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I. Call to OrderA. President: Mariah Watson B. Vice President: Gareth SmytheC. Senate President Pro Tempore: Miguel GuerreroD. Senator: Mikaela Tenner E. Senator: Tiffany LungF. Senator: Parteek SinghG. Senator: Sevan NahabedianH. Senator: Joshua DalavaiI. Senator: Danielle Santiago J. Senator: Kamaal ThomasK. Senator: Georgia SavageL. Senator: Puneet DhindsaM. Senator: Adilla JamaludinN. Senator: Anas TreshO. ECAC Chair Sean GuerraP. EPPC Chair Brent RosenwaldQ. IAC Chair Abhay Sandhu R. EAC Chair Joe NazzalS. AAC Chair Ritesh MishraT. GASC Chair Ivon Garcia U. B&F Joe DeAngeloV. Outreach Assembly Jade Wolanski W. Controller: Francisco Lara

II. Quorum Roll CallIII. Appointments and ConfirmationsIV. Unit Director Reports

A. Aggie Reuse – 6:24a. Presentationb. Discussion

i. Lara: Do you have any specific updates in regards to the vehicle and using CCE’s vehicle?

ii. Nicole: We can’t use CCE’s vehicle because it’s no longer in a good state. We’ve been hitting a wall with athletics.

iii. Lara: Athletics never said they’d give you a vehicle, that was my understanding. Best course of action would be to put pressure on CCE to get a diagnostic

iv. Nicole: They’ve run the diagnostic, it would come to $5,000, which at that point we might as well buy a new vehicle

v. Dalavai: It’s currently a tough financial situation because of a bylaw that says we can’t use senate reserves for this. Roman has been working on this, we just got word back about Athletics about a new deal…

vi. Nicole: The units have been having to deal with this on their own, we haven’t been told where to go, who to ask…

vii. Lara: The logical thing to do would be to ask Fleet Services, come back with the estimate.

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viii. DeAngelo: Did you ever get in contact about using the vehicle from [other organization]?

ix. Nicole: We aren’t really able to use those vehicles, they only have golf carts which aren’t feasible…

x. DeAngelo: How do you currently transport materials?xi. Nicole: By hand right now.

xii. Guerrero: If not senate reserves, what funding could we use to help out with this?

xiii. Lara: I was talking to Janice about equipment reserves, those are apparently only for SSO. Can’t use capital reserves.

xiv. Sandhu: Can we use from capital reserves?xv. Lara: I remember Janice told me that we can’t take from those reserves

under a certain threshold…xvi. Dalavai: Would this become more feasible, if the old model was sold to us at

a lower price, to take from capital reserves?xvii. Lara: I don’t know the threshold…

xviii. Smythe: Has anyone seen what the golf carts in question look like?xix. Nicole: They’re long-bed vehicles. xx. Tresh: If the cost of actually fixing the vehicle is $5,000, that’s absurd. Other

thing, looking at the sales, week 2 seems really high, and then it goes down. Is that because you don’t have the vehicle?

xxi. Nicole: The reason it was so high was because we had a grand opening, we were using the project compost vehicle to bring stuff into the store. It got lower because we were using the vehicle less… that’s basically it.

xxii. DeAngelo: Staffing issues resolved?xxiii. Nicole: Not particularly. We had exec volunteers come in, and that didn’t

cover all the shifts. Haven’t had the outreach we liked. xxiv. Jamaludin: Drop-in sales also affected by cash-only?xxv. Nicole: Yes, another thing that I brought up early in the quarter is we really

need a card machine. Went to INC about it, didn’t really go anywhere. xxvi. Nahabedian: Would it, be as far as that problem goes, let’s say you had a,

would it be possible to use Venmo, or is that a security problem? You could make an Aggie Reuse account….

xxvii. (various shutdowns of that idea)xxviii. Dalavai: Explain the logic behind not being able to use senate reserves?

xxix. Lara: You can’t use senate reserves for things that will last for over 2 years. xxx. DeAngelo: We don’t have enough in Senate reserves anyway…

xxxi. Dalavai: We’ve used Senate reserves for multiple items that are expected to last over 2 years. So we’ve broken bylaws over this. Those projectors were un-bylaw-ful. It looks like this bylaw should be up for further scrutiny.

xxxii. Lara: I’m looking at bills that have been introduced, and I found a fleet services diagnostic bill for $881. I don’t know why any action hasn’t been taken upon that. Maybe you should talk to Hannah.

