the role of drama exhibition towards students - core

THE ROLE OF DRAMA EXHIBITION TOWARDS STUDENTS‟ UNDERSTANDING IN ANALYZING ELEMENTS OF DRAMA A THESIS Submitted to the Adab and Humanity Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora SITI HAJRAH NIM.40300112012 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITY FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2016

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Submitted to the Adab and Humanity Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic

University Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Sarjana Humaniora










Alhamdulliahi rabbil‟ alamin, the writer would like to express her

confession and gratitude to the Most Perfect, Allah subhana wata’la for the guidance,

blessing and mercy in completing her thesis. Sholawat and salam are always to the

great prophet Muhammad SWT, his family and followers till the end of the time.

There were some problems faced by the writer in accomplishing this

research. Those problems could not be solved without any helps, motivations and

guidance from any people. It‟s a kind of honor to express my thanks to Dr. H.

Barsihannor M.Ag as the writer‟s first supervisor all at once as Dean of Adab and

Humanity Faculty. Also to Syahruni Junaid S.Pd, M.Pd. as her second supervisor

who has made so much time, gave correction and advice her during completing this

thesis, and secretaries of English and Literature Department. Her thanks is also

addressed to her examiner, Dr. Hj. Nuri Emmiyanti, M,Pd and Nasrum Marjuni S.Pd

M.Pd for their advices, suggestion in proposal seminar to make this thesis better.

The writer‟s gratitude also goes to the Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty,

Dr, H. Bartsihannor M.Ag, all the lecturers of English and Literature Department and

the administrative staffs of Adab and Humanity Faculty who have given numbers of

helps, guidance and very useful knowledge during the years of the study


Special thanks are always addressed to the writer‟s beloved father, H.

Jamaluddin, and her beloved mother Salafiah, for all their prayers, supports and

eternal affection as the biggest influence in her success and happy life.

Thanks to the 6th

semester students of English and Literature Department

for the kindness and warmth in becoming subject of this research, especially for

Isnaniah, Rahmad and Titin who have helped the writer during her research until data

collection process, so as my best friend Nurul Mutmainnah S. Hum for giving the

support and helps. Her great thanks to all of friends and people who have helped the

writer in accomplishing this thesis.

Makassar, August 2016

The writer



COVER ........................................................................................................... i

PERNYATAAN SURAT KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ........................................ ii

PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ................................................................ iii

APROPVAL SHEET. .................................................................................... iv

PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI. ............................................................................ v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. .......................................................................... vi

LIST OF CONTETNS ................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT. ................................................................................................... x


A. Background .......................................................................................... 1

B. Research Questions .............................................................................. 4

C. Objective of the Research .................................................................... 4

D. Significance of the Research ................................................................ 4

E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 4


A. Previous Related Findings ................................................................... 5

B. Some patients idea................................................................................ 7

1. The concept of the drama ............................................................... 7

2. Element of drama ......................................................................... 9

C. Role ...................................................................................................... 18

D. Interpretation analyzing drama ............................................................ 21


A. Method of the Research ........................................................................ 23


B. Data source ............................................................................................ 23

C. Procedure of Collecting Data ................................................................ 24

D. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................................... 25


A. Findings ................................................................................................. 27

B. Discussions ............................................................................................ 29


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 48

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 48

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 49



Name : Siti Hajrah

Reg. Number : 40300112012

Major : English and Literature Department

Faculty : Adab and Humanity Faculty

Title : The Role of Drama Exhibition toward Students’ Understanding

in Analyzing Element of Drama (A Study Case Students of

English and Literature Department

Supervisor I : H. Barsihannor

Supervisor II : Syahruni Junaid

The thesis is about the Role of Drama Exhibition Toward Students‟

Understanding in Analyzing Elements of Drama. The aim of this research is to find

out drama exhibition toward students understanding in analyzing the elements of

drama. Moreover, to analyze the data the writer used quantitative method. The

objective of the research is to know how the role of drama exhibition toward students

understanding in analyzing elements of drama. The instruments were written task and

interview. In the research the writer used quantitative research. There are same

elements of drama plot, character, theme, dialogue, stage and genre. The findings of

this research showed drama exhibition has the important role toward students

understanding in analyzing the elements of drama, It was proved by the mean score

73,96% it is showed the student category understand in analyzing the element of

drama. Therefore, to support the classification the writer used the percentage score

from the student. And the student got the high score there are plot 76%, 86%

character, 28% theme, 18 % dialogue, 52% stage and 10% genre. From the

explanation above, the writer conclude that drama exhibition had the role of drama

exhibition toward students understanding in analyzing the element of drama. The

implementation of the research that, the student could know the role of drama

exhibition toward students understanding in analyzing the element of drama, so as the

lecturer to should help the students how to analyze the elements of drama.

Key word: drama, plot, character, theme, dialogue, stage, and genre.




A. Background

Literature is expression of the authors‟ idea in analyzing several institution of

society and invokes the reader‟s imagination understanding. The literary works well

marked two items, the first is spoken literature and written literature.

Iwuchukwu (2008: 3) said that literature is an imaginative art which expresses

thoughts and feelings of the artist on events around him. In most cases, it deals with

life experiences. The author/artist uses words in a powerful, effective and captivating

manner to paint his picture of human experience. Literature is a form of recreation.

The three genres of literature are fiction, drama and poetry. We have seen that drama

is a genre of literature however that the literature which entertains us best does not

keep us for long in the other-world of fantasy or unreality. The greatest pleasure and

satisfaction to be found in literature occurs where (as it so often does) it brings us

back to the realities of human situations, problems, feelings and relationships.

The others definition of drama stated by Reaske in Nugroho (2009:11) is a

work of literature or a composition which delineates life and human activity by mean

of presenting various actions of – and dialogues between – a group of characters.

Drama is furthermore designed for theatrical presentation; that is, although we speak

of a drama as a literary work or a composition, we must never forget that drama is


designed to be acted on the stage. Even when we read a play we have to real grasp

what the play is like unless we at least attempt to imagine how actors on a stage

would present the material.

As we know that drama is the expression from the character that giving the

information to audience about the real story when they are active on the stage,

generally, drama can makes the audience feel the experience through the story.

Considering the function of drama above, the student of English and literature

department in Adab and Humanities faculty assigned to arrange are drama exhibition

even year. According to the Shockri (2013:133) a drama exhibition should include

several techniques uniquely decided by each team in providing outstanding stage


Syahruni, the advisor of drama exhibition of English and literature

department, stated that drama exhibition is the strategy to apply the theory by

learning process. It is also supported by, Marjuni,( literature lecturer, share the same

opinion about drama exhibition. He argued that it is a media for student‟s to increase

what they are getting in the class room and to practice the knowledge they have.

Drama exhibition in English and literature department was held in 2009 by the

students of English and literature department academic year 2008.


Drama exhibition includes drama performance, poetry, and film. Before performing

the drama the students have to analyze elements the drama including plot, setting,

staging, character, theme, dialogue and genre. The students in determining the

characters, for example, have to know who is suitable with the character in the real

drama that they want to performed. They are also demanded to know what kind of

property that they have to use to support the stage, including lighting and costume,

the way they move from one scene to another scene also needs a deep concern so that

the plot will flow chronically.

The case above makes the writer interested in conducting the research under

the title “The Role of Drama Exhibition towards Students‟ understanding in

Analyzing Elements of Drama.”

In this research, the writer focused on how the students understand about

elements of drama with the programs of drama exhibition. The subject of the research

is English and literature department student especially, in the 6th

semester academic

year 2013. The writer chose 2013 as the subject because it is the latest and the biggest

performance all the periods because they are more creative in many others aspect,

there are many audience who come in that exhibition. The subject of the research is

all of the group performance as the population and the sample is some of them.


