el gambrisino 2008-07

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  • 8/13/2019 El Gambrisino 2008-07



    ELGAMBRISINOGem Crafter & Explorer's Club Bulletin, Las Cruces, NM

    Affiliated with the AFMS and a member of the RMFMS

    JULY 2008 - Volume 50, Issue 7

    Notes from the Previous Meeting:

    Vice President Don Saathoff chaired the meeting and opened with a reading of Eric Fuller's"Gambrisino". He then went into some detail explaining how the spelling came to be corrupted fromthe Spanish word Gambusino which means literally Prospector. There was a vote taken by themembers as to which spelling to use in the future. A lively discussion was held; one faction wantingthe traditional, if incorrect spelling and the other side wanting it to be corrected. The final vote was11 to 8 (?) for the 58 year old traditional spelling of Gambrisino.

    ****Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.****Lee read the treasurer's report; we have $1,872 in the bank plus $36 Petty Cash for a total of

    $1,908. Lee read part of a Gila Forest Service Report regarding permits for various items. Ericthen clarified this information stating that the above vague report was meant for large operations

    and mining, etc. A big sigh of relief was heard all around the room.Kathy Fuller then discussed joining an organization for land use and made a motion for joining

    the Blue Ribbon Coalition, www.sharetrails.org. A lively discussion ensued as to their agenda. TheBRC are advocates for continued public access and public use of public land: National Forest, BLM,and Waterways. Multi-use: hikers, mountain bikers, horsemen, snow mobiles, 4 wheelers, rockhounds, boaters. They promote responsible, safe, courteous use. They fight against excessiveWilderness expansion. They do lobbying, testify at hearings, handle law suits, and inform membersof national and local happenings such as possible up coming restrictions on public land. Keepingplaces open for recreation is what they fight for. Kristine Kitchen seconded the motion and a votewas taken. It was unanimous for joining. Lee was instructed to take care of this. We will vote on ayear-to-year basis for membership.

    Eric Fuller reported on the Mule Creek trip. Many Quartz Crystals were found, a new Obsidian

    site was located and Ed Leake was mentioned as knowing how to make a Happy Hour. I think thathad something to do with the Agavero that he shared with us. (See June Newsletter for report ontrip). He then told us about a trip to Glenwood to Bucky's Birthday Bash which was a fund raiser forGlenwood Fire Works Festival and for work on trails in that area. They have a good rapport with theUS Forest Service and work with them on trails. Said it was a great time and will go again nextyear. He also showed us some finds from the area; Quartz filled geodes, copper minerals, etc. Hethen mentioned going to Camp Cody to do some metal detecting and had finds from that trip. MitchMauer and I were along, my first time metal detecting and I found some very interesting things,among them a ring and a coin. Lots of fun.

    He then announced the next Camp-out to be July 18-21 to Boiler Peak. There will be a noticesent out with directions, etc. Things to be found are; Beryl, Cassiderite, maybe artifacts and someugly Topaz (anyway Don said it was ugly with sand inclusions). It is a pretty area in tall pines.

    Ed Leake mentioned that the Rattlesnakes are on the move due to the fires in our area so becareful out there.

    Kristine Kitchen has a draft done on the new Articles of Organization. Her committee will meetthis coming Tuesday to go over and try to come up with a final draft.

    The Scholarship issue was brought up again and it was decided that Kristine would talk to NancyMcMillan, the head of the geology dept. here at NMSU, as to her ideas on the subject - scholarship,outright gift to the Department, etc. It was decided on a one time sum of $500, only one conditionand that it is not to be sent to the NMSU general fund.

    As our old tarp that is used on camp-outs was pretty well ruined in Mule Creek (wind and age) itwas voted that we spend up to $150 on a new EZ up and tarp for future camp-outs. Eric to buy and

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    keep safe for us. It was also brought up that the radio batteries are old and dying. There are six ofthem that need replacing at a cost of $45 each. Ed Leake make a motion that up to $350 beapproved for Eric to buy new ones as he has supplied them for our use on trips for these manyyears. Everyone seconded the motion so it was approved.

    I was disappointed in that only three members sent in entries for the Newsletter Contest. Two ofthem suggested "El Gambrisino" and I agreed - so be it. Congratulations to Eric Fuller for hiswinning entry.

    An OLD member Dave Shogren who was visiting from his home in Minnesota was present andrejoined the club - Welcome back Dave.

    Thanks to Edie Nelson and Faith Hutson who supplied the refreshments and to Jan Hoffman whobrought some really good and fresh Figs from her own tree for our enjoyment.