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xxxiii. Guerrero: Before anyone continues to speak, I want to thank you for coming in today. You’re stuck between in a rock and a hard space, I know it must be really difficult, you might feel like giving up. I encourage you to work with Joshua to figure out how to get out of this. Don’t give up, this is just a bump in the road. I encourage you to keep pushing through.

xxxiv. Dalavai: Realistically, how much do you see sales improving with a register and a cart?

xxxv. Nicole: If we’re given all the resources we need to improve, we could make a few thousand more after breaking even.

xxxvi. Nicole: We did have a very good turnout for Valentine’s Day events. Winter quarter has been slower because of the weather, but overall we’ve been doing good, a lot more independent projects on social media to bolster publicity.

xxxvii. Jamaludin: Explain conversation around vehicle?xxxviii. Nicole: We’ve been talking about this since beginning of school year. Has

been difficult to get in contact with the person, and they’ve only given us ballpark figures.

xxxix. Savage: Where is the storage unit?xl. Nicole: One in lower Freeborn, one near Tercero. Mostly internal, so can’t

use regular cars. xli. Savage: The other vehicle won’t work because…?

xlii. Nicole: It’s in a bad condition, they asked us not to use it. Athletics, kept hitting a roadblock because we had to go to Greg for that, never heard anything after Roman termed out.

xliii. Smythe: When you brought this to our attention, we asked Greg about it. He said he never told Roman Athletics was selling a golf cart. I’m going to double-check with Roman about that. In the meantime, we can try to get someone else’s car onto campus to get your inventory in.

xliv. Nicole: I don’t have a contact that has a car that can do that, and Roman said he spoke to someone in Athletics directly about the car.

xlv. Smythe: I think we can ask Roman to give us those contacts directly to clear up communication.

xlvi. Lara: There is a $110,141 in equipment reserves, but I can’t find the guidelines for equipment reserves.

xlvii. Smythe: Where we’re at is looking to authorize a car in the meantime, looking to see if we can use equipment reserves, following up with the fleet services diagnostics.

xlviii. DeAngelo: Unit equipment reserves would be the account, but Aggie Reuse does not have that account. And we can’t use senate reserves to augment their account. It would be writing a bill to take it out of a larger equipment reserve fund.

xlix. Wolanski: The crafts center has a bike with a huge thing that carries stuff in. Maybe looking to borrowing it? Might be difficult because they’re not part of ASUCD, but they’re close to you and might be a temporary fix.

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l. Savage: How much would it cost for credit card register?li. Nicole: Spoke to Alex Park about it, talked to Janice and she said it was

doable, and it would help us. Don’t know where that ended, weren’t informed about the process. The conversation ended there, and someone decided without including us in the conversation.

lii. Lara: I checked senate reserves and I don’t see that expense… but remember it was a reimbursement bill. Someone paid for it, but I don’t know.

liii. Dalavai: Given no bylaw restrictions on using the large-body equipment reserves, it would be feasible to get this car.

liv. Lara: I think it’s a misinterpretation because there’s an absence of bylaws, suggests they’re somewhere else.

lv. Nicole: This has been frustrating because my team has been putting so much work. Please make this a priority, please listen to me when I say we need this. This really affects the longevity of our unit.

