Page 1: Newspaper analy sing

Liam Keenan

Formal serif font for masthead to show magazine is serious and contains relevant stories. Yellow strips could represent power. Red block font catches reader’s eye. This appeals more to women representing desire and love as it is advertising a women’s style magazine. The main story is in block sans serif capitals to stand out from the rest of the front cover and persuade people to buy the newspaper.

In the primary optical area the main masthead is bold and large to catch the reader’s eyes. The main picture uses rule of thirds and according to Guttenberg’s principle the masthead is in the primary optical area along with the three strips of yellow connoting power and ties in with Manchester’s bee logo.

The Main picture is more or less in the primary optical area so the consumer sees this first. With a small description of the picture underneath highlighted in a red font to attract consumer’s eyes. It uses a consistent house style throughout with the same fonts and colours being used.

In the terminal optical area is a picture of Ronaldo to attract the male and younger audience to the newspaper. The columns are set out in a very organised style.

In the strong fallow area the date and price is normally placed in formal tabloid newspapers. The audience are more likely to look here than the weak fallow area so the editor places the price here to give more chance of purchases. The blue 1st edition attracts a male audience.

Paragraphs of text are usually placed in the weak fallow area. This is the area of the front cover the audience are least likely to look at if they are just skimming through the paper. There is normally an index along the bottom so consumers can flick straight to the page they are most interested in.

Page 2: Newspaper analy sing

Liam Keenan

The red circle in the top right hand corner attracts the reader with the bold typeface saying ‘free’ in bold to stand out. There is an image of Victoria Beckham next to this in a yellow outfit. This represents power and would make the consumer want to be ‘This year’s best dressed’ like victoria Beckham so they would flip to page 13.

The Blue house style of the paper appeals to their male primary target audience and gives it a formal, office like feel. The serif typeface also gives the paper a formal, high class vibe. The white font on the blue background stands out predominantly. The price and barcode are in the primary optical area according to Guttenberg’s principle. Also the most exciting story is located in this area so the consumer sees this before everything else.

The advert for Facebook in the terminal optical area would attract a younger audience that aren’t actually reading the paper just flicking through. They would be more interested in this story.

The paragraphs are set out in a very organised way. The image of Colin Firth is more or less in the middle of the page and features a mid-shot of him smiling in a bright white shirt. The shirt could connote purity, power or fame.

Page 3: Newspaper analy sing

Liam Keenan

The paper follows a red house style which attracts footballers and stokes fans. The colour of the box matches the image of the referee next to it. The text is in a large bold sans serif font to attract a younger audience and football fans. The price is located in the top left hand corner so the consumer sees this first according to Guttenberg’s principle.

The advert for Auto cab follows the red house style of the cover and stands out to consumers that are skimming through the paper as it appears in the terminal optical area. The small green circle stands out against the red background and is dominantly contrasting.

The main story’s masthead is in a bold black typeface standing out against the light background. It says ‘another fine mess’ which states the story will contain chaos which people are interested nowadays especially consumers in a small town where hardly anything happens.

Red connotes danger because stoke fans might be worried if Pulis was sent off or not and the colour ties in with the kit that stoke players wear. The main masthead is in a formal serif font to attract an older audience to the paper. The Font of the masthead also gives a ‘classic’ look to the paper, giving the impression that the paper is trustworthy and honest.

Page 4: Newspaper analy sing

Liam Keenan

The Masthead is in a formal serif font with a red background to attract the consumer’s eyes and connote danger and love. The reader will be drawn to stories like these as they are interesting.

Main storyline is in a bold sans serif typeface to catch the reader’s attention and the main picture fills most of the page appearing in the primary optical area more or less. The story that says ‘clampdown on gangs after shooting spree’ is in a red font indicating that the story includes death and danger.

The advert on the right hand side will appeal to mothers and parents with the young girl holding up the sign. Yellow symbolises power which will appeal to mothers who are matriarchal in a family and the red will appeal to women because it ties in with love. The bottom advert is yellow over black to stand out and appeal to rebellious teenagers that also love power, tying in with the colour yellow. It appears in the weak fallow and terminal areas for youths who are just flicking through.

Facial expressions show the dire state of the family and how unhappy they are with the circumstances they are in. the pink Adidas logo and love heart jumper represent the love they had for their son. And the pink could appeal to a female audience

This small blue box appeals to a working class audience, primarily male as it appears in the primary optical area so would be seen first and foremost. There is less writing for working class people as compared to the large stories on the more formal front cover.

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