employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector

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  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    Employee Satisfaction Survey at XYZ Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.

    By Prayati Baxi P!"# $%&'(&)

    *omments +y the ,aculty !uide Prof Prasad S- S"#I#" #ysore


    his employee satisfaction survey conducted +y the intern #s Prayati Baxi as

    her SIP $%&' in a sense /ives us a true picture of the mushroomin/ BP0 and

    1P0 or/anisations across India. 2hat is revealed in this survey involves a

     painsta3in/ effort +y the intern in patiently as3in/ the employees pro+in/

    4uestions and o+tainin/ the ans5ers to sho5 the mirror to the employer as to

    5hat is 5ron/ 5ith their or/anisation and 5hy they are una+le to retain their 


    "is(interest of the #ana/ement in the 2elfare of the Employees at 2or3place

    It 5ill +e of relevance to mention here that in the case of a core manufacturin/

    or/anisation physical safety health are /iven due importance. 2hereas in an

    IES environment due to a+sence of movin/ machinery or possi+ility of health

    ha6ards +y radiation physical in7ury etc ma3es it easier for the employer to

     provide a conducive environment to 5or3. Ho5ever in the present case the

    employer choses to cut costs on these hy/iene factors 5hich are partly

    responsi+le for drivin/ a5ay the employees from the or/anisation to see3 employment else5here.

    he survey addresses the pro+lem of the insensitive +ehaviour of the team

    leaders at different levels. his factor +ecomes all the more important in an

    industry 5here the intellect and need for the application of mind to perform are

    expected to +e hi/her than that of a +ul3 manufacturin/ environment. 8s the

    employees realise that some of their +osses are +iased and are not treatin/ them

    5ith respect they see3 a +etter environment to 5or3. It is pertinent to mention

    here that 9an employee does not leave a company +ut leaves a +oss:.heory ;s !round

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector



    8s the intern su+mitted this report to the SIP or/anisation:s mana/ement it is

    for that or/anisation to ta3e corrective measures to prevent the exodus of theemployees +y addressin/ the issues mentioned. Ho5ever this or/anisation

     +ein/ a privately o5ned firm the 5ill and inclination of the o5ners to in /ivin/

    importance to addressin/ the factors 5hich may +e ruinin/ their firm in the lon/

    run decides the fate of the firm. he intern:s effort in +rin/in/ to surface the

     primary pro+lems +ein/ faced +y the employees hence the pro+lem of attrition

    5ithout complicatin/ the issue is commenda+le.




  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    Employee Satisfaction Survey at XYZ Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.

    By Prayati Baxi P!"# $%&'(&)

    8ttrition in the Indian BP0 sector 

    8ttrition rate in Indian BP0s has increased drastically in the past years mainly due to erratic

    5or3in/ hours and perceived lac3 of lon/ term career /ro5th in the sector. 8lthou/h the BP0

    sector has +een popular since the +e/innin/ as it has opened up plenty of 7o+ opportunities

    the hi/h attrition rate has pla/ued the sector no5. Services offered +y the I=Ies and BP0 in

    the domain of pharmaceutical and health care sector has re/istered an attrition rate of ?%

     percent accordin/ to the study +y 8SS0*H8#. he /ro5in/ trend of 7o+ s5itchin/ mi/ht

     prove fatal for the survival and /ro5th of India:s BP0 sector.

    he BP0 industry is facin/ serious challen/es 5ith shorta/e of s3illed and educated 5or3ersas the attrition rate in India:s BP0 sector has risen phenomenally 5ith the si/nificant visi+le

    movement in mid and senior level mana/ement levels.

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    0+7ectives of the Study

    o study the satisfaction level of employees 5ith the policies of the mana/ement and to/ather their reaction a+out the employee en/a/ement activities +ein/ conducted +y the H

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector






    strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree

    '. 8re you a5are of the lon/ term /oal of this company


    20 13   15


    . "o you feel that the leadership team cares a+out the employees

    agree disagree0










    ). 0n a scale of & to ) 5hat is your overall satisfaction level 5ith your mana/er @& +ein/ the lo5estA


  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    1 2 3 4 50
















    ,indin/s of the survey

    Infrastructure problems:

    '' of the total complaints received +y employees

    Furniture:  Employees complain that the chair handles are +ro3en and they have to comeearly to the office 7ust to hunt for chairs in the production area.

