drugs and substance abuse

Drugs and Substance Abuse Causes, Effects, and Ways of Prevention

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Drugs and Substance Abuse

Causes, Effects, and Ways of Prevention


At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students must be able to;

•a. identify the different factors why do people take drugs•b. discuss possible ways of preventing drig abuse•c. value the importance of our body as God’s temple

Unlocking of Difficulties/Definition of Terms

• 1. Drug Use- Consumption of drug or substance for their particular function.

• 2. Drug Misuse- Unintentional or inappropriate use of drugs.• 3. Drug Abuse- Intentional chronic or and excessive use of

drug or substance.• 4. Drug Tolerance- Body’s ability to become used to drugs or

substances.• 5. Drug Dependence- Drug or substances becomes the main

focus of the abuser.• 6. Drug Addiction- Pattern marked both by tolerance and

psychic and physical dependence.

What are Drugs?

– Drugs are defined as a chemical substance other than food that affects the normal function of the body and mind when being taken in or applied to the body.

– Drugs are classified as “Over the Counter”, “Regulated” and “Prohibited”.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 1. Curiosity• 2. Low Self-Esteem• 3. Peer Pressure• 4. Adult Modeling• 5. Boredom• 6. Feeling of Alienation• 7. Relief of Discomfort

• 8. Depression• 9. Family Disruption or Dysfunction

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 1. Curiosity- The desire to know about something. In this case, knowing how do drugs affect one’s self.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 2. Low self-esteem- A person gets courage and confidence from a particular drug that he or she is taking.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 3. Peer pressure- Since values are not just taught but are also caught, the socialization process is also a factor in drug abuse.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 4. Adult modeling- Adults, especially parents are the children’s role model whether it is for good or not.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 5. Boredom- Always remember, the devil’s playground is an empty mind.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 6. Feeling of Alienation- Sometimes, people especially teenagers or even young adults feel that they are casted out of a group. So they will find a way for them to be “in”.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 7. Relief of Discomfort- Discomfort may be in a form of problems and burdens in workplace, school and family.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 8. Depression- state of mind of where a person cannot enjoy because his situation is so difficult or unpleasant.

Reasons Why People Abuse Drugs

• 9. Disruption of Family- Broken or dysfunctional family and families with OFWs may lead to drug abuse.

Effects of Drug Abuse

• A. To one’s self• Changes in physical and psychological aspects

• B. To Family• Dysfunction of the family• Disregarding family’s needs

• C. To the Community• Higher Crime rate

Ways to Avoid Drug Abuse

1. Have a positive self esteem.2. Be involved in worthwhile activities.3. Have friends who do not abuse drugs.4. Have a sense of accomplishment.5. Have clearly defined goals.6. Have healthy competition.7. Be committed to follow rules and law.8. Be reared in a loving and functional family.