first video show tomorrow - sjsu scholarworks

CHEHALIS. WASH. A pilotless airforce C-97 crashed in Hanaford valley. 10 miles north- east of here. aliout 140 jani 1 PST 1 y est f rday after all its crewmembers parachuted to fafety. Mabel R. Librariwi California Stilte Library Sacramento 9, California #2 Parade Goirns All students wearing caps and gowns in the inaugural 1111-10,S’ 141011. MaY 1, are requested to pick up their outfits in the Spartan Shop, according to Roland M. Atkinson, manager. The. shop is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m, until pro S artan Son Jose State College CALIFre6" Vol. 41 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY APRIL 24, 1953 Thriller Opens No. 130 FIRST VIDEO SHOW TOMORROW Decorated Nets May Be Forced from Home By TED FALEY Spartan Daily Editor Raphael Raagas, holder of the purple heart and silver star for extreme bravery, and Peter Jamero, a veteran of four years in the navy, may be forced from their home because they are of Filipino descent. They told yesterday how their landlord was under pressure from n,ozhhors to 0:1(21 the two k trans and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert , s Jamero. who lise there also. Her- ’toilet! t Union bert and Peter Jamero are broth - The four live at 725 E. Tayloi street in one half of a duplex. Th. landlord, Manuel Rose, lives in the other half. "Mr. Rose is all for 1.1s. Wet not going to run away," Raaga- said. "But We do feel’. sorry for Mr Rose. The neighbors refusi. to speak to him and his wife now. Jamero said. The four persons moved into the house Tuesday. "W. haven’t esen seen our neighbors or spoken It) them yet," Raagas said. "We get up and go to s:hool early. (Inc of us usually has a late class and we don’t get home until tie or six o’clock. Then we study. Herbert’s wife works in a bank downtown and gets home late," he explained. Raagas, a junior cht mistry ma- jor. Ow college before going into the army in January, 1951. Joiner() is a freshman social serv ice major. Ile enlisted in the navy in June, 1948. Raagas spoke briefly of action on the Korean front. -We uere ad amine, up a hill when the man ahead of me tripped an anti-tank . I was hit b3. shrapnel. We sta ed on the bill all night and then es ay - oat ed. "We didn’t botlai to look at the color of the guy’s skin before we carried him to the medics." Jamero served on the commu- nications ship which was head- quarters for Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur during the Inchon land- ings. "It hurts to COM‘ back and know we fought to protect a shameful thing like this." Jamero saol slowly. "We ran into rl i tion %t hen we first %tent int.. the ser ice, but that soon died out. E. 4.0 one u as taking the same chances to presene the same things back here." he said. -What little prci:idice as, wasn’t as heartless as this is," he said, Both of the vets were torn in Livingston. Calif. Raagas’ family moved while he was young. "Bob Bronzan. football coach here. used to coach at Livingston high school." Jamer said "Giblvy To Be Open Fall Quarter Ba JOE BRIAN Beginning nxt tall quarter. th Student Union building will be open on Tuesday., Wednesday, and Thursday evenings lint it 10 o’clock Final decision on the matter was made yesterday when th. President’s Council approved the r..commendation of t h., St uilent Union board. The move to open the Student , Union originated with Chuck !Wing, the Rally committee chin’ - man. It gained impetus when Dick Russo, promculing attorney of th. Student Court, formed a commit- tee to investigate noises in the library. offer solutions to tin -- ’problem. Wing, through the coopet of Bill Felse, business man., and Miss Helen Dinunick, deim of women. gathered statist iea data, and estimated what th. ee. ning openings would cost. He pre- sented this mat,rial to the S113 - dent Council. and proposed ilia, the building be opened this quar- ter. The Student Council t PM a’ tisely approved the plan. Next to consider the Wing plan was the Personal Deans’ com- mittee. No obstacles were placed in the way of Wing’s plan by this body. A reemnmendation to allow the opening of the Student Union was sent to the St abut Union board of which Dean Dimmick is chair- man. Student members 01 111o board agreed that the building , should lbo rammed. but oarommend- ed that the evening openings be- gin in the fall quarter They felt that freshmen would become con- ditioned to the eventng openings of the building and utilize the potentialities. This recommenda- tion was passed on to the Presi- dent’s Council, Tuesday of this week. Yesterda, ttn nlen Council acted. Mendonsa, Toni Yogi. Tom Kaaoka and Elmer NVilhoite all went to high school there," he said. Mendonsa. Yogi and Kajiolc. former Spartan football play. I - , W1111,111/’ Alt-AMPrIrall Iron, Most Hopeful Session of UN Recesses Pending trmistice 1 - Educational ’tele% ision Tin Vitited Na’,. ia Iii A,- SAN FRANMS0 u ti’ ti s. nihkrecessed fleibert C. Clish said yesteiday tug Korean armistice develop- the Bay Area Educational Tele- 11111l11,. after one of the most hope- s ’,ion association has been prom - fill sessions in recent years used a st;of on grant for opera- tion of the Bay Area educational l’Iam TV channel .tssemhl Refuses Passage SACRAM F:NT. . I’I’ ’Its’ State Ass. mbly refused passage yesterday to a bill which would ban manufacture and sale of imi- tation ice cream for two years. tiEcKrs4. iimo 1111411.: 11.1 the 111111141... 111,1 I. I.e 1.1011 114.11 111.1111.: 1111.% 1/..111 11.111, I’41/1 .11 1:311 p.m. ter .... 11.11 lob right Forrester I do., tor 1or k .1. 11 1 1 l.. III.. we." riate pr.ste.e.or it ill 1111.6 .6116I and Itolo t I rin tor iii radio sir,. 11 1.,/ 11 I.111 31111 1111,1’10 It., lo ill 11..111 111:1111.. - ph. I.% 11111’101 De\ oss \ituned to Lead Inaugural Procession I umpet of PropliecN On :kir, I.:3() i" ’111 lil Iit.. %. I. I WI", 1h, ’Y.... .. ’I i?lull.. the f .1.1 , .1 tel.-, [snit: I 110141. N 1.i. - ’011 1.110b% at 4 34. p 111 11, e. lion. 41111. Mk 111, -./1111 ..1.11 1111./ 1..111111i III D:, James C. DeVoss, executive dean, has Leen named gre-cl marshel of the academic procession which will precede the inaugure tion of Dr. John T. Wahlquist May I, the Inaugx,ration cemmi4tt, lien deism/ph 11 s disclosed yesterday. As grand marshal, Dean DeVoss will lead ’he pr P - ssion from IPM . II Pi i Test %II 1111 ill, 1113,111 ails deg are I..b. general unit tirr 1..,t liii ii hr. liarr T. Jew.. II, I, tor .DI gradoial. pro:4 .1Iu, .111 ’111 %..1.111., S.11111.111 %111.. hat. 11..1 1. istered he test should dot two at ono... Dr Jriioii lips untie Is- mail, in ttttt 1 Is Board Renews .IC Contracts The Boai’.1 tit A.11111-1111,011 seas to consider a contract toi struction oi ti.. new San Jos.. itOh 01’ collvo. Fast nit’ lit Lowest bid oh the 13 slibmdt was a211001. by Hogriatuch c strnetinn ,’ompa te. of Santa CI.. Construction of the school. to located nisi south of San .ha. T. clinical high school on Izaa Gat. .1.1iwa, is to start within contract will contain .i a:. atay penalty clause tot day lost in construction ’H’ 1,1111.1.!(‘ I, to be compl.t..1 evriting date Roberts Names Four la’ mlidates According to I.-, I: : .liset lustier: of the ,;r1 following candidates ssere pin’. ed Thursday by t h. R. trat’s office Ken Mitchell, cai,a dat. for the ASB iic,-prestden: RiD. }lodges, v ould-It’ :epresent., ti..-at-larg.. Rob G11101111. J11111(.1 iepresrntat e to the Student Council candidat, hod Pan- triskev, candidate tea th. AMS pnairtency. ol 111-1. U. I til!1, I J.. .1 Poo kman, assistant ehief ot of state college, nial ..? edie Dr .1 Hai - :1.vost (11 th., ,! ,tsitornia at Santa ; . who will min -malt t h. .. on th. prwrain I it- S flubhard. Santa Clma (ount ath cciii,.1st’ t ta...t at. tea s Iola. \lot i cam I .. ie. s Th.:. I.i ii1 ix II, 11,11, , .1 11.111 .11.1 1110 V11.6 1... s 2. I liat it,,, It. I ,,I. l , ; Itp. r 1,11 ...I 111 ..1 111, an t It:4% 1 II 11.11 f 111E111 :11111 It., r 6I ti.. oldo .1 MO- . I Minn-e- h. ad. ellair man .61 I h.. ...I.( I.,. 1111’1 1 li I 111 r .. %D. ink. prenlent ’Di thr ,,,,,, 11 I15501.1/Itiort; ’font I ans. /Welt ot th. stool. ot, II.,- It.... Marl. ltd. D 4,14/1 1.1 Tr 111.,I 111111111 %%1111 1%111 /41% V 111. Mt .1. 1111111 01. lie.. %VI’’, 1.11 t 61 Ms, I In ...I I111 .11.11i. ,%.111 11. lb. 1141141 . F./Iii/V111. 1)1 13111 1.. I I... 11 1111 sid. IA‘ V.11.1 will 111 I. 111111’.’ 1111141 111,1111111 it it 111 ’’1’ .14 lin, will Is 1,4. /A1 .11 111111,1’111111.1 1.1: 1’ 1111111a I 11110 ol .04..1 .1 bb. ITwrn- hen, of the S.ISC the 4.x i4-441,. hoard of th. Alumni As- sociation, and the niemb.1 of the St wife nt 4. Pin Ii.611. to. I The cct] . 1)1 it. I /0v6 .6,1e (typal tnleill Candidate. 11(41 To Get Petition. 1..411 .il 1n ... tr, ll111111- Ilk. I 1,1 . 1 A ...Ill.,’ Ill1 111. r1, oh. t if .6 6o In "fie I 11., I It da 11,6- I it’ .’ 41 1 Saul in:, !la .1111111.11 .tI1; 13’11111, /01 stud, tit lkoth I . Is 12 noon. Nlini.1.4 ("nick 11.44.1. N, a m.., from Sari FIAlleili,e1). an rtu.s bailiff of 1h4. Stuti4 nt eosu an unanimous cote

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CHEHALIS. WASH. A pilotless airforce C-97 crashed in Hanaford valley. 10 miles north-east of here. aliout 140 jani 1 PST 1 y est f� rday after all its crewmembers parachuted to fafety.

