Page 1: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

Worship Schedule/Horario de Misas:

Saturday Vigil Masses 4:15 pm - Vietnamese 6:00 pm - Spanish

Sunday Masses 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 6:00 pm -English 11:00 am -Spanish, 12:30 pm -Filipino 3:45 pm, 7:30 pm -Vietnamese

Daily Masses 8:00 am -English 5:30 pm -Vietnamese except Wednesday Novena and Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday - 5:30 pm Confessions/Confesiones Saturday at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm or by appointment

Parish Office Hours /Horario de Oficina Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am to 7:00 pm Saturday -10:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday -10:30 am to 2:30 pm Monday - CLOSED

MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Iglesia la SantisimaTrinidad•Giáo Xứ Chúa Ba Ngôi

Simbahan ng Santisima Trinidad • Tasi Tolu Pa’ia

*A Jesuit Parish* At Most Holy Trinity, it is our mission to discover and proclaim God’s

love through Worship, Study, Prayer and Good Works.

Clergy and Pastoral Staff Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, S.J. Pastor ext 114 Fr. Duc Vu, S.J. ext 117 Fr. Andrew Garcia, S.J. ext. 116 Fr. Vincent Duong, S.J. ext. 123 Deacon Vicente Perez, Ret. ext 112 Deacon Ruben Solorio ext 100 Deacon Dung Tran ext 100 Sylvia Hogan , Business Manager ext 307 Sr. Maria Goretti Nguyen, L.H.C. ext 110 Martha Armenta, Receptionist ext 100 Porty Nevarez, Faith Formation ext 126 Sr. Mary Margaret Phan, L.H.C. ext 115 Mario Lucas, Accountant ext 109 Mercedes Serrano,PAR Coordinator ext 108 Sal Rojas, Liturgical Director ext 119

2040 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-0101 • FAX: (408) 258-4131 School: 1940 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-3431 • FAX: (408) 272-4945 (Parish) - (School)

October 29, 2017 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

There is one word or command that summarizes today’s Gospel: Love. For Jesus there is no distinction between these two commands of loving God and neighbor. One naturally flows from the other. In fact, for Jesus, these commands constitute a way of life for Christian stewards; a unique approach to life and to their relationship with others. Our neighbors include everyone with whom we come into contact: family members, friends, people we don’t like, strangers and particularly those most in need of our love and compassion. Love is always for doing well and helping others grow closer to the Lord. What are ways in which we might do better at following Christ’s love command? Source: International Catholic Stewardship Council e-Bulletin.

Page 2: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

Worship and Prayer Reflexion del la Esccritura de Hoy

Mass Intentions for the Week MONDAY October 30, 2017 8:00 AM Alice Navarro † Nora Rumbo - Healing TUESDAY October 31, 2017 8:00 AM Claudia Benitez † Victoria Vitug † Cipriano Soriano † THURSDAY November 2, 2017 8:00 AM Rafael Natividad Lagasca † Irineo Deyto † Theresa Kimmy Vu † FRIDAY November 3, 2017 8:00 AM Theresa Kimmy Vu † Phimbert Pablico - Bday All Souls in Purgatory SATURDAY November 4, 2017 8:00 AM Warren Stanley Smith † Damiana & Mariano Corpuz † Napoleon Corpuz †


TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- You shall not oppress an alien, for you yourselves were once aliens in Egypt (Exodus 22:20-26).

Psalm -- I love you, Lord, my strength (Psalm 18). Second Reading -- You became imitators of the Lord, so that you became a model for all believers (1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10).

Gospel -- You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40).

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20- 21; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Thursday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3- 9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Friday: Rom 9:1-5;Ps 147:12-15,19-20;Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12- 13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Mal 1:14b -- 2:2b, 8-10; Ps 131:1-3; 1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12