    Our speaker for the evening was our VP Don Saathoff who stepped in at the last minuteas the scheduled speaker had to cancel. Don spoke on the Dark Thunder CanyonFormationwhich is what is at Mule Creek (it took us a while but we finally figured it outwhen he told us). A formation is any group or bed of rock that have something in common.The Dark Thunder Formation is Porphyritic Lithophysal Andestic Rhyolite which in laymanterms means something like this: a fine grained volcanic rock with irregular sized rounded

    crystals in it that has little bubble cavities some with crystals, a grey/green or purple color inan extrusive volcanic flow. (In other words polka-dotted-holey-volcanic rock). In SawmillCanyon (Mule Creek) the lithophysal crystals are amethyst a lot of the time. He passedaround a very pretty piece of the above material which had many amethyst crystals andscepters in it which came from one of his previous trips to Mule Creek. The amethyst site atMule Creek used to have 10 or 15 claims.

    Don told us the story of how he obtained a really beautiful Included crystal from someminers in the area during their visit at one of our Happy Hours. He wound up trading apartly filled bottle of Evan Williams bourbon for this crystal, all parties being delighted withtheir end of the deal.

    He explained how a Bi-phasic inclusion (crystal with a hollow space that is crystal shaped

    and has a floating bubble in it) found in some of the Mule Creek crystals are important indetermining the pressure and temperature at the time of formation. This information isimportant to Economic Geologists in determining the worth of a claim, etc.

    There was some discussion on how Scepters are formed. It seems that there are five orsix different theories as to how this happens, many of which conflict with one another. Seelots of crystals at www.quartzpage.com.

    All in all, a really interesting informative talk regarding one of our favorite areas. I'm sureeveryone learned something, I know that I did. Thanks for pitching in Don, great job asalways.

    Reminders & General Info:

    As usual there will be no regular meeting in July. Instead the Fullers hosted a Pool Party whichoccurred on June 29th. A notice was sent out with details. (See write up in next issue).

    I ran across a couple of interesting books for those of us who are interested in digging andmining in fee sites. They tell directions, cost, hours of operation, tools and supplies needed andwhat to look for. They also provide details on nearby places of interest like museums, rock shops,local geological features, caves and historical sites. Titles and cost are: Fee Mining & Adventuresin the Eastern U.S., price is $15.95 and Fee Mining & Rockhounding Adventures in the West for

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    $12.95 plus S/H. They can be purchased from Gem Guides Book Co., 315 Cloverleaf Dr., BaldwinPark, CA 91706 or www.gemguidesbooks.com. Most of us are already acquainted with their manyrock hounding guide books

    FYI: El Paso has been awarded a federal grant to give shingles shots for those over 60 for $10.Only one shot is required in a lifetime. These shots normally cost $210.00 to $260.00 depending onthe area. I went to the Westside Dept. of Public Health immunization clinic which is the newest andthe least busy according to the staff members. There was only 1 other person when I wasthere. The address is 5195 Mace (off Redd and Doniphan), El Paso, TX 79932. Phone number is915-833-0493, appointment # is 915-771- 5822. Appointments are necessary as the vaccine isfrozen and must be administered immediately before it thaws out. The Dept of Public Health alsohas a clinic in Canutillo but it's only open on Mondays and I'll bet it's busy. Identification showingyou are an U.S. citizen will be required however all they asked for when I went was to see mydriver's license.

    The NM Dept. of Health was called and they aren't participating in this program. In fact, they didn'tknow anything about it. Following is a link to some information regarding the Shingles Shot:http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2008/02/11/hll20211.htm

    Pegmatite dykes in the granite are responsible for the white streaks in the foreheads of

    Presidents Washington & Lincoln on Mt. Rushmore.

    Articles of Interest:

    From a recent hike in the Potrillo Mt's. Cananyone ID this object? An unknown object, whichlooks as if it could be dangerous. It is embedded ina home made can and cement base. It appears tohave an arming pin and a safety ring securing it. Ihave its GPS coordinates for retrieval by theappropriate personal. Contact Eric Fuller withinformation.

    An interesting article re evidence of pre-Clovis habitation of the Americas "The Footprints of

    the First Americans" from the BBC:http://news.bbc.co.uk:80/2/hi/science/nature/4650307.stm

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    This is Monday and so time to get ready forFridays departure for Mule Creek. I pulled out my21 year old camper and aired up the tires as it hadbeen sitting for over two years and they were low,

    now the trick is to see if they hold air. Friend andfellow camper Kristine came out and we put thecamper up, cleaned it out, checked it over, made outlists of items and food we needed, etc. Later thatafternoon, I put it back down as the winds werecoming up pretty strong again. Upon hooking upthe electrical connection to check none of the lightsworked, sigh. Friends Don and Cookie stoppedover later that evening and checked it out with histesting tools to no avail, looks like maybe it needs anew pigtail.

