editing process

Editing process:

Upload: jessica-toledano

Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Editing process

Editing process:

Page 2: Editing process

How to edit for the front cover? • Although this picture wouldn’t be my front cover this is the process you use to

achieve it.

Once you have selected your image you go to the last icon on the tool bar on the left and press selected areas.

Using the tool bar you then select the paint brush tool and select the size you wish to use. And then colour in your image.

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.once you have selected the right size

colour in all your image and all the details. Use

the different sizes of brush tool to get the most accurate image

Using these 2 tools you can correct the edges and the details as it removed the colouring on the selected areas.

The tool is used to remove unwanted areas. In this example I used the tool to draw around the edges and it removed the areas selected to give a cleaner edge. This tool is good as you have a lot of control and a rubber is more for smaller areas.

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Once you select the area you want highlighted you press (Q) on your key board and copy it

You press file new and make a new document. In the process of doing this you have top change the present: To international paper due to it having to be portrait for the magazine cover.

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You select the background you want and either save it or drag into Photoshop like I did. Then

you click it to fit the screen however this could be tricky

due to it being a small image. However all you have to do is


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2) Press apply to get it to fit in the box

Select this bottom and it will allow you to stretch out your image.

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Make a new layer of the pink background and then add another layer by copying the image you edited and pasting it on top of your chosen background.

The editing wasn’t perfect due this being a demonstration on the actual steps used to do it. Not my actual cover!!!

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• Actual cover I edited her into the background and added text boxes and text to it.