structural and mechanical heterogeneity of the erythrocyte membrane reveals hallmarks of membrane...

PICAS ET AL . VOL. XXX NO. XX 000000 XXXX A C XXXX American Chemical Society Structural and Mechanical Heterogeneity of the Erythrocyte Membrane Reveals Hallmarks of Membrane Stability Laura Picas, Fe ´ lix Rico, Maxime Deforet, and Simon Scheuring †, * U1006 INSERM, Aix-Marseille Université, Parc Scientique de Luminy, Marseille, F-13009 France and PhysicalChemistry Curie ; Institut Curie/CNRS UMR 168/Paris, France A n essential feature of red blood cells (RBCs) relies on their capability to undergo large passive deformations throughout narrow capillaries of the micro- vasculature during their 120-days life span. Mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated, and their structural integrity depends on the particular attributes of the plasma mem- brane in terms of antigenic and transport activity but importantly, on its remarkable mechanical properties. 1 Many studies have unraveled the complexity hidden in the ex- ceptional properties of the erythrocyte plas- ma membrane thanks to the development of isolation methods and techniques for the biochemical, structural, and functional char- acterization of the diverse components that integrate the erythrocyte membrane. 15 The RBC membrane consists of an R and β-spectrin lattice that is linked to the lipid bilayer thought membrane proteins, most of them integrating multiprotein complexes. The most abundant membrane proteins are band 3, aquaporin-1, glycophorin A and C, and the rhesus proteins, Rh and RhAG. Key for the structural integrity of the membrane are two macromolecular complexes: the an- kyrin-based complex, which is thought to work as a metabolon, and the 4.1R complex that integrates the main components of the skeleton network junctions, i.e. spectrin, actin, and protein 4.1R, together with other proteins (adducin, tropomyosin, topo- modulin, p55, and demantin) and membrane proteins such as glycophorin C (GPC) or band 3 (for a review see ref 1). It is well established, that far from being static, the RBC membrane is a metabolically regulated active structure. 5 Thus, a number of works have shown the regulatory mechan- ism of Ca 2þ , phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphos- phate (PIP 2 ), or protein phosphorylation on the membrane. As a result, posttranslational modications of proteins integrating the * Address correspondence to [email protected]. Received for review August 17, 2012 and accepted January 24, 2013. Published online 10.1021/nn303824j ABSTRACT The erythrocyte membrane, a metabolically regu- lated active structure that comprises lipid molecules, junctional complexes, and the spectrin network, enables the cell to undergo large passive deformations when passing through the microvascular system. Here we use atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging and quantitative mechanical mapping at nanometer resolution to correlate structure and mechanics of key components of the erythrocyte membrane, crucial for cell integrity and function. Our data reveal structural and mechanical heterogeneity modulated by the metabolic state at unprecedented nanometer resolution. ATP-depletion, reducing skeletal junction phosphorylation in RBC cells, leads to membrane stiening. Analysis of ghosts and shear-force opened erythrocytes show that, in the absence of cytosolic kinases, spectrin phosporylation results in membrane stiening at the extracellular face and a reduced junction remodeling in response to loading forces. Topography and mechanical mapping of single components at the cytoplasmic face reveal that, surprisingly, spectrin phosphorylation by ATP softens individual laments. Our ndings suggest that, besides the mechanical signature of each component, the RBC membrane mechanics is regulated by the metabolic state and the assembly of its structural elements. KEYWORDS: atomic force microscopy . mechanics . erythrocyte . spectrin ARTICLE

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PICAS ET AL . VOL. XXX ’ NO. XX ’ 000–000 ’ XXXX


CXXXX American Chemical Society

Structural and MechanicalHeterogeneity of the ErythrocyteMembrane Reveals Hallmarks ofMembrane StabilityLaura Picas,† Felix Rico,† Maxime Deforet,‡ and Simon Scheuring†,*

†U1006 INSERM, Aix-Marseille Université, Parc Scientifique de Luminy, Marseille, F-13009 France and ‡PhysicalChemistry Curie;Institut Curie/CNRS UMR 168/Paris, France

An essential feature of red blood cells(RBCs) relies on their capability toundergo large passive deformations

throughout narrow capillaries of the micro-vasculature during their 120-days life span.Mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated, andtheir structural integrity depends on theparticular attributes of the plasma mem-brane in terms of antigenic and transportactivity but importantly, on its remarkablemechanical properties.1 Many studies haveunraveled the complexity hidden in the ex-ceptional properties of the erythrocyte plas-ma membrane thanks to the developmentof isolation methods and techniques for thebiochemical, structural, and functional char-acterization of the diverse componentsthat integrate the erythrocyte membrane.1�5

The RBC membrane consists of an R andβ-spectrin lattice that is linked to the lipidbilayer thought membrane proteins, most ofthem integrating multiprotein complexes.

