warrant business to ins In England a warrant made out at Scotland Yard is effective In every corner of the British Tepee How Was I to know that these Yankees restrict the power of a war ¬ Pant to the more State In whldh It happens to be Issued lint what a Koiiseml the North niyer mutt be to Nom York criminals In 1ng laud woS tame a law In a hurry that would shut oft non a iplMidid path of escape from them Its as hard to catch a Nev York crook who crosses to Maw Jersey as to get a London refugee who escapes to FrflHe nut Unles Ida something quickly my hopes of dlt- eoverlhlr the BUlitrd mtlrdettr btfl at an one and my name will become the oi to cohtlnent Like most geniuses The Cngtlatiman nag enslave to Inhlalattat ca- t thardfon ax aullid 4 0 4 dNeCSS jT 7HE qN HO GJ3 yovtf- Le tRK tN6 yt1 t Mr All Dogs Purp ct guY sv Enpllsltmtui ridicule OuRI erscuI77 YDU EfVfltrl GfUDG I WHo I6- PA11TANPIVEP At FULL OF- f 5141g P5Ht CHAINEa IN- Nvl YORK BAY 1 = e i peewee RFFU h TN8 EAT ul d- 0 TPIOTOWAI PACE OP THE The Bridge Must Run fog Through persons cross orrtruaeruraeareoa bridge EVERY- DAY Outpf these T00399r DANGER Tielne by the bridge break- ing f down by these persons takUg And Jumping The ONLY WAY remedy this evllls tomake the bridge run through tunnel Our experts have also round that the bridge ran through tunnel could made 4998 feet vide and there would be for abrldce CRUSH like have present many lives would med tad tunnel for the bridge run through READERS OIL Fudge FAMILY Readers On next election day we COMMAND you VOTE tor tunnel ybu loseu know you wlllwe will Ull you SOMETHING ELSE vote for Our policy merely nuke our readers THINK and DO THINGS their brains explode la their efforts dolls not worry You askW ATJWthI11IOc10wtll1fthcBrookJr Dredge Hothlngf Absolutely NOTUINGl Any more Ulan these idlotorbls nave with nnfriuled brains MINK TAN t Todays Prize Fudge Material Written Klein No 272 Yotk PRIZE HEADLINES today1 paid for No 1M NUSSA 134 Brooklyn JOHN DUNN- No Street 8WILLIAM CALDWELL 611p Sixth Avenue Brooklyn Monday8 Fudge Idiotorinl Why Circulation 80000000 Copies Daily eab03bRI0X444 d00404b94049 believe bads Royco hfentgomery the the Hall eJmoat Immeasurably theyd fettles laughingstock particularly EVIDENTLY it FUDCE Brooklyn drowneflelther consequently William Cherry Exceeds 00040m0bdAk9 his keenest faeultlei ttt preserva- tion ¬ The policeman end his double oonvt had ellnlgh readied the baUotn the lone flight ittpsT- TWiMTW war done by The KnOtahtntn mutt done once The policeman Wad wolldng between the two The EneliaHtnin being his rleW the latter bad chown sign right the tduoooat wa not ex- p Ot1nC trouble Buddeniy the fourth itep from tho bottom Tho Ehclbhmana foot ftjipar- ently slipped plungea awkwardly forward and owing the grasp the offloW his Un win ttwBng sharply the left Th aharp tUg had ptillod both mi lard and the polloininn MrwTd and OWIng the dlrtotten The Bhsfchmahs body had token One tiU lohg legs was thrust across the third etep directly frdht lilt WO compitiions Against this barrier they stumbled oould vet from the forwardetther- lm patul wlilch The Et1jlljhmana Udd r- tniUilep had The trio fell profane Awkward tattled heap the foot the stairs The akllakmaAbeint uppermost was tarot extricate himself wn4 BX to9t tnnnrti lijfiC- u ir h11i Airy enatch the bogus warrant from the policeman and thrust Into his own pocket But the delay was Wellnlgh fatal his plan escape For the agile bluecoat lea feet trice and sprang bill prisoner Quick was The Englishman wag quicker lefthander the mouth sent the policeman back against the wall lilt recovered hlmailf otto but not before The Englishman had dashed through the Idle crowd that had bean ooltoot and passed through the trance out lath Montgomery street Jill iJtlrsvier was scarcely yard be- hind him and second policeman Jdlri the chase did half dozen bystanders Across Montgomery street dodgtnlr and out among ferrybound vetliotes and Jeraey City trophy care The Btlft- llmutian tiM his tote eloao hue heel- it WM lull nrtt visit Jersey CtttIn arrant land wet trying teaDe froni bHa whose jrOund wad Mother MltlVe would have flea with liMe tried double Arid would tOOt Infallibly bv beta oausm short dtder The ankHShaan oh the contnuTrran straight loir tkoar eta iadGgouaiio- iIaesteb L J- hJI ijff J J1f you eeoes uT MavrNf DONIZL MR- Kgroa0 rIN J oINT CooK Ln rlAOfB I r- p f I Mr I to fog eve ooNT I IS Q t 1 e C I T r t 2 r 1 J C ameuaattoaao7 L I r a Tunnel t 4 in I ¬ I or a fit to a If a it tie < no chance I we at I THINK OW be If we ft I to t of I to a I If I to t Is td I s5 U I it J to do 1 Street each t 0 mo to > of J of of to be be at on Aa no of on he tb bf to on 3 to of In ot In a at of to Ra > to i 9 f Jo J 1S C It to of was on In a on AS he A In at to en a ¬ a ed In at It In on to a he td h me it d 1d to n i Yk y A