enhancement of biomass production from spirulina sp

8/20/2019 Enhancement of Biomass Production From Spirulina Sp http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/enhancement-of-biomass-production-from-spirulina-sp 1/5 Enhancement of Biomass Production from Spirulina sp Cultivated in POME Medium Hadiyanto and Muhamad Maulana Azimatun Nur  Center of Bioprocess and Renewable Energy Department of Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University,  Jl.Prof oedarto !embalang emarang. Phone" #$%&' (&)$$*+, email" h.hadiyanto-ndip.ac.id Abstract  ndonesia is largest prod-cer cocon-t palm oil in the world. /s increasing in prod-ction, the palm oil mill efl-ent are also prod-ced in abo-t ))0 by 11B. Palm oil mill efl-ent processed by traditional aerobic open lagoon or by anaerob #P23ED' still has n-trition and can be -sed as medi-m for algae c-ltivation. !his research is p-rposed to find n-trient red-ction of pir-lina Platensis c-ltivated in P23ED and to find optim-m P23ED concentration -sed for algae c-ltivation. Research was done in two steps. /long first step, pir-lina Platensis was c-ltivated in %$0 P23ED concentration with red-ction n-trient variation #$0, %$0, *$0, ($0, and 4$0'. /t second step, first wee5, pir-lina was c-ltivated in different P23ED concentration #6$0, %$0, 7$0, &$0, *$0, )$0' with adding optim-m n-trient data obtained from first  step. !he research was contin-ed in second wee5 witho-t adding n-trient. 2ptical density was monitored every day -sing spectrophotometer with wave length )+$. /t the end of c-ltivation, medi-m was filtered to obtain wet biomass. /t first step, optim-m growth rate of Platensis was obtained in %$0 P23ED and *$0 n-trient red-ction. /t second step, first wee5, optim-m biomass *.4* g8r8l of . Platensis was obtained  from %$0 P23ED and at second wee5, optim-m biomass 4.+gr8l was obtained from &$0 P23ED. t is still needed ne9t research to meas-re characteristic of biomass.  Keyword: pir-lina Platensis, P23ED, optim-m biomassa, red-ction synthetic n-trient  Abstrak   ndonesia mer-pa5an negara penge5spor minya5 5elapa sawit terbesar di d-nia. eiring 5enai5an  prod-5sinya, limbah cair 5elapa sawit :-ga dihasil5an sebesar ))0 dari bahan ba5- 5elapa sawit. ;imbah cair 5elapa sawit yang telah diolah dengan metode tradisional aerob ata- anaeerob ba5 terb-5a #Palm 3ill 2il Effl-ent Digested' masih mengand-ng n-trisi yang dapat dimanfaat5an oleh alga. Penelitian ini bert-:-an -nt-5 mengetah-i peng-rangan n-trien pada 5-ltivasi pir-lina Platensis yang dibia55an pada  P23ED dan mengetah-i 5onsentrasi yang dig-na5an -nt-5 memperoleh biomassa optim-m. Penelitian dila5-5an dalam d-a tahap. elama tahap pertama, pir-lina di5-ltivasi pada %$0 P23ED dengan variasi n-trien #$,%$0, *$0, ($0, dan 4$0'. Pada tahap 5ed-a mingg- pertama pir-lina di5-ltivasi pada 5onsentrasi P23ED #6$0, %$0, 7$0, &$0, *$0, )$0' dengan penambahan n-trien sintetis optim-m yang didapat5an dari data tahap pertama. Pada mingg- 5ed-a dilan:-t5an tanpa penambahan n-trien.  3onitoring 2D #2ptical density' mengg-na5an spe5trofotometri dila5-5an setiap hari dengan pan:ang  gelombang )+$. Pada a5hir 5-ltivasi dila5-5an penyaringan biomassa dengan 5ain 5assa. <asil penelitian  pada tahap pertama men-n:-55an bahwa pir-lina Platensis dapat ber5embang bia5 dengan bai5 pada %$0  P23ED dengan peng-rangan n-trien sintetis sebesar *$0. Penelitian tahap 5ed-a mingg- pertama didapat5an biomassa optim-m dari %$0 P23ED sebesar *.4* gr8l berat basah.Penelitian tahap 5ed-a mingg- 5ed-a diperoleh biomassa optim-m dari &$0 P23ED sebesar 4.+ gr8l berat basah. Perl- dila5-5an  penelitian tahap lan:-t -nt-5 mengetah-i 5omposisi biomassa hasil 5-ltivasi.  Keyword: pir-lina Platensis, P23ED, biomassa optim-m, peng-rangan n-trien. ntroduction Indonesia is largest producer coconut palm in the world. At 2008, Indonesia produced 44% coconut palm 1