The most abundant membrane proteins areband 3, aquaporin-1, glycophorin A and C,and the rhesus proteins, Rh and RhAG. Keyfor the structural integrity of the membraneare two macromolecular complexes: the an-kyrin-based complex, which is thought towork as a metabolon, and the 4.1R complexthat integrates the main components of theskeleton network junctions, i.e. spectrin,actin, and protein 4.1R, together with otherproteins (adducin, tropomyosin, topo-modulin, p55, and demantin) andmembraneproteins such as glycophorin C (GPC) or band3 (for a review see ref 1).It is well established, that far from being

static, the RBC membrane is a metabolicallyregulated active structure.5 Thus, a numberof works have shown the regulatory mechan-ism of Ca2þ, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphos-phate (PIP2), or proteinphosphorylationon themembrane. As a result, posttranslationalmodifications of proteins integrating the

* Address correspondence [email protected].

Received for review August 17, 2012and accepted January 24, 2013.

Published online10.1021/nn303824j

ABSTRACT The erythrocyte membrane, a metabolically regu-

lated active structure that comprises lipid molecules, junctional

complexes, and the spectrin network, enables the cell to undergo

large passive deformations when passing through the microvascular

system. Here we use atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging

and quantitative mechanical mapping at nanometer resolution

to correlate structure and mechanics of key components of the

erythrocyte membrane, crucial for cell integrity and function. Our

data reveal structural and mechanical heterogeneity modulated by the metabolic state at unprecedented nanometer resolution. ATP-depletion, reducing

skeletal junction phosphorylation in RBC cells, leads to membrane stiffening. Analysis of ghosts and shear-force opened erythrocytes show that, in the

absence of cytosolic kinases, spectrin phosporylation results in membrane stiffening at the extracellular face and a reduced junction remodeling in response

to loading forces. Topography and mechanical mapping of single components at the cytoplasmic face reveal that, surprisingly, spectrin phosphorylation by

ATP softens individual filaments. Our findings suggest that, besides the mechanical signature of each component, the RBC membrane mechanics is

regulated by the metabolic state and the assembly of its structural elements.

KEYWORDS: atomic force microscopy . mechanics . erythrocyte . spectrin



PICAS ET AL . VOL. XXX ’ NO. XX ’ 000–000 ’ XXXX


skeleton network junctions are known to induce spe-cific changes in the membrane mechanical function.6,7

In a significant effort to join the gap between bio-chemistry and physical properties, several biophysicalstudies of the erythrocyte membrane mechanics haverevealed the underlying complexity of a dynamic struc-ture that involves the cooperative assembly anddisassembly of protein complexes and the spectrinnetwork.3 However, direct visualization of the struc-ture, functionality, and mechanics of the componentsinvolved in the RBC membrane architecture is yet in itsearliest attempts.8�10 Among the emerging tech-niques capable to provide information down to thenanoscale, atomic force microscopy11 promises break-through capabilities as a versatile tool to reveal cellarchitecture, simultaneously providing structural infor-mation from topographical and mechanical propertiesthrough force spectroscopy maps.12

In this work, we implemented a recently developedAFM-based technique, the PeakForce QuantitativeNanomechanical Mapping (PF-QNM)13 providing con-comitant topography imaging and quantitative me-chanical mapping at an unprecedented nanometerresolution, to assess the structure and mechanics ofthe erythrocytemembrane. The combination of topog-raphy and mechanical maps at physiological condi-tions, allowed us to correlate structure and functionunder different metabolic states at the subcellular

level. The aim of this study was to determine themechanical role of the structural components of theerythrocyte membrane and the effect of protein phos-phorylation at the molecular level. PF-QNM analysis ofjunctional complexes and the spectrin network provesthat the RBC membrane displays high mechanicalheterogeneity of components. Our results show thatβ-spectrin phosphorylation plays a key role in theerythrocyte membrane stability by modulating its com-pliance and enhancing the maintenance of stable net-work interactions.


The study presented here takes advantage of anextensive bibliography reporting methods to accessboth sides of the RBC plasma membrane.2,14,15 More-over, several publications cover preparative methodsto study (i) intact RBC, (ii) ghosts, and (iii) shear-forceopened erythocytes to get access to decipher thestructural properties of the extracellular and cytoplas-mic faces of the RBCmembrane.2,8,15 In this work threepreparation methods of erythrocytes were used togather in-depth characterization of their topographicaland mechanical features under physiological condi-tions. The feasibility of these preparations for AFMstudies was first confirmed through optical micro-scopy, where bothmembrane and F-actinwere stained(Supporting Information, Figure S1).

