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Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy ANNUAL REPORTJuly 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015

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Inspiring Change

What’s next? It’s a question I’ve been asked frequently during my first months as dean

of the world’s first school of philanthropy. The answers are exhilarating, in part because

the past year has been one of rapid growth, change, and innovation, paving the way for

the possibilities that animate us going forward.

A record number of graduates completed our Philanthropic Studies programs.

Groundbreaking research projected the future of giving, and international partnerships

from Berlin to China expanded understanding of philanthropy globally. New initiatives

by Lake Institute on Faith & Giving and the Women’s Philanthropy Institute revealed

insights to aid congregations, donors, and nonprofits, and The Fund Raising School

equipped them to fulfill their important missions.

Our greatest strength remains our talent. Our faculty, our staff, and especially our

students are the way we improve the world. We are inspired by them, just as we hope

to inspire them to make meaningful change. Alumni already are achieving great impact,

improving the human condition across the country and across borders around the globe.

Anticipating achievements and opportunities to come, we are first and

foremost dedicated to our students’ success, redoubling our commitment to

them and to all we serve. As we grow, we continue to benefit from the expertise of

colleagues who have transitioned into new roles and we thank Dwight Burlingame,

Tim Seiler, and Bill Enright for their ongoing service. Special thanks to Founding Dean

Gene Tempel, who led the school for the first half of the fiscal year. Most of all, we thank

you, our dedicated friends, supporters, and champions who make our work possible and

encourage us daily.

Amir PasicEugene R. Tempel DeanIndiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

A Message from the Dean

Amir Pasic

Mission Statement

The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy increases the understanding of philanthropy and improves its practice worldwide through critical inquiry, interdisciplinary research, teaching, training, and civic engagement.

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Philanthropic Studies ........................................................................................... 2 – 4

Research and Lake Institute on Faith & Giving ......................................................... 5

The Fund Raising School and Women’s Philanthropy Institute ............................... 6

International Programs and Public Affairs ................................................................ 7

Financial Summary ............................................................................................ 8 – 10

Leadership ................................................................................................................ 11

Our Donors .......................................................................................................12 – 16

Introduction ......................................................................................................................12

Sage Society .......................................................................................................................12

Rosso Society and Endowed Funds ...............................................................................13

Founders’ Society .................................................................................................... 14 – 15

Professional Associates ....................................................................................................15

Research Partners .............................................................................................................16

Table of Contents 1

Table of Contents

On our cover:

Our new, center-of-campus University Hall home provides students with dedicated space to study, to interact and to collaborate with faculty, and facilitates student recruitment and advising.

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Educating Passionate Professionals

Outstanding Philanthropic Studies faculty and

programs educate emerging and veteran philanthropy

professionals and scholars, preparing them to be

thoughtful, innovative, visionary leaders.

x x x x Moving Philanthropy Forward

• Understanding of philanthropy across borders and within cultures will be advanced by the Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy, a gift from Jerre and Mary Joy Stead and their family through the Stead Family Foundation

• Emmett D. Carson, Ph.D., CEO and president of Silicon Valley Community Foundation—the nation’s largest—served as the first Visiting Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Chair on Community Foundations.

• Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie honored Board of Visitors member Irene Lilly McCutchen with the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Medal of Distinction in recognition of her contributions and service to the school.

• The William and Edie Enright Fellowship in Philanthropic Studies will aid future students.

2 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Philanthropic Studies

x x x x Careers Creating Change

Alumni hold key leadership positions, such as:

• Director, White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation

• Chair, National Endowment for the Arts

• General Manager, Koç Foundation, Istanbul

• Treasurer, State of Indiana

• Vice President, Global Philanthropy, JPMorgan Chase

Amir Pasic was appointed dean of the

Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

He holds the Eugene R. Tempel Deanship,

established by a generous lead gift from Bill and

Irene Lilly McCutchen through the

Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Fund and generous

major gifts from Maureen and Jim Hackett,

Bob Hartsook, an anonymous donor, and others.



of graduates seeking jobs have been

placed, including 100 percent of the

bachelor’s degree graduates.93%

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2015 graduates won positions such as:

• Vice president of development, National Urban League

• Director of philanthropy, Sheatufim, which strengthens Israel’s philanthropic sector

• Associate director, CCS fundraising consulting firm

• Program officer, Ball Brothers Foundation

• Executive director, Fay Biccard Glick Crooked Creek Neighborhood Center

I chose this degree because it has so many

opportunities and I am going into a field that I am

passionate about. I want to influence young adults to

become engaged with the community.