B. Problem Statement

From the background above, the writer formulates the problem statement

that is “How is the role of Drama Exhibition towards students‟ understanding in

analyzing elements of drama in English and literature department?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statement above, the objective of research is to know

the role of drama exhibition towards students‟ understanding in analyzing element of

drama in English and Literature Department

D. The Significant of the Study

Writer hopes the result of this research can be useful for the readers, who want

to know about the role of drama exhibition towards students understanding in

analyzing elements of drama in English and literature department in Adab and

Humanities faculty of state Islamic university of Alauddin Makassar.

E. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the research is the role of drama exhibition towards students‟

understanding in analysis the element drama of English and literature department.

Especially, how the students analyze the elements of drama.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

There have been researches that were conducted by the previous researchers,

they are:

Arifin (2013) Keefektifan Media Video Pementasan Drama dalam

Pembelajaran Bermain Peran Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA I PURBALINGA. This

research used experiment includes pretest-posttest control group design. This research

used qualitative method. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness

media drama exhibition video in the learning process by using role play in the

students of XI SMAN 1 PURBALINGA. And then, in this research also, role play

ability between the students group that use media drama exhibition and didn‟t use

drama exhibition video. This research relevant with my research related to the

purpose to know the effectiveness using drama exhibition, but this research used

media drama exhibition video in the learning role play whereas in my research the

writer will talk about the effectiveness drama exhibition in improving student‟s

ability in analyzing elements of drama. My research will focus on how the student

can analyze the elements of drama.

Fathiah (2014) Effectifitas Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Dalam

Pembelajaran Menyimak Drama Dikelas VIII AL-Hasra Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014.


The research method that is used is the descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this

research was to describe the effectiveness of using the audio-visual media in the

learning to listen the drama at the straight grade student of SMP Al-Hasra and explain

that component that support the effectiveness of the using the audio-visual media in

the learning to listen the drama. Descriptive method is chosen because it is considered

as a method that is able to explore an issue in depth. It is not only answer the question

with the number, but also explain and detail about the phenomena that occur. Start

fro, the identification of the symptoms of exposure to the solution. Based on the

result, it can be concluded that the use of audio-visual media in learning to listen the

drama at eighth grade student of SMP AL- Hasra is very effective: both the attract the

attention of learning and help them to understanding the learning material.

Wagimin (2010) “Peningkatan Kemampuan Bermain Drama dengan

Pembelajaran Koorperatif Tehnik Jigsaw pada Peserta Didik Kelas V Madrasah

Ibtidaiyah Al-Karimiyah Jakarta”. This research used the qualitative method with

classroom action research (PTK). Result of the research is found that use jigsaw

technique can influence in developing student‟s ability in role play.

All of the previous findings are relevant because in those three researches

the object is about drama. But, the different with my research is using theory will

want to used in the research. All of the research will give the treatment for getting the

data but in my research, the writer just giving the question for getting the data without

doing treatment.


B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. The Concept of Drama

Way in Shocry (2013:133) drama concerns the experience by the participant

regardless of any functions communication to the audience. The value of drama is

often credited to the fact that it allows a learner centered approach where students can

operate through active contribution. This improves the learners‟ self-esteem. Thus

drama is seen as an alternative teaching tool to help students acquiring the necessary

knowledge especially the ability to communicate fluently in the target language.

Corsini in D. Morstad (2003: 29) Drama is a creative and expressive art. As

humans, we tend to find ways to help ourselves through our inherent struggles. We

often do this through aesthetic production such as art and drawing, music, storytelling

and poetry, and dance/movement. And related with according Reaske in Nugroho

(2009:25) ”A drama as a work of literature or a composition which delineates life

and human activity by mean of presenting various actions of – and dialogues between

– a group of characters. Drama is furthermore designed for theatrical presentation;

that is, although we speak of a drama as a literary work or a composition, we must

never forget that drama is designed to be acted on the stage. Even when we read a

play we have to real grasp of what the play is like unless we at least attempt to

imagine how actors on a stage would present the material”.


Iwuchukwu (2008: 4) Drama is different from other genres of literature. It has

unique characteristics that have come about in response to its peculiar nature. Really,

it is difficult to separate drama from performance because during the stage

performance of a play, drama brings life experiences realistically to the audience.

And related by Majasi (1998: 4) stated that ,” drama is like the window of the world in

the which the human life can be studied. In the other words , we will see and know

much about the world living in dealing with drama a form of literary work. In the

other word, a drama can be definition as a kind of adaptation and reflection of reality

on a stage. And then according to Davied (1990:97) drama also has definition is

Drama in the English language classroom is ultimately indispensable because it gives

learners the chance to use their own personalities. It draws upon students' natural

abilities to imitate and express themselves, and if well-handled should arouse interest

and imagination.

From the explanation the writer concludes drama is performance art on the

stage that have meaning and express the human live. And the drama always talk about

the historical but not historical. Generally drama always makes the audience feel

cause real story at the time. The purpose of the drama is giving message by orally

spoken. And then the audience have an understanding of what they got when they are

observe in the performance. Drama very different with another literary work like

prose, poetry and any other. Reader will be read the literary work for getting the

message, and the next is about the poem, as we know that poem is the literary works


have many in the other sentence. If we want to know about message of the poem you

mush analyzing all of element of the poetry.

2. Elements of drama

There are many elements of drama such as: plot, characters, theme, dialogue,

and stage.

1. Plot

Plot is main story of drama, plot always talks about what happen in the story

expressed had accident that happen in drama and similar in the explanation of the plot

by (kenney in Nugroho 2009) “plot reveals events to us, not only in their temporal,

but also in their causal relationships. Plot makes us aware of events not merely as

elements in a temporal series but also as an intricate pattern of cause and effects.

Robert station in Nugroho(2009) have assumed plot have basic element that

begun of the plot such as “conflict” and “climax” trained situation, surprised , and the

logic, mush be include of the story that have conflict and climax that have audience

feel for following the story and the audience will compared the experience of memory

with what they are looking. Plot is the organization of a series of action or events

usually moving through conflicts to a climax and resolution. The arrangement often

implies causality and achieves certain effects. Relate according to William (1964: 3)

plot is not simply action: plot refers to the arrangement of the events in the story to

what the author tells first, second, third, act. The plot is plan the design of the story to

prepare the reader for the conclusion is a logical believable result of preceding

events. Plot in simple terms is the arrangement of a story in such a way that there will


be a sequential, logical and chronological order. The plot should be arranged in such

a way that the action starts from the beginning rises to a climax and falls to a

resolution. It is arranged in this

form – exposition, discovery, point of attack, complication, crisis, climax,

denouement or resolution.

Shirley in Iwuchukwu (2008: 23), compile the following definition of plot

from different scholars which I will believe give you a broader view of plot;

a). The plot as the organization of action was traditionally conceived as a sequence

of important moments arranged chronologically, with an introduction, series of

complications intensifying the conflict, a climax clinching the fate of the central

characters, a resolution and a denouement that concludes and summarizes the


b). Plot does not concentrate on an individual hero or his fate or her fate. Instead, it

is open structure permits the inclusion of other important but minor characters.

c). Plot is organization of a series of action or events usually moving through

conflicts to a climax and resolution. The arrangement often implies causality and

achieves certain effects.

According to Syahruni (2012: 111) events, conflict, and climax are the three

essential elements in the developing plot. They really determine the existence of a

plot, they also determine the quality of the story.


1. Event or actions

Action is the process of doing something or the performance itself. Yesufu in

Syahruni (2012: 112) and the event or actions are the change from one point to

another Luxemburg in Syahruni, the events or actions in a play should relate to one

another causally.

2. Conflict

Lavandier in Syahruni (2012: 115) conflict does not have to be quarrels or

arguments. More often it is much more calms situation. It could be inability to help

double loyalty or a dying man enjoying live. He point out that the audience should

actually knows more about the situation that the characters in the story do.

3. Climax

According to the Nur‟aini (2009:7) climax or turning is marks a change for

the better or the worse in the protagonist‟s affair.

