epiphany of our lord church - container.parishesonline.com

Epiphany of Our Lord Church PARISH STAFF Pastor………Rev. Mitch Byeck (Emergency Only 703-4066) Deacon .............................................................. Roy Dibb Parish Business Manager .... Sarah Jo Schmi, 337-2686 Faith Formaon Coord. ......... Tracy Tremblay, 870-3993 Music Director ............................... Jason Baer, 713-3181 Cantor/Leader of Song ................. Molly Baer, 863-1912 Facility Coord. (Volunteer) ......... Mary Ann Gabel, 337-2185 Maintenance (Volunteer) .......... Roger Powenski, 532-2947 PARISH LAY TRUSTEES .. Daniel Gabel Bonnie Hohman PASTORAL COUNCIL OFFICERS Chairperson ........................................... Roger Powenski Secretary ............................................... Bonnie Hohman Vicariate Council Representave .................. Marty Ptak Vicariate Council Representave .......... Mary Richmond PARISH MINISTRIES Bapsmal Prep Formaon ............................... Tina Kron Finance Commiee ......................... Colleen Hornberger Liturgy Commiee ..................................... Annee Noto OUTREACH MINISTRIES Compassion Ministry ................................. Anne Schmitz Bereavement ................ Contact Parish Office, 337-2686 PARISH HALL RENTAL: To reserve the hall for a funcon, please contact Mary Gae at 337-3150. WESHARE ONLINE GIVING: Now you can donate to Epiphany of Our Lord online! It is easy, convenient, and completely Safe! For more informaon go to www.epiphanyourourlordrc.com. BAPTISM: Contact the Parish Office to begin Infant Baptism preparation and/or to schedule a date. WEDDINGS: Couples planning to marry should contact the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make preparaons for Matrimony. FAITH FORMATION: Office located in the Parish Hall. Registraon & informaon can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. PARISH REGISTRATION: We welcome all newcomers and invite you to become involved in our faith life. Call the Parish Office to register or complete and return a parish registraon form available on our website. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Parishioners in good standing (married in the church, confirmed, praccing their faith) will be issued a cerficate upon request. DONATIONS & BEQUESTS: Imagine a gift that gives forever. Naming Epiphany of Our Lord in your will can provide multiple supports for the variety of ministries we offer. Call the Parish Office for more information. FORMED.ORG Code:V V X 6 A Z The diocese has set up a confidential hotline for individuals who wish to file a sexural abuse complaint. Call our Victim Assistance Coordinator, Jacqueline Joy, at 716-895-3010. Written complaints can be sent to Ms. Joy at Catholic Charities, 425 Main Street, Dunkirk, NY 14048. FEBRUARY 23RD AND 24TH SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 337-2686 Fax: 337-0028 www.epiphanyrc.com Email: [email protected] Facebook: Epiphany of Our Lord R.C. Parish Community Parish Office Hours: Mondays: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm Tuesdays: 9am to 12pm Wednesdays: 9am to 12pm Thursdays: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm Fridays: 9am to 12pm If you need to meet with Sarah Jo outside of office hours, please call for an appointment. MASS TIMES Weekday Masses: MondayFriday 8:30am in Rectory Chapel (Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 8:00am with the Rosary to follow MondayFriday in Rectory Chapel) Eucharisc Adoraon: Thursdays from 12pm-2pm in the Rectory Chapel Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00am CONFESSIONS 30 minutes before each weekend Mass and by appointment.

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Epiphany of Our Lord Church

PARISH STAFF Pastor………Rev. Mitch Byeck (Emergency Only 703-4066) Deacon .............................................................. Roy Dibb Parish Business Manager .... Sarah Jo Schmi!, 337-2686 Faith Forma!on Coord. ......... Tracy Tremblay, 870-3993 Music Director ............................... Jason Baer, 713-3181 Cantor/Leader of Song ................. Molly Baer, 863-1912 Facility Coord. (Volunteer) ......... Mary Ann Gabel, 337-2185 Maintenance (Volunteer) .......... Roger Powenski, 532-2947

PARISH LAY TRUSTEES .. Daniel Gabel • Bonnie Hohman

PASTORAL COUNCIL OFFICERS Chairperson ........................................... Roger Powenski Secretary ............................................... Bonnie Hohman Vicariate Council Representa!ve .................. Marty Ptak Vicariate Council Representa!ve .......... Mary Richmond

PARISH MINISTRIES Bap!smal Prep Forma!on ............................... Tina Kron Finance Commi"ee ......................... Colleen Hornberger Liturgy Commi"ee ..................................... Anne!e Noto

OUTREACH MINISTRIES Compassion Ministry ................................. Anne Schmitz Bereavement ................ Contact Parish Office, 337-2686

PARISH HALL RENTAL: To reserve the hall for a func#on, please contact Mary Ga$e at 337-3150.