M V p f If B y Martin Gretf t TAe One and Only Solution of the ServantGirl PrG1 d BEE wild the Cigar Store Man J I Crane sys servant girls have just three do little work mako a lot of high wages What Is the good man reaching for at Man Higher Up Docs he expect the servant I different from anybody else The man who is i for work at low wages dont belong out in th J His place Is In an Institution whore the Inner their brains ftU gratln There Is no reason why tI age woman who hat to work for a living art any different from the average man The eervaatftlTl question his existed eve i the first of our prehistoric ancestors seouf d the of b hired girl and It will be a queotlon to be in upon larKelr by people who dont know any third It long attar the headstone over our grave crumbled op and blown away The vote reafiqj servant elrI0 are execrated aa o class by j- oraphrftrfl nfl a tlaas BT< in tho twospot divla servant eirls is becftusa the employers of Bern lint nearly lit u women You seldom hear of trouble with the femal a hotel restaurant or apnrtmnt house run by a- la tho woman with ono or two Borranta whose I of rmpilsh resound in the public ear Nine wi of tea have a aubcellar imprecision that the ser Is a bister of the ox and nine servant girls o are trcafod aooordingly Tho baola Ot the trouble is the absolute imp of tray woman confessing that a woman she pa to can do work around h house to It should Sennit women ftr philoaophloal and finally twit selves to be satlsfiAd with the best ahoy can ge w mon keep thlr Eervants for yaws and no oily trouble Probably halt the wtmien In New York wh servant fclHS have done their own housework sod ahother + beoouse they hid to You would tfc these women would know how to handle a SOl the contrary they ftre the very hardest tasknv They ate the WOmen who expect their kitchen1 to work fourteen hours a day sleep oh the tu kitchen at night brine back a diagram of hi ments on her afternoon oft and chant a hymn o j when ah broth her little old U a week What Is the remedy queried the Cigar Sti I There is no remedy answered the Man Rtf If the men of the house would be allowed to 1 households as they boss their businesses much trouble would disappear but no mauled worn fould otand for j Forgot His Own Tongue A recent arctic Blb rla erll 1 hunter tell the following of his return to elvlllta t found thAt halt a dozen of the Officers and min of the er which my employers had tent for me had comet I ma tip The captain dltmouhted and I tried to add lit Ituitiani but he said Tou forget that 1 speak T Now it play deem tearcely credible and yet It la trt for a few moments I wa totally unable to convey j I him In my native tongue I had not used a word conversation for months and my low physical cond I leg on my nerves contused mymind and I spoke a of Jngtl h Russian and Korak It wee a week could talk good straight English again j A Wonderful Detective Stoi j Rushing lust ahead of hie puru8f la to thte41iM iUpphiM biltrahMt two ogre Ice made for one door- ileadkhgto the relai of t91e bulldlna- flitmmlnjr tilt d SDT d1dldM tfl trite face of his teremeat puMUW he plot the bolt Breljr d1d taottdib ijasrfed berate tae oamtlrted tfhouWeri o iw yolldi men Wtd miu hM th Aotft in Datthat IIttt tntetra1 wu aDwyen- nohetet For emitft WI they would BO alga of The fintmnwaA eotild they find A Urir erdwfl luid by teM Ultto oath end In front of UIII ef JttVtitu iihd- haflUd the bfttc d Aire tfeiWd td ft good amount bf Rurinir- WJief1 y WI they trl6hafr low quired an old cotlntrymilh the nice dressed obi yoU Wai liSlillntf when the bther fellr took it ItitO 111 head to sooolt The first pollcnirtan atArleS tin ° tlir W the tUVHillt 6f tn EHilUKmAa and the hoiies of prolndUon for b tiaV h a ovpto U hftd dulls faFfdUM ftftyco Ballard The Utter tied tiKtn advtkn tad of thkt forrfstfiithHii td HtoVA array unobaefvedandbbarde Cbrtlandt- etreet boat Uuewehe pert et l nearlme too iH t- gsg ° 731r b f i h j Y liove on now threatened llceman cholericail before IF In too 1 i fibre you run me in Ins giiftss you mean oonstble chu rid man enoounrgta by tH- ith I crowd M mint oeoft grt- rhnybody r In go for I The policeman treated hi rut tormentor to a disgusted Blare Auess youre the at li V ttge atilt up to Pompton or ueh placer Chase bra U1el1 youre too witty to be loose I j tnjteid of following old fllollchtd hems oto f ferry douse Botiarht A U to 1t Tent and contentedly ag- fund 1 o vacant neat on a Twen Klr et oat Will a prttty clfts nail thl4iIll MttdV Un flOIh d of th- wnintfVB rlminal law before r i again Just the ir- ndilnd lOEffrrllV Ill l1 nmt- Bailard emits lib cAfftfttllx In 7l J Ollet One p ThemnVMfef faired j Tlli next I1nll sllr- lD be Ci IItl1 i I r MUSIC 1 care hot tar the circling Of song birds tight and Jf 1 live the cackts of the Kits a the Oflest uy Wab > tQI i I > t i I J j t 1

