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15 March 1945



Par is .:. Lohden :.. Washington:

VIELFARE GUIDE ----Services to United Nations Nationals

Displ aced in Germany



A. The Problem ·B. Nature· of the Guide c .. Definitions

1. Refugee s 2. Displaced Per sons 3 1 Processing Centre 4. Collecting Point 5. Transit Point 6. Assembly Centre 7. Border Control . Station 8 . Reception Centre 9. Welfare 'Officer


;\ • .Division of Responsibili.ty 1 . For Refugees 2 . For United Nations Displaced Persons J . For enemy or: ex- Gnerny displaced persons

B. Extent of· Welfare Services Required 1 . In Assembly Ceptres 2 . Compet ence of Helfare Officers 3. Responsibility of Director

C. Natur~ of Welfare Officer's Tas~ 1, Direct r esponsibilities 2. Enlisting other r esources

D. SupGrvisioi;i E. Proposed Composition of Teams

1. Gener al 2. Military Teams 3, UNRRA Teams

F, Resources for Welfar e Services 1. Allied Government officers 2. Red Cross 3y UNRRA

a . Function b. Military Period c. Pr bblem of Displaced Persons d. Liai son with SHAEF'

·4. Int 0r govor nmental Commi t t ee on Refugees . 5. National Liaison Officers

a , General Functions b, Primary Responsibilities c . Spe-cific duties ·



1 1 .2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3, 3 3 3, 3 4 4, 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


II. ADMI NISTRATION (C ontd .) - 2 -

f . g .

Displaced persons Indi~onous agencies

(1) Aid to rofugoos (2) Aid to United Nat ions

displaced persons Non-indigenous voluntary agencies

6 6 6

6 6

III . WELFA.citE SERVICES ----.-A. General: Factors affecting oxtont of welfare services 6 B. Information Sorvico 6 C. Personal Cotmsolling and Sorvic·e 8 D. Childr en's Services 9

Accompanied children 9 Unaccompanie.d children 9 Typos of service 10

E. Spoc~al Services for Youth 13 1. Special needs of youth 13 2. Typo s of sorvicos _ - 13

F. Spacial So1~vicos for _Women 14 1 . Older girls and women 14 2 . Expectant and rn.u~sing mothers 1,4,

G. Sor-vices for Aged, or Handicapped, Persons 14 H0 Cash Grants 14

1 . For displaced persons on a communal basis 14 .'2. For displaced persons not on a communal bas'is 14 3. Froo distributj_on of canteen suppliGs, etc . 15

I. Rocroa tionuJ. Acti v i tics · Variety needed: typos of activity possible 15

J'. Reli gious Ifli nistra tions 15




B. c.





H. I . J. K.

The Problem 1. Equality of , troatmont 2. Personal r osp9ct and cons:i,dorn.tion

Rosponsibility of A sombly Centro Staff Living ~rrangomonts

1 . Housing of individuals and groups 2. Feeding arrangements

Registration Purpose Function .of the welfare officer ·

Clothing 1. Priorities 2. Ronovi'ition and r epairs

Communications 1 . General 2 . Postal facilitios

Employmont . Typos of employment · '\'lolfaro officers functions Employment officer

Co.nt ccn Stores Solf-Govornmont logal Mo..ttor s Porsoml Documents

1 . Deaths, rnarri9-gcs , _births 2. Property, currency and 'roiatcd subjects : .

L. Movement of Displ.:1cod· Persons


Responsibility for p,lanning o.nd nrrangorrients Priorities Information Feeding arrangements Fm11ily groups Notification of arrival

Ne ed fo.r e1dnptation cmd rosourcofulncss

16 16 16 16 1 / _t)

16 . 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 l8 1$ 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22


I 15 February, 1945 .


European Rogio_nal Of fico



/l . Tho Pro blom

Millions of displncod persons who have been forced to lco.vo their homolo.nds, nnd rofugcos d:l?ivon from thei:v homes by the war will prosont inmunorablo woifr.re probl ems . Many .persons will bo undernourished arid ill;..clud~ they will vdsh to communicate with their families , thoy may pr osont many emotional and porsom1l dif­fj_cultios inevitable aftor yeo.rs of onforcod separation from homo . Thero rnuy a l so bo uno.ccompo.n:i,od-childron , youths, and a.god or handi­capped persons or women requiri ng special care . Thi s Gui do is designed to a i d UNRR.J~ personnel. cnlled upon to assist military authorities in solving some of tho w~lfnro problems prosontod by such co.sos .

1 . The Guido doo.ls -only with tho welfare aspoc.ts of tho task of don.ling with millions of displaced parsons in Germany and is not i ntended to covO'.c other aspects of this work . Tho G1.iido must thoro­foro be used in connqction·· with tho fol;towi ng :

n. . Outline 1:'lo.n for Rci'ugeos and Displo.cod Persons · (SHAEF, A.G. 383 , 7-1 GE -ii.MG, J1,1..r1e 1944)

b• Displaced Persons a.nd Rofugoes.in Gormo.ny (SHAEF J'..dministrntive .Memorandum No . 39 , Novombor 18, 1944) .. .

c . DispL:1.cod Persons and Refugoos in Germany · · Ui.nnux A to SHAEF Administrative Memorandum No. 39,

Decombor 13 ,_ 1944) d . Employ,mont of ~:J):tRA .Porsonnol ,vith Military Forces

· (Aririox B to $1L'.i.EF Administrative Memorandum No . 39, J (U1UD.ry J ;· 19/+5 ) .

o. Guido to Assomb;l.y Centro Administration (.SZAE? CA/ d9, September 19.41+ - in process of revision)

f . Displo.cod Persons Registration Instructions _ ( SH..'..EF CA/ d5 , .J uno 1944,) . ·

g . .Supplement to tho · Disp1a.cod Persons Registration Instruc -. tions (SHi.EF/ G .. 5/DP/2729, January 10, 1945)

h . Procedure for:- Cori11nuJ1icntion by Displaced Persons froJ:1 · Assembly yontros to their· Homos· b:t Moans of Fiold Post Cnrds10 (SI-L'\.EF, A.G. 383 , 7-1 QE .. J.MG, Dec . 3, 19-411.)

2 . Some of the ma.torio.1 in tho Guide . is bJ wo.y of suggestion, sono is based upon directives nctuo.ily is~ued and binding upon r:;iilitnry o.uthorit_ios . · Tho· r.icttGric.l hns boon roviowod by SHL.EF (Supror:10 Hondquurtors l:..lliod 'E:xpoditionary Force) , G-5 Division, nnd is in keeping with curront SHAEF policy. !tis to bo oxpoctod, of course , that tho bron.d- sco.lo nnd onorgoncy -.no.turo qf tho progro.r.i for -ro­po.triuting millions of Unitod_ No,tionn.1s in Gori-:mny will nocossito.to nany - and porhnps· sudden'. - cho.ni:;os in ,tho polid.os a.nd plo.ns sot

*Whilq- cmbodyirig .tho nost rocont policio;=.i iJ.nd plo.ns, this Guido is basod, in l ~ugo no.a.sure upon tho SH.t.EF Xfolfo.rc _Guid9: · Displncod Parsons o.nd Rofurn issued· by thc"Displacod Persons , Rofugoo a.nd Welfare Brunch of G- 5, SHAEF in October, 1944, _

- 2 -

forth in this Guido. (Soe Section V).

C. Dofin;itions

1. Wugees. Civilin.ns not outside tho no.tiono.1 bou.rido.rios of their country who dosiro t o. ro-turn t :o their hones, but require assistnnce to do so, wno are:

a. Tomporn.rily ·ho1:1closs been.use of nilita.ry operations; b. l.t sono distance from their homes for reasons related to

the war.

2. Displo.cgg._Persons. Civilians outside tho nntioml bourtdo.rios of their country by reo.son of the vmr, r1ho nre:

a.. De$irous but are un'.lble to return home·or find hor.ios with­out o.ssisto.ncc;

b;. • To bo- returned to one.ny or. 'ox-onony tcrri tory • .,. ,:

3. Processj,rrg .0entors . Tho . tern p:r·ocossing center applies to any plo.cc such o.s n Collecting .Point, - Trnnsi t Point; Asscnbly Center, Border Gontrol Stntion or Reception .Center providb.g ca.re or service f or -displaced persons who are. bcing· repntrio.tod,

4, Collecting Poi11i. I.ny dos:i,.gnntod place whore displaced persohs o.ro told t c report f or further instruction , for enorgency ca.re or for transport to another plo.ce offe:ring noro oxtansivo cnrG or serv;i.co,

5. Trqnsit Point. A contcr o.long routes of trav.el a.t which short stops nny bo mdc o.nd f ood or other cssentinls, onorgency sorv:Lcos or porho.ps over11ight c::i.rc, r.Dy· be provided for dispio.ced porsons ' until thoy ,can' proceed t o an l1.sscr.1bly Ccnto~c- or other qestino.tion .

6. .Assci:lbly Center. '. A center nhich- no.y cotipriso: ·(a) fncilit:ics f or congregate case s (o. s i n o. bn.rracks or camp) or (b) o. mmbcr of individual housos ·ost11blished by Militc.ry Govornri10nt Authorities, to provide f or displaced persons f ood, sholtor., clothing, ·m.odicnl cnro, deterr.i.inati on of no.tiono.lity o.nd otho:r ost;o:ntb.1 s-erviccs until thoy can be ropc.trintcd • .

7. fu:rdor Control Station . 1~ stc,tion est,3.blishcd _·by military or · govorrn:i.q1to.l o.uthoritios nlong civilio.n t;ro.ffic r outes, cit or no6.r interno.t i ono.l bounda.rios - or tho lines of don:i.'rco.tion botwoon Allied Zones i n Gorm.ny - . f or , (:::i.) ,the -contrcl of novomont a.cross thGso boundo.riqs nnd der.prca.tiori 'lines and , :r,erha.ps, f or ( b) facilitating ropo.trintion . - · · ·

-. 8. Reception Contor. ii-. center or stntion. osto.bl;i.shod by o. govern­ment ·:dthi11 its ovm country- (o. ) f or r 0cciving _•its na:tiomls I1eturning fron Go:rr:io.ny, c.nd (b) for cc.ring 'f or tho!:l· until thoy· ca.n proceed t o their rospoctive dostirp.tions ~ · ., -

9. r[c],fill:LQffi.Q,,QI. Tho officer ( yfnothor milit.'l:ry or c:bvilio.n n.nd r ognrdlcss of tho agency to which ho my be att e:,chcd) who :i,.s dosigno.ted by thd Diroctor of an Assombly Center to -bo res·ponsibl o f or such vmlfaro services u.s inf orr.m.t:i,on service; c ounselling o.nd porsono.l serv:i,ce ; children I s sorviccis; spccic.l vrnlfnrc services f or youths, n onon , girls , aged or hnndic:.ippod persons, recron.t:iorn.l nctivities _ nno. roligd.ous ninistrutions .

IJ; •.. 1.DhllNISTRATION _;.

Division of Rosoonsibility \ 7

1, For Rd'ugoos. I r1 Gormo.ny, l oca.l '\·rnlfo.ro a.gonc;ics, e.g.




-3- .

Wohlfahrtsamt, will . be directed to care for German re!'-1gees, Military Gove·rr:ment ·officers -will assist in the control of refugee movements in order to prevent hindrance to military operations, prevent and control ·· outbreaks of disease, and effect return to desired residence as rapidly as possible.

2 ~ For ~ni ted · Nations Displaced Persons. Allied military -cmjnanders, in accordance with approved plans, will be responsible f:or the care, r egistration, repatriation and welfare of displaced persons. Allied military autho:ri ties will therefore be responsible for arranging for food, clothirig, shelter., cash grants, and other ~upplies and services necessary for the care and r epatri2, tion of displaced persons. In · connection with the welfare of displaced pertions, Allfed military plans are intended to aid subordinate commanders to put · into effect the policy of the Supreme Commander to:

a . Preven_t _any hindrance . to mili.tary . operations which might be · occasioned by their massing or uncontrolled movement;

b. P:r:even t and control outbreaks of dis-ea·se ainong r efugees and displaced persons which might ·threaten the heal th of t.11e military: forces;

c, Relieve, as far a s practicable , conditions of destitution among displaced persons;

d. Set up an organization to effec t the rapid and orderly repat­ria tion of displaced persons, which can be handed over in due course to the appropriate civilian authorities .

3. For Enemy or Ex-Enemy Displaced Perrons. Dis-placed persons of enemy or ex-enemy nati onality a.re the r esponsibility of· Ge:rmany. Ger many will be r ec1uestcd to provide for these displaced persons. NE:vc,rtheless, while UNRRA has no responsibility' for this group as a whole , UNRRf,. policy permits aid to be given ' to such persons as 11 hc:i.ve been obliged t_o - l eave their country or place of r esidence , or fo rmer residence, or who have been deported therefrom, by action of the enemy, bec£1.uso of" r a ce , r eligion or activities in favour of the United Nations" (Reso lution No. 571 Second _Ses sion of the UNRRA Council).

B. Ex:tcnt of Welfare ServicesReguir8d ·

~. To mee t the r esponsibilities imposed upon military authorities for displaced persons, welfare s ervices will be needed at all stages in the r ep8triation process - from collecting points to · reception centers. The welfare servic es r endered 1.;. t these vc.rious points w.ill of course , vary gre2.tly dc1)ending upon the needs of the persons at these centers; the size, m:.turc:: and probo.blc degree of permanence of the stc.tion; the .number and types of persons to be provided for; the l ength of ·time t hey arc likely to r emain under care; the equi pment , facilities, ·md . . suppli es avaifable , and the number and ~y-pe of administr cltive personnel av2.ile.ble . · No attempt is made, t.Q.e r efore, to outline in this Guide the types of welfare servic e s like ly to be needed under a wide variety of circumstances. However, those most likely to be· r equired in Assembly Cent ers will be deccribed in some detail and adrptations oi these m4y be made , a s necessary; for oth-er types of centers.

·2• So far as po9sible, welfare sorvices should be administer ed by v:r:.:lfarc office.rs t eclmically co:npetent to render them. If weTf~re pro­bl ems are not properly handled, not only may grave harm come to men, women and children ,whose needs m;J.y not bG prope:rly met, but the d:Lfficult:Les of ::dministering the Ass emb_ly- Cent ers will be greatly he igl1tened~

J. In an Assembly Cent er, the Director (and in other centers th'e corresponding official) is ultimately responsible for determining the v·olfare s ervlces to be provided and for allocating to e.v2.ilable personnel their r ospr,c tive duties•


' .. 4-

. . .. . ... c. Nature of Welfare Officer I s Task -

1. DireGt Responsibilities. · The wide range of services ~or which a welfare· officer rrlay be r~sponsible may ·make it 'impos~i:Ole . for him 'to give adequate attention to ,all 4hese: •f'unction'.s. '.{'o. i great extent he will ' have to work through suitable ~ssist~nts or utilize other r esources sooh as those 0described in Section F below. It may, nowever , be imperative that th0 welfare officer gives special attention to those . servic ~s - :.... such ·a~ personc l counselling and certain• aspe.cts of child care .,.,... r equiring the 5pecir1l skills he may possess • . -. ·

2 . Enlisting other Resources, To assur:e ade_quate W<?lf!3,re~ services in other .f:1.olds , it may be necessary .to ~co·op0_:ra: te with , . enlist or organize personnel -~md r esources from such sources as are enumerated in Section F bel ow"

D. Supurvision. To assist in the administration of welfare services in As sembly Centors, area supervisors r esponsible for supervising the welfare s ervices in a number of centers may be. provided. Organizations suc_h as UNRFA, providing any considerab l e number 'of welfare officers, should pr'.)vide also the necessary supervisory personnel which w:ill be attached to ~ppropriate military units. ·

E. Proposed Composition of T0;ams for l~ssembl;v Center ./1.dministration

1. General. SHaEF plans for hssembly Centers assume that these will be adminis t er ed by military tea.'1\s, mmRA t eams, or teams made up of military and U:t\TRJ,1l nnd perhaps also other personne l • . While for planning purposes the military e.n,d UNRHA t e?..Ins are to bci o:r·ganized as described bel ow, it is not expected that t hese t eruns will alway9 be looked upon . ~s so mcny neatly organized units of c:. givew nµmber of workers but rather as a pool from which thr ee or four persons may be dra'i\TI for one task and pcrha-ps 20 to . 30 drawn for 1;mothcr. UNRFil .. welfar_e offic.crs in .t~BsEl'!lb],.y Cent ers, therefore , cannot expect that they will e.hvays bo working in pdrs nor that they will always be f r ee t o limit themselves t o wc; lfare s ervic es as opposed to more general 2.d:rrinistrative tasks or duties in other fields.

