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fire protection concept

for SRF project


ecovalor SRL

Primaverii 57

RO-011973 Bucharest, Romania



Innovative Umwelttechnik GmbH

Hamburgersiedlung 1

 A-2824 Seebenstein

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept

This fire protection concept was made on behalf of:

ecovalor SRL

Primaverii 57

RO-011973 Bucharest, Romania

from the company:


Innovative Umwelttechnik GmbH

Hamburgersiedlung 1

 A-2824 Seebenstein


Innovative Umwelttechnik GmbH

Ing. Alexander Buchner

Seebenstein, 24.January. 2007

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept


1 Basic data ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ..... .... .... .... .... .... ... 4

1.1 author of the concept .............................................................................................4

1.2 client ....................................................................................................................4

1.3 goal of the concept ................................................................................................5

2 General approach ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ..... .... .... .... . 5

2.1 General Approach .................................................................................................5

2.2 Location of the plant ..............................................................................................5

2.3 Input material....................................................................................................... 6

3 content ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... .... .... .... .... . 6

3.1 Objects .................................................................................................................6

3.1.1 Area 1 – treatment hall......................................................................................6

3.1.2 Area 2 – infrastructural rooms ............................................................................9

4 conclusion ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... 10

4.1 physical fire prevention .........................................................................................10

4.1.1 Area 1 – treatment hall....................................................................................10

4.1.2 Area 2 – infrastructural rooms ..........................................................................10

4.2 plant fire prevention .............................................................................................10

4.2.1 Water supply ...................................................................................................10

4.2.2 Extinguishing system ........................................................................................11

4.2.3 Detection system .............................................................................................124.3 organizational fire prevention ................................................................................13

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept


Following concept is based on the Austrian guideline TRVB A 107 edition 2004. The structure of the

concept is based on the Austrian guideline TRVB A 107 edition 2004 annex C.


The company Ingenieurgemeinschaft Innovative Umwelttechnik GmbH (acronym IUT) was ordered

from company ecovalor SRL to create following fire protection concept.


Innovative Umwelttechnik GmbH

Hamburgersiedlung 1

 A-2824 Seebenstein


ecovalor SRL

Primaverii 57

RO-011973 Bucharest, Romania

for the location:

SRF project inside the area of 

Holcim (Romania) SA 

Ciment Alesd

Str.Viitorului 2

RO-417022, Sat Chistag

Comuna Astileu

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept


The fire protection concept should give an overview about the necessary fire protection measures.

The measures have been splited in following points:

• physical fire prevention

• plant fire prevention

• organizational fire prevention



The main purpose of an SRF-treatment plant (SRF = Solid Recovered Fuels) is to prepare the input

material for the use in the cement kiln. Several treatment steps (shredding, separation, transporting,

etc.) have to be done until this material can be used in the kiln.

The treatment consists of following process steps:

• Input storage

• Primary shredder

• Metal separator

• Foreign part separator with metal detection unit

• Secondary shredder

• Conveyors

• Electrical equipment

• De-dusting system

• Storage in a silo


The SRF-plant will be located in a new hall which will be built inside the area of Holcim (Romania) SA,

Ciment Alesd. The location is shown in the fire protection drawing.

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The high calorific input materials (mainly plastics, papers, cardboards, etc.) will come partially from

local sources.

The input for the SRF treatment plant will mainly consist of following compounds:

• Plastics (2D = foils), unshredded or already pre-shredded

• Plastics (3D = Hardplastics, PET-bottles, etc.)

• Paper and cardboards

• Wood (Palets, etc.)

• Textiles

• Other industrial high calorific solid wastes

• Foreign materials (metals, etc.) and disturbing materials (stones, etc.)



The project has been separated in following areas:

• area 1 treatment hall approx. 1.160 m²

• area 2 infrastructural rooms approx. 190 m²

3.1.1 Area 1 – treatment hall

Following activities will be done in this area:

• Delivery of material

• Storage of input material

• Treatment of delivered materials

• Dedusting

• Maintenance and repair works of the machines

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The area for the SRF hall is located in the middle of the Holcim (Romania) plant area. The walls of the

treatment hall which are located direct behind the infrastructural building will be built as fire walls.

Those fire walls are made complete of steel concrete (from ground level above the roof – approx.

12m). The storage silo (in the north side of the area) is made of steel.

Structure of the hall:

• Ferroconcrete construction for the columns and static elements

• The roof consists of prefabricated concrete parts

• Concrete floor

• walls

o input and storage hall south and east direction

Steel concrete walls (ground level until + 8m)

Sheet metal plates (+8m until roof)

Windows inside the sheet metal plates

o machinery hall  north and east direction

Steel concrete walls (ground level until + 1m)

Sheet metal plates (+1m until roof)

Windows inside the sheet metal plates

o machinery hall west direction (approx. 7,5m from the south direction to the north


Steel concrete walls (ground level until + 1m)

Sheet metal plates (+1m until roof)

Windows inside the sheet metal plates

o machinery hall west direction (behind the infrastructural building)

Steel concrete walls (ground level until + 12m – fire wall)

o input and storage hall west direction

Steel concrete walls (ground level until + 6m)

Sheet metal plates (+6m until roof)

Windows inside the sheet metal plates

One access is located in the north side of the hall and two accesses are located in the south side of 

the hall. The hall will be equipped with smoke and heat outlets located on the roof.