– Brittany, B.A. student

10:1 average student-faculty ratio

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4 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Philanthropic Studies (continued)

Educating Passionate Professionals, continued

x x x x Preparing for Promising Futures

Students earned special honors, including

• National Bush Foundation Fellowship

• IU Graduate and Professional School’s Elite 50 students list (4 students)

• IUPUI’s Top 100 undergraduates list (2 students)Faculty members received national recognition:

• Assistant Professor Catherine Herrold’s dissertation won the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action’s 2014 outstanding dissertation award.

• Assistant Professor Sara Konrath presented at South by Southwest on her research on using text messaging to build empathy in teenagers.

• Assistant Professor Genevieve Shaker received the 2015 Emerging Scholar Award from the Research Council of the national Association of Fundraising Professionals.

• Dr. Jiangang Zhu, executive dean of the Research School of Philanthropy at Sun Yat-sen University, was a Fulbright Scholar at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Academic tuition revenue for the school has more than doubled in the past 5 years.

• William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion (3 students)

• Undergraduate Chancellor’s Scholar

• Max Kade Fellowship

The largest class of students

since the 1987 founding of the

Center on Philanthropy was

graduated. It included the most

bachelor’s degree recipients

to date (10).


Ph.D. program 3.6

Executive M.A. program 3.5

M.A. program 3.4

Direct-Admit B.A. program 3.4

Admitted students’ average GPAs

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Discovering New Insights

Innovative, cutting-edge research conducted by

the school’s faculty and staff advances knowledge

that improves the practice of philanthropy for

professionals, donors, and volunteers.

• Giving USA 2015, researched and written by the school for Giving USA Foundation, estimated record-high U.S. giving in 2014 for the first time since the Great Recession.

• Insights from the 2014 U.S. Trust Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy help donors, financial advisors, nonprofits, and fundraisers become more strategic and effective.

• The Coutts 2014 Million Dollar Donors Report examined wealthy donors’ giving patterns in seven regions around the world.

• Giving in Chicago, released with The Chicago Community Trust, is the first comprehensive study of individual, corporate, and foundation giving in the six-county metropolitan region.

Exploring Faith and Philanthropy

Lake Institute on Faith & Giving provides and

supports research, teaching, tools, and strategies

for understanding the ways in which faith inspires

and informs philanthropy.

• The first Lake Institute Network of Emerging Scholars (LINES) convened leading young researchers, advancing the institute’s role as catalyst, thought leader, convener, and funder filling the void in knowledge about faith and giving.

• An Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising for religious leaders and faith-based organization fundraisers launched with leading seminaries, including Christian Theological Seminary, Duke Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, and McCormick Theological Seminary.

• Research on humanitarian international nonprofits earned Yale doctoral candidate Shai Dromi the Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

• Christian Smith, director of the University of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion and Society delivered the Thomas H. Lake Lecture.

• As Lake Distinguished Visitor, Giving Back author Valaida Fullwood spoke about collective giving and African-American giving. 5

The groundbreaking

Philanthropy Outlook, presented by

Marts & Lundy, predicts

growth rates in charitable

giving to aid nonprofits’

planning and fundraising.

Research and Lake Institute on Faith & Giving

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6 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

The Fund Raising School and Women’s Philanthropy Institute

Preparing Fundraisers for Success

The Fund Raising School, which has trained more

than 43,000 people in 40 countries over the past

40-plus years, teaches professionals and

volunteers to be more effective fundraisers.

• Nonprofits around the world received training via The Fund Raising School’s contract programs. Training sponsors include the NCAA Accelerating Academic Success Program, the Islamic Society of North America, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, the University of Puerto Rico, and Habitat for Humanity Indiana.

• The Fund Raising School’s Director Tim Seiler was named the first Rosso Fellow in Philanthropic Fundraising. He received the school’s Henry A. Rosso Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Ethical Fundraising, and was the Association of Fundraising Professionals Indiana Chapter’s 2014 Outstanding Fundraising Professional. A scholarship honoring him will help more people access The Fund Raising School’s training.

• Bill Stanczykiewicz, former president and CEO of the Indiana Youth Institute, was appointed director of The Fund Raising School and senior lecturer in Philanthropic Studies.