2. Military Teams. SH11.EF plans for miii t2.ry te2.ms f or l,.ss embl ;y Cent ers of 2,000 to J,000 displ c,ced person:s · include a co:nmandrng officer or director; a d0puty director ( to be provided by UmtF.A); an adn1inistra,tive officer (2djutant); o.nd 2.dminis tr2:tive officer (qu2rte rmaster); a ws lfa:r e officer; 2, medical 2nd public he2.l th offj_cer (who should. be c::.vai12.ble . to the center but not necessarily a r esident of the center); a messing officer; a co".) k; a ··n.e ss sergeant; o. rnppl y s ergeant; a medica l corps sergeant; a staff · s ergeant; a sergeant RE/EC; , a cook for the officer's moss ; 2. clerk and two drivers - n btal of 17 • . In addition, it is exp~cted that two UNRRk nurses w:i.11 be assigned to each t'e2.m and held in r es erve until they can be celled forvrard. l~h m , Nati onal Lia ison Officers will be attached to b.ssembl y Centers· as necessarJr, · - the ratio being ; pE::rhaps, one officer per 10 ,000 nat i onals of his country .

3. UNRR,.C.. Te2.i11 s. Teams r eque sted of ·lJNR.i.~ by SHAEF include 13 ·persons ;:;.s :~ol1ows: 2 director; a deputy 0direc tor ·and administrative officer; 2. clerk-stenographer ; an 2dininistrdivt: ,')fficer :for supply; a mess ing of f iccr; a 1.var s housing of fic'cr; a welf ar0 officer; an assistant welfare :.1f f'icer; 2. '1wdical ::ifficcr; a nur se ; . a cook; a cook f or the UNRPt..h t e2IT1 ; ,·nd two d. ri vcr s for the UNRR.a t eam. At l east s o l ong /3.S UNRRl-.. tecuns work U;'.ldcr mil;_tary direction, it is anticipnte_d that National Linison Officers will continue to be · attr.ched to Asce:.:bly Centers. ·

F. Resources f or ;:;e lfar e Serv:i.ce s

1. To c:.ssist military au t horities in meeting their r e8ponsibiliti es, experienced w~elfar e pcr~ o.nnel may te 2.va.ilabk fr iim :

a . Allied Govern:. ent, Offic e.rs . Some e_xperienced wel far e officers are av:: ilab],e from a.mong .h.llied of f icers . SHb.EF Militar y i\liis sions have vvelf~e offic,~rs . 'lhe Displ.s.ced Perso~s , Refugees c.nd ;Velfar·e Branch,. G-5 SHAEF, will render such aid ·as · may be possible in s ecuring qual.:j.fied mili tary personnel.


- 5 -

b. Red Cross. British and American Red Cross personnel may be avail­able for assignment to Military Government for welfare and relief activities. Assignment of such personnel is governed by a directive issued by SHAEF under date of 10 August 1944.

c . IJNRRA. (1) The United Nations Relief and :'.i.ehabilitation Administration (UlifRIU) is a cooperative body of 44 nations established to aid in relief and rehabilitation activities of liberated areas and in the care and repatriation of displaced persons .

(2) During the military period, UNHRA will operate only at the request of and under such rules and regulations as may be established by appropriate military authority. By agreement with SHAEF, UNRRA officers .will be in eithor UNRRA or military uniform and subject to direction by military av.tho1~ities .

(.3) One of the principal purpos~s of UNRRA is to assist in eecuring the repatriation or return to their own homes of. displaced persons found in enemy or liberated territory. Tho displaced persons problem is peculiarly- intornational in character and UNR~ as an international govern­mental agency is in ~ position to give vo.luable sorvJ.ce to the army during tho milita.17 period and to Allied govornments in the post-military period .

C~.) UNR.'\A lia ison officers arc now attached to the Displaced Persons, Refugees, and, Welfare Branch of ~-HAEF, G-5, the Public Health Branch of SHAEF , G-5, tho various SHAEF military missions to liberated countries and . tho several Army gro~ps .

d . Intor-Q6yornmq11tal. Commiit.Q_c on Rgfugoos. Tho Intor-Govorrnnental Conunittoe on R.ofugE::os is rosponsi blo for tho rosottlomont of stateless persons and those who have been obliged to leave their homes for reasons of race, religion or political belief and cannot or do not dosire to be returned to their homos . UNHR.A will care for ·those persons for a poriod of timo to be determined by UNRRA and tho Inter-Governmental Committee. After this period, the Intor-Governmontal Committee will assume responsibility for those not ropatriatod or ..rosottlod.

o. Ngtional J4aig.Q11._Qfficers. (1) Tho United Nations concerned will have liaison officers attached to military formations and available to handle mrittcrs relating to displaced persons of thoir own nationality. These liaison officers will have major responsibility for matters relating to tho issuo of visas and othor nocossary governmental documents. Most countries have oxtonsivo public and privato wolfaro agencies . Liaison officers may bo able to arrange to call forward wolfare personnel from their own countries , subject to a.ppropriate arrangements with military authorit i es and UN?Ju\ •

will to to;

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

assume, arc:

. (2) Primary responsibilities of National Liaison Officers

Assist in tho idontifico.tion and registration of their nationals; ?..ccommond in conformity with i nstructions from their governments, priorities for .tho repatriation of thoir nationals; Issuo ropatri~tion visas; Assist in the preparation of reports on the numbers, characteristics and condition of their natiorels.

(3) Among further duties which National Liaison Officers may

(a) Assistance in controlling thoir nationals; (b) Assistance in welfare and health programs; (c) Furnishing informo.tion to their nationals; (d) Assistance in tho selection of suitable staff from o.mong their

nationals as may be roquirod for tp.o manugomont of Assembly Contros .

- 6 -

(e) Settlement ·of~ or_documentation ofi, claims f or wages, compensation . and insurance ~ue to thoir nationals; · .

(f) - Assistance in protecting,disposing of,- ·or undertaking t]:lo custodianship of any property belonging to their nationals; and

( g ) Assistance in making tho necessary arrangements for the oxchnngo or custodiui:iship of currency in tho possession of their nationals .

f . fil.splaccd Persons . Displaced porsons thomsolvos mn.y be able to fu.rnish _tho majority of workers required in Assembly Centers a.nd other

. Proc0ssing areas . Qualified displitcod persons should be used o.s much as poosiblc1, .fo~ .,·sto.ff5.ii.g, Worr:u·~ion ·. services, -rgp:: tr;i.c;~ion.: services, housing $Crvices, advic0 and counselling, relief activities , legal &id, recreation,

. employment, .and similar programs ,

g. Indigenous AgenciQs .

( 1) lLl.d to RcfugQQ,lL.and to Enemy or Ex-En'i:nny ,I2ifil?hc~_]:Qrso'.Q§. Local Gorman agoncie~ whothcr ·public or p::rivo.t8- -will bo · required to care for

r efugees a.nd for displa ced persons of onomyor ex- enemy ·natioru:tl:tty (soc Sections II.-A-1 and 3, above)', o.n'.q- to arrc.ngo f'or their transporto.t:i,on to thoir homos under plans approved __ by tho approprintd military commander .

. . . (2) Aid to United .. Natioiis Di~µl~ P9tsoris .

i. Whenever nocosso.ry tho resources of Germany will bo used to care for Unttod Nations displae6d persons . Gorman a.uthoritios will ho

. directed by the Allied military o.uthoritics to Illllko available all wolfaro ,facilities such as supplies o.nd shelter which may be needed by such persons . Local public authoritio's wiJ.l boinstrµctqd by the military authorities to provide tcr;iporary : en.re f or spccia.l groups · unti1 nrrangomcnts cn.n be ml\.do for their disposition . The noods of Unitod Nations displaced per sons · shall bo given· priority ovor tho needs ·'or' Gormo.n m.tionals .

. . .

ii, Only in cxcoptiono.l' circumstancos will local agenci es in Germany be required by tho military authorities to give direct service to displaced persons . Tho use of Gorman agencies t-o care for Allied na~ionals should bo terminated as . so,opas .tho appropriate mc. chinory is established by rr.ilitary government , National :Liaison Officers, UNRP.A or other o.goncy under directi on of militnry government officials . During tho emergency period, when use of Gorm.:.i,n ae;oncios may be necessary, it is desirable for dispJacod persons t o have as little c·ontuct iis p.ossiblo v.rith the· pors'orineJ. of those agencies .

. . . . . . : . ~- ...

h . Nc:m-indigenou{V ~lunta.ry Agonc:Lps . A nunbcr of non- i ndigenous and intorna.tiona.l agencies nay be ut i lisdd for roliof and vtOlf t::..ro services . Those include or ganisations such as .religi ous sociotio$ c.nd rofugoe agencies . In Groat Brito.in those ngoncfos ·hdvoorgc.niscd tho Council of British Societies for Relief Abroad o.n.d in tho United States they have formod the Anorican Councii of Voltmto.ry Soci'oti os for Foreign Service ~ · Such . agencies will oporato only upon invitation of military authorities . lf i..isod for displaced porsons, it is conter.iplatod thC1.t those priyn.to organi sations vlill work under arrangements with UNRRA . . . ·· . ·

'· . ~


2J•·• . -G~hbral .,

1. F'.:tctors .h.ffecting Extent of Vfglfc..ro Services . It is not t o be ex­pected that o.11 tho services onurnoratcd below will bo r equired in every center . Plc.ns will need t o bo n.do..ptcd in tho light of such fc.ctors a.s :

·a . b .

. C •

Tl1e Thr:

- 7 -

co1;tposi tion of the cen.ter po1mlc::tiqn and its need$; length of stay of peopl e _in the Center;'

The nature and quantity of ::.mppJ.ier:: and equ:Lp,.'Ttent avail­able , and

d. The number end qualifications of the personnel &.vai.lable .

2 . For perso:r1s whose repatriation is likely to te delayed. for com-1:ara.tively long per1ods 0xt8nsive :3e:;:·vices v,il1 be required, Such .f)er­sons are: also t' source: from v,hich a.ssistants for various functions can be recrilited. · ;3hortagGs of supplies 1:--..nd equipmen t r;n\y make it n0cessary to fmµtovise to- the: fullE.::st extent possible . .

B. Informu.t:i.on Service·

1. In ciealiri.g with displaced persons it is important. that they be givE::n helpful informatim at each state of their transit from the Collect­ing Points, through the: Transit J;'oints to the Assembly Centers, a.s well · us at each succossiv1c; step in the procr.,;:-.,s of their r eturn or r epatriation . Faj_lure to do this may result in unn ecessary movoment of displaced p,:;r-­so:i.1::-; ther E:by hampering rni.Jitary oper,,. t:ions or me.king control of the civi1-frn populution more difficult. · '

2 . Tho Ini'orm.atj_on Service is essential both to tl1e admini strutior1 of the Center and to its populat.ton . It, w:i_ll facil.ite.te the r0pid dis- . semim,tion of directions, instrc1cticins and relir.tble inforrilation &rid it will 'IJ.f,sist in g,'..:.i.ning tLt, c .)nfid ,m e..:.; of tho _r (:.:siden ts o_f the Center. · I _t is an e.ssential W't~lfhre 'service because it wiJ..l refer people to the pr0per source for the help th8y noquin~ . In order thi.t displcie.:ed persons may h&ve proper ihLmnation which ,•rill assist in r:mking them more e.mGnable to c :mtrol by , E:nd CtY,pcn::.t, :L:in ,.-i th Viili t&i·y _Governnent officers, Inf-.)r­Jn[,tion Bur,:,c.ux should be · estnb1j_shed whsre:ver neces:,l•ry .

·3. In ea.ch Ass nmbly Center a cert0.Jn run0uµt of 1mblicity will be necessD.ry. Tl1is i)Ublici t.y wil.L convc:·y gE:.:Llern.l or tc:chnic[cl inf,)rm.~.tion r.:.ffecting. all displuc:ed persons ur L certain gr,;,11p in the Center, i:-nd i.s distinguished from the Informu.tion Sorvice designed to rneet individua l i.nquiries of u specific nature. Public Eumour1cfal!len ts End gener6.l infor­mation mc:.;r be disseminhted through such me1:..ns as louds pL::::.,.kers; postc1rti nnd handbills. Sometimes gt::neral meetings or lectures mhy serve a use­ful purpose . It 'NiJ.l b0 the r esponsibilit;7 of the Director to authorize the dissemination wi th:i.n rn:1 Assembly Center of geq.eral infor.m&.tion \\h:i.ch rnilitc::ry £mthorities, the vc::.rious national goverrnnf-mts (eithor dir0ctly or through th:: Nation1:::.l Liaison Officers for Rep&.trir.tion) may dsh to convey to displaced 1Jersons .

4. To answer question s of the types suggested below, Information Bu"t'eaux should be established if nC::cess1:.:i;-y , 4t, tr[msit point~, r,.t Assem­bly Ccntere, Border Control Stations, Recc:ption Cente:cs, or iil ;;ny ci t y, town or lo~ril:.i.ty where th~ mir.1ber of displaced persons wc:..rrn.nts the estc:!.bl.ish:nent of L µl ,.:.ce where inforrru:. t.ion may be obtained. ·

a . Info:rm:..:. tion Bm·eaux should be 1or..: at8d so a s to be rec.dily acc es-­sible rmd should be well markod with suitc:.blc: sj_gns so as to be e,:isily r eeogn.i.zed . Posters giving the J.ocation of Ini'orm~;tion Bure&ux should be ple.ced in appropriu.te ceriters . ·

b. It is · irnportL.nt th&t COiGpetent 1:,.nd r es_;)onsible peraons be put in chc.:.rge of th8 Informc:.tion Bure:nux . Pro_Jerly conducted, the Infcrm~.tion i:lur 8 ll.U.-X CDn tY.) of grc,1_tt c:Gslstc:..nce to ·,nilitary governme.111:,, whr,rcas 1m im,deqm·. te system Qf furnish:1.ng :i.nforrrt1:,tic-:m can complica te problemt, of control 2,;nd fo.:;v,,m.:m t ,. 1.,nd ninder th ,~ quick and orderly rr~turn ::.if refu­gees ,:.:.nd dJs_pl8.ced. IJt~rso11:s to tf1eir ho~rnes.

· c . It ni 11 be the responsibil:i ty of 11sssmbl;y Center D;i.rect·)rs. to make ll.JT,:..ng(.:Jnonts through V/elfnre Officers or otbF:rs to ascertain from '"-P (.ll'OprietG ~,cmrces up-to--date inf:;r niE- tion to (Jf; gj ven out . It is hoped th:::it ar-ra;.1ger:1e:n ts may be deve loped by Which ,i:.Lli tary , UNRRA or other buthor i ti. es mEy ch,mnel to Assembl;r Centers inl\;irr~atic,n ,)f general inter­est..

