  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Arun Singh


    Introduction to Open Standards

  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Introduction to Standards

    In the early 18th century an English civil and

    mechanical engineer, George Stephenson

    designed the first public railway. He used a gauge

    of 4 feet 8 and half inches.

    An American Engineer named Walton W. Evanspursued to find the measurement of Roman

    chariots and converted to inches and found that

    they were 4 feet 9 inches this is slightly more than

    the gauge. This was confirmed by archaeologistlater.

    Over the years 4 feet 8 and half inches has

    become a gauge standard in railways. From then

    on to this day it has become a standard gauge formost railwa s across the world.

  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Types of Standards

    Broadly standards are classified into 2 types


    De facto standard

    De jure Standard

    De facto Standard

    De facto in Latin it means, in practice,

    therefore, this is a standard that has been widely

    accepted and has a dominant position in the

    market. Mostly these standards are empirical,

    meaning they are derived from facts and also

    adopted early in the market.

  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    system keyboard layout has remained the samefrom the typewriters era. The typewriter keys

    were placed in specific format to avoid adjacentkeys jamming into each other.

    De jure standard

    De jure Standards are developed by standardbodies, professional organisation or a consortiumof companies using well defined process. Thestandards developed under this type will strongly

    abide by the following attributes-

    Openness - Free participation

    Process Transparency Fair development


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Below are the few examples of ISO (International

    standard Organisation) standard;

    ISO 8124-1:2000 Safety aspects relating to

    mechanical and physical properties

    ISO 5775 international standard for the size ofbicycle tires and rims

    Many a times De facto standards become de jure

    standards, especially which have been in use forlonger period of time. For example railway


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Open Standard

    Open means, non-secretive. Which means its

    available for public knowledge.

    A standard is like a blueprint. It provides guidelines

    to anyone who wants to follow the specification to

    build a product.

    Standards are developed to make things work as

    the same way even though they are made by

    different manufactures.

    Open Standards are publicly available

    documents that contain implementable

    specifications (Wikipedia).

  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    For example, when we buy a telephone we do notworry about telephone plug and the jack because

    we are sure it works.All the telephones manufactured by differenttelephone companies will have the same plug as astandard.

    Telephone industries have a blueprint for jack andplug which are mandatory and are followed by allthe telephone manufacturers.

    No single vendor can change this standard.

    The traffic signaling system is a example of Openstandard, the rules of the road, and bulbetc.Virtue of openness brings in interoperability and


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Attributes of Open Standard

    Accessibility-Open Standard should be available

    for everyone.

    No Royalty Fee - No royalty charges to use the

    open standard specification to build a product.

    Unbiased - Not biased to a particular implementer

    open standard is one that exercises openness indevelopment, openness in implementation, and

    openness in use.

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    Openness in Development: Anyone can

    participate in developing the Open standard and

    without regard to any external influences likegovernment, credentials etc.

    There is no joining fee for the membership.

    The procedure followed during the development

    will be absolutely transparent. During the course of

    development the entire document should be made

    available to public.

    Openness in Implementation: Once the openstandard is developed with all the specification it

    should be made available to all, including vendor

    and general public.

    There is no fee for obtaining this specification.S ecification share should be same across all the

  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Openness in Use: To take the full advantage ofopenness, the implementation should be

    interoperable between multiple vendors.

    This not only benefits users but also encourage

    innovation. Due to the openness and availabilityacross multiple vendors users will have better


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Closed Standard

    Closed standards generally are not developed byconsortiums but mostly by single company.

    The specifications for these standards are not open

    for public viewing. As this is limited to single

    company, it completely controls the developmentand maintenance of the standard.

    This leads to vendor lock-in. Sometimes when

    customers want to adopt newer technologies they

    are limited by the availability of that technology withthe vendor, even if its available it might cost him


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    Closed in Development: All the developmentprocess and specification is not available for

    others to review and change.As everything is veiled to the outside world, otherswill never know if there are any deviation withprocedure and process followed.

    A completely closed development process alsohas no transparency, Meeting proceedings andintra-company electronic discussions are notpublished and do not become part of a publicrecord.

    Closed in Implementation: The closeddeveloped product is not available for others toimplement. Ifits a intellectual property then all therights are reserved.

    Due to closed specification other vendors cannot

  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards


    Closed in Use: Customers are locked into a

    single vendor and many a times they end up

    buying other peripheral products from the same


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction To Open Standards



    To summarize this chapter, we saw types of standards

    and their attributes. We also looked into open and

    closed standards and their characteristics.

    The below figure depicts the relationships between the

    various standards. It should be noted that De facto

    standard can be both Open and closed. However a De

    Jure standard can only be Open.

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    As described in the beginning of this chapter, the railroad gauge and keyboard layout are classic examplesof an Open

    De facto standard.

    Microsoft word is one of the best known Closed Defacto standard for word processors.

    Power supplied to homes are regulated by localGovernment and specifications are available for theimplementers which is an Open De jure Standard.

    A De jure standard is developed by groups and theirspecifications are available for vendors to implement.This cannot be a closed standard.

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