V. Committee ReportsVI. Presentations

A. State of the Association – 6:16a. Watson: This isn’t meant to be long, I just want to let you know a bit about ASUCD

from my perspective. This is our association as a whole, and it’s in a good spot right now. We’re in a new era, we’ve had some of our most competitive back-to-back elections in years. Congratulations to you all. We’ve had political movements that have called on us to lead. We’re no longer a place where people are afraid to voice opinions. We’ve increased campus partnerships. It starts with that, not viewing ASUCD as an ivory tower. We’ve had multiple events that has thousands of students in attendance. It came not just from exec, from Senate, but from every single person under the ASUCD name. We have commissions that are mostly full; that wasn’t the case before. We have a new legacy endowment and an alumni database. We’re having our first event in spring where we’re inviting alumni back to see what we’ve done the last 100 years. Students are calling on ASUCD once again to lead; whether it was a campus-wide survey about Davis nightlife. You have to challenge yourself. You can do a lot more and keep your units functioning well. This year, Picnic Day got 83 applications. It’s getting everyone involved and saying ASUCD is for Aggies, by Aggies. But we still have places to improve. Our reserves are still not in the place we want them to be. We have to continue to be innovative, as we have a student population that is increasing every single year. You have to think; are we providing the necessary resources for our students? We have to value ourselves and the people who put in time to make this association great. We’re in a good place, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be lost if we don’t value ourselves. We have units now that just don’t mean the same to this campus as they used to. I think it’s cool that we have Envision on campus right now. I think it’s time to start being innovative, creative, and listen to each other. That’s where I want to leave you all, I want to come back as an alumni and say, “We started something, and now we’re reaping the benefits from it.”

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B. TRAVC – 8:51a. Nolan: We had a great meeting this week, even though not everyone showed up.

We discussed continued projects we’ve been working on, and discussing other, smaller projects. Survival guide: went to different resources on campus. SRRC, for example. Had them answer a bunch of questions about that resource, how is that resource helpful, who is the contact person. As TRAV students come in, they’re not aware of a lot of these resources. There’s no physical map in student community center that actually tells you what’s in that center, something we were thinking about working on. When we do put this on a PDF file, they can have direct contact in that regard. Don’t want to make it too complicated, want to make it informal. Students won’t all have the same initial response, want to be broad but influential. I want to establish relationships before stepping onto the table. Will share FB page with you all when it’s finished. Still trying to get involved in orientation, have our Aggie Studios project going on.

i. Watson: The fall welcome planning meetings are starting back up now, president elect will get a complete schedule of when those meetings are happening. There’s definitely space and places for you all to shine in that as well. I encourage you to partner with the next exec.

ii. Guerrero: Been in contact with reps from student housing, you can hit me up and I can put you in contact with appropriate contacts.

C. Envisiona. Sarah: I came and presented, I don’t know, 3 or 4 weeks ago? Envision is happening

right now. We have 2,365 people who have participated. b. Smythe: We’ve allocated 1 hour to play Envision UC Davis. Unfortunately, our

projectors haven’t gotten here yet. c. Sarah: If you use #ASUCD, you can use that to quantify the power of everything

coming out of this room right now. d. Guerrero: Essentially, it starts with, you can put a positive imagination or something

you’re afraid of happening on the future. You start little clouds, and they grow and influence, and that’s how you get points.

e. Senate plays the game for an hourVII. Public Announcements

A. Lounge Lizards – 8:45a. No Instruments Attached 2016

VIII. Status of Legislation Previously Passed – 9:40A. All signed

IX. Introduction of New LegislationA. SB to modify the restrictions on senate reserves.B. SR to modernize the inter-collegiate athletics guiding principles. C. SB to allocate $230 from senate reserves to purchase stickers for OA. D. Constitutional Amendment to improve ASUCD exec branch.E. Constitutional Amendment to dissolve AAC.F. Constitutional Amendment to dissolve OA. G. SB to move money from post office reserves to CC/CN reserves.

