empormontt maritime dictionary es-en.pdf

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    Abarloar: to come alongside

    Abatimiento: leeway, drift

    Abatir: to fall off, tend leeward

    Abrigo: harbor, inlet, cove

    Abordar: to crash or bump one ship against another

    Aclarar: to clear

    Acoderar: to bring the broadside to bear, to anchor broadside on

    Acollador: lanyard

    Acuartelar: to flat or haul in the jib

    Achicar: pump out the bilge

    Achicador: pump



    Adrizar: to right itself

    Adujar: to curl up

    Alefriz: mortise, rabbet

    Aleta: place on a ship

    Alma: center of a curled rope

    Alunamiento: curve of boltrope

    Amadrinar: to splice together, join

    Amainar: to calm, lessen, reduce

    Amante: rope, pendant

    Amantillo: lift, topping lift

    Amarra: mooring line, cable or rope

    Amura: bow timbers, tack of a sail

    Anclote: kedge anchor

    Aparadura: garboard

    Aparejar: to rig, fit out

    Aparejo: rigging



    Apopar: balance out

    Arboladura: masts and yards; rigging

    Ardiente: bring into the wind

    Arganeo: anchor ring

    Armar: ready a ship to launch

    Arraigado: lashing, mooring line or chain

    Arrancada: starting jerk, sudden start

    Arranchar: to skirt, sail close to

    Arrufo: sheer of a ship

    Arribar: to drift with the wind, to fall off to leeward

    Arrumbamiento: course

    Atracar: to bring alongside

    Atracada: docking, berthing

    Azimut: azimuth

    Azocar: to tighten up (a knot)



    Babor: port side

    Balandrajo: sloop

    Baliza: buoy, beacon

    Baluma: after-leach rope

    Bancada: rowers bench, bank

    Banda: side of ship

    Bandazo: lurch, violent heave or roll to one side

    Baera: wash tub

    Baos: beam

    Barloventear: to ply to windward

    Barlovento: windward

    Bargrafo: barograph

    Barmetro: barometer

    Batten: cutlass

    Baupres: bowsprit

    Bichero: boathook



    Bitcora: binnacle, compass case

    Bita: bitt, cleat

    Bolina: bowline, sounding line

    Borda: gunwale, main sail

    Borde: board, side of a ship

    Bordejear: to tack back and forth

    Borneo: twisting at anchor, space to turn around a ship

    Botaln: boom

    Botavara: gaff, boom

    Botazo: boot, cushion, bumper

    Boyarin: float or be afloat

    Boza: stopper, small boat, mooring line

    Braza: fathom, brace rope

    Brazola: coaming

    Brazos: boom, jib





    Cazar: to tally or haul in

    Centro de carena: the center of the part below water of a ship

    Centro de gravedad: center of gravity

    Centro de resistencia lateral: lateral resistance center of a shipCentro vlico: point where the wind force hits the sail