Antagonists have finished and protagonist feels begun happiness. Related to

the Syahruni (2012 : 119) climax is the turning point of the story where the main

characters makes a big decisions then will define the outcome of their story. Usually,

in this phase, both the protagonist and the antagonist have a plant to win again one

another directly or indirectly, in the phase, the protagonist make a decision which the

show his/ her moral quality, and ultimately determine one fate.

2. Characters


Character is one of the figure in that doing action in the stage. Characters are

fictitious creations and thus the dramatist and novelist may both be judged with

regard to their ability in the art of characterization (Reaske, 1966:40). While,

Stanton(1965:17) defined a character as the figures in a story and the figures in the

story. Aristotle (Goldfard & Wilson in Syahruni , 2012) defines the character in

drama as the people represented in the play. He believed the characters qualities

should be revealed a few telling appears in the play, while characterization is the art

of creating characters for a narrative, including the process of conveying information

about them. Each type of the character to the story and helps the audience understand

the storyline. But, because there is no narration or description in a drama, instead, all

the characterization must be presented in through dialogue: the characters speak about

another, speak about themselves, particularly about their central emotions such as

love and hate.

According to Iwuchukwu (2008: 123) Characterization is the playwright‟s

imaginative creation of characters that can effectively dramatize his story. The action

of the play is presented through such characters. He does so by imbuing the

characters with certain recognizable human traits and qualities. These qualities

include physical attributes, moral, psychological and emotional dispositions, their

attitude towards other characters and situations, and so on. At the point of

conceptualization of the idea he wants to present in his play, he thinks of the best way

to present it to make it.


According to Reaske (1996:44) two kinds of the characters there are mayor

character and minor character as the following:

According to faction, character can be dividing into two type, the first is the

major character. It is a character performing the main story, so it commonly becomes

the focus on the theme. Mayor characters consist of protagonist and antagonist.

The second one is minor character. It is a character supporting the major

character. So its presence became so important. It should be remembered that the

determination of the mayor and minor character are based on the frequency of the

presence but the intensity of the involvement in the hole plot.

Antagonist DiYanin in syahruni (2012).

a). Protagonist / hero is the main characters in the play. Generally introduced to the

audience very early. Protagonist do not have to be always courage‟s or

intelligent nor should have to be physically attractive or admirable.

b). Protagonist is the characters of the force against with which the protagonist

should an object struggles.

3. Theme.

Theme is symbol of the story because theme is main ideas of the story and

that is the framework in expressed about totality of the story. According to the

Sianghio in Syahruni (2012: 132) the theme refers to central idea of the play. It is the

central topic, subject, and concept of authors it trying to point out, but not to be

confuse with message or moral.


Moral is decided upon before a story is written while a theme is discovered by the

author during the process of creating his/her work.

Syahruni (2012: 133) sometimes suggested in the title loyalty justice or strive; a

theme should be stated in general terms and in a single sentence event at the risk or

oversimplification. Those terms can be grouped as follow:

a. Man as molecule. This kind of the theme is mostly directed to the physical

activated of the spiritual. It emphasized more on the physical motilities that the

spiritual conflict experienced by the characters.

b. Man as protoplasm the kind of he theme emphasize more of the sexualities


c. Man as serious, this kind of the theme consists of any kind of the problems and

conflict happen to the human in relation with another or with the environment.

That emerge as the result of the being members of society.

d. Man as individualism beside as the member of society, as man also is individual

creature who always demand for confession toward his individual right.

e. Man is divine this kind of this theme related to the problems of the human which

creator, such as faith and vision life.

Theme is the gist of one‟s thought of the story. In the theme author make

concept in writing for giving the theme about any other literary work in other to

directed about what do you want to write. Theme is that one of element of the drama

that giving the influence in performance.

4. Dialogue


Dialogue is conversation between one people to another people for give

opinion about any other problems. Dialogue in the drama is the one character doing

conversation in the stage with the partners for giving the explanation in audience.

And related with Iwuchukwu (2008: 41) Dialogue is a verbal communication between

two or more people and it is very important to the dramatist especially in written

plays. The story of drama is presented through the characters as they talk to one

another and relate to one another. Characters are revealed through dialogue. Also

incidents and events are exposed and explicated through dialogue. This explains why

some people find it difficult to read plays because you see the name of a character,

then, what the character says, the name of another character and the response as seen

below: In addition to that, you must read the stage direction for you to understand the

story, the motivation of the characters, the place where the action is taking place and

other information provided about the environment and the personality of the


Syahruni (2012: 135) describes dialogue is could be describe as a verbal

interchange of thought or ideas. The oxford dictionary explain that dialogue involved

two or more people and could be in form of expression, argument, exchange,

converse, and act.

The forms of dialogue listed above can be found in drama depending on the

perspective of the play; the particular section of the play; the dramatic mode or the

message the playwright wants to convey. You may ask how debate or conference


could form part of dialogue in a play. It is possible for the playwright to create a

scene on a conference and as

the conference is going on, there could be question and answer session which involves

dialogue. This applies to other forms of dialogue listed above.

It‟s Quoted in Iwuchukwu (2008: 141), that dialogue in drama is expected to

embody these literary and stylistic values: ·

a. It advances the action in a definite way because it is not used for mere

ornamentation or decoration.

b. It is consistent with the character of the speakers, their social positions and

special interests. It varies in tone and expression according to nationalities.

c. It presents interplay of ideas and personalities among the people conversing; it

sets forth a conversational give and take and not simply a series of remarks of

alternating speakers.

5. Genre

Genre is grouping of the many kind of the genre of the drama, generally

genre well marked such as tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy, and act. According to

Syahruni (2012) in dramatic genre include tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy,

melodrama, drame, mime and act.

6. Staging

a. Greek Classicism


Plays in ancient Greece were staged in amphitheatres, which were marked by

a round stage about three quarters surrounded by the audience. The actors could be

seen from far back, and for this reason, acting included speaking in a loud,

declamatory voice, wearing masks and symbolical costumes and acting with large

gestures. The course had function of commenting on the play as well as giving

warning and advice to characters. The stage scenery was neutral and was

accompanied by the real landscape surrounding the amphitheatre. Plays were

performed in broad daylight which also made it impossible to create an illusion of the

„real life‟ on stage, at least for night scenes.

b. Middle Ages

The drama was staged on wagons, which stopped somewhere in the market

place and were entirely surrounded by the audience. Actors took into account the

everyday experiences of their viewers and there was much more interaction between

audience and actors than nowadays. The lack of clear boundaries between stage and

audience again impeded the creation of realistic illusion, which was also not intended.

c. Renaissance England

The stage was surrounded by the audience on three sides and there was still

closed vicinity between audience and actors. The most common stage form in

Renaissance England was the apron stage which was surrounded by the audience on

three sides. This meant that actors could not possibly ignore viewers, and theatrical

devices such as asides and monologues ad spectators were an integral part of the


communication system. The stage set was reasonably barren while costumes

could be very elaborate.

d. Restoration Period

The performance took place in closed rooms with artificial lighting. The

audience was seated in a fully illuminated room. Because the lightening arrangement,

the division between audience and actors was thus not as clear-cut as today. While

the stage was closed in by a decorative frame and the distance between audience and

actors was thus enlarged, there was still room for interaction by means of a minor

stage jutting out into the auditorium. There was no curtain so that changes of scene

had to take place still did not aim at creating a sense of realism but they presented an

idealized, highly stylized image of scenery, characters, language and subject matter.

e. Modern Times

The stage is shaped in such a way that the audience watches the play as it

would regard a picture. The rap clearly separates actors and audience, and the

curtain, and the curtain underlines this division. The auditorium remains dark, which

also turns the audience into an anonymous mass. The scenery is now often elaborated

and as true-to-life as possible thanks to new technologies and more detailed stage




Role (role) is a dynamic process position (status). If a person is exercising its

rights and obligations in accordance with this position, it is exercised a role. The

difference between the positions of the role is for the sake of science.