WESHARE ONLINE GIVING: Now you can donate to Epiphany of Our Lord online! It is easy, convenient, and completely Safe! For more informa#on go to www.epiphanyourourlordrc.com.

BAPTISM: Contact the Parish Office to begin Infant Baptism preparation and/or to schedule a date.

WEDDINGS: Couples planning to marry should contact the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make prepara#ons for Matrimony.

FAITH FORMATION: Office located in the Parish Hall. Registra#on & informa#on can be obtained by emailing FaithForma#[email protected].

PARISH REGISTRATION: We welcome all newcomers and invite you to become involved in our faith life. Call the Parish Office to register or complete and return a parish registra#on form available on our website.

LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Parishioners in good standing (married in the church, confirmed, prac#cing their faith) will be issued a cer#ficate upon request.

DONATIONS & BEQUESTS: Imagine a gift that gives forever. Naming Epiphany of Our Lord in your will can provide multiple supports for the variety of ministries we offer. Call the Parish Office for more information. FORMED.ORG Code:V V X 6 A Z The diocese has set up a confidential hotline for individuals who wish to file a sexural abuse complaint. Call our Victim Assistance Coordinator, Jacqueline Joy, at 716-895-3010. Written complaints can be sent to Ms. Joy at Catholic Charities, 425 Main Street, Dunkirk, NY 14048.

FEBRUARY 23RD AND 24TH SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 337-2686 • Fax: 337-0028 • www.epiphanyrc.com

Email: [email protected] Facebook: Epiphany of Our Lord R.C. Parish Community

Parish Office Hours: Mondays: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm Tuesdays: 9am to 12pm

Wednesdays: 9am to 12pm Thursdays: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm

Fridays: 9am to 12pm

If you need to meet with Sarah Jo outside of office hours, please call for an appointment.

MASS TIMES Weekday Masses: Monday‒Friday 8:30am in Rectory Chapel

(Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 8:00am with the Rosary to follow Monday‒Friday in Rectory Chapel)

Eucharis#c Adora#on: Thursdays from 12pm-2pm in the Rectory Chapel Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:00pm • Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00am

CONFESSIONS 30 minutes before each weekend Mass and by appointment.

Compassion Ministry

To place someone on the prayer list, please complete and return a card available at the entrances of the church, or call the rectory. Individuals will remain on the list for 4 weeks unless the rectory is notified otherwise. If you have a loved on our list and they pass away, please let the parish office know.

Pat Allan, Alexandra Andrews, Lena Anzalone, Elaine Bauer, Linda Bettinger, Kathy Bley, Ernest Bracikowski, Kaitlyn Bunn, Mary Jane Butzer, Theresa Butzer, Chris Carnell, Joey Crocker, Paula Czora, Evelyn Dole, Norie Donhauser, Knoah Duggan, John Duggan, Karen Duggan, Otto Duggan, Suzanne Duggan, Daniel Dwyer, Diane Enser, Ron Enser, Sharon Fry, Baby Sam Gabel, Eddie Gabel, Sharon Gallagher, Dean Gallaway, Marion Gamel, Alice Marie Gates, Art Gernatt, Joseph “Duffer” Gernatt, Mark Grugel, Ron Hintz, Bob Holbrook, Jeanne Hutchings, Bee Jenson, Dennis Jensen, Dolores Kirst, Fran Kohn, Barbara Korthals, Daniel Kozub, Tom and Sue Kruse, Sara Mackey Dunn, Irma Martin, Diane May, Loretta McDonald, Wayne McNerney, Mary Meyer, Donna Motak, Millie Muehlbauer, Marty Niefergold, Jean Ott, Holly Pearce, Clark Phillips, Erik Powenski, Pat Ricotta, Ron Schmitt Sr., Wilfred Sion, Werner Stang, Baby Ava Stanier, Danielle Stark, Lorraine Stark, Sue Suita, John and Laura Thiel, David Timmons, Gary Wentland, Loretta Winkelman,

Regular Sunday Collection: $2,556.56 Loose Collection: $189.56

Number of Regular Offering Envelopes:103 Average Donation: $22.98

This Weekend’s Second Collection

Twice a year, we take up a Fuel and Heat collection to help cover the costs of heating the Parish Buildings.