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Page 1: Enhancement of Biomass Production From Spirulina Sp

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Enhancement of Biomass Production from Spirulina sp

Cultivated in POME Medium

Hadiyanto and Muhamad Maulana Azimatun Nur

 Center of Bioprocess and Renewable Energy Department of Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University,

 Jl.Prof oedarto !embalang emarang. Phone" #$%&' (&)$$*+, email" h.hadiyanto-ndip.ac.id 


 ndonesia is largest prod-cer cocon-t palm oil in the world. /s increasing in prod-ction, the palm oil mill 

efl-ent are also prod-ced in abo-t ))0 by 11B. Palm oil mill efl-ent processed by traditional aerobic open

lagoon or by anaerob #P23ED' still has n-trition and can be -sed as medi-m for algae c-ltivation. !his

research is p-rposed to find n-trient red-ction of pir-lina Platensis c-ltivated in P23ED and to find 

optim-m P23ED concentration -sed for algae c-ltivation. Research was done in two steps. /long first step,

pir-lina Platensis was c-ltivated in %$0 P23ED concentration with red-ction n-trient variation #$0,

%$0, *$0, ($0, and 4$0'. /t second step, first wee5, pir-lina was c-ltivated in different P23EDconcentration #6$0, %$0, 7$0, &$0, *$0, )$0' with adding optim-m n-trient data obtained from first 

 step. !he research was contin-ed in second wee5 witho-t adding n-trient. 2ptical density was monitored 

every day -sing spectrophotometer with wave length )+$. /t the end of c-ltivation, medi-m was filtered to

obtain wet biomass. /t first step, optim-m growth rate of Platensis was obtained in %$0 P23ED and 

*$0 n-trient red-ction. /t second step, first wee5, optim-m biomass *.4* g8r8l of . Platensis was obtained 

 from %$0 P23ED and at second wee5, optim-m biomass 4.+gr8l was obtained from &$0 P23ED. t is still 

needed ne9t research to meas-re characteristic of biomass.

 Keyword: pir-lina Platensis, P23ED, optim-m biomassa, red-ction synthetic n-trient 


 ndonesia mer-pa5an negara penge5spor minya5 5elapa sawit terbesar di d-nia. eiring 5enai5an

 prod-5sinya, limbah cair 5elapa sawit :-ga dihasil5an sebesar ))0 dari bahan ba5- 5elapa sawit. ;imbah

cair 5elapa sawit yang telah diolah dengan metode tradisional aerob ata- anaeerob ba5 terb-5a #Palm 3ill 

2il Effl-ent Digested' masih mengand-ng n-trisi yang dapat dimanfaat5an oleh alga. Penelitian ini

bert-:-an -nt-5 mengetah-i peng-rangan n-trien pada 5-ltivasi pir-lina Platensis yang dibia55an pada

 P23ED dan mengetah-i 5onsentrasi yang dig-na5an -nt-5 memperoleh biomassa optim-m. Penelitian

dila5-5an dalam d-a tahap. elama tahap pertama, pir-lina di5-ltivasi pada %$0 P23ED dengan variasi

n-trien #$,%$0, *$0, ($0, dan 4$0'. Pada tahap 5ed-a mingg- pertama pir-lina di5-ltivasi pada

5onsentrasi P23ED #6$0, %$0, 7$0, &$0, *$0, )$0' dengan penambahan n-trien sintetis optim-m yang 

didapat5an dari data tahap pertama. Pada mingg- 5ed-a dilan:-t5an tanpa penambahan n-trien.