-- 8 -

5. Types of Inforn1G.tion to be provided

,:t • .At Collecting Points . At CollectingP.oints or other forward rc1-re&s from which di s placed persons are sent to the rear it is • probable that, becc- use of proximity to combat, li ttle information ccn be given in most ins trmc('15 . The most import,mt infornwtion to be giv•en at thi s time, pnrticlu.11.:::·ly j_f civilians go to the 1·ear unescorted, is the place to which t~1ay ar e to go . In addition, they should be told if possible :

1. To whom they l:re to report; 2 . The route they are "to trnvE~l [;nd the ro1:ds thsy must avoid; J. To whom they will be respora-:iiblc enroutc , l:ia:"rticulLrly if the

group :i.s , not under a n,ilitary escort but und.er ,, displaced. person desigrw,tod 1 .. s le.::der; and,

4 . The tri,nsport avc.ilu.ble, if any .

b. At 'l'rr..nsi t Points . Information similr,.r to that provided at Co.1.10cting ·points should_ a l so b~ r,vailable at Tr uisi t Points for such

· p,~:rson:::: as ·will be moving I'.E:t.,rvmrd. Persoirn who must remain for anv p,1riod of time rt the Trnnsi t Poi.nts shoul<l be given informo.tion regE.;.rd- · ing:

1. The. pJ.r ce thC:y arc to be 1?-0us6d; Th•.'~ probc:Lbl~ dur ation. ,)f such billeting; Methods of c01mnunico.ting with r r,htiv,~s or friends; Services G.vv.ilable to ft:.c11itL,.tl°! rE:p:,trii:tti-:in "nd return home;

c. At Assembly Cente~E. Dispkced pcrs ,)ns ·111 As sc,mbly Co.:;nters w~ 11 be . eager for i.nfc,rmcti on such :::.r:i :

"1. Huvr lon6 they n.re likely to r euw .i.n in the Center;. 2 . Rocent 1-it,Wp of their homG countries c.ml · C•)IItniunitiE:s; J. The proces s by v.rhi ch they muy secure tho d ocuments _necessr,try

to r eput:dc. tiori; · · · · .. 4 ·. · The probub1e · 1~ngth of tim& b8for e tlwy ccn b e, r epatri1:..ted; 5 . Arnnte.11fmt,s f.or h ,)USing , f eeding , chilc;. ci..re:, and uther

. ar-ra.ngeme:pts £\ir living in the Center; . 6 . Opportuniti 1.:: s f t:ir work v,i thin or ne[,r tn,=: ·CeBter; 7 . Meth)c;s •>i' comrnmicc.ting with r elr,t:Lves .1r friE:nds.; t'.nd_, 8 . AJ'.Tfngements f,:ir trc.nsp,.JrtLt:Ln, f.),Ju and 0thcr necessities

for the j ourn ey to R<']ception p,;ints in th8ir home countries .

C . Pc::rsoncJ. C0unsellin g anct' s--:r:vic e

L Mr.my seri 1us per:;0nc.l 1Jr jblco@G v.ill inevit£..bl;y .:.rise wherever _tl;er e c.. i~e lurgE. gr,.mµs of pers..:;ns v:h0 hd7e peen f -.Jrced to .Live in 1::..

.f'.orr..:ign lCt.nd ur1d1:::r· r!urGs,., f_)r sev8ru.l years . These pr ob2.0ms m.<:!.y , unless . CF.~refully '.n::•ndlcd, Cc.US C . C ·JnSi.derable c! ifficulty . . fi/!,:ntol cl.i.surders ' . anxiety, w:;rry over 1,~st r t. lr: t i ves , finan :::ie,l tr•_)ublecis, these ::re typlci::l uf o. host of: i-Jr:)blGms 1ihid1 mr,y· c -)nfront Ci..,nter Din•c tors or :.ithers :Lri­Vl'Jl ved in th2 cnr0 nrtll r ep1.:,triE.tion proc 2ss.

2 . T:; br..ndle t hese ,vrublEms, skillt-:,c.1 c ·.Junsellj_ne se➔:r-vicos shou1d be £;.vai ].&bl c; e,1,t .Assi:!mblJ' Cen ters and uther urc;:;_5 v,here displaced per s~m s c :;,1centr:1.t0 su that the r:Uspl·&r!ocl pcrsvn s muy be gi vim the, upp,Jrtu.ni ty tJ ois c1.rns their pr,:;blems v.i th sone·.)ne wh-J mc:.y u.id them i n W'.):r.k i ng ,)ut th.:: 3,Jlut:l. ~•ri ~ The t;bj ectiire .)f pers1.mc:..l counselling f r om the poin t rJf

vit:w1 of Mi lita.ry Government i ~., to minimize the hindr D.ncef.: to -.Jrclerly 1·opd,rii: tion v1hlch mc,y be enc•)Untered if these pe:r:sonnl pr ,)bler.is are ignor.:;d. In · m~my e&.::.;es pr0ble::.ms whlcn .s..pp8EtJ.'. troublesomu ,,nd :Lmpur trmt t-") ti1r.i dis.[-ll .'.!.ccd pcrsnn cun be s,)lved :Lf only he is given .thE: upportmity t,) c~iscu132. them . In s~)me c1:~ses thE: c"i. j_f f :i.culty may be such th~.t the indi­vidual mr,.y have to be withdr;;.wn from the norm~tl processes Jf repLtri:, tion -~: nd giv()h Sp£--;_ci;.1:~ . core.

3. Co t.m&c:Jling s8rviccis s h,)uL.1 b.e llis tingu:Lshed from Inform:.tion Servie,>.s . . ~L.esf-~ latter c.. r e more )r less r .:mtine, will -bo u sed by _pr1:1-cti­c:ally r.:.11 the gispluced persons, c.,nc:. muy -'b0 ,,pen~tt:d by I' t') latively un t1--0ined


persons. · Counselling services, on the other· h2nd, will be required by only a f ev,- disI-,laced person s and shoulc: be renclerecl only by persons tni.ined or ,Jxperlenced in welf1.1.re, S,)r,ial work, or r c; latcd fields, Such persons should be of the same nationality, j_f potrnible, as tne displaced persons.

4. It riay be des irecblo to estabUsh Counselling Servicus in con-j unction ,;-ith the Inforn~ation S,"rvices. The Information Bur -enux, Assem­bly Center s.clministrativc officials, National Liaison Off'ieers, as welJ. f::t.S th8 uisplac:~d JJersons thE:mselves should pe informed cf the cxistGnce of ~- cmmselling service anC:. should ref er to . it incl i_vj dua.1s who are m­~)ble to solve by themselves the: numerous · person<il prob_lerns· which may

'>. I'ro1Jerly organized anf.i st&ffeci, ski Lli""d Counsulling Service cr-m o•:: of gret .. t valu0 to displaced persons &.nd to militnry officit°Lh, ,charged ,•;i"t..ri -~hc.d.r eare a:id repc.triation.

6 . Succes,--:.fuJ. counr;ul.J.ing r eq uires (r,.) nb.il1 t·.nd experience in per­sonr~l counsel.ling, (b) an underst&.ndine of tht, yarying backgrounds r:md circunwtr...nccs of rlisplucu1 perLons·, cmd (c) pat"icnco and understanding. Counselling s r1riuld &:L:i to h0lp the inGiviJual to go.in the fullust 1.inder­st::-.nding uf hi;=; own personal si t:uation Jn rel1- ticn to repatriation, and. tho r,:;v.sons underlying of'fici1~1 f)lans tan(: prtrticular proccdun,s. There r;iJ.l. undoubtedly be some ctrnes of severe rnt.ntc.l ur. emotional dioturbmices which will r:;:qulre f;Jdllr:d ::.:ocir.,.l or medicr l tre::c,tment and possibly spociul care . Hor:ever, Assumbly Centt:r officers t.h . .:;uld be v:~rned agt.dnst inoxpf1rt attempts to deal 1,-iith c1)mplict,.te(t si t:u.Htions th::-t ur1:; beyoncl thr.::ir (:urnp~tE:nce. Persons r evecilint; m&rkr,d ,.,bn.Jrme.lities in behiviour shoulc~ be r eferred to the Welfr r0 o~·u.cer v.ho should, (:hen necesstrry, consult wi t:1 medic::.,J. off:Le0rs or other f,pcci:·.l.ists v;ho may be avail&ble.

D. CM l dren I s Sc:rvic es ..,..

1. .Children uncer thG age ,)f sixteen .;iJ.1 frequently present, diffi-­cu.J t tJrubl 1,'mS. Al though "t,he number of chi.1drl;n v.:h,) &re displac0d v.ill not be very lr,rge ns c0:11pared wi tr. the. totc l nwnber uf c:isplt1.ced porsons, children in Assembly CentGrs will f11ll into two groups:

f..,. Those who are .'tccornp::::.ni0d uy their ,Jvm p1:; 1·E:1nt.s, by legal gµ.ard­fons or by ,:.dults h:,ving n_o legnl r8s pvnsibil5 ty for them, :md

l.i ·. Tho5,} who e re lmuccomp,;nj <.:Cl.

:2. Jv.::.c,.)!ilf0::_J.i<~l_(:;;}15.ldre.u . Miere children ,:..re~ whh · families, every ufi(.)rt must be mltde to· keep the · family together. If cbilar,_,n are ternpor-­o.rily loct nr ;::;ic,paro.t ,ici., Inforn! .. . t :L:m Bur•:::&u, , ·sgistrati:.in rec)rds r...nd uther meu:1s shouL; bo GHiployc. t,) reuni.t : the fu.m.lly as r&pidly as 1x,c:s:i-­bl,~. .Sp8cial care ,;;ust be ta1':t:;n rn r;.;~ist;c:ring fmch chilciren.

3. Urii:,ccompr,nied Children

a. ChiL.ir,m ..i.naccom.paniGc: by r .:; fo.ti V8:':' <ff guardians will present tho most difficult pr:)blems . Tbes,~ children r:,r..,y be lost or s2pi,ratod from their families, atc:.nc~or;e c:: ·or orphan cc. . Some r.iay be r;ithout 1. · '":1t:i. -­i"icatL',n either bectiuse of acei.dent or bec::.:.use of E1 d0liberc::te c',ct on the w~rt of thoi:r pr.ropts to protect tr,e child, or teci...use of an u.ct of the ,,·nemy.

b . The numbe.c of unt,ccomp'.'.n:Leu chilc:trcn of Allied nD.tiJnul:Lty in onerr.y te:.:-rit,:iry is n,.)t imcvm. Frori1 ini'ormati.m E.v1:i.i.uble the following groupc, cf' s;icJ+ chj .1.ctr0n a rc lih,1y t0 be found:

_L. CJ-ii.lciren v/r.i.0 originhll:f \•Ver~~ (le portt:d in lci.bour groups r1i th tb,dr 1)cU't:.nts or whsi Were born in enemy terriT,Dry _, but hc:..ve sj_nce · becom1c,

, orph&ns or complett)ly µepnrc-.ted frum purc-.;nts.

;l . Ci1ildrer1 YYho v1t;r{;; dep,:;rt,Jo. from Allit:~(l al;1111tri.es r'-nd havt:: been rs~recl &s enemy children. Thef,c children ( estim':ct1,;s run into the tens

- 10 -

of t _}::l.ousands) will present special cl:i.fficul ties . _ It may be to the best · · inte:::'ests ·of these children to leave -them where· t'hey are until their

ultik~te d·i~_posai ·has been determined . ·

3 . Children of unions betwaen enemy nationals e.nd United Nations nationalb who were deported into enemy _te3:rito:ry~

4. Ch.i.ldrcn who hs.ve bi:len in hiding in Germany b8cau scJ their par­ents viere ·,loQkcd on with -disfavor by en..:my authorities for rea;3ons of ·race~- rdig:t'on, or politicai affil.iation . I>.1any of thtSS children have bu, .. m cc:..red for by symµathetic pcopl8 who may, upon collapse , bring · them tb tho rivFj.r,,;-st Assembly Center or othur Processing Center .

5 . ChiJ.dren c,f the Uni tcd Nations who have be.:m deported as la­borers . As these childr(.n will be in the ·0lcler age groups , it should be v >ssiblc t:J treat most •)f -them in the si::rr,e vmy us adult displaced perf.,Jns . A .few may present special pr0blt:ms requiring particular atten­tion of VJclfare Of'ficars . Man:;,- 0.f them probably have been in comrnuni­cc..tiun with thGir parents or rela tives .

c . f;lilit2ry 1;.uth,)ri ties or civilian age.ncies \vurking mder their · direction will hcJve mc,j or responsibility for unaccornpanied children . H,y,vever, it 'is exp0ctr;d th!-.'. t StIAEF policy i;;ill be to recomrr,end to mili­t ar·y r:..uthurlties thEt during the SHAEF period, o .. t h.[tSt , military

r .

-B.uth-Jri t1e s sho.uld t&ke no 1:tction tn&t wou.ld permancntly affect the gu::J.rdianship or l egol stat\rn of v. child . V1olfare Officers sh-::iuld be ri.vdlc:ble 1\.Jr C!onsultc.ticn by ir,il;i.tv.ry c.,uthorltiE:s responsible for deci­

. sions 1;.ffecting the cust,..,dy ,)r cl:ire vf un:1.ccompa.nied children . Respon­sibility f ,)r uw1ccompanied children of known m ::tj_onali ty will, of cuurse, be tri:..nsferred to the ir respective rn:.thmc,l govornm t.:nt~ c..s soon ;:,s cir-

. CUJTlStt;nceS • permit~ . . '

The co.~e ,,ncl reputr:i,Lt ion_ of ch:ildrGn, v.-hf~ther &cc0mpuniGd or un­~.ccornpanied, will i:ivol-.re: c ,.:,llectivn; registrt:d,ion; apprcpriatc shelter

-aecommud[,tbn; spec:i[,l i'e ..:.ding nrrangements; day--time octivi ti.es; indl­vj dur.1 servic es v s requinici for particular groups of children presenting specie l pr,)blrnns ; muvcmcnt , nnd r epl:.triutj_on. :i:n the ct..se ..)f unaccompEcnied chilclr <Jn, Gf course, the primcry obj ~cti ve is t 0 r ~uhi te them ~vi th their f .smilies r:.t the earli e:c; t poss:ibl8 mom ent .

a. Collection. Plan s s n.ould be me. de for the collecti,)n of children, prffti cularly thusE; ~:ho ". re t.muc com pc.nied, in c:..11 l,.rgo r::en te1·s uf popult;,­t :'l ,_;n in enemy t erri t ory . It is probable tfa..t &dults nm, c1:..ring for these

· ·.chil6 ren will bring them t0 the nearest r e patr iation i:iuthoriti os . At €very <!bllecb .. jn p,)lnt ,. s pecial &rrcngt;rnents must be made for the reception of t hese :: hiltlru1 by cor,;petent pers0nnel . Whers r:, child is cr..red for ,.<.lequr t iity in w1 enemy home 1-' .. nd \,here such ndequute care: c/ill be continued, h r::. should n:it be removed unt:il i:,l,,n :3 t'.re m&.d E: f0r' his m,JVcinent to his home coun\ ry . ti..)\·.- cver, undc.n- 110 circwr1Btm:1ces should chilclr-.:m be permanentlv pls cod, ' nor s i1-~mld £:ny plans f ur aci0pti •.Jn be consumm1... ted. . Under Ctll c:j.~­cumst~mc e:J, thE. be;:;; t, inter ests of t h0 child. ' rnust b,:: the fec-t ..:,r t.:.i C: ete.r-mine whn.t or0visj_on sh::mld be :11&de for him . . . .

b . R,.~gistra. tion .