Merton in Soekanto (2007: 67) says that the role is defined as a pattern of behavior

expected by society of people who occupy a certain status. Some role is referred to as

the device role (role-set). Thus the role of the device is the completeness of

relationships based on roles that are owned by people as occupying special social

statuses. According to Bour (2003:58) Suggests that the relevance of that role will

depend on the emphasis the role of the assessors and observers (usually supervisors

and principals) to the product or outcome produced. In this case, the strategy and the

organizational structure it also shown to affect the role and perception of the role or

the role perception.

From the definition above the writer conclude role is the contribution will give

in human community and then, the people able opinion about yourself to giving the

comment about anything.

Social role in society can be classified according to a variety of ways

according to the number of viewpoints. Various kinds of the role can be described as

follows (Hendropuspio, in Narwoko, 2007:160).

Based on the implementation of social role can be divided into two, namely:

1. The role of the expected (expected roles): the ideal way in the implementation role

in the judgment of the community. People want role expected to be implemented

carefully the hair-splitting and this role cannot be negotiable and should be


implemented as specified. The role of this type between another role of the judge,

the role of diplomatic protocol.

2. Role adjusted (actual roles), which is how the actual the role it is run. This role is

more flexible implementation, can adapted to the situation and the condition. Role

related may not be appropriate for the situation, but shortages arising can be

considered normal by society.

The two cannot be separated because one depends on the other and vice versa.

According to Levinson in Soekanto (2009: 213) said that the role of three things,

among others:

1. The role includes norms associated with the position or one's place in society.

The role in this sense is a series of rules that guide a person in public life.

2. The role is a concept of what can be done by individuals in the community as

an organization.

3. The role can also be regarded as individual behavior that is important to the

social structure of society.

D. Interpretation and Analysis

Interpretation and analysis are part of the paper that require the most thought

and organization, and consequently the most attention from your readers.

Play analysis is examination of a play (1) identify is component parts, (2)

explain their arrangement, and deduce the meaning that arises from them and their

relation to the whole.


There are six essential element of play analysis:

1. Plot: using the plot analysis outline on the back of this page, analysis the plot.

Characters: using the characters analysis outline, analysis the characters. For

item1. Identify traits, you may substitute the chart of the traits found on the

second page of “boxes” just refer to the chart in your essay.

2. Thought: explain the nature of the world created by the playwright. What forces

operate in this situation? What does it means to be a human being in this world?

What threatens the characters? what solution are available? How are problems

resolved if they are resolved at all? What short of the feelings are aroused by

these characters, these events?

3. Diction (language): describe the play‟s language and any “pleasurable

accessories” associate with it. Prose or poetry? Poetry: rhymed or unrhymed?

Metrical or free? Imitative of daily speech or highly manipulated? prose: rhythm

speech or highly manipulated? Both: dialect and vocabulary of daily live or

elevate / manipulated? Relationship of characters and diction?

4. Music: describe be playwright‟s choices regarding rhythmic, time, and sound.

Include example of rhythmic repetition of sound, words, lines or scenes; hurried

or leisurely speech or movement music or sound effect.

Spectacle: describe important element of the setting and explain how each should

appear to created appropriated mood and atmosphere and assist the communication of

idea, explain weather the setting is necessary or significant to the event or


background. Describe other important element of spectacle so we will first present

some same typical and the conventional interpretation of the play, follow :

These with one or two” far-out” or wild interpretations “climax” with the

interpretation which we favor. Our full analysis thus would be like this:

1. Statement that we will analyze the play in to basic ways

2. Formal analysis:

a). Structure of the play

b). The characters

c). The actions of the characters

d). The rhetorical usage of the characters

Interpretation of the play (now that we are fully acquitted with what happen in

the play, what the characters are like act)

1. Most common interpretation

2. Other conversational interpretation

3. A few more unconventional “ far-out” interpretation

The interpretations which we think are the most accurate. It‟s essential

difference from the conventional interpretation, the relating of this interpretation of

the formal considerations in II.




This chapter contains the research method, population and sample, data

source, instrument of research, procedure of data collection and techniques of data


A. Method of The Research

In this research, the writer used quantitative method. Quantitative approach

rest on positivism philosophy, always use for the population and sample that used

research instrument. Data analyzing like quantitative/statistic that use for counting the

numeral that we are get of the data. (Sugiono, 2010: 14)

B. Data source

The subject of the research is the students of English and literature department

in Adab and Humanity Faculty. The object of the research is the role of drama

exhibition towards students‟ understanding in analyzing the element of drama at

student in English and Literature Department.

C. Population

Population of this research is student of English and Literature Department at

the 6th

semester. English and literature department divided into four groups as

followed: AG 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8. The quantity of the population is 161.

D. Sample


According to Arikunto (2010:91) sample is representative from the

population. While, according to Nugroho (2009:21), sample is the one group

of the member from population suction. In this research, the writer will take

the sample by this random sampling. According to Sugiono (2009:24) random

sampling is removal sample; It will be used by random without paying

attention about strata on the population. And the sample is 30% from the

population, that the sample in this research is 50 students. According to

Sugiono (2014 ), if the writer getting the 100 populations then minimum

sample is 30.

E. Procedure of the Collecting Data

Data source in this research is the answer from questioner and interview of

students in English and literature department such as:

1. The writer gave a list of questions about element of the drama to be


2. The writer checked the students‟ answer

3. The write explained more about the questionnaire

4. The writer checked the answers of the student.


F. Technique of the data analysis

1. After collecting the data of the students, the researcher classifies the score of

the students. To classify the students‟ score, there were seven classifications

which follows:

Categorizing the whole of score into the following classification

1. 96 - 100 is classified as Excellent

2. 86 - 95 is classified as Very Good

3. 76 - 85 is classified as Good

4. 66 - 75 is classified as Fairly Good

5. 56 - 65 is classified as Fairly

6. 46 - 55 is classified as Poor

7. 0 - 45 is classified as Very Poor

(Depdikbud in mariana, 2012: 23)

2. Calculated the mean score of the students‟ reading test by using the following


𝐗 = 𝐗



𝐗 = The Mean score

∑X = The Total score


N = The Total number of Students

(Gay, 1981: 298)

2. From the explanation the table indicator above the writer classified in the

table categorize in the next table:

Scoring criteria


81-100 Strongly understand

61-80 Understand

41-60 Not understand

20-40 Strongly not understand

(adapted from Sugiono)

The formulated in analyzing the data is:

Formula : P = FQ

𝑁 x100%

P : percentage from the scale

FQ : number of frequency

N : total sample




This chapter deals with the findings of the research and discussion of the

findings. The finding ordered in the line with the problem statement outlined in the

introduction section. In the discussion section, arguments and futher interpretation of

the findings are given. In this research the writer used quantitative method to

collecting data. The findings of the research covered the result in order to see how the

student analysis element of drama in English and Literature Department. And then get

the data, the writer used written test for meansure student ability.

A. Findings

The findings of the research deal with the answers to the problem statement

which aim to find how is the role of drama exhibition towards students understanding

in analyzing the elements of drama. The results of data analysis in this case by using

drama exhibition can improve students understand in analyzing the elements of

drama. This the student score in student analyzing the elements of drama and the

make the writer conclude drama exhibition can improve the student understanding in

analyzing the elements of drama such as the students score in analyzing the plot

67%. Characters 86%, theme 28%, dialogue 18%, stage 54%, and genre10%.

Elements of drama in term of plot, character, theme, dialogue, stage, and genre at the


semester of English nd Literature Department in Adab and Humanities Faculty.



The number of respondents that the writer used as participants are fifty students in

English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty. The researcher

collected data through questionnaire and interview to answer the problem statement.