 3onitoring 2D #2ptical density' mengg-na5an spe5trofotometri dila5-5an setiap hari dengan pan:ang 

 gelombang )+$. Pada a5hir 5-ltivasi dila5-5an penyaringan biomassa dengan 5ain 5assa. <asil penelitian

 pada tahap pertama men-n:-55an bahwa pir-lina Platensis dapat ber5embang bia5 dengan bai5 pada %$0 P23ED dengan peng-rangan n-trien sintetis sebesar *$0. Penelitian tahap 5ed-a mingg- pertama

didapat5an biomassa optim-m dari %$0 P23ED sebesar *.4* gr8l berat basah.Penelitian tahap 5ed-a

mingg- 5ed-a diperoleh biomassa optim-m dari &$0 P23ED sebesar 4.+ gr8l berat basah. Perl- dila5-5an

 penelitian tahap lan:-t -nt-5 mengetah-i 5omposisi biomassa hasil 5-ltivasi.

 Keyword: pir-lina Platensis, P23ED, biomassa optim-m, peng-rangan n-trien.

ntroduction Indonesia is largest producer coconut palm in theworld. At 2008, Indonesia produced 44% coconut palm


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shared demand from around the world (Rupani, et al.

2010. At 200! to 2008, the production o"tained up to8.88% and predicted at 2010 to 2014, the productionwill grow in a"out !.22% per annum (a"out 28.4#$thousand tons. he fresh fruit "unch has a potention to

 "e a palm oil mill effluent con&erted from '' ))%along in process of palm oil.

!able"#" Comodities of ndonesia a$riculture %&#&'%&#(

*ource+deptan, 200$

Almost of waste water coconut palm oil industriesin Indonesia is processed using open lagoon aero"ic todecrease - and - content. he characteristic of /- "efore and after treated using aero"ic method islisted "elow.

!able"%" POME and POME) Characteristic

all in ppm e3cept p.(a"i" et al, 1$$8, 200#

/- (/alm mill oil effluent has organic matter (/hang 1$$0, a"i" et al, 1$$8, another mineral andnitrogen. his waste can "e used as source of algaemedium after treated using "acteria acti&iti5 in aero"icor anaero"ic process (/hang 1$$06 hui, 1$$#6 7eethaet al 1$$4 in a"i" et al, 1$$#.

he research in /- (/alm ill -il ffluentigested as medium of hlorella ulgaris was done

 "5 a"i" et al  (200# for 9oo plan:ton oina icruraat 10% concentration and the product contains high/;'A, AA and essential mineral. Another research,a5angsari (2011, was reported that *. /latensis will

need more time to o"tain optimum growth if higher /- concentration is used as medium cult&iation.-ptimum growth *. /latensis was o"tained in !0%/- concentration and needs 1#4 da5s. he researchwas not purposed to o"tain high "iomass.


Research in using /- as su"titution of nutrient

s5nthetic is still low. <ast research, /ermatasari (2011,reported that *. /latensis can grow in $0% /- anduse 10% s5nthetic nutrient in photo"ioreactor and

 produces 0.2)=gr>l dr5 "iomass in two wee:s. he

 "iomass is still low. In another related research, *./latensis was culti&ated in so5"ean waste and o"tain0.$gr>l dr5 "iomass in !% concentration "5 modified?/ ratio of s5nthetic medium (@ong:on, et al. 2008.

his research is potential if applied in /-, "ut thereis pro"lem in using low waste concentration. his

research is purposed to find optimum reduction of s5nthetic nutrient as su"tituent and optimum "iomassusing different /-.


POME) *aste

/- waste was collected from //? =<ampung in 4th  open pond lagoon. he waste thenfiltered to separate impurities such sand etc.

Spirulina sp

*pirulina sp was collected from //A @epara.Algae was acclimated in 20% /- medium for 1month. *pirulina used as inocumum was 0.) -)80 10%of &olume.

+ro,th Condition

 ?utrient used as control was modified fromangladesh s5nthetic nutrient ?o.# (hatum et al,1$$4, consist of 1gr>l ?a-#, !0 ppm ;rea, 10 ppm*/ and !0mcg>l 12 itamin. Agitation source was air aBuarium aeration. p was adCusted in $D10.! andsource of light was from neon lamp 4000D)000 lu3

intensit5. edium was placed in flas: glass 1 < &olume"

-irst E.periment

'irst e3periment is purposed to culti&ate *pirulina in20% /- and different nutrient s5nthetic addition(0, 20%, !0%, =0%, $0%. he culti&ation was done in= da5s to o"tain optimum nutrient reduction as

su"tituent of /-. ?utrient was added in e&er5 2da5s.Second E.periment

*econd e3periment is purposed to culti&ate *pirulina spin different /- concentration (10%, 20%, #0%,40%, !0%, )0% and using optimum nutrient o"tained

from first e3periment. he research was done in 1)da5s. At first 8 da5s, nutrient was added to medium. Atsecond 8 da5s, the nutrient was not added to medium.