· (1) Gcnero.l . Bec,~u;:,e of Uie great importance of presP-rving .:.lll info:!:m::,h•Jn th11t m1;;.y lwlp t o 1-.-: entif'y, '.)r otherwise help properly to pro­vide for ch:l.lc.:r en , /r r1,) us e s}10uid bo ma c':. e ot· the seetion of t he RegistrB.­t ion Heco;rd l,: bGlled "Rer,1£:srkstt for . the -iccordlrig ot 11.IlY inform&tlon neces-r,.:.ry to s erving t he best intcr P-sts of chj_ l c: ren . ·

- 11 -

· · ( 2) Accompanj,Qg Child;r.Qn. In registoring children ac.compuniod by o. rolo.tive ( or by an adult with J.cgo.l responsibility), groat co.re mus-t:, be . exorcised to make sure tha t they arq properly identified ·so that tl:i'oy may continue to benefit from tho protection of their relatives. .In rogistoring children o..ccompcmiod by persons .QY1.QL..th9rn their ovm famj.lios, the safeguards suggested· bolovr for registration of unaccompanied children must be obser:vod to. ensure protection •

. • > ( 3) · Qnnccomriru1i.Qri..91:1.ldron .. . i. Tho standard procedures f or r egistration of displaco'd ·persons,

as outl.inod in Displaced Persons Rogistro.ti :=in Instructions . and in tho first supplement to thoso inst.ructions, will hn.vo to bo ·supplomentod in tho cuse of unaccompnniod children. Sopu.rato accomP.1odo.tion should be arranged f or recopi;,ion and registration . I_f possible, persons wrw; a.re oxpn:rionced in co.ring for . children t.,nd who understand how t o deal with thoir f oars should bo given r esponsi bility for their r egistration. The identity of some children mo.y be unknoYm; somo childr en rray conceal their identity. Youngor children my not

· be able to supply tho information roquircd. I ndirect methods rather tho.n · direct questioni ng of tho child will . of ten be tho most effective vro.y of obtai ning identifying do.ta. Ev0ry effort nust bo ma.de to secure nocqed .data fron tho family wi th which tho child ha.s been staying' o.nd fr on local .authorities o.s· vwll as from tho · child himself, so that the Rogistro.tion Record mo.y be filled qut compl etely. ·

ii. Every child unncconp::miod by· o. roln ti vo ( or by o.n .adult vd th l egal responsibility) should bo r egistered as o.n u:r.n:ccompo.niGd i;::hi;Ld . In fill.­ing out · the Rogistro.tion Record for ea.ch unacconpaniod child, tho word 11 unaccom­paniod11 should bo insortod in tho upper left ho.ncl corner of the co.rd. If tho .child is unidentified, the words 11u.rJ.acconpo.nied-unidontifiod 11 sho1,1ld be sinilo.rly inserted, If tho:: child I s no.mo i s unkno,vn or if ho ho.s boon given ·a nnno by sono­onQ .other than his own fnnily, the words 11 real no.me unknown" should be inserted, under Iton 1 on tho Rogistro.tion Record , nftor the nano by which ho is ~allad.

iii. Particular n ttontion should bo given to: ' I+ ,... "F · 1 IiJ th · . _,&~ 3J,1liX...,.:QD0 1 0 . or glVCn nnnos .

Iton 5, Clo.inod lhtionc,lity. · Iten 6, Birthdn:tQ..,._jtirth;plo,co, proYiJ.1co , go~mty. I ton 10 , Full nano of father . · Item 11, YµlPnnidon m.r.10 of potho;r. I tc:r.i . 2/4, Romg.rkq. Under ror.1nrks should be listod nar:ios and

o.ddrcssos of brothers:, sisters , and othor relati ves , data. on rosidonco _in .oncny cmmtry including no.nos end addresses of porsons with vrhon child has stayed, otc. It is suggested that where nocossc.ry , additional shoots be ntto.chcd to rogis-tre .. tion cards t o show sources of inforno.tion ontorod on the co.rd .

. iv . I n , tho central rolJ'istr::ition file (fo;r tho second copy of tho A. E.F. D. P. Registration Records) tho cards o;f u.r..accompuniod ch,i],dron ,• should- oi thor bo specially marked or filed iri a special section. Tho r.i:trkcd cards ( or spocfal filo ) should be indexed o.lpha.boticnlly {1ccording to fanily no.r10. Such n · file v1iJ.l fo.cilitato the clonrance of inquiries r ocoivod regarding unacconpo.nicd children, i:till expodi t.o the trac~ng of rclntivcs, and vJill provide data for o.dninistrettivo purposes . · ·

Tb,D torn 11 rolo..tivo11 , as used· hero, vrill nornally include only aqult rolo.tivos of close . blood relationship, such as po.rents , gr11ndpo.rcnts, brothers or sisters. However, in naking provision for childron their best intorosts L1ust a.lv.ro.ys bo kept . i n mi!1d .


- 12 .-

v.. . 'Every unaccor.iptmiod child . should·. bo . to.g~eci \rt t~ his idonti­fica.tion co.rd immediately after registration . Photogro.phs .£hould. bo 11lD.dc of . on.ch unn.occimpaniod child , if possible. Tho photograph should ·be ntto.chcd to · tho r cgis4rntion record. · ·

c, Sholior ind Caro

(1) Acc ompn.ni.ilil.Qh,;l,ldrori . Whore ·the children o.ro with their foniiio~ or parsons fnnilia r t o thon, ovory effort should be mo.de t o keep tho -fnnily t ogether . 'J'ho ordinary co.ro · or children is tho responsibility of the family . or accor.1pnnying ndult. In living qu,..1.rtors where· tho ch:j.J;dron o.re hoµs od , o.ttcn- · tion rr,ust be given t o sleeping o.rrnngornonts , lnvo.tory facilities, etc . , suited t o their particular needs and safety. ·

' ( 2) Unq.cc onpnn~eg Chil_g,;r.Qll . Uno.ccompaniod children should not bo pla ced •rith unrelc.ted fnmiJ.y groups· or sirtglo o.dults . in Assembly Centers ex­cept 2s o. l nst resort or c.s o. strictly ·temporo.ry expedient until other o.rrnngo­r-:cnts o.ro . Bado .

(o. ) Wherever possible uno.cconpo.n:tod children should be sogrogctted by· nc.tionnlity and, if possible, housed 11part fr om adults in sone l ocri. l institution or · hone nhich IT'.ny ·bo requisitioned . Persons in charge ·?hould be of tho sm:io no.tionality ns the children. Problons of f ootli ng , clothing , housing , nnd re­creati on , ca.nnot be donlt r,ith udoquat ely unless persons oxporiencod in handling groups of children arc ·avo.ila.blo •. Such persons nay be obto.in0d through National Liaison Officers . Sono of tho . . displaced po,rsons thonselvos may ho.ve tho necossnry qualifications.

(b) Unacc onpuniod children of United Nc.tions no.··tionnlity should not be billeted or placed in onohy .households, nor sh_ould thoy be' pl.a.c od in the cnr o of J.oco.l c.goricios or institutions nhcre this involves a.ny direct c ontact 11ith enor.1y por s o1mel . Suito.blo loco.l f o.cilitics rk'lY~ however ~ bo requisitioned,. .­If unacconpo.niod children arc en.red f or in accor.1r.10do.tions vrith;i.n an Assonbly Cent er or ;i.n close proximity t o it, they should pnrticipnte in play, recreo.tiemnl o.nd odue e:.tiono.l a ctivities pr ovided f or other children i n tho Asscnbly Cont .or .

(c) Whore tho nunbc:r of w..::i.cconpaniod children in 1;1.n Assembly Cantor is snc,11 , it niy be c.dvi snbl o t o transfor tbon to s or.10_ other center wl~oro there are sufficient n'll17lbors t c pornit provision of , nppr oprio.to care and services . Tho prnctico.biJ.ity of such o.rro.ngoments doponds upon a vo.ricty of f a ct ors nnd should be und0rtc.1.kon only aft er co.rqful c onsidcra.ti qn~ It nc.y bo nostexped~ont t o p l an nnd oper c.1.te services- f or uno.cconpo.niod children on nn o.ren bnsis .

_ (d) Feeding . ~f f ocd is served i n cannon dining r ooms, special · fe eding . nrr~ngononts nc.y be needed f or tho propnrntion o.nd serving of f ood for children up ·t o about five years c,f ago .

d. Day-tino nctiviti8s

Evon Ylhoro tho number 0f children is sma.11 1 it wilJ.. bo necessary t o s oo that they have whol csono outlets f or their onorg-1 in plo.y o.nd educational activities , othorriis o, they will find troubl csone D.nd destructive things to do a.nd mo.y be a. goner c..l s ourco of n or ry t o busy and nmcious ndults . Da.y- tir.10 :10tivitics f or sno.11 nunbers of children cnn be undcrtr.ken on n sir.1plo basis with supervision given by mothers nnc.1 some of tho ol der boys uncl girls , _Wher e tho nunbor of children :i.s J.C1.rgc , clay- tine 2.ct.ivitios ':rill ho.vo t o be more CQrc­fully orgC1.nizcd a.nd o.dnpted t o the needs nnd inter ests of different agb groups .

JI . .

- 13 -

o. Movement of Children

(1) No child and particularly no uno.cc ompani od child should bo rcturnocl t o his own country until plt>.ns f or his novomont nnd reception nro lr..novm to huvo boo.1 nac~o . Every child under 16 yoq.rs shouJ.cl be in tho charge of an ::mthorizoc1 ::.dult escort. For children of mixoc1 age groups under 16, one adult shoul,1 accompany tho party f or every fifteen children; ·f ·or aixod ago groups under 12, one adult for every pc.1.rty of ton children. Mixoc: nge groups arc pre­ferable a,s ol der children ma.y c.ssist with tho ca.re .of younger. ones_. It is unsafe t o novo l nrge nunbers of children under fivo together.

( 2) So;,10 method n1ust be worked out s o tho.t i dentificati on dis~;:i , · ta.gs or cci.rc1s o.ro fa.stoned t o young ·children who, if they vrnre l ost, could n0t be r oo.dily i contifi od.

(3) Those i n charge of children sh0uld have · full do t nils of tho -.. novonent and shoulc1 be instructed carefully as t o their duties. They sho11lcl not loo.vo tho children until they have turned then over t o those responsible ·of'ficL1.ls t o whon they. wore instructoc1' to dolivor than . Specia.l problons of f eeding nnd en.re enrouto . should ' bo carefully considered and planned . For lnrge parties, .oodicn.l and nur sing personnel should a cc onpnny t ho group if possible .

f . Sliecio.,;t Groun,~ of C,hildrori

· Children r.10ntnlly or physically ho.ndico.ppod , · those suffering fron dobilito.tion, emoti onal disturba.,1ccs or shock arid those who present behaviour difficulties, nay roquiro opocinl cG.ro nnd s ervices such as separ ate housing arro.n£0l7lents, appliances , spocfo.l di ets, r ecr cati onnl and occupo. tional acti vi tics suited t o their noods . Vlhilc tho nunber of children in t hese groups ·.-:ill be sr.10.ll, av::tilnblo f o.cilitios a.11,cl service s should be. used t o. tho r..u;ximun t o noct their . urgent r oquiro1:1onts .

g . Renatria.t-i on

Childr en ·11Ul be r opo.trinted t o tho country of their nntionality in nccorchnce with nrrnngononts rrith Na.tional Lia ison Officers .

' E·• c • 1 S · ~ v th 0p~c10. crviccs ~or ~ou

1. Spgcia.l Needs of Ycuth . Many adol escents fron 14 t o 18 years of age nhc cone t o Asscr,1bly Centers nill, a s o. consequence of their experience, have reo.chod a. stngo of ru:i.turity beyond their years, both in suffering various f orns of distress_ nnc1 ~n f eeing responsibilities . Although they will need consiclornble help and supervision, ndolesconts should, so fo.r as p_ossible, be given ;tho oppor­tunity of ·naki hg their ov~ decisions rognr di ng their futuro,

2 . Among tho typos of service s pnrticula.rly neodod, t o help o.dol oscents t o ado.pt thorisol vcs t o rnm · rmys of l;i.f o c.ro;

a , Spccio.l hous:i:nc arro.ngcr,1011ts , especially f or those unntto.cho c1. to fonily groups .

b . Provision f or nutritional nooc1.s. Adol escents bocuuso 'of their ro.pid grorrth, oft en have greater nutritional noods than school-ngc Ghildron,

c . Educ:1tion:il o.nd r ocronti ono.l activities. ·

. c1 . I -Occupati onc.l activities. Pc.rticubr attention should be given t o work suit~blo t o their physical condition and ago .

Q . Sorvicos f or gr oups viit h spccinl noods. It is to be expected thc.t r.1nladjustr.1onts o.nc. bchr.v-iour difficulties 1;1ny be cannon o.nong_ this group a.11,d nill rog,uiro' skilled troo.tr.ient and E,lpecin-1 .sorvic-o.


• 14 -

F. SDod,al Services for Worn.on

1. OldQr. Girls g.nt1 Women . Tho girls cmd women coning to ,J\ssor.i.bly Centers ;;.,ill include nnny vi-ho ho.d been forcibly sepa.ro.tod fror.1 their fo.milics a.nd driven .,, into forcod hbour i n Gcrr:m.ny. Ma.ny of tho so wonon a.nd girls 1·1ill need spoci o.l opportuni ties a.nd oncourngonont to regain ·~ sense of sel f -respect nnd social dignity. Every effort should therefore be nndo to croc.to in . the Centers a.n environr.i.ent that will respect tho pcrson.'.ll dignity of nonon a.nd girls . It will be pt.rticulnrly iraportnnt t c sd'ogunrd girls a.nd wonon v1ho ha.vo been· subjected t o dogro.di ng oxporioncos o.nd t o protect them fron being sti gmntiseci ns ob jects of pity- or consu.ro . Special 1..1.rrnngcnonts o.nd services needed by worion and girls include ns nuch privacy and pcrso1~~1 considorc.tion ns possible during tho process of clodnsing nnd nodicr..l o:xa.ninntion; housing o..cconmodc.tion nllovling for tho -no.xinm:i of privacy ~m d affording opportunities t o ma. i nto.in or inprovo tho n.ppear­o.nco of their livi ng quarters ; porsonnl counselling soryi co for those who ho.vo had pnrticulnrly painful oxperioncos or who nood n.ssi sto.nco in planning for their return hono ; suitable occupation~l •nctivitios o.nd s ocial nctivitios affording an opp ortunity of ongn.gine in c onstructive nork nnd of pa.rticipo.ting in tho opor­o.tion of the Assembly Center; spocinl protective r1casures f or •girls and young women whose situation night othorvliso bo cxploitod .

2. E:x;poctg._nt Q.Ud Nursing Mothc-,1:§ . Whore cxpocto.nt nncl nursing nothors arc r eceive~ in As~onbly Ccintcrs, thoy nay roqui~e special diets or supplonon~ tn.ry f ood,- special housing n.rranger.1ents n.nd clothing in o.dditim1 to modicn.l services . If a r.1other in the Center has young children, nrrr.mgonent s nust bo rode f or their co.re tluring tho nothor 1 s confinonont , unl ess tho· father i s present: nnd co.n take ~nro of then .

G. Sorvicos f or J.r,;od , or H2nc1ico:pnoc1 Persons

1 . 1,nongst tho population of tho .Assonbly Centers , will be f ound s bno persons handicapped by n.gc ( including porscns r,rho through their experience kwc bocono prer.cturoly old ) , o.nd nho hn.ve sufforec1 ci.ctuD .. l physicnl injury (includinrr blindness) .

