
Sevenstone The Legacy By Jenny: Chapter 1-2

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LegacyBy Jenny: Chapter 1-2

Quick recap if you are having a hard time remembering two 30-slide chapters: Founder Aislynn and her mate of choice Ben have a son just learning to walk (Kieran, in the bear suit) and another on the way. Life is boring, and furniture is cheap.

Ben: “Potential new miniature person I can dote over! Hello!”

Aislynn: “You think I am done being grumpy but in all truth I can simply ignore the creepy voice.”

Whatever. I may or may not quit talking to you personally when your son can add to conversations….

Aislynn: “Oof! Next one is coming that much sooner!”

Whee. Maybe then Kieran can play with something other than that stupid rabbit head.

Aislynn: “It is teaching him things, though…”

Rabbit in the background: “Freesba! Whirlalalalala”

Adorable couple pregnancy picture. Sparing you lot fifty pages of adorable pic spam of kisses and cat cuddles from both parents.

Ben: “Yay a new mini us! Or me. Or whatever. Which of us do you suppose this one will look like?”

Well Kieran has pretty much exactly your face with Aislynn’s hair. Reverse it, I guess?

I will, however, give you a good look at this adorable boy. Any thoughts, Kieran? Camera is on you.

Kieran: <My tuxedo is still gone. Put it back.>

No can do. Sorry your pajamas are not fabulous enough for you.

Kieran: <Hmph. I shall play with the rabbit for all of my days, and so will my offspring!>

Not the rabbit, I beg you…


Kieran: *rabbit*

Ben in the distance: “Toilet! Five minutes, please!”

Kieran, put the rabbit down. Ben, hurry up already!

Kieran: *rabbits aggressively*

Aislynn: “Well, aren’t you just lovely?”

Blonde hair, green eyes…I’ll have to agree. Hi there, Angelina! Welcome to chaos!

Aislynn: “It’s not chaos…”

Is with that BLASTED RABBIT around.

Kieran: *giggles maliciously from the floor*

Oh, hello, Ben. You made it. Meet Angelina, your new daughter.

Ben: “Cute. Are there sandwiches?”

…No. If you’re that uninterested, hand the baby to Aislynn or put her in the crib and go play chess or something.

Ben: “Awesome. Thanks.”

Aislynn: “There’s one more thing special going on in here tonight, though.”

Kieran: <ahahahaha. Soon I shall be fabulous from higher up!>

That’s right, it’s your birthday. Let’s see just how cute you are…

Kieran: <Magnificent. Duh. But do get on with it.>

Aislynn? Cake is on the counter.

Ben: …<3…

Aislynn: “Blow out the candles, baby.”

Kieran: <Fire. Eheheheheh.>

Easy on the fire. Wouldn’t want the house to catch, and people to die.

Aislynn: “You wouldn’t.”

No, I wouldn’t. Yet. After a few useless babies.

Aislynn: “All my babies are wonderful and very useful.”

Kieran: “FABULOUS!”

All except your hair. What gave you the idea to style it like that? Go fix that at once.

Kieran: “hehehe. Curls. I look funny.”

Matches Aislynn’s waves. I like it, and you’re keeping it. For life, if I can get away with it.

Kieran: “I may or may not fight that. Can I ponytail it?”

Yes because yes, and yes because very smart boy, you’re not blind to yourself after all.

Kieran: “Do I have to sleep with the baby?”

You have school in the morning and you have to sleep somewhere. Your other option is the living room couch, currently occupied by some random walk-by your mother dragged in and befriended.

Kieran: “Wow, look, a bed! I love it!”

Hey. Day off?

Ben: “Yup.”

Cute portrait. I like it.

Ben: “Good. Want to paint my kids to remember forever. And maybe grandkids.”

Well, someone has been listening to me.

Ben: “Can’t tell if you’re kidding or not, so I’ll treasure every moment. Hello, Angelina. Guess what?”

Birthday is what. Get to see if we have another darling little elf.

Ben: “And who she looks like. Kieran has my face, have you noticed?”

I did, actually. And I’m even growing to like it.

Happy birthday, Angelina!!!

Aislynn: “Yay Angelina!”

Kieran: “Yay fire!”

Ben: …<3…

Miniature blonde Aislynn! With Kieran’s exact personality at the moment. Hmm. Might have to try and fix that…after I see what other options I get on the little ones. Half a dozen clones won’t do me any good.

Angelina: *model gaze into middle distance*

Ben: “Make more clones? Yay!”

Benjamin: “You can do it, sweetheart!”

Angelina: *wobble* <I AM GLOWING! Unhand me, peasant; we have a serious issue here!>

You’re learning faster. Chill out. Embrace the glow.

Benjamin: “Yay! Now step again!”

Aislynn: “Eek!”

Number three is on the way, I see. Congratulations.

Aislynn: “Yay!”

*grumble* Family Sims *grumble*

Benjamin: “So, Kieran. How are you doing with the whole sister thing, and with the extra?”

Kieran: “Fine, dad. Busy. ‘M studying.”

