extended project qualification (epq) for a level students · extended project qualification (epq)...

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) for A Level Students What is EPQ? EPQ is an extra qualification, equivalent to half an A level and worth UCAS points. The EPQ is highly valued by University Admissions staff, who regard it as an excellent preparation for study at university. EPQ is intended to take students beyond their A-level studies, and consequently topics chosen for investigation should not be ones which are already being studied as part of conventional A-level courses. The EPQ can be studied in the following ways: Who is this course for? The course is available as an additional one year subject. It is suitable for students who are able to work independently, manage their time effectively and manage their workload to set deadlines. What are the entry criteria The level of study required goes slightly beyond the level of most first year programmes. Since the EPQ can be on any topic, there is no specific requirement for individual subjects, however students will be expected to have a good overall GCSE profile, typically Bs or above. Head of Subject: Paul Yardley Head of Faculty: Rachel Hitchenor

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Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) for A Level Students

What is EPQ?

EPQ is an extra qualification, equivalent to half an A level and worth UCAS points. The EPQ is

highly valued by University Admissions staff, who regard it as an excellent preparation for study

at university. EPQ is intended to take students beyond their A-level studies, and consequently

topics chosen for investigation should not be ones which are already being studied as part of

conventional A-level courses. The EPQ can be studied in the following ways:

Who is this course for?

The course is available as an additional one year subject. It is suitable for students who are able

to work independently, manage their time effectively and manage their workload to set deadlines.

What are the entry criteria

The level of study required goes slightly beyond the level of most first year programmes. Since

the EPQ can be on any topic, there is no specific requirement for individual subjects, however

students will be expected to have a good overall GCSE profile, typically Bs or above.

Head of Subject: Paul Yardley

Head of Faculty: Rachel Hitchenor

Exam Board

AQA For more details go to http://web.aqa.org.uk/qual/projects/extended-project-epq.php

Course Details

The basic principles underlying EPQ are firstly that the focus of a project should be chosen by

the student; secondly, that it is the responsibility of the student to undertake the research needed

to complete the project; and thirdly, that the student should complete a production log recording

the process by which the project was realised.

The course is essentially defined by the student, although each student will be guided by a

member of the teaching staff. Taught elements of the course include: planning, research skills,

quality of evidence, plagiarism, referencing and presentation skills.

The project culminates in the completion of the report (together with any artefact) in which the

research findings are analysed, evaluated and fully referenced. The final part of the production

log is presentation of the student’s ‘EPQ Journey’.

Examples of recent EPQ projects completed by our students include:

What is the significance of the neutrino experiments carried out at CERN?

How far has Chinese society been affected by the ‘one child’ policy?

Why did women in Britain gain the vote in 1918, and did it make any difference to women’s


What is the importance of ice-core data in the debate about climate change?

How far have recent medical advances improved the lives of people who have cystic


How the course is delivered

Students will attend 2 x 70 minute lessons per week. One lesson per fortnight will address the

taught ‘skills’ necessary to the completion of the project. The remaining lessons will provide

some of the time to complete the EPQ and also have time for one to one support with the

supervising member of teaching staff.

What does the course lead to?

EPQ enhances the study skills of students and provides students with the experience of

independent learning which is characteristic of university study. Gaining the EPQ qualification

therefore is not only useful for the personal development of students, but also because it is highly

valued by universities as evidence of the ability of students to engage in research, independent

learning, and extended writing to explore an issue in some depth. In this way, EPQ can help

students gain a competitive edge when applying to university.

“The skills that students develop through the Extended Project are directly relevant to and useful

for university-level study. Students can refer to the Extended Project in their UCAS personal

statements and at interview to demonstrate some of the qualities that universities are looking

for. “ Manchester University

“If you have the opportunity, then undertaking an EPQ is a good idea. it develops your ability to

study independently and helps make the transition from school to university. As not everyone

has the opportunity to do this, we won't make an EPQ part of a formal offer but it's undoubtedly

of general educational value. If you're applying for a subject at Queens' that you haven't studied

at school, an EPQ is a good way to demonstrate your interest and commitment. “

Queens College, Cambridge

What can I do now that would help prepare me for this course? Think about what you find interesting (the influence of the Bauhaus movement, the photographic

style of Henri Cartier-Bresson, the mathematical discoveries of Isaac Newton, the evidence

which could be used to prove the existence of god, the auteur features of the films of Martin

Scorsese, etc) and what you might want to work on for four months. You might even undertake

some general reading to give you an initial feel for the subject – perhaps a biography or a more

academic book. In this way you will be better prepared when you start the project formally.