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Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-04-09 [p ]. · 2017-12-21 · SOOOO WOMEN NPKAaRcrk wows LEAVE T00751E1 Fjeet-RtTWpN EVENING 11y 1aL-IEMPERO-RILUAM 54S04-WVCf 7ArD aaiS a-MA





mt Bodnbllstud fay the Frets Publishing Company No K to 08

Pork now New York Entered at the EostOfflcat New York as SecondClass Mall Matter

i VOLUME 44 NO 16072


A hlld wife rharried when she should be still in the

i grammar school ends her life by swallowing acid in

TrentonI-A discouraged book agent turns on the gas and so

dies in his room in Brooklyn-A young lawyer crazed by a firs horror blows out

his brains in Long Island CityAltogether the local papers yesterday chronicled six

y successful efforts at selfmurder and one attempt which° failed

It Is a melancholyreciwd These of voluntary4 death are duplicated and day by day we grow

more hardened to the fact of their occurrence They-

are all in the lifetime of the news1I

Nevertheless it is still possible to make one pauseby a contemplation of some aggregates in suicide

e r e t-

t In 1891 there were recorded 3531 cases of selfdestruction in the United States In 1903 the number

a increased to 8597Out of a population of eightymillions eight and a

half thousand persons may be missed only Inspots One may reflect however that for such a