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    Compensation:  8ll the employees feel that the +asic salary /iven to them is very less as

    compared to 5hat other or/ani6ations are payin/. he main reason for attrition and

    dissatisfaction amon/ employees is salary.  Experienced employees are /ettin/ very less

    salary than 5hat freshers are /ettin/. hey feel that they are not +ein/ reco/ni6ed for their 

    loyalty and dedication to5ards the company. Employees feel that their survival is dependent

    on the incentives they are /ettin/ this is increasin/ politics in the company as every+ody is

    tryin/ to overshado5 each other and they feel that incentive should not +e more than the

     +asic salary of a person. Employees feel that since their +asic is very less it is impactin/ their 

    taxes and provident fund also employees are not a+le to apply for loans in +an3s.

    Manager/supervisor problems:

    &? of the total complaints received +y employees

    Employees 5ant supervisors to create +ac3up for them in the pro7ect so that they can ta3e

    leaves as per their re4uirement. Employees feel that the mana/ers should +e transparent intheir performance appraisal and appropriate action @li3e increasin/ the salaryA: should +e

    ta3en after the appraisal. Employees say that mana/ers /ive some or the other excuse every

    time and don:t increase the salary

    • Manager 1 M!( althou/h employees feel that he is a very driven and 3no5led/ea+le

     person he is rash 5hen tal3in/ to the employees and scolds them in front of everyone

    5hich hurts their self(esteem. 8lso he cancels planned leaves at the last moment

    5hich annoys the employees. Employees also feel that he should +e calm durin/

    trou+led situations and should not +e partial to5ards certain employees

    • Manager " F! # employees feel that she is not a+le to resolve their 5or3 related

    issues and doesn:t dele/ate duties properly. She is not at all empathetic and doesn:tcommunicate 5ith her team

    • Manager $ M!( is partial to5ards certain employees and doesn:t /ive opportunities

    to other employees

    • H% &irector M! # H< department employees feel that tas3s should +e /iven and

    completed on time and proper reco/nition should +e /iven to people.

    • I.'. &epartment (ead M!  ( employees feel that proper schedulin/ on his part is

    re4uired so that people can 5or3 accordin/ to that. Employees also feel that his

    response is very passive and he doesn:t pay attention to his team:s needs. He is also

    not a+le to solve the 5or3 related issues of his team.

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


     +e passed immediately. *entrali6ed air conditionin/ should +e there in production area as

    many employees complain of the a.c. +ein/ too stron/ in some places and the surroundin/s

     +ein/ too hot in other places. In my opinion fun activities should +e conducted on the rooftop

    of the +uildin/ so that everyone is a+le to participate and 5atch.

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    issue of employee satisfaction li/htly and 5or3 on retainin/ the employees for a lon/

     period of time.


    In the 2orld of +usiness process outsourcin/ @BP0A India as an out sourcin/ destination

     +ecame a name to rec3on 5ith in the last t5o and a half decades. he reason for India

     +ecomin/ a preferred choice especially at the En/lish spea3in/ countries li3e the CS8

    Britain and other European countries o+viously is the lan/ua/e. Indians 5ith a colonial

    history of nearly three centuries have the luxury of learnin/ at least t5o lan/ua/es +y default

    a part of the education system.

    En/lish spea3in/ 5hich 5as the forte of the 9elite: in ma7or cities earlier no5 has reached the

    rural frontiers and 5ith the increase in concentration of mo+ile phone density people across

    the social strata have reali6ed that learnin/ En/lish can only help them 5ith life. hisadvanta/e of En/lish spea3in/ a+ility led to the rapid /ro5th of BP0s and 1P0s @1no5led/e

    Process 0utsourcin/A in India. here is a hi/her concentration of BP0s in the Ban/alore

    district of 1arnata3a and there are a fe5 BP0s in #ysore as 5ell 5hich is located at a ' hour 

    drive from Ban/alore.

    Several of such BP0s are dedicated domain BP0s possessin/ domain expertise in a particular 

    area of +usiness such as healthcare medical transcription en/ineerin/ services infrastructure


    his analytical study 5as done in the city of #ysore at the XYZ healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.