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H. SB to move money from ASUCD cinemas reserves to EC reserves.I. SB to reorganize committee chairship to align with the creation of the executive cabinet. J. SB to enact new exec staff and cabinet positions and change pay rates, allocating money

from senate reserves.K. SB to improve the management of ASUCD through the creation of the ASUCD exec branch.L. Discussion

a. Jamaludin: Worried about these constitutional amendments being presented to commissions by commission chair.

b. Sandhu: Would suggest recusing myself and speak only as an author.c. Smythe: These things happen all the time, there’s really no way around that unless

they resign. Don’t think the solution is to deny the authority they have.d. Sandhu: I can’t not go, but I’ll make it very clear that I am a co-author, I have an

inherent bias, I am a co-author and less of a chair. e. Singh: Is the bill dissolving AAC going to AAC?f. Smythe: Yesg. Mishra: I do have to say, it is my commission to lose. I am for these changes, I do

believe that, I do challenge the table to say they’ve come to AAC. We’re seeing these radical changes that are needed, but I do think these are changes we need to see, at least for AAC. The commission is split on it. If there’s a way to step away from my vote, then I’d like to.

h. Flores: As an IAC commissioner, I care more about the opinions of AAC and OA. i. Smythe: Mishra, I don’t think that would you said is correct. You can’t deny your

own voice. We all do things here that last 50-60 years, the other members look to you to provide that commission institutional knowledge. I hope you don’t take the position of “I’m going to let this happen.” Keep that in consideration.

j. Wolanski: I agree with Adilla, the opinion of the chair can bias others. I recommend the chairs vote last, and give a balanced pro-con.

X. Consideration of Old LegislationA. SR #14 – 8:19

a. Author’s Commentsi. Buchanan: This resolution addresses prison divestment. UC Regents have

divested their holdings with 2 of the largest prison companies in the US. But UCs bank with Wells Fargo. We’re calling on you all to demonstrate that it is unethical, anti-black, and an affront to the black students that are a part of this student body. We want to ensure that, moving into the future, that ASUCD makes sure future investments are in line with our ethical standards and not invested in the prison-industrial complex.

ii. Watson: Something that always comes up, “can a resolution do anything,” and yes, it does. It matters, your opinion and vote bears weight.

b. Commission Recommendationsi. EAC: made a lot of amendments to make it stronger, passed with a 6-2-1

vote. Overall, support the bill and the idea of it.ii. B&F: We also passed it with a 5-2-2 vote. No votes were of the opinion that

it was not a financially prudent decision.

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c. Questions in Textd. Public Discussion

i. DeAngelo: Back to lines 110-114, what is ASUCD’s current relationship with these companies?

ii. Watson: When you’re looking at things like this, we haven’t done the investigation. We do have a bank account that gets interest. It’s not much, it’s First Northern Bank. Other than that, not really. Anything else is indirect.

iii. DeAngelo: This is more pre-emptive clause, in case we do have these sort of relationships? This clause is a little unclear, a little wordy, would suggest revising it to make it more clear.

iv. Nahabedian: Clause A296. I believe in the power of divestment resolutions, and I completely agree with the spirit of this resolution, but I’m a little bit troubled, Wells Fargo is repeatedly mentioned. Why is Wells Fargo repeatedly mentioned, while other organizations that have a presence on this campus aren’t?

v. Buchanan: There is a physical presence of Wells Fargo on campus. One of the things is that this resolution comes out of showing solidarity and moving with the African Black Coalition, which is focusing on Wells Fargo. Not all companies are invested in alike, Wells Fargo is the one we provide the most money to. That’s one of the reasons why we’re looking at them specifically, because they’re the ones the university is most complicit with.

vi. Nahabedian: I would recommend putting that language in because it makes it stronger.

vii. Buchanan: it was in the resolution before but was removed, suggested it was to be in its own resolution.

viii. DeAngelo: Changing ASUCD to UC? We don’t know if ASUCD has a current relationship.