• The Fund Raising School achieved its highest-ever growth in revenue, up 48 percent from the prior year.

Understanding Women’s Philanthropy

Research, education, and training by the Women’s

Philanthropy Institute examines the impact of

gender differences in philanthropy and the

powerful role women play in changing the world.

• A $375,000 research grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the Women’s Philanthropy Institute will provide donors, nonprofits, and scholars with increased understanding of women’s philanthropy.

• The Women Give 2014 study found that younger, religiously unaffiliated women are generous donors, providing insights for nonprofits.

• Women’s Philanthropy Institute Director Debra Mesch was named the Eileen Lamb O’Gara Chair in Women’s Philanthropy.

• Ph.D. student Elizabeth J. Dale’s research on same-sex couples’ philanthropic practices received the 2015 Women’s Philanthropy Institute Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

• The Women’s Philanthropy Institute delivered a web seminar for the Women’s Collective Giving Network, 38 organizations in 19 states comprising 7,500 women involved in giving circles.

Enrollment in The Fund Raising School’s

customized programs grew 14 percent and

public courses grew 16 percent. Public course participant

satisfaction averages 97 percent.

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Innovating Together Internationally

Collaborative learning, research, education, and

training with our international colleagues expand

knowledge and deepen global engagement in

philanthropy for the greater good.

• International philanthropists, scholars, and business people attended a China Philanthropy Summit, part of a collaboration of the school and the IU Research Center for Chinese Politics and Business funded by the Ford Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation.

• Dean Amir Pasic’s Asia trip included meeting with colleagues at the Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy at the National University of Singapore and presenting at IU’s Asia-Pacific Alumni event in Bali, Indonesia. In China, he met with our board member Guangmei Yan and visited our partners from Sun Yat-sen University, Tsinghua School of Public Policy and Management, and Beijing Normal University’s China Philanthropy Research Institute.

• Students in the school’s first study abroad course spent two weeks in Berlin with Associate Professor Greg Witkowski learning about philanthropy and public policy from local experts, lectures, and site visits.

• Distinguished alumnus Erdal Yildirim, who leads Koç Foundation and who received the IU Benton Medallion in 2014, visited the school with Koç University President Umran İnan to explore partnership opportunities.

Providing Perspectives

The school increases public understanding of the

important role philanthropy plays in society.

• Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts and alumna Jane Chu spoke at a community engagement and the arts symposium hosted by the school and other IU units.

• Emmett D. Carson, Ph.D., CEO and president of Silicon Valley Community Foundation and Visiting Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Chair on Community Foundations, participated in public presentations at the school with Brian Payne, president and CEO of the Central Indiana Community Foundation, and with Diana Aviv, president and CEO of Independent Sector.

• Founding Dean Gene Tempel was chosen as one of The NonProfit Times’ 50 most influential nonprofit sector leaders.

• Awareness of philanthropy and the school’s programs was raised through sponsorships of the IUPUI Regatta, the IUPUI Jaguars men’s basketball games, and the Indianapolis Indians baseball team’s education day, at which Dean Pasic threw out the first pitch.

International Programs and Public Affairs

The school continued to see increased interaction on its social media properties, most notably LinkedIn,

where page followers increased by 180 percent. On Facebook the school’s fan base rose 67 percent,

while followers on Twitter grew 19 percent.

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8 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Financial Summary

The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy has completed its second fiscal year as a new school within Indiana University on the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis campus, developed from the resources of the Center on Philanthropy. The school is dedicated to improving philanthropy to improve the world by training and empowering students and professionals to be innovators and leaders who create positive and lasting change. It offers a comprehensive approach to philanthropy through its academic, research, and international programs and through The Fund Raising School, Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, and the Women’s Philanthropy Institute.

The school works in close collaboration with the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the School of Liberal Arts and relies on valued support from thoughtful donors and partners. We work together to meet emerging opportunities and challenges with innovative programs and to share information with nonprofit professionals and scholars. These partnerships allow us to help change lives and communities and shape the future of philanthropy in Indiana, across the nation, and around the world.

The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy continues to champion and apply the principles of financial accountability to the public, transparency and honesty, and responsible stewardship of resources. And with that, we offer this financial information to further your understanding of our commitment to excellence in all areas of our operations.

