editing photoshop

Step 1 Create a new file (I’ve chosen 700×350 px, background transparent) and fill the first layer with a new background color (for example #631700). Step 2 Take the burn/dodge tool and burn/dodge the marked area. Your result should look like this: Step 3 Create a new layer and load the grunge brushes (If you don’t know how to install brushes, read this guide ) and take the brush with 738px size. Select white as foreground color (or click D, then X) and click twice on the layer. Go to filter – sharpen – sharpen more and set the whole layer to overlay. Result:

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Post on 18-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Editing Photoshop

Step 1

Create a new file (I’ve chosen 700×350 px, background transparent) and fill the first layer with a new background color (for example #631700).

Step 2

Take the burn/dodge tool and burn/dodge the marked area.

Your result should look like this:

Step 3

Create a new layer and load the grunge brushes (If you don’t know how to install brushes, read this guide) and take the brush with 738px size. Select white as foreground color (or click D, then X) and click twice on the layer.Go to filter – sharpen – sharpen more and set the whole layer to overlay. Result:

Step 4

Now we are gonna import the render image. Open the 2nd render (2.png) and move it into position.

Page 2: Editing Photoshop

Again, let’s dodge and burn around for some light effects.

Step 5

Use the following layer effects (Explanation: Schein nach außen = Outer Glow // Schlagschatten = Shadow)

It should look like this:

Step 6

Page 3: Editing Photoshop

Create a layer BELOW the render layer and left-click the render-layer to get the selection of the render.

Fill the selection with white and go to select – modify – contract. Take 2px, hit ok and press delete. You should have a 2px thick border (quite invisible cause it’s below the render).Now go to distort – ripple. Take the last selection (big or something) and 109%, hit enter. >Last step: Set the layer to overlayIf you hide the layer with the render, your border should look like this one:

Step 7

Load the floral brushes and create another layer below the render layer.Set the foreground color to black and take a floral brush (I took the 2 with the sizes: 993 & 1135 ). Reduce the size of the brush to ~500 and click into the layer. Set the oppacity to 60%

Page 4: Editing Photoshop

and you are done with that.

Step 8

Create a new layer (above the render layer) and take a soft round brush (size: ~100px).Brush around with 2 colors (for example orange and blue) until you have 2 huge stains like this:

Step 9

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Now: filter – blur – gaussian blur with 50px and set this layer to overlay with a oppacity of 80%.

Step 10

Create a new layer and got to filter – render – clouds. Take the eraser with a soft brush and erase the marked area (oppacity of the eraser brush: ~90%).

Step 11

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Set the layer to saturation.

Step 12

If you like to, you can give the background a checkered pattern.Create a new file (size: 10×10 – background: transparent).Take the pencil, choose a round brush and set its size to 1 (foreground color: black). Create by single clicking a diagonal line like in this picture:

Step 13

When you are done, go to edit – define pattern and hit enter.

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Switch back to the main file and create a layer above the background layer.

Go to edit – fill and choose the pattern you just created. Your picture has now diagonal lines.

Copy the layer, go to edit – transform – flip horizontal and press CRTL+E (merge down). Set the layer oppacity to 20% and copy the layer.Press CRTL+I (invert) and move the layer one pixel to the right. Set the layer oppacity to 5% and should have the following checkered effect:

Step 14

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Add your text, done.