4 number of people to slay themselves is as though awhole town of size of Annapolis Md or almostLong Branch N J had by its own vote and will andact all within a year consigned Itself to annihilation

That view of the matter is more Impressive one-

S may agree0 a e e-

i Inthe current number of the Independent George-P Upton a Chicago editorial writer presents many

u interesting figures on suicide both in America andabroad-

It is not to be assumed that the frightful increase in1 selfkillings is confined to this country France shows-

an increase In twentyfive years from a rate of 157per 100000 of inhabitants to a rate of 224 Amongforeign cities rating by the 100000 the Dresden latestsuicide figures are 51 Paris 42 Berlhi36 Vienna 28Stockholm 27 London 23

Students of nations and conditions will draw theirown inferences from the fact that it is Russia thecountry of oppression and depression which shows no

b increase in the suicide ratee e e e 0-

t Mr Upton finds that in all countries suicides arcmore common among men than among women

Of 77617 selfmurderers recorded In this countryII in the thirteen years of which 1891 is the first 57317

were men But the increase suicide Is greater amongwomen Fifty years ago five times as many men aswomen killed themselves twentyfive years ago theproportion was three to one now it is two and a halfto one

i It Is also noted sadly that children are becoming ini < swelling numbers conspicuous in the lists of those who> t take their own lives

tvr slight from a playmate a reprimand at home aP rebuke from a teacher envy at the success of a com-


f r disappointment over an cRhemerallove attach ¬

r1 mentthese are among the boys

zr n and girls to seek solace In selfinflicted death

1 Do also indicate the need for a little more-intimate counsel and confidence as safeguards in the

i homes-


the thirteenyear period just defined there havebeen among selfslayers in the United States 535

t physicians 98 and 61 attorneysonly those-of such prominence in their communities as to appearIn the general news being taken into account

Causes of suicide In numbers noted by Mr Uptonate is follows Insanity 5748 cases ill health 4206domestic Infelicity 4365 j liquor 3459 j disappoint-ments


> In love 3008 business losses 1389i

AS to agencies for selfdestruction 61933 out ofthe 77617 victims in the years 18911903 Inclusive

M r used either poison or the pistol Before 1894 shootingwas most In favor Since then poison has the

yl M fatal list The Evening World has heretofore calledI the attention of the lawmaking authorities not without

reason It may be observed to the ease with whichcarbolic add may be obtained in the city drugstores

e+ a Mr Upton points the opportunity of the tois r discover some efficiency and

cheapness-Of those persons who shunned pistol and poison

2976 hanged themselves 6o9l took to drowningtL

4447 used the knife 809 jumped in front of loco-motives


YJ 763 leaped from roofs and windows 294sought death by fire 77 used dynamite and 237 foundindividual pathsto the lasting silence


r a 4 R-


Such are some of the facts and figures of suicideTheir Importance for serious study can scarce be denied



By1 Copyright 1904 by the Press tul-

CltAPTBRBhNONiII OF PRECEDINGmallard a youric-


r a lit Paul CradSocki-llallpsrttntnts 9evere l np

iUpthiBturid event haIe thy tahlele alto rare round In htt pocket but e autopsy reveaU no truce ofd r noKon the i A a treiham notttltveatwo d are fllicUiilnft theae eclair they tall thin Ene Itttroaucen Vo

e hlclltreihpneriatIInn1Ie1CItLIww1 tnedn to tell tne

1 tb N reThe othet an crna ve I And tollt OrtihaM that atIu tefcr to himrr Enallshthnn Ennr e ti llihmnn undertaKM to tolv the Dullard myi

tea tlnkiUhhiaha eurplclone At Irncth fallllullard the murdered manbrother 1t has rrnion to believe