    Ceir: to sail against the wind with the least angle possible

    Cepo: a piece of metal attached to the middle of the anchor

    Cerrazn: a blanket of storm clouds

    Chalana: small embarkation project, on the surface

    Chalupa: an old measure, a small embarkation that can carries two mast

    Chata: a small flat bottom boat with large cargo capacity

    Chicote: extreme end of a cable or chain

    Chicha: absolute calm

    Chinchorro: a small auxiliary boat

    Chubasquera: rain cover

    Ciar: to put about, to turn around

    Cintn: a wooden structure that goes on the back of a ship

    Codaste: sternpost

    Cockpit: cockpit

    Codera: stern fast

    Comps: compass

    Comps magntico: magnetic compass

    Compensacin: actions to compensate for magnetic variations

    Condiciones marineras: sea conditions

    Conserva: a company that puts two or more boats at sea

    Cornamusa: a substance to make a rope or cable stiff

    Corredera: an instrument to measure the distance traveled to determine speed

    Correr: to sail in bad weather with little or no sail

    Costados: to turn broadside

    Costillas: ribs of a ship



    Cote: a simple tie of a rope

    Coz: base of a top mast

    Crucetas: crosstree

    Cruja: midship gangwayCruz: center of a sail yard, throat of an anchor

    Cuaderna: frame of a hull, main ribs or timbers of a ship

    Cuadernal: block, block and tackle

    Cuaderno de bitcora: a notebook or log with all of the information to navigate

    Cuadra: quarter, width of beam

    Cuadrante: log bearings on a nautical chart

    Cuarta: rhumb, point of a compass

    Cuartern: large scale nautical map

    Cubierta: deck

    Cubierta principal: main deck

    Cuchilla/o: full triangular sail

    Culebra, culebrilla: cable or line

    Culebrear: to zig zag

    Cuter: cutter

    Dracn: a commercial brand name for cloth used for sails

    Declinacin magntica: magnetic declination

    Defensas: bumpers or buoys to keep ships from rubbing up against the dock

    Demora: bearing

    Deriva: to drift

    Derivar: drift or go off course

    Derrame: leakage of wind (through boltropes)

    Derrota: ships course

    Derrotero: course, route, collection of charts

    Desabrigado: without harbor, abandoned

    Desarbolar: to get clear after a collision

    Desarmar: to dismantle and lay up (a ship)

    Desatracar: to push off from the pier, to sheer away from the coast



    Descuartelar: to navigate with the wind

    Desentalingar: to unbend, unfasten (a cable from an anchor ring)

    Desplazamiento: displacement

    Desvo: diversion, deviationDinghy: dinghy or small boat

    Draga: dredge

    Driza: halyard

    Durmiente: shelfpiece

    Embarrancar: to run aground

    Embestir: to run into another boat

    Embicar: to steer straight for land

    Empaquetadura: something put between two surfaces

    Empavesado: ships dressing or bunting

    Empopada: sailing before the wind

    Encalmarse: to calm down

    Encallar: to run aground

    Encapilladura: the top of the mast

    Encepar: to foul (the anchor)

    Enfachar: to put the bow into the wind

    Enfilacin: to stay on a straight line or on course

    Engalanado: bedecked

    Enjaretado: wooden grating or latticework

    Entalingar: to clinch a cable to the anchor ring

    Entena: lateen yard, long beam

    Envergar: to bend the sails, to fasten the sails to the yard

    Escala de una carta: the difference between a drawn object and its real size, scale

    Escala de gato: catwalk

    Escala de tojino: a fixed ladder usually made of steel rungs

    Escandalosa: gaff, top sail

    Escadallo: sounding-lead, trail

    Escarceo: choppiness of the sea



    Escoben: the opening on the ship from which the anchor is raised/lowered

    Escollo: reef

    Escora: line running through point of curvature, shore, prop, list, heel

    Escota: sheetEscuadra: crew

    Eslora: length, binding strakes of the deck, total length

    Espejo: fantail curvature or surface

    Espia: a name given to a cable on a boat

    Espiche: a hole made to empty water

    Estanco: watertight, leak proof, seaworthy

    Estanqueidad: water tightness

    Estay: stay, mainstay

    Estela: wake of a ship,

    Estima: dead reckoning

    Estribor: starboard

    Estrobo: grommet, strap

    Estropada: inertia of a tied up ship

    Fibra de vidrio: fiberglass

    Filar: to case out, to pay out (as rope)

    Filastica: rope yarn, rope strands

    Flechaste: ratline

    Fondeadero: anchorage place, anchoring ground

    Fogonadura: mast-hole

    Fondear: to anchor, cast anchor, to sound (the depth of water)

    Fondo: bottom, seabed

    Foque: jib, balloon sail

    Fortuna: storm, tempest

    Forro: planking, sheathing, covering

    Fragata: frigate

    Fraile: a piece of wood used in the stern of a ship to tie down things

    Franco: a wind that allows for straight forward sailing without tacking



    Francobordo: a vertical measurement from the flotation line to the top of the cabin

