
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to your full product?

Beth Horan

Front CoversBoth of the front covers have a photograph

with a medium long shot. This is because most magazines include this as it appeals to the reader as they feel closer to the subject on the front. Both of the subjects are smiling, which looks friendly and inviting to the audience. I think that the lighting, costume and quality of the photograph look better on my music magazine (right). This gives it a professional finish.

The layouts of the magazines are basically the same in terms of where the masthead and main image is. There are only a couple of key colours in my Educated magazine, this makes it not stand out very much. My music magazine Popcult looks busier and it has lots of bright colours and pictures. This will attract the audience a lot more as it is eye catching and looks like it has better content. Also, my music magazine has different fonts to make it more interesting. My preliminary magazine Educated only has one style of font which makes it look quite boring in comparison. I think that Popcult looks much more professional as it has more features such as a sell line.

Both of the magazines have direct address in the puffs as they refer to the audience directly as if they are speaking to them. My preliminary school magazine also has direct address in the photograph as the subject looks directly at the camera. This feels personal and connects with the audience. I chose to not have direct address in my music magazine cover image as she is a cool celebrity and she is showing off the latest fashions. She still does connect with the readers as she is smiling directly at them.

Contents PagesI think that my preliminary task contents

page (left) looks quite boring as there are loads of gaps which I could have filled with pictures. My contents page for Popcult looks a lot busier which makes it look more interesting to the audience. I learnt from my preliminary task and added more images to empty spaces which made it look fuller and better.

The layout of my preliminary contents page is very neat and organised. I think that it is boring to look at because it’s simple. I do like the headings which categorise the articles though as it makes it easier for the reader to find what they’re looking for. Also, the letter from the editor gives it a personal edge. I made my Popcult music magazine busier but still categorised the articles for the reader. This makes the page look fun but still easy to read. I also chose to use an editors letter again in my final contents page as I like how it speaks directly to the reader.

Both of my contents pages speak directly to the reader as they have the letter from the editor. These are both written in handwriting fonts to make it look as if the editor has written it themselves. This makes the reader feel special and as if it is only to them. The other fonts on my contents pages fit with the house styles of my magazines as they are the same colours and styles as on the covers.

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