Mabel R. Librariwi California Stilte Library Sacramento 9, California #2

Parade Goirns All students wearing caps and

gowns in the inaugural 1111-10,S’ 141011. Ma Y 1, are requested to pick up their outfits in the Spartan Shop, according to Roland M. Atkinson, manager.

The. shop is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m, until


S artan Son Jose State College



Thriller Opens

No. 130 �

FIRST VIDEO SHOW TOMORROW Decorated Nets May Be Forced from Home

By TED FALEY Spartan Daily Editor

Raphael Raagas, holder of the purple heart and silver star for extreme bravery, and Peter Jamero, a veteran of four years in the navy, may be forced from their home because they are of Filipino descent.

They told yesterday how their landlord was under pressure from n,�ozhhors to 0:1(21 the two k trans and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert , s Jamero. who lise there also. Her- ’toilet! t Union bert and Peter Jamero are broth -

The four live at 725 E. Tayloi street in one half of a duplex. Th.� landlord, Manuel Rose, lives in the other half.

"Mr. Rose is all for 1.1s. Wet not going to run away," Raaga-said.

"But We do feel’. sorry for Mr Rose. The neighbors refusi. to speak to him and his wife now. Jamero said.

The four persons moved into the house Tuesday. "W.� haven’t esen seen our neighbors or spoken It) them yet," Raagas said.

"We get up and go to s:hool early. (Inc of us usually has a late class and we don’t get home until ti�e or six o’clock. Then we study. Herbert’s wife works in a bank downtown and gets home late," he explained.

Raagas, a junior cht mistry ma-jor. Ow college before going into the army in January, 1951.

Joiner() is a freshman social serv ice major. Ile enlisted in the navy in June, 1948.

Raagas spoke briefly of action on the Korean front.

-We uere ad� amine, up a hill when the man ahead of me tripped an anti-tank �. I was hit b3. shrapnel. We sta ed on the bill all night and then es ay-oat ed.

"We didn’t botla�i� to look at the color of the guy’s skin before we carried him to the medics."

Jamero served on the commu-nications ship which was head-quarters for Gen. Douglas Mac-Arthur during the Inchon land-ings.

"It hurts to COM‘ back and know we fought to protect a shameful thing like this." Jamero saol slowly.

"We ran into � rl ’ �i tion %t hen we first %tent int.. the ser� ice, but that soon died out. E. 4.0 one u as taking the same chances to presene the same things back here." he said. -What little prci:idice as,

wasn’t as heartless as this is," he said,

Both of the vets were torn in Livingston. Calif. Raagas’ family moved while he was young.

"Bob Bronzan. football coach here. used to coach at Livingston high school." Jamer° said "Giblvy

To Be Open Fall Quarter


Beginning n��xt tall quarter. th�� Student Union building will be open on Tuesday., Wednesday, and Thursday evenings lint it 10 o’clock

Final decision on the matter was made yesterday when th.� President’s Council approved the r..commendation of t h., St uilent Union board.

The move to open the Student , Union originated with Chuck !Wing, the Rally committee chin’ - man. It gained impetus when Dick Russo, prom�culing attorney of th.� Student Court, formed a commit-tee to investigate noises in the library. offer solutions to tin --

’problem. Wing, through the coopet

of Bill Felse, business man., and Miss Helen Dinunick, deim of women. gathered statist iea data, and estimated what th.� e�e. ning openings would cost. He pre-sented this mat,rial to the S113 -dent Council. and proposed ilia, the building be opened this quar-ter. The Student Council t PM a’ tisely approved the plan.

Next to consider the Wing plan was the Personal Deans’ com-mittee. No obstacles were placed in the way of Wing’s plan by this body.

A reemnmendation to allow the opening of the Student Union was sent to the St abut Union board of which Dean Dimmick is chair-man. Student members 01 111o� board agreed that the building

, should lbo� rammed. but oarommend-ed that the evening openings be-gin in the fall quarter They felt that freshmen would become con-ditioned to the eventng openings of the building and utilize the potentialities. This recommenda-tion was passed on to the Presi-dent’s Council, Tuesday of this week. Yesterda, ttn� �nlen Council acted.

Mendonsa, Toni Yogi. Tom Kaaoka and Elmer NVilhoite all went to high school there," he said.

Mendonsa. Yogi and Kajiolc. former Spartan football play. I -

, W1111,111/’ Alt-AMPrIrall Iron,

Most Hopeful Session of UN Recesses Pending trmistice

1 - Educational ’tele% ision Tin Vitited Na’,. ia Iii A,- SAN FRANMS0 u � ti’ ti s. nihkrecessed fleibert C. Clish said yesteiday tug Korean armistice develop- the Bay Area Educational Tele-11111l11,. after one of the most hope- s ’,ion association has been prom -fill sessions in recent years used a st;of on grant for opera-

tion of the Bay Area educational l’Iam TV channel

.tssemhl Refuses Passage SACRAM F:NT. . I’I’ � ’Its’

State Ass. mbly refused passage yesterday to a bill which would ban manufacture and sale of imi-tation ice cream for two years.

tiEcKrs4. iimo 1111411.: 11.1 the 111111141�... 111,1 I. I.e 1.1011 �114.11

111.1111.: 11�11.% 1/..1�11 11.111, I’41/1 .11 1:311 p.m. °ter .... 11.11 lob right Forrester I do., tor 1or k .1. 11 1 1 l.. III.. we." riate pr.ste.e.or it ill 1111.6 .6116I and Itolo t I rin tor iii radio sir,. 11 1.,/� 11 I.111� 31111 1111,1’10 It., lo ill 11..111 111:1111..

- ph. I.% 11111’10�1

De\ oss \ituned to Lead Inaugural Procession

I umpet of PropliecN On :kir, I.:3()

i" ’111 lil Iit.. %. I. I WI",

1h, ’Y.... �

..� � ’I � i?�lull.. the f .1.1 ,� .1 tel.-, [snit: I 110141. N 1.�i. -

’011 1.110b% at 4 34. p 111 11, ’

e. lion. � 41111.

� Mk 111, -./1111 ..1.11

’ 1111./ 1..111111i III

D:, James C. DeVoss, executive dean, has Leen named gre-cl marshel of the academic procession which will precede the inaugure tion of Dr. John T. Wahlquist May I, the Inaugx,ration cemmi4tt, lien deism/ph 11 s disclosed yesterday.

As grand marshal, Dean DeVoss will lead ’he pr P - ssion from IPM ’� .

II Pi i Test %II 1111 ill, 1113,111

ails deg are I..b. general unit tirr 1..,t liii ii

hr. liarr� T. Jew.. II, I, �

tor .DI gradoial.� pro:4 .1Iu, .111

’111 %.�.1.111.,

S.11111.111� %111.. hat. 11..1 1. istered he test should dot two at ono... Dr Jrii�o�ii lips untie Is- mail, in ttttt 1 Is

Board Renews .IC Contracts

The Boai’.1 tit A.11111-1111,011 seas to consider a contract toi� oi ti.. � new San Jos.. itOh 01’ collvo. Fast nit’ lit

Lowest bid oh the 13 slibmdt� was a211001. by Hogriatuch c� strnetinn ,’ompa te. of Santa CI..

Construction of the school. to located nisi south of San .ha. T. clinical high school on Izaa Gat. .1.1iwa, is to start within

contract will contain .i a:. atay penalty clause tot

day lost in construction ’H’ 1,1111.1.!(‘ I, to be compl.�t..1

evriting date

Roberts Names Four la’ mlidates

According to I.-, I: : � .�liset lustier: of the � �,;r1 following candidates ssere pin’. ed Thursday by t h.� R. � trat’s office Ken Mitchell, cai,a dat.� for the ASB iic,-prestden: RiD. }lodges, v ould-It’ :epresent., ti..-at-larg.�. Rob G11101111. J11111(.1 iepresrntat e to the Student Council candidat, hod Pan-triskev, candidate tea th.� AMS pnairtency.

ol 111-1. U. I til!1, I J.. .1 Poo kman, assistant e�hief ot

of state college, nial ..? edie Dr .1 Hai -

:�1�.vost (11 th.,

�,! ,tsitornia at Santa ; . who will min-malt t h. �

.�.������ on th.� prwrain I it-S flubhard. Santa Clma (�ount� ath cciii,.1st’

t ta...t at. tea s

Iola. \lot i cam I .. � ie. s Th.:. I.i ii1 ix II, 11,11, ,

.1 11.111 .11.1 1110 V11.6 1...� s 2. I

liat it,,, ’ It. I ,,I. l� , � � ;

�Itp. r 1,11 ...I 111 ..1 111, ���an t It:4%

1 II 11.11 f 111E111 :11111

It., r �6I ti.. oldo .1 MO-. I Minn-e-

h. ad. ellair man .61 I h.. ...I.( I.,. 1111’1 1 li I 111 � r � .. %D. ink. pre�nlent ’Di thr ,,,,,, 11

I15501.1/Itiort; ’font I ans. /Welt ot th.� stool. ot�, II.,- It.... Marl. ltd. D 4,14/1

1.1 Tr� ’ ��111.,I 111111111

%%1111 1%111 /41% V 111. Mt .1. 1111111

01. lie.. � ����� %VI’’, 1.11 t �61 Ms,

I In ...I I111 .11.11i. ,%.111 11.� lb. 11�4114�1 .