2, Tho need , handicc.ppoc1 persons o.nd other special · gr oups will · rcquir·o · speci a l housing nrrnngoconts, specia l diets, nnd ,othot sorvicos . Jt pay be nocossnry to house s or.10 of those persons in hostels r o.thor tho.n in largo c or.rr:1unc.l cent ers . Their r.iove□ont r.10.y also require spocio.l planning •

3. Attendants shculcl. b..o prepared f or tho possibi lity .of having t o renovo fr on trnins and convoys those who boc one ill in trcrnsit. Plnns shoulc\ o.lso · be ne:.c:o in o.c1vn.nco f or goner :-,.1 wolfctr o services t n be n.vnilabl o both on r oute, a. t . points of trn.nsfor o.ncl upon ~.rrivo. l o.t dostinn.tions .

H. Ca sh Grt".nts .

1. For Disi;:2lnc.Q{LPcrs~ms Provic~ocl. f or on o. Cgr.rr.111.110.l Bo.sis • . Present plo.ns l ook t erm.rd ruk;Lng ca sh grc.nts f or pocket noncy - f or tho purchase of personal itons a.nd i ncidentals ·- t o displo.cod persons Viho o.ro sheltered and fed in .1~ssor.1bly Centers on n cor.:ir.mno.l bo.sis . l'i1ec1.ic i::, l co.re o..nd clothing, v1hen n.vnilnbl e , will be provided in kind .

2 , Fen::; Dif..12la c0d- Persons tJOI' Pr ovicTcd for on o.. Coµnu.,_'1n_l Bnsi..g . Present pl:J.ns f or c7. ispl nced persons individually billeted in priva.to hones ( or otherwise ) l ook t owar d tho po.yncnt of en.sh ern.nts f or f ood nncl pocket r:ioney. Pl::ms also ~ call f --ir giving clothine; , noclico.l CD.re a.nd other o.va.ilnblo services. t :) this group , a s ".;-;oll a.s t o those provided for on n cornunn.l bn.s:i,s . · · · ·

. ' ·' .


J . Until pol i cies r egarding cash grants are fin,ally worked out for Assembly Centers, it is hoped t hat available canteen supplies and por sonal necess:i.ties may be distr :j..buted free to displaced per sons, regardless of whet her they ar e pr ovided for on a communal or on an individual basis . ,,

I. Recreatlonn,l Acti vi.t i~~

1 . Tho smooth working of Assembly Centors will depend in large ;aeasur e upon a program which will keep the displaced per sons busy and help them to occupy their timo ·coiistructively . ·Where .persons are ~ongre.~ gated toget her under crowded and abnormal conditions, with little to do, tnc,y ar c not e.G nmene.ble to discipline and routine as .they might be normally. Satisfactor;:,r occupation of leisure time will help to .. sustain mor:,1e, prevent g:riovm1ces from a ssuming undue proport:lons, and cons ider-­ably eas,J the task of the Center Director and repatriation officj_als.

2 . In most situations displa<;:ed persor-d:, will not remain long enough to wa.rrnr.t the forme.l organisation of recreationel a.ctivi ties . Hoi:!eVC:lr , the:co mr,y be instrmces where displt:.ced persons may- rom,dn for ,'t consider~ . 8.ble period. During those hours in which they are not employed or occupied 1'li th personal tasks , vari0u:3 leisure time activities should be made a·lc1ile.ble. This is rmrticularly importnnt for children and yo1,1ths . .Personnel for theirn r~ctivi tfo s can often be secured from among the displaced persons themselves . A number of private orgEmisations mr~y be able to furnish scr2e lee.dership 011d equipment for the lo.rger con t ers . Such supplic,s as r.,ay be ave..il 1.1 blu in Gern1rny car. , of course, b e r equisitioned by ~.iilitary .Authorj_ties .

3. Tho grei::.test possible vr.riet:.r of proj octs shllu1d be sou ght in order t o meot the different L1tcrests of difforont groups (such c.s men, women , boys, girls, young childrcm) o.nd , becn.uso of the differing occupa­tional time- t ab:j.es of different groups, as for example wow.on with families , workers employed outside· the Center, Ot' those engo.ged in duties within the Center . It is also r,ecessar3r to rer.iomber that some proj ccts should pro-­yj_de r elaxc.tion and qu~.et rather then energetic or boisterous activity; and that in all fields a promiu.in r.mst be pb.ced on activities which require co1:1pc..rn:ti voly s inplo or improvised equipment, Acti vi tj,es 1aight be of three type fJ :

a . Socia l, cultural o.nd infor:mntional; b . Hon<licrn.fts ,:.nd r:tams.l vmrk; n.pd c . Spcrts ~nd g[:.mes .

I+• Displ aced persorn:i will be hungry for news· anc: knowledge abmit tlK·ir humolcmd . No~·m services , reo.dinc r oans, tc::.lks by Naticn."..l Lir,ison Officers, r o.dio fr.cD i ties - thoso ecnd s inilar devices · cc.n serve . to i r.part infornation r .. nd !J.i:.l !tor e.l e • • Tho typos c)f actlvi tius tlic.t c:m bo organised

• ar e numerous but t :1e pe.rticular progr rn:1 ::mst, • of course, rJepend en ·the l ocr,.l si t uatlon . Nows broadcasts for d:i.splo.ced. persons i n G0rmm1y are being plr!.nnecl hy mili t r.,r~; authc,ri ties . Asser:ibl.y Center Officers shc-uld be prepc..roq. to o.ssist groups of dispiacod persons to hour broadc~sts in which they rc;ay °'.:ie interes t ed .

;r . RRJ.i.,::\.ims Ministr2.tions

J.. Displriced persons in Assembly Centers (or other processing centers) ::;hcUJ.d be pc.3ri.li ttcd tu conduct such • re1i[5ious services as they desire. Ass ,:1mbly Con tor cUr!:;ctors should o.soist in evory wn .. y pos s ible tc · enable displv.ccd persons to conduct such sorvices by providing mcotin e plr.ces c.nd other nccossn.rr f acilitLs . While, obviously, pQrticipntionin such ;::;i:r,rlcos should be ,,holly er. u vol.unL-.ry ba.sis, their availability will i 1apr ove m0i~u1e and an1mn cc, t.hA vrnll-00:irig of tho Center populn ticn .

2. Min.is turs and religious l eaders al:Jt, m·.q wi sh t o nw,ko u sick culls" or perform various re1igi 6us rites . Such activities can be very helpful in relieving n.mdety and n.iding ir ... tho orclerl;f rcpatrin.tion pr ocess.


3 . M:lnist.ers and other·s able to conduct relig-ious services may be G.Vailabl e from n.mong the displaced persons thP-mselves, f r om nationr.l agencies 1::md frCim intern::1.timml r,:3ligious , bodies which ar e desirous Gf sending ninisters to the larger Assembly Center s .


4. The services of l oc.'11 relic;ious leaders in Germany may be utili sed only with the consent of i:1ilit0:ry authori tics, .whose approval must be obtained through the Dire~tor of the Assembly Center concerned~


A • · _1'he Problem ·

1. The r:mny inequali tie" in treatment of United Nations nati cno.ls er::ployed or iwprisoned in Germany will suggest iraportant considerutions to f:.dministrat:i.ve and welfare policy· in Assembly Centers . The most pri vi-1 -a ged foreign workers have enjoyed a status equal - in theory at least -to thf!t of the German v10rkors. The least privile ged have suffer0d every indignity t ha t tho Nazi could clevise . Between .. those extremes the remainder ha ve been classed in rmmerous and constantly cb.mging cate gorie s vJi th un0qual privileges, · prctect ion e.nd s t r.tus. The se inequalities h ave sometimes bred bitterness between natur.:.l nl-lios end betwoen groups of th~=; SD,m0 na tionnli ty.

2 . Jus t Md equal trea.tnent t o all persons :md the .tangible evi~ den r;es of pers onn1 r espect and consider n.tl cn for the i ndividua l persons should permoat1:~ all ,'.ldmtnis trative plans and nctivitic~s in the Assembly Con t or. Al thou gh physical faciJ,.itie s may be prir:d tive or inadequate much cnn be d one t o creo.te a setting in which both v10:7ten .c.nd rn Ein will find .encourngerwnt and Of!portunity t o re-ostn.blish for t hon.:s clve s the person al t".i."1.d s ociuJ. s tandar ds which wer e r es pect ed in thoir heme COl'.lJl1UJ1i tie s .

B. Rosponsibil.i ty ?f A.; s eml,ly Center StG.ff

1. The As s e,!1bJ.y Center st:-~ff s houlc:1., ,,.ccorclingly, t :.:..ke account of hmmm r:.nd persona l vr..luus involvod in the hnsic pr ovis i ons of f ocq, clot bing, r::nd shelter; roEistrr.t i on; employnont; tho oper ntion of co.nte0n storos; the de gr ee of self- rovernncnt and of mutur:.l rdt: c...rid r"ssisk.nce th1:. t co.n bo c'evelopecl .

2. Asso1:tbl;t Center per sonnel r e sponsible f or specific functi ons s hculd v,urk in the clos est pos s ible ccoper r..tion vii t h the Center Director o.rid p(;;!rsom10l responsible for other spe cific func tiws . It is . of parti­cular fr1portrmce tha t tho s t a ff should c.:eve l op a:\,l , ;!O['..DS of t;t, ird.n t: first­ho..ncl kn owl e c'!ge of the problems nnd r eactions of t ho r Gs idehts of t he Center . By securin g thoir co;1fidence , the staff · r::1-y become tho best · chf.'..n;nel throug:1 which t he needs or ::.l ;i.f;('icul ties qf displ:J.ced persons may be o.sccrtc.ined.

C. J,i v__ing i\rrenr:er:1ents

1. The way in which displaced persons a r e assigned t o whatever forr::; .. · of nccor:u:1od2.tion . i s o.vG.ilu1)lo wilJ. be tbe re s ponsioilit y of the Mili tP...ry Authorities nnd Center ),.dmi nistr,:tt.i..on . However, all r.1er:ibers of the stt;1.ff ht:v i ng pcrtiner1t kn ord edg8 ,;dlJ.. be expected t o J.dv~se on the housing of i nd i vidual ,s c,r gr oups of pers ons f or whor.1 s r::eci1:1..l arran eemonts :,1ay be f ound to be r,.e cessary. Staff 1:1emb·:ors Elc.y also 'i?mke rocommendn.tions to t he Adminis tra tj,. on ;:1.;3 a result of c0r.1ple.i u ts .or reprcsentr.t i ons r e ceived i~rcrn individu nls or groups v1ho desire soma r e£1rrr.ngement of the

. allotted a ccomrnodo.tion, e . g., t o cmnble r elutive.s or nc:.Hber s of the same ·far:il;;r cr _nnti 0na l croup t o live t ocether while in the Center.




2. Feodj_ng [1.rrangenont,s in thL1 Center nill be the responsibility of the Ad~::inj_strction, but vflrious str..ff members r:ie.y be called upon t o rive advice 0n the special needs of pnrticular individuals or gr c:ups or rn1y '!:le in a pos ition to initiate reconm1endo..tions on those points. In the eyes of th:; residents, the staff members with whom they have most fre,quent . contq.ct are likely to be the persons tc ·whom they can come with all sorts of co1:1plr.ints rmd .·@rries r.tbout their lifo in thv Center. These staff r,,erabors should pr:.s s on those com1 1lt>.ints in the forr.1 of concrete suggest,icns to the au 's'.1ori ties responsible for tho feeding arrrmgements.

D. Registration

1. The i1:m1ediate purpose cf rogi:::; tration is two-fold:

a. To initiate and fo.cilitate repatriation procedures, D.nd b . To provfde 0;3sential information for administrative purposes.

2 . Since regi:strati on may be the fi:r:-st J;ersor,.: .. l contact of the rlisr:l:·.ced person with Uni tecl Natic•r,s r:.uth(irities, r egistration methocs shoul'l be designed to inspire conf:ic.l8nc0. This c::mtact will r-,J_sa pr ovide c1n crrortunity for sl:low:i..ng n personal :i.nt,~rest :Lr. the person ·registered a.."ld for interpretin;~ to displaced persons :the policies of the Adminis tration and the .servj_cos n.vaila.:)l e tc., thom .

3. The accure.cy cf the information recorded during registration is of great i 11r,ortmicc rmd if the por::nn concerned feels reluctant to reveal r0quired fo.cts, it is essenti.::.l trwt tho registrar carefully explain the reasons for re gistration and assist the · r egistro.nt ir~ filling out the Registrn.tion Rocord.

4, Welfare Officera ,.ill bo expect ed t c- assist in cny way possible, in enlisting the cooporn tion of dis r: lac0d 1:ersons who are being registered ,'.'.nd in };cJlr,ing tc realize 1'.'..S fully as possible the benefits

· resulting from refistration. ·

E. Clcthing

1. Where clothing :is in short supy:ly, Go that a eoneral distribution to all r0rsons is ir:i.possible, the Welfare Officer should bo co.llod UJ.on t o ;:idvise in r egard to categories or groups ,::;f residents who should have r,riority .

2. Where ::i.ny considerable number of :r-ersons is tc be pr ovided for c.,ver· o.:rw rel:.::.tively long r.e:riod of time, a valuable sun lement tc1 the

. :l.3t:ue of cl.Jthing will be the provisi on of facilities in, the Center for cL.::aninr, rcnovat1on, rc1x1.irs; tld.lor:L'1~ and dress-makinLi • Such . i'acilitios wiJ.J. reduee the neGd for llGW clothine,

~·. Coml'.!mnice.tions

l, G.enernl. Dispb.ced persons lic.v0 been separated from their homes and f mniliGs, r:mny cf them for sovera'.L ye~rs . They ·w:i,.11 be extremely

. ~mxious to ·G017l.t":IL.mici:i.te with relatives µnd ·friends. · Evory effort shoul<l be ma,de to f."1nlte this possible .

2. P~stal F~cilities. Civi;l.in.n r,ostcl cc,rnmunicntions will be re-nr,drnsd c..s quickly LB 1;1ilit9.ry considor::itious i:.'ornit nnd, when r eestab­lished , r.my be used by di.si;laced persons in Ger.P.Jany to comr:iu."licate vrith friends :.:.,r r elatives .in other countries.

3. Use of Fi.old Post Cards. _Tc r rovide n.n irm;iediate rmd effective nGan;3 of col'1l!lunication by- dJ.splacod persons in German:y with their hc,mes , relatives and friends, tho Allied Authorities havo institutod a systo~ nf Fielc.1 Post Cards. Thero will be c.vo.ilable in Assembly Centers card~ \·hich o.re printed in Dutch, Enelish t'.nd Fnmch '.lnd will be printed in other :, r.:rigur. cos when arrangoments cnn he. :~ade with inrlir~n0u 0, ;'"St.,_l servic 2s :: __ ;_ c-+,J1e:r ,::-nun tries.


a . Fi eld Post Cards should be used only when :

The full postal addr ess cnn be gi ven; (i ) (i :i,.)

(ii i) The receiver resides in l i berated or Allied territory; Itidigenous postal service is availabl e .

b . The cards per mit onl y the checkin g of the followi ng stat ed messages

I fu~ well and SQfe ; Wi ll wr ite e.s soon as possible ; Expect to· be . ]:iome soon; do not writ<?-~

c . Each card must be, fi;l.le<l ,out a.nd signed in the rrescmce. of an aprroved 9ff:i,.ci~l .

d. Car ds or igi nating in As.s embly Centers in Ger many will be subj e ct to censorship .