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept


(View from the west side)

(View from the north side)

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept

3.1.2 Area 2 – infrastructural rooms

Following rooms are included in this area:

• First floor

o Office

o Lavatory and Change room for woman

o Lavatory and Change room for man

o Staff room

o Transformer roomo Compressor room

o Room for fire fighting equipment

• Second floor

o laboratory

o room for control cabinets

The infrastructural rooms are located directly near the treatment hall (near the western side of the

building). The wall behind the infrastructural rooms will be built as a fire wall (steel concrete wall from

the ground level up to the roof).

Structure of the building:

• Brick wall

• The roof consists of prefabricated concrete parts

• Concrete floor with floor covering

• Windows inside the main building (the first 8m of the eastern wall – in south direction - are

free of windows – to prevent a fire trespass from the input and storage hall)

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept

(detail of the infrastructural rooms)



4.1.1 Area 1 – treatment hall

Emergency exit• Emergency lights above the emergency exit doors

• Heat and smoke outlets

• Fire wall between the hall and the infrastructural rooms

4.1.2 Area 2 – infrastructural rooms

• Emergency exit

• Emergency lights above the emergency exit doors

• Fire wall between the hall and the infrastructural rooms


4.2.1 Water supply

The water supply for the extinguishing system will be guaranteed by the plant water supply.

Data of the water supply:

• 200 m³/h

• approx. 3.333 l/min

• 3-4 bar


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4.2.2 Extinguishing system Area 1 – treatment hall

The extinguishing will be done by a foam system. The system will be built as a “dry non-automatic

system” (only in case of fire the system will be filled with water – manual operated selection of the

extinguishing zone in case of fire - by trained staff).The extinguishing zones are shown in the fire

protection drawing. The selection of the extinguishing area can be done in the fire protection room

(location is shown in the fire protection drawing). The necessary equipment (pumps, control unit etc.)

will be also located in the fire protection room.

 As shown in the fire protection drawing, the extinguishing zones (1-3) will overlap between

themselves. This is a preventive measure to protect the adjoining storage areas.

Normal water sprinkler heads will be located directly in the chutes of the two shredders.

If (in case of fire) one sprinkler-section is initiated it is possible to supply the other sections with an

external water supply (tank-truck etc.). Therefore are manual valves foreseen (one for each section)

inside the fire protection room.

Furthermore there will be also wall-hydrants and mobile fire extinguisher inside the hall. The location

of the wall-hydrants and the mobile fire extinguisher is shown in the fire protection drawing.

Extinguishing zones:

Zone 1 input storage 1 approx. 200 m²

Zone 2 input storage 2 approx. 540 m²

Zone 3 input storage 3 approx. 340 m²

Zone 4 storage silo approx. 250 m³ Area 2 - infrastructural rooms

Mobile fire extinguisher will be foreseen in the infrastructural rooms. The several locations of the

mobile fire extinguishers are shown in the fire protection drawing.

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4.2.3 Detection system Fire alarm center

The fire alarm center will be located in the office room (as shown in the fire protection drawing). All

detection units will be connected to this fire alarm center. Each detection unit will be shown (in case

of fire) separately on the display of the fire alarm center. The fire alarm center will be connected to

the main fire alarm center of the plant.

 An optical and acoustical signal will be generated in case of fire. The location of the signal units are

shown in the fire protection drawing. Manual push buttons

Manual push buttons will be located near/inside the infrastructural rooms and near/inside the hall. The

manual push buttons will be also connected to the fire alarm center. Automatic detection system

 An automatic detection system will be installed inside the hall and the infrastructural rooms. The

system is connected to the fire alarm center. An optical and acoustical signal will be generated in case

of fire. The location of the detection units is shown in the fire protection drawing.

Separate detection units will be located inside the hoppers of the shredders, inside the conveyor

before the storage silo and inside the storage silo. Detection system of the heat and smoke outlets

Each heat and smoke outlet system has his own fire detection system. In case of fire the local fire

detection unit will give a signal which opens the heat and smoke outlet system.

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ecovalor SRL fire protection concept Filter shut down

The dedusting system will shut down in case of fire. Otherwise a fire can be transported to the filter



 Also the organizational fire prevention is an important part of the fire protection concept. Enclosed

there are the foreseen points of the organizational fire prevention for this project.

• Creation of fire protection drawings

• Instruction of the employees

• Constant check of the equipment

• Execution of fire protection practices

• Nomination of an fire prevention officer


created by - IUT 24.January.2007 page 13

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