universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow

University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Informatics - Papers (Archive) Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences 2003 Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow F. Pereira Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal I. Burne University of Wollongong, [email protected] Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] Publication Details is paper originally appeared as: Pereira, F & Burne, I, Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2003, 20(2), 63-73. Copyright IEEE 2003.

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University of WollongongResearch Online

Faculty of Informatics - Papers (Archive) Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences


Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrowF. PereiraUniversidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal

I. BurnettUniversity of Wollongong, [email protected]

Research Online is the open access institutional repository for theUniversity of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOWLibrary: [email protected]

Publication DetailsThis paper originally appeared as: Pereira, F & Burnett, I, Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow, IEEE Signal ProcessingMagazine, March 2003, 20(2), 63-73. Copyright IEEE 2003.

Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow

AbstractThe previous decade has seen a variety of trends and developments in the area of communications and thusmultimedia access. While individual, isolated developments produced small advances on the status quo, theircombination and cross-fertilization resulted in today's complex but exciting landscape. In particular, we arebeginning to see delivery of all types of data for all types of users in all types of conditions. This articlediscusses the current status of universal multimedia access (UMA) technologies and investigates futuredirections in this area. Key developments and trends from the last few years have set the scene for ubiquitousmultimedia consumption. In summary, these are: wireless communications and mobility; standardizedmultimedia content; interactive versus passive consumption; and the Internet and the World Wide Web(WWW).

DisciplinesPhysical Sciences and Mathematics

Publication DetailsThis paper originally appeared as: Pereira, F & Burnett, I, Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow,IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2003, 20(2), 63-73. Copyright IEEE 2003.

This journal article is available at Research Online: http://ro.uow.edu.au/infopapers/254


Fernando Pereira and Ian Burnett

The previous decade hasseen a variety of trendsand developments in thearea of communications

and thus multimedia access. Whileindividual, isolated developmentsproduced small advances on the sta-tus quo, their combination andcross-fertil ization resulted intoday’s complex but exciting land-scape. In particular, we are begin-ning to see delivery of all types ofdata for all types of users in all typesof conditions. This article discussesthe current status of universal mul-timedia access (UMA) technolo-gies and invest igates futuredirections in this area.

Recent Key DevelopmentsKey developments and trends fromthe last few years have set the scenefor ubiquitous multimedia con-sumption. In summary, these are� wireless communications andmobility� standardized multimedia content� interactive versus passive con-sumption� the Internet and the World WideWeb (WWW).

Wireless Communicationsand MobilityAn important step in the progres-sion of ubiquitous multimedia hasbeen the accomplishment of (al-most) full mobility. With theexplosion of mobile networks and


terminals, users can now realize the dream of being con-stantly online. Originally, only voice communication wasfeasible, but limited Internet access and video telephonyare now possible. The impact that 24/7 communicationhas had on everyday life can be gauged by the amazinglevels of mobile phone penetration. Already, phone usageis reaching saturation in several countries. Moreover, mo-bile terminals (especially with the emerging third-genera-tion mobile technology) are becoming increasinglysophisticated, offering additional services, notably multi-media-centered services.

Standardized Multimedia ContentA major factor in emerging communication networksand devices has been the explosion of multimedia data(image, video, graphics, and music) as opposed to simpletext and speech. Until recently, and with the exception ofbroadcast television and radio, voice was still the solecommunication mechanism. The diffusion of digital pro-cessing algorithms and hardware has brought images,music, and video into everyday life. The availability ofopen standards [such as JPEG, MPEG-1/-2 Audio (in-cludes MP) and Video, H.261, and H.263] has had a ma-jor impact on this progression. Such standards have madethe creation and communication of (digital) data aimedat our most important senses—sight and hearing—sim-ple, inexpensive, and commonplace. Video and music areno longer the domain of special-purpose devices (ana-logue TVs and radios, records, and cassette tapes) buthave invaded communication networks, computing, andconsumer electronics devices. In this sense, digital multi-media has empowered consumers. They can create CDsand even DVDs in their homes with a quality and profes-sionalism that was, only a few years ago, in the dreams ofstudio engineers.

Interactive Versus Passive ConsumptionAnother vital feature of human interface with the envi-ronment has also found its way into communications ap-plications and devices: interactivity. While theconsumption of audio and video has been passive formany decades, the Internet adventure and the diffusion ofgames have shown the importance of a deeper, interactiverelationship between the user and multimedia content.This generated an expectation of multimedia beyond pas-sive television viewing. Interactivity also invaded thatmedia with hundreds of cable TV channels today provid-ing interactive capabilities for hyperlinking, voting, chat-ting, and the like. In general, interactivity provides thecapability of tuning the content according to the user'sneeds and wishes, in short, personalizing the content tooffer more individual and private experiences.

The Internet and the WWWFinally, there is the Internet. The way users think todayabout multimedia content is strongly determined by the

Internet phenomena. Broad content availability, simple yetpowerful interaction with the content, and easy access havetransformed the Internet into a part of everyday life. Per-haps the next development stage is even more challenging:integration into other familiar devices and technology. Al-ready the Internet refrigerator and air conditioner have ap-peared; but in terms of multimedia, the integration of theInternet with other forms of multimedia delivery is onlyjust beginning. Currently, this is limited to linking toWWW sites from prepackaged media (such as CDs orDVDs) but the major challenge lies in broadcasting. Thestrength of the Internet is that it provides versatilebidirectional interactivity and allows peer-to-peer commu-nication. This personalized experience marks a jump frombroadcasting to narrowcasting, where the same content isdistributed to everybody but is tuned to a consumer’s per-sonal context. As yet this is limited to WWW pages, butsoon it will extend to full multimedia content.