Figure 1. (A) Effect of ATP on the topographic andmechanical features (elasticmodulus and deformationmap) of intact RBCsdirectly immobilized on PLL coated mica at 300 pN for ATP-depleted (left series) and ATP-containing (right series) cells,respectively. (B) Profile analysis of topographical images, elastic modulus, and deformationmap along the white dashed linefor ATP-depleted (in blue) and ATP-containing (in black) erythrocytes at 300 pN. False color scale is 250 nm for topography,2.5 MPa for elastic modulus, and 50 nm for deformation. Scale bar is 5 um.



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ATP-Depletion Induces Membrane Stiffening on Intact RBCs.We first evaluated the capabilities of the PF-QNMtechnique in detecting mechanical differences on intactRBC (ATP-depleted and ATP-containing erythrocytes)directly immobilized on poly-L-lysine (PLL) coatedmica(Figure 1). We found that, whereas topographic fea-tures did not report significant structural changes atthe level of the RBC membrane, significant variationsof the elastic modulus were readily detected when ATP-containing and ATP-depleted erythrocytes were com-pared at low loading forces (i.e., 300 pN). Profile analysisextracted from elastic modulus and topography mapsreported that ATP depletion promotes stiffening of theRBC membrane without compromising cell thickness(see Supporting Information, Figures S2 and S3). Evalua-tion of the RBCmembrane response upon increasing theapplied loading force (350, 400, 450, and500pN) showedgradual stiffening of intact RBC as a function of force,possibly due to a substrate effect,16,17 and depending onthe absence or presence of ATP (Supporting Information,Figures S2 and S3). When reverting to the initial loadof 300 pN, after having applied 500 pN, initial values ofelastic modulus and deformation were recovered.

Structural and Mechanical Heterogeneity of the RBC PlasmaMembrane. Direct evaluation of the subcellular organi-zation of the RBC membrane was performed throughPF-QNM imaging and mechanical characterization ofboth cytoplasmic and extracellular faces under physio-logical conditions and at high resolution. Consideringthe fact that the glycocalyx might hamper detection offine topographic features on the extracellular face andthat the cytoplasmic membrane face is expected to berather crowded with membrane skeleton elements,18

inspection of both sides of the RBC plasma membraneturns essential for a full characterization. To accomplishthis, observations of the extracellular side were per-formed by imaging ghosts obtained from immobilizedRBCs on PLL-coated mica, whereas the cytoplasmic face

was accessed after shear stress opening of immobilizederythrocytes on PLL-coated mica and subsequent spec-trin removal (Figure 2 and Supporting Information,Figure S1). Analysis of the erythrocyte membrane fromtopographic images (Figure 2A) provided evidence ofreadily detectable protrusions separated by an averagedistance of 200 nm, on both sides of the plasmamembrane, correlating with the expected subcellularorganization of skeleton junctions.19 Certainly, the factthat membrane skeleton junctions are rather preservedall through the plasma membrane, even after spectrinremoval, confirms their functionality as underpinning ofthe skeleton network. Evaluation of the mechanical prop-erties on both sides of the erythrocyte membrane wasassessed from the corresponding elastic modulus anddeformation maps. Interestingly, analysis of these imagesshowed that skeleton junctions are stiffer and less deform-able than any other structure of the plasma membrane.

MgATP Stiffens the Extracellular Face of the RBC Plasma Mem-brane and Restrains Lateral Protein Interactions. To assess theinfluence of the metabolic state on the physical proper-ties of the erythrocyte membrane, we analyzed thetopographical and mechanical features of the extracel-lular face through imaging of immobilized ghosts atdifferent loading forces, before and after MgATP addi-tion. It is well established that the addition of MgATP inghosts results in protein phosphorylation without af-fectingATPase activity.7 Topographical images acquiredbefore and after the addition of MgATP are displayedin Figure 3A, together with the corresponding elasticmodulus and deformation maps obtained at 300 pNloading force. Better tracking of the skeleton compo-nents beneath the glycocalix and plasma membranewas performed through morpho-mathematical imageprocessing20 of topography images and subsequentskeleton extraction and overlay with elastic modulusand deformation maps. The topographical features ofthe extracellular membrane display a large number of

Figure 2. (A) AFM topography image displaying an overview of either extracellular or cytoplasmic side of the erytrocytemembrane (left). (B) Topography, elastic modulus, and deformationmaps of the extracellular (top) and cytoplasmic (bottom)face of the RBCmembrane (middle series of images). False color scale is 100 nm for topography, 1.5 MPa for elastic modulus,and 50 nm for deformation at extracellular side images, and 20 nm for topography, 6 MPa for elastic modulus and 10 nm fordeformation for cytoplasmic side images. Scale bar is 300 nm. (C) Scheme of the subcellular organization of the erythrocytemembrane (left) showing the lattice ofmacromolecular complexes (4.1R-based in green and ankyrin-based in red) all throughthe lipid membrane, the spectrin network and the linking points of the spectrin tetramer to both skeleton junctions.