Measurementeasurement was started from 0 da5 usingspectrophotometer non ; I* with wa&e length )80.

edium was measured in e&er5 da5. iomass wascollected in second e3periment, from first wee: andsecond wee: "5 using filter cloth.

/esult and )iscussion

-irst E.periment

At first e3periment, *. /latensis was culti&ated in 20%/- using different nutrient reduction. ontrol&aria"le is medium I, using fresh water and without


Comodities0ear +ro,th

1annum%&## %&#% %&#2

o. /alm 24.42$ 2!.04) 2=.04) !.22%

Ru""er 2.=11 2.=41 2.==1 1.10%

oconut #.2$0 #.#1= #.#48 0.8)%

Parameter3 POME POME)

pH #.$1D4.$ 4D)

CO) 8##!) 2122=.!

!SS 4$2##.!= 4=$8.!

!otal N 14$4.)) 4!)

NH2'N !0.42 #4.2

PO('P #1!.#) )8.4

C4N4P /atio $$.12+ 4.=4+1.0 11).#=+ ).)=+1.0

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reduce nutrient addition. he medium is measured "5

using optical densit5 and o"tained optimum growth ratefrom I &aria"le (!0% reduction, followed "5 &aria"le (=0% reduction III (20% reduction, I ($0%reduction and II (without reduction.

-i$"#" /esult in first e.periment O) vs )ays in )ifferent

Nutrient addition

!able 2" /esult in )ifferent Nutrition Addition

a"i" et al., (1$$8 e3plained that raw /-contains ?/ ratio (weight $$,12+4,=+1,0. Algae needs?/ ratio to grow !)+$+1 (/hang E -ng, 1$88. If /- used to medium is 20%, ?/ ratio in mediumwill "e 1$.2+1.)8+0.2. o reach ideal ?/ ratio, medium

needs additional nutrient with ?/ ratio #).8+=.#2+0.8

he ratio is ta:en from "icar"onate as source of car"on,urea as source of nitrogen, and tri super phosphate assource of phosporus. If assumed "iomass produced "5*pirulina sp 0.!gr>l>da5 dr5 "asis, it needs 0.28gr>l, ?0.04#gr>l, and / 0.00)gr>l or calculate per da5 as

1.$)gr>l, ? 0.#01gr>l and / 0.042gr>l. At 20% /-medium alread5 cointains 1.)gr>l, 0.0228gr>l ?, and0.0#=gr>l /, so there is needed 0.#)gr>l , 0.0=#gr>l ?and 0.00=8gr>l /.

aria"le I uses !0% nutrient reduction with 2 da5addition, 0.) ?a-#, 0.02!gr>l urea, and 0.00!gr>l

*/ or calculated in atomic 0.08!gr>l, ? 0.011gr>l,and / 0.001!gr>l. And calculated in one wee:, 0.2$gr>l,

0.0#8gr>l, and 0.00!2gr>l. his composition is alread5reach teoritical nutrition demand in medium. Assumed

that air agitation also contains and ?, so medium will

complete to gain ideal ?/. ?e3t high growth rate is&aria"le with =0% reduction. he s5nthetic nutrientcalculation is 0.1=gr>l, 0.022gr>l, and 0.00#1gr>l. hiscomposition is little far from medium demand (0.#)gr>l

, 0.0=#gr>l ?, 0.00=8gr>l /, "ut the growth rate ishigher than &aria"le III (#0% reduction with ?/

contains in medium 40.)gr>l , 0.0!#gr>l ?, 0.0=2gr>l /.and &aria"le II (0% reduction. Along ?/ in mediumreach ideal condition, algal growth "ecome sta"le. ute3ces nutrient in medium (such &aria"le III and II andlac: nutrient (&aria"le I will influence growthcondition.

un, et al., (1$8$ e3plained that e3cess nutrientcan lowering growth rate "ecause not all nutrient can "ea"sor"ed to algae cell and nutrient con&erted to to3icmater. *uminto and ira5ama (1$$) reported in their research that high spesific growth rate indicates algae

cell has rapid lag phase time. In medium that containse3cess nutrient or lac: of nutrient, algae tend to needsmore time to ma:e addaption.