The UMA ProblemWhile there is a wealth of audio and visual data on theInternet today, it is increasingly difficult to find the infor-mation we need (in spite of the significant advances interms of search engines). The gap between our expecta-tion of information and the delivered information in-creases daily, at least for those less familiar with searchengines. Description, structure, and management of in-formation is becoming critical. One solution is offered byportals, the Web virtual libraries and shopping centers,which provide users gateways to organized and specificmultimedia domains. This growing body of structuredinformation (even if that structure is still limited) increas-ingly needs to be accessed from a diverse set of networksand terminals. The latter range (with increasing diversity)from gigabit Ethernet-connected workstations andInternet-enabled TV sets to mobile watchlike video-en-abled terminals (see Figure 1). The variety of deliverymechanisms to those terminals is also growing; currently,these include satellite, radio broadcasting, cable, mobile,and copper using xDSL. At the end of the distributionpath are the users, with different devices, preferences, lo-cations, environments, needs, and possibly disabilities.

Figure 1 highlights that, in a heterogeneous world, thedelivery path for multimedia content to a multimedia ter-minal is not straightforward. The notion of UMA ad-dressed in this issue of IEEE Signal Processing Magazinecalls for the provision of different presentations of thesame content/information, with more or less complexity,suiting the different usage environments (i.e., the con-text) in which the content will be consumed. (See “Uni-versal Multimedia Definitions.”) “Universal” applies hereto the user location (anywhere) and time (anytime) butalso to the content to be accessed (anything), even if thatrequires some adaptation to occur. UMA requires a gen-eral understanding of personalization involving not onlythe user’s needs and preferences but also the capabilities


of the user’s environment (e.g., the network characteris-tics; the terminal where the content will be presented; andthe natural environment where a user is located, such asthe location, temperature, and altitude).

Technologies that will allow a UMA system to be con-structed are just starting to appear. Among the most rele-vant are adaptation tools that process content to fit thecharacteristics of the consumption environment. These ad-aptation tools have to consider individual data types (e.g.,video or music) as well as structured content, such as por-tals and MPEG-21 digital items [1]. Thus, adaptation ex-tends from individual multimedia objects to thepresentation of multiple, structured elements. Content andusage environment or context descriptions (bothmetadata) are central to content adaptation since they pro-vide information that can control a suitable adaptationprocess. For interoperable adaptation, some tools will needto be or are being standardized; examples are content [2]and usage environment description [3], delivery protocols,and rights expression mechanisms [1]. Today, UMA ser-vice deployment is limited not only by network and termi-nals bottlenecks but also by the lack of standardtechnologies that allow some services to hit mass marketsat acceptable prices, e.g., mobile video streaming.

From Access to ExperiencesIt’s Better Than a Fish in Your EarMultimedia delivery is evolving from simple user contentaccess to the delivery of a “best experience” to a user in agiven context. This concept involves much more than justterminals, networks, and moves, for example, into thepsychology of a user’s experience of multimedia informa-tion. While today’s UMA technologies are offering adap-tation to a terminal, tomorrow’s technologies willprovide users with adapted and informative universalmultimedia experiences (UMEs). This is the critical dif-ference between UMA and UMEs: the latter clearly ac-

knowledge that the end point of universal multimediaconsumption is the user and not the terminal. With this,mass media becomes mass customization.

In March 1978, BBC Radio broadcast the first part ofthe humorous science fiction radio series The Hitchhiker'sGuide to the Galaxy (later a TV and book series) by the lateDouglas Adams. The following is a short excerpt [4], inwhich the human Arthur finds himself in a spaceship holdwith a new friend, Ford:

Suddenly a violent noise leapt at them from nosource that he could identify. He gasped in terrorat what sounded like a man trying to gargle whilefighting off a pack of wolves.

“Shush!” said Ford. “Listen, it might be im-portant.”



Universal Multimedia Definitions

Universal Multimedia Access (UMA): The notion(and associated technologies enabling) that any con-tent should be available anytime, anywhere, even if af-ter adaptation. This may require that content betranscoded from, for example, one bit rate or format toanother or transcoded across modalities; e.g., text tospeech. UMA concentrates on altering the content tomeet the limitations of a user’s terminal or network.

Universal Multimedia Experience (UME): The no-tion that a user should have an equivalent, informativeexperience anytime, anywhere. Typically, such an ex-perience will consist of multiple forms of multimediacontent. Each will be adapted as in UMA but ratherthan to the limits of equipment, to limits that ensurethe user has a worthwhile, informative experience.Thus, the user is central and the terminal and networkare purely vehicles of the constituent content.


MultimediaContent Server






Smart Phones

Home PC


Web TV



Cable TV Access





� 1. Different terminals access rich multimedia content through different networks.

“It’s the Vogon captain making an announce-ment on the Tannoy.”

“You mean that’s how Vogons talk?”“Listen!”“But I can’t speak Vogon.”“You don’t need to. Just put this fish in your ear.”…[Arthur] was still somehow listening to the

howling gargles, he knew that, only now it hadsomehow taken on the semblance of perfectlystraightforward English.