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protruding structures connected through an underlyingmesh (Figure 3A). In terms of RBC membrane structure,the distribution of lumps, separated by an averagedistance of 205 ( 15 nm, corresponds to the expectedlateral distribution of skeleton junctions.19 The averagedistance between protrusions was obtained by pair cor-relation function analysis of the topography imagesacquired on the extracellular membrane face. Never-theless, the tip interaction with the oligosaccharidechains of the glycocalix might explain a decrease inthe lateral resolution (>15�20 nm) of topographicalfeatures detected, without necessarily affecting themechanical response.21

The topographical features of the extracellular sideof RBC membrane did not substantially change beforeand after MgATP addition (Figure 3A). However, eva-luation of the elastic modulus and deformation mapsshowed significant changes of the membrane me-chanics after protein phosphorylation, as documentedin the corresponding graphs (Figure 3B,C). Skeletonmap extractions from topography images were ana-lyzed to assign mechanical properties to the structuralcomponents of the RBC membrane and skeleton net-work. Thus, inspection of the entire elastic modulusand deformation maps at 300 pN revealed that net-work junctions were stiffer and less deformable thanthe overall membrane mechanics (Figure 2). MgATPinclusion and subsequent protein phosphorylation

triggered changes in the elastic modulus and deforma-tion, especially at the network junctions. Indeed, MgATPaddition promoted a clear stiffening of the membranecomponents.

Studying an experimental range of loading forces(350, 400, 450, and 500 pN) and before and afterMgATP-mediated phosphorylation, revealed a generaltrend for increased elasticmodulus and deformation ofthe extracellular face of the RBC membrane (graphs inSupporting Information, Figure S4). Importantly, uponrepeated investigation at the initial 300 pN loadingforce, the membrane mechanics recovered elasticmodulus and deformation values, proving the reversi-bility of the process and the elastic properties of theplasma membrane (Supporting Information, Figure S5).

In depth characterization of membrane remodelingtriggered by MgATP addition was evaluated from AFMtopography images and skeleton pattern extractionat the extracellular face of the RBC membrane. Thus,tracking of the lateral reorganization of skeleton junc-tions upon increasing loading forces was performedbefore and after protein phosphorylation (Figure 4 andSupporting Information, Figure S6 for raw images).Quantification of skeleton junctions remodeling was per-formed by using as reference sample the network patternand skeleton components lattice as assessed at 300 pNloading force (Figure 4, purple), and tracking thelateral reorganization (junctions displacements g50 nm)

Figure 3. Effect of MgATP on the topography andmechanics of the extracellular face of the RBCmembrane. (A) AFMmaps oftopography, elastic modulus, and deformation at 300 pN (without MgATP, top series, and with MgATP, bottom series). Falsecolor scale is 70 nm for topography, 1 MPa for elastic modulus, and 30 nm for deformation. Scale bar is 300 nm. (B) Elasticmodulus (bottom left) and (C) deformation (bottom right) of overall membrane (green) and network junctions (blue) at300 pN, both before (open bars) and after (filled bars) MgATP. Data are shown as mean (SEM.



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(Figure 4, orange). As observed from graphs in Figure 4,the trend of skeleton junctions remodeling progressivelyincreased upon applying higher loading forces in theabsence of MgATP thus, suggesting a discrete rearrange-ment of membrane components in response to externalforces. Lateral fluctuations of skeleton junctions were ofthe order of tens of nanometers, irrespective of theirapparent size. Interestingly, protein phosphorylation trig-gered by MgATP addition yielded a complete inhibitionof membrane components rearrangement at any of thestudied forces (Figure 4).

MgATP Softens the Cytoplasmic Face of RBC Plasma Mem-brane through Spectrin Phosphorylation. Analogously, indepth characterization of the structural and mechan-ical features of the cytoplasmic face of the erythrocytemembrane was performed before and after MgATPaddition. In this case, shear-force opened RBCs expos-ing the spectrin network and cytoplasmic componentsof the RBC membrane were prepared. Importantly, theabsence of glycocalix enabled a more detailed char-acterization of the membrane structure and improvedspectrin skeleton map extraction (Figure 5A). Inspec-tion of AFM topography images showed a lattice ofnetwork junctions separated by an average distance of137 ( 10 nm and interconnected through a mesh-likestructure, irrespective of MgATP addition, as assessedby pair correlation function analysis.

As we already observed for the extracellular face,the topography features reporting the structural orga-nization of the cytoplasmic side were not affected byMgATP-mediated protein phosphorylation. However,evaluation of elasticmodulus and deformationmaps atthe lowest loading force assessed (300 pN) revealedindeed significant changes in the mechanical hetero-geneity of the cytoplasmic face after MgATP addition.