El principal mandamiento es el tema más importante de la Liturgia de la Palabra de este domingo. La pregunta para poner a prueba a Jesús no se hace esperar por uno de los fariseos: "Maestro, ¿cuál es el mandamiento más grande de la ley?" Jesús le respondió: "Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente". Este es el más grande y el primero de los mandamientos. Y el segundo es semejante a éste: "Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo" (Mt 22, 37-39). Para dar respuesta, Jesús recurre al Deuteronomio 6, 5 y al Levítico 19, 18. Lo que el Maestro quería enseñar a los que lo cuestionaban era el cómo se llevan a cabo los nuevos preceptos de la ley. Es decir, dar un nuevo comienzo a las situaciones de ver y medir el amor a Dios y al prójimo. Es mentira, el que dice que ama a Dios y no a su prójimo. Por esta razón, Jesús añade que el segundo mandamiento es semejante al primero. El reto es practicar este amor de manera vertical y horizontal, de Dios hacia el prójimo y viceversa. "El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica" en su número 2083 dice que "Jesús resumió los deberes del hombre para con Dios en estas palabras: 'Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente' (Mt 22, 37; cfr. Lc 10, 27: '...y con todas tus fuerzas'). Estas palabras siguen inmediatamente a la llamada solemne: 'Escucha, Israel: el Señor nuestro Dios es el único Señor' (Dt 6, 4)". ¿Cuáles medios buscamos para amar a Dios y al prójimo? Source: Liturgical Publications, Inc.

PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA - INVITAR A PARROQUIANOS A REFLEXIONAR Y RESPONDER Mateo 22, 34-40 Jesús considera el amor a Dios y el amor al prójimo como los mandamientos principales. ¿Qué tan bien sigue usted estos mandamientos?

Éxodo 22, 20-26 Preste atención a la preocupación de Dios para los vulnerables y los marginalizados en las leyes sociales que recibió Moisés en el Monte Sinaí. ¿Cómo cuida usted a los más necesitados de su comunidad?

1 Tesalonicenses 1, 5-10 ¿De qué manera se siente Pablo orgulloso de los creyentes en la comunidad de Tesalónica?

Page 3: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

Today’s Scripture Reflection

Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about the “Acts of the Apostles this Thursday November 2 7pm in the Old Hall.

Please come and join us for an amazing journey of discovery of God’s words and the teachings of our Catholic faith which is sure to bring you a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy and love of your life. All Are Welcome!

Bodas Comunitarias: ¿Desea usted casarse por la iglesia y comenzar una vez más volver a recibir los sacramentos? Están invitados a tomar parte de la Bodas Comunitarias el día 10 de Febrero del 2018. Los requisitos iniciales son: 1. Que estén viviendo casados por lo civil o en unión libre por los menos cinco años. 2. Que tengan hijos. 3. Que hayan recibido su Primera Comunión. "Favor de comunicarse con el Padre Andrew al 408-729-0101 x 116".

We might summarize the readings for this 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time by merely stating that as Christians we are to show compassion to one another and to love one another. Of course, that is a relatively accurate summary of everything we are called to do as Christians. A wise philosopher once stated, “People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” That could certainly apply to Jesus and what He calls us to do and how He calls us to live. In some ways, Jesus was as force-ful and demanding a teacher Who ever lived. He has taught us that we must give total loyalty to Him and that we must be willing to “bear His cross.” Yet, in spite of these demands, He is at the center of our faith, of course. Our First Reading comes to us from the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament. God is speaking to us, and He says, “You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.” We need to appreciate that the word translated as “alien” could also be translated as “stranger.” We could easily measure our own moral char-acter in how we treat “strangers.” It is easy for us to treat those with whom we are familiar well, but God commands us to have a concern for others also, including the total stranger, or someone whom we feel is very different from us. In addition we are commanded to take special care of those who may be more vulnerable in our society, in the instances cited in this reading widows, orphans, and the poor in particular. How we treat those less fortunate is a true measure of our compassion and our sense of stewardship. St. Paul, in his letter to the Thessalonians, our Second Reading, takes compassion to another level. Compassion is more than words and comprehension, it has to do with action and perhaps even with power. In modern culture we have a bit of an overflow of information and entertainment but it is often mere words. It lacks the power of our Gospel. It includes the workings of the Holy Spirit, a living Person, who works within our hearts. When the Holy Spirit is involved, a great spiri-tual work can be accomplished. We may think too little about the spiritual aspects of the Word of God. It is much more than understanding and education. It is a complete devotion to this idea of love and compassion. Paul refers to how the Thessalonians responded to the Word of God and it is a reminder to us that we must do the same. Paul says, “For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth.” The Thessalonians responded to the Word by serving the living and true God. They did something with the Word, far more than just hearing it, and what they did was accom-plished through love and compassion. That is our challenge as well. If anyone understood the Law, Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man, certainly did. As a result the latest test offered to him in today’s Gospel from St. Matthew causes Him no difficulty. The desire of the questioner is to have Jesus select one commandment as more important than another. However, the Lord defines the Law based upon its core principles: love the Lord with everything you have and love your neighbor as yourself. As impossible as it may be to love the Lord with everything we have, we can at least grasp that. There is much confusion though relating to what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. Yet, God’s expectations of us are briefly and power-fully stated in these two sentences. If the life of God is real in our own lives, it will be shown by the presence of our love for God and for others. It was St. Francis de Sales who wrote, “Examine your heart often to see if it is such toward your neighbor as you would like his or her to be toward you if your situations were reversed. This is the touchstone of true reason.” Filed Under: Homily Guides, Stewardship Reflections on Lectionary Readings by Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc.