ix. Jamaludin: Think that makes it clearer, serves the purpose of this bill to change the language.

x. Savage: It also shows further solidarity with other UC campuses that have passed the bill.

xi. Dalavai: “That any relationships that ASUCD might have.” Solidarity with other UCs, 125-127 address that. Friendly to changes?

xii. DeAngelo: Prefer for it to say UC. Spoke with Janice, she was fairly confident that ASUCD didn’t have any relationship with these corporations.

xiii. Watson: It’s already stated, UC, multiple times. The proposed alternative is “might have.” Until the work is done for us to make sure we don’t have relationships, why not have it in writing to hold us accountable to what we want?

xiv. Jamaludin: By putting ASUCD, if we’re going to do that, if we’re talking about accountability, would it be fair to, by association, do you mean exec is accountable for investigating the relationship we might have?

xv. Watson: It’s not just exec, but you need a document that says this is a priority to figure out.

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xvi. Jamaludin: Does it make this resolution stronger, and has teeth?xvii. Watson: Yes, but it’s up to us to commit to it. This document is only as

stronger as the leaders willing to vote yes in favor for it. The language: “Then, let it be further resolved, that any relationship ASUCD ‘might have’ with these companies…”

xviii. Singh: I agree, think we should keep ASUC in there. Holds us accountable, which is the big factor we’ve been facing in this association.

xix. Dalavai: Motion to make Mariah’s amendment. xx. Divide the House

1. 10-0-2e. Senate Discussion

i. Tresh: The language we just switched, would it be smart to include “presently or in the future?”

ii. Watson: Language changed to “future investments,” covered in another part of the bill.

f. Call to Questiong. Passed

B. SB #42a. Author’s Comments

i. Guerrero: This is something that fell through, it died in the legislative process. It’s a bill regarding quarterly adoptive senator evaluations. Think this would be a good way to start a channel of accountability.

b. Commission Recommendationsi. IAC: No objections.

c. Questions in Textd. Public Discussion

i. Jamaludin: Propose for this to be sent email instead of mailbox. ii. Lara: This bill does not make sense regarding spring. A unit director is hired,

and their term goes up till the end of spring. If you give them an adoptive senator evaluation form at the end of spring and ask them to turn it in next quarter, it doesn’t make sense. If someone can write, distribute end of week 7 and have it back at week 10… or something.

iii. Nahabedian: Since the role of an adopted senator is so vague, what’s going to be on this form?

iv. Tresh: They sent it to our email.v. Dalavai: What is our fail-safe, in that perhaps we have to make SGAO more

efficient before capitalizing on Guerrero: Week 7 of each quarter distributed, get it back week 9 of every

quarter. e. Senate Discussion

i. Sandhu: Also, in your inboxes, there is the form that Roman created. f. Call to Question

i. 10-0-2g. Passed

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XI. Ex-Officio Reports – 9:41A. AAC

a. Speaker contract proposalb. Working with agent rep

B. EACa. Met about Athleticsb. Scholarship Committee Interviewsc. EAC projects

i. Scavenger Huntii. Hottie Hot Hot & NNN

C. Controllera. Attended meeting with Exec Office and Janiceb. Attended meetings regarding the remodeling of the 3rd floorc. Attended a meeting with Miguel concerning bike tours of UCDd. Wrote several bills and did research on poor financial decisions made by ASUCDe. Attended a meeting where we told affected unit directors that Freeborn would be

demolishedXII. Elected Officer Reports

A. Singha. Went to election resultsb. HIV prevention meetingc. Formal Without Borders meetingd. Formal Without Borderse. BlackUnderAttack March & Press Conferencef. Meeting with Georgia on “Let’s Talk About Sex” Monthg. Meeting about Freeborn h. Dinner with the FIJI Recruitersi. I accepted my bid for FIJIj. ARE100B Midtermk. Meeting with Ryndie from the International Housel. Meeting with Jaime from CSI regarding Student Org Fair at the Residence Hallsm. FIJI Founding Fathers Receptionn. Couldn’t make it to COSAF & TRAVC meeting