…“What’s this fish doing in my ear?”“It’s translating for you. It’s a Babel fish. Look

it up in the book if you like.”“The Babel fish,” said The Hitchhiker’s Guide to

the Galaxy quietly, “is small, yellow and leech-like,and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. Itfeeds on brainwave energy received not from itsown carrier but from those around it. It absorbs allunconscious mental frequencies from this brain-wave energy to nourish itself. It then excretes intothe mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed bycombining the conscious thought frequencies withnerve signals picked from the speech centers of thebrain which has supplied them. The practical up-shot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in yourear you can instantly understand anything said toyou in any form of language …”

While Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker series is worthwhilereading for its humor content, the interesting point for usis that the Babel fish is a perfect example of a wearablecomputer and transparent multimedia adaptation sys-tem; it automatically translates speech to meet a user’s re-quirements. But beyond simple adaptation, the Babel fishis so good at its job that it generates an adaptive multime-dia experience based on both the content and usage. To-day such systems are beginning to appear, though fewhave the ability to work in real time and certainly cannotcope with all languages. Thankfully, they also avoid therequirement for placing a fish in the user’s ear!

While some of the 1970s science fiction in this excerpt re-mains just that—fiction—the message is clear. The “HolyGrail” of universal multimedia communications is to deliverany informative experience transparently adapted to a user’scontext. So, how does a user’s experience relate to the multi-media content streams that we can deliver?

Experiences and KnowledgeWe can easily overload people with vast quantities of multi-media data, but deriving useful information from this data isalso then increasingly difficult (particularly if the data is de-livered in a form unsuitable for the consumption environ-ment). Instead, the ultimate objective of any multimediacommunication system should be to provide the end userwith the best meaningful “experience” of the data. Here we

are loading the term “experience” with observation, partici-pation, and sensory consumption dimensions. Thus, theprimary difference between accessing the content (UMA)and ensuring a consistent user experience (UME) is a shift infocus from data delivery to the terminal to experience deliv-ery to the users themselves. The key aspect is to ensure thatour systems can deliver a meaningful experience that will de-liver information to the user and, in turn, allow the user tobuild knowledge. Human knowledge evolves as a result ofmillions of individual experiences at different times and lo-cations and in various contexts; it is this past that a user car-ries and adds to while consuming multimedia experiences.A profitable multimedia experience is thus one that takes theend user beyond the simple content presentation to infor-mation and knowledge; this may involve personal commu-nication, entertainment, or education. The more powerfulthe experience, the higher its value in terms of resultingknowledge for the task.

Senses and SensorsThe success of telecommunications is largely related to itsability to convey and allow users to share experiences. Forexample, people want to tour places they have never vis-ited. This has been the theme of many science fiction nov-els, and telecommunications now has the tools to deliverpowerful experiences of remote environments. To capturethe events and create the content, different types of sensorsmay be used. The closer the sensors match human senses,the more powerful and immediate the experiences that canbe generated. In part, this explains why audiovisual con-tent has to date been dominant. Sensors for touch, smell[5], [6], and taste are still comparatively early in their de-velopment. Content that includes these senses is likely tobe increasingly used. Communication of information us-ing senses other than sight and hearing will be especiallyrelevant to delivering high-quality experiences to thosewith sight- and hearing-related disabilities.

While cross-modal adaptation has wide application, itwill be especially useful to those with disabilities. Examplescould range from the simple inclusion of a (automaticallygenerated) sign language window for deaf people to theprovision of visual experiences through the optical nerveand brain implants for blind people [7], [8]. In consideringsuch possibilities, it is apparent that the notion of a multime-dia experience mirrors the inter-relationship between sensesand information; thus, the human-information interfaceplays a fundamental role in a UME system. While we maystill be at the infancy of these interfaces for sight and hearing,other senses have hardly been considered.

As acquisition sensors and authoring tools becomemore sophisticated, content may become “smarter.” Smartcontent includes programmable behavior that may com-prise adaptation algorithms to be applied remotely as wellas mechanisms to set the course of the experience based onevents or user interaction. For example, the next advertise-ment may depend on the user location; if the user is closeto a beach, he/she may receive ice cream advertisements.


Such adaptation algorithms may further exploit usage en-vironment sensors to increase the level of user awareness ofthe experience. By detecting natural conditions such as lo-cation, time, and temperature, as well as user states such asmood and action, usage environment sensors and the in-formation they provide will determine the efficacy of anadapted experience. For example, the sensors may providethe information that the user is at the cinema or taking anap and, thus, the terminal will not “ring” (unless the mat-ter is urgent). This solution where (a simple) part of the ad-aptation may be performed at the terminal may be aninteresting way to overcome ethical and privacy issuessince it avoids the need to send to the server rather privateinformation about the user.

These examples quickly bring us to the notion of sensornetworks. These are generally understood as a set of typi-cally low-cost, low-power, tiny sensors that are densely de-ployed inside or close to the relevant environment, e.g.,within a room or the human body. The sensors may havesensing, processing, and communication capabilities andshould act in a cooperative way. This may include data fu-sion to minimize the required data sent to a central node,e.g., the global network enabled terminal. Some specificcharacteristics of these sensor networks (e.g., rapid deploy-ment, self-organization, and fault tolerance) make themparticularly relevant to the collection, processing, and fu-sion of distributed data. Although mobile ad hoc networkprotocols and algorithms provide the first solutions forsensor networks, many problems remain open [9], [10].