That aims is to know the role of drama exhibition towards students understanding in

analyzing the elements of drama. The researcher itemized four categories. In this

finding the writer used drama exhibition in improve student understanding in

analyzing the elements of drama. The writer classified it in the table below:

The students score in analyzing element of drama

No Sample

The Student Score in Analyzing Element Drama

Score Plot Character Theme Dialogue Stage Genr


1 Student 1 20 2 18 2 8 8 59

2 Student 2 20 20 20 18 8 8 94

3 Student 3 20 20 20 2 10 8 80

4 Student 4 0 20 20 0 8 0 48

5 Student 5 20 2 20 2 8 8 60

6 Student 6 20 18 18 2 8 0 66

7 Student 7 0 20 20 0 8 0 48

8 Student 8 0 20 18 0 8 0 46

9 Student 9 0 20 18 0 10 8 56

10 Student 10 20 20 20 18 10 8 96

11 Student 11 20 20 20 18 8 8 94


12 Student 12 20 20 18 18 8 20 94

13 Student 13 20 20 18 20 8 8 94

14 Student 14 20 18 2 0 10 8 58

15 Student 15 20 20 20 0 0 8 68

16 Student 16 20 20 20 18 0 0 78

17 Student 17 10 20 2 2 10 2 56

18 Student 18 20 20 2 2 10 10 64

19 Student 19 18 20 18 20 10 2 88

20 Student 20 20 20 18 20 10 2 90

21 Student 21 20 20 20 18 10 2 90

22 Student 22 20 20 18 2 10 2 88

23 Student 23 20 20 18 0 10 8 76

24 Student 24 20 20 18 18 10 8 94

25 Student 25 20 20 18 2 10 8 78

26 Student 26 20 20 20 20 8 0 88

27 Student 27 20 20 20 20 8 0 88

28 Student 28 20 20 18 20 10 0 88

29 Student 29 0 18 2 0 0 0 20

30 Student 30 18 18 2 2 0 0 40

31 Student 31 2 2 20 18 0 0 42

32 Student 32 20 20 2 20 8 0 70

33 Student 33 18 20 2 2 8 0 50

34 Student 34 20 20 20 20 10 8 98

35 Student 35 20 20 18 2 10 10 80


36 Student 36 20 20 18 2 10 10 80

37 Student 37 20 20 18 18 10 0 86

38 Student 38 20 20 18 20 10 0 88

39 Student 39 20 20 18 2 2 0 62

40 Student 40 20 20 18 18 8 2 86

41 Student 41 20 20 18 2 8 8 76

42 Student 42 20 20 18 2 10 2 88

43 Student 43 18 20 18 18 10 2 86

44 Student 44 20 10 18 18 2 8 86

45 Student 45 20 10 18 2 10 8 78

46 Student 46 20 20 18 2 10 8 78

47 Student 47 20 10 18 18 10 10 96

48 Student 48 20 10 18 18 10 8 94

49 Student 49 20 10 18 18 2 0 78

50 Student 50 20 20 18 20 10 0 88

Total 38 43 14 9 27 5

RESULT 3,698


The explanation on the table above the maximum score is 100 and the writers

categorize it in six part of classification the student score in analyzing the element of


Based on the table above the writer found that there were 50 (100%) the

student who can analyze the element of drama. The students were classified into six

parts, 2



student are classified as excellent, 5 student are as very good, 15 student are classified

as good, 13 student are classified as fairly, 8 student are classified as poor, and the

last is 7 student is classified as very poor. The writer faund the student easy to

undertstand the elements of drama especially, the student understand in analyzing

theme which is in the drama. From the finding above the writer concludes the student

is understood in analyze the element of drama.

The mean score of the student is 73,96%. It showed that the student

understand in analyze the element of drama because in the classification there are

four category score of criteria covers strongly understand 81-100, understand 61-80,

not understand 41-60 and strongly not understand 20-40. From the score above the

writer found that the student can analyze the element of drama. If the half of the

student can analyze the element of drama it made the writer concluded that drama

exhibition can give the role for students‟ understanding in analyzing the element of


The results of data analysis in this case by using drama exhibition that

can improve students understand in analyzing the element of drama. The elements of

drama in that are: plot, characters, theme, dialogue, stage and genre at the six

semesters of English and Literature Department in Adab and Humanity Faculty. The

number of the respondent is 50 students as the participant. The writer collected data

through questionnaire and interview that aims at knowing the role of drama

exhibition toward the students understanding in analyzing the element of drama.

After the writer knew the score of the student, the writer simplify them in to four


categories that are: strongly understand, understand, not understand strongly not

understand. The data analysis can be seen in the following table:

a. Table of the students‟ percentage in analyzing plot of drama

The role of drama exhibition towards students‟ understanding in analizing

the element of drama is to focus on how the students understand with the element of

drama. This is the findings percentage of student in analyze the plot of drama.

Analyzing the plot of drama . (Item 1)

No. Response Frequency Percentage (%)





Strongly understand


not understand

strongly not understand









Result 50 100%

In this table the writer faund when the student analyzing the element

character of drama were very excellent because the writer found in the written task

that the student have the big correct answer in analyze the element of drama. The

writer concluded that drama exhibition has important the role in students

understanding in analyzing the element of drama.

Based on the table above, the writer found that there were 50 (100%) students who

can analyze element of drama. The students were classified into four parts, very



understand in analyzing plot of drama, 4 (20%) just understand in analyzing the plot

of drama, and 3 (6 %) not understand in analyzing plot of drama0 (0%) strongly not

understand in analyzin theme of drama. The writer found that the student is easy to

undertstand the elements of drama especially the students‟ understanding in

analyzing the plot of drama. All of the high presentage of student in analyzing

character of drama is very clearly because the students gave the correct answer and

then, the student gave more explanation about that.

b. The students score in analyzing element drama expecially characters

In this characters the writer faund the score of the role of drama exhibition towards

students understanding in analyzing element of drama. In the classasification of the

score of student could be on see the table explanation as follow:

Table : The student score in the analyzing element of drama about characters

No Response Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly understand 43 86%

2 Understand 4 8%

3 Not understand



4 Strongly not understand 0 0%

Result 50 100%

In this table the writer faund when the student analyzing the element character of

drama were very excellent because the writer found in the written task that the 38


(76%) student have the big correct answer in analyze the element of drama. The

concluded that drama exhibition has important the role towards students

understanding in analyzing the element of drama.

Based on the table above, the writer found that there were 50 (100%)

students who can analyzing element of drama. The students were classified into four

parts, 43 (75%) very understand in analyzing plot of drama, 4 (20%) just understand

in analyzing the element of drama, and 3 (6 %) not understand in analyzing plot of

drama 0 (0%) strongly not understand in analyzing theme of drama. The writer found

that the student is easy to undertstand the elements of drama especially the students‟

understanding in analyzing the character of drama. All of the high presentage of

student in analyzing character of drama is very clearly because the students gave the

correct answer and then, the student gave more explanation about that.

C. Table of students score in analyzing element drama that focus in understanding

the theme of drama.

No Response Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly understand 14 28%

2 Understand 29 58%

3 Not understand 7 14%

4 Strongly not understand 0 0

Result 50 100%



Based on the table above, the writer found that there were 50 (100%)

students can analyze element of drama, in this case is them, the students were into

four categories, they are 4 (28%) very understand in analyzing the theme of drama,

29 (58%) just understand in analyzing the theme of drama, and 7 (14%) not

understand in analyzing the theme in the drama. All of the high presentage of student

in analyzing character of drama is very clearly because the students gave the correct

answer, the student was giving the more explanation about that. The explanation

above made the writer concluded that drama exhibition has the role to give the

students an understanding in analyzing the theme of drama.

d. Table of students score in analyzing element drama that focus in

understanding the dialogue of drama.