B. Savagea. Formal Without Bordersb. Black Under Attack Rallyc. Nigerian Student Assoc. Cultural Showd. Met with volunteer coordinator (Yumi)e. Met with Parteek (STD/STI party)f. Met with Lilly (SAAAC)g. Met with Ryan (concert on quad) h. Met with sub campaign (Pramereia)i. Met with Sam (OASR) – LTAS (2,000 water bottles)

i. Attended OASR

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ii. Conference call SLCiii. Workshops for SLCiv. Date

j. Met with Annie (Hunting Ground) & REACTk. Met with Hans (LTAS website)l. Met with Lauren (Know your IX workshop)

C. Santiagoa. Mon: Black Under Attack March, Library Revisement Meeting, API Community

Organizer Meeting re: hate crime and anti-blacknessb. Wed: Meeting with Theta Xi president re: consent workshop, admin advisory

committee socialc. Thurs: volunteered at Block Party, Envision UCD game

D. Guerreroa. Fri: Bike Tour meeting, COSAF (SRRC, Health Fee Oversight Committee), OH, helped

with ASUCD Scholarship Appsb. Sat: went to women’s basketball gamec. Tues: Meeting re: Athletics with GS, JN, SN; meeting with Janiced. Wed: Sgined up for Envision, AAC & AS sociale. Thurs: Bike Tour Meeting with Janice & Francisco, received a scholarship from FIJI,

sang to you allf. Fri: Daisy He meeting, Mental Health Monologueg. Held ECAC Chair interviews

E. Lunga. Hutchinson Parking Lot has 66 new C level parking

i. On level 2ii. We have utilization surveys being done

b. MU Parking Lot, 1st level the meter parking will be converted to the A level and some A level will be converted to C

c. Help promote their FB page so that they get more likesi. Talked about promoting when they have special events going on so people

know to get to school early or go to a different lotd. Power strips: request additional power strips from the MU Guest Servicese. Went to academic senate social on Wed with Dani, Miggy, Alex

F. Tresha. 2/22: interview with Aggie about the Nishi gateway resolution, ASU event, Black

Under Attack rallyb. 2/23: Tabling for MAPS, TPMP event, MAPS event, MAPS board meetingc. 2/24: TRAVC committee meeting, ASU board meetingd. 2/26: volunteer VA hospital, MAPS board interviews

G. Jamaludina. Sat: Formal Without Bordersb. Mon: Black Under Attack Rally, IAC meeting regarding BUDS

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c. Wed: meeting with Sam Alavi regarding possible lobbying in Sac, met with Vishal and a student who need advising abut status, ECAC interviews, RAD auditions, meeting MecHA x SJP

d. Thurs: Block Party, Milo showed upe. Working on a few billsf. Working on proposal for intl. Spaceg. PEACE training for staffh. Washing stations for Muslim students

H. Nahabediana. Fri: elections releaseb. M-W had exams every dayc. Tues: Had a meeting about Athletics d. Thurs: Stood up Georgia, sorry. Talked to her about Let’s Talk About Sex

I. Smythea. 2/19: Future of the 3rd floor, read ASUCD scholarship appsb. 2/22: scholarship interviews, flyered with library, meeting on 3rd floor spacec. 2/23: library website meeting, ASUCD scholarship committee interviews, met with

exec teamd. 2/24: ASUCD scholarship interviewse. 2/25: university space planning meeting, scholarship interviews, Senate

XIII. New Student Court Cases/Prior WeeksVerdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements

XIV. Closed SessionXV. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

A. PassedXVI. Public Discussion

A. Watson: Wanted to thank every single person who changed their FB picture and contributed to Block Party. Thank you so much for all that. Only had one injury where we had to call the firefighters. It was an amazing event, hope we continue to have these massive events.

