weekly learning pack fs2 - mountbatten primary school

Weekly learning pack FS2

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Post on 21-Mar-2023




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Weekly learning pack



EverydayPractise sounds

Practise tricky words(on the next 3 slides)

Practise letter formationName writing




Task 1 – Matching Pairs!

1. Go through phase 2 and 3 sounds with your child, note down any sounds they are unsure of

2. Write these sounds on paper and then duplicate them so you have two sets of the sounds.

3. Lay the sounds out faced up allowing your child to see briefly where the sounds are placed. Then after 5-10 seconds turn all the pieces of paper over so the sounds are hidden.

4. Once hidden allow your child to turn over one piece of paper and get them sounds out the what they see.

5. Once they have correctly identified the sound allow them to pick another piece of paper and see if the sounds are the same.

6. If your child says the sound correctly and finds its matching pair remove it and keep going until all of the pieces are collected.

7. This is a game that can be played with more players so involving yourself in the game or siblings can make the games more competitive.

You can play this game with tricky words instead of sounds as well to vary the activity for your child.

Task 2 – Quick write!

1. Give your child a pen and a piece of paper

2. Explain to them that you are going to say a word and they have to write it down. Encourage your child to sound it out, example s-ai-l. What initial sound can they hear? s

3. What middle sound can you hear? ai4. What final sound can you hear? l

If your child confidently does this, move on to writing sentences.

Task 3 – Fill those Phonics Baskets!

1. For this activity all you will need basket/bowl/bucket of some sort and a timer.

2. The aim of this game is for your child to find 5 things around your house or garden that contain with a certain sounds (phase 3 sounds).

3. Firstly give your child a sounds that they have to look for, for example ‘ai’.

4. Give the child their bowl and let them know they have a certain amount of time to find a number of things beginning with that sound.

5. Then simply set your timer and watch them go!

6. Once the timer has ran out get your child to come back with their bowl and get them to identify what they have found, making sure they have found item with the chosen sounds.

7. For an extra challenge, ask you child to write don what they have found. Help them where necessary but allow them to take their time and write a list of what they found.

Task 4 – Syllable star jump!

1. This activity is to encourage your child to understand syllables and how many are in a word.

2. Firstly make a list of 1,2,3 syllable words for your child, roughly 5-10 of each. You can pick a theme for the words or something they are interested in. (animals, numbers, colours etc.)

3. Read out one words at a time and ask your child to star jump for each syllable they hear. For example the word ‘happy’ is 2 syllables ‘ha’ ‘ppy’ so you encourage your child to star jump for each syllable.

If your child is confident in there syllables, you can make this activity more challenging by introducing 4 and even 5 syllable words!

Task 5 – Tricky word splat!

1. Write the tricky words on individual pieces of paper and lay them on the ground facing up.

2. Start with phase 2 tricky words and when your child is confident in them, introduce phase 3 tricky words to the activity

3. Read out on tricky word at a time and allow your child to find it and splat it!

4. Repeat this until you have mentioned all the tricky words you have laid out.

If you don’t have a splatter, shown in the picture, you can use something similar in your house to splat those words and if not just encourage your child to use their hand.

Links to tricky words songs :

Phase 2 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0

Phase 3 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY

Phase 2



Phase 3





Everydaycount to 20

Count backwards from 20-0Practise one more and one

less; for example say ‘what is one more than 6, what is one

less then 10 etc.’

Task 1 – Number ordering!

1. Write numbers 1-20 on pieces of paper and scatter them around the floor

2. Ask your child to order them from 1-20

3. Once complete check their number line, if any numbers are in the wrong place take them out and ask your child to try again

Task 2 – Shape safari!

1. Firstly recap with your child on the shapes they have been learning and get them to recognise them correctly.

2. Make a list for your child of different shapes they need to find

3. Walk around your house or garden and encourage your child to find objects that are the same shapes as written on your list.