    It is now Tuesday and the camper is hooked up

    to the Bronco and I run it into town to have thewiring checked and the wheel bearings repacked.About 15 miles with no lights and a 2005 licenseplate on the trailer, pretty slick trick. The new tagswere home sitting on the kitchen counter (they hadbeen there so long they had become part of the"dcor"). On the way into town the Bronco startedmaking a funny noise (this has been an on and offthing lately) so after dropping off the trailer I ran itover to my favorite mechanics. Heaven forbid weshould get stuck in the boonies with a sick Bronco.He said it sounded like a wheel seal problem and

    sure enuf it was and so it stayed with him. I alsotold him to repack the wheel bearings as it's beenthree years since last done and it was way overdue.He let me drive his prized Jeep Wagoneer home, areally neat vehicle.

    Here it is Wednesday AM and I somehow orother managed to not shut the Jeep door right andthe battery was dead. Shall I go on??? I got thecharger out, hooked it up and watched it barelymove. It was on that charger forever and hadn'tmoved much at all so I called AAA and waitedimpatiently for them to show up. Meanwhile a call

    came that the camper was ready to be picked up.Anyway, I went out and checked the charger againand, low and behold, it's up to 75% and movingright along. Oh, did I mention that the winds wereblowing with 50 mph gusts also. While waiting forAAA to show up the engine started for me. Calledand cancelled AAA and took off like a bat out of(oops) for town. Everything was going fine forabout five miles when the car slowed down and

    rolled to a slow stop. This is on US70 when WhiteSands is letting out of work of course. The powerwas still on (lucky for me) as I steered it to the sideof the road and rolled the windows down as it was

    not only windy but 104 degrees outside. Just as Idid this the phone rang and it was the AAA driverwho was in my yard wondering where the Jeep was.I explained the situation to him, he said to hold onhe would get a hold of AAA and have a tow trucksent out. In the meantime I called the mechanic,talked to his wife, explained the situation and shesaid he would come out. Now there I sat with boththe AAA and the mechanic on their way over.AAA arrived first and loaded up the vehicle andjust as we were pulling out on the road my Broncowent sailing by (we were headed west and Bronco

    was headed east). Of course by the time things gotstraightened out it was too late to pick up thecamper so home I went and glommed down a muchneeded and appreciated Martini.

    It's already Thursday now and I have to pick upthe camper right? First I check the rear driver sidetire on the Bronco as it has developed a slow leakand isn't in good shape (Please don't ask why thishadn't been taken care of long ago). You guessedit, down 5# from yesterday so off to Discount Tirewe go, wind and dust blowing madly still. Onelook at that tire and the man said, "You need a new

    tire". Of course he didn't have to tell me that - Ialready knew thats why I was there but I let it slideby. Two new tires later and a stop off at thegrocery store to pick up a few last minutes items forthe trip, then I decided to get my hair cut as it wasstarting to look pretty shaggy and I figured thatwould make me feel better after having to spend allthat money but, you guessed it, she had raised herprices some $5. By this time I am seriously askingmyself if I want to do this trip or not as my luckdoesn't seem to be running very good. Oh yes, Ipicked up the trailer, the lights worked and all wasgood so down the road we (Bronco, trailer and me)go for a couple of miles when a light bulb went offin my head - I hadn't put the new tags on the trailer.I just happened to be going by the RanchwayRestaurant so pulled into their lot and put the tagson. Being that it was noon and I was hungry and Iwas already parked in Ranchway's lot I figured itwas a sign from heaven and so I went in and had awonderful lunch. Hummm, my luck seems to bechanging.

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    In between trips to town and packing, etc. therewas this other thing that had to get done, somethingcalled COOKING. I don't know how but I did getmy Green Chili Stew, Spaghetti Salad and Hot Dogthingies done. Who said I had a one track mindanyway?

    Finally Friday and we drove up to Mule Creek,rain on and off all the way and as we were pullinginto the campsite it started to Hailbut this did stopand we set up a soggy camp. When I turned on thepropane it was discovered to be leaking at the valve.Thanks to some advice from fellow campers wecontinued to use it with no further problem for therest of the camp out. Upon arriving home, settingup and cleaning out the camper, I tried to removethe valve but couldn't budge the darn thing soBronco, camper and I drove on down to Anthonyand the Camper World for parts (it took many callsto locate this two stage valve) and had it replaced atsome cost.

    I bet you're thinking, wow, finally the end butnot really. It seems the crazed and crackedfiberglass front of the trailer finally broke up andnow has several holes in it. Because of my lack ofskills and tools I have to hire someone to fix it. Sofar the estimates are running from $350 to $600which is much cheaper than a new camper but isprobably all my little 21 year old Coleman is worthso am thinking on it for a few days. I would like togive you a total dollar amount this trip has cost me(just for laughs) but am afraid I will have a heartattack and/or stroke if I add it all up. Of course,

    some of the items were things that needed fixinganyway so probably shouldn't count them but thenthey did happen all because of the trip. What can Isay?