G. JFnt?l,oyment

1. It will be desi rable in most situations t o devel op employr::ent r.,roE>-rn.r.:s for those displa ced per sons who e.re to r er::min for any I eriod of ti!:lc in a specific area . Such employment r.i:Lght be a,tailaole :

a . In the Center itself; b .. _ On pr ojects of tho Allied armed for ces; or c. · Thr ough private orrq:.J.oyors in tho cornmuni ty .

a ., Welfar o. officers can 11ssist i n pl.mining c.nd making r ecom.'1lendut 5.ons on such Gmployment 1:;robl ems r.s:

a. Phys i on.l ,-:tnd emotional condition of dis1.l2..cecl per sons in relati on to ·;;ork Opj.:orturli ties;

b . Employmcmt classificP.tion o;f,' displaced i:;er sons based op t heir employment histor y; or

c . Det ermination cf rrioriti es for moyoment :i.n relation to such fac t ors as skills needed in tho home count ry of the displaced 1,erson , vmrkers needed on the Center staff, physical and montc1l disabili tfo :3 , cmd personal needs of the indi v:i.duals themselves .

· J . One officircl should be aesignated as the Assembly, Center 11 Emr:loyment Officer." He should rnnintr.in close conk,ct with either . (aJ the Region.:-..1 Labor Office, U.S . Cor1:s of Engineers, or ('.J) Pirector of Lo.bor (Br . ) who will give preference t o the employment ·of disr,laced i:,er scns in no fo..r as rossible .

H. Canteens

· J.. In. addition tc such SUVi lies o.s may be issued t c) dis.r;lnced • persons, on,orturd.ties should bo e.vailnble for them to rurchase wtr ious cornmoditiGG which they r::ay desire. A ccnteen store shoitld be est,::i.blished in cor:unmrnl center s o.nd in other areas where l arge numbers of clisr,laced pers:011s are housed. Such a service will j_~.1rrove morclle 2nd in enemy tecritory will mnke it rossiblr➔ f or the displaced persons ·t o obtai n corm:iodi ties which might not be 11veil:.1ble to them otherwise .

2 . Surr;lies required for cc,nteen stor es vrill be obtained as fo.r ns 1.ossiblo frou existing local resources , the indigenous nuthori ty being instructed to purchase them . Where su:r.r.li.es o.re net !".vn.ilablo locally , they mo.y be obtninod fror:i t he Arny , U. N.R. R. A. , or other sources •

. : ..



3 . There may be a.n acute shortage of many articles and in such a situa­tion a. simple rationing system should oe instituted to enable al.l displaced persons to have an equal ch~nce of . obtaining such articles as are available , ., ·. ....-

4. _The items which might be carried in stock at such .canteen i:ttores should · include toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, towels, combs··~ razors and raz or blades~ µeedles, scissors, sta, ti onery, penc n.s, ,ci.-gar.stte'.s , · t oba,cco, matche s I sweets~ .handkerahi~fs n.s well 'as· other -similo:r items which' might . b~ . av~~luble ~. .. · · .: . . . . .. .• '

L ' . ; s ~i f.:.bovernment; . Encouragement of Sense of Responsibility for Othe rs

1 . .. A democi:-atic ·organization of Ass~ml::,ly Cortter activtties cannot only be of dist_inct r ehab:i,litative value ·to its people , but can also help materi­ally_ ir~ avoidinp; or ,ip .snlving· adminfstre:tive pro"til,ems • . The degre e of s elf­goverri.ni:0nt which can· be achieved and the form. of its organize.tion will depe:qd gro o.tly upon · th,o leagth of time -the r es idents remain in the centers, · the com­positiqn · .of tho . populati·on , · tho physical ar·rangemcp..ts _of ,the, Cente~ . and other local'. ci_rcumstance s.

. . :- ·.

2 . The d:i,rcctor of nn Ass embly Centre will r equire the assistance of leaders of the displaced persons in ci,.rrying. 0.ut .- his responsibilities. In s e curing., hy o loctiori or otherwise, the servicds of leaders who possess the confidence of t:he --<lispla·ced persons, the director should seek the advice and help of the National Liais on Officers.

3. Displace d persons in Germa.~1y he.ye de:veloped ma.i:)y ·ways of helping one another and, in Assembly Centers, wi'.ll doubtless be , interested in con,.. tinu,ing various for\ns of mutual aid and a.ss.i 9te.mce . Such interest as dis­placed persons may show in meeting their. responsibilities for others should be warmly el:).couraged by Assembly Center officers iu, evqry possible way.

J. Legal Matters

1. General. . Particularly i n enemy territory. displaced persons may require. legal nssi~tance4 Proble~s confr onted wi ll . inclµde claims against Gorrnar:is or German authorities, methods of esta.bhshing citizenship, advice as to ' new l egislat ion in libe rated areas to which .the displaced pers_on i .s to go and a s to local laws and Military Government -r(;)gula.ti ons affecting his movements or personal property. rt is desil".ed .tJ::ia.t, as ·rar as may be poss­ible or app ropriate , assistance with res pe ct to such matters should be g iven , Displaced Persons themse lve·s, and National Liaison .Officers may be able to , assist in providing this type of ~ervice,,

K. · Personal Documents . ., , .

1. Di~_pl13, ced persons should be given eiid in· securing papers titnd docu­ments which may be i mp ortant in connection with bi_:rths, deaths, nio.rriages , claims agains:t employers.,_ claims for social insurance· benefits, personal property,. and · x-e la. te d . matte rs • ·

a.-. Deaths . .Administ rat ive :t1esp;ons-ibili ty for displaced persons who die at an As sembly Center rests with the Center. Director. Deaths a r e to be recorded on the A·.E.F. Displaced Pers·ons Registration R0cord and the A.E,F . Displaced Pe r sons Assembly Center Registration Card in tho specific manner prescri_bed in the Displaced Pe rsons :Registration Instructions and j.n the Supplements to the se instructions. · ' · ·

b . Marr~iges, . I;f' displaced persons in As eembl y Conte rs des ire to got married theysh0:uld soe thn t the marriage is recorded according to local lo.w and that ce rtificates are issued to tho individuals conce r ned . If' the man and woman _ intending marriage are of d,iffcr.ent nationalities, it should be made cicar }o them be;fore.h!lnd that th,~ more f!:i,cit of mo.rriage wUl not auto­matically cnt.itl e .the wHo to ·b1e admitted to the · husband's home country or vice versa.

.. 20 -

c. Births.

(1) Births I like der.ths, should be r e corded o.t the office of tho l oco. l civilian registrar of vital sta tistics. This is o. r e sponsibility of the Cente r Director and the displo.ce d pers on himself should not bo require d t o mfl.ko porson£1.l contact with Germo.n 61'. uth oritic s .

. . (2) . ·Bfrths ""$hoiild ·bc ··r ec ordod n ls o :: on. thl;l- Ass embly Cent er . .. Registrati on Record Co.rd wh5.ch some No. ti ono. l .;Auth 0rities ]'llight v:{arit t o r ecognise on· i. provisi. ono.1 basis .o. s o. l ego.l. document . I n other words , this co.re might _bo us ed o.s a tomporo.ry birth ce rtifico.t o until the child ' s c.rrivo.l fo the count ry of d'es tino.ti on '. , Where possible :, B. copy of the bi r th · ce rtifica t e · filed with· lbco.l o.uth orities should ~e given t o the po.rent . A . note sh oul d~ be made. in the ·11 Remarks II space·. of the :Reg i,strati ~m Record -Card , · stating that 111'his card doe·s ·not· in itself c.onstitute a valid, certifi cate . of birth~"

(3). On .the j\s~embly Center Reg;i.strati on Rec or d Card under the . .he~ding .. ''.Remarksu the follov,ring infonna.'ti on sh ould be entered·:

(a) Fa.r.ents ' · add'ress; (b) 'Parents I cic cupa ti on ; (c) Parent·s ' re gistrati on numbers; and

· · (d) Date and hour of birth of child .

(4) The Medica l Cleare:..nce Certificate should bear the signature of the med ica l officer • nurse or midwif'e who attended the birth •

. -- .. .. . .

(5) · The · Registration RecQrd Ca.rd for a child bo rn in a Center should be · p~epare·d in tripliMte ~ the origi na l copy to be given to the

· parents of the child . The r etnain:ing two copies should, be handled the same o.s for other displace d pe rs ons .

2 . Pr ope rty , _Curr.ency· and Related Sub.jects .

a,·, Gei10ral . Di splaced pe r-s on s:, part:i.culurly those who have been exploited .and r obbed hy the enemy· may be possessive and suspici t?US and any sepo.rati on · fr om their pe rs obo. l pas ses$•ions may r esult i n a great deo.l of discontent . rt is important , therefore , t o do everything possible to s a fe­guard their pr ope rty.

b . Personal _Property of Displaced Pers ons ( other than cur.t;ency) .

(1) · Some di splaced pers ons mo.y ho.vo u c on si(:1.a rable amount of pers ona.l pr ope rty i n their · pos session . They ho.ve been wor king for s ome t:imc a nd ,vith t he threat bf c ollapse , the r e may be a tendency , po.rticu~o. rly in Germ~-ny, _t o exchange.· curren cy f or pe rs onal goods .

(2) .Eve ry possible attempt must be mo.do t o provide facili ­ties for depositing i n o. safe place that po.rt of the luggage of displaced . pe rs ons whi ch is n ot needed in the ir i mmediate possession . Knowl edge that the ir possessions a. r e in safe custody wil~ strengthe n mo r a l e and reduce security problems . A receipt sh ould be given t o the displaced pe r s on des ­cribing his pr ope rt J; , .givi ng the ada.r ess of the place where it . is stor ed , and other pe rtinent do. ta.

(3) A displaced pe rs on should .be permitted . t o to.ke vvi th him· on h i _s . h omo,va. rd journey a. t lea.st o.s much as he co.n carry . If transp ort

.. · facilities perriit , he should be gi:.Von the oppor tunity t ·o take _o.11 his-bo.ggage . · ·

( 4) If any important luggage or pe rs ono.1 proporty is l eft . behind be co.use of the shortc:ge of trcrn sp ort, every possible assistance should be g i ve n t o · tho displo.ced pers ons f or the arrangel'lent -of stor o.ge in tho community . This shoul d be done i n such o. way that o.t s ome " · .st.ibsequent date v1he'n · .tro.nsp ort is o:v-o.ilo.ble , t he displq.ced persc,n 90.n

- 21 -

ho.ve his bo.gguge shipped .to his homo. }Jo:ti onai Lio.is on Officers ,rill be expected to o.ssumo · some r esponsibility for the property of no.ti.ono,ls of their countries. It should be mo.de cloo.r t o the displo.ced persons o.nd to No.tionul Lio.is on Officers tho.t neither milit0:ry o.uthorities nor , UNRFA assume o.ny logo.l lio.bility for the so.foty of property loft in military custody~

5, Eo.cl:i Al,liod nc.t~on will h~wo its mim. rcgulo.tions o.s to who.'t goods mc.y be o.dr:iitted o.crcss its ovm frontiers ·. Uo.tionc .. l ·Lio.ison Off:j.cers should

·•". _cc.mvoy thfs informo.tion- to displo.c.00 persons ·before they sto.~t thcfr home­v,ur1l journey. Su_.oh informo.tion should :be mo.de a.vo.ilo.blc to .Assembly Centers, Inforrr .. a.tion Bu~oc .. ux, ari.d offi.cors responsible for giving loge.I" o.ssisto..nce. . . '

o. Currency in the Possession of Displaced Persons

L Somo displo.cod persons o.re likely to ho.•,;,.e· ·in their possession con­sidero.blo o.mounts of currency of different countries •

. . ' . . 2 . All displo.c0d persons rogiste r.e-1 ,at Asseni.biy Centers · should dccla.re

the o.:nount of curropcy, of who.tcver type, . in thei:r possession o.nd this informc,tion .should bO onto red on the-fr · Rbgistrc.tion ·R:icord cnrds. Such a record will help to forestall o.ny o.ttompt on the po.rt of o. displa..cod person to introduce P.n uno.u~ho;r:i.,\ed p.ra_ount of foreign currency into his own country on repa.triation. He should bo informe-c1 that failure to declare currency in his possession mo.y resttl.t in complicr.tions on his return' :t o_ his own . country.

. .

. 3 • . Nc.ticno.l govornnwnts will deternino tho amounts o.nd kinds of currency which mo.y be to.ken into their respocti VG countries o.ml the regula­tion~ rel~.ting t o. tho eJCcho.ngo of .such currency. Informuti.cm · concrerning the regµlo.tio)'.ls to · be esta.blished b~r- co.ch government sho·uld be avo.ilo.ble. to its

· nntt~na.11;1 at . the v~_riqus A.s.se~b1y· ·Centers and Informc.ti on Buro_o.ux~

d, _ c~::t:i.ns nµd. Propc!'ty Rights ·· Some displaced" pe rs ons mny ho.vc deposits inbo.nks , , v.rngos duo , or other clo.ims fcir.tnonetury compenso.tion. ·whilo neither UiiRffl'.i. nor Allied Military Authoritie 's cun ·D.ssume rosponsi-' bi:tity in respect to these claims, it is important th.at o.ssistanco be given t o ~ho. displaced .,p€r.son either in s\!lttling claims befo:r:e departure .. or i11

, ob_to.ining ,doeumonto.i·y ovi~lence- whi.oh he can to.kc bo.clc with him. to his own :oour?,try 6.nd which will sqpport o.ny clo.im he mo..y mo.kc through his own no.tional . _o.trthority o.ftor re:w;vt;;riQ.tion . .

1. Movement of Displaced Pers ons

1, Genero.i'. Responsibility for plo.nning nnd o.rranging for movement und tro.vol_ of displaced pers ons should n ot . normally be o.ss.ignod to Wolfo.re Officers . Neve-rthol~ss , mo.ny problems . nrise in such movement in vlh.ich the weifarG Officer is interested o.nd in tho . s oluti o·n of which ho· mo.y o.ssist. 'J:'h(;)s9 : problems inc ludo the cloterm:i,nnti on of priorities in movement; keeping families toi;ether; feeding o.r:ro.n.gonents; possible n9ti.fication (!f relo.tives

· rog~rding,ttrrivo.l; :·special co.re for children , the ,ngod, o.ncl ho.ndico.pped persons; ·artd' knovdodgc thD.t appropric.te pl r.ns huve be en made for reception o.t ·:thoir dostinn.ti0n. Sot fo!'th: bel civir nto o. few of the mo.ttors t o bo given spo9ictl attenti on. (For further r o.forenoo t o movemont, see 11Guicle to Assombly C0ntc;r •.A,dr.1i,nistro.ti on ," Pr,ro.gr_o.ph 28.)

2. Priorities .. Welfare officers should be cons'l,l~ted regarding pd,or­i ties for movement. Individuals who are ill should not pe perr:ii tted to travel unle$s qonditi ons make such a move ,imperative. If there is a choice o':t mode of. t:ra.vel , won.en~ c-hi~dren , the age d , and h13.ndicapped persons

. should be routed over .the r10st comit.'ortable routes. · Defin'i te rules of prior­ity cannot be . laid down to cover all situations but .must be determined in connecti on .with the individual Center. or area.

I .

- 22 -

3~ Information. It is :important that, s o :fhr as possible complete informati on be given to displa ced pe irs on1;1 who are move d. Such information sh ould be available a.t Infornw.ti6n Bureaux . Counsellors and National Liais on Officers sh ould also be avo.ilable t o dis cuss various problems a.ris ­ing; in, conne ction wi th t he move1.ient . The information sh ould b.e given t o · e1;,.ch displaced person . . _ in his . own language as far in a ~vanc e of t he d!gparture tim,e as . possible, Informati on given t o th os_e about t o move should cover:

!. i'' ..