No Response Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Strongly understand 9 18%

2 Understand 15 30%

3 Not understand 17 34%

4 Strongly not understand 9 18%

Result 50 20

Based on the table above, the writer found that there were 50 (100%) the

student can analyze the element of drama. The students were classified into four


parts, 9 (18%) very understand in analyzing the dialogue of drama, 15 (30%) just

understand in analyzing the dialogue of drama, and 17 (34%) not understand in

analyze the dialogue of drama 9 (18%) strongly not understand in analyzin the

dialogue of drama. The writer found that the student were easy to undertstand the

elements of drama especially the student understanding in analyzing the dialogue of

drama. All of the high presentage of student in analyzing character of drama very is

clearly because the students give the correct answere in the house and then, the

student was giving the explanation about that.

d. Table of students score in analyzing element drama that focus in

understanding the stage of drama.

No Response Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly understand 27 54%

2 Understand 15 30%

3 Not understand 5 10%

4 Strongly not understand 3 6

Result 50 100%

Based on the table above the writer found that there were 50 (100%) the

student can analyze element of drama. The students were classified into four parts, 26

(52%) very understand in analyzing the stage of drama, 15 (30%) just understand in

analyzing the stage of drama, and 5 (10%) not understand in analyzing the stage of


drama 3 (6%) strongly not understand in analyzin the stage of drama. The writer

faund that the student were easy to undertstand the elements of drama especially the

student understanding in analyzing the stage of drama. All of the high presentage of

student in analyzing stage of drama very clearly because the students give the correct

aswered in the house and then, the student was giving more explanation about that.

e. Table of students score in analyzing element drama that focus in

understanding the genre of drama.

No Response Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly understand 5 10%

2 Understand 19 38%

3 Not understand 8 16%

4 Strongly not understand 18 36%

Result 50 100%

Based on the table above the writer found that there were 50 (100%) the student can

analyze the element of drama. The students were classified into four parts, 5 (10%)

very understand in analyzing the genre of drama, 19 (38%) just understand in

analyzing the genre of drama, and 8 (16%) not understand in analyzing genre of

drama 18 (36%) strongly not understand in analyzin genre of drama. The writer found

that the student were easy to undertstand the elements of drama especially the

students‟ understanding in analyzing theme that occur in the drama. All of the high



presentage of student in analyzing genre of drama were very clearly because the

students gave the correct aswered. The student was giving the more explanation about

the element of drama.

From the explanation of first findings above the writer continued to analyze

the participant interview to get more explanation about the role of drama exhibition

towards students‟ understanding in analyzing the element of drama. The result as


1. Participant 1 said that drama exhibition have the role towards students

understanding in analyzing element of drama. She said when she answers the

question about the element of drama; she has basic knowledge to the question.

2. Participant 2, the writer found that she has the similar answer with participant

1, she also said the role of drama exhibition have the role towards students

understanding in analyzing the element of drama because drama exhibition

can gave the long memory to learning drama. The student got that because

that student has got the direct experience from the drama exhibition itself.

3. The participant 3, she also gave the opinion about the rule of drama exhibition

towards students‟ understanding about to analyzing element of the drama, and

then the she say for to answer the questions about element drama, she has the

basic knowledge from what she did during.

4. Participant has the significant role to giving the student understanding in

analyzing element of drama. She say that role drama exhibition is giving the


5. student experience to knowing about element drama, after they are get the

material they are will doing the drama exhibition to explore the material they


6. Participant 4, giving explanation the role of drama exhibition can giving the

students understanding in analyzing element of drama, because they think

drama exhibition is the basic from they are know about the element of drama

and then, make the help students easy to answer the question about the

element of drama.

7. Participant 5, in the interview finding the student also agree with the any other

participant because the role of drama exhibition can improve the students

understanding in analyzing element of drama.

8. Participant 6, in these findings of interview, the writer found the students can

analyze the element of drama because the student get know the element of

drama firstly. When they are doing the drama exhibition the student must be

to know all of about the element of drama like plot, theme, character and act.

Participant 7, in this interview findings, the student said have the positive

opinion about the element of drama, she said that drama exhibition have role

to give the student understanding in analyzing element of drama. In the

student analyzing drama the student is very easy to answer the question about

element of drama. When they are answer the question, the student has the

basic to answer the question.



9. Participant 8, in these interview findings, the student have the role of drama

exhibition towards students‟ understanding in analyzing element of drama.

Role of

10. Drama exhibition can help the student to easy in understanding if the student

to analyzing element of drama. Drama exhibition is the way the student to

analyzing element of drama. Element drama can improve when the student

doing the drama exhibition.

11. Participant 9, in this findings the student said that drama exhibition have the

role in student understanding in analyzing element of drama.

The result of the findings showed that the role of the drama exhibition can

improve skill the student in understanding elements of drama. The findings were

supported by the high scores gotten by the student that can be seen in the following:

a. The students who can analyze plot of drama have the high score that they got in

analyzing element of drama. The students who can analyze the plot is 38 (76%) and

followed by the result of their interview, drama exhibition have the important role in

the student understanding in analyzing the element of drama and when the students

always gave positive opinion about that. The findings above made the writer

concluded that in analyzing plot of drama the student is very understand.

b. The students who can analyze characters of drama have the high score that they got

in analyzing the element of drama. There were 43 students who can analyze

character of the drama (86 %) and followed by the result of their interview, drama


exhibition has the important role in the students‟ understanding in analyzing the

element of drama. The students always gave the positive opinion about that. By

seeing the findings, the writer concluded that in analyzing characters of drama the

student is very understand.

c. The students who can analyze the theme of drama have the high score that they got in

analyzing the element of drama. There were 14 students who can analyze theme of

the drama (28 %) that showed that the student got difficulties in analyzing this

element and followed by the students‟ interview result, drama exhibition have the

important role in the student understanding in analyzing element of drama. The

students always gave the positive opinion about the role of drama exhibition in

students understanding in analyzing the element of drama.

d. The students which can analyze dialogue of drama have the high score that they got

in analyzing element of drama. The student score in analyzing the dialogue is 9 (18

%). In analyzing the genre the student got difficulties by seeing the low score they got

and followed by the students‟ interview result. Drama exhibition have the important

role towards the students‟ understanding in analyzing the element of drama. The

students also always gave the positive opinion about that.


e. The students which can analyze stage of drama have the high score that they got

in analyzing element of drama. The students score in analyzing the stage is 27

(54%). In analyzing the dialogue the student got understand by seeing the high

score they got and followed by the students‟ interview result. Drama exhibition

have the important role towards students‟ understanding in analyzing the element

of drama. The students also always gave the positive opinion about that.

f. The students can analyzing genre of drama has the high score that they are get in

analyzing the element of drama. The student analyzing in the plot the student get

5 (10 %). In the student analyzing the genre the student difficult to analyzing

because they are get just low score. And following by the student interview,

drama exhibition have the important role towards student understanding in

analyzing the element of drama. From the explanation above the writer concluded

in the analyzing genre in the drama the students not understand about the element

of drama.


On this part the writer discussed the result of the findings the answer the

problem statement on the chapter; how is the role of drama exhibition towards

students‟ understanding in analyzing element of drama?



There are six parts of the elements of drama like plot, character, theme,

dialogue, genre and stage. Based on the analysis the data obtain trough students

understanding in analyzing the element of drama is categorized as understand, it was

provide by students score in analyzing the elements of drama such as: 38 students

(76%) students got strongly understand in analyzing the plot of drama, 43 students

86% students got strongly understand in analyzing the character of drama, 14

students (28%) got strongly understand in analyzing the theme of drama, 9 students

(18%) student got strongly understand in analyzing the dialogue of drama, 27

student (54%) students got strongly understand in analyzing the genre of drama, and

the last is the students analyzing the stage 5 student in got strongly understand in

analyzing the elements of drama. Which indicated as students understand about the

elements of drama.

To know the mean score of the questionnaire , the writer has calculated it

by using Gay theory, where total score of questionnaire s divide with the total

number of the sample, so the result of the mean score calculating was 73,96 it means

that students had understand in analyzing the elements of drama.