(This is almost literally all he did for a good long while. Like several days. It was snowing out, and school got cancelled, and then weekend…)

Benjamin: “Okay then. Study all you’d like.”


Calm down! Kieran is actually trying to sleep for once, and he’s too short to be of much help.

Kieran: “Hey!”

Get over it, curly. There is nothing you can do to me.

Kieran: “I could try and help.”

You couldn’t lift her at all, much less over bars as high as your head. Go sleep on the sofa while I try and wake up your SLOW AND LAZY parents.

Kieran: “I could do that! Fire wakes people up!”

Fire makes people dead. No. Or at least not yet.

Ben: “Still stupidly in love with my wife. Life is amazing.”

Aislynn: “I love my family.”

I will kill all that you love. Or at least all that your family loves. FIRE AND DEATH.

Kieran in the distance: “YAY FIRE!!!”

Aislynn: “I love you, baby. I really do.”

Yeah. The exact copy of her older brother’s pajamas completely communicates that.

Angelina: <Yes. Yes, it does. They’re still covered in Kieran’s fabulousness.>

Noted. Crazy brother-sister type love going on here.


Kiwa: <I am going to continue to sleep because no amount of noise you make is going to disturb me from sleeping specifically in the human bed.>

To no one in particular: Who is the queen of the house now?

Kieran: “Wow! A new sibling!”


Angelina in the distance: <This new arrival had best not usurp me as little darling of the household.>

And we can now welcome baby Ryan into the world…who looks to be, as a blonde-haired, green-eyed infant, to be a genetic copy of Angelina. Just what I need.

Aislynn: “Baby! Nooboo! *sweet noises*”

Ewww, sappiness. And babies.

Oh, and family portrait. All the clones. Clones are good. Clones will be harder to miss when you’re missing one.

Aislynn: “You are killing my buzz. Shut up.”

Make me. I’m here for life. Yours, and all of theirs. Which will end, sooner or later. ALL OF YOU.

Just your general photospam of Ben being a cute dad with Ryan….I have tons of this. This is the best if you ignore the fact that I have recently discovered that I really am a sucky photographer.

Ben: “Nooboo!”

And in the meantime, it’s Angelina’s birthday. Ignore the random person who is in the house….there’s usually one or a few of those.

Kieran: “FIRE! Eheheheheheh…”

Angelina: <I agree with the flame head.>

Literally or figuratively? Oh, never mind….

Kieran: “HOORAY! HOORAY!!! Someone big enough for me to play with!”

Ben: “Boogie down! Bring it on!”

Angelina: “I don’t know what to feel right now…”

Cute. Go fix your hair or I’ll have Kieran set it on fire. I dislike that ponytail style.

Angelina: “I don’t know if I like it…”

The curls are adorable. The makeup is a bit much in hindsight, but I’m not going back to take these over. It will do.

Kieran in the distance: “Angel? Are you pretty yet? I wanna see!”

Kieran: “OMG you are so pretty…HUGS!”

Angelina: *hugs*

Yes, that will work nicely. Kieran, what exactly is wrong with your face?

Kieran: “My….face?”

Never mind. You just both look like a parent, but with reversed hair colors. Angel here is our little Aislynn, aren’t you dear?

Angelina: “Yes, with Kieran’s exact personality down to the point. I’m such a clone!” *giggle*

Kieran: “We are so perfect.”

*study study study study study study study*

Hmm. Two of you are cute together. Like your parents. Like, really cute. And get along, and do hugs, and even study together.

*wanders off in vague search of incest cheat, not to return for some months. Still unsuccessful…*

Ben: “Remember my darlings…forever…”

Very good. A nice likeness. Keep it up. Just wondering…would you do all of them still if I told you which one was on Grim’s list?

Ben: “Yes. Children grow and move out far more often than they die. I want to remember.”

Well, at least they’re good for differentiating beds in the meantime. Kieran, did you make your bed this morning?

Kieran in the distance: “Yes…”

Angelina, behind camera: “Yes. I unmade it!” *giggle*

Oh, no…not again. The nursery is full, Aislynn.

Aislynn: “I know…but BABIES…”

THINK OF THE ONES YOU HAVE. Ugh, fine…we can build a new house between chapters…I guess you have the money, even if you’re always too pregnant to go to work.

Ben-and-baby spam again….

And right before we end, another birthday. Happy birthday Ryan, while everyone gathers.

Ben: “Why are all these people in our house?”

Kieran and Angelina were making friends so you can get promoted. Affording a new room or house or whatever and all that…


Hmm. An EXACT male copy of Angelina. Who already has Kieran’s personality. Do you two just have the same child over and over, Ben and Aislynn?

Ben: “Maybe…..problem?”

Nope. Not at all.

There we are…non-confetti’d cuteness.

Ryan: <There is cake. Everyone is eating it. I would like cake.>

I don’t think you’re big enough for cake…I can offer you a bottle. Glowing or not glowing?

Ryan: <CAKE.>

Maybe next time, eh? Which will be a lot sooner than this. In the meantime, go look cute.

I present to readers as a closing; the youngest heir and a half with our founder. I appreciate your patience and continued interest.

Peace, and love if you can find it.