As observed in Figure 5A, MgATP inclusion substan-tially decreased the cytoplasmic membrane elasticmodulus. Complete analysis of the overall set of load-ing forces studied (350, 400, 450, and 500 pN) revealeda trend of elastic modulus and deformation similarto that already reported for the extracellular side,also retrieving of initial elastic modulus at 300 pN(Supporting Information, Figure S7). Further character-ization of MgATP phosphorylation and alteration ofskeleton components, in particular the spectrin lattice,was determined on shear-force opened RBCs witheither intact or removed spectrin network in theabsence or presence of MgATP (Figure 6). PF-QNManalysis of these two samples reported readily detect-able topographic differences, where spectrin removalfrom the cytopasmic face resulted in a strongly corru-gated membrane surface without spectrin-junctioninterconnections. In terms of topography, MgATP ad-dition did not modify the apparent topographicalfeatures for any of the studied samples. In contrast,further analysis of elastic modulus maps evidencedsubstantial mechanical changes depending on MgATPaddition only for those preparationswhere the spectrinnetwork was preserved. Indeed, thorough inspectionof spectrin containing samples showed that changes inelastic modulus especially occurred in structures as-signed to the spectrin lattice. Absence of cytosolickinases favors phosphorylation of β-spectrin by amembrane-bound kinase, casein kinase I.7 Thus, phos-phorylation of β-spectrin results in a notable decreaseof the elastic modulus of individual filaments.


In this work we have examined the structure andmechanics of key components of the RBC plasma

Figure 4. Effect of the loading force andATPon the topographic remodelingof theRBCextracellularmembrane. TopographicAFM imageswith (top series) andwithout (bottom series)MgATP are displayed in a brown color scale (color scale is 70 nmandscale bar is 400 nm). Pictures obtained after skeleton extraction of topographic images at different loading forces (300, 450,and 550 pN) are displayed in gray scale (color scale is 70 nm), showing static junctions (in purple) and rearranged junctions (inorange). The percentage of extracellular remodeling in the presence and absence of ATP is displayed at the end of each series,displaying in orange the % of remodeling (reflecting junction displacements g 50 nm) at each of the loading forces studied(300, 350, 450, 500, and 550 pN). An extended version including the raw images obtained in these series is displayed inSupporting Information, Figure S6.



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membrane, the spectrin lattice and network junctions.Our work revealed unprecedented resolution of theRBC membrane and proves the heterogeneity of theerythrocyte membrane in terms of structural compo-nents and importantly, of their mechanical properties.Evaluation of intact RBC and both sides of the erythro-cyte membrane showed that whereas topographyimages did not report particular structural modificationsupon protein phosphorylation, important changes at themechanical level took place.Our results obtained on intact RBC (Figure 1) vali-

dated the capabilities of the PF-QNM technique to

detect mechanical changes at the subcellular leveland allowing correlation to structural features. Themea-surements performed on intact erythrocytes (Figure 1)showed that intracellular ATP increases the complianceof the membrane, as has been shown through fluctua-tion analysis.4,22 It is, however, in disagreement withmechanical measurements using optical tweezers.23

This disagreement may be due to the different strainsat which mechanics were probed. While Yoon and co-workers applied large deformation to the whole RBCand measured related changes of the cell shape uponstretching, our data display the mechanical properties

Figure 5. Effect of MgATP on the topography and mechanics of the cytoplasmic face of RBC membrane. (A) AFM maps oftopography, elastic modulus, and deformation at low loading forces (300 pN) (without MgATP, top series, and with MgATPbottom series). False color scale is 65 nm for topography, 4 MPa for elastic modulus, and 30 nm for deformation. Scale bar is300 nm. (B) Elastic modulus and (C) deformation of overall membrane (green) and network junctions (blue) at 300 pN, before(open bars) and after (filled bars) MgATP addition. Data are shown as mean ( SEM.

Figure 6. MgATP effect on the topographic (top) and elastic modulus (bottom) maps of the RBC cytoplasmic membrane insamples preserving spectrin network (þ spectrin) (right) and sampleswhere spectrin networkwas removed (� spectrin) (left).False color scale is 65 nm for topography and 4 MPa for elastic modulus. Scale bar is 300 nm.