F./Iii/V�111.� 1)1 13111 1.. I I...

11 1111 sid. IA‘ V.11.1 will 111 I.

111111’.’ 1111141 111,1111111 it it

111 ’’1’

.14 lin, will Is 1,4. /A1 .11

� 111111,1’111111.1 1.1:

1’ 1111111a

I 11110 ol .04..1 .1 bb. ITwrn-hen, of the S.ISC the 4.x� i4-441,�.� hoard of th.� Alumni As-sociation, and the niemb.1 � of the St wife nt


Pin Ii.611. to. I

The cct] .� 1)1 it. I /0v6

.6,1e (typal tnleill

Candidate. 11(41 To Get Petition.

1..411 .il�

1n ... ’ tr, �

ll111111- Ilk. � I 1,1 . 1 A

...Ill.,’ Ill1 111. r1,� oh. t if .6 6o In

"fie I 11.,� I It da 11,6- I it’ .’� 41

1 Saul in:, !la � .1111111.11 .tI1;

13’11111, /01 stud, tit lkoth I �. � Is 12 noon. Nlini.1.4�

("nick 11.44.1. N, a m.., from Sari FIAlleili,e1). an rtu.s bailiff of 1h4. Stuti4 nt eosu an unanimous cote

� �1.1 �‘.� 1,%1I 1

Spartan Daily




04 i�- Jose 5.045 eqe ��-�:� ,��- ��� u-� C.� -g �,1 - �

’ - � .�- � �..swtbec��P no�s Ass,. �� cn P ��nq C.° 445 5 F .s� 1.����� San .lcs�

� -A 4 - � Es. 2 0 - Ad�� .1 -9 C�b� Eir� 21i . 5, r� r ew ur $1 per -...����. 4or .c.� ASB cvd

/-Editor JESS SMITH-Bus. Mgr.

Make Editor this Pa�.set4i

An Open Letter...

d Raphael Bee Paagas are Americans. They

n your block, at 725 E. Tayior street.

But you don’t sent then’ there: they re Filipinos; brown skin.

No you haven’t seen them much. Haven’t spolien to them either.

onuld ou? Thx-y been there only voce Tuesday. But they hate

told thwrn the neighbors are complaining. "They

Filip;nos he said.

onis a+ them and sees Americans. , t’�ir; t, harself. Maybe that’s why

� I Anyway h�-� has promised to , si,sy �hr�y wan, +0. And

� -I �’�� in B Pa i to rur,7

� Etait-,9

1 . I t 11 t I �

� � � 1 � 11141 � � 4N

������-.,. 4r, .1.�?�

. �,.

’ ’ ,��-1 T’er

� �� �

����’,.. 10^ � .1,d,

stylts /)((),re Neu- ,1d riser

Thrust and Pam ’Hooray for Pete!’ L. �. D

t, I i-: for

V.hrli I ’hat

P are fo:- 011 and soul brothel

sor ‘.‘,:ends I iruP.11 lam

I v- t,t-rn with white skin.

11 hard as 1 it I cannot find

anything mr- that makes me

any better than you or your race

aLso happen to be a Christian.

and I belies, in the Ten Com-

-rand:rents which, when summed

� --ate. ’Thou shalt lo--e the

.�:.1 ’to. God with all thy heart. with all thy soil. and witht1400. ASH 7h.3. ASH 41-�35, ASH

.i.1 thy mind, and thy neighbor as 3047. ASH 2531. ASH 2490. ASH

thyself These say nothing about 3334. ASH 4915. naming 5 es-

inz 001 y tt0 p neighbors that , sent:al in all sports. If you are so

� � e the scone eolor skin as we’ far out of training that your cuti-

cles are bothering you. it is clearly

our out) fault and shOWS a la-

mentable lack of school spirit. We

mast has, school spirit!

And do you ASH 4098, ASH

1400. ASH 783. ASH 4835. ASH

3u47, ASH 2331. ASP. 2490, ASH

3354. ASH 4915. beliexe that t!,..

are mole comp.:Jew than

v-ft, and withoi th.

And rnartil,s toornament to a

� ff� � -t�

limerica itself on be--,n K nati.,n: also win t I, tiontteratic na-tn 1 .. neighbors- of


pews.. , � a her I hri..-

fl h.,..s�-r � held,’ and ./�� ir

� ’II �nrse-ri. an %%h.. has, .dr.�ads

I. t.nnitdr,. far th,ir hiinti. �

1 �ti .runt 111r, flh-rlwit -1.-

1 I. L I, nsarH.,1 It�0 t �.. sty. h.,ds has .�

iii’ i Iii t�. t tip -1 that lb.,. it .1 � .1 .

,.� t!...� I.1.11

� I 11 I.. IIi. Si, ’

ent 1 knoss I Is ii;II. IR.. I.1�.1..1 I 0: 1.0,11W ti) HP -

I t, � �-"�.". 1’4 "’’. i" ";’1. enildish prattle of the spokesman

11 ,Ii,11,11tP ."� "". ’"’"�1-’"."1"d h3’P- ’ for the -1.soman haters- club. Could it is that if woman -hater BLUE GARDENIA’

miltml �hf.,,tipr Nash had a brain in hi:, head. it Ann Bexte�. Ann Southe�^

l� I�. At 0.!.. Jam. rurne, fly v would rattic?

�,�!, :it who 1,ro (1 ,t, �.,.� UI apo!,,,v from thew Women bless them re iii.�

tournament Tivy 1...11 ap-

proached too. Yes sir!

Work aid for football players

indeed! Do you realize, ASH

4098. ASH 1400. ASH 785. ASH

4835. ASH 3047, ASH 2331. ASH

2490. ASH 3334. ASH 4915. that

one of the most competent jacks

and marble players at San Jose

Stan- recently forced to ac-

cept a job as dishwasher? This has

so weakened the ligaments of his

thumb that he cannot enter the

tournament. His loss could well

cost San Jose State the tourna-

rm.nt. Fart hermore. ASP. �1098, ASH

� S -’-it I !IL:

’Putrid Excretions’

� dry

V.nat ii...pose, theref,..,

contest a duel of words,

to speak. I challenege

ist Nash and one of his cots � � -

a debate on thc propositi(alsolved: 1,VONIEN SHOULD BE RELEGATED TO SERF Do NI;





Nash is, of course, to defend the affirmative. and I along with a volunteer to defend the honor of woman-kind.

This debate shall he conducted

ia a manner agreed upon by tile contestants and the loser shall be

. at the mercy ot the winner.

Mr. Nash! If you fail to accept this chalk-age or do not print a

Iretraction of your opinions, 111,11

Vt�t� who an’ ready to defend � �t I � fairer sex can consider you not:

more than a frustrated hag of

wind. Jt.)fiN A. SHOCKLE:Y.

�10413 *!.9411


Studio: Humphrey June



I 1111011 ’,Centel!’ S


’1St V

delirt II ‘,TINIc.tiT PRIVif ’A,




� it

. 11.1.,

Howard Jane KEEL GREER



United Artists: "Trouble Along the Way"



"I,; tit,. California: ’ :a ’’.1-140 ’ ;,:.- . L.:’. ’ 4 tin.:�gh and ;�’artil and lift- %%fluid indeed hi. Fid... Sc. r�er ocked up

’ A.,,,:: �an . ti -h to Nice the Ia. dull " I’ l’’)ut °I’m’ 11°"."’1% it i . � "THE HITCH-HIKER" 1,11111j1) IteN le�ss � i’.. r;,- T -e -7are� ’n-- ut.,..i!,1 rot l’ nrit rt,N PurPos.� litu, to extol!

Frank Lc..e,c, Edmond O’Br,en ....-,,i the I. iiaties of women it has been ;li-11.� hi]; ino��� ad.spiat,ly ti’. our And --THE MAGNETIC MONSTER’

� � � � a..,�10 .� 1),�,1,��i �4�111% ill le!., Iv, we, Illt� :sa.� i In.1-..d. thuN ;1Ft. not tatt� i. i- El Rancho Drive-In

A I a 1.....1 Ai�-� I ...., i :;.- : , ,�..altitil. a, mans of it. 276 So. First "Come Back Little Sheba"

� i’re’it. I l,,..

1.. / ....11111Y. I . my hat oil ’ . P ’ i’ . � ., . ! ,.. , I- ’T t - )

A SN1 1 D; 0 Re 0Y ec CI. EC ...,..s.’ c iANDBurt

TLHe nEceLsItoe rN;. , ,,,, 1,, ,,,,�� ii ,,, i., ,,,,,,.1,1,1..1 1, I.- undiir simii .. circun:-! e .

i WATCH V;cto� Ma�.. -e. Gene S;.,nons


That if ?IL.... Irtt,’ of life

No Spirit? II � Ir ... � - 1.100. A- P.

\-.H 3147, I at, .1 It ,1 wit A7-11 ASH 335.1 ..t� 1

� �..ot I. t t. r ilth’:..i! 19171

tilt I" Shat711.’ Ila�o Nom ro

11,,,,1,11.,1, .1 tiro!, TI;.’ Co-rt.t. conInutt,..

