drugs abuse article

1. Andika Radea XI IPA 3 2. Dinan Permana 3. Jasmine Novrizka M. 4. Siti Aulia Permatasari DRUGS ABUSE Drugs is a forbidden medicine. Drugs is called Narkoba in Indonesia that means Narkotika dan Obat terlarang. But the real definition of drugs is depend on how people see the drugs? Good people usually asume that the drug is extremely dangerous medicine, which can damage health, and destroy a person’s future. But for a bad people, for them drug is Fun, drug is everything. They can’t life without that things. That was one of the teachers in SMANSA says. It has similarities with the theory “The Dangerous That’s Too Good to Quit” by Abby Haglage –news writer of The Daily Beast. There’s many kind of drug that spread in the World including Indonesia. The types of drugs according law (Undang- Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika) and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into four major categories, narkotics, alcohol, psychotropic and addictive substances. The example are : Megadon Pill, Koplo Pill, Morfin, Kokain, Marijuana, Extacy, shabu shabu, and BK Pill. For you know, BK pill is the Dog medicine that will make a dog calm. If the drug is used by someone, it will

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Post on 26-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Drugs abuse article

1.      Andika Radea                                                                                                  XI IPA 32.      Dinan Permana3.      Jasmine Novrizka M.4.      Siti Aulia Permatasari

DRUGS ABUSE            Drugs is a forbidden medicine. Drugs is called Narkoba in Indonesia that means

Narkotika dan Obat terlarang. But the real definition of drugs is depend on how people see the drugs? Good people usually asume that the drug is extremely dangerous medicine, which can damage health, and destroy a person’s future. But for a bad people, for them drug is Fun, drug is everything. They can’t life without that things. That was one of the teachers in SMANSA says. It has similarities with the theory “The Dangerous That’s Too Good to Quit” by Abby Haglage –news writer of The Daily Beast.

            There’s many kind of drug that spread in the World including Indonesia. The types of drugs

according law (Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika) and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into four major categories, narkotics, alcohol, psychotropic and addictive substances. The example are : Megadon Pill, Koplo Pill, Morfin, Kokain, Marijuana, Extacy, shabu shabu, and BK Pill. For you know, BK pill is the Dog medicine that will

make a dog calm. If the drug is used by someone, it will give an impact like calm, sober, fantasy, halusination, and a strange feeling that they usually call “Fly”. According to Wikipedia, the drug use can also cause addiction, health problems and make a such a severe ilness like HIV/AIDS, reproductive disorder, brain disorder, and blood damage, cancer, and even cause of death.

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        Drug abuse in Indonesia increased from year to year. The National Narcotics Agency (Badan Narkotika Nasional) also reported narcotics and drug users in Indonesia as of 2012 increased to 4 million people, an increase of 2 percent of the population and increased from the previous research of 3.8 million people. Drug users aged 10-20 years from 2012 to 2013 increased by 2.5%. According to BNN spokesman Dwiyanto

Sumirat, the number of addicts is increasing because the number of addicts who do very minimal rehabilitation. Moreover, drug distribution still ongoing especially among teenagers. Drug is a devil circle. They know each other who use it, who distribute it, and they spread  it in closed.  For those people who try use the drug it will be difficult to stop. The character of drug is very damaging. The people who use drug in their life will be overdose if they can’t control the drug use, and they will be withdrawal if there’s no drug beside them or if they try to stop using the drug. Another impact of drug use is physical impact. Because there several types of drug that used in a horrible ways. They also inject the drug with injection, or slice their skin with sharp thingy and sprinkle the drug (like morfin) in the blood and inhaled it.

Examples of drugs use cases : there are factors that favor the away parental supervision due to busy making a living in order to meet the needs of the family. Gradually he was using drugs and eventually became a dealer supported many environmental factors that consumers of contaminated drugs. Starts from marijuana addiction, then up to putauw. Within a day, he spent three putauw package worth a total of Rp 225 thousand. Increasingly severe addiction because drugs are booming in 1997. He himself eventually became a courier aka dealers. Per day, he paid Rp 500 thousand. Like the proverbial language "As clever as clever squirrel jumps will surely fall as well". One day wafted also by the security officer. There is no more word slogan that became best friends are everything. Caught one of the networks, in the end the young man was caught.

            According to our teacher, there’s many way to avoid a drug use. You can fill your day with a positive activity, avoid a bad zone, avoid promiscuity  (free society), make fun your day with your hobby, closer to god, and remember that drug is very dangerous and have a

very negative impact for your life. How bad your life is, how strange your life is, how terrible your life is, don’t ever use a drugs because it will not makes your life better, it just make your life more terrible and make your family emberassed about

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it. It is also almost the same as the opinion of the psychologist. So, stay healthy and say no to drugs!