For the ultimate UME system, whatever the user’s us-age environment, there will always be an experience to bedelivered (even if that requires many adaptation mecha-nisms). In some circumstances, the experience may bemade more rewarding by augmenting it with virtual/syn-thetic content [11]. Since the key to the future is in the

quality of the experience, advanced interfaces and deviceswill play a major role.

The processing of the content to provide the best userexperience may be performed at one location or distrib-uted over various locations. The candidate locations arethe content server(s), any processing server(s) in the net-work, and the consumption terminal(s). The choice ofthe processing location(s) may be determined by severalfactors: transmission bandwidth, storage and computa-tional capacity, acceptable latency, acceptable costs, andprivacy and rights issues (see Figure 2).

Experience LimitationsProviding multimedia events and content anytime,anywhere, and by any means leads to the notions ofubiquitous multimedia and omnipresence of users atevents. It is clear that mobile terminals have an essentialrole in this as they provide (almost) full mobility andclearly establish the “universal” attribute of UMEs[12]. These small, mobile terminals may also serve tohighlight the limitations and boundaries of multimediaexperiences in certain contexts. While it may be heart-warming to see one’s children at home on a small mo-bile terminal, few would be enamored by watching TheLord of the Rings on such a tiny system. There are alsorights issues involved with such adaptations, since therights’ owners of the content or events may wish to pre-vent adaptation to a format below some defined experi-ential threshold. This may have a substantial impact interms of adaptation processing. For example, ahigher-quality experience may have to be provided tothe user even if they would prefer reduced cost andlower quality or, alternately, a low-quality experiencemay be provided to the user for free to convince them topay for a higher-grade experience.






Nodes Terminal


Adaptionat Server

Adaptation atIntermediate

Programmable NodesAdaptation at


� 2. Adaptation may be performed at different places.

Emerging and Future Trendsand TechnologiesSince there are many UME-relevant technologies and it isnot possible to address all of them in this article, particularemphasis will be given to signal-processing-related tech-nologies. While some of the technologies considered arealready well established, providing a significant technolog-ical basis for the development and deployment of UMEapplications (such as content scalability and transcoding)there are still vital technologies missing for a completeUME system vision. Many of these technologies are di-rectly related to particular usage environments. While mul-timedia adaptation for improved experiences is typicallythought of in the context of more constrained environ-ments (e.g., mobile terminals and networks), it is also pos-sible that the content has to be adapted to moresophisticated environments, e.g., with three-dimensional(3-D) capabilities. Whether the adaptation processing is tobe performed at the server, at the terminal, or partially atboth, is something that may have to be determined case bycase, depending on such criteria as computational power,bandwidth, interfacing conditions, and privacy issues.

Existing and Emerging TechnologiesScalable coding represents the original data such that cer-tain subsets of the total coded bit stream still provide auseful representation of the original data if decoded sepa-rately. There is currently a significant number of scalablecoding schemes available, each with different characteris-tics in terms of the coding technology, the domain inwhich they provide scalability (e.g., spatial, temporal,quality), the granularity of the scalability provided, andthe efficiency cost of providing scalability. MPEG-4 is thecontent representation standard where the widest rangeof scalability mechanisms is available, notably in terms ofdata types, granularities, and scalability domains [13].

Transcoding describes the conversion of a coded (image,video, 3-D, audio, or speech) bit stream to another bitstream representing the same information in a different cod-ing format or with the same format but with reduced quality(less bit rate), spatial resolution, frame rate (for video), orsampling rate (for audio). The fundamental issue intranscoding is to achieve these outcomes without requiringthe complete decoding and reencoding of the content [14].

With the explosion of multimedia content, it soon be-came evident that there was a need for efficient content de-scription (with so-called metadata) to achieve more efficientcontent management, retrieval, and filtering [15]. Contentdescription is also essential for effective usage environmentadaptation if systems are to avoid computationally expen-sive content analysis at adaptation time. This is particularlycritical when content has to be adapted in real time. Rapidnavigation and browsing capabilities are prime require-ments of user interaction with structured content, and dataabstraction techniques enable such facilities through theprovision of different types of summaries. The MPEG-7

standard provides a complete and powerful solution formultimedia content description [2].

Content RepresentationWhile there will be a necessity for future content repre-sentation tools, it is increasingly desirable to keep formatsbackward compatible and cross compatible, e.g., the useof common file formats for MPEG-4 and JPEG2000[13], [16]. This ensures that storage and transport ofcontent can be handled uniformly while maintaining thediffering purposes of the actual content streams. Further,there are interesting proposals that explicitly separate thecontent from the “bit stream format.” In particular, sev-eral techniques are suggested for describing a bit streamin terms of XML metadata and manipulating it usingXML tools [3], [17]. The idea behind this is that futuresystems could be implemented quickly with just the pro-vision of high-level mappings between one bit stream for-mat and a second. This opens the possibility of broaderflexibility in content representations and transcodingwhile maintaining standard solutions.

Currently, the work to provide more efficient finegranularity video scalability solutions is still ongoing. Forexample, there is work under development based onMPEG-4 Parts 2 and 10 (video coding solutions); the lat-ter is also known as advanced video coding (AVC) orITU-T H.264 [18]. MPEG is also studying wavelet-basedvideo coding scalability, notably considering the rele-vance that scalable coding assumes in the context of theMPEG-21 multimedia framework (see [1]).