lliiyc ern<a a certain document lirnrlniroatbe tlme and rrioiven to nwurn IL-

nff atelae warm I The UnitUihmane airebtabyta In JeijiyjayIn orJr that

Af nay DV whot pee the warrant eyee TjMfVnillihman nllh9a2 CItAt1JJfftwt-

wyea s The Ilunttlir itnntea

bt8 euggeMed the Enlish-majti L Jildlnjr under an air ot Impatlenco his growing nervbus

j I I What are wa SrHMag forl Let


OOEbO Ove 9di0 4 Fitrir r3S04v0 0r rv0 f O J 0t OC 00DYi0 d kt DevCf04mQ

1 Rapidtoodleum a Brush with an Automobile J

I QpA1 yeURp




tN15157 uw > cnN SSW AUTToNS-

Mj 7owN oN YLSRa








This HusbandNot Worth

fl Wifes Love

B9NixolaDear MlM OrMleySmtthl

whet la your opinion of thug kind ofman Ho has a wife arid chill twelveyears old and he In niftyear old He-says he likes his better than anyother place on earth but he haa a mar ¬

tied woman friend thirty years oldwhom ha takes riding and to places ofamusement Presents and letters arofilmpit dally occurrence between thembesides various meetings Would hiswit bo justified In leaving bltnT-



Is appar

the hopelessproduct of11th the kind

whonothing more or less

a oplritunj bigamlit a moral

hn notthe effronteryavow the sympathy

Ui ar Uy with the principles0 I or rather lack of

them protected by the Latter DaySaints which he undoubtedly feel

The question whtoh she ask II atonce the oldet and the newest in theworldbeing old as the days of Eva and

th new as the latest threecornereddivorce

There no doubt whatever that theanxious author of the letter ha everyright to object to leer huabandi unmis-takable


manifestation of MormonlimWhether she should leave him or not Ishowever another matter If It were notfor the child ehe mention aba need onlyconsult her own Inclination In solvingthe problem Dut on account of thischild Iho should mole every effort toprccerv the home which U undoubtedlythreatened

Does her husband realise what he ledoing Ha li probably very fond of hlechild at any rate and If some third

a friend to both hUiband andshould Imvr a e rtcus talk with himabout the course he Is pursuing and lethum know that not only his wife buteverybody known about tile friendshipfor the other woman and mayultimately wreck hla home lose him hischild and bring upon him thu scorn ofvoiutrvatlv humanity he might realizethe error of ways

The chance though a alum one Isworth taking

If It falls the thing for the anxiouswife to consider Is whether ratter allIt Is not better taka Hamlet ad ¬

vice and bear the evils has ratherthan nv othcra that she knows notof Is It not better for herself and forher child to remnln with her husbnndOf course she need not consider him Inthe matter Sho not advtaed to put upwith him for his own esker

Hut while It U very envy for n mar-ried


to home and thinkthat woman be much happier It iliavtro to sot out In ml mnjo

a living for anA her onlld theattempt to do so anothermftrhome her ntattui U a marriedwoman Is a protection to her from theIII humor ot all mankind lavo one 1hetact that die tins endure annoyancesof various klndn from him snvtsi herfrom others which she would ilirolvencounter she wern out n tho worldmaking a living All this aside fromthe fn < t that making a Involvea Brent many moro disagreeable thingsthnn the woman who iua one madefor her bee nny Idea of

The husband In IN cage will eltliorlire of the woman or she will tiroof him



ill Albert Payson4



The Has


illsh log Co New York WorldUs move on I want tq get this man tothe station house

I For answer tile policeman pocket ¬

ed the warrantGive that back to me commanded

The Englishman sharply What onearth Is the matter he wondered un-easily


Thla wdlTantbeaan the policemanWell Interrupted The Englishman

Its r6Ularfthd cdrrect lent ItAll rpglnr ah crect nsaented the

policeman The only thlhc tho matterwith It In that Its a dew York war-rant

¬amp ydurfc servln In Jersey

Well sold The Englishman againI Well11 rchoed the bluecoat How

long havd you l con on the force notto know that a Nov York warrant

cut no led aver hers in JerseyYoure a nice sort of tec aint yourSay he added suspiciously as ThKngllkhhian reddened with anger undertile knowledge of the error be hadmadei there aunt k cdp or a dtteotlvd-In tlill Whbl aduattqUiM Qqt ithb-