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upon small compression of subcellular componentsthat might behave differently. Our data reportedthat ATP-depletion results in a stiffer membrane, pos-sibly as a consequence of the increased number ofspectrin-membrane connections that anchors the bi-layer more frequently, stabilizing it. Thus, release ofjunctional network interconnections in ATP-activatedcells will lead to a decrease in membrane elastic mod-ulus, whereas in the opposite case, ATP-depletionmediates spectrin-membrane connections and theconsequent membrane stiffening as observed inFigure 1.Under normal conditions, phosphorylation of 4.1R

by PKC appears to trigger the relaxation of the eryth-rocyte membrane through loosening of the link be-tween the spectrin network and the lipid membranevia the 4.1R complex, favoring the cell to undergolarge deformations without compromising its integrity(Figure 7, intact erythrocytes). Importantly, this phe-nomenon is reversible and takes place while thespectrin network is still linked to themembrane,mostlythrough spectrin-ankyrin interactions.3

It is clear that posttranslational protein modifica-tions, such as phosphorylation, directly modulate themechanical stability of the RBC plasma membrane.However, the complexity of this response relies onthe fact that a number of skeleton components, withthe exception of actin, are phosphoproteins and there-fore, susceptible to cytosolic kinases andphosphatases.5,6

Besides the effect of 4.1R phosphorylation inmodulatingthe functional interactions within the 4.1R complex, earlystudies reported that membrane stability is also finely

regulated by β-spectrin phosphorylation through themembrane-bound casein kinase I.7

Topographic and mechanical images displayed inFigure 2 reveal the complexity and heterogeneity ofthe structural components that integrate the erythro-cyte plasma membrane (see Supporting Information,Figure S4 for structural details on intact RBCs). Indeed,network junctions can be readily identified by thelumps observed at both cytoplasmic and extracellularsides of the RBC membrane, separated by an averagedistance of 137 and 200 nm, respectively, that coin-cides with the expected 200 nm estimated by otherworks.19 The shorter average distance found at thecytoplasmic sidemight be due to the improved resolu-tion achieved at this face, allowing us to detect smallerskeleton junctions and therefore, lower average dis-tances. Importantly, the fact that these structuresappear at both sides of the RBC membrane stifferand less deformable than other structural componentsmight be a hint of their possible mechanical role. Thisobservation suggests that besides being structuresthat sustain and anchor the spectrin lattice, skeletonjunctionsmight operate asmechanically stable regionsthroughout the RBC membrane.Evaluation of the topography and mechanical re-

sponse of RBC membrane components at the extra-cellular and cytoplasmic face gives evidence of theeffect of MgATP as a modulator of membrane stabilitythrough the different metabolic states of the spectrinnetwork. Interestingly, the cytoplasmic face was about1 order of magnitude stiffer than the extracellular face.This difference might be due to the glycocalyx on the

Figure 7. Model explaining the structural andmechanical differences observed at the RBCmembrane for intact erythrocytes(top schematics) and ghosts (bottom schematics). Under normal conditions, membrane stability is finely modulated throughseveral protein phoshporylations including 4.1R, that reversibly releases spectrin after the dissociation of the 4.1R complexand glycophorin C, and spectrin, that tightly anchors to the membrane through ankyrin. Therefore, preserved spectrin-membrane connections in ATPdepleted cells would explain an increase inmembrane tension and elasticmodulus. In the caseof ghosts, a loss of cytosolic kinases triggers selective phosphorylation of spectrin after MgATP addition without any releaseof spectrin from the 4.1R complex. Spectrin phoshporylation is then materialized in an increase of spectrin-ankyrin affinityand a tight anchor of the sekeleton to the RBC membrane.



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extracellular face and, to some extent, the direct prob-ing of the membrane skeleton components on thecytoplasmic face and not the overall membrane me-chanical response. More importantly, the higher elasticmodulus of the cytoplasmic components reflects thatour measurements probe the actual elasticity of theisolated components themselves, independent of themore complex response of the overall membraneprobed on the extracellular face.The absence of cytosolic kinases in ghosts favors

phosphorylation of β-spectrin by membrane-boundcasein kinase I.7 Specifically, MgATP mediates thephosphorylation of serine residues near the C-terminusof β-spectrin.7 Indeed, changes induced after spectrinphoshporylation are involved in membrane destabiliza-tion and cell deformation in hereditary elliptocytosis.24

Inspection of elasticmodulus and deformationmapsat the extracellular face of ghosts showed that spectrinphosphorylation triggeredmembrane stiffening (Figure 3).Moreover, tracking of lateral remodeling of skeletonjunctions evidenced that spectrin phosphorylation re-stricts lateral rearrangement of membrane compo-nents in response to external forces (Figure 4). Theseobservations confirm the role of spectrin phosphoryla-tion in modulating RBC membrane stability.7 Certainly,specific β-spectrin phosphorylation is capable of alter-ing the membrane mechanics by enhancing the spec-trin network anchoring as reflected by a rise in themembrane stiffening and lower lateral mobility of theRBC membrane components. This finding was equallyconfirmed after the evaluation of samples facing dif-ferent scenarios of the cytoplasmic membrane, that is,in the presence and absence of spectrin network,showing the selectivity of MgATP in mediating thephosphorylation of spectrin in the absence of cytosolickinases (Figure 5). Notably, spectrin phoshporylation ismaterialized in a clear decrease in the elastic modulusof spectrin filaments and no apparent rearrangementof the spectrin lattice within the skeleton junctions(Supporting Information, Figure S8).Our studies on ghosts suggest that massive phos-