I, ot commit’ -5

trill Pt.’14.-�"1 Hind ar.� doing their ix�st

,� t .11:1, h.’ : Ja.t is -cause ti’at,,t1 to the old sello:�Ooluisaimilo’ rr.i�

.1. ’ " � to rook. fun of those w-ho ’t ��� � a- k al- itiNinitatinns on the :

oi the jacks and martil. I’- is pos--tisely sickenati. �

AS!! .1u98. ASH 1-1,

1,�1�,� .1. I I -apt.

rh, "" 7ST.. ASH 4X3.1. ASIt 301: it �� ’ "t .-5:��;11 2.190, ASH ;

I I. ’I t.’ Ia’�����’! 1915 that n,) tack, a: 1 1". �!’.- 4’T’’’" t.1.� iiitit�l� ha. v.:en hes ri �

ts I � "I "Xl ’ t.�71/1,.�







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Mayfair: "I DON’T CARE GIRL"

�: Gaynor


A-thur Kennedy, Peggy Dow

Saratoga: - Newt. In

"Flying Leathernecks" Coc ty Technicolor



What Are You Waiting For?

tAtatontwewailiogiot? Beat it on down here now

with your light garments.

Let our experts tackle your

cleaning problem.




’The Innocents’ Opens Runs Tonight Suspense Play Stars Four Drama Students

By JO ROSSMAt’i Fine Arts Editor

Speech and Drama department faculty end students will combine their talents to stage William Archibald’s horror drama. -The inno-cents" tonight when the play opens a five-day run in the Little Theater. Curtain time is 8:15 p.m.

Seats have been completely sold out for tonight and tomorrow night’s peeformanc.,s Seats � -- - still as mailable fo: Apt. 311. Ma) 1. 2, according to Mrs. Virginia SiOrN Vogel, dipartment secretar).

Th, play concerns a ghost who inhabit, the souls ot two ’magi -mitt\ children. and the strix-gles of their governess to net them to name the ghost and dii�, him oot of their es.

miss Elizatwth 1....tner, as-sistant professor of drama, uses music and unusual lighting and sound efteets to emphasize the suspense of the play. The som-ber grays. blacks and maroons of the lath centur) parlor de-signed to) .1. Wendell Johnson. associate professor of drama, add to the eerie ettect of the

Hein Drama Continued irom PaLze

ieco..:nition for his work in Lillie Theater production, will play sensative poet, Shelly. He co-stai,, with Patricia Brizes� as Mai) sh. !ley and Clyde Allen as Byron. Mg.s Ebizee also played Mrs. Shel-le) in the radio version.

The nine ornate sets were de-signed by J. Wendell Johnson, as-sociate professor of drains. Miss

Berneice Prisk, associate professor

Art Group Shows of drama, designed the Empire pe-entire production. riod costumes. Gu) is directing the �

prolassor ot drama, has designed The technical side of the Pl.‘1’ (rafts, Ceramics

aathantic ruffled dresses for the duction during the rehearsals has little gni and knee pants and , been handled b).Ron Wren. Rose -Windsor ties for her brother, ml- mar) Govia, Ann Marmovich. lowirr: the styles cif the 1880’s. st. Fred Hare. [)as id

The r::s1 is a Mixture of expert- Caldwell, Stanley Cohort. Gin. enced � tors and new faces on Chavoya. Lloyd Walters. David the 1..?"1- Theater stage. Their , Name. Jems Bernardi. and lienr) roles a, he children are the lirst Orwitz. Martha Mohan is script feat ;.; its for Mary Campbell girl and Ivan Van Pere is assist -and I ,a Caldwell ant director.

(it lie Brigham. well knoon The east composed of drama anil for her interpretation of Cleo- radio-speech majors inch ales Allen pats-a. plays the sensatile, Adler, 1.1’W Patterson, Ron Blood. frightened governess. and Ruth Jo 1.0 Bilfs, Jim Hughes, Larr) Peter Giro. Gene )ear. Daugherty is cast a. the house- Gal let I. Robert Shetanina. Gar) Kenefick. sculpt ii- and water.; Aeeompaming the group keepel. Toot Rogers. Cleo Cebulla. color; Kim Olson. charcoal and: Di Lawreral. 11 Mount. ass�� neice Prisk. associat.�

� .�Ifler has been doer!-: Theater productions

��:7. Last season she was .� for successful produc-

tier, "What Every Woman Kli� � � "Thete’s Always

" ller interpretation MI SOLIS- ’1. e’s "Antony and Cleo-pa t � consider. .d one of the

�! cull the department has

APPI: %RIM. BEFORE telesi-

sion cameras for the fir-1 time

tortiorroO in Hie Radio-Triesi-

%ion production ’T -

pet of .t Prophet)" he dra-

ma students Pat Brizer� and Hi -

(+art’ Risso. The couple practice

before take telesision :littera%

helore icing the real thing.

Nlis� Brizee portra%. shon,)�.,

oil,. pla)�

the )oung poet More than 30

drama and students

has, h� Iped oith the elaborate

rust amt. prochiction �photo h) Parker


Virginia Grattan. Fred Holmes, Torn Luce, Ralph Rowland, Jack Byers, Eleanor.. Floor, Frank Woodman. Robei I !)Ielle and Ger-ald Charlebois.

The cast has been rehearsing for a month in the patio of the Women’s .*in bcfort� mock tele-Nision cameras. All technical de-tails will be handled Sa�urda) by nien0,et: ot the KPIX start

SMILING All rAll the final dress rehearsal 01 -st Paul- are to t.1 Rita Marchocke, soprano; Isarleen herson. soprano; and John Morrison, tenor, three et the featured soloists. 1 h. pertormame is scheduled for Sunda% afternoon_ --photo to Pr�or

CUrrentl) e. in the Art wing is an exi,.bit cUt paint:ngs.1 ceramics, and other (ratts the; work of members of Alpha Gam-ma. are fraternit)

Members exhibiting their works are Harriet 11nderson, It.. tercolors and pastels; Dick timmins., sculpture: Pat ( Mhos.

musaie and nate motor: Hob ( uster, viatereolor; and F.. Don-ate-lit. pastels.

Forensic Squad Enter. Discussion

Four members of the toren,. �

squad will participate. in the St.,

lord discussion tuurnatn� nt. t.,

held tomorrow at Stanford

Mar) Campbell. Luther

Beat) Leild), and John 1-.�

will rake Fiat’ Ill the talk

Can We Most Ft ,. ’t ’. .-t i�,;� ;�.�

the Thteat of Conarriunism"-, na

ra ’WI I (11,11ss11111 question tot

I ink drawings; hlarjort, Paul. ink !p:. -ir of stanch drawings and silk screenin4, Patti Pratt, watereoloi ; Tom Richard -

:son, ceramic lamp and sculptur. � Rosemary Satyr, o in.:. Car,’ Shwa, wash and ink. ard Bonin. Shuart. Celsarn

Sinlilar exhibits are held an-nual’) in the .�rt department and TIM nr theater. and contin- s1) at the I)) inn.

Maher Li ti Take :oh:Int:iv- of Mother’s Da)�Ma) 10-1. shoo )our boo i.III. h soul lose her F.VER1 da)

� (ord. I hat wit i’s’ VIM/ It i�iiv�

� OP, thiiI VIM ear.,

Bru g’s (;ift & .1()relly .11(Pi) Is I. ��) ANTONII) ( %press 3 :OUR


Tomorrow Night Saturday. April 25


8 33 to 12 00


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� 1119A44.-;)


try a . . .

charcoal broiled


Goop ’em yourself

from a REAL condi-

ment bar.




Located on El Camino Real . . . north of Santo Clara

t al: I $

�II �1111.1 1111, 48141 Ern. 441 I ii

April 24, 1‘..t:,7,

I, 881.184�4 I 1114 In4li.444 18148.1.4 184 IS 4111. -

Automotive Course Cives Li Students hest Training

\ I Iii \ 55 141)4.n I Iii


Hillamo Noluttot I I. , \Iiirh I Thal l’i�iiiii� lit tilt.

I received some- information last week from the American Feline

society, incorporated. which soon will enter its 15th year of service

:ir act wally nothing about the ilia- . to the Cat. ,�hine they are driving. get According to the letter, many people devote all their time, ability

ri the car, turn on thy tam. and money "striving for better ways to serve the cause of the Cat on thr -


" start‘T. and ’ � "" :111 1�51�1-WIAII.nin’2, !IWO It the Car doesn’t si , � � � �

tialiberg�et ed They di. this in the fare of an interview with some of them

This is no small feat, for the � -11 frustration and con trover-

very difficult persons to inter, In th" aut t is ‘1,01.1 tt’re� s%. probably I rum dissenters ho

44 eek learning .5.. iii the t at, is man’s hest friend. think that the 11).0g, :and not the �I s �penit tan, tto,111-� a

ate funi�tions of the ....twin/bile. Some 01 their disappointment�I’t, � ’ � �, the lab ; may corn.’ from the unappre, � learn , and frustration. I venture ti, In 1,.�vinno,

� 1..airi te� In other, attitude of the cats therns��...,

--es they learn how to teach. I am thinking of a cat named 1110. end goal is a secondary de.’

,.:ree in Industrial Arts. This de-: iPaAn.tiia who once befriended i.rii

when she had kittens .�ree does not make a mechanic..

�;ilicients don’t go to college to our garage. After we had i0V411I.:’

� mechanics Thp degree cared for her through many so,

that the student is not on- families. she left us in fa n favor of a

a first rate technician but also old box in the alley.

I was sorry to see her go, but Tfalified to tea eh high school

1111: parents, for some reason.

elasses offered t a to think it was a good

th.� ...liege are tiiigiit 14% Rob-ert Johii�on. oho mail% fkm� t�ar� ag11 oas �tittlent le�re himself. tn energetie man mm? 311. Johnson instriort. and directs antomatne students n jib that keeps him bus% all itit Emphasizing the need lor auto -

I 11414111 I(111(’ tilithttrt11(.4 .,,,,,�_ said. -The demand is so MIA n�achers 1r1 high schools,

gre.,i these teachers that we � I � �

8.arli.�,’ ,1181411. then. fast enough to

1;\ It1111111111,,..0- ( )1)4k. rati()Iis Ever, grad.... in this course ,o find a position mimed:- 1 !,.,

.� II , I888 tie!, 1 .! 8. 888 i ’iIi 11,11 I.