Page 4: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

Stewardship A Way of Life


Seventy years are given to us! Some may even reach eighty. But even the best of these years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we are gone. Teach us to make the most of our time so that we may grow in wisdom. Prayer of Moses Psalm 90: 10, 12 (New Living Translation)

Corresponsables Una Manera de Vivir

TIEMPO * TALENTO * TESORO Nuestra vida dura apenas setenta años, y ochenta, si tenemos más vigor: en su mayor parte son fatiga y miseria, porque pasan pronto, y nosotros nos vamos. Enséñanos a calcular nuestros años, para que nuestro corazón alcance la sabiduría. La Oración de Moisés. Salmo 90: 10,12

RCIA Brings New Life into Our Community of Faith

Here’s a ray of light into an anxious world: Every year thousands of people choose to join the Catholic Church. That’s a big deal, and it’s happening in a parish near you, in a process called RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We live in a cynical age, where many mistrust institutions and increasingly reject organized religion. RCIA is a powerful sign of the enduring strength of our shared faith. But, as the United States Catholic Bishops tell us, this ancient rite was reinstituted following the Second Vatican Council because the initiation of new Catholics is not just a private affair for them, but a communal event for all of us: “(The Rite) was restored in the Church to highlight the fact that the newly baptized are received into a community of faith, which is challenged to realize that they too have become different because of this new life in the community.”

We who embrace Christian stewardship should be mindful to welcome, greet, support and even be transformed by these spirit-filled new Catholics. Our hospitality is a hallmark of our stewardship and our own evangelizing spirit. We are called into a “community of faith” with them. As RCIA progresses through the year, we begin to see the catechumens – those preparing for baptism – being excused after the Liturgy of the Word to continue their preparation. How can we become more supportive of these aspiring Catholics? Notice who they are. Seek them out and welcome them. Introduce yourself.

Consider volunteering for RCIA. Often, a variety of speakers are needed – perhaps you could help with one or two classes if not the entire year. Each candidate needs a sponsor to walk through the process with them. This is a gift to an initiate, but also a way to renew your own catechesis about our church. Then, attend the Easter Vigil, the preeminent liturgical event of our Catholic year, where new Catholics are baptized and receive the other sacraments of initiation. Often, those who have been previously baptized into other Christian faiths are received into the Church on this night as well. It’s a night rich in symbolism, and despite the late hour, it’s usually followed by a reception. It’s a great way to celebrate this “new life in the community.”

Let’s be good stewards of these new Catholics. They will be bursting with enthusiasm to get involved. Make a special effort to welcome them into your ministries and into the liturgical life of the parish. Source: International Catholic Stewardship Council e- Bulletin

Let’s be good stewards of these new Catholics. They will be bursting with enthusiasm to get involved.

Page 5: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICA DE SANTISIMA TRINIDAD Todos los viemes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm, en la Iglesia para alabar al señor a traves de Oraciones espontaneas, Oracion a traves de las Escrituras, testimonios, Enseñanzas y Reflexiones. Tambien se ora por todas las necesidades de los asistentes al Grupo de Oracion y de la Comunidad en general; Cualquier persona que desee acompañamos es bienvenido, y de 9:00 pm a 12:00, Adoracion del S a n t i s i m o S a c r a m e n t o ;

Misa de Sanacion cada primer viernes de Mes, tambien adoracion cada primer sabadodel mes de 9:00 pm a 11:00 pm y crecimiento espiritual los Iunes a las 7:30 pm en la Rectoria. Coordinador: Mario y Olivia Gutierrez Mas informacion: (408) 406-8512 JESUITS WEST PILGRIMAGE TO PORTUGAL