• • .. :.

a• b~ c. d. e. r. g. h. i. j. k:. 1.

Time of de po. rtu re ; P+ace of depa rture; Destination; Responsible authority at each stage; Type of transportati on ; Length of trip , halts; F~eding arrangements; Acti on•in emergendies , fires , sickness; Luggage regulati ons and plans; Hygiene instructions; Convoy or ganizati ons ; and Health and dress if mover1ent i nvo lves sharp climo.tic change s.

4 . Couns ell ing . Displo.ced persons will wish advi ce on numerou~ move ... ment problems. Counselling s e r vi ce sh oul d be av!lilo.ble prior to departure

· to discuss the se pr oblems . If time pe r mits, each family gr oup or individual sh ould be inte rviewe d t o ctscertain if they a r e ab l e to t ro.ve l , unde rsta nd o.11 r ogula.ti ons, ho.ve o.11 the infor mo.t i on ·and do. t o. no cessary, ho.ve raado proper arrc.ngements for excess bo.ggo.g;e , havo prope rly mo. rkod o.11 bo.gga.ge , o.nd ha.ve o. 11 d ocuments· necos_sary.

5. Feeding Arrangom~nts. We lfa. r e Offi cors should· pay pa.rti culo.r c.ttention to foedin6 arrangements. Food o. ll avmnces for tho j ourne y should be made not onlY for the normal, plc.nned length of the journey but o. ls o fo;r probo.ble delay in trans it . Spe cie. l die ts f or info.nts , children, o.ged pe r­s ons and othot special g r oups should be o. rro.ngod if pos sible.

6 . Fo.mily Groups. It is ir,lportant f or f o.mily g; oups. t obe move d together.

7 . Not ificati on df o.rri val . Ass embly Center Diro.ctors r. nd No.ti ono.l Lio.ison office rs sh ould o. ; ro.ngo methods .f or notifying r e ce iving cente rs , c ommunity agencies and , if possible, r e l a.ti ve s of · departures · and arr ivals .


8 , Spo ct o.l Cases, Vfue re o.goc:l , or sick pe rs on s -or children , aro moved in o. general mover.1cn t , they should be · attached t o s ome displa ced person in the convoy who shou ld be chnrgcd with their co. r e until o.rri vo.l at qestino.ti on .

9. ;_· Relief . Wolfar.e Officer~ · sho;l d o. rruilge · fo r d istribut ion of cl othi~g~ bla.nkots, ' nnd othor · ~upplie s . ~s ·needed .


1 . Al th ough tho fo r egoing secti ons of this Guido r epr e se nt SHAEF e.nd UNRRA pla.ps at tho ti_me· of wri t .ing , it mus t be r e c ogn ized that changing nee ds a. rid otho1: cirpumsto.nce s will d oubtless necessitc.to fr equent - c.nd per­ho.ps sudden cho.nges in the o.-r .r c.ngomerrt s outlined here . Office rs using this Guido nust, tho r efor o· , be coiistn.nt l y o.1ort t o tho nocessit:{ of o.do.pting thoms ol vDs to ·cho.ng i ng condi ti ops. . · ·

2 • In ·o.ctuo.l p·:t-o. ctico·, · As s9mply Cont e r Offlicors will undoubte dly enc ounter m.c.ny · probkms not. cvqn· touched upon .in· thi.s Guide. Until policies r o6c, r ding such mo.tto rs D. r o .s ettled - c.s we ll o.s when cnrefully worked out plr.ns go o.wr y .- .- th9 cihly h ope for~pr ovE!nting or n llovi at i ng human suffering is the imug il:.lo.tivoness of 4ssombly Cont.or Office rs c.nd _the ir ability to i::1proviso on the s'p ot. ·· · ·' · ·

3 . Regardless of haw we'll policie s mo.y be . doftned in advance o:r how co.rofully plc.ns ma.y be lo.id , t he deten;1iriing f o. ct or in c.ny welfare or r opo.tniati on progr c,m is the 'way the r e sponsibl e ndministro.tive of fice rs perform t he ir duties . If thos e officers hc.vo o. clcc.r understandi ng of the problems c onfr ont ed , c. ro :imagino.tivc in finding solutions for those prob­l o1;is , u r e motiw,t od by n sincer e interest in othe rs , c oopo ro.te well with thoir c ollongues , and mo.into. in the ir poise even under pressure , they co.n wor k 1nondors t o o.ssuro the succes s of their co.u s e .

1, S21 . .?J


15 Ma,rch 1945



Par is~ London - Washington


Services t o United Nations Nationals

Displaced in p.erman;y



A. The Problem B, Nature ·of the Guide C. Definitions

1. Refugees 1 . Displaced Per sons 3. Processing ·Centre 4 , Colle~ting Poi nt 5. Transit Point 6. Assembly Centre 7, Border Control Station 8 , Rec~pt i oh Centre 9 , Welfar e Officer


A. Divisi on of Responsibility 1,. For Hefugees 2 . For United Nat ions Di spl aced Per sons · 3, For enemy or ex- Gnemy di splaced per sons

B. Ext ent of Welfar 8 S0rvices Required 1 . I n Assembly Cclntres 2 . Compet enc e of Vlel far e Officer s 3, Responsibility of Director

C. Naturl:: of Welfar e Officer ' s Task 1, Di r ect r esponsibilities 2 . Enlisting other r esources

D. Super vi sion E. Proposed Composition of Teams

1 . Gener al 2 . Milita ry Teams 3. UNRRA Teams

F. Resour.ces for Welfllr e Services 1. Allied Government officers· 2. Red Cross 3~ UNRRA


a , Function b . Military Period


o. Problem of Di·splaced Persons d, Liaison with SHAEF

4 . I nt er gover nmental Committee on Refugees 5. National Liaison Officers

a ~ Gener al Functions b . Primary Responsibili ties c , Specific duties


1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 .4 4 '4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 ? 5 5 5 5 5



f. g.

h .

Displaced persons Indi$onous agencies

(1) Aid to rofugcos (2) Aid to United Nations

displaced persons Non-indigenous voluntary agencies

6 6 6

6 6


A. General: Factors affecting extent of vmlfaro services 6 B. Information Service 6 C. Personal Counselling and Sorvic.e 8 D. Ch,ildron' s Services · " 9

·. ·Accompanied children 9 Unaccompanied children 9 'l'ype: s of service . 10

E. Special Services for Youth 13 1. Special needs of youth 13 2. Typos of s0rvicos 13

F. Special Services for Women 14 1 . Older girls and women 14 2. Expectant and -nursing moth9rs 14

O. Sorvicos for Aged, or.Handicapped; Persons 14 H. Cash Gra11ts 14

1. For 4isplacod_porsons on a communal basis 14 2. For displaced persons not on a communal basis 14 3. Free distribution of canteen supplies, etc . 15

I. Rocroationn.l Activit:Les .. Variety needed: typos of activity possible l?

J. Religious Ministrations 15


A. 'l'ho Pro blcm 1. Equality of treatment 2. Personal respect o.nd considero.tion

B. Responsibility of :-1:ssombly Centr o Staff C. Living arrangements·

1. Hous ing of individuals and· groups 2 . Feoding arrangements · •

D. Registration Purpose Function of the welfare officer

E. Clothing 1 . Priorities 2 . Honov~tion and repairs

F, Communications 1. General 2. Postal facilities

G. Employment Typos of omplo~,nont Welfare officers functions Employment officer

H. Canteen Stores I. Self-Government J . Legal Mr:..ttcrs K. Personal Documents

1 . Doaths, marriages , births 2. Property, currency and related subjects

L. Movement of Displaced 'Parsons Responsibility for planning and arrangements Priorities · Information Feeding arrangements ' Family groups Notification of arrival

16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 l8 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 ;22

.. COFCLUSION - .- --- Nood for cidaptation cmd ;ro'sourcefulncss 22

15 February, 1945 .


Europoo.n Rcrgiono.1 Of fie~



A. Tho . Problem

Millions of displaced persons vvho have boon for cod to leave thoir homolo.nds , and refugees driven from their homos by the war wiJ.l present imiumornblo wolfo.re problcims . Mo.ny persons will be U."ldornourishod o.nd ill-clad, they will wish to communicate with their fo.rnilios, they may present rno.ny. cm0ti9no.l and porsono.l dif­ficultios inovitnblo after yoo.rs of enforced , sopnration from home . Thoro 'rnny also bo unb.ccompaniod children, youths , and a.god or handi­qr>.:ppod persons or women requiring special co.ro. This'Guido is designed to aid UNRRJ~ porson.nol CQllod upon to assist military author;i.tios i n solving somo- of tho wolfnro .problcms prosepted by such co.sos .

B. Nature of tho Gui..d.Q.

1, The · Guido q.oo.ls only with tho ,,-;olfare of dealing v'v:i.th millions· of dispk.ced persons intended to cover other o.spocts of this work . fore · be usod i_r1 connection vd th tho follqving :

o.spOcts· of tho to.sk in .Germany nnd is not

Tho Guido must there-

~ . Outli ne Plan for Rofugoos o.nd Displnccd Persons (SHAEF , A.G. 383, 7-1 GE-iJJIG, Juno 1944) ·

b. Displaced Persons nnd Refugees in Germany (SHAEF Administrc. ti vo Mq,moro.ndum No . 39, November lf:3 , 1944) · ·

c . Displaced P.orsons and Rofugoos in Gormo.riy (Annex E to $Hll.EF Adrninistro.tivo Memorandum No. 39 , · Docombor .. .l.3' , 19/41+)· . . . ,

d. · Employr,1011t of U1JRRi1. Porsonnol with Military Forces (.il.lmox B to SrL':..EF Administro.tivo Memorandum No. 39, J anunry 3 , .1945 ) . . . . .

o • . · Guide·. to Assembly Centro J\dministri:ttioi1 ·' (s;:.IB:r CA/ d9 , Scptombor 1944 - in process of revision)

f . Displn.ced Pei· sons Rogistrntion Instructions (SH.t:.EF Cl~/d5 , Juno. 1944) .

g. Supplement to the Di splaced Persons Registrntion Instruc-. tions (SB.:.EF/ G- 5/DP/2729, Jo.nuary 10, 1945)

h . Procoduro for Gor:ununic.CLt:i.,on by Displn:ced Persons f;ron · l'~trnotnbly Centres to their Homos by Mottns of Field Post

Cards . (SHil.EF, A.G. 383, 7 ... 1 GE-J~G, Dec. 3, 194/~) ·

2 . Some of the ma.torfo.l in tho Guide is by wo.y of suggestion , sono is bused upon directives o.ctuo.llY, issued o.nd binding upon military .nuthoritios . Tho 1:1G:torinl. ho.s boon reviewed by SHAEF (Supremo Hec:.dquarters Allfocl Expodit:i.ono.ry Forcq) , G-5 Division, and is in keeping ·vvith ·- curront SHAEF policy • . It is to be oxpoctod, of course, thnt tho broad-scale o.nd cmorgoncy no.ture of tho progro.CT for ro ­po..tria.ting millions . of Uni ted .Nationals in Gorr.m.ny vrill nccessito.to nn.ny - and porhnps sudden - changps in tho policios)md plnns sot

*VJhilo on bodying the nost recent policies o.nd plans, this Guide is bnsod, in forgo noa.suro upon the SHLEF Wolfo.ro __ G~: Disn'lo.cod Persons nrui_R0fug01;:;,s i$SUcd by thc"Displo.cod Persons , Refugee and Welfnr.o Branch of G- 5 , SH/1.EF in O~tobor , 1944. · ,. ·· · , ··

- 2 -

forth ir\ thi$ Guide. (Soc Section V).

C. Dof;i,nitions

1 . Rofugocs. Civilim-:\S not outside tho no.tiono.l boundo.rios of their country who dosiro t o return to their hones, but roquire asslstnnco to do so, wh,o :i.rc:

o.. Temporarily honclcss bocnus0 or'1:iilitn~y operations; b. kt, s ono distance fron their homos for ran.sons relntod to

tho vm.r .

2. Displ.'1,Cgg Persons. Civilians outside tho no.tiom.l boundaries of their country by reason of tho vm.r , who o.ro:

0.. Desirous but .o.r0 umbl0 to return horae or find homes ,vith-out ussisto.nc~;

' b,. 'fo be .. returned t o eneny or ·cx-cncny · te).·ri tory.

3,. P;rocossing _-0entcrs. Tho t e1~n proco~sing center o.:pplics ·tq any pluqo .such .o.s o. Collecting Point, Tro.nsi t Point, Assembly C:Ontor , Border Contr ol Station or Rocoption Canter providing GD.re·or service f or displn.ced persons v!ho 1:.ro being 1.;opatrintod.

/4. . Cc,llocting P~.. Lny dos:ignn.tod plc..co \7horo displci.cod persons arc told tc r eport f or further instruction , for onorgOncy en.re or for trD.nsport to another plo.co offering noro ext ensive co.r e or service .

5. 'fro.nsit Point . A contor along r outes of tro.vel :it which short stops n0y bo rndo o.nd f ood or other oss~mtinls, onorgency services or pGrhnps overnight ca.re, r.~y bo provided f or dis~lo.cod persons until they can proceed to an J.~scnbly Center or other destination . · .

6. li.ssembly Canter . A center nhich nny conpriso : (n) fo.cilitio's f or congrogc~t o cnso s (n. s i n o. bm:ro.cks or . camp) or (b) a m1J:1ber of individua l housos ost2.blishcd by MiJ,.itnr y Govornmont/ l~uthor:1.tios , to provide f or displncpd persons f ood , shelter , .clothing, modicnl co.re , dct or r.1i no.tion of nnti oi;m.lity o.nd other ossonti ~l services until they cnn bo repo.tria.tod .

7'61. _Bo~dor Control Station • . 1~ st::tion ost o.blishcq by military or governr.10ntal .:1uthoritio s ·nl ong civilian traffic r 0utes, o.t or near intorno.ti ono.l boundarios - or tho .lines of derarcntion between Allied Zones i n Gorno.ny - f or (a) tho contr ol of _novomcnt a.cross these bou:ndCl.ries nnd dororco.tion lines o.nd , perhaps, f or (b) facilita ting repa triation.

8 . Reception_ Con~m;: . _: j~ center or . stntion established by n govern­ment ·.-dthin its o,m country (a ) f or receiving its no.tiomls rot1.1rning fr.on Germany:; .c..nd ( b) for curing r'or thor:i until they c.::i.n pr?ceod t o their rospocti yo ¢lostino. tions" .

. ' - . . . .

911 ' Vfo1;fn.ro - 0fficm~~ Tho officer (v;hothor milii:.'lry or civilio.n a.nd r egardless of -tho o.goncy to r1hich ho my be a.tt:::chod ) who is dosigno.tod by tho Director of an As~;ombly Center t o bo rosponsiblo f or suc11 wclfo.ro $Orvicos o.s infor mation service; coµnselling o.nd personal service ; child:r0n! $ services; spocio.l vrclfo.ro. services f or youtns, wonon , girls, c.gocl. OJ' ho.ndic:1ppod parsons; recroo.tiono.l o..ctivitios nnci religious ninistro.tionf;} . , :

)·. '.

II: .t .. Dr,lINISTR.;1.TI ON _

~. Division of Ron~onsibility

1,· For-Refugees • . I n Gor no.ny, l oca.l nolfo.ro nge;ncios:, e . g •

.. .



Wohlfahr.tsam t , will. be directed to care for German ref ..1gees , Military Government officers v'till assist in the control of refugee movements in order to prevent hindrance to military operations, prevent and cfontrol outbreaks of disease, and effect return to desired residence a,s rapidly as possible.