Fine granular scalability for audio remains a significantchallenge for researchers. Traditional audio and speechcoders (e.g., ITU G.728 [19], ITU G.729 [20]) are bitrate-centric. For instance, audio and speech coders areseparated by model dependence, but within each groupcertain algorithms dominate for certain bit rates and sig-nal bandwidths. This is partly due to the perceptual audioeffects exploited by various coders and the necessity oftuning these to bit rates. This has proved to be a signifi-cant obstacle in the development of single algorithmscalability. The result has been scalable algorithms thatoperate in limited bandwidth and quality ranges; e.g., the3GPP adaptive multirate (AMR) coders [21], [22]. Onenew trend in audio coding is a shift from a low-rate com-pression focus to a perceptual quality focus. In particular,lossless audio coding and scalability from lossy to losslessare now considered important areas [23]. Coupled withthe move to higher quality, a new focus is the delivery ofmultichannel audio and the scalability of such experiencesto, e.g., users with headphones.

Usage Environment DescriptionFor the user to obtain the best possible multimedia expe-rience, it is essential that the content is adapted takinginto account as many relevant usage environment param-eters as possible. Typical relevant usage environment di-


mensions are the network, terminal , naturalenvironment, and user; each of these dimensions may becharacterized by multiple parameters. Standard usage en-vironment description tools, just like content descriptiontools, are needed to ensure a high degree ofinteroperability between terminals and servers. As men-tioned in [1], MPEG-21 digital item adaptation (DIA)[3] is a relevant development in this area. In part, it tar-gets the specification of standard description tools for theusage environment.

Since multimedia experiences are centered on the user,the incorporation of the user into the adaptation and deliv-ery processes needs to be at a deeper level than today’s typi-cal approach. As an example, the MPEG-21 DIA specifica-tion [3] only considers a narrow set of user preferences formultimedia selection and adaptation. With the future emer-gence of continuously wearable devices (e.g., with the capa-bility of measuring several human parameters such as bloodpressure, cardiac rhythm, and temperature), it is possible totake a much wider variety of data into account during themultimedia adaptation process. The result will be the provi-sion of a multimedia experience adapted precisely to theuser’s current characteristics, e.g., in terms of mental andphysical mood or circumstance. For example, the Internetradio’s wake-up music could be selected based on these pa-rameters; this would allow an improved multimedia experi-ence since it would not only be based on static (or slowlyvarying) user preferences but also on instantaneous mea-sures of the user’s conditions. This type of capability wouldrequire not only sensors to perform the physiological mea-surements (wireless devices with this type of capability arealready available) but also a standard way to adequately de-scribe the features. This standard solution could simply bean extension of the MPEG-21 DIA framework (currentlyunder development) [3].

Besides the selection and standard description of the rele-vant features, the provision of the capabilities in questionwould require (nonstandard) solutions to map the physio-logical sets into psychological dispositions or moods withwhich certain types of multimedia content are associated.This would likely involve complex psycho-physiologicalstudies so as to enrich the user/human dimension thatUMEs require.

One of the big problems with context description isthe large set of descriptors that could be generated. It isalso clear that many descriptors will only be relevant to asmall subset of applications and situations. One possiblesolution is intelligent agent technolo-gies that could cope with a large, di-verse set of context inputs, determinethose that are relevant and thus sim-plify adaptation processing.

Content AdaptationA central role in adapting multimediacontent to different usage environ-ments is played by content adaptation

(see Figure 3). This encompasses a wide range of process-ing mechanisms, namely single object/data typetranscoding of video or audio, structured content adapta-tion (e.g., filtering of MPEG-21 digital items), andcross-modal adaptation (e.g., conversion of video to im-ages or text to speech). Content adaptation may be per-formed at various locations in the delivery chain or evendistributed across several nodes. Moreover, it may be per-formed in real time or offline providing a set of variationsfrom which to select at adaptation time.

While adaptation through transcoding is well known,cross-modal adaptation is a more challenging process thatmay range from a simple key-frame extraction process (totransform video into images) to more complex conversionssuch as text to speech, speech to text, or even video to text orspeech. A video-to-speech cross-modal conversion may beas simple as using the information in the textual annotationfield of the associated metadata stream (e.g., MPEG-7stream describing MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 content) or ascomplex as analyzing the content, recognizing some objects(e.g., for which specific models are available), and synthesiz-ing some speech based on the recognized objects.

The adaptation of structured content such as portals orMPEG-21 digital items may be divided into two stages:first, filtering the content components to give a set suitablefor the consumption environment and, second, after a cer-tain content component is selected, adapting that compo-nent in terms of transcoding or cross-modal conversion.

Intellectual Property Managementand ProtectionA key factor in the delivery of multimedia content today isan increasing desire by intellectual property owners to estab-lish, control, and protect their rights. A number of schemesfor protecting music and video content have been used,most notably, the protection of DVD content and more re-cently attempts by the music industry to protect CDs frombeing copied. Such techniques have generally proved to belimited in their level of protection, and new technologiescontinue to be introduced. In practice, it seems likely that itis the platforms themselves that must be altered to incorpo-rate mechanisms that protect content from copying.