    5hich is a Service "elivery *entre providin/ healthcare +ac3 office services that are part of 

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    maintainin/ a professionally run infrastructure +ecomes a ma7or factor in retainin/

    employees. 8s a domain character BP0s are hi/hly s3ill dependent people oriented and as a

    necessity trainin/ plays an important role in +ecomin/ a success. 8dd to this an environment

    5hich values employee 5elfare and a pleasant place to 5or3 at it +ecomes a destination for 

    employees to comforta+ly 5or3 and produce effective results for the or/ani6ation.

    *all centre employees are under constant stress. Because of the hi/h 5or3 pressure and

    surveillance they are constantly monitored for the num+er of calls time in +et5een calls and

    avera/e time of the call they need to 5ait for +rea3 time even if they 5ant to use the

    restroom. If 5e compare an avera/e Indian BP0 employee 5ith his counterpart in the C.S.

    5e 5ill see that the salary that they receive is usually one(fourth or one(sixth of the salary

    received +y an employee 5or3in/ in C.S. or other developed countries. *ompanies

    conveniently set up their esta+lishments in a tier $ or tier ' city to save money on rent and

     +uild an infrastructure 5hich is in a fly+lo5n condition and is not even capa+le of providin/

     +asic hy/ienic and sanitary environment to the employees.

    Literature Survey

    &. *hallen/es for 0r/ani6in/ the BP0 2or3ers in India a study +y #r. Surendra Pratap

    of 8sia monitor resource centre &J=%&=$%&&

    8lthou/h the IES and BP0 industry is considered to +e India:s fla/ship sunrise industry if 

    5e situate this service sector /ro5th in the +roader political economy of the country 5e

    encounter a different picture and then this /ro5th seems to +e contri+utin/ more to

    a//ravatin/ the pro+lems than to resolvin/ it. he IES(BP0 sector is exempted from

    application of the 8pprentice 8ct. his exemption provides the sector 5ith the opportunity to

    en/a/e lar/e num+er of 5or3ers as apprentices 5ithout any o+li/ation to a+sor+ them as

    re/ular 5or3ers or provide them 5ith any social security +enefits. 0ver F% of BP0 5or3ers

    are in the a/e /roup of $%($) years. 2omen 5or3ers @mostly unmarriedA rou/hly constitute

    %()% of the 5or3force. 2or3ers are /enerally recruited as pro+ationers for ?(&$ months.

    0nly a very small portion of these pro+ationers are a+sor+ed as re/ular 5or3ers. he ma7or 

     pro+lem that BP0 5or3ers face is that they are virtually compelled to 5or3 li3e slaves. Csin/

    8utomated *all "istri+ution @8*"A technolo/y) @alon/ 5ith providin/ standard scripts to

    facilitate the a/ent:s responseA the firms 3eep the 9free time: +et5een calls to the +arest

    minimum. #oreover the 5or3ers and their 5or3 are continuously monitored 5ith the help of 

    specially desi/ned soft5are and closed circuit cameras. his monitorin/ is not only at the

    5or3place +ut also outside the 5or3place. he 5or3ers are al5ays under psycholo/ical

     pressure. he other ma7or pro+lem is difficulty in /ettin/ leaves. he re/ular 5or3ers also

    cannot /o on leave 5ithout prior permission even 5hen they are facin/ sic3ness.

    $. 2omen and BP0s in India a study +y "r. 1ousar Kahan 8ra Be/um  International

    Kournal of Humanities and Social Science Invention ;olume $ Issue ) #ay. $%&'

    he 5omen 5or3in/ on ni/ht shift in BP0 constitute over % per cent of the total 5or3force

    in the sector. he strin/ent security rules adopted +y the sector has encoura/ed families to

    send their dau/hters to do ni/ht shifts 5ith BP0s. 8mon/ the typical characteristics of BP0s

    are the hi/h proportion of 5omen 5or3ers @predominantly youn/ female 5or3ers performin/


  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    lo5(5a/e lo5(s3ill 5or3A extensive use of overtime 5or3 7o+ insecurity and a lo5 rate of 

    unioni6ation. Such a situation is ripe for socially pro+lematic employment conditions. he

    distur+ance of family and social life adds to the psycholo/ical stress suffered +y ni/ht

    5or3ers 5ith more or less serious or lastin/ conse4uences for their family relations life style

    and social ad7ustment.