B. Nahabedian: Have a bill I want to send to INC, want it on public discussion to get your opinions on it. I want to know the feasibility of perhaps publishing the amount of the votes the #1 candidates have once a day. I think this will help, if you know as a candidate where you stand, you’re going to be driven to get more people to vote. Want to know if this is technologically feasible, and what the table things about this. It would be releasing only the number of the #1 votes.

a. Nazzal: I can’t speak on technologically feasible. But if I were just a regular person who didn’t know about ASUCD, and I saw that someone had a lead, I would vote for that person.

b. Savage: I think the opposite… if we publish them publicly, this would prevent people running as a joke. I would be more hesitant to run as “what the hell.” This would encourage people to put their all into the campaigns. I could see it being advantageous in terms of visibility.

c. Nazzal: Do actual elections do this?d. Savage: Hard to draw parallels…

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e. DeAngelo: I agree with Joe, foresee messiness. f. Lara: It wouldn’t be elections, it’d be CM.g. DeAngelo: We always have things that go wrong, I think it’s just one more thing that

could. Complicates elections further.h. Engle: Would discourage candidates. i. Wolanski: Bad idea, it might raise competitiveness, but we saw last election that

things got pretty vicious. In addition, the technology processing, CM was already late on results, let alone every day.

j. Nahabedian: I think the entire point is to get voter turnout. When you can see how much you’re winning/losing by, it drives you to share more and get to more people. If we can agree this is a good practice, we could go to CM with that question, and they can say no or yes.

k. Lara: This, would this affect ballot measures? l. Nahabedian: No, probably not. As for #1 votes is easiest to calculate, and #1 is

necessarily an indication of who will win. People don’t understand how to vote anyway because of the ranking system.

m. Savage: Going off that, saying it would confuse people, a multitude of people have asked me out voting works. These are people involved in ASUCD. Starting that conversation and having people ask, that would be a good idea.

n. Divide the Housei. 4-6-2

o. Singh: Have you talked to Alex Park about this?p. Nahabedian: The question WAS whether we wanted to take this to INC. q. Jamaludin: I think we should have ASUCD Trivia Night. You can pursue that if you

feel like. C. Jamaludin: This Saturday, Project Compost/CCE is having worm composting workshop at

EcoHub 11 am. D. DeAngelo: Janice is coming to B&F to present on the financial state of the association. 7:10

pm, Tues. March 1st.E. Nahabedian: Armenian Students Association is having their annual Armenian Wedding, Sat.

March 5th at International House. F. Savage: Vagina: Our Stories. Friday night at 6 pm. Saturday at 2 pm and 6 pm. I am planning

Let’s Talk About Sex for April, and sexual assault awareness campaign. Would like execs to have ASUCD up standard training. Would like to do that in the month of April. The 14 th would be best for training manager.

G. Smythe: Received an email from Caitlyn, there’s going to be a student mental health meeting to bring campus stakeholders together to discuss the state of mental health and what organizations can do to prevent that. UC was the highest UC with a B- on campus health rankings, lots of room to improve. It says Tuesday, March. 5:30, Student Health and Wellness conference room.

H. Lee: I sent out a mass email about the changes I want to implement. I’m inviting anyone who has hesitations about it to talk about it with me. I’ve been talking to the chairs and it’s an ongoing thing, there will be changes to the legislation. My figurative door is open.

a. Nahabedian: Are you planning on having Senate vote on all of them week 10?