Currently, various bodies are creating standards (an ex-ample is the work in MPEG on intellectual property man-agement and protection, a rights expression language,and a data dictionary [1]) that will provide a framework











� 3. Content adaptation using a UMA engine.

for digital rights management. The enforcement technol-ogies are likely to be a significant area of research and de-velopment for the foreseeable future. For UMEs, theexpression of rights to access and alter content metadata,perform (or prevent) certain adaptations, and the en-forcement of those rights will be critical if content provid-ers are to be willing to distribute material into new userenvironments. Further, for UMEs, intellectual propertymanagement and protection will be an issue not only forthe content but also for usage environment information.Usage environment information could reveal personal in-formation such as location and user’s state of health; it isunlikely that users would be happy to have such informa-tion freely available on a network.

Presentation Conditions and DevicesIn general, universal multimedia involves adaptation ofhigh-quality/functionality content to reduced functional-ity usage environments, such as mobile terminals. This isa growing trend, as presentation devices become smaller,thinner, and lighter. There are more sophisticated contentpresentation conditions and devices that may also requireadaptation processing to achieve an improved user expe-rience. Presentation devices may be very broad in their ca-pabilities, ranging from small mobile devices tosophisticated immersive rooms. For example, it is possi-ble to imagine a multimedia device that is simply a pair ofsemitransparent (see through) glasses capable of overlay-ing stereoscopic visual data, both natural and synthetic;this example illustrates future human-information wear-able interfaces that are both network- and signal- (image,video, and 3-D) processing enabled [11].

Presentation conditions and devices also determine thetype and level of interactivity provided to the user. Whilesimple, portable devices mostly have limited interactioncapabilities, more sophisticated systems such asimmersive environments [24], [25] may provide verypowerful interaction mechanisms, e.g., tactile gloves tomanipulate objects in virtual worlds. The presentation in-terface itself may also be adapted based on user prefer-ences and skills; today, game interfaces can changedepending on the user’s skill level, but in the future a mul-timedia experience may adapt to a consumer’s age, pastexperience, and desired outcomes.

Three-dimensional audiovisual environments providean interesting example of advanced presentation. In termsof visual information, this may imply the adaptation ofavailable 3-D content to specific types of 3-D or stereo-scopic displays or even the processing of two-dimen-sional (2-D) content to provide 3-D-like visualsensations. The same 3-D content may also have to beadapted to rather simple consumption conditions, such asa personal digital assistant (PDA), targeting the provisionof 3-D navigational capabilities, or even 3-D sensory im-pressions using glasses-based technology.

In terms of audio information, users are now expectingand experiencing near-cinema-grade sound in their living

rooms. Already, amplifiers offer several modes of different“acoustic environments,” such as concert, stadium, theater,and studio. This is just the beginning of the possibilities,and it is quite feasible to adapt the audio delivery to aroom’s acoustics to maximize a user's experience and toprovide elaborate manipulation of audio objects andstreams in space. Just as with video, the consumption ofaudio, particularly in 3-D (either simulated using stereosystems or actual multispeaker systems), is likely to be-come less passive and more interactive in the near future.To achieve this, sophisticated adaptation algorithms willbe a vital part of ensuring a quality user experience.

Multiple Terminals at WorkWhile wearable computers [11], [26], [27] will give theultimate in mobile computing power, there will still be aneed for the delivery of content to devices that are imprac-tical to “wear,” e.g., large displays and audio systems. If atransparent and universal multimedia experience is to beachieved, however, users should be able to move from oneenvironment to another seamlessly with the content auto-matically transferring to the relevant and optimal devices.This is an extension of the session mobility available in en-hancements to some desktop environments today. It willbe substantially more complex if the goal is to ensureseamless mobility of a user’s experience.

If the best experience is to be provided, the user’s termi-nal capabilities should be seen as a whole and no longer as aset of independent devices as if they were not all workingfor the same user. Logically, if the user has multiple termi-nals, it should be possible to use the terminals in combina-tion to maximize the impact of the user experience. Thismeans that over time and, for a mobile user, the number ofterminals used to deliver an experience may vary. In turn,there is a requirement for not only seamless hand-over be-tween terminals but also of the complete experience.

Mobile and Wearable DevicesA key aspect of the desire of users for multimedia contentdelivery has been the significant uptake in mobile devicesboth in the cellular phone and PDA markets. While it re-mains unclear whether the enhanced phone or wireless net-worked PDA will prevail, the desire for the consumption ofcontent on such devices is clear [12]. Various companies areoffering proprietary low-complexity codec solutions for thecurrent limited processing power devices, and several haveMPEG-4 decoders available. In the future, a multimedia ex-perience may be provided to a user using multiple mobileterminals (all carried by the user) or even nonpersonal ter-minals (e.g., the larger screen in a coffee shop).

Beyond simple mobile devices, wearable devices are anew area of research [28]. The prospect of “suits” ofhigh-capability processing and sensor devices offers signif-icant possibilities for future multimedia delivery. The vi-sion of wearable computers is to move computing frombeing a “primary task” to a situation where the computer is


permanently available and augments another activity thatthe user is performing. For example, when a user walksdown a street or rides a bicycle, sensors could makespatiotemporal context information available to the com-puter nodes to alter user interfaces and multimedia deliv-ery. The embodiment of computers and humans into a“user” removes the typical sharp boundaries between theuser and terminal and could have a profound effect on mul-timedia delivery. An example of this is given in [26], whereadvertising matter is replaced for a user (via suitable multi-media enhanced glasses) with more useful subject matter.Such systems have the potential to truly offer a transparent,augmented, and universal multimedia experience.