    Gallardete: pennant, streamer

    Galleta: top piece of a mast or sail made of metal or plastic

    Garete: to be adrift, driftGarrear: to drag the anchor

    Garrucho: grommet, cringle

    Gatera: the tube that the anchor chain comes out of

    Gaza: splice, noose, strap, loop

    Goleta: schooner

    Grampn: small grapnel

    Grandes veleros: old sailing ships

    Gratil: leech (of a sail), slings, middle of yard

    Grillete: a u bolt of multiple use on a ship

    Grmpola: pennant, streamer

    Groera: rope hole

    Guaira: leg-of-mutton sail

    Gualdrapear: to flap (sails)

    Guardacabo: iron ring bound with rope to prevent chafing

    Guardamancebo: man-rope

    Guindaleza: ships cable, hawser

    Guindola: life buoy, log chip, boatswains chair

    Guiada: yaw, lurch

    Hacer cabeza: when the anchor hits bottom

    Hembra: grudgeon

    Imbornal: drain hole

    Izar: hoist, to haul up

    Jarcia: all of the ropes or cables on a boat

    Jarcia firme: rope or cable storage area on a boat

    Jarcia mvil o de labor: rope storage area

    Ketch: ketch, smack

    Kevlar: Kevlar



    Landa fija: metal hook

    Landa mvil: moveable metal hook

    Lantia: binnacle lamp

    Lanzamiento: casting awayLargo: wind along the ship

    Lastre: ballast,

    Latitud: Lattitude

    Levar: raise the anchor from the ocean floor or bottom

    Limera: rudder hole, helmpool

    Lnea de cruja: line along the length of the ship

    Lnea de fe: direction of the bow as indicated on the magnetic compass

    Lnea de flotacin: flotation line

    Lnea de posicin: position line

    Llamador: a cable piece

    Longitud geogrfica: Geographic longitude

    Lua: lee

    Lumbrera: porthole

    Machos: rudder pintle

    Maestra: main mast

    Manga: width of a ship

    Maniobra: exercise, practice

    Mano de rizos: to take in the reefs

    Mapa: map or nautical chart

    Marcacin: relative bearing, taking ships bearing

    Mstil: mast, top mast,

    Matafiones: small ropes that make the sail stiff

    Mayor: main (mast)

    Mecha: spindle, main part of mast

    Mena: thickness of cordage

    Mesana: mizzen mast or sail

    Milla nutica: nautical mile



    Molinete: winch

    Mordaza: hawschole clamp (stops or slows exit of anchor chain)

    Morder: to tighten, bite or clamp down, strike bottom

    Mortero: inner compass boxMosquetn: a metal piece to tighten up a connection

    Motn: topping block

    Muerto: heavy anchor

    Mylar: mylar

    Navegacin: navigation, the art of sailing or piloting a ship

    Nervadura, nervio: structural re-enforcement that makes material or fiber glass lines stiffer or

    more rigid

    Norte del comps: north by compass

    Norte geogrfico: geographic north or true north

    Norte magntico: magnetic north

    Nudo: a knot, measure of speed

    Obenque: the cables that hold the mast up

    Obenquillo: shroud, guy, shifters

    Obra muerta: the part of the hull that is out of the water

    Obra viva: the part of the hull that is below the water line

    Ollao: eyelets of the sail or shades

    Orejas de burro: a way of navegating

    Orla: wood or metal covers

    Orza: sail set into the wind

    Orzar: luff, luffing, turning into the wind

    Pabelln: the national flag

    Pairear, ponerse al pairo: to decrease speed

    Palmear: a wooden flooring used on a ship

    Pala: the flat, wide part of the oar that is submerged in the water or the entire oar

    Palo: main supporting structure of the sail

    Palo seco: all sails secured or stowed

    Pantoque: part of the hull, the transition between the bottom and the side, usually curved