In addaption time, cells needs enFim andsu"strate concentration to grow. ?utrient is diffused "5algae "ecause of different concentration in algae celland medium. At &aria"le I, medium has as higher 

concentration nutrient as algae concetration needed sothe addaption time "ecome faster. (hilmawati E*uminto, 2008.

Second E.periment

he research was splitted in two steps. *tep one (8da5s 1st , *pirulina was culti&ated in different /-concentration "ut same s5nthetic nutrient !0%reduction. (0.!gr>l ?a-#, 1!ppm urea, !ppm */to o"tain optimum "iomass. *tep two (8 da5s 2nd,culti&ated was continued without s5nthetic nutrient

addition to deterimine optimum "iomass produced frome3cess nutrient contained in medium. (for resulte3periment see ta"le 4 "elow

-irst Step

At first step, -)80  optimum was collected from

&aria"le II, followed "5 &aria"le III and I. -ptimum

specific growth rate collected from &aria"le II, I, andIII. ifferent - and specific growth rate occurred in&aria"le I and III. Another &aria"le remained specificgrowth rate decreased along - &alue. It e3plained that&aria"le I has higher "iomass than &aria"le III "ut has

lower growth rate.

!able 5" /esult Cultivation in )ifferent POME) and 5&6

Synthetic Nutrition /eduction


MediaNutrien 7in m$1l8

/ 9 ?a-# ;rea */


water 1200 )0 20 0% 0.1!2



1200 )0 20 0% 0.0=0

$)0 40 1) 20% 0.114

)00 2! 10 !0% 0.142

240 1! ) =0% 0.1#4

120 ! 2 $0% 0.10=

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total nutrient in medium (nutrient in /- G s5nthetic


At &aria"le I, total ?/ ratio reached 48.2+).8+1.his ratio almost near ?/ ideal algae !)+$+1 (-ng E/hang, 1$88. ut the "iomass and growth rate has

little lower than &aria"le II (?/ total ratio #1.$+4.)+1.

Accordint to ?/ total weight (in ppm in medium,&aria"le I has little source than &aria"le II. ased fromcalculation, assumed that algae produced =gr>l in 8da5s, alge needs #$20 ppm , )#0 ppm ?, and =0ppm/. in &aria"le I, medium onl5 contain 82#ppm ,

12!,$ppm ? and 1=ppm /. *o nutrient suppl5 is lower than &aria"le II, although it has "etter ?/ ratio.

-i$"%" Comparison bet,een variables in ,ee:

omparing from &aria"le III, &aria"le I has little "iomass "ut has lower "iomass. It indicates that&aria"le I has "etter adaptation time from the medium "ecause of ?/ ratio has "etter than &aria"le III. ut ithas lower "iomass "ecause of nutrition suppl5 is lower 

than &aria"le III. In another point, &aria"le III has more

dar: colour than &aria"le I, so the light can not penetrate well in medium and interupt culti&ation.a"i" et al., (200# reported that /- a"o&e 20%interupt in hlorella growth to reach stationar5 phase.ar: colour in /- interupt in growth rate of algae.

Another research, Anton et al., (1$$4 also reported thatalgae can grow in optimum 14% /-, followed "510%, 20% and #0% "ecause suppl5 nutrient and ?/ratio in medium is match for alage growth.

Second Step

At second step, culti&ation continued without

adding s5thetic nutrition. -ptimum "iomass wascollected from &aria"le I, with /- 40%concentration and "iomass $.8gr>l, followed "5 &aria"le and I. Another &aria"le (I,II, and III tend to reach

death phase little faster than &aria"le I, , and I, "ased "5 specific growh rate. Along with higher e3cess

nutrient containing in medium, algae still grow welland it can prolong spirulina growth to enter in death phase.