This year’s report continues to include university-appropriated funds and assessment (the fee assessed by the University for use of its administrative systems, physical plant, parking services, etc.). We believe including these details provides additional clarity to the school’s financial activity. The Financial Statement for the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year reflects sources of revenue totaling $14.8 million and program expenses totaling $11.0 million resulting in a net positive balance of $3.8 million. This balance is comprised of $1.69 million in prepaid grant funding committed to multi-year grants, $285 thousand in contributions received to be committed per donor intent, $494 thousand in matching income received from endowment and campus sources to support endowed chairs, $956 thousand in The Fund Raising School program income, and $390 thousand of encumbered funds carried forward into the 2015 – 2016 fiscal year to cover expenses committed in the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year.

In the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year the school continued to implement a conservative financial plan while building the academic programs of the new school. As have many of its partner organizations in the sector, the school plans to continue with prudent expenditure budgeting for the 2015 – 2016 fiscal year in order to ensure its financial health and to operate as efficiently as possible.

Thank you for your continued support of the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and its mission. Please contact us with any questions you might have about the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year financial information.

Timothy B. FisherChief Financial Officer(317) [email protected]

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REVENUE 2014 – 2015 2013 – 2014

IU Academic Course Tuition 1,154,231 856,086

Training Program/Participant Fees (TFRS, Lake, WPI) 3,101,185 2,598,011

University Appropriation 808,262 808,262

Operating Income (interest earned/reserves) 4,445,696 3,799,952

Other Operating Revenue (sales, grant residuals, indirect cost recovery, etc.) 942,590 1 1,536,148

Gift Revenue & Net Interest (excludes pledges and operating endowment interest) 691,228 2 695,844

Grant Revenue (received in IU Research for Research, TFRS, Lake, WPI, Int’l Programs) 3,624,313 3 2,273,870

Total Revenue 14,767,505 12,568,173

EXPENDITURES: 2014 – 2015 2013 – 2014

Salaries 4,909,042 4,345,369

Fringe Benefits 1,635,765 1,690,862

Assistantships/Scholarships 486,039 308,287

Supplies & Expense 2,813,818 4 3,746,460

Travel 441,233 520,665

University Assessment 605,965 562,734

Indirect Cost (charged on grants) 54,097 258,919

Total Expenditures 10,945,959 11,433,297

Net Balance (revenue less expense) 3,821,545 5 1,134,876

NOTES 1 Other Revenue includes indirect cost recovery, grant residuals, materials sales (TFRS, Giving USA) 2 Includes gift and interest income. Excludes pledges, Lilly and Lake operating endowments interest income which is reflected above 3 Grant revenue includes front-loaded payments received for multi-year awards (incl. Research, Academic Programs, TFRS, Lake, Int’l. Programs, WPI) 4 Includes supplies, phone, computers, copying/printing, contract services (incl. space rental). Note that reduction in 2014 – 2015 over 2013 – 2014 was due

primarily to reductions in Grant S&E expenditures and Operating contractual service expenses (2013 – 2014 WPI symposium). 5 Positive balance the result of $1.69 million in prepaid multi-year grant funding, $285 thousand in contributions received to be committed per donor intent,

$956 thousand from TFRS program income, $494 thousand from quasi-endowment and campus matching funding designated for endowed chair support, and $390 thousand of encumbered funds carried into the 2015 – 2016 fiscal year to cover expenses committed in 2014 – 2015.

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10 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Financial Summary (continued)



l 24.5% Grant Revenue Received (includes Research, TFRS, etc)

l 18.6% The Fund Raising School (course training fees)

l 17.9% Endowment Interest and Reserves (operating endowment interest earned/reserves)

l 8.8% Other – Indirect cost recovery, materials sales (TFRS, Giving USA, etc.), and revenue not allocated to a particular program

l 7.8% IU Academic Course Tuition

l 6.7% Other Operating Reserves (TFRS Cash Reserve)

l 5.5% University Appropriation

l 4.7% Gift Revenue and Interest (excludes pledges and operating endowment interest)

l 2.8% Lake Institute on Faith & Giving

l 2.7% Women’s Philanthropy Institute

l 18.7% Grant Expenditures

l 16.4% The Fund Raising School

l 15.0% Other – Expenses not allocated to a particular program (school-wide)

l 14.8% Academic Programs

l 10.7% Administration (includes Dean’s Office, Finance, Technology)

l 5.5% University Assessment

l 5.3% Development

l 3.4% Lake Institute on Faith & Giving

l 3.2% Communications & External Relations

l 2.9% Research (non-grant funded general operating)

l 2.4% International Programs

l 1.7% Women’s Philanthropy Institute

Total Revenue


Total Expenses


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Sonia Chen ArnoldCounsel, Litigation and Legal Compliance, Eli Lilly and Company

Donald ButtreyOf Counsel, Retired, Wood & McLaughlin, LLP

Gwen Perry DavisDeputy Director of Development, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago

Gail FreemanPresident, Freeman Philanthropic Services

Ted GrossnickleSenior Consultant and Founder, Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates, Inc.