As everyone knows, the cost of energy is always rising; Meanwhile, our aging buildings are often not as energy efficient. The fuel and heat collection helps to offset the costs of maintaining heat in the buildings

throughout the year.

Ash Wednesday– March 6th Did you know that the ashes used on Ash Wednesday are made by the burning of blessed palm leaves from previous year’s Palm Sunday Masses? If you have any palm leaves

which you would like to have used this year, please put them in one of the containers at the Church entryway on or

before Sunday, March 3rd.

Eucharistic Adoration Join us each Thursday from 12pm-2pm for Eucharistic Adoration in the Rectory Chapel. Come spend a few moments, or a few hours in the presence of the Lord.

Marriage Moment

A man tried everything he could think of to eradicate the weeds in his lawn. Finally, in desperation, he wrote to the Department of Agriculture, asking advice and listing every method he had tried. The reply? “We suggest you learn to

love them!” (Anonymous) Does your spouse have any faults you can learn to love?

Parenting Perspective

Boredom and frustration are part of life. Let your children experience both so that they can develop the

skills to overcome them.

Mass Intentions For the Week of February 24th (C) Church (R) Rectory Chapel

Sat, Feb 23rd: Vigil of The 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00pm (C) +Dave Schmitz By Joyce and Family Sunday, Feb 24th: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am (C) +Betty and Francis Gernatt By The Family 11:00am (C) +Otto Werneth By Hilde Werneth Monday, Feb 25th: Weekday 8:30am (R) Mary Regina Tremblay By Mom and Dad Tuesday, Feb 26th: Weekday 8:30am (R) All Epiphany of Our Lord Parishioners By Father Mitch Byeck Wednesday, Feb 27th: W eekday 8:30am (R) Richard Armbruster Sr. The Family Thursday, Feb 28th: Weekday 8:30am (R) +All Souls By Parish All Souls Intentions Friday, March 1st: Weekday– First Friday Devotions 8:30am (R) For All Parents and Children By Father Mitch Byeck Saturday, March 2nd: First Saturday Devotions 8:30am (R) For All Who Uphold the Sanctity of Life By Father Mitch Byeck Sat, March 2nd:Vigil of the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00pm (C) +Kate Wirth By Mr. and Mrs. Derek Zemla Sunday, March 3rd: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am (C) + Jane Haag By The Family 11:00am (C) +Skip and Lois Polzin By John and Annette Noto

The Sanctuary Candle in the Church is lit this week for Otto Werneth as requested by Hilde Werneth.

The Sanctuary Candle in the Rectory Chapel is lit this

week for Alice Dole’s birthday remembrance as requested by Pete and Cindy Renaldo.

Readings for the Week of February 24th Sun: 1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23/1 Cor 15:45-49/Lk 6:27-38 Monday: Sir 1:1-10/Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11/Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Sir 4:11-19/Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Sir 5:1-8/Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Sir 6:5-17/Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Sir 17:1-15/Mk 10:13-16 Next Sun: Sir 27:4-7/1 Cor 15:54-58/LK 6:39-45

Ministry Schedule

March 2nd 4pm

March 3rd 8:30am

March 3rd 11:00am

EMOHC Leonard Muehlbauer Elane Wittmeyer Toni Wittmeyer

Andre and Ginny Kowal Robin Hohman

Peg Siegle Kathy Zurek Marty Ptak

Lectors Mary Gattie Rose Rojek

Nicole Lauer Judy Palleschi

Dorothy Bracikowski Annette Noto

Altar serv. Dylan, Madison, and Mitchell Kehr

Peyton and Annabelle Koszelak

Jocelyn and Leslie Mesch

Greeters Chuck and Mary Richmond Bonnie Hohman Sally Castillo

Mary Strickfaden

Family Faith Formation News

Classes will resume Sunday March 3rd in the Parish Hall.

2019 Grand Raffle The 2019 Grand Raffle is under way! The Raffle tickets are available in the back of church, at the side door, or in the rectory

during office hours. The Grand Raffle Reception and drawing will take place Saturday March 16th at 7:00pm. Complimentary beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served. One ticket stub enters one

person to our Reception. Over $10,000 in prizes! Sellers have the chance to win as well!