.t .1,111 1.1.’.� .111�1�1S,

el I. 1111,11111 a st rang.’ ri ail a lode ;4

� �-8�41 ..44 tli 1ssig 1.4 I

Ith4n,ti ,�,txt the other to teach basic fundamentals in the 4. 1 the

8148:..,18 here � tostl ten Ile � I 4, mh.:�� the room is decorated tiith I .t.e.

III tins hi,.. l�Mollgh 111111.111 red engines. transioNsions

eert i,.e ’The Indians oho ,

....Ir. hon. � �light tio,i I oittoopotog, m...le I

�1. ‘. III’ I .114 I Ile 10111.��� Is

11114 rl I Ili,. .4...�114881 pre ..1 ,ii,i,.,,, mliii y1440841

1�44. 8,4�144-4114844.

it:,. � In lei, ..�

’’111.-",�� .ire .1811 Ile 1.84r

�hape. lint IMM11,1 A111 lent

tonne., mmIten Are," lie It.

� Itimlie ii

.emaital .m;meaid this ate., I m :If ;1.’.1�11,11 that prohabIN t, �

braes tad 1., Faltersark in,. "ni)� h.’ added. Ill 111I. classloom is a full -sited

19341 I a mdc,’ is ISI�cted from radia-tor to ting-gear, This auto is used

fioni a mission eemetely

The student gave one it the I ,i1e, for hi. mike-

I.ors work on their own They spend about sine-third

Iii r time in lectures, and th� It..- time overhauling auto’

11.� stress plete 48% erhaiel. in the Johnson said. "1 Int mmt people bring in their cars Immr the 011110.11N II/ r.’j.ujr, 11111 tIim 1101 A% ork I111 their mmnn tars

at b. ’Inning classes Besides the old 1,. � anthropttl.).!% instruetor

roil other ear parts Most of this, loon, to I 0.11,Irtict les rt � 1.1’ .1 she... ton. ’I he ..... .1 rem.’ rka 1.1.. istial aids are constructed by St ii -

in eff,��.th�,. he .��. Herds in a special problems class

I.. a heel, nu* I .111..1111�11%. I Thl.r.� are :14 students enrolled in the auto classes this quarter. which is n� ..... Slit� - r1 larger

than a normal heel hone. ; This week the classes went on a livid trip to San Leandro. where � ,�, I " n... that Imehminzeit 144 f,m Ies

� lion.’ must ha�.. iwett from Is; i.i they were conducted through the ,od

. 111,11����� long," he said Ills i Chevrolet assembly plant They

is that it is an ahnormalit) "kv,. learned how the cars were put fo-

b:iv,. ii,. reAlr41 1.4 I nil n I .1 on the assembly line.

I.,,,��� explained %Valle( $11.1sil0M Ile concluded that he is 1,.,

Sacramento. t’alit. (’Pt nob-,� but to I he.m�

ii Inth:I1114 4‘111S




160 holt,Til 111IRD ST C�AN JOSE CAt IFORNIA

It’s all Bar -8-Q

Nothin’ Fried

’’11 l.. Bowen still isn’t sure how’ ..t.eltisions merely 1),% ’tutting too i safe a place his hip pocket is for ihis wallet but he knows now there .111* worse places. A man he met

ii a bar warned lutn of the danger of losing a nallet from a hip pix�k-et and denionstratill with !Unveil’s

� ! wallet Several drinks later they ,.t. parted, and the n�allet nem nith

ii .1 I .� 41 ?he ...hanger. Iwo � � 11111, Ii

.s.t.....%, ,,i1)1..11 arise at the last moment kcegitding t.. MISS Muiii iii, t he We do not tak.� in’, student out

...1%teos in’ mote or less too- of the exercise.- Miss N111,710 de. .� procedur.�, depending upon elan-ed. "Such a slip would prin..

senior’s hillillment of 10%ver embarrassing both to the stialeo, iequirements and govern‘ and to the eolleg.."

ot courses tomtit -ell IA the -

it t011 to.�ethet

II e 110111 Bite ii .1’ III:1 V\

� , /ill 1Iii.’,’ iloes not di y �

, .P11,01 N.1’ g1:111, \ 0 tr 114.1,.�11

I II, io�V1t I I. \111.1111-’’ .11. 11.111.1’, Ono,

mt 1�5,11 f � - I �

Men’s Sport Jackets

and Slacks

Pr .led for the Stud ent Budget

77,,ki(t citcp

Many people have entire e-

tates to the Cat society, but theN

only ask $250 for a life-time mem-

bership. I intend to go to the stu-

dent loan service for $250 to send

1:;ht away. and I advise evervon, in do the same.

Let’s all us cats get out and fight for those Cats!

� Speaking of Persians, there are

several of them here on this cam-pus. I mean the human kind, from Pi�rsia.

Soon the Spartan Daily will run I


� Reasonable Cost

� Re -Styling � Factory Methods � Right Materials


(Just off So. First

25 UNION ST. CY 4-6644

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Every Day

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Just two blocks from Fraternity Row

llow Many SJS Student: Are Squares?

2 inch RF:PP strips square ends

STRIP JERSF1 square cunt.

Knits square ends



and PIZZA Also

Pille prepared to fake out

DINNERS 85c and up

Open from I I a.m. to I crn.

Closed on Monday


Tonight follow the crowd to

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BOTH STORES Oil’, PinvikiGs TO II’,

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and vv, Nariar



P! t in .�. ’it



I It i

IS it 11 I, "Ili

1)0 Ange Wart

I �

Fr rti


tne111-9°�",1,1,011�e�f�e� s...rority pledges pulled mom, pretty fast sneaks this week. Thee pledges ot Chi Omega weren’t satisfied with having success-

fully pulled one sneak; they decided to try for two Fi-iday evening, and won. The captured actives Delores Bertolosso, Bernice Racier.. Marian Kruse, Laura Lee Wilson. Marilyn Jenkins. Helen Ulm. and Barbara Johnson were taken on a "joy" ride to the hack woods of Santa Cruz mountains. The unhappy actives returned home Satui-day complaining of blistered toes.

DZ Delta Zeta pledges solicited the aid of the. men of Delta Sigma

Pl.i in carrying out their sneak. The pledges managed to escape the. o.itchful actives and spent the weekend at the hone of Doddie Guido in Visalia. The DZ pledges are Shirley Coate. Ginger Dyer, Doddc Guido, Ella Helwig, Mary Lou Hohelmann, Jean Johnson, Paulin-Leijon, Jackie Michell, Norherta Mosher, Peggy Pasquali, and Na-thalie Vayssie,

Alpha Phi

Alpha Phi pledges take pride. in the fact that not one of them w.e. caught when they pulled their sneak recently. The resoureeful coeds locked most of the actives in the house’s Chapter room, afire capturing Jody Bartlett. Carolyn Krausse. Carol Becker, Bates Grai-tune. Lorri Grothier and Bee Billing.

A (’hi 0

It will take some lime before the A Chi 0s forget the pledge sneak pulled Saturday evening. The ruthless pledges planted Lint. Ii get’ cheese throughout the house, locked three actives in the attic. and traveled to Santa Clara to capture their president, Marion Sousa But the unkindest blow of all came %%hen they stole six activies from then bewildered dates.

KKG A call in the night. That was what caused the downfall of four

Eappas Each of the four ladies war awakened by a helpful pledge. %%lin told her she was wanted on the telephone. Telephone calls aren’t unusual at the Kappa house, hut these calls happened to come around 5 o’clock in the morning. The sleepy actives, one by one, stumbled to the telephone, only to be greeted with a pillow ease thrown over their heads, and a pair of handcuffs. Then quietly the 37 pledges car-tied their captives off while thee rest of the actives slept soundly and peacefully.

Gamma Phis

Russian River was the destination of the Gamma Phi pledges when they took their sneak. They managed to escape with the hous.

esident, Lois Kirchner, and actiVt‘ti Connie. Burke, Marlene Fostee J. in Goodloe, Shirley Kesterson. and Pat Valentine.

Those Ws

Just to prove that pledges aren’t all the same, the DG pledges Surprised the actives by honoring them with a "crazy hat" party.

Tell Tale Dinner

The truth will be revealed to one and all at the A Chi 0 house evening, when the annual spring quarter scholarship dinner

is held. As usual, members must dress according to their grade point adage and eat the food appropriate to their rating. The menu ring’s from mush to steak.

’u r �

r raternities Annonce List 1)1: New Spri? ng Neophytes

Alpha Tau Omega

Rick Shei man. Stan Callon, Bob Sheehtanian, Frank Harvey., and Vern Boyer.

Delta sigma Phi

Jim Sayler. Al Perez, Pat Hunt, jack De Stories and Barry East-man.

Delta Upsilon

11_11 vin Mends. Barry O’Con-re. ;end Kenneth West.

Kappa Alpha

Don Anderson. Chuck Kinsler, Angelo DiVecchio, Larry Garrett. Warren Fisk, Kent Crockett, Bole Bonner, Harry Heffner, Dick Fey, Pete Sartori°, John Booher. Ken Phillips, Chuck Hewitt and Glenn Konas,

Kappa Tau

Charles Combs, Dean Swenson ant Don Pederson.

Lambda Chi Alpha

Apostolu. Fred Bausch, Chuck Cook, Larry Chubb, Don Stasi, Norm Wellhatim and Bob Whom key

Phi Sigma Kappa

Don Abenanti. Ed McKinney. Gary King, Gary Hodder, Joe Rodriguez, Ray Oatman. -Aaron I..evy. and Stu Weltmore.