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mated tomoat


men li really



















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The Great and Only Peewee rhPeewee Who Knows About Buys Tootsle EHioherOt






LEAVE T00751E1









aaiS MA





5 Was By New CityPEEWEE for L No Prospect Place No 2

418 East 16th N Y City No A No

b Prize Gook Oitr1W 4

that a warmnf only good ter Ute i

State Its made out in I youreno more a detective than I am Whatyour gamer

As he spoke he threw back the la-pel


of The Enfrllshmahs coatJust as I thought ho exclaimed

not even a I dont know Justwhat your rune Is but itll take you tothe slatlonhouse Ul right And thisfeller you were blunin 11 go along aswitness

The Englishman seeing that he hadmade too grove an rror to permit hlacontinuance of the rolo of Central Officeman tried a new tack

Look here offleer he wlhspere-dthl Is Just a joke of mlna Help

out on It and 1te no In yourCut It out ordered the policeman

tersely The Cuptn at our stationsflame judge of joke Well Just put ituoto him-

Cato111n g The Englishman andBallard each by An arm ho startedicon the steps leadingstreet The walkbj mecklalone offering ho reslstence or remon-strance


Never before tn all his varied ex-perience


had be been cdiifrenlod > lth adUhi 1llti tbla Maoy A Uma had

r <Yi i J- fj

Baffling Mystery ofCarnegie Murder

Ills life been In dangers but sera orieehad a mere i 61tc >man overmatchedkiln Ha felt for the momenthelpless agnlnst title mere nonentitywhose brain was Inferiorto his own

It Is my own folly he thoughtwrathfully But for my aonceil inwanting JLo crow over Beokwlth andIresham Id have told them this plan-of mine and have explained thiswarrant business to ins In England awarrant made out at Scotland Yard iseffective In every corner of the BritishTepee How Was I to know that theseYankees restrict the power of a war ¬

Pant to the more State In whldh Ithappens to be Issued lint what aKoiiseml the North niyer muttbe to Nom York criminals In 1nglaud woS tame a law In a hurry thatwould shut oft non a iplMidid path ofescape from them Its as hard to catcha Nev York crook who crosses to MawJersey as to get a London refugee whoescapes to FrflHe nut Unles Idasomething quickly my hopes of dlt-eoverlhlr the BUlitrd mtlrdettr btfl atan one and my name will become the

oi to cohtlnentLike most geniuses The Cngtlatiman

nag enslave toInhlalattat ca-


thardfon ax aullid4

0 4





Le tRKtN6



Mr All Dogs Purp ctguY




OuRI erscuI77 YDUEfVfltrl GfUDG

I WHo I6-




5141g P5Ht



1= e ipeeweeRFFU hTN8EAT ul




The Bridge Must Run fog

Through persons cross

orrtruaeruraeareoabridge EVERY-DAY Outpf theseT00399r

DANGER Tielne by the bridge break-


down by these persons takUg And Jumping

The ONLY WAY remedy this evllls tomake thebridge run through tunnel

Our experts have also round that the bridge ranthrough tunnel could made 4998 feet vide

and there would be for abrldceCRUSH like have present

many lives would med tadtunnel for the bridge run through

READERS OIL Fudge FAMILY Readers On next

election day we COMMAND you VOTE tor tunnelybu loseu know you wlllwe will Ull you

SOMETHING ELSE vote forOur policy merely nuke our readers THINK

and DO THINGS their brains explode la their effortsdolls not worry

You askW ATJWthI11IOc10wtll1fthcBrookJrDredge

Hothlngf Absolutely NOTUINGl Any more Ulan

these idlotorbls nave with nnfriuled brains


t Todays Prize Fudge Material Written Klein No 272 YotkPRIZE HEADLINES today1 paid for No 1M NUSSA 134 Brooklyn JOHN DUNN-

No Street 8WILLIAM CALDWELL 611p Sixth Avenue Brooklyn

Monday8 Fudge Idiotorinl Why Circulation 80000000 Copies Daily

eab03bRI0X444 d00404b94049





the theHall













William Cherry



his keenest faeultlei ttt preserva-tion


The policeman end his double oonvthad ellnlgh readied the baUotnthe lone flight ittpsT-

TWiMTW war done by TheKnOtahtntn mutt done once

The policeman Wad wolldng betweenthe two The EneliaHtnin being hisrleW the latter bad chownsign right the tduoooat wa not ex-p Ot1nC trouble

Buddeniy the fourth itep from thobottom Tho Ehclbhmana foot ftjipar-ently slipped plungea awkwardlyforward and owing the graspthe offloW his Un win ttwBng sharply

the leftTh aharp tUg had ptillod both mi

lard and the polloininn MrwTd andOWIng the dlrtotten The Bhsfchmahsbody had token One tiU lohg legswas thrust across the third etep directly

frdht lilt WO compitiions Againstthis barrier they stumbledoould vet from the forwardetther-lmpatul wlilch The Et1jlljhmana Udd r-

tniUilep hadThe trio fell profane Awkward

tattled heap the foot the stairsThe akllakmaAbeint uppermost was

tarot extricate himselfwn4 BX to9t tnnnrti



enatch the bogus warrant from thepoliceman and thrust Into his ownpocket But the delay was Wellnlgh

fatal his plan escape For theagile bluecoat lea feettrice and sprang bill prisoner

Quick was The Englishmanwag quicker lefthander the mouthsent the policeman back against thewall lilt recovered hlmailf otto butnot before The Englishman had dashedthrough the Idle crowd that had bean

ooltoot and passed through thetrance out lath Montgomery street

Jill iJtlrsvier was scarcely yard be-

hind him and second policeman Jdlrithe chase did half dozen

bystandersAcross Montgomery street dodgtnlr

and out among ferrybound vetliotesand Jeraey City trophy care The Btlft-

llmutian tiM his tote eloao hue heel-

it WM lull nrtt visit Jersey CtttInarrant land wet trying teaDe

froni bHa whose jrOund wadMother MltlVe would have flea with

liMe tried double Arid

would tOOt Infallibly bv beta oausmshort dtder

The ankHShaan oh the contnuTrranstraight loir tkoar eta iadGgouaiio-iIaesteb

L J-

hJIijff J

J1fyou eeoesuT MavrNf DONIZL MR-Kgroa0 rIN J oINT CooKLn rlAOfB






I to fog eve









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p f

If B y Martin Gretft

TAe One and OnlySolution of the ServantGirl PrG1

d BEE wild the Cigar Store ManJ I Crane sys servant girls have just three

do little work mako a lot ofhigh wages

What Is the good man reaching for at

Man Higher Up Docs he expect the servant I

different from anybody else The man who is i

for work at low wages dont belong out in thJ

His place Is In an Institution whore the Innertheir brains ftU gratln There Is no reason why tI

age woman who hat to work for a living artany different from the average man

The eervaatftlTl question his existed eve

i the first of our prehistoric ancestors seouf d theof b hired girl and It will be a queotlon to be inupon larKelr by people who dont know any thirdIt long attar the headstone over our gravecrumbled op and blown away The vote reafiqjservant elrI0 are execrated aa o class by j-

oraphrftrfl nfl a tlaas BT< in tho twospot divlaservant eirls is becftusa the employers of Bernlint nearly litu women

You seldom hear of trouble with the femala hotel restaurant or apnrtmnt house run by a-

la tho woman with ono or two Borranta whose I

of rmpilsh resound in the public ear Nine wiof tea have a aubcellar imprecision that the serIs a bister of the ox and nine servant girls oare trcafod aooordingly

Tho baola Ot the trouble is the absolute impof tray woman confessing that a woman she pato can do work around h house to It shouldSennit women ftr philoaophloal and finally twitselves to be satlsfiAd with the best ahoy can gew mon keep thlr Eervants for yaws and nooily trouble

Probably halt the wtmien In New York whservant fclHS have done their own housework sodahother + beoouse they hid to You would tfcthese women would know how to handle a SOlthe contrary they ftre the very hardest tasknvThey ate the WOmen who expect their kitchen1to work fourteen hours a day sleep oh the tukitchen at night brine back a diagram of himents on her afternoon oft and chant a hymn o j

when ah broth her little old U a weekWhat Is the remedy queried the Cigar Sti I

There is no remedy answered the Man RtfIf the men of the house would be allowed to 1

households as they boss their businesses muchtrouble would disappear but no mauled wornfould otand for j

Forgot His Own TongueA recent arctic Blb rla erll 1

hunter tell the following of his return to elvlllta tfound thAt halt a dozen of the Officers and min of theer which my employers had tent for me had comet I

ma tip The captain dltmouhted and I tried to addlit Ituitiani but he said Tou forget that 1 speak TNow it play deem tearcely credible and yet It la trtfor a few moments I wa totally unable to convey j

I him In my native tongue I had not used a wordconversation for months and my low physical cond

Ileg on my nerves contused mymind and I spoke aof Jngtl h Russian and Korak It wee a weekcould talk good straight English again


A Wonderful Detective Stoi j

Rushing lust ahead of hie puru8f lato thte41iM iUpphiM biltrahMt twoogre Ice made for one door-ileadkhgto the relai of t91e bulldlna-

flitmmlnjr tilt d SDT d1dldM tfl trite faceof his teremeat puMUW he plot thebolt

Breljr d1d taottdib ijasrfed berate taeoamtlrted tfhouWeri o iw yolldimen Wtd miu hM th Aotft in

Datthat IIttt tntetra1 wu aDwyen-nohetet For emitft WI they wouldBO alga of The fintmnwaA eotild theyfind

A Urir erdwfl luid by teM Ultto oathend In front of UIII ef JttVtitu iihd-

haflUdthe bfttc d Aire tfeiWd td ftgood amount bf Rurinir-

WJief1 y WI they trl6hafr low

quired an old cotlntrymilh the nicedressed obi yoU Wai liSlillntf when thebther fellr took it ItitO 111 head tosooolt

The first pollcnirtan atArleS tin°tlir

W the tUVHillt 6f tn EHilUKmAa andthe hoiies of prolndUon for b tiaV h aovpto U hftd dulls faFfdUM ftftycoBallard The Utter tied tiKtn advtkn

tad of thkt forrfstfiithHii td HtoVA

array unobaefvedandbbarde Cbrtlandt-etreet boat

Uuewehe pert et lnearlme too iH t-

gsg °731r b


i h jY

liove on now threatenedllceman cholericail before IFIn too 1 i

fibre you run me in Insgiiftss you mean oonstble churid man enoounrgta by tH-

ith Icrowd M mint oeoft grt-rhnybody

rIn go for I

The policeman treated hi ruttormentor to a disgusted BlareAuess youre the at li

V ttge atilt up to Pompton orueh placer Chase braU1el1 youre too witty to be loose I

jtnjteid of following

old fllollchtd hemsoto fferry douse Botiarht A U to 1tTent and contentedly ag-

fund 1o vacant neat on a TwenKlr et oat

Will a prttty clfts nailthl4iIll MttdV Un flOIhd of th-wnintfVB rlminal law before r i

again Just the ir-ndilnd lOEffrrllV Ill l1 nmt-Bailard emits lib cAfftfttllx In 7l J

Ollet One p ThemnVMfef faired jTlli next I1nll sllr-

lD be Ci IItl1 i I

r MUSIC1 care hot tar the circling

Of song birds tight and Jf1 live the cackts of theKits a the Oflest uy

Wab > tQIi

I> t




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