    '. Explorin/ the dimensions of attrition in Indian BP0s. a study +y Santoshi Sen/upta

    and 8ayushi !upta International Kournal of Human

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    her friend Somali 5ho came to remind her that the cameras are 5atchin/ her and she should

    /et +ac3 to 5or3 as the +rea3 time is over.

    Sonali on the other hand is tired of as3in/ the cleanin/ lady to put tissue papers in the toilet

    and clean them at least after the ni/ht shift employees have left. It has +ecome daily routine

    for her to /o to the restroom find it dirty and then complain to the cleanin/ staff a+out thesame pro+lem every sin/le day. She 5ants the eave the company so +ad 7ust +ecause of this

    one sin/le issue.

    Its $ pm and the shift timin/ is /ettin/ over for Shanti 5hen the team leader as3s her to

    achieve her daily tar/et of &%% points +y completin/ all the tas3s 5hich 5ould ta3e another $

    hours and 5as almost impossi+le to do as the computers 3eep /ettin/ han/ed after every half 

    hour. Shanti ta3es a deep +reath one last time and decides to 4uit the company.

    Basic infrastructure

    Bro3en chairs filthy ta+le tops and +ay areas full of dust are a norm in the company.*leanin/ staff is inefficient and employees have to +rin/ their o5n cleanin/ cloths and

    dusters to clean their +ay areas. *omputer Systems /et han/ed very fre4uently 3ey+oards

    have +ecome stiff +ecause of dust and old operatin/ systems are used till no5 5hich ma3es

    achievin/ tar/ets very time consumin/ and difficult. Employees feel frustrated as +asic

    internet facilities are not provided and. I department employees su//est that permission

    should +e /iven to replace the old systems immediately.

    Sanitary conditions are very poor in the or/ani6ation +asic amenities li3e tissue paper hand

    5ash and dryer are missin/ in the rest room and employees complain that the cafeteria is

    very small for even '% people to sit at the same time for/et a+out the air conditionin/ even

    fans are not there in the cafeteria. -i/ht shift employees do not have the facility of tea and

    snac3s at ni/ht. Employees are not +ein/ provided 5ith any 3ind of a relaxation room 5here

    they can sit for some time durin/ their shift.

    People mana/ement

    #ost of the employees are leavin/ the company +ecause of poor people mana/ement they

    feel that they are not +ein/ heard in the or/ani6ation their experience and dedication is +ein/

    overloo3ed +y the mana/ement and they are not +ein/ paid for their performance. H

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    he main reason for attrition and dissatisfaction amon/ employees is salary.  Experienced

    employees are /ettin/ very less salary than 5hat freshers are /ettin/. hey feel that they are

    not +ein/ reco/ni6ed for their loyalty and dedication to5ards the company. Employees

    5or3in/ for more than six years in the company are still on the same level and they don:t see

    any /ro5th in the company. hey /et as little as

  • 8/9/2019 employee satisfaction survey in bpo sector


    8 proper 5or3 life +alance starts 5ith havin/ a healthy environment in office. 05ners of 

    BP0s sittin/ in 5estern countries need to shell some money out of their poc3ets and start

    investin/ it in ma3in/ a +etter infrastructure for the employees in India a s5eat shop li3e

    environment in the company is /oin/ to harm the o5ners as more and more employees leave

    the company in search of +etter opportunities. Salary revision is a step 5hich 5ill ma3e all

    the employees happy and should +e done time to time to 3eep a+reast 5ith 5hat other 

    competitors are payin/. Employee en/a/ement activities should +e consistent and fre4uent.

    *ounsellin/ and health care facility should +e provided to employees as it is the most

    stressful 7o+ in the industry 5here and employee has to sit for lon/ hours doin/ monotonous

    5or3 and +ein/ monitored at every step. 2hile the counterparts in C.S. need +etter and

    consistent /ro5th opportunities luxury lifestyle and latest e4uipments employees in India

    are cryin/ for +asic necessities li3e clean 5ater +etter sanitation facilities +asic salary

    increase and most of all humanity from their mana/ement.