Pi Kappa Alpha

Don Fausset, Jerry Pieracci. .1e.len Peterson. Dick Lansdale-. Keith Johnson, Bill Mallory, Hal Garcia. Bob Campbell. Larry

Freshman Pianist To Pia in Concert

I Philips of Palo Alt). has .�imsen to play durirrg the

Pearh Fest 1% al a eek per-

Philips. pianLst, was se-

’e‘n1 the final auditions. � o. :e held on Apr. 12, to

r, Berkeley. June. re. 16. d eh.. Garfield school :call_

’..11 v ten the Bach as�liciatani

’� tiles

� Freshman. Her major special s.crendary and is (11,-.1trre

Kaufmann. John Slaughter. Al Eichinger. Fred Hare and Mark Niemcela.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Cal Milner, Harp Didier, Toni Gray, Gil Baack and Dick Fleeger.

Sigma Chi

Jerry Dreyer, Barry Harte, Toni Ling. Bruce McDonnell, John Me0.

Hank Moore, Bob Molt, Bob Rus-sell, Ernie Schegar. Lloyd l’ick-ery, Al White and Jim Sheehan,

Sigma Pi

Jim Springer, Nick Waddock. Andy Howard, John Rogers and James Inglis.

Sigma�Nut Ron deLisle. Jerry Annis, Chuck

Bellz. Al Carrion, Ron Stingley, Carter Elliott and Bole Henderson.

Theta Chi

Dick Blaustein, Bob Porter, Wil-liam Thomas, Phil Milde. Gary Park, Mal DiSalvo, Dean Towne.

.lack SVulzen. Henry Ramp. Jerry Jordan. Ron Dawson, Chuck Eitel-george, Jack Bray, Gary Noyer, Jack Freear. Ken Riep. .10 EM -Mono and Richard Greeno.

Theta Xi

Richard Schaffer, Gerald Bry-ant, John Brown and Ronda! De-Bry.


Sigma Pi Gets the Brush

.tT Nit.IIT the Siiona l’i house prett:% good�all 1 re.hK paint

ell uhite and tr. at a itlt reddish Moo n. liii leg It,, cIct 1 ,’,,’r.

the �tior is a little The 1,111111,11 Moon trim seems to

lune rim hit 0 tune’, en �plotehe� of %%MIT% argil splatters of paint

still hamper the �ieo from the front oimlims. %II thus makes It

quite elear that the men of Sigma l’i aren’t Cell 1.111 tee 174’ painter.,

nee is. further es itlemed M the improfe�slimal attitinle� eel 53 a no

Hoskins .holtling the pail. Jack lia no% holding the hrit.h. and I-reep

Freeman. holding Payne. Ne�t o the men plan ,oll repainting the

bedrooms, for o Inch the fraternity’. Mother.’ elate o ill sicppR

1101111..hing drapes and lied�pread.. �photie ha Parker

Local Chapter Hosts kappas Al Lou reuitioui

The San Jose ehavier ot Kappa

Kappa (T amma was host hest weekend to representatives of five active chapters and 311 alumni groups who gathered hell’ for the Ilth biennial Pros ince convention

Climax of the two day e%, was a banquet held Saturday e% e-ning at the. Hotel Lyndon in Los Gatos. Dr. Dorothy Kaurher, as-sociate professor ot speech and guest speaker for the evening. spoke on "The F’aith ley which We Live," which was 1 he theme of the convention

ws7: 2���"th � Sigma s flare CI c. Paul Rase.,

DO�Lit, to donut,

putt Co dust

YouSc,,. 10 1,4� ,e

Ouc collo s � must



SPARTAN DAILY 3 Friday Aire) 24. 19\1

� � \ Theta

%mom: the o inter W1.111, r

pledges. oho two h..’.- p.m. II

Theta Xi fraternit e

members are:

reilerii Ts Peter. "I h e. ill ,4

%COI!. 33 illiam "smith p and

to ors:. *�




44 e. son antonio between

first and second



TtIrd and San AMOMO CV 3 eV

Stephen C Peabody And

Papronis 3.4�rjeldon, Minitte�t

II 00 A M �

00 Noon Co..... .�..r

5 30+0 7 30 Stud�rit Folloymh�p U. r’ s 1,4�,,t0n & AU.,


Confab in Reno Seventeen local Sigma Nus, led

by Commander Keith Endershy, formed the. largest visiting delega-tion at the. first annual Tre-Re-gional Sigma Nu convention, held last weekend in Reno.

Edward Murphy, national reg-ent of the fraternity, was honored guest at the convention, attended by delegates from Arizona, Cali-fornia and Nevada. A dance at the Hotel El Cortez was the fea-tured social event




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00 PIA

4 lOCU 7 30 P tt.

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GRACE SAPTIST cnuecm lieu and Soo Femoral%


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College Follyswedt.p ilm�H�st

IMO* Study

So,y�t�s� Th���� You Can I S..

S�ord ��� What to Co


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11 00 A 10 1.109rooq Wtusloip 11 00 P 1st Evon.nd Worship 7 00 P At Moucloy Syuy.����

�e 144 So WWI.


SI N0,94 SOtonel

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Two Youth Pastors to Serve You



FIRST BAPTIST One block from campus 2nd and Son Antonio

...1.iiJJ el..% Apt.; 91 147i ’ cal Scientists \

College Roundup � By GERRY GARBARINI �

Mae ,

II pract,.

ie. wied vieetni. � , "tine 7.�

.; �

�� the Irish Mixt. inaug

" gctif Fr :ink n � .. including 21

anti t..� nucleus .r� 1.0.5111N:in 1..afir

’ Mr I., . .1 ....yed this hopYftil mils-

. fort! III 1. � � .1 last yeai "

i � ...I 1. �. �,2 � � this news int). mint.

,� , atailition r.f Iii.� INA()-

; itirtyti,Yd te.pon. 1

Safety Derice I-;��:�,

An ins! ,nualt .Its it

can he pi ,sync.� tal a hu-

man lbo icet ;wax M the amount

of heat his bolt gives off, has

been developed fix Unixersity set -

This were seeking informa-

tion on tom man can xurxisp

arctic cold and still fight elfi-

h. � sl 11.1111,t, phASf. Ot the in -1 1111 . 11.1 Hr� Mr. 141.1,111% 11,0 11/� is

,a,,ount, toot, nit xe,t.gation is to deturinine linty _ at trap.. materials .� oft, absorb tot,-

t ping II ill% e N. LW XIFAT

lietelopcd lor this mirk xxiits .// in.trimm�nt %Otte!, -collects-

"0;000- 10x0�1,0111,1, reflected heat and bryak. it Pox Pii.d..iberke eti� i�Vi� it lip 11110 infra -red spcctr .

Information by the de-

lirr Out’ %lee es ill permit selection of paints

��I .1a Mier plamt in is Angeles and mat.�rial for l’arn011flag0 1.111(10r

I a member of the Municipal arctic conditions At present es en

; ; � �Itripil es baseball games when white paint shows op as a dark

I ’��:, 1.�.1,11� 1100p day Right now shadow when sit -wed )1^.:itii,t the

���,. iiiititton II, major, in perminn),I nianag).mrnt. of arctic snow

As their research continues on

...ciente :4,1.1 Edit. ati..ti

� r .11 Tenn. ,..1�11 1111111. voila.’ hit, of pi-tir ti. ritixx. being

fl I, ,.,� E11"1/141,t I11.2� ert;i14..s the studia a to

vithont inlet; tutting the la ole,-.)1 �. .1. .a Ii.41111.0

1,,.� r.�1 11 Is known. faces the lecturer

� i�i 11,0 1111tlerSt:111(111111 his rita-

I .IiiiI,, I .. tinint the prot.�,5..1

� .� .’I� of the gadget is that it allow, the 0,1.1.1.. 1.1

�.a., a it la, it pct when t

’it, .-u I

Is, 1-.11I .1 ’ iii t . i0 1111/ .11111,11.1�, ithwit a stiabitt 11-i11

I -I

Arctic Region Peccan Just A Pig-- Knowledge Is

Found in lolua Life Saver . � ..- Daily. Cal, Be’t I I From the UCLA Daily.. WWII, i

The discoliery last weekend John C. Coray, former UCLA

.Apr 11-12i of the fossil of a pre- student, is recuperating in the

historic peccary an animal re-, Anchorage. Alaska hospital aftei

sembling a 1014 Pro,.ides a -good the amputation of six frozen tth

record for northern California. In a letter to his parents,.

since It LS the first specimen found Sir, and. Mrs. Julian B. Coray.

in this part ot the county\ ." ac- young if °ray- said that he left

col din,’ to Donald F. sflv age. as -the small village of Perdu Bay

sistant prott�ssor of paleontologx. with a dogsle.d and fit.. huskies

The pelrellr, a two-tusked spe-

eimen weighin about to take mail to a pick-up point.

g 130 .

pounds. ttas tound�on the hanks Ns he er0s,..d

th. sled broke through th.. 01 I artina cruel. near .trbuckle. ’

and he fell into the water. olusii county. sii%age %%as tin -

With the help of the do_ derided at first whether it uas

ray said, he pulled hirns��li �. a platy:n-11as or prosthennops

paccar) pointstoonto the ic.� and was makingi

: idence 0011 poi

the former, way across the lake when a i,li. -

zard struck and the temperatui Although i.0 skull was found

Ti,. 1.., .,�ood specimens of vet.. dropped to 30 below

tebra�� and too bones, the paleon- CuraY’ who rree"ed ter’. decree on campus. and

tologist said. The remains have teaches 16 Kenai Indians at the

hectt brouJit to the plaeontologi-%Magi- ot Perdo Bay in Alaska.

cal laboratories here and are now stated his knowledge of the Are -

being worked on. Savage expects tic region brought about his

the restoration to be completed


The animal was found lying Ii.’ dug a deep hole in the snow,

. pulled the htkskies on top of him,

in a niche 10 leet befow the top / and managed to keep warm until

of the creek bed and proteably

died by becoming stuck in the the blizzard subsided.

mud of a waterhole, Erosion

had made the bones so fragile ’

that plaster of parts and burlap

wrappings were used to aYoid


Peccaries are believed to have

lived in the upper Pliocene or

walking into such a fog disappears �arty Pl.�istix�ene geological eras.

alba. hi. has gone only a few feet.’ -es di’y wer.� fearful beasts becatis,

’IA 11 11.10 rticn are walking fo-

,..iher, ono� may disappear from

the view of the other. Under stir 11 contliti..n, it xu orrld iii possibly

lor It.. Mcliaills Disturbed minii.n. alk

I I rium I. beamed at ...a-101’1y ���� 1,1 -’,111 11 ,/11

1’ .! thin tanks TI..- slot N


1.111 1,1111 /111.-. 11 1/1 11..