Active and Programmable NetworksCoupled with the increase in mobile terminals, today’spassive networks that route traffic from source to destina-tion are evolving. Increasingly, some level of processing isbeing offered in switches, and the extension of this con-cept to active or programmable network nodes provides aplatform for adaptations that will be required to deliverUMEs. This may be a solution to the limited processingpower available on small, mobile devices since a user (or,more likely, their agent) could request a network serviceprovider to perform certain processing (e.g.,transcoding) on their behalf. In practice, this is an exten-sion of the current transcoding of HTML WWW contentto wireless application protocol (WAP) content in somemobile networks. The potential of programmable net-works is much greater, however; the programmable net-work node (equipped with suitable software) could bethe assembly point for a UME. In such a case, an agentwith suitable usage environment information would per-form the necessary constituent content adaptations be-fore delivering the UME as a set of, for example, lowbandwidth content streams.

Peer-to-Peer Content DeliveryThe traditional content delivery model is one where usersaccess content from a set of servers. The “master” of thecontent is thus the administrator of the server and, in gen-eral, they control who has access to the content. An alter-native vision of content delivery is one where every user isinterconnected and any user can act as a server of contentfor any other user. Such peer-to-peer networks are cur-rently being used heavily for music and file sharing [30]on the Internet. While such use is currently enshrouded incontroversy due to the legal issues, there is no doubtabout the power of the model.

Peer-to-peer networking has been a long-term form ofcommunication; face-to-face conversation, telegraphy,telephony, and the postal system are all examples. It hasthus been natural that peer-to-peer has quickly grown inelectronic form on the Internet and in cellular systems. atfirst, e-mail was the prime example but now we see in-stant messaging, the file-sharing networks and, among

cellular users, short message services (SMS) growingrapidly. The latter is already being improved with multi-media messaging services as users demand an improvedpeer-to-peer multimedia experience. It thus seems likelythat legitimate content delivery (and our current infra-structures) will evolve to one where peer-to-peer transferis commonplace. This will require changes in the way weconsider rights and security of access to content for users.

While peer-to-peer will clearly be very important, andperhaps dominant, server-delivered content is likely to re-main significant. One reason for this is the reliability ofinformation and experience gained from legitimate andcommercial content providers. Thus, we will see a mix-ture of the two architectures mirroring today’s societywhere the original news content (rapidly exchanged viae-mail and SMS) likely came from a broadcaster.

The impact of a mixed peer-to-peer- and server-basedarchitecture is that adaptation will be required both in“professional” delivery from servers as well as between in-dividual users. Since the latter may not have the processingcapability or software to deliver complex adaptations, anew breed of network services may emerge to provide con-tent adaptation to peer-to-peer users. This further empha-sizes the necessity of transparency of the users’ wish toexchange content as easily as they can converse in the street(already this is a reality in the text world of SMS), but mostwill not have or even wish to acquire technical skills.Hence, the use of intelligent agents to ensure consistentuser experiences will be a logical and necessary step.

Role of Open StandardsThe need for any standard that is basically an agreementbetween interested parties comes from an essential re-quirement: interoperability. In a communication context,interoperability expresses the user’s dream of exchangingany type of data and experience without any unnecessarytechnical barriers. There is also a commercial reality thatstandards create markets and, thus, manufacturers benefitsignificantly when their products support those stan-dards. Without a standard way to perform some of theoperations involved in the processing and communica-tion stages of the data exchanged, easy interoperabilitybetween terminals would be impossible.

The key to effective standardization is to create a “mini-mum” standard that normatively defines a minimum set oftools that will guarantee interoperability. Such specificationsprovide space for competitive, proprietary, and alternate de-velopments (which will be nonnormative) to be built on topof the standard. This allows for the incorporation of techni-cal advances and thus increases the lifetime of the standard aswell as stimulating technical and product competition. Theexistence of a standard also has important economic impli-cations since it allows the sharing of investment costs andthe acceleration of application deployment. Some peoplebelieve that open standards are the future since the relevantintellectual property (patents) will be licensable by every-body on fair and reasonable terms and under nondiscrimi-


natory conditions. Thus, users will have access to a largevariety of interoperable products from different companies,competition will improve product performance, and costswill decrease facilitating broad access to rich multimediacontent. Others prefer de facto, private “standards” thatmay be subject to simpler licensing.

In the context of UMEs, it is clear that standards willplay a central role. Technologies where standardization isand will be essential are: content representation (includingscalability capabilities), content and usage environmentdescription, transport protocols, and intellectual propertymanagement and protection of the associated descriptionsand adaptations. In this context, some of the standards thatare particularly important are those developed by ISO/IECWG 11 (MPEG) and ITU-T, notably MPEG-1/-2, H.261,and H.263 for content representation; MPEG-4 for con-tent representation and intellectual property managementand protection (IPMP) [13]; MPEG-7 for content de-scription [2]; and MPEG-21 for usage environment de-scription [3] and more extensive intellectual propertymanagement and protection tools [1].

Limitations and RisksWhile today multimedia adaptation is possible, we areonly beginning the process of adapting the multimediaexperience. The adaptation boundaries within which themultimedia experience for a certain content is still worth-while or valid is a new and complex issue deserving sub-stantial study and research. In fact, a host of questionsremain: What would the user experience be like when us-ing terminals with limited screen size and sound capabili-ties? What is the effect on an experience of having a smallkeyboard or using a voice interface? Overall, it appearsthat the more challenging the experience consumptionenvironment becomes, the more critical it will be to es-tablish the most effective forms of presenting the variousmultimedia elements.