1st Prize- $4,000.00 2nd Prize- $1,000.00 3rd Prize- $1,000.00

4th-6th Prizes- $500.00 7th-10th Prizes- $250.00 11th-20th Prizes- $100.00 21st-30th Prizes- $50.00

607 tickets have been sold so far!

The Winner of the $250 Early Bird Grand Raffle Drawing was Janet and George Gates!

Card Party Our next Card Party of this Season is next

Sunday, March 3rd at 1pm at the Langford New Oregon Fire Hall. It’s your

choice of Euchre or Pinochle. Players pay $7 each and after your game a home cooked, hot and

delicious meal is served and top scorers will get prizes!

Dear Epiphany Parishioners,

Thank you so much for the much needed items for the Tri-County Crisis Pregnancy Center. Your

outpouring of support is so appreciated but most importantly, being a light of hope to those less fortunate is

so welcomed. Thank you very much, we appreciate everything. God Bless! - Laura Valone

Catholic Charities Message Investing today in tomorrow’s future. Catholic

Charities wants to give others the tools to succeed in life, and that’s why we’re continuously making strides with our Workforce and Education Services. As the administrator of the Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative (ESPRI) in Niagara Falls, Catholic Charities

is working with the City of Niagara Falls and other partners to create a pipeline of social, educational,

and training services to bring Niagara Falls residents our of poverty and unemployment and into stable

employment. Additionally, Catholic Charities provides outreach, recruiting, career coaching, and

wrap-around case management at the Northland Workforce Training Center on Buffalo’s east side; and

recently celebrated the grand opening of its new workforce and education headquarters also on the

east side. It’s just one way we are helping our neighbors find hope. Will you help us in our mission?

Donate to the 2019 Appeal. Call 716-218-1400.

Upcoming Meetings & Events ¨ Mon. Feb 18th: Anointing Mass at 6:30pm in

Rectory Chapel ¨ Mon. Feb 25th: Adult Catechism at 6:30pm in

the Marian Room

¨ Sun. March 3rd: Card Party at LNOFD 1pm

¨ Wed. March 6th: Ash Wednesday Services 8:30am and 7pm

¨ Fri. March 8th: Daily Mass and Stations in Church

¨ Sat. March 9th: First Penance Retreat

¨ Sat. March 9th: Round and Square Dance 7:30pm-10:30pm in Parish Hall

¨ Sun. March 10th: First Communion Parent ’s Meeting

¨ Tue. March 12th: Pastoral Council Meeting 7pm in Parish Hall

Tuition Assistance available for Private Grammar Schools The BISON Children’s Scholarship Fund’s Pre-Application Forms are now available for NEW families for the 2019-20 school year. The BISON Fund provides tuition assistance to economically eligible children entering kindergarten-8th grade. If selected, the scholarships can be used at any private grammar school in WNY. The deadline to apply is February 28th, 2019. You can apply online at www.bisonfund.com. For more information call BISON at 716-854-0869.

Lenten Opportunities through Formed.org

Journey through Lent with Dr. Tim Gray! Set yourself up for a transformative 40 days with FORMED Lenten Reflections. Get

daily videos from esteemed Scripture expert Dr. Tim Gray delivered right to your inbox. Don’t miss a day of growing

closer to our Lord. Register at https://formed.org/promo/lent-registration

Relive the Most Important Week in History! This Lent join us for the first ever FORMED-wide book club! Readers will work

their way through Pope Emeritus Benedict’s masterpiece, Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week. Led by Father Joseph Fessio,

founder of Ignatius Press and former student of Pope Benedict, this book club will delve into the week of Christ’s

Passion in a discussion group right on FORMED. Father Fessio will kick off the book club on Monday, March 4th on FORMED Live! Tune in as he shares personal stories

about Pope Benedict’s influence on his own life and the worldwide impact of this important book.

Register at https://formed.org/promo/book-group-registration

Our Parish Code to get your free FORMED subscription is: V V X 6 A Z

Need help getting registered? Call Sarah Jo in the Parish Office!

Around the Area

Annual Paczki Day, sponsored by the Polish Heritage Dances of WNY, will take place on Sunday, March 3rd form 1-7pm at the Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral, 6298 Broadway, Lancaster. Special Delivery will be playing all your favorite polkas from 2-6pm; the Polish Heritage Dancers will take the stage at 3pm. Our Polish kitchen will be open for all your favorite Polish foods; Polish beer also available. There will be a theme basket raffle. Plenty of free parking and buses are welcome. For tickets, table reservations or more



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