-1 t� 111 .% 11,11 .; .111,1 /111//�1 111 1

1/v 1.� I1 /1 11 1111,

1 /1.l 11r. 4. sr.111.� in 11.- 1011101 cat, grrrr. ’owl!

.1 .1" t..k. .1 111..�-. �14 ork t 11r 114.1.1 s -

if� 141.11 .1.11� 1- CI III,. I �10, .rIt. 1:01 till’ lit

, .1... I. an � .1/ ho. 1, 11111.11 Is i-nut tin

411.’ I I .,. I III. 11 110

,1I, 11,i t -I ii...111 1.1

. 11,1 l.111111 ’ 1" 11

1,111 Ink I t’’i,’t’’ /..� .1111 �11

1".1 all II. aH Ibt’11 57..Ikii n

I. 1)41� 1’ Ilk

X 1, I. - I �

\40 \low ravs aided

Iowan eclat.. 1, , it, li,mtis Ill inn 1’.111". 1�/1’ � �’’

.r I �111111.� 1,1�1111 �111111111 ;Ifni itt. k .1 ph,

’ I. I � , II.,

�� .1 I �

heat propeities of the material,

the r,-search ti-am ulll des clump

a plan to steed) another arctic

�s al phase -- that of the

"white out. -

..hit.� out.- an ;I:ctic It0100, IS du -scribed as

tiozen tog or a cloud of ice crys-

tals suspended in the air. A man


Ikit515 5ssIt� 511. f

I t� . 11111110 ilt 1.: ttil� t.i1111t11

cant.. Atatioti NW-

, � ’11 1111/1/.

1.� Snot,

1 .11.Ch

S 11/41

1vN (re’) %lid Red !"111)111.1%

I . � � t,

� i -.t.. .11

111 1111.1 tl

I r.?! and a

t. ,chute dickering



to pep tip

FINE USED CARS Special of the Week

46 CHEVY CLUB COUPE New paint - good COrld;tiOCI

easy terms . . $795

TED HAYS Used Cars :01 SOUTH FIRST CYpress 7-2010

Vie Ca4tIe 9,111 Don’t Eat Ilr

Out t 7-COURSE


Eat elf- SAT - SUN. at _.....�-ao�-�

21 5 2

S. Is? or

of their xicious teeth.

The imbsontology department

has a regular program estab-

lished to check reports of fos-

sils found within this area. Nu-

inerous field trips also art� inade throughout the United states.

1�ag,�’� special job is keeping

t .hr on specimens found all over

the country it might be called

"paloontoligical surxey," he said

St(ible .tite(rk. Table Steak. etc.

..1 � Srail.� a Spade Diners � � / I r, Isity of 1Vashington’s

� ,i-nt ,,; �,ii. the Ilub. surprised

’..1.�ria workers recently by

gtiflaws at the menu listed

ii the wall of their cafeteria re-


"Finally got around to serving

hors.. meat, did you:- one stu-

dent finally observed to a be-

fuddled Xi ork..r.

Th.. �Aas solx..d when

the worker walked in front of the

counter to discover an extra

in front of the "table steak."

)’’ ),



104.11 and Keyes !,.,t to Geors, Mn?

A Complete Market of


Bananas 7 Lb.

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Oranges 59e Fresh, Local Basket

Strawberries 25e SPECIAL PRICES FOR



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11).r, that.. t)e) ton awl %tour pur-e . .

comitirlatile. carefree traxri lo an% phi.. in America

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hi Inv-, or am alirre: choose Ili.’ horst u as,

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Ii).11,rn I sip 20,, t

1 1,�iirr .10

Ningi-le� 7,81

7...An trail, es." I 20

� liarfiara 1.40

� Lakr I it, IR I;

. . on Bonnet Shp] II Lets Pls... 1,1 I

.4vs *Ix � 00outttl

Si I lir� %genii

����� �1.111,1�1 su . ii..,’

Ir.- � Ilr.1

Nil int)



slat WII 5 C:

� JO) �

’he I

’ � Pa



rrOSI �i�se

Ii Williams, in comment-his team’. shou i ii i; (AKA oppiedlion. sild

!hat he naMharpy %%MI t heir 1..rmd...e. and is hoping they

s the rest of the .0

against Stanford. : ’ � moon’s contest.

� � - al rest a full vv�-ek eante activity and will wia-k

.tine practice. �� Saturday. State will phij

san Francisco State in a �der at Municipal stad-three hurlers. Oldhani.

and Ron Kauffman %sill see mound duty.

iollowing Tuesday the Spar-s �will play California at Be.’ -

in hope of repeating their � i-i victory over the potent

! ars. Cal is currently in second. in the CIBA standings.

Aalliams has scheduled an extra � which will be played at 8

� May 9, at Municipal stad-��ire Th.- Spartans will meet the ’

’ �-� Z. bras, an all -Japanese ss:onal team.

.\ !litters in intramural meet at Cal Poly this year.

it e

St!fib(111 Play � n o-h i t. no-run hurling

� ments highlighted Wednes-- Intramural softball action.

;lick Zimmerman racked up his iiird consecutive no-hit perform -nee as Theta Chi dumped Sigma

He faced just 16 men, on.’ the minimum 15. Intramural

only five innings. � � cond charmed game was

Ir. Curtis Ross when Sig-’�;t1 trounced Theta Xi 18-0.

� is his first no-hitter of the

Action will resume Tuesday �!!

tie contests slated for

!Ain field.

Boehner Opposes Trackmen Meet tiustangs Today

�N 11%111 -<--w Fresno Saturday

By RON WAGENBACH Coach Walt Williams takes his Spartan baseball squad to Cal

, this afternoon to battle the Mustangs for the final time this year. Doug Boehner is the hurler selected to start for the locals. Williams has indicated that Johnny Oldham will hold down the

- field position for this contest, replacing Boehner. Boehner made - start in the outer pas-’ �res in the Stanford game. and

.1 his showing will be a perma- Students Phu’s-. nt fixture between pitching a,- �-�

ainents. Visconti definitely will aid’ r acuity for

outfield situation when he i �

Friday. Apt d 2-1. 1953

Football Leaders End Ralph Daehlrr leads the

line in IIIMntb�id blocking IVIIIIII4

st ith 113. Ile. is mil) the ahead of Tackle Jon Peterson...110 has taken a tremendous jump this

Jim Hague leads the cen-ters and T 1.4.11111.�111:11�k hails 11 lie gisa I.aro Matt h.�us holds a slight lea4 ..%er %rt Iler-

Is into shape, and he should riande, tbrantield blocking � �!en the batting line-up also. 0 t )a II., fg.4.. 11..1%11 %%int

III.411 IM

rhe San .!..-. ,tat. � � ..,i1 be out ti, ,! 4:

over Fresno State wli.,n the locals meet the Bulldogs heir

.Saturdav afternoon at 130 o’clock on th.� Spa; tan track

The !Fresno team, hi. h ha.. not Itcatrii thy %%interline’, since 1010 nh.�11 the% eint�eeireet thy

NWAI 1:1114 1’’. 67-61 I ..lint, t011 he in the fat wiles’ red, ,,

Malkin"; nach lint Ilan..

P"i111*. harkikid tre�Qt111.111 41andouts. hi % e Anderson, who who took over The ’Faculty

Pierce is the third matt in strength in the sprints. Faculty All -Stars hav.� . -0 when Visconti was in- points aiming back�

accepted th g � I has improved tremendously � -

Student All -Stars" and the two covering the initial sack. His clubs will meet tomorrow after-

held him back somewhat.. noon on the Spartan field diamond aams has been working on

at l’1:30 o’clock, according to Man -’lie hope that he will be, azer Tom Hall.

nest season. lie is n"; Hurling for the faculty 1.�: .� a utility infielder role.: will be Paul Ecker of the L; a_ � Brady playing first base !nomics department. }Its bat t�

..1 most of last season. ! mate is listed as Bill Perry ot � I’ F. department. The . trdent battery will consist

bill Mt-ndosa and Berry B1’OVN

Sparking the talented fac�� � . squad are Charley Walker Bio Perry. Gene Menges, Dr. Edward Shaw, Paul Ecker, Bryan Ballen-

, izer, J. Burger. Ken Homey, Edgar Hoonie, Dr. Glenn Reed and Dr. Robert Patterson.

Included on the student roster aro "Jarrin7 Jon Peterson, Lar-

y Matthews, Lee Sweeney, Saul F-trada, Bruce Halliday Warn�-r, %slier. Tom Hall. 1 :\!enda � ,ial Berry Brown.

