emergency first aid and cpr. notice this presentation is not intended as a substitute for...

Emergency First Aid and CPR

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Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

EmergencyFirst Aid and CPR

EmergencyFirst Aid and CPR

Page 2: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training


• This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

• Always ask permission to treat

• Permission is implied if victim is unconscious or an unaccompanied minor

Page 3: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Universal PrecautionsUniversal Precautions

• Use barrier precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure

• Treat everyone as if contagious

Page 4: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Emergency First Aid – Take ActionEmergency First Aid – Take Action

If you are the first person at the scene of an accident or severe illness, you may be called to act in providing care until professional emergency medical care arrives.

Make sure the scene is safe!


Page 5: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Emergency – No Life SignsEmergency – No Life Signs

Call 911 Is an AED machine available?

IF YES, follow its directions

If NO, begin the:

ABC s of First Aid• A irway – open airway• B reathing – 2 breaths• C irculation – 30 compressions• s evere bleeding (control)

Page 6: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Emergency - CPREmergency - CPR

30 compressions/2 breaths – 4 cycles

• Check for life signs– breathing– pulse– movement

• If none: repeat chest compressions/breaths

Page 7: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Emergency - ChokingEmergency - Choking

IF conscious – cannot cough or speak:

Lean victim forward – 5 back blows and 5 quick upward abdominal thrusts

Continue 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts


object comes out

person can breath or cough well

person loses consciousness

Page 8: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Emergency - Choking Emergency - Choking

IF choking victim loses consciousness:

- with victim on the floor, open airway

- check for an object - remove if seen

- attempt 2 breaths, if they go in follow steps of A B C s - if breaths do not go in – 30 chest compressions then 2 more attempted breaths

Continue until object is removed, or EMS arrives

Page 9: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Severe BleedingSevere Bleeding

• Elevate

• Apply pressure with dressing – add additional dressings as needed – never remove existing compresses

• Treat around impaled objects – do not remove

Page 10: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Shock – Call 911 Shock – Call 911

• Victim should lie down if possible

• Elevate legs 10-12 inches if no head/spine injury suspected

• Maintain body temperature

• Maintain ABC s

Page 11: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Strains and Sprains “RICE”Strains and Sprains “RICE”

• R – Rest the injured area

• I – Ice, apply cold pack (don’t apply directly

• C – Compress, wrap snuggly but not too tight

• E – Elevate, above the heart

Page 12: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training


Minor:1st degree, 2nd degree– Cool the burn– Cover the burn

Major: 3rd degree or 2nd degree

over large % of body– Call 911– Cover burn if possible– Treat for shock

Page 13: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Severe Illness - call 911 Severe Illness - call 911

• Diabetic Emergency

• Seizure – prevent injury

• Poison/ Allergic Reaction

• Heart Attack

• Stroke – “F A S T”

• Asthma attack

If conscious, gather information:

Meds/food/drinksSkin color/temperatureAllergies/ health issues

Treat for ShockMaintain body temp.Assist with meds.

Maintain A B C s

Page 14: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training

Review: First Aid/CPR/AEDReview: First Aid/CPR/AED

Call 911 whenever victim:is unconsciousis not breathingis chokinghas persistent chest painhas bone or joint fracture / deformityhas severe bleeding / internal injurieshas severe burnshas seizures / stroke or shock symptoms

Page 15: Emergency First Aid and CPR. NOTICE This presentation is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care or First Aid and CPR/AED training


You have reviewed the basic skills needed to recognize and give immediate care to a suddenly ill or injured person until more advanced medical care arrives.