    Pao: all of the material that makes up the sail

    Pasamanos: handrails, gangway

    Pasteca: snatch block

    Pendura: anchor suspended below waterPenol: yardarm, peak, very close

    Percha: headrail

    Pico: gaff, top of mast support

    Pico de loro: part of the anchor

    Pie de amigo: part of mast

    Pie de gallo: cable or rope

    Pinula: sight, pinnule

    Pinzote: tiller, pintle

    Plano lateral: vertical plane

    Pluma: carto lift

    Popa: stern of a ship

    Portaespa: metal device used to prevent damage to ropes or cables

    Prctico: harbor pilot

    Proa: bow

    Publicaciones nuticas: nautical material such as sea tables, charts

    Puesta a punto: sail position at its maximum efficiency

    Pujamen: foot of a sail, bottom part of sail

    Quebranto: deformation, flexing of hull

    Queche: ketch, smack

    Quilla: keel, bilge

    Quillote: stabilizes the lateral plane of the ship

    Rabiza: short rope or cable

    Rastrera: lower studding sail

    Recalar: to sight land, to reach a ship

    Recalmn: lull in wind or sea

    Regala: gunwale, gunnel

    Relinga: boltrope, rope (of fishing net)



    Repicar: to tighten up

    Restinga: shoal, bar, ledge of rocks

    Retenida: guy, guy wire

    Rezn: grapnelRa: estuary

    Rifadura: splitting (of a sail)

    Rizos: to take in the reefs

    Roda: cutwater, stem

    Rol: list of crew members of a ship

    Rolar, rolido: to veer around

    Ronza: to fall leeward

    Rosa de los vientos: a circle marked with the directions in 360 degrees

    Rumbo: course

    Sable: batten or wood planking

    Sagula: halyard

    Saltar: sudden change in wind

    Sargazo: gulfweed

    Seccin transversal: transverse section

    Seccin maestra: principle transverse section

    Seno: simple rope or cable knot

    Sentina: bilge

    Serreta: a structural re-enforcing metal piece that runs from bow to stern

    Sextante: sextant

    Shock Cord: shock cord

    Sigladura: the distance traveled by a ship in 24 hours

    Sirgar: to tow, to track

    Sobrequilla: keelson

    Socaire: lee, slack, under protection

    Sonda: sounding, probing, fathoming

    Sondaleza: sounding line.

    Sotavento: leeward, lee



    Spinnaker: spinnaker, Sphinx, a type of sail

    Suspencin Cardnica: a place where ships instruments are positioned so that they are not

    affected by the movements caused by the ocean

    Tambucho: a place to stow sails and things, ventilation, light opening

    Tangn: outrigger

    Tarquina: trapezoidal sail

    Telera: the box where International Signal Flags are stored

    Templar: to trim sails to the wind

    Tenedero: anchoring ground

    Tensor: tension adjustment mechanism

    Tingladillo: clinker work

    Tintero: female metal piece

    Tolete: rowlock, oarlock, thole

    Tomadores: gasket

    Tope: top of the main mast

    Tracas: strake

    Trancanil: waterway

    Transluchar: change the direction of the sails, change to leeward

    Travs: perpendicular position of the ship to the coastline

    Trinca: lashing rope

    Trincar: to lie to

    Trinquete: foreyard, foresail, foremast

    Trinquetilla: small jib, fore-topmast staysail

    Ua: bill, peak, fluke of an anchor

    Vagra: longitudinal structural beam

    Varadero: shipyard, drydock

    Varar: to put in drydock, to run aground, to come to a standstill

    Varenga: headrail, frame timber

    Vareta: wooden structure or strips

    Velamen: the totality of the sails of a ship

    Verdn: scum or mold, barnacles



    Verduguillo: sheer rail, sheer strake

    Verga: yard, crossjack yard, all ready to sail

    Veril: border of a canal, bank

    Viento: tie downsViento aparente o relativo: relative wind

    Viento real: real wind

    Virar: to turn, veer, tack

    Virazn: sea breeze

    Yate: yatch

    Yawl (Yol): yawl

    Yola: dinghy

    Zafar: loosen, untie

    Zaga: long line of the ship

    Zapata: false keel