  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Department of Education


    Angelie Ann S. MarinReporter

    EDUC. 606 ( Comparative Educ.)

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    e ep s on

    We dream of ilipino!

    #$o pa!!ionatel% love t$eir countr%and #$o!e value! and competencie!

    ena&le t$em to reali'e t$eir full

    potentialand contri&ute meaningfull% to&uilding t$e nation.

    A! a learnercentered pu&licin!titution

    t$e Department of Educationcontinuou!l% improve! it!elf

    to &etter !erve it! !ta*e$older!.

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    The DepEd Mission

    +o protect and promote t$e rig$t of ever% ilipino to

    ,ualit% e,uita&le culture&a!ed and complete &a!iceducation #$ere-

    Studentslearn in a c$ildfriendl% gender!en!itive!afe and motivating environment.

    Teachersfacilitate learning and con!tantl% nurtureever% learner.

    Administrators and staf a! !te#ard! of t$ein!titution en!ure an ena&ling and !upportiveenvironment for eective learning to $appen.

    Family, community, and other stakeholdersareactivel% engaged and !$are re!pon!i&ilit% for

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Our Core Values




  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Our Mandate+$e Department of Education #a! e!ta&li!$ed t$roug$

    t$e Education Decree of /61 a! t$e SuperiorCommi!!ion of 2rimar% 3n!truction under a C$airman.

    +$e Education agenc% under#ent man% reorgani'ationeort! in t$e 40t$ centur% in order to &etter de5ne it!purpo!e vi! a vi! t$e c$anging admini!tration! and

    c$arter!. +$e pre!ent da% Department of Education #a!eventuall% mandated t$roug$ Repu&lic Act /77ot$er#i!e *no#n a! t$e 8overnance of 9a!ic Educationact of 400/ #$ic$ e!ta&li!$e! t$e mandate of t$i!agenc%.

    +$e Department of Education (DepEd) formulate!implement! and coordinate! policie! plan! program!and pro:ect! in t$e area! of formal and nonformal &a!iceducation. 3t !upervi!e! all elementar% and !econdar%education in!titution! including alternative learning!%!tem! &ot$ pu&lic and private; and provide! for t$ee!ta&li!$ment and maintenance of a complete

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM Curriculum8uideM?+@ER +?=8UE Curriculum 8uide /1

    A=8UA8E>3ntroduction to t$e 3ntegrated anguage Art! Competencie!E=83S@> Competencie! 8rade /1

    8r/ Engli!$ competencie!8r/> Wee*l% i!ting of Competencie! B1 B

    3323=?> 9ata%ang 8rade /ARA3=8 2A=32U=A=MA2E@

    MUS3C Curriculum 8uide 8RADE /AR+ Curriculum 8uide 8RADE /2@FS3CA EDUCA+3?= Curriculum 8uide> 8rade /@EA+@> Curriculum 8rade /


  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT








    h l S i

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Preschool Serviceontractin! SchemeA six month period of schooling for

    preschool entrance who was notaccommodated during the opening of

    classes which starts October.

    "inder Summer Pro!ram#"SP$Grade One entrance who were not able toenroll in the Kindergarten program aregiven a month preparation for formal


  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    %nte!rated ore urriculum #%$A regional initiative that developed and implemented adevelopmentally appropriate and integrative kind of

    curricula for the development of the dierentdevelopmental domains.

    On&The&Spot %nte!rative Assessment 'or PreschoolEducation Pro!ram #OS%APEP$A regional initiative instrument use to assess / evaluate

    the eectiveness of the performance of pupils in thedierent developmental domains administered in a nonthreatening manner.

    Pre&Assessment Tools 'or Five&(ear Preschool

    Students via Play #PATF(OPEP$A tool that helps determine children!s prior knowledgebefore entering "reschool #emo $eaching on the K to %&'urriculum

    (nhance preschool teachers! competencies inthe implementation of the K%& 'urriculum

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Search 'or the Outstandin!

    Pre&School Teachers o' the(ear)ecogni*e the outstanding performance/s of "re

    school teachers

    )ench Markin! on PreschoolEntrants* apa+ilities in the

    Pu+lic School9enc$ mar* t$e Capa&ilitie!Gprior *no#ledge ofpre!c$ool entrant! in t$e pu&lic !c$ool

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT







  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    %nstructional Supervision#%S)%S$A )egional initiative focused on intensive supervision ofinstruction providing technical support and assistance toteachers with an end goal of improving performance of

    pupils in all grade levels+ in the ,ve ma-or learningareas.

    A Day in School #AD%S$+o return DepEd H3 to it! rig$tful place a! +@E 2REM3ERRE83?= via pupil ac$ievement) A!!e!! and improvein!truction and in!tructional !upervi!ion from regional to

    !c$ool level &% providing immediate a!!i!tance prepare!$ort term pro:ect! and intervention! to furt$er improveperformance level! of teac$er! principal! and!upervi!or! and ultimatel% end #it$ t$e increa!e of

    pupilI! ac$ievement level!.

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    %nvention Pro!ram #SPT%P$2romote academic eJcellence in !cience via t$econduct of !cience fair ,ui' !cidama in con!onance

    #it$ t$e =ational Science airAccreditation Pro!ram 'orPu+lic Elementary Schools

    #APPES$De!igned to empo#er pu&lic !c$ool! to !triveeJcellence3t i! an evaluation !%!tem to identif% and improve

    !c$ool eectivene!! and fo!ter eJcellence in t$e !c$ooldivi!ion regional and national level! of t$e educational!%!tem. urt$ermore it i! &a!ed on t$e concept of !elfregulation to continuou!l% upgrade educational ,ualit%and !ervice! t$roug$ !elfevaluation and :udgment ofpeer!.