4. Place a small tick or mark next to the shape and continue, you may find more than one so keep that tally going.

5. Once you both have gone around your house or garden look back at the list and see how shapes your child has found.

6. Get the to count how many marks are next to each shape and see which shape is the winner!

Task 3 – Coin counter!

1. With any loose change or coppers you have, empty an amount ready for your child to use. (if possible try and use a good mix of different coins).

2. Ask your child to sort them into piles of matching coins.

3. Once they have sorted all the coins into their piles, get them to count how many coins they have in each pile and write this number on a piece of paper and put it with the pile.

4. Once all the piles have been counted, get your child to look at all the all the piles and ask them which pile has the most and least coins in.

5. Ask them why they think this and help them if they struggle to find the right answer.

Task 4 – Number bonds to 10!

1. Write numbers 0-10 on a sperate sheets of paper, then again as you will need 2 sets.

2. On a bigger piece of paper draw the bond web with the number 10 at the top, like in the picture.

3. Explain to your child that using the numbers on the paper can they make number bonds to 10.

4. Keep repeating this until your child has used all the numbers and has made 11 pairs of number bonds.

Number bonds song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD9tjBUiXs0


Task 5 – Scavenger hunt!

1. Get your child to take part in a maths scavenger hunt either within your house, garden or both!

2. In the image you can see a generally guide of the questions to ask but you can adapt it depending on your surrounding and what is available.

3. Also change up the number and amounts in the hunt to challenge your child and make the hunt more competitive.

Other areas of


EverydayLet you child play with their toys throughout the day. At school we do half an hour of

phonics, half an hour of literacy, half an hour of maths

and story time (at different times of the day). The

children are allowed to play and use their imagination the

rest of the day.

Task 1 – PE!

1. Every morning get the whole family in front of the TV, computer or tablet and join the nation, this is a great opportunity for some family time


Task 2 – Science – Crispy buns!

1. Using the recipe get your child to help you make crispy buns.

2. Get them to try and use some scales to measure out the ingredients.

3. When it comes to the chocolate get your child to break up the chocolate and as they do get them to count how squares they have in the bowl.

4. Ask them what they think will happen to the chocolate when we put the chocolate in the microwave?

5. Ask them what the chocolate what they think the chocolate will feel like, hard or soft? Hot or cold?

6. Heat the chocolate up 30 seconds at a time, encourage them to mix he chocolate but ask them why we have to be careful around of thigs that come out of the microwave.

7. Once the chocolate has melted and all the ingredients are added, get you child to spoon the mixture into the bun cases, let the buns set in the fridge then decorate!

Task 3 – Art – Junk modelling!

1. Using some of the things you may normal recycle encourage your child to build or make something.

2. Try and give them a theme, for example, animals, dinosaurs, characters, vehicles.

3. Get your child to tell you about what they have made asking what's it is, its name, what special things can it do etc.

Task 4 – RE - The story of Easter!

1. Ask your child what they think Easter is and what they know happens at Easter.

2. On a computer, phone or tablet get your child to watch the video ‘Story of Easter’.

3. After watching this ask your child what the video had said and asked them what they think happened to Jesus?

4. On the next slide you will see some of the things we think of when it comes to Easter. Go through these pictures with your child and explain why we see these things.

5. Finally get your child to colour in their own Easter egg! Get them to use lots of different colours and materials.

6. You can either print off a template of an egg online or simply draw an egg shape on a piece of paper. Story of Easter video:


Bonus task – card making!

1. During the past couple of weeks it may have meant that both you and your child have not been able to visit other members of the family or friends

2. This little bonus task is something you can do with your child to build spirits and have them something to look forward to.

3. Get your child to make a cards for anyone they have not seen and miss during this isolation period.

4. Get them to write a little note on what fun things they have been doing at home and to draw a picture on they front, of something there chosen person would like.

5. Making sure to finish the card with them writing their own name at the bottom.

6. Your child can do as many as these as they want, and let them know they will be kept somewhere safe and given to their family and friends once isolation is over.