Maureen HackettCommunity Leader

Alisa HendrixCommunity Leader

Yvonne HuntCommunity Leader

Jay LoveCEO, Bloomerang Melynne KlausDirector, Christel DeHaan Family Foundation

Stephanie Goodrid LawsonGift Officer and Director, Marianne Tobias Program, Eskenazi Health Foundation

Irene Lilly McCutchenCommunity Leader

Amir PasicEugene R. Tempel Dean IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Nasser PaydarExecutive Vice Chancellor, IUPUI

Ellen RemmerSenior Partner, The Philanthropic Initiative

Marcela O. RovzarPresident and Founder, PROCURA

Kevin SalwenAuthor and Philanthropist

Cindy Simon SkjodtCommunity Leader

Dan SmithPresident and CEO, Indiana University Foundation

Jerre SteadChairman and CEO, IHS Inc.

Guangmei YanVice President, Sun Yat-sen University

Daniel YatesPartner, Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP


Amir PasicEugene R. Tempel Dean

Cathie CarriganManaging Director, International Programs

Sean DunlavyDirector, Fundraising and Institutional Advancement

Timothy B. FisherChief Financial Officer

David P. KingKaren Lake Buttrey Director, Lake Institute on Faith & Giving

Marilyn H. KuhnChief Operating Officer

Debra MeschEileen Lamb O’Gara Chair in Women’s Philanthropy

Director, Women’s Philanthropy Institute

Chair, Philanthropic Studies Faculty

Una OsiliDirector, Research

Patrick M. RooneyAssociate Dean, Academic Affairs and Research

Timothy L. SeilerDirector, The Fund Raising School

Bill StanczykiewiczDirector, The Fund Raising School

Gene TempelFounding Dean

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12 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Our Donors


SAGE SOCIETYLifetime giving of $10,000

or more

Michael and Amy Alley


L.H. and Dianne Bayley

Richard A. Behrenhausen

Dwight and Audrey Burlingame

Karen Lake Buttrey* and Donald Buttrey

Donald A. Campbell, Jr.

Robert and Carol Carter

Amy Jorgensen Conlee

Barbara and Louis Coury

Claudine Donikian

Michelle Staggs Doninger

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Dunlavy

Don* and Suzanne* Earnhart

Lori M. Efroymson-Aguilera

William and Edie Enright

Arthur C. Frantzreb*

Gail L. Freeman

Kim M. Gattle

Thomas and Lou Glenn

Marianne Glick and Michael Woods

John Glier

Eugene* and Marilyn* Glick

David and Holly Grange

James and Karen Greenfield

Kirsten Grønbjerg and Gerry Suttles

Ted and Marcia Grossnickle

Maureen O’Gara Hackett and Jim Hackett

William* and Terri Hanrahan

Robert F. Hartsook

Warren F. Ilchman

Harriet M. Ivey

David H. Jacobs, Jr.

Charles and Virginia* Johnson

Dottie and Martin Johnson

Jane Leighty Justis

David and Melynne Klaus

Leslie and Kathleen Lenkowsky

John* and Audrey Leslie

Jamie and Audra Levy

Ted and Debby Lilly

Ruth Lilly*

Christine and Philip Lodewick

The Honorable P.A. Mack, Jr.

Michael S. Maurer

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby

William* and Rose Mays

Irene Lilly McCutchen and William McCutchen

William C. McGinly

E. Kirk McKinney

Debra Mesch and Tate Ayers

James and Jacqueline Morris

Andrew J. Paine, Jr.