Today, we have few mechanisms to measure the qualityof an “experience.” In image, video, speech, and audiocompression, we have struggled to find objective qualitymeasures and the success of subjective testing remainscontroversial in many areas; e.g., digital cinema. Yet wemust now measure the quality of an experience consistingof all these elements and more. This is essential as in somecases there may need to be a quality threshold underwhich it is declared that no acceptable experience can beprovided. Alternatively, providers could always deliverthe best possible experience, but given its variability it islikely that rights holders will demand that applications in-corporate some quality thresholding, or, perhaps morelikely, agent technology, to make such decisions. This di-lemma is particularly relevant in mobile environmentswhere typically the consumption conditions are morechallenging, and to date most mobile devices have justtried to reproduce the experiences (and applications) al-ready available for fixed networks.

One of the key aspects, particularly for educational ap-plications [29], is to ensure that adaptation of the multi-media content maintains the information content so thatthe essential knowledge can be gleaned by a user. In adapt-ing experiences that are intended to impart precise knowl-edge, educational issues, such as pedagogy and how theadaptation will contribute/detract from the learning pro-cess, need consideration. This is an area where smart algo-rithms will be important, adapting the experienceintelligently (according to a set of pedagogical as well astechnical multimedia adaptation rules) such that a user willstill gain the essential knowledge from the presentation.

Commercial value is also an important issue. In general,the boundaries within which users will be willing to pay foran experience must be determined to avoid negative reac-tions to poor-quality adaptations, below expectations. Thedefinition of experience boundaries may be determined inadvance through exhaustive testing for each piece of con-tent, e.g., by an author who wants to explicitly preventpoor adaptations. Alternatively, they may be based on vi-sual and aural perception as well as on psychological factorsthat are algorithmically expressed and, very likely, derivedfrom empirical knowledge. These two approaches are instark contrast; the first is cumbersome but defined whilethe second is risky and quite subjective. Unless the derivedrules are kept conservative, which would prevent many us-ers from getting still-useful experiences, the results will bedifficult to guarantee for all types of content.

If adapting multimedia content to different usage en-vironments involves some degree of simplification ofthat content, this could imply that the content will beeasier to “steal” since IPMP mechanisms have been re-moved, simplified, or reduced in number. It may also bemore appealing to steal simpler content since it is gener-ally easier to copy and suitable for a greater variety of ter-minals, although the content itself may be less attractive.The key will be to persuade consumers that the quality isworth paying for, a battle that is currently being won inthe DVD marketplace. Overall, these scenarios again il-lustrate the need for content protection and rights man-agement tools that can control the copying andpresentation of the content. The same type of protectionis required for usage environment descriptions if privacyis to be guaranteed.

Final RemarksThe significant developments of recent years in terms ofcommunications, and, more specifically, multimedia ac-cess, have been dominated by the explosion of theInternet and mobile communication services. Within thelatter, deployment of digital multimedia to an increasingvariety of terminals and conditions has grown rapidly.While universal multimedia delivery is still in its infancy ithas already become clear that, as delivery technologyevolves, the human factors associated with multimediaconsumption increase in importance. In particular, the


importance of the user and not the terminal as the finalpoint in the multimedia consumption chain is becomingclear. To emphasize this fact, we have discussed UMEs asopposed to UMA, which, in our view, weakens the user’srole in favor of delivery to a terminal. In the context ofUMEs, the most relevant emerging and future trends andtechnologies have been reviewed with special emphasison signal processing-related developments. The vision ofmass delivery of identical content is being replaced by oneof mass customization of content centered on the user. Inconsidering the accomplishment of this goal, we have de-scribed a landscape for the future of multimedia creation,delivery, and consumption. It is now time to work on thedevelopment of the missing technologies and interfacesrequired to bring the future universal multimedia worldto reality.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the anonymous review-ers for their valuable comments. Special thanks go to RobKoenen for his very detailed and useful reviewing and toJoão Magalhães for the figures.

Fernando Pereira received his B.S. in electrical and comput-ers engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST),Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal, in 1985. He re-ceived his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and com-puters engineering from IST in 1988 and 1991,respectively. He is currently a professor at the Electrical andComputers Engineering Department of IST, where he isresponsible for the participation of IST in many nationaland international research projects. He has contributedmore than 100 papers to journals and international confer-ences. He has been participating in the work of ISO/MPEG for many years, where he is currently the chairmanof the MPEG Requirements group. His current areas of in-terest are video analysis, processing, coding and descrip-tion, and multimedia interactive services.

Ian Burnett received his B.Sc., M.Eng., and Ph.D. fromthe University of Bath, U.K., in 1987, 1988, and 1992, re-spectively. Since 1993, he has been with the University ofWollongong, NSW, Australia, where he is currently an as-sociate professor and director of the TelecommuncationsResearch Centre. He is also an active participant and pro-ject leader in the Cooperative Research Centre for SmartInternet Technology. He has published more than 60 pa-pers, primarily in the areas of speech and audio coding. Hehas been involved in the ISO/MPEG MPEG-21 activitiessince 2000 and has played a significant role in the develop-ment of a number of parts of the MPEG-21 standard. Hiscurrent research interests lie in speech and audio coding,3-D audio, audio separation, multimedia delivery, andstructural sound synthesis.

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