Drama exhibition has been doing by student of English and Literature

Department Adab and humanities faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar gave the

students many advantage, new motivation, new friend, enjoy in learning, and got a

new experience to doing the role play. And then, they can express about the

knowledge they got in the classroom. Drama exhibition is the one variation of the


method in the learning about drama, it is the important way in the learning

something especially how to analyzing the elements of drama.

There is similarity about the analyzing drama in this study and review

research in M. Zainal Arifin thesis entitle “Keefektifan media Video Pementasan

Drama Dalam Pembelajaran Bermain Peran Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA 1

PURBALINGA”. In this research the author analyzed about the drama exhibition

video toward learning role play. The similarity with my research talking about using

drama exhibition in the learning something and the difference with my research is in

her study about the theory will be used in the findings but in my research the writer

didn‟t used theory because all of the elements of drama is the same.

And the similarities also the writer found between this research and then

preview research in Fatiah in her thesis entitled “Effectivan Penggunaan Audio

Visual dalam Pembelajaran Menyimak Drama di Kelas VIII Al Hasrah Tahun

Pelajaran 2013/2014”. Analyze about using about audio visual in the learning to

analyzing the element of drama in her thesis the author found used audio visual

effective in the learning about the elements of drama in the similarity with my

research is how the students analyzed about the elements of drama. and the difference

also the writer found this research is in her thesis using audio visual in the learning to

analyzing the elements of drama but in my thesis used drama exhibition toward

analyzing the elements of drama. And the difference in used theory will use in

analyzing the findings.



Similarity, in a preview research by Wagimin in her research entitled

“Kemampuan Bermain Drama Dengan Pembelajaran Koorparatove Tehnik Jingsaw

pada Peserta Didik Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidayah Al-Karimah Jakarta” in her thesis the

author found the students ability in leaning drama by using cooperative Jingsa

method, Jingsaw method can gave contributed in the learning especially in the

learning about drama but in my research the writer found the role of drama

exhibition very significant in the learning about drama especially in the students

understanding in analyzing elements of drama and the student can understand about

the elements of drama. The difference with my research is in her thesis used the

difference theory in the analyzing the finding and the in the her thesis the author used

PTK to got the data.

In the learning This parts present the interpretation of each findings in order

to explain it in details. It cover six element of drama, namely he students

understanding in analyzing the element of drama.





This chapter contains conclusion and suggestion based on the research

findings in previous chapter, the writer puts forward the following conclusion and


A. Conclusion

Based on the findings of the analysis, the writer found that the students at the

six semesters have most dominant strongly understand in analyzing elemet of drama

particularly in dealing with student got the high score when they answer the question.

In the interview findings, the writer found that the student has positive opinion

about the role of drama exhibition towards students‟ understanding in analyzing

element of drama. When the writer interviewed the participant, the writer concluded

the student know how to analyze the element of drama because they have basic

knowledge when they were doing drama exhibition. All of the participants gave the

similar opinion about the role of drama exhibition in students‟ understanding in

analyzing the element of drama. Hence drama exhibition can improve student

understanding in analyzing the element of drama.

a. The student can analyze the plot of drama it very good it is makes the writer

concluded drama exhibition has the role in students‟ understanding in analyzing

the element of drama. Moreover, to support the data the writer interviewed the



student they can explain more about genre of drama but they did not know how to

use it.

b. The student can analyze character of drama and the student can divide it into

category of the negative opinion and positive opinion and then participant also

know about difference from the antagonist and protagonist. It showed that drama

exhibition have the role in student understanding in analyzing element of drama.

The student can analyze the character of drama, supported by student have the

fairly good in analyzing the element of drama.

c. Student able to analyze the dialogue of drama because they can give two opinions

there are positive opinion and negative opinion. It showed that the student analyze

dialogue fairly poor because the big student give the negative opinion in the

dialogue analysis. It showed that drama exhibition have the role in students‟

understanding in analyzing the element of drama

d. Student able to analyze the stage of drama and supported by the student can give

explanation more about stage and setting in written task. And the writer classified

in fairly good because the half student just gave the little explanation about

setting and stage.

e. The student did not understand in analyzing genre of the drama because the

students have big mistake answer. The writer classified it very poor analyzing but

in the analyzing genre the participant knew about the definition. The writer

categorize of the genre and then is not mistake but they just did not know the

position when will used them.


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of data analysis and conclusion above, the writer gave

several suggestions which may be useful for the English teacher, students and also the

next researcher, they are:

1. In teaching English and literature department, especially relate to teaching English

drama how to analyzing the element of drama, give the students more detail

explanation about it, so they are able to understand easily.

2. The writer hopes that the students‟ have to study hard especially in analyzing

elements of drama, because the elements of drama is important part if you want to

understand about drama.

3. For the next researchers, they are suggested that they could apply this technique in

other components of analyzing element of drama: plot, character, theme dialogue,

stage and genre.

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No Sample

The student score in analyzing element of drama

score categorie

s Plot Charact


Theme Dialogu


Stage Genre

1 Student 1 20 2 18 2 8 8 58 fairly

2 Student 2 20 20 20 18 8 8 94 excellent

3 Student 3 20 20 20 2 20 8 80 good

4 Student 4 0 20 20 0 8 0 48 poor

5 Student 5 20 2 20 2 8 8 60



6 Student 6 20 18 18 2 8 0 66



7 Student 7 0 20 20 0 8 0 48 poor

8 Student 8 0 20 18 0 8 0 46 poor

9 Student 9 0 20 18 0 10 8 56 fairly

10 Student 10 20 20 20 18 10 8 96 excellent

11 Student 11 20 20 20 18 8 8 94 Excellent

12 Student 12 20 20 18 18 8 10 94 excellent

13 Student 13 20 20 18 20 8 8 94 excellent

14 Student 14 20 18 2 0 10 8 58 fairly

15 Student 15 20 20 20 0 0 8 58 fairly

16 Student 16 20 20 20 18 0 0 78 good

17 Student 17 20 20 2 2 10 2 56 fairly

18 Student 18 20 20 2 2 10 2 64 fairly


19 Student 19 18 20 18 20 10 2 88 Very good

20 Student 20 20 20 18 20 10 2 90 Very good

21 Student 21 20 20 20 18 10 2 90 Very good

22 Student 22 20 20 18 2 10 8 88 Very good

23 Student 23 20 20 18 0 10 8 76 Good

24 Student 24 20 20 18 18 10 8 94 Very good

25 Student 25 20 20 18 2 10 8 78 Good

26 Student 26 20 20 20 20 8 0 88 Very good

27 Student 27 20 20 20 20 8 0 88 Very good

28 Student 28 20 20 18 20 10 0 88 Very good

29 Student 2 0 18 2 0 0 0 20 Very poor

30 Student 30 18 18 2 2 0 0 40 Very poor

31 Student 31 2 2 20 18 0 0 42 Very poor

32 Student 32 20 20 2 20 8 0 70



33 Student 33 18 20 2 2 8 0 50 Poor

34 Student 34 20 20 20 20 10 8 98 Excellent

35 Student 35 20 20 18 2 10 10 80 Good

36 Student 36 20 20 18 2 10 10 80 Good

37 Student 37 20 20 18 18 10 0 86 Very good

38 Student 38 20 20 18 20 10 0 88 Very good

39 Student 39 20 20 18 2 2 0 62 Fairly

40 Student 40 20 20 18 18 8 2 86 Very good


41 Student 41 20 20 18 2 8 8 76 Good

42 Student 42 20 20 18 2 10 2 88 Very good

43 Student 43 18 20 18 18 10 2 86 Very good

44 Student 44 20 20 18 18 2 8 86 Very good

45 Student 45 20 20 18 2 10 8 78 good

46 Student 46 20 20 18 2 10 8 78 good

47 Student 47 20 20 18 18 10 10 96 excellent

48 Student 48 20 20 18 18 10 8 94 Very good

49 Student 49 20 20 18 18 2 0 78 Good

50 Student 50 20 20 18 20 10 0 88 Very good

Total score 3,698

Mean score 73,96

The Mean Score of specific information of the text

X = x


X = 3,698


X = 73,96

























19. IRNA


































Universities : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Semester : 6 (enam)

Standar kompetensi : Analyzing the elements of drama

Kompetensi dasar : Menganalisis Unsur Pementasan Drama


kompetensi Indicator soal


pembahasan reg. text


soal score




Mahasiswa dapat

menjelaskan plot dalam

drama tersebut





Mahasiswa dapat

menjelaskan stage yang

ada dalam drama


1 20

Mahasiswa dapat

menguraikan dan

menyebutkan karakter

yang ada dalam drama


1 20

Mahasiswa dapat

menjelaskan tema yang

ada dalam drama

1 20

Mahasiswa dapat

menjelaskan dialog yang

ada dalam drama


1 10

Mahasiswa bisa

menyebutkan genre yang

ada dalam drama


1 10

Adapted from Papat Hidayah



Strongly understand : 20

Understand : 18

Not understand : 2

Strongly not understand : 0

𝐗 = 𝐗



𝐗 = The Mean score

∑X = The Total score

N = The Total number of Students

(Gay, 1981: 298)

Rublik penilaian

No Aspek yang dinilai Skor Nilai Keterangan


Menentukan plot dan menjelaskanya

a. Tepat (20) b. Kurang tepat (18) c. Tidak tepat (2) d. Sangat tidak tepat (0)



Mahasiswa mampu menyebutkan karacter

yang ada dalam drama

a. 4 karacter atau lebih (20) b. 3 karacter atau kurang lebih (18) c. 2 karacter atau kurang (2)



d. 1 karacter atau kurang (0)


Mahasiswa dapat menentukaan tema dari

drama tersebut

a. Tepat (20) b. Kurang tepat (18) c. Tidak tepat (2) d. Sangat tidak tepat (0)




Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dialognya

a. Sangat bagus (20) b. Bagus (18) c. Tidak bagus (2) d. Sangat tidak bagus (0)



Mahasiswa dapata menjelaskan bentuk

atau tempat stagenya

a. Sangat tepat (10) b. Kurang tepat (8) c. Tidak tepat(2) d. Sangat tidak tepat(0)



Mahasiwa dapat menentuka genrenya

a. Sangat tepat (10) b. Kurang tepat(8) c. Tidak tepat (2) d. Sangat tidak tepat (0)


(Adaptedfrom Papat Hidayat)




AG :

1. Bagaimanakah pendapat anda mengenai element-element dalam drama Putri Gunung


a. Plot

b. Character

c. Theme

d. Dialogue

e. Stage

f. Genre


Keyword answer

1. Plot yang ada dalam drama ini merupakan plot maju mundur karna ceritanya

kebanyakan fatback kebekang. Plot dalam drama ini merupakan

2. Datu laksamana - protagonist

Ratu retno dumilah - protagonist

Raja majapahit handaya mingguad -antagonist

Sultan Mahmud (sultan makala) - antagonist

3. Tema yang ada dalam drama ini merupaka tentang kerajaan cinta sejati

4. Dialogue dalam drama ini merupaakan sudah sangat bagus karna selain dari bahasa

melayu yang diggunakan hamper mirip dengan bahasa Indonesia daan

percakapanyan sangat endukung setiap adegan yang diperankan.

5. Stage dalam drama ini sudah sangat cocok katna tema dalam drama ini merupakan

kerajaan maka kebanyakan settingnya di hutan, digunung dan istana.

6. Genre drama ini merupalak romantic karna walaupun ceritanya tentang kerjaan

tetapi yang dominan muncul ialah tentang percintaan.


Interview questioner

1. Apakah ada peranan pementasan drama ketika kalian mengisi questioner

tentang elemen-elemen drama?

2. Bagaimana peranan pementasan drama dalam memberikan pemahaman kalian

terhadap menganalisis element drama?

3. Apakah perana pementasan drama sangat berpengaruh ketika kalian

menjawab soal tentang elemen drama?



Student indicator in analyzing plot of drama

Indicators Score

Student explains clearly plot of drama putri gunung ledang , the accident

of the story, and/or main idea to demonstrate thorough understanding 20

Student explains, plot of drama putri gunung ledang, the accident of the

story, and/or main idea to demonstrate good understanding 18

Student explains some plot of drama putri gunung ledang, the accident

of the story, and/or main idea to demonstrate partial understanding 2

Student does not explain plot of drama putri gunung ledang, the accident

of the story, and/or main idea to demonstrate understanding. 0


Student indicator in analyzing characters of drama

Indicators Score

Student explains clearly character of drama putri gunung ledang , the 4

character and explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate thorough



Student explains, characters of drama Putri Gunung Ledang, the 3

characters and explanation , and/or main idea to demonstrate good



Student explains some characters of drama putri gunung ledang, the 2

characters and giving explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate

partial understanding


Student does not explain characters of drama putri gunung ledang, the

didn‟t giving the mention about and didn‟t giving explanations about

that, and/or main idea to demonstrate understanding.



Student indicator in analyzing the theme of drama

Indicators Score

Student explains clearly theme of drama putri gunung ledang , the

character and explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate thorough



Student explains, theme of drama Putri Gunung Ledang, the 3

characters and explanation , and/or main idea to demonstrate good



Student explains theme of drama putri gunung ledang, the 2 gave the

topic explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate partial understanding


Student does not explain theme of drama putri gunung ledang, the

didn‟t give the mention about and didn‟t giving explanations about that,

and/or main idea to demonstrate understanding.


Student indicator in analyzing the dialogue of drama

Indicators Score

Student explains clearly dialogue of drama putri gunung ledang , the

student can giving the opinion about the positive opinion and negative

opinion, and/or main idea to demonstrate thorough understanding


Student explains, dialogue of drama Putri Gunung Ledang, the students

giving the mention and giving explanation, and/or main idea to

demonstrate good understanding


Student explains dialogue of drama putri gunung ledang, the 2 gave the

topic explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate partial understanding


Student does not explain theme of drama putri gunung ledang, the

didn‟t give the mention about and didn‟t giving explanations about that,

and/or main idea to demonstrate understanding.



Student indicator in analyzing the stage of drama

Indicators Score

Student explains clearly stage of drama putri gunung ledang , the stage

and explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate thorough



Student explains, stage of drama Putri Gunung Ledang, the decorate

stage and explanation , and/or main idea to demonstrate good



Student explains stage of drama putri gunung ledang, the decorate and

topic explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate partial understanding


Student does not explain stage of drama putri gunung ledang, the didn‟t

give the mention about and didn‟t giving explanations about that, and/or

main idea to demonstrate understanding.


Student indicator in analyzing the genre of drama

Indicators Score

Student explains clearly genre of drama putri gunung ledang , the genre

and explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate thorough



Student explanations about genre of drama Putri Gunung Ledang, the

mention stage and explanation , and/or main idea to demonstrate good



Student explains genre of drama putri gunung ledang, the decorate and

topic explanation, and/or main idea to demonstrate partial understanding


Student does not explain genre of drama putri gunung ledang, the didn‟t

give the mention about and didn‟t giving explanations about that, and/or

main idea to demonstrate understanding.



To calculate the students‟ scoring essay test




(Gay 1981:298)



























































SITI HAJRAH is the six child of H.

Jamaluddin and Salafiah. She was born on

February 1th

1994 in Bima city. She has eight

sister. She lives in Bima city of NTB. She

finished her study at SDN 9 Bima city at 2006, at

SMPN 5 Bima city Boarding School in Bima at

2009, at SMA 3 Bima city Boarding School Bima

in 2012 and then, she registered as one of the

students of Alauddin State Islamic University of

Makassar in English and literature Department.

At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with the title “The Role of

Drama Exhibition Toward Students‟ Understanding in Analyzing the Element of