Robert* and Pauline* Payton

James J Pellerite

Gwendolyn Perry Davis

George and Peggy Rapp

Ellen Remmer and Christopher Fox

Jeff Richardson

Patrick and Lisa Rooney

Dottie C. Rosso

Henry A. Rosso*

Alexis* and Marcela de Rovzar

Richard C. Searles

Tim and Karen Seiler

Curt Simic

Cynthia Simon Skjodt and Paul Skjodt

Charles and Angela Smith

Jerre and Mary Joy Stead

Herman R. Sutherland

Gene and Mary Tempel

Charles Tomberg

Frank and Jane Walker

Carter Wolf

Karen B. Wood

Jacki Zehner

Karl* and Barbara* Zimmer

We thank our thoughtful donors who share the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy’s

commitment to create positive and lasting change in the world. It is with their support that our faculty and staff

are able to train and empower students and practitioners to innovate and lead in our global community. Together, we can

shape the future of philanthropy and the world around us.

The individuals, corporations, and foundations acknowledged in the following lists of our donors are vital to the success

and growth of our school. We are tremendously grateful for their generous and ongoing support.

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ROSSO SOCIETYPlanned gifts benefitting

the Lilly Family School of



Linda R. Brimmer

Dwight and Audrey Burlingame

Donald A. Campbell, Jr.

Gail L. Freeman

James and Karen Greenfield

Kirsten Grønbjerg and Gerry Suttles

Robert F. Hartsook

Harriet M. Ivey

Charles and Virginia* Johnson

John* and Audrey Leslie

James J Pellerite

Mike and Julie Perigo

Gwendolyn Perry Davis

Philip M. and Elizabeth C. Purcell

Patrick and Lisa Rooney

Marilyn Ross and Bob Schwartzberg

Dottie C. Rosso

David and Ann Sternberg

Martha A. Taylor

Gene and Mary Tempel

Natasha van Bentum

Walter R. Winfree, III

ENDOWED FUNDSThese endowed funds

support the daily work of

the Lilly Family School of


Angela Sowers Dunlavy Undergraduate Scholarship

Arthur Carl Frantzreb Professorship

Binford Chair in Corporate Citizenship

Campbell Family Endowment

Conlee Family RISE Scholarship

Debra Mesch Doctoral Fellowship for Research on Women’s Philanthropy

Dickinson/Stone/Ilchman Fellowship for Graduate Education

Donikian Family Endowed Lectureship in Planned Giving

Dottie Rosso Scholarship Fund

Dr. Debra Mesch Women’s Philanthropy RISE Scholarship 1

Dr. Debra Mesch Women’s Philanthropy RISE Scholarship 2

Dr. Patrick M. Rooney Leadership in Philanthropy RISE Scholarship 1

Dr. Patrick M. Rooney Leadership in Philanthropy RISE Scholarship 2

Dwight and Audrey Burlingame Doctoral Fellowship

Efroymson Chair in Philanthropy

Eileen Lamb O’Gara Chair in Women’s Philanthropy

Elmira Annis RISE Scholarship

Endowed Chair in Community Philanthropy

Ernest W. Wood Scholarship

Eugene R. Tempel Deanship

Eugene R. Tempel Fellowship established by P.A. Mack, Jr.

Hartsook Fellowship

Hartsook Institute for Applied Fundraising Research

Hearst Minority Fellowship

Jim and Alice Rooney RISE Scholarship

John J. Schwartz, CFRE, and Family Graduate Assistantship, established by Walter R. Winfree, III

Joseph & Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library Fund

Karen Lake Buttrey Directorship

Karen Lake Buttrey Memorial Fund

Kirsten A. Grønbjerg Research Fund

L.H. and Dianne Bayley RISE Scholarship

Lake Institute on Faith & Giving

Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Philanthropic Studies Undergraduate Fund

Melvin Simon Chair in Philanthropy

Rapp RISE Scholarship

Robert and Carol Carter RISE Scholarship

Robert F. Hartsook Chair in Fundraising

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby RISE Scholarship

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby RISE Scholarship 2

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby RISE Scholarship 3

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby RISE Scholarship 4

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby RISE Scholarship 5

Ruth Lilly Endowment-Philanthropy

School of Philanthropy Alumni Association “SoPAA” Scholarship

Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy

Tempel Dean’s Discretionary Fund

Tempel Family RISE Scholarship

The Fund Raising School Excellence in Programs, Initiatives and Training Endowment

The Glenn Family Chair in Philanthropy

Thomas H. Lake Chair

Thomas Lake Fund

Timothy L. Seiler Award

William and Edie Enright Fellowship in Philanthropic Studies


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14 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Our Donors (continued)

FOUNDERS’ SOCIETYGiving at the $1,000 level or

above to build a foundation

for the new Lilly Family

School of Philanthropy

Dr. Salvatore P. Alaimo

Cheryl L. Altinkemer

Alejandro S. Amezcua, Ph.D

Patricia Annino


The Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) Inc.