!able ;" /esult in %nd Step ,ithoud Addin$ Synthetic



?/ data "ased from theoritical calculation spirulina

a"ilit5 a"sor"ed !$% , $% ?, 1% /

-i$"2" Comparison Bet,een <ariables in *ee:

hilmawati and *uminto (2008 reported that death

 phase occures when algae cell reach optimum production, culture can not maintain cell "od5 "ecauselac: of nutrient in medium, and slowl5 l5sis or dissapear into medium ('ogg E ha:e, 1$8=. iomassfrom 2nd wee: has lower weight than "iomass 1 st wee:.(ta"le #.2.

aria"le I, , and I still ha&e growing acti&ities "ut slowl5 decrease from da5 1#, and 14. aria"le Ihas optimum "iomass "ecause there is "alanced from

nutrient suppl5 and ?/ ratio is "etter than &aria"le and I (ta"le #.2. According to ?/ e3cess, &aria"le and I still much high nutrient in medium "ut "iomass is low. here is could "e dar: colour containing in medium pre&ent light to enter andlowering growth rate of *. /latensis. a5angsari (2011

also reported that *pirulina culti&ated in higher /-concetration also needs more time to reach optimum

 production. ased "5 theotrical matter, *. /latensis at&aria"le and I could reach higher "iomass and still


/-+?+/ ratio 9 =

10% 48.2+).8+1 0.1#4 !.88

20% #1.$+4.)+1 0.1#) !.$!##0% 28.!+4+1 0.1#4 !.)8!

40% 2).=+#.8+1 0.1#4 4.)$=

!0% 24.=+#.!+1 0.1## 4.))2

)0% 24.1+#.4+1 0.12! 2.82)

ar ? / H

I D218!.4$ D#=1.2 D#!.$ D 4.4#

II D14!1.8 D2)2.== D0.## D !.28

III D4=1.! D12#.)! #8.)! D !.8!

I 8=4.88 80.2= 84.8# 0.0#14 $.8

1)$).8= 1$8.42 121.48 0.02=1 8.=

I #!2=.42 4=8.)) 1=).14 0.02)= ).8#

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needs more time to reach optimum production (more

than 14th  da5, "ut lac: of nutrient could "e to3ic inmedium and pre&ent spirulina to grow (un, et al.,1$8$.


*pirulina /latensis can grow well in 20% /-and use reducition of !0% s5nthetic modified nutrient.

*pirulina /latensis also produced optimum "iomass at1st wee:, !.$!gr>l with adding !0% s5nthetic nutrient in20% /-. he research was continued and produced optimum "iomass at 2nd wee:, $.8gr>l withoudadding nutrient in 1# da5s. here still needed ne3tresearch to measure "iomass characteristic.


/ > reduction s5nthetic nutrient9  J specific growth rate (da5D1

= > "iomass (gr>l in wet massCJ car"on (ppm

N J nitrogen (ppm

P J posphor (ppm


Anton, A., . usnan and A.R.. ussin. 1$$4.ffects of palm oil mills effluent on algae./roceedings of the onference on Algaliotechnolog5 in the AsiaD/acific Region, Algal

iotechnolog5 in the AsiaD/acific Region,;ni&ersiti ala5a, uala <umpur, ala5sia+#20D#2#.&iological Kastes 2!+ 1==D1$1.

hilmawati, iana dan *uminto. 2008. he ;sed of ifferent ulture edium on the 7rowth of hlorella sp. @urnal *ainte: /eri:anan ol.4,1, 42D

4$.eptan. 200$. Rancangan Rencana *trategis

ementrian /ertanian ahun 2010D2014.'ogg, 7. . E ha:e, . 1$8= Algal cultures and

 ph5toplan:ton ecolog5. ;ni&ersit5 of Kisconsin

/ressa"i", .A.., '.. Lusoff, *.. /hang, .*.

amarudin and *. ohamed. 1$$8. hemicalcharacteristics and essential nutritients of agroindustrial effluents in ala5sia. Asian'isheries *cience 11(#+ 2=$D28).

a"i", .A.., '.. Lusoff, *.. /hang, .*.amarudin and *. ohamed. .200#.7rowth and ?utritional alues of  3oina micr-ra 'ed onChlorella v-lgaris 7rown in  igested /alm -ilill ffluent.  /sian 1isheries cience 1) + 10=D11$.

@ong:on, /., . *iripen and .<. Richard, 2008. heoptimum ?+ / ratio of :itchen wastewater and oilDe3tracted fermented so5"ean water for culti&ationof *pirulina platensis+ pigment content and "iomass production. Int. @. Agric. iol., 10+ 4#=M 441.

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