    Am I going camping again you ask? You bet Iam, it was a hoot and the campfires andcamaraderie were worth all the trials andtribulations of getting ready so see you all aroundthe campfire at the next camp-out.

    by Maxine "Almost Always Ready" Wyman

    (Sorry about the length of this article but once I gotstarted it just seemed to take on a life of its own).

    (Somebody who shall remain nameless oncetold me this looked like the Bronco and me inaction but it can't be as my Bronco is whitewith a brown top.)

    Another thought provoking question for us toponder:

    If Wile E. Coyote had enough money tobuy all that Acme stuff, why didn't he

    just buy dinner?


    ROCK POX - Very contagious to Both Sexes

    SYMPTOMS - Continual complaint as to need

    for fresh air, sunshine, and relaxation. Patienthas blank expression, sometimes inattentive torest of family. Has no taste for work of anykind. Frequent checking of dealers' catalogs,and lapidary and mineral shops taking longerthan usual. Secret phone calls to rock pals.Mumbles to self, Lies to rival collectors. Onlyone cure.

    TREATMENT - Medication is useless.Disease is not fatal. Victim should go hunting

    as often as possible at beach, mountain, ordesert hunting grounds; and make frequentvisits to his rock and lapidary dealer.

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    Trips & Such:

    There were no scheduled Field Trips but see Eric's report in the above minutes of the Junemeeting.

    Until I was ten years old I did not know that people died except by violence.James Kaywaykla; Chihenne Apache

    Upcoming Show Dates:

    Aug. 3-10 Copper Country Mineral Retreat, Houghton, MichiganThis is the Mecca for copper lovers. For info:www.museum.mtu.edu/copper_country_mineral/index.html

    Aug. 7-10 Contin-tail, 25th Anniversary Show, Buena Vista, COOutdoor show held in conjunction with Buena Vista Gold Rush Days.www.coloradorocks.org

    Aug. 23-Sep. 1 Agate Rendezvous 2008, camp out & field trips, Apache Creek, NM

    This is another federation gathering hosted by the Chaparral Rockhounds of

    Roswell. Field Trips are scheduled each day except for the last weekend. Thereare two field trips a day to collect Agate, Fluorite, purple Bloodstone, Jasper,Petrified Wood, Obsidian and a trip to Mogollon. I have copies of the article fromthe RMFN if youre interested. Lee Attaway and Jan Hoffman have attended &might have more info). More on this later.

    Thought for the Day:

    'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to takeeverything you have'. - Thomas Jefferson


    Sorry, no goodies this month. Don't forget to use this feature in the future, it's free.

    Letters to the Editor: Some comments from our members re "El Gambrisino"

    Well, if you put it that way... We wanted to get rid of it because it didn't mean anything. Now we've putprofound spiritual meaning to it that will last through the ages. Praise El Gambrisino!! Dorian (6/13/08)

    I really like that story/myth. I have/had no problem with the name and am not "embarrassed" and to have a

    story all our own is an original and valid reason to keep it for our club. Jan (6/12/08)

    I am happy with almost any name - El Gambrisino" is OK with me, LeRoy (6/12/08)

    OK Guys....it would appear that my heresy has raised some hackles.....I haven't had the membership cardsprinted yet so the road to perdition is still untrodden.....maybe I'm too much a scientist, quartz is not"azeztulite", its quartz...."resurrection quartz" ain't gonna resurrect anything....chlorite is chlorite is chlorite,NOT "serefina". These all are all parts of a belief system (religion?) that is almost as old as "El Gambrisino"and we all know that belief systems fill an important niche in human nature. are we doing an egregiousdisservice to our Icon......who am I to question the Wisdom of the Ages? Maybe Melody is right!! Don(6/13/08)

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    I like the little guy. Maybe we could just change his name to a real word. Sorry, I thought the story about hismysterious origin was dorky. Joan B. (6/15/08)

    Info for the Newsletter:

    If you have information, articles, pictures or a website related to gem crafting, rock collecting

    or exploring and would like to share please give a call or email me at [email protected].

    If you're a little shy about writing it up yourself I will be more than happy to help. Also if you

    have minerals, outdoor or camping equipment, etc. that you would like to sell please let me

    know for the "Classifieds." (Unlike our local paper there is no charge here for this service).

    2008 OFFICERS:

    President Denney Keith 527-9035 [email protected] President Don Saathoff 382-3464 [email protected]

    Secretary/TreasurerLee Attaway 523-4017 [email protected] Valerie Peebles 382-7651 [email protected] Don Saathoff 382-3464 [email protected] - Maxine Wyman 649-4900 [email protected]

    Mailing Address: P.O. Box Office 3091, Las Cruces, NM 88003