You are invited to join us on our once-in-a-lifetime Spiritual Journey to Portugal, 11 days, May 21-31, 2018. Includes Fatima, Santarém, Braga, Coimbra, Porto, Nazaré, Obidos, Lisbon, Sintra, Cascais & more! Daily Mass, 3 excellent hotels, most meals and informative guides. Only $3,299 from Seattle (SEA) or San Francisco (SFO), plus government taxes/airline surcharges and tips. Under the Spiritual Direction of Frs. Sam Bellino, S.J. & John Mossi, S.J. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit Space is limited.

WEEKLY GIVING Oct. 21/22, 2017

Offertory Collections - $ 18,528 Offertory Budget 20,000 The Priests and Deacons of this parish have contributed $ 468.00 the past week from their ministries to support the mission of MHT. Thank you for your generosity and continuing support.

Grupo de Evangelización de la Santísima Trinidad Les Invita a un



cada Miércoles de 7 P.M. a 9 P.M. en el Salón Viejo

Los invitamos a compartir con más hermanos éste curso que ponemos en sus manos, y recuerden que todos los hombres, mujeres y niños necesitamos conocer el gran amor de Dios. Y ustedes, al igual que nosotros somos apóstoles de la Palabra. La palabra apóstol significa ‘enviado’. Y todos los bautizados fuimos enviados por Jesús. Para más información, llamar Rosa Maria Ruiz (408) 219- 2567 o a Jesus Parra al (408) 836-3299 o a Diácono Vicente Pérez al (408) 896-3366.

All Saints' Day and All Souls Day Masses

All Saints' Day Wednesday, November 1 8:00 am Mass – English 7:30 pm Mass – Vietnamese All Souls Day Thursday, November 2 8:00 am Mass – English 10:30 am Mass – School service 5:00 pm Mass – Vietnamese 7:30 pm Mass – Spanish

Come join us for celebration of Holy Mass on All Saints' Day and All Souls Day at Most Holy Trinity Church.

The Sisters and Associates of Notre Dame de Namur

With “hearts as wide as the world”

invite you to

A FAIR OF THE ARTS supporting our Sisters and their ministries

in Africa and Latin America

Visit professional and student artists selling art, crafts, handmade gifts,

vintage treasures, plants, and food at the Sunflower Café. Enjoy student entertainment during the event.

Saturday, November 4, 2017 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Notre Dame High School

596 South Second Street, San Jose, CA 95112

Parish Registration Whether you are currently a parishioner or are interested in becoming one, we love having you at Most Holy Trinity Parish. Choosing your church can be as vital to your family as it is selecting the town in which you live. Registration is the first step toward active participation in a parish. You will find that Most Holy Trinity is a welcoming, serving and loving church family with many diverse personalities and talents. There are many parish ministries to involve yourself with. As a registered parishioner, you may sponsor individuals for sacraments, receive sacraments yourself, or participate in Faith Formation classes. In addition, you become a supporting member of the parish community. Registered parishioners will have available an end of the year tax contribution statement. Call the parish office for more information at 408-729-0101. Register today!

Page 6: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

Open Gym Times for Teens and Young Adults If you like to play Basketball, the Most Holt Trinity Center Gym is open on Thursdays from:

7:00 pm to 8:30pm: 14-17 yrs old 8:30pm to 10pm: 18+ yrs old

Address: 2040 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA, 95122 Contact: Jay Matthew Perez or Nicole Fader 408-729-0101 Ext. 322. A night for everyone to have fun in a welcoming and friendly environment.

Health Ministry

Where/Donde: Most Holy Trinity Church Trinity Center Community Room Salón Comunitario Centro

When/Cuando: Mondays/Lunes 7:50pm-8:50pm Wednesdays/Miercoles

Everyone is welcome!/Todos son bienvenidos! $5 donation is requested/Se pide donación de $5

Zumba Class Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Los Altos 650-428-3730 Calvary Cemetery, San Jose 408-258-2940 St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Milpitas Pre-Need Arrangements at time of death, contact: Teresa Huyen Nguyen [email protected] or 408-296-9895.

HURRY HURRY HURRY. Time is running out to register for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Let a cozy weekend for just the two of you keep you warm on these long winter nights. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 10-12, 2017 in San Jose. For more information visit our website at: or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413.

