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E Spark 59 Lulju 2013 Suċċess !

Your success and happiness

lie in you

- Helen Keller

No matter how good you

get you can always get

better, and that’s the

exciting part.

- Tiger Woods

Success is falling nine

times and getting up


- Jon Bon Jovi

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E Spark 59 Lulju 2013 Suċċess !

Don’t be afraid to give up

the good to go for the


- John D. Rockefeller

It’s no use saying, “We

are doing our best.” You

have got to succeed in

doing what is necessary.

- Winston Churchill

What you are is God’s gift

to you, what you become

is your gift to God

- Hans Urs von Balthassar

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The secret of success in

life is for a man to be

ready for his

opportunity when it


- Benjamin Disraeli

The three great essentials

to achieve anything

worthwhile are, first, hard

work; second, stick to it;

third, common sense.

- Thomas A. Edison

Success does not consist in

never making mistakes but

in never making the same

one a second time.

- George Bernard Shaw

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You must expect great

things of yourself before

you can do them.

- Michael Jordan

Success is getting what you

want...Happiness is wanting

what you get

- Dale Carnegie

Success is dependent on effort

- Sophocles

Always bear in mind that your

own resolution to succeed is

more important than any one


- Abraham Lincoln

Vocations Centre
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E Spark 59 Lulju 2013 Suċċess !

Men are born to succeed,

not to fail

- Henry David Thoreau

Judge your success by

what you had to give up

in order to get it.

- Dalai Lama XIV

For whoever wishes to

save his life will lose it;

but whoever loses his life

for My sake will find it

- Mt 16 :25

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A professor was invited to give a lecture on "Efficient Time

Management" to a group of managers. They had been sent there to represent the largest and most successful companies in the world.

Standing in front of this group of such important people, the

famous professor slowly met eyes with each manager, one by one,

and finally said: "We are going to conduct an experiment".

He pulled out a big glass bowl from under the table and gently placed it in front of him. Next, he brought out from under the table

a bag of small stones, each the size of a tennis ball, and placed them one by one in the bowl. He did so until there was no room to

add another stone. The professor then looked up and saw all those eyes curiously watching him. He asked the managers: "Is the bowl

full?" To which the managers immediately replied: "Yes!".

"Ah!" remarked the professor, smiling, as he reached under the table and pulled out a bag full of pebbles. He poured them all into

the bowl, slightly rattling it to allow the pebbles to slip through the larger stones, until they settled at the bottom. Again he asked: "Is

the bowl full?" At this point, the managers began to understand his

intentions. One replied: "Apparently not!"

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"Correct!" replied the old professor, while

reaching under the table and pulling out

a bag of sand. Carefully he poured the sand into the bowl. The sand filled up the spaces between the stones and the pebbles. Yet again, the professor asked: "Is the bowl full?" Without hesitation, the entire group of students replied in one

voice: "No!" "Correct!" replied the professor. As expected,

he reached for a jug of water from under the table and poured water in the bowl until it was absolutely full. The professor

now lifted his gaze once again and asked: "What important lesson can we learn from this experiment?"

With his thoughts on the lecture topic, one

manager quickly replied: "We learn that as full as our schedules may appear, if we only increase our effort, it is always possible to add more meetings and tasks."

"No" replied the professor. "The great truth we can conclude from this experiment is that if

we don’t put all the larger stones in the bowl first, we will never be able to fit all of them later."

The auditorium fell silent, as every manager thought about the significance of the

professor’s words.

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The old professor continued: "What are the large stones in your life? Health? Family? Friends? Your goals? Doing what you love? Fighting for a cause? Taking time for yourself? We must remember to include the lager stones in our life, because if we don’t do so, we are likely to miss out on life altogether. If we give

priority to the smaller things in life, our life will be filled up with less important things, leaving little or no time for the things that are most important to us. And so, my friends, never forget to ask yourself: 'What are the large

stones for me in my life?' And once you identify them, be sure to put them in first. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, you will never have room for things that are truly most important."

With a warm wave of his hand, the professor

bid farewell to the managers, and slowly walked out of the room.

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X'laqtek jew x'ħassejt waqt li kont qed taqra dan ir-rakkont?

Bħalissa x’qed jidħol l-ewwel fil-ħajja tiegħek: Il-ġebel il-kbir? Iċ-ċagħak? Ir-ramel? L-ilma?

X’jistgħu jfissru dawn għalik bħalissa, fil-bidu tal-vaganzi tas-sajf?

X’inhu l-ġebel il-kbir li taħseb li għandek tibda minnu minn issa l-quddiem?

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Fr Michael and share your comments,


ideas or problems

email: [email protected]

Vocational Centre

Archbishop’s Seminary

Tal-Virtu, Rabat

Tel : 21450354 /79964557.

Let nothing disturb you,

Let nothing frighten you,

All things are passaing away:

God never changes.

Patience obtains all things.

Whoever has God lacks nothing;

God alone suffices

Teresa of Avila

E Spark 59 Lulju 2013

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