Nprinter Don Threllall ’.s is

Cal)taiti Electe(1 elected this year’s captain 01 t he f rosh s’ati t ram ed-nesday in what t each harlie Walker called -a �ery gond choice." Threlfall began partici-pating in distance races as . II

LID 15111., le par a as sprints VI’hen Num Kong talented ills. Ihrourr, I’Dng "as lost to the squad. He :teflon tomorrou atterii.u.ii p1111. ell h in the 1500 meters, � uhen the locals meet the %hit -third in the ’ZVI and second in j Mg resno stat.� Bulldogs Itere the 100 tal, freest Ii’ in the state 1 spartan tirld at I:341 o’clock

Bill uon this i’s cat against ..1 � 1.�g..� of Pacific last ...�els and

Hunt Leads Judo Squad In PAAAU Tournament

Thirty-two Spartan judo;sts base bten earaed by Coach Yoh

Uchida to represent State in the Senor Pacific Association of Ama-teur Athletics Union judo tournament scheduled for Sunday at Berke .ey.

The Spartans tool, a second place in the tourney last year, losing to the San Jose Buddhist ehiireh � - - --

Lyle Hunt, captain et the St.’.- V

� lc I ll /1 squad, will be e prepared to del. id Milr!". i 4’41

the "Outstanding Judoist lit awarded awarded him in the met-, last Mrreell TI/111111111S1

year. According to Coach l’�-1��!:. Hunt will he up against some \ ��� strum" mmpetition.

rosh Beaten The other top judoists uill h. ready to garner some

fl’ S(fI.11ateo l’ete Gonad and John squib, -do. (ours ad and Sepulaeda %%ere

s Spartan Frosh named must �nulable and l�all team succumbed to San

junior college yesterday af-�in. 5-4, on the winner’s horn.’ �-d Viker started the game on

Iaird for the locals, hut was -ed by Gary Hodder in the

� The Spartahabes garnered �"its and committed one error

� ick Hewitt hit a homerun in :Mb frame for State.

Mateo gained its victory 11-hif

Fenn’s, Golf on late for Frosh

esh t.nnis plaj; - and . will see action todij as �

cmsstown opponents her.’ in :1 Jose. The tennis team will play ho’-’ "-.0 Santa Clara frosh at Back -

Park at 1 o’clock this aftir-

’oaeh Walt McPherson’s talent-! -40Ifers will meet the Santa Cla-

’�-osh on the La Rinconadis gob se at 1 p.m.

�aluahle pidnts for Sparta an.

Most buffo% ett judoist t ively for this season at the auards banquet ghen last %%eel:. Judoists competing in It;. tour-

nament for Stat.. are Hunt. Go--

’.ad, Saliulv C eda, � � .- Bell V. � Dahl. Harp !Tidier I.� F-;re Merorkle, Bill T Ilernatuiet, Buck i Renner, Charles Roj, Chuck . lor. Mike Irving. Ken Giles C� Brett and Sid Manning

Oth.r ti ipating in the r � � includ� � 17 ibbard, John 1

tan god squad �t ill t I to t ik.� Merced golf course tome v afternoon to meet the Lo--,�ecl club in a match at 1 �

� � k. The Spartans then will � a..� until It,, ���

v. � rt they nteet Stanfor � � c-tt. Bruce Morton. Don i A I Carrion, Paul Kat sos \ 1". an ’

Larry "ran .!� � n, John Mal, 1


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11111111,4, Itt \ 31111.

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A Diamond Fair �

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.�141 ..f II II II 111 111.4

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A.:. I ’ fit): n. McMuiten ,st.’Cit’ at (’441.10 Pacituc he to Vk III Ilt‘ mule 01 in meet I � o�, ton. Il!s time ; 3 is 0’. ’a three seconds ta.�

� � tia- record ot 4 261 s. . .11 m 1952

v. I . �; 11 urnit I. Twit.t I � � in the 220, the I.. � :ccord of 2141 rig�, �.� hasp clot-kt I

s� 21 1 time %Vith 1,_ain2, ���1 1 ,.� .. Itt iseiil I baltImg llitit

1 15o%%,11. th.� qua’ tr, wcurd of 4,42 by itiv-ar also is to 1-s�

� . I Stanley. �tith a 1 54 ii t


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spARTAN DAIIN Friday. April 24. 19.3

I 1 Building (;et s ’New Face’ Painters ield Brushes

1..111114 1, %%111 141- 101,, 01111

bro.’s. � thi� l I I. 11111 11i. it.t�

.� �114 11�11 10 Ito 11111,11411 01111

10 1114 ri. % t "111111.! 11.1ilol� I.

1 I. ,, 44 10111111104

.. � . I* 41 11 I ho � eill.�

.e..1 � ....1 ,,,,, novo %sttli Ito.� I. 5 .1� e I 100 tit % 111114 In 11 011

,schmidt Gires flub Lecture


11 iv 1.� 11111 Itnelit 1..,ii...�ss

II, ars.. -Aid I , ��1.

Iii.1.11 � And I, 1,114111% 41

1.1�i,.1 Ii.- 0.11.,1 11111

1,4 14 41 I/14. /00 141111...111, .440�4.

rail 5la or, g., 1111- Jr. 11 �1.1,

�s s 101 lire

rlIt2,1/1, 111

"1*, et, ar. till


SF Companies Offer Ll’ork To Grodtgates

p.irtio, in Eraricim�ii account mg

..ttire of Arthur Anderson will he in the

.eement office toda to inter-Jot.. applicants. 1)1 Vet non

...11ette, olficer. said

vosit :lie open to the ’,an I 1 1111 1,1�11 01/11.44 ot the lintel and

a 1 mans nit their 114 branch - e� !broils:I I tt11 v I rs � ’Flee ...topatas is ate intern:idiot...I him .,1 4.011111.1111, :11141 .111111111I�

Ii PSI Iiiit 444�1- III t114. :11.4�415

111.111111..Z. IA% ,,,,, OWL.. ;11111 411411111.11" Ills e Of.

1110 11. It, .�%1111 , �II.

in an intet n-, shit. v. he lit in during ,Ieft � wiry.. nolo.. III 11 1,r te

ter also will II,mi ;.;dicants for thi�se jobs

an adequate acadeni-m the held of ac

� I said, pr1111’11411 of

I 111011 elentene 111 liii ItlISS 11/1)111.;1!’

leP tit t I,. pt. ,t tti ttt

I 1.� Ill ...ail Irrao ...odic! inters

AS . ebee s leer oleo .11111

0/10�41 ..1 0411.11111; .4.11101, 1111,1

410 if 111.-11 11.1111114,111:.;

lllll It_ 1.1 0.41 41,4 %I, 10,

.I 11 0011.411_ 1.�1,111. ,11111111.1. 11 .11.01 .,11.111/ 1111111,1 /1.11 In -

!01.1 1. I th 41 11. 141, %%III

.014 41 II. I010�!I. 110- �.4111.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT To �.: - - -- Churches - lodges - Parties. etc., on orders al S (lures or MOre.


soi Alread�re Asie. CY 4 68119

Special Price

Discount to




Oriocci fiance Scheduled in Student Union

I Kill, LI:lItt’t ,s ill � . ?ht. Spartan OH-

. toe Student ("mon 9 p m to I ant.

.1Ehe itime has been named ’shindig," and o ill lea -

hare s ri llll .-ntertainment skits during the intermission. mi t he entertainment program .

.11ft "SIX Sexy Stompers,- and .lohn and Marsha- by Nora Sato

.itid George "T ant a I’ a c k .IA9:I t," and "Piano Solo- by Ms-lori Murakarni; "Trolley Song ’

I,> Jeanne Wakatsuki and Richard Rivas, -Hula- by Bev Brede: and Dane.. Routine" by Jessie Mat-

s,inioto, June Mi s on o and Eon Kato.

Dresr for the occasion is , "dogpotch� or cottons.

Bids may be obtained front Ori-ocei members. They are priced at $1.25 for non-club members and, $1 for members.

General chairman for the affair , is Miss !Matsumoto. Assisting her are Kato and David Umemoto. I

Committees for the donee are: ’ Jane Itawatoe, bids: George , Lea% bleat � ; Esther Nakatani. Nancy ’Sato :and Paiii Kokomo -to. retreshments; Miss Alison.) and lb rut program; and Itet I, Tooke. Bernie,- Ota,

Nlaeila and .A" .e !Soda. devoration..

Assist It. 11110. I )1a. chairman t h, taildiett N committee. are

Fujimoto, Ted Ashizawa. NI suki and Alice Hishari.

Ribliophile Sale The Bibliophiles, lihrarianrhip

s alit hold their annual ig. ante .t I 145 S.. Market rt reef. %lardsii Ilink-In.% is chairman of the sale, tie -

no riling to Jeannette Vander Pl....g, chill member.

The proceeds Er thee rale st ill go toss :aril a Bibliophile project . 141.1 s ear hes made ...ratite...ehoo tor t he petal .

Lambda Chi Alpha Sponsoring l’oetrv Contest

A poetry contest for treshmiii

.oidents i .being sponsored 1)!, Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity this quarter, accordiro; to Mrs. Bobbie �,1aldedtianri.;t . on, English department

There are no regulations con-e..ining form or length. The poems

will be judged by the head of the

English department and two other professors to he s. I. eted by hum she said - - --

Nature Enthusiast Gives Scholarships

The West Coast Nature school announced that Mr C. M. Goetio ot the Sacramento National bank, has provided the school with three tuition scholarships for the sum-mer sessions.

Dr. Carl D. Duncan, head of the Natural Science department, said that Mr. Goethe has been an enthusiastic supporter of the West Coast school and other organiza-tions promoting conservation and interest in the out-of-doors.

Science majors who are inter-ested in applying for one of the -..holarships are asked to contact Mrs. Donnan in Room 5100 It ,ipplication blanks. tr�,� ill if 1

for Freshmen Mrs. Waddington reported that

the deadline for entries is Thurs-day, May 21. They should he

’ turned in to the English depatt-ment in Room 1126.

Rules tor the contest are: 1.

The student’s name mast not ap-pear on the same sheet the poem is on. 2. There must be a cover sheet for each poem with the stu.-dent’s name and title of the poem �iritti�n on i�aelt sheet





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