October 29, 2017 A new report published in JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that in the 1960’s research – funded by sugar industry – downplayed the health effects of sugar laden diet and instead called “saturated fat” the dietary demon responsible for heart disease. We had 50 years of misleading public health advice. Our current epidemic of obesity and its related diseases is caused by diets low in fat but high in sugars and refined grains. There is little doubt now: Sugar is bad for you. A high intake of sugary drinks is associated with increased risk of overweight and obesity conditions that are directly linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Getting children to enjoy healthier foods may be as simple as making a few changes. Limit the added sugars your child gets in cereal and

yogurt. Don’t keep sugary drinks, fruit drinks and soda in the house.

If your child sees you eating healthy foods, he or she

is more likely to do the same. Eating dinner together as a family is also linked to better academic performance, lower risk of depression and substance abuse.

Include fruits and veggies at every single meal.

Eating more produce is protective against cardiovascular disease and may help to prevent childhood obesity.


Un nuevo informe publicado en JAMA una revista de medicina reveló que en la investigación de los años 1960 -financiada por la industria azucarera- hicieron menos la importancia a los efectos de la dieta cargada de azúcar y en su lugar se llamó "grasa saturada" al demonio dietético responsable de la enfermedad cardíaca. Tuvimos 50 años de consejos engañosos de salud pública. Ahora hay pocas dudas: el azúcar es malo para ti. Bebidas azucaradas están asociada con un mayor riesgo de sobrepeso y condiciones de obesidad que están directamente relacionadas con la diabetes tipo 2 y las enfermedades del corazón. Hacer que los niños disfruten de alimentos más sanos puede ser tan simple como hacer algunos cambios. Limite la azúcar añadida que come su niño en

cereales y yogur. No guarde bebidas azucaradas, jugos de frutas ni refrescos en la casa.

Si su hijo lo ve comiendo alimentos saludables, es

más probable que haga lo mismo. Comer juntos como familia también está relacionado con un mejor desempeño académico, menor riesgo de depresión y abuso de sustancias.

Incluya frutas y verduras en cada comida. Comer

más productos protege contra las enfermedades cardiovasculares y puede ayudar a prevenir la obesidad infantil.


Page 7: MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - · Today’s Scripture Reflection Multi-Cultural Bible Study Thursday Evenings at 7PM Join the bible study group this week as we learn about

THANK YOU for joining the Most Holy Trinity Parish Family for Stewardship Weekend. Many parishioners were present for the weekend celebration making it a successful event in our parish. Your presence during the weekend is a testament to the strong community you belong to at Most Holy Trinity. Our diligent volunteers have developed many outreach programs for the community as well as many parish-centered groups. During the fair, you were asked to consider sharing your time and talent and be part of at least one ministry. If you have not responded to this opportunity, please prayerfully consider committing your time to your parish by submitting the Time/Talent Commitment Form to the parish office on or before November 5. MORE MINISTRY FAIR PHOTOS

Society of Saint Vincent De Paul - Most Holy Trinity Conference

Are you in need of monetary or food assistance? We may be able to help you. We provide assistance with food, utilities, transportation and other expenses. Please call SVdP (408) 729-0101 ext. 323 and leave a message and phone number so we can help you. ¿Le necesitan ayuda alimentaria o monetaria? Podemos ser capaces de ayudarle. Proveemos la ayuda de la comida, utilidades, transporte y otros gastos. Por favor llame SVdP (408) 729-0101 ext 323 y deje un mensaje y su número de teléfono para que podamos ayudarle.

Volunteers Needed "St. Vincent de Paul-Most Holy Trinity Conference is looking for volunteers to help with home visits. It is preferred that volunteers are retired, have good social skills and a compassion to help those in need. Volunteers will be trained on home visitations and resource availabilities to help those in need. Volunteers will be accompanied by an experienced volunteer and will be required to join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Most Holy Trinity Conference. If interested and would like to share your time and talent, please contact John Estrada at (408) 729-0101, Ext 323."

Blanket Drive St. Vincent de Paul, Most Holy Trinity Conference is asking for donations of blankets and warm winter clothing for our needy homeless men and women. If you need a donation receipt for tax purposes, please let me know. Thank-you and God Bless you. Sincerely, John Estrada MHT Conference President

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