epq report guide

THE RESEARCH Remember – you need two kinds of research… PRIMARY (first hand research you’ve done yourself – i.e. a survey or interview)) SECONDARY (using other people’s research – e.g. reading a book)

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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l  Remember – you need two kinds of research…

l  PRIMARY (first hand research you’ve done yourself – i.e. a survey or interview))

l  SECONDARY (using other people’s research – e.g. reading a book)

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l  Questionnaires (at least 10 people/ 5 questions) -  You could find out what your potential target audience

would like to see in your artefact) -  You could find out what your potential target audience

thought of your product. -  You can create surveys quickly and easily using

survey monkey

l  Analysis -  Produce a sheet of results and represent inform of graphs/


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SECONDARY: l  Artefact Analysis

-  Analysis of conventions (regular features) of at least 2 similar products.

l  Skills Required -  Research into skills acquired to complete artefact. E.g.

l  Learning to use Photoshop/ Indesign software programmes

l  Interview/ Questioning techniques researched/ compiled to carry out professional interview

-  Produce a sheet of A4 showing sceengrabs of tutorials/ workshops undertaken or annotated guide or annotated question types.

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INTRO (50 words)

l  Background to project title idea l  Changes/ revisions to project idea/ title l  Intentions of project l  Proposed course of action to complete project

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RESEARCH (250 words) l  What you found out from your SECONDARY

research (analysis of similar artefacts). E.g. l  What have you found in books, magazines, online, journal

articles etc. Show the most useful quotes etc.

l  What you found out from your PRIMARY research. l  Outline a few key questions asked l  Show some graphs and charts to show results analysis.

l  Outline what you would conclude your target audience to be (Age/ likes/ dislikes etc)

l  Explain who your product is aimed at – think about whether its for a general audience or a ‘specialist’ product.

Ensure you include relevant terminology and language from the subject area to achieve a high grade.

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l  Review any skills and techniques you acquired and outline any success and achievements that helped you produce work to a professional standard. (E.g. using Photoshop, Indesign, Video editing/ cameras).

l  Put in a few screengrabs from your research sheet

Ensure you include relevant terminology and language from the subject area to achieve a high grade.

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PROJECT EVALUATION (500 words) l  Describe the process from start to finish that you

went through to create your artefact. l  Don't be afraid to put in any changes in direction of

your artefact design or content. l  Be sure to include and challenges and successes you

went through l  Review the strengths and weakness of your artefact in

comparison to a similar professional artefact. l  Conclude by suggesting how you would change,

review, encourage or give advice to anyone in a similar situation embarking on a similar project

Ensure you include relevant terminology and language from the subject area to achieve a high grade.

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•  List at least 10 sources for your research: •  These should include a mix of websites,

magazines, books. •  All sources should be referenced correctly

(check moodle page for reference guide)

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