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Science Teacher esearchers* %nventionPro!ram #SPT%P$2romote academic eJcellence in !cience viat$e conduct of !cience fair ,ui' !cidama incon!onance #it$ t$e =ational Science airAccreditation Pro!ram 'or Pu+lic

    Elementary Schools #APPES$De!igned to empo#er pu&lic !c$ool! to !triveeJcellence3t i! an evaluation !%!tem to identif% and

    improve !c$ool eectivene!! and fo!tereJcellence in t$e !c$ool divi!ion regional andnational level! of t$e educational !%!tem.urt$ermore it i! &a!ed on t$e concept of !elf

    regulation to continuou!l% upgrade educational

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT



    A reading enric$ment!*ill! via conte!t! on

    est )eaderest torytellerest Oral )eading0nterpretation1ocabulary )eading $est

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    M.T(A/ Museo Tin!!alan n! (aman n! Aralin! PanlipunanA multifaceted program in @E

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    TeachersUpdate MSE2 teac$er! on dierent met$od! and tec$ni,ue! in teac$ing Mu!icArt! and 2E

    Madrasah EducationEn$ance teac$ing competencie! of A!atid'3mprove t$e reading !*ill! of t$e pupil! on A3HE A!!ure t$e !ucce!! of t$eimplementation

    Mother Ton!ue&)ased Multilin!ualEducation #MT)&M-E$Ma!! +raining of 8rade / +eac$er and Sc$ool @ead! on Mot$er+ongue 9a!edMultilingual Education (M+9ME) in t$e =CR

    Modi3ed in School, Of School Approach#M%SOSA$An Alternative Deliver% Mode to addre!! over populated cla!!e!

    Enhanced %nstructional Mana!ement +yParents ommunity 4 Teachers #e&%MPAT$ System3mprove 2articipation Rate (2R) Ac$ievement Rate (AR) and reduce Dropout Rate

    (DR) in order to ac$ieving univer!al primar% education

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    n orma on anommunication

    Technolo!y #%T$ Pro!ramConduct meeting! to update !c$ool! divi!ion!on t$e 3C+ program! and 2ro:ect!Update t$e teac$er! on t$e dierent tool! for

    3C+ integration in t$e dierent !u&:ect area!u!ing interactive W$ite&oard

    Demo Teachin! on %T

    %nte!ration acrossSu+5ects .sin! %nteractive


  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Fa+er&astell Academy o' ArtSeminarTraining Workshop on Basic ComputerLiteracy for Administrators and Teachers

    8ain &a!ic *no#ledge in u!ing dierent computer application! a! a tool inteac$ing

    Trainin!7Orientation 'or ElementarySchool 2eads and Teachers o' DepEd

    omputeri0ation Pro!ram #DP$ecipient Schools 7 %nteractive6hite+oard?rientGUpdate t$e elementar% !c$ool $ead! and teac$er! of D2C

    Recipient Sc$ool!G3nteractive W$ite&oard

    Trainin! 6orkshop on %T %nte!rationacross Su+5ect Areas .sin!%nteractive 6hite+oard

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    #SP1$A central oKce pro:ect to &uild G en$ance pupil!I leader!$ippotential and !ocial !*ill!

    School eadiness Assessment#SreA$EJpedite t$e a!!e!!ment of 8rade / entrant! readine!!

    2ome Education Pro!ram #2EP72ome Study Pro!ram #2SP$An alternative deliver% !%!tem of educating c$ildren #$o for !omerea!on! or circum!tance! cannot avail of t$e formal !%!tem ofin!truction in a regular !c$ool

    Approval o' Private SchoolOperationEvaluateGapprove application for permitGrecognitionGtuition feeincrea!e of private !c$ool

    d d l # $

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    1ender and Development #1AD$Seminar on the Prevention o'

    Violence a!ainst 6omen andhildren #VA6&$Rai!e a#arene!! among DepEd=CR emplo%ee! ena&ling t$em to&e more committed and re!pon!ive to eliminate t$e gender &ia!e!

    1AD apa+ility )uildin!Strengt$en t$e &onding and team !pirit among and &et#eenDepEd emplo%ee! t$u! &ecome more committed and re!pon!ive togender e,ualit%

    1AD/ 8The -ink9Create a #ell coordinated 8AD implementationGprovide regularupdate! for =CR

    Personal Sa'ety -esson #PS-$Conduct +raining of +rainer! on 2S

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT


    Division SupervisorsUpdate Divi!ion on Regional S2ED program! and pro:ect

    e!ional SPED on'erence on %nclusiveEducationCreate an 3nclu!ive Environment for managing teac$ing and learning for Diver!eearner!

    Seminar&6orkshop on Acceleration

    Pro!ram 'or the 1i'ted and TalentedhildrenUpdate teac$er! and guidance coun!elor! on t$e utili'ation of t$e dierenta!!e!!ment tool! for gifted and talented c$ildren

    Trainin! in the utili0ation o' TeacherManual in 2andlin! and Mana!in!hildren ;ith Special :eeds in %nclusiveSettin!E,uip *no#ledge and !*ill! in utili'ing teac$erI! manualS

  • 7/25/2019 Department of Education POWER POINT






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