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b. Lee: The plan is to table so new Senate can vote on them. c. Jamaludin: Obviously, I saw the email. I sent out questions to everyone to bring

attention to details. There’s something to be said about you bringing these amendments during the last meeting.

d. Dalavai: I haven’t gone through the proposed changes in depth yet, but I share the same concerns. Are they intuitive enough that the newly elected 6 would be able to form an accurate opinion?

e. Lee: It’s fair for the 6 to vote on it, because they have to live with the changes. At the same time, I want to give the new senators an opportunity to gain experience.

f. Nahabedian: I’m glad Adilla brought this up. The possibility that some of those things can be seen at this table in week 9, it’s not necessarily, I agree with what Adilla said. I think the first vote that we had to make when we were sworn in, about the Attorney General, I didn’t feel comfortable voting on it. And Constitutional Amendments are even more important. I discourage seeing it week 10.

g. Wolanski: I agree with everyone. These people should be given time to learn a little more and consider further in the spring quarter.

h. Sandhu: Alex and I will take everyone’s opinions into consideration. But the notion that there will be a difference between week 10 and week 1 is, I don’t know. It’s not going to be easy either way.

i. Smythe: I want to be clear that, I don’t think we should make it seem like Alex has done this on purpose. I think there’s a huge difference between week 10 and week 1. Week 10, it’s 10 pm because everyone has done their farewells. But on the other hand, the time that’s most critical for exec is spring. They need to know whether their ideas will happen or not happen. There are many things to be done, it would put Alex in the best position if he knew that. I think it’s also part of the job of the senators right now to carry over their knowledge to the new senators. I encourage Alex to meet with the new senators. Also, constitutional amendments need to be voted on by students.

j. Nazzal: You answered my question about voting on it or not. I just wanted to add that just because it’s bureaucratic to not have these things voted on in week 1, it just seems strange to rush a vote on this.

k. Lee: I’m not opposed to letting this senate see the bills that would come, but you would be seeing them incongruously. I gave a lot of thought with Abhay about this. Time is crucial, I have my first 100 days published online.

l. Nazzal: My point is that, rather than rushing, it should delayed even.m. Lee: I can explain why it’s so crucial right now, the timing with hirings and stuff is

really important.n. Engel: I would like to say that it’s disgusting that you think the new senators are

incapable, it’s a disrespect to the students you represent. o. Jamaludin: I think they’re totally capable. But there’s a difference between being

capable and being aware of the politics. I think it’s rude that you would assume that of us. If I had a personal problem with Alex Lee, I would talk to them outside. I respect all of these people.

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p. Nahabedian: I thought about this legislative process, when I was asking about the timeline, I didn’t even realize that these bills could come week 9. Something you need to remember, we’re still here and still senators. I have absolutely the highest respect for the people who ran in the same campaign and beat me. But the timing of some of these bills, no matter how qualified you think you are, nothing can prepare you for sitting on the senate table besides being on the senate table. I understand everything that’s going on, but I want it realized that people who are coming to sit on this table shouldn’t come with an us vs. them mentality.

q. Engel: I just wanted to say, I didn’t want to attack anyone personally. I just don’t think you can expect senators to have a feeling out process. I think you should treat them as your peers from day 1.

r. Jamaludin: I’m sure you didn’t mean to offend me, but I’ve never been thus offended before while sitting on this table.

s. Smythe: When I said mentorship, you took that to mean hierarchy? I meant that of course the six senators who have been on the table before, it was about the process of the association. I didn’t mean to imply a hierarchy, but we look to the people who are sitting on the table now to see how to do the job.

t. Sam Park: I don’t know much about the politics here, but what I can tell about Alex, I think the reason why he wants these votes as soon as possible is because he wants to keep his promise to the students. Everyone coming in as some sort of experience. This is not new for us, when push comes to shove, we’ll be there. We do have the capability to make those decisions logically.

u. Mishra: I do want to say, Mr. Engel, there’s a lesson I learned in life early on. Be careful of assumptions. I do think that tempers did flare, but please be aware of that. When you discuss with people in the public about how to interact with this table, I think it’s best to listen. Be careful what you say, those words stick. People have dedicated a lot of time to this organization, they care about who’s going to fill their seats.

XVII. Any Other BusinessXVIII. Adjournment – 10:27

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