
WTF is a Help Network?

“Do you know a good cook near Santa Clara who can come home and cook?”

“Does anyone deliver home made chapatis?”

“Which is a good dry cleaner around san mateo for indian sarees/salwars?”

As Indians in a foreign country, we all face questions like these.

That’s where Shoutt comes in.

Ask your question

We’ll find the best people

to help

How do we do this?

We match your question and your profile to people nearby...

… sort of like dating sites

Here are a few factors that we consider

● Who you are?● Where you work?● Where you’re from?● Your local knowledge● Your previous questions● Communities you belong to

But…Why would I help anyone?

“The Help Network”

Neehar Mansi

1. Neehar posts a question and asks for help

2. Mansi helps Neehar with an answer

Neehar Mansi

Neehar is now part of Mansi’s help network


Mansi helps a few more people

and grows her help network

When Mansi needs help, she can now reach out to her help network

So...Why would I help anyone?

By helping others, you create a network you can reach out to for help anytime

So Indians….Let’s help each other out

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