phorylation of spectrin could improve the skeletonanchoring either by increasing the spectrin-ankyrinaffinity or by the stabilization of spectrin tetramers(Figure 7, ghosts). If the latter were true, we wouldexpect stiffer spectrin filaments upon phosphorylation.Sincewe observe the opposite effect, we conclude thata more compliant spectrin after phosphorylation ismore prone to deform and form contacts with ankyrin,than a nonphosphorylated, rigid spectrin. The possibi-lity of R,β-spectrin head-to-head dissociation and

spectrin domain unfolding was previously reportedto illustrate the observed fluctuations of F-actin proto-filaments.25 However, under our experimental conditions,no important spectrin remodeling was observed afterphosphorylation (Supporting Information, Figure S7), sug-gesting that the main mechanical response should beattributed to the modulation of the spectrin�ankyrininteraction. Indeed, this situation might describe thestiffening of the extracellular face after MgATP addition,andwhyaprogressive increaseof the loading forcedidnotinduce lateral dislocationof network junctions. Thus, in theabsence ofMgATP, a stiffer spectrin filament and aweakerspectrin�ankyrin interaction might explain the discreteremodeling of skeleton junctions reported upon theincreasing loading forces in Figure 4.


We have mapped the supramolecular organizationand mechano-functional state of individual compo-nents of the RBC membrane at unprecedented nano-meter resolution. We detected mechanically stablemembrane skeleton junctions that confirm their role asunderpinning elements of the skeleton network, whileflexible spectrin filaments allow network reorganiza-tion. Our observations suggest that modulation ofthe mechanical stability of the RBC membrane byATP is mainly governed by the interaction betweenthe different skeletal components and not directlyby modulation of the mechanical properties of thecomponents themselves. During large deformationsexperienced by the RBC on narrow capillaries, mem-brane integrity is assured by ATP-induced phosphor-ylation of 4.1R, which increasesmembrane complianceby loosening the spectrin�lipid membrane interac-tion. The observed decrease in spectrin stiffness uponphosphorylation may allow formation of many junc-tions allowing fast, reversible rearrangement of thespectrin network upon large deformations, thus indi-rectly modulating themechanical stability of themem-brane (Figure 7). Importantly, we show that changes inspectrin biochemistry not detected in terms of struc-ture can bemechanically identified. As a consequence,modulation of themechanical properties ofmembranecomponents at the single-molecule level might be ahallmark of the erythrocyte membrane stability andthus, a hint in detecting structural failures as a con-sequence of pathologies that might affect proteinlinkages (e.g., hereditary elliptocytosis or hereditarypyrpoikilocytosis) or even upon massive phosphoryla-tion after invasion of protozoa Plasmodium falciparum

during malaria infection.

MATERIALS AND METHODSRed Blood Cell Preparations. First, coated AFM supports

were obtained by deposition of a 0.01% poly-L-lysine (PLL)

suspension on freshly cleaved mica. This suspension was kept

for 24 h at 4 �C to allow homogeneous coating; subsequently

the excess of PLL was washed by rinsing 10 times with Milli-Q



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water. Previous to each preparation, coated supports wereequilibrated with fresh PBS, 0.2 mM EDTA buffer (salt buffer,SB), and checked with the AFM to ensure a uniform PLL coating.

Human venous blood was collected from healthy donorsafter informed consent. Cells were first washed by centrifugingthree times at 1500g for 10 min in fresh PBS, pH 7.4, 0.2 mMEDTA buffer. If not stated otherwise, all materials were pur-chased from Sigma-Aldrich, France.

Direct Adsorption of Intact RBCs. In the case of ATP-free RBCs,cleaned cells were diluted 1:300 (v/v) in SB and incubated for 24hto trigger reversible ATP depletion, whereas for ATP-containingRBC, clean erythrocytes were diluted in SB supplemented with10 mM of D-glucose and incubated for 24 h.26 Finally, a volumeof each solution was incubated for 30 min on poly-L-lysine-coated mica.

Ghosts from Preadsorbed RBC. Freshly clean RBCwere diluted inSB and incubated for 30 min on poly-L-lysine coated mica. Afterthis incubation period, samples were cleaned 10 times with SBto remove excess of unfixed cells. Adsorbed RBC were thenincubated 5 min in a low salt buffer (LSB) consisting of 5 mMNaPi (Na2HPO4 and NaH2PO4) (pH = 7.4), 0.2 mM EDTA andprotease inhibitor (Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, Roche,France). Then samples were incubated 2 min in a very low saltbuffer (vLSB) containing 0.3 mM NaPi (pH = 7.4), 0.2 mM EDTA,and protease inhibitor to remove residual hemoglobin. Thisprocess was repeated an additional time. Phosphorylation ofghosts was carried out in SB containing 1 mM MgATP.26

Samples were then incubated during 15 min at room tempera-ture before AFM imaging.