2. For United Nations Displaced Persons . Allied military commanders, :in accordance with approved plans, will be responsible f-or the care, registration, repatriation and welfare of displaced persons . Allied m:ili tary authorities will therefore be responsible for arr·anging , for food , clothing, shelter , cash grants , a.ri.d other supplies and services necessary for the care and repatria tion of displaced persons . In connection with the welfare _of displaced persons, Allied military plans arri .intended to aid subordinate commanders · to put into effect the policy of the Supreme Commander to :

a . Preven t any hindrance to military operations which might be · occc1Sioned by thei.r massing or uncontrolled movement; ,

b , Prevent and control outbreaks of diseas e among r efugees ana displaced persons which might thrcate.q.· the heal th of t.11e military forces; . :

· c. Relieve , as far a s practic&.bl E:: , conditions of destitution among displaced persons;

d. Se.t up an organization to effect the rapid and orderly r epat­riation of displaced persons, which can be handed ov er in due

· course to the ilppropria.te civilian [:.Uthorities , ·

J. For Ern:;my or E:{ .... Enemy Displaced Pers::ins . Displaced .persons of enemy or Gx..,encmy nati onality are the r esponsibility of Germany . Germany will ·be r equested to provide for -these displaced persons. Nevc;;rtheless, while UNRRA has no r esponsibility for this group a.s a who l e , UNRRA policy ·permits aid to be given to such persons as "have been obliged to l ea.ve their country or place of residence , or fo rmer r e sidence , or who have been deported the r efrom, by action of the cmomy, because of r ace , r eligion or activities in favour of th e United Nations" (Reso lution No . 57, Second Session of the UNRRA CoUhcil).

B. Extent of Welfare Services Required

l. To meet the r esponsibilities imposed upon military authorities for displaced persons, welfare s ervices will be needed at all stages in the r epc.triatiort process - from collecting points to r eception cent~rs . 'Ihe welfa:rc services r endered c. t these -vc.rious points w.i ll of course , vary great l y dc1)endirig upon t lie needs of the persons at · these centers; the size , m:.tur e, and probc,blc degr ee 6f permanence of the stc.tion; t he number and .types of' persons ; to be provided for; the l ength of timo they arc likely to remain under care ; the equipment , fncili tics , Pnd supplfes avai l able , and the number and type of · administrative personnel ·c\ve.ilabl e . No attempt is made, ther efore , to outline in this Guide the types of welfare servic e s like ly to be needed undor a wide variety, of circumstances . Ha1Ncver , thos e most likely to be · r equired in Assembly Cent ers will be described in soma detail and D.ckp_ktions o'i . -these ·rrray be made :, as necessary, for ·other types of c~nters.

2, So far as possible , welfare services should be administer ed by vre.: lfar G offi:cers t echnically · competen.t to render them. If welf~re pro- , bl ems are not properly handled, ·· not only may grave harm come to men , wome:q and children whose needs may not bo _proper-ly ·met , but the difficulties of

• . ;,,·.drrd.nisterir:ig the -Ass embl y Cen·t ets will be greatly heightened.

J. In an Assembly Cent er, the Director (and in other centers th·e corresponding official ) is ultimately responsible for determining the vJCl fare s ervices to be provided and for allocating to av[:.ilable personnel their 'r osp(,ctive duties ,

-4 -

' c. Nature of ·welfare Officer ' s Ta,sk ~

1 . Dfrect Responsibilities . The y,ide rang~ of services for which a: welfare officer may be r e-sponsible may make it. i.mposs ible for .,him t_o give adequate attention to all t hese functions . To a great extent he will have t o work t hr ough .suitable ·a ss:i. stants or utilize other r esources su.cn as t ho s e de scri-bed in Section F: below, · It may, :however , be impe:r.cc!,tive that the wel far e offic er gives special atterition to those servic es""'- such as per sonal counselling ~d -cer .t e.in a spects of child cq.re ~ r equiring thE:: speo-ial skills he may possess ,. .

2 . Enli~ting other Resources , oth9r fields, it may be nece ~sary personnel a.nd r es ources from such b t: l ow~

To assure adequate welfare ·services in · to cooperate with , enlis t or or ganj,ze · sourc es as a r e __ enumer ated in- Section ·F

D. Supervis i on . To as s ist in the admi nis t r a t ion of welfar e service s in Assembl y Centds , area supe rvisors r esponsibl e for supervising the welfare ser vices i n a number . of cen t ers may be provided . Organizations suc,h. as UtffiRA, pr oviding any con$ider ab l e number pf welfare offic~rs, should pr ovi de also the necessary supervi s ory per sonnel which will be attached t o appropri2.te military uni t s .

, . . E. Pxoposed Ca~posi t i on of Teams f or as sembly Center Administ r ation

• ; t ~ • ► • • I

1. Gener a l . SHA.Ef plans -for ,fi. s semb1y Centers assume that the (:>e :;vill .be ~~-

adnti.nister ed by military teams , UNRRA t eams , or t eams made up of mili "t,q.ry and UNRFA and per haps a l so oth er per sonnel . While for planning purpos es t he military and UNRRJ~ t eR'!lS ar e to ,be organized as described bel ow, it is not expE;cted t hat t hese t eams will always be l ooked upon as . so m&..ny. neatly organiz,ed uni ts of & given' nµmbcr of workers ·but r ather as a 'pool fr om whi ch thr ee or ,four persom; may be drawn for · one t ask and pcrh2.ps 20 t o 30 drawn f or anot licr. UNRIU-. welfar e officer s in i..ssenb],.y Cent ers, ther efor e , cannot 8xpe c t t hc:-,t t hey .will 2.l ways be wor king in pE:irs nor that they wil_l al ways bo f r ee .t o l:imi t t hum. s el ves t o welfar e servi ces as opposed t o mor e general ad~inistrat i ve tasks or , dut i s s in other fiel ds .

• 2 . Mili t ary Te,:uns. SH1~EF' pl ans fo r mili fary t e?.ms for Assembl y ·Cent ers of 2, ooo · to J , ooo di splaced persons include a commmding officer or dir ector; a deputy director ( to be pr ovided by UNRRA); an admi nis t r a t.1,ve officer . ( c.djutant); and 2.dmini s tr2.ti ve officer (qu2rte rm2.ster); a welfare officer; a medical -and publ ic heal th offic er · (who shoul d be c.vailabl e to t he , cente r but not ncces:::m.r i l y a r esi dent of the center); a me s s i ng offic er; , a coJ k; a 'ne ss ser geant ; -a rnppl y s er geant ; a medical cor ps ser gean t ; a. s taff s ergeant; a ser geant RE/EC ; a cook f or the officer' s moss ; a cler k and 1i\'m dr i ver s - a t otal of 17. In addit i on, it i s expected tha t two mmru.. nur ses wL ll be at;;El ign0d to each t eam cmd held in r eserve until t hey can be c ': llcd f '.)rw,ard . l~l so ., • N~t i onal Liaison Officers will be at t ached t o 1,,ssembl y Centers as ne:ices sary, - the r atio bei ng 1 per haps, on0 o±:fi cer per 10 , 000 nati onal s of hi s country. , • · . ·

. 3 . UNR~ Te2m s . Tea~s r oqu0s ted of UNFJ~ by SHAEF. include lJ persons

Hs i'ol lows : a dir ector; a .deputy di r ec tor and adrninistrat ive of f icer ; 2. clerk- s M nogr apher; an c,dministr at i ve . of f icer fo r supp].y; a messing officer; a wars housing offic er ; a 11:relf are officer ; an ass i s t ant vrel f are office!'; a ''ledic e.l officer ; a· nur se ; a cook; a cook f or the Ull.TR.AA t e2m; c-nd two dr iver.s -f or the Ul\i'tP.1.. team. 1'.t l east so l ong as UNRAA. t eams work undc.r mi l~ t .ary direc t:i,on , :i;t, is anti'9ipated tha t National, Liai $on Officer s -vvi ll continue to_- be attached t o As s{;)mbl y Centers .

J;" • Resources fo:r ".i~el.fare Servj_.ces .

1 , To assis t mili tar y authoritie s in meet:i,,ng t heir r e~porisibi l itics , • . exper ienced w.elfa.r e · personnel may be e.vailabl e f:rom : ·

c2 . All ied Govs rn:nent Officer s . Some exp~rie11c ed wel f2,r e ·off icers are av:::i l 2.bl8 fr:>m ar:1ong ;'..llied of f ic er s . SHb.EF 1vfilitP.ry ll'iis sions have we lfare officer s . 1he Di s pl E.cod Per sons , Refugee s ,_nd i'iell cir e Br anch, G- 5 SH.;.EF , will r ender such E~id e.s :nay be possibl e in ,$ecuring qualified mili t ary personne l .

- 5 -

b. Red Cros~. British and American Red Cross personnel may be avail­able for assignment to Military Government for welfare and relief activities. Assignment of such personnel is governed by a directive issued by SHAEF under date of 10 August 1944.

c . JJNRRA. (1) The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (Ul>TR .. ~) is a cooperative body of /+4 nations established to aid 'in relief and rehabilita.tion activities of liberated areas and in the care and repatriation of displaced persons.

(2) During the military period, UNRRA will operate only at the rec;_uest of and under such rules and re·gulations as may be established by appropriate military authority. By agreement with SHAEF, UNRRA officers will be in either U11W..A or military uniform and subJect ·to direction by military m~thorities . · ·

(3) Oneof the principal purposes of UNRRA is to assist in securing the repatriation or return to their ovm homes of displaced persons found in enemy or liberated territory. The displaced persons problem is pecul:i..ar ly into:rna tional in char actor and UNR:."'1A as an .-int ernational govern­mental agency is in a position to give valuable scrvic~ ·to tho army dur.ing tho military pGriod and to· Allied governments in the · post-rrd.li tliry period.

(4) UNR.'\I\ liaison officers ·are now attached to the Displaced Persons, Refugees , and Welfare Branch of SHAEF, G-'5, the Public Health Branch of SHAEF, G- 5, tho various SHAEF military missions to liberated countries and the several Army groups .

d , fut.!+=-Q.Qyornm.Q.Utal . ..Q.Q!l.lliLi.:!J..09 on R_efugoe s ~ . Tho Inter-Governmental Cormnittoo on Refugees is responsible fbr tho rosottloment of stateless persons and those who havo bson obliged to leave thcii' homos for reasons of race, religion or political belief and cannot or do not desire to bo returned to their homos . Ul.1ffffUi. will care for those persons for a period of timo 'to bo dotormincd by U1'm.M and tho Int or-Governmental C ommi ttoo. After this period, the Intor-Govornmcnta.l C.ommittc0 will assume responsibility f or thoso not repatriated or rosottlod.

o. Nationg..l_ Ligi§on Officers . (1) Tho United Nati'ons concerned will have liaison· officers attached to military formations and available to handlc·rnattors relating to displaced pcreons of their own nationality. Those liaison officor_s will have inaj or responsibility for matters relating to tho issuo of visas and other rn:;cossary governmental documents . Most countries have oxtcmsivo public and private welfare agencies . Liaison officers may be able to arrange to call forward wolfo.re personnel from their ovm countries; subject to o.ppropriato a,rrangemonts with military authori tics and UNI-'-RA .

will to to:

(a ) (b)

(c) (d)

(a) ( b) (c) (d)

(2) Primary responsibilities of National Liaison Officers

Assist in the identification and registration of their nationals; ilocommond in conformity with ;instructions f'i·om their governments, priorities for the repatriation of thoir nationals; Issue ropatriation visas.; ·. Assist in the preparation of roports on tho numbers, characteristics and. condition of their na tio:t1.c:':.ls.

(3) Among further duties which .National Liaison Officers may

Assiptanco in controllingtheir nationals; Assistance in welfare and health programs; Furnishing information to thoir no.tionuls; Assistance in tho selection pf suitable staff from among their nationals as may be r og.uirod for tho management of Asscmply Centres .

(e) ·Settlement of , 'or documentation of , cl aims for wages, compensation and insurance duo to thoi r nationals;

(f) Assistance i n protecting.,disposi ng of, or undertaki ng tho custodianship 6f any property belongi ng to ·thc i r ·national s; and

(g) Assistance in maki ng ~he nocossary o.rro.ngomcnts for the exchange -or custodianship of currency in the possession of thei r nati ona_ls .

f . ~a.cod Porso~. Displaced persons thomsolvos may be able to furnish tho majority of workers required "in Assembly Cent.ors and ot her Procoss:i.ng areas . Qualified displaced persons should be used as much as p&osibb, -::or .;·sto;ff5.ng,. :µ1forf1J/:.io::l. se;ri5.ccs , · rqpc,tric.~ion: sorv1.ccs , housing servi ces, . advice and 'counselling, relief act i vities , legal aid , rocroo.t i on , omploymont , and similar programs .

\ . . · g~ Ins;li~enous· Agqnc~es . ·

(1) Aid to Rofugo.Qil._anfi to Epemy or ~ -Enemy 1:1.ifil?.laged Porso!.1§ . Local Gorman agencies whother public or private wi ll po required to care for

. refugees and for displaced persons ·of onomy or ox- enemy national ity ( soc Sect;lons II -A-1 and 3, above) , and to arrange for their transportation to thoir homos under plans approved.by tho. appropriate military commander .

(z) Aid 1,o ·Un;i;ted Nations ,Dis12~ ,PQrsons . i ,. . Wh enever nocoss'ary tho resources of Gorma.ny will bo used to

care for United Nations displncod persons . · Gorman authorities will be directed by the Allied militnry C1uthoritics to ma~o n.vailqble all vmlf aro f3,cili tics such as. supplies o.nd shelter which may be· .noedod by such pcr$ons . Local public authorities will bo instruct,cd by_ tho mil itary authorities t o provide temporary care f or special groups unti1 ·orro.ngomcnts can bo made for

· their disposition . Tho needs of ·United Nations displaced persons shal l be given priority over tho .no eds of Go'rTI1'.l.i1 m. tionals .

11~ Only in cxc01'Jtion::tI circumstances wili local agencies in Germany be r equired by tho military authoriti es to give direct service to displo.cod persons.. The use of Gorman agencies to carq for .h.llicd nati onals should be terminated o:'s soon 13:s tho appropriate mo.chiriory is established by rdli tnry government, Na:Uoriai Liaison Officers , UNRP,A or other agency under direction of military government officials . Dur i ng tho omor gcncy peri od , when use of Gorman O:i:soncics may bci necossury , it i s desirable for displa ced persons t? h:1.vo as little contact as possib}o vdth tho personnel of thoso agonc,i_cs .

. h , Non- indigenous Voluntary Agencie s . A mmbcr of non- indigenous and i~ter na_tional agencies may be; ; utilised for r oliof and wolf care services . Those include organisati ons such as religious societies and refugee agencies , In Groat Brita.in those agcncio's have. organised the Council of British Societies for Relief Abroad and in tho United States· thoy have formed tho Anorican Council of Voluntary Societ:i,os f or Foreign Service . Such agenci es rrill. opor nt o only upon invitation of milit'lry authorities . If i..iscd for displaced persons, . it 1.s · contemplatcid th::i.t those privn.tc organisations ,Till Hork under arrangements wi_th UNRRA • . .


. 1 . .[nctors .Affecting Extent of Welfare S.Qivices .· It i s not ~o be ex .. pccted that o..11 tho services onumeratbd below vd11 be r~quired in every center . Pl.o..ns will need t o bo adc,ptod in tho light of such foe tors o..s :

-- 7 -

a . The co1aposi tion of ttrn center popu1ation and its needs; b . Th8 length of stay of people in the Center ; c . The· nature and quantity of suppli es and equipment a.vail­

able , and d . The number end qualifications of tile personnel c:.vailable .

2~ For pefsons whose rep1:...triation is likