esade | fusion · 2017-02-03 · !...


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Page 1: ESADE | Fusion · 2017-02-03 · ! 2! Rules!and!regulations!! TED&TEDx!! TED!is!anon+profitdevoted!to!spreading!ideas!to!help!organizations!and!individuals!to!spark!


Page 2: ESADE | Fusion · 2017-02-03 · ! 2! Rules!and!regulations!! TED&TEDx!! TED!is!anon+profitdevoted!to!spreading!ideas!to!help!organizations!and!individuals!to!spark!


Rules  and  regulations    TED  &  TEDx    TED  is  a  non-­‐profit  devoted  to  spreading  ideas  to  help  organizations  and  individuals  to  spark  conversation  and  connection,   in   the   form  of   short,  powerful   talks.  TEDx  was  created   in   the  spirit   of   TED's   mission,   "ideas   worth   spreading".   The   program   is   designed   to   give  communities,   organizations   and   individuals   the   opportunity   to   stimulate   dialogue   through  TED-­‐like   experiences   at   the   local   level.   TEDx   events,   organised   as   a   screening   of   TEDTalks  videos   or   a   combination   of   live   presenters   and   TEDTalks   videos,   are   fully   planned   and  coordinated  independently,  on  a  community-­‐by-­‐community  basis.      ESADE  &  TEDxESADE  2017    Founded  in  1958  in  Barcelona,  ESADE  is  one  of  the  top  leading  business  schools  in  the  world.  Its   aims   are   to   provide   the   leaders   of   the   future   with   tools   for   understanding   an   ever-­‐changing  environment.  There  are  currently  more   than  50.000  alumni  who  hold  positions  of  responsibility   in   all   sectors   and   industries   in   over   one   hundred   countries.   For   ESADE   as   an  institution,   TEDxESADE   is   a  major   event   in   its   calendar   and   thus   it  will   be   backed  with   full  support  in  order  to  ensure  a  successful  celebration  and  a  strong  communication  via  ESADE’s  social   media   accounts.   Moreover,   all   talks   will   be   recorded   and   published   through   official  TEDx  website  and  YouTube  account.      TEDxESADE  2017   is   the   seventh  event  of   its   kind   at   ESADE  Business   School   and  one  of   the  hundreds   of   TEDx   events   all   over   Spain.   It   is   organized   by   a   group   of   several   young  professionals   and   students   at   the   ESADE   Business   School   on   a   non-­‐profit   basis.   This   2017  edition  will  be  held  the  Thursday  May  4th  in  the  EGarage  venue,  at  ESADE  Sant  Cugat  campus.  Further   details   on   the   guest   speakers   list   will   be   announced   soon   through   TEDxESADE  accounts  on  Facebook,  Twitter  and  Instagram  and  our  website  .      The  TEDxESADE  2017  Student  Contest    Under   this   year’s   TEDxESADE   theme:   Encourage   Yourself,   Encourage   Others   we   have  conceived   that,   in   our   world   of   rapid   change   and   an   abundance   of   uncertainty,   there   is   a  growing   need   for   encouragers   -­‐   people   determined   to   take   action,   who   envision   a   new  direction   and  who,   through   their   actions,   generate   a   path   to   be   followed   by   others.   Thus,  through  TEDxESADE  we  want  to  give  these  people  the  stage  in  order  to  encourage  others  in  order  to  drive  the  change  that  we  want  to  see  in  the  world  of  tomorrow.          

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In  this  sense,  we  understood  that  the  TEDxESADE  organization  itself  had  also  a  chance  to  be  this   sort   of   encouragers:   by   giving   the   real   opportunity   to   one   of   our   fellow   ESADE  classmates!  He/She  will  take  on  the  stage  alongside  a  group  of  eight  fellow  featured  speakers,  comprised   of   diverse  &   (inter)nationally   admired   people,   driving   innovative   perspectives   in  their   individual   disciplines   or   fields   of   influence   (such   as   ESADE   professors,   renowned  entrepreneurs,  noted  scientists  and  others).      The  TEDxESADE  2017  Student  Contest  is  a  competition  designed  for  ESADE  Business  and  Law  School   students   enrolled   during   the   current   year   2016-­‐2017   in   any   of   the   programmes:  Undergraduates   (Business   Administration,   Law,   Law   &   Global   Governance   and   Business  Administration  &  Law),  MSc,  CEMS  MiM,  Master  in  Law  or  MBA,  as  well  as  exchange  students.  This  contest  will  enable  a  current  ESADE  student,  from  the  programmes  mentioned  above,  to  become  a  Speaker  at  TEDxESADE  2016.      Structure  of  TEDxESADE  2017  Student  Contest    1.   Step  1:  Students  who  wish  to  participate   in  the  contest  may  apply  by  registering  via  the  

online  form:  2.   Step  2:  The  student  records  himself/herself  giving  a  3’  encouraging  talk  in  ENGLISH  about  

his/her  personal  story  or  a  topic  he/she  master.  a.   Note  1:  The  3’  video  should  provide  an  overview  on  what  the  student  would  talk  

about  at  his/her  10’  final  talk  (if  he/she  turns  out  to  be  a  finalist)  b.   Note   2:   The   video   should   be   titled   “TEDxESADE   2017   Student   Contest   –   Name  

Surname  of  the  participant”  c.   Note   3:   Talks   shall   of   course   be   in   line   with   the   event’s   theme   -­‐   your  

topic/story/background  must   be   an   encouraging   idea   per   se.   Under   this   ‘broad  theme’  you  may  suggest  any  insight  on  a  specific  discipline  or  topic,  as  long  as  it  sounds  inspiring.  

3.   Step   3:   The   student   uploads   the   video   on   YouTube   and   sends   us   the   link   at  [email protected]  before  February  12th,  2017,  23:55h.    

4.   Step  4:  All   videos  will   be  posted  at,  as  we   receive   the  videos.   The  voting  period  will  start  with  the  first  video  received  and  will  last  until  February  17th,  2017,  23:55h.  

a.   Note   3:   Participants   can   also   share   their   video   to   win   the   largest   number   of  “Youtube  likes”:  their  chances  of  winning  will  increase!  

5.   Step  5:  The  most  voted  video  online  (considering  only  the  “YouTube  likes”)  and  4  selected  videos  by  the  TEDxESADE  jury  will  be  the  5  finalists.    

6.   Step   6:   The   announcement   of   the   5   finalists   will   be   made   through   our   social   media  accounts  (Facebook,  Instagram  and  Twitter)  on  February  18th,  2017,  00:05h.    

7.   Step  7:  The   finalists  will   give   their  10’   final   talk   in   front  of  a   selected   jury   comprised  of  ESADE  professors  and  students  on  March  9th,  2017.  (Time  and  venue  TBC)  

8.   Step  8:  The  winning  speaker,  and  thus  the  one  becoming  a  TEDx  speaker  at  TEDxESADE  2017,  will  be  announced  through  our  social  media  accounts  on  March  9th,  2017,  21:00h.  

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Selection  criteria    The  judges  will  analyse  both  all  the  videos  sent  and  the  finalists’  talks  taking  into  account  the  following  criteria:    

a)   Presentation  of  the  topic  /  personal  story  in  a  relevant,  creative,  clear  and  encouraging  way  

b)   Originality  of  the  spoken  content  c)   Talk  adequacy  to  the  TEDx  talks  format  


 Award    The  winning   speaker   shall   be   the   one   that,   in   the   judges’   opinion,   has   presented   the   best  encouraging  talk  and  the  most  adequate  to  the  TEDx  talk  formats.  The  judges’  decision  will  be  announced  on  the  day  of  the  final  talks  and  will  be  final.  The  winner  will  have  the  chance  to  present  his  or  her  encouraging  talk  in  a  TEDxTalk  of  10  minutes  on  the  stage  of  TEDxESADE,  an  event  which  will  be  held  on  May  4th  2017  at  the  EGarage,  ESADE  Sant  Cugat  campus.    All   5   finalists   will   be   involved   in   the   TEDxESADE   event   of   May   4th   but   only   one   will   be   a  speaker  on  the  stage.  The  winning  candidate  will  have  to  prepare  his  or  her  TEDxTalk  with  the  TEDxESADE  Speaker  Team.  The  candidate  will  be  required  to  give  his  or  her  full  availability  on  May  4th.  The  other  4  finalists  will  get  a  free  ticket  for  the  TEDxESADE  event.      Acceptance  of  the  rules    Anyone  who  registers   to  participate   in  TEDxESADE  Student  Contest   is  understood  as  having  expressly  and  unconditionally  accepted  the  rules  set  out  herein,  as  well  as  the  judgement  of  the  organising  team  in  the  resolution  of  any  issues  that  may  arise.        Image  rights  and  intellectual  property    By  participating  in  the  competition,  participants  consent  to  having  their  full  names  and  image  used  to  publicly  identity  them  and,  if  appropriate,  to  announce  their  status  as  winners.  Such  use  shall  not  confer  the  right  to  any  remuneration  or  benefit  other  than  access  to  the  award  (TEDx  speaker  spot  for  the  winner  or  a  free  ticket  for  the  other  4  finalists)  itself.    By  participating   in  TEDxESADE  2017  Student  Contest,  participants   transfer   to   the  organising  institutions  the  rights  of  reproduction,  distribution,  public  communication  and  transformation  set  out   in  current   intellectual  property  legislation  with  regard  to  the  presented  work  by  any  means,   for  the  maximum  duration  established  by   law,  and  at  the  worldwide   level,  and  they  also  authorise  the  organising  institutions  to  use  said  work  in  any  form  and  with  any  technical  medium.    

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Reservations  and  Limitations    TEDxESADE   reserves   the   right   to   change,   suspend   or  modify   this   contest   for   just   cause   or  reasons   of   force  majeure   that   prevent   it   from   being   carried   out   in   accordance   with   these  rules.   TEDxESADE   likewise   reserves   the   right   to   withdraw   or   modify   the  mechanics   of   the  promotion   should   it   be   necessary,   in  which   case   it  will   duly   announce   the   changes   via   the  same  media   in  which   the   promotion   has   been   published   and,  moreover,  will  modify   these  rules  as  it  sees  fit.      Participation   in   the  contest   is   intended  to   take  place  under  conditions  of  equal  opportunity  and  with  strict  respect  for  the  rules  of  good  faith.  Therefore,  any  participant  making  abusive  or   fraudulent  use  of   these   rules  and   regulations  or  engaging   in   irregular  behaviour   shall  be  disqualified  and  shall  forfeit  any  prize  that  he/she  may  have  obtained.      Simply  by  participating,  participants  in  this  contest  warrant  to  TEDxESADE  that  they  fully  and  freely  hold  the  intellectual  property  rights  to  the  submitted  videos,  thereby  releasing  it  from  any  third-­‐party  liability.