Shear-Force Opened RBC. Freshly clean RBC were diluted in SBand incubated for 30 min on poly-L-lysine coated mica. Then,samples were cleaned 10 times with SB to remove excess ofunfixed cells. Adsorbed RBC were then subjected to a stream of7 mL of SB supplemented with protease inhibitor (CompleteProtease Inhibitor Cocktail, Roche, France) at a rate of 0.65 mL/secwith a 21G needle at an angle of 20�. After that, sampleswere incubated twice for 2 min in a vLSB to remove residualhemoglobin.8 To remove spectrin, samples were incubated invLSB for 60 min at 37 �C and then cleaned 10 times in SB.Phosphorylation of ghosts was carried out in SB containing1 mMMgATP.26 Samples were then incubated during 40 min atroom temperature before AFM imaging. As a control, Support-ing Information, Figure S9 shows the effect of 1 mM MgCl2 and1 mM MgATP in the presence of a casein kinase I inhibitor(Casein Kinase I Inhibitor, D4476. Calbiochem, France) at theextracellular face of ghosts.

PeakForce Quantitative Nano-Mechanics (PF-QNM) AFM measurements.AFM experiments were performed on a multimode-V micro-scope controlled by Nanoscope-V electronics and the Nano-scope 8 software (Bruker AXS Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA).

Images were acquired in PeakForce Quantitative Nano-Mechanics (PF-QNM) mode at different peak loading forces(300�500 pN) (see Supporting Information for technical detailsand data estimation). V-shaped Si3N4 cantilevers (MSNL, BrukerAXS Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA) with a nominal springconstant of 0.1 N/m and a nominal tip radius of 3 nm wereused under liquid operation. Cantilever spring constant andsensitivity were calibrated before each experiment. The scanspeedwas 2Hz, which for a 256� 256 samples/line image, leadsto approximately 2 min acquisition time per full topographyand nanomechanics maps. Samples were imaged in SB, exceptfor those cases in which additional treatment was required(e.g., 1 mMMgATP, 1 mMMgCl2, 10 mM D-glucose, and 400 uMCKI inhibitor). PF-QNM images in the absence and presence ofATP were performed using the same tip to exclude experimen-tal variations due to tip radius. Data shown are the consistentresults of at least triplicate runs performed in different samplesobtained from different days.

AFM Image Processing. Image and data processing was per-formed using commercial NanoScope Analysis Software (BrukerAXS Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA) and Gwyddion software, afree modular program for SPM data analysis (

Skeleton extraction from AFM topographic images wasperformed within a Matlab graphical-user-interface environ-ment (gui_network.m). The skeleton detection from the raw

AFM images is based onmorphomathematical operations. First,a smoothing is performed using a closing operator (imclose.mfunction in Matlab), thus setting the size of the structuringelement. Then, the watershed operator detects the contour ofthe skeleton (watershed.m function in Matlab) therefore, givinga suitable tracking of the skeleton pattern at the AFM image.20

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competingfinancial interest.

Acknowledgment. This study was supported by the InstitutCurie, the Institut National de la Santé et Recherche Médicale(INSERM), the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), and theCity of Paris, and a Fondation Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Fellowship(to LP) and a European Community Marie Curie Intra-EuropeanFellowship for Career Development (to FR). The authors wouldlike to thank Adai Colom to assist with optical microscopy,Dr. José Luís Vázquez-Ibar for fruitful discussions and criticalreading of the manuscript, and Dr. Timo Betz for scientificdiscussions.

Supporting Information Available:Materials and methods ofsamples shown in Supporting Figure S1 and details on the PeakForce Quantitative Nanomechanics Imaging and calcula-tions, the characterization of the different samples prepared(Supporting Figure S1), the effect of ATP on the topographic andmechanical remodeling of intact RBCs at different loading forces(300, 400, 500, and retrieved 300 pN) (Supporting Figure S2),profile analysis of images shown in Supporting Figure S2(Supporting Figure S3), structural insight of the RBC membraneon intact erythrocytes (Supporting Figure S4), the effect ofMgATP on the topography and mechanics of the extracellularand cytoplasmic face of RBC membrane at different loadingforces (300, 400, 500, and retrieved 300 pN) (Supporting FiguresS5 and S7, respectively), an extended version of raw imagesobtained in these series is displayed in Figure 4 (SupportingFigure S6), a large scan size AFM image acquired on thecytoplasmic face of RBC membrane (Supporting Figure S8),and a series of images showing the control conditions of thedifferent samples presented (Supporting Figure S9). This ma-terial is available free of charge via the Internet at

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