Susan L. Axelrod

Andrew and Aly Baker

Jacqueline and Kenneth Baker

Doctors Charles R. Bantz and Sandra Petronio

Cathy Bastin

L.H. and Dianne Bayley

Richard A. Behrenhausen

Jean and Jerry Bepko

Dr. Angela Bies and Dr. Toby Egan

MaryEllen Kiley Bishop

Kathryn Kraus Bolks and Sean Bolks

Jennifer Broome

Melissa Buller

Dwight and Audrey Burlingame

The Saltsburg Fund – Donald W. Buttrey

Karen Lake Buttrey* and Donald Buttrey

Jeffrey D. Byrne

Peggy J. Calhoun

Mr. CF Callihan

Donald A. Campbell, Jr.

John M. Carreon


Central Indiana Community Foundation

Sonia Chen and Ian Arnold

Sara and David Cobb

Aaron Conley, Ed.D.

Barbara and Louis Coury

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Fisher

Jennifer and David Davis

Marcela O. de Rovzar

Roberta Donahue and James Wold

Claudine Donikian

Michelle Staggs Doninger

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Dunlavy

Dr. Maureen Egan

Tonja and Francis Eagan

Lori M. Efroymson-Aguilera

Edward Ellis

Debra Engle

William and Edie Enright

Carole and Robert Evans

Thomas and Alice Ewbank

Emanuel Forster

Gail L. Freeman

Tyrone and Michelle Freeman

Kim M. Gattle

Angela K. Gill

Thomas and Lou Glenn

Marianne Glick

John Glier

Elizabeth Gore

Kay Sprinkel Grace

Bob and Laura Grimm

Kirsten Grønbjerg and Gerry Suttles

Ted and Marcia Grossnickle

Kathleen O. Hackett

Maureen O’Gara Hackett

Mr. Rob Caito and Ms. Dena Rae Hancock

Nathan and Autumn Hand

Robert F. Hartsook

Shakeela and Zia Hassan

Julie A. and J W. Hatcher

The William Randolph Hearst Foundations

Erin Hedges and Brian Dillman

Alisa Hendrix

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

James and Sally Hodge

Amanda Holland and Michael Knoeller

Lindsey Humes

Yvonne Hunt

Warren F. Ilchman

Harriet M. Ivey

Patricia Jackson and Will Millard

David H. Jacobs, Jr.

Paula J. Jenkins, CFRE

Charles and Virginia* Johnson

Dottie and Martin Johnson

Amy Jorgensen Conlee

Jane Leighty Justis

Ben F. Kelley, Jr.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

David and Melynne Klaus

Brad Kruse and Kimberly Faurot

Marilyn H. and Robert A. Kuhn

Thomas H. Lake

Stephanie Lawson and William Lawson

Leslie and Kathleen Lenkowsky

John* and Audrey Leslie

Jamie and Audra Levy

Ruth Lilly*

Lilly Endowment Inc.

Christine and Philip Lodewick

Kathleen E. Loehr

Jay and Christie Love

José and Gertrude Lusende

The Honorable P.A. Mack, Jr.

Dr. Therese F. Martin

Russell G. and Lou Ann Mawby

Marnie Maxwell and John Krauss

Angela and Bill McBride

Robert R. McCormick Foundation

Irene Lilly McCutchen

William C. McGinly

Sally Biddle McGuffey

Michael A. and Laurie Burns McRobbie


Page 17: Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy He received the school’s Henry A. Rosso Medal for 15

Amy and Harold Melser

Virginia Merkel

Debra Mesch and Tate Ayers

Brad and Katelyn Milius

James and Jacqueline Morris

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

David R. Murray

Denny and Donna Oklak

Jon and Andrea Pactor

Mary Pang

James J Pellerite

Gwendolyn Perry Davis

Monica R. Peterson

Thomas Pettinga

Bob and Marion W. Pierpont

Laura A. Pinhey

Matt and Katie Prine

George and Margaret Rapp

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly

Ellen Remmer and Christopher Fox

Jeff Richardson

N. Clay and Amy Robbins

Paula Rozicki Roberts

Linda Rohrman

Patrick and Lisa Rooney

Dottie C. Rosso

Kevin and Joan Salwen

Dan and Patty Schipp

Vicki Schooler and S. Dean Schooler, Jr., Ph.D.

Gene and Linda Schulstad

Scott and Kathryn Schurz

Richard C. Searles

Terra and Kevin Seidel

Tim and Karen Seiler

Sondra Shaw-Hardy

Curt Simic

Cynthia Simon Skjodt and Paul Skjodt

Caroline Altman Smith and Christopher W. Smith

Daniel C. Smith and Jonlee Andrews

The Reverend Ms. Genet C. Soule

Jerre and Mary Joy Stead

David and Ann Sternberg

Caitie and Nick Stewart

Eric Stovall

Todd Sukol

Tami A. Tarpley

Martha A. Taylor

Gene and Mary Tempel

Jason and Elin Tempel

Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Tempel

Zachary and Claire Tempel

Richard W. Trollinger

Matt and Lisa Viaches

Abbie J. von Schlegell

Lilya and John Wagner

Frank and Jane Walker

Mal Warwick Philanthropic Fund of RSF Social Finance

Virginia Willcox

Karla Williams, MA, ACFRE

Eugene R. Wilson

Lisa Witter

Richard and Diane Dalto Woosnam

C. Daniel and Diana Yates

Jacki Zehner


supported the school at

the $300 to $999 level and

corporations and foundations

that have supported the

school at the $5,000 level

or more during the past

fiscal year

Individual Professional Associates

Katherine and Richard Badertscher

Lisa C. Bennett

M. Gasby Brown

Jason and Monica Chandler

Eleanor T. Cicerchi

Adriene Davis Kalugyer

Elizabeth A. Elkas

Meg Gammage-Tucker

Diane Gedeon-Martin and Roger Martin

James and Karen Greenfield

Bob and Troy Kassing

Alison D. Kravchuk

Paula M. Means

Carrie L. Schleis

Liza Newman

David T. Nolan

Carole J. Pence

William and Gail Plater

Susan F. Rice, Ed.D., ACFRE

Dennis and Sandy Sasso

David and Patti Shufflebarger

Michele Thomas Dole, MS, CFP

Ann Updegraff Spleth

J. Andrew Ware

Corporate and Foundation Professional Associates


Central Indiana Community Foundation

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Christel DeHaan Family Foundation

Graham-Pelton Consulting Inc.


Johnson, Grossnickle & Associates, Inc.

Lilly Endowment Inc.

Lumina Foundation for Education

The National Bank of Indianapolis

Network for Good

Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr., Memorial Foundation

Oriental Holy Land Foundation

Pentera, Inc.

Robert R. McCormick Foundation

Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation

Schwab Charitable

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

United Nations Foundation

United Student Aid Funds, Inc.

Page 18: Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy He received the school’s Henry A. Rosso Medal for

16 Annual Report Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Our Donors (continued)

RESEARCH PARTNERS (July 1, 2012–June 30, 2015)

This list recognizes

individuals, corporations,

foundations, and

organizations that have

provided funding for research

at the level of $10,000 and

above. We are grateful for

their generous and ongoing

support of our research


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation*

Case Foundation


Charles Stewart Mott Foundation*

The Chicago Community Trust

Claudine Donikian

Council of Alumni Association Executives

Coutts & Co.

Duke Energy Foundation

The Trustees of the Fidelity Charitable

Flamboyan Foundation

Giving USA Foundation

Global Impact

Grand Valley State University

Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee

John Templeton Foundation*

Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates


The Kresge Foundation

Lilly Endowment

Marts & Lundy, Inc.

Mission Throttle

The Moody’s Foundation

Pentera, Inc.

Points of Light Institute

Roche Diagnostics

The Salvation Army

Stichting Noaber Foundation

United Student Aid Funds, Inc.

U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Vanguard Charitable

The Western Union Foundation

The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation

Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana

*These Research Partners have specifically supported the Philanthropy Panel Study (PPS) at the level of

$10,000 and above. PPS is also made possible by essential private support from many other individual donors.

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Page 20: Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy He received the school’s Henry A. Rosso Medal for

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IU School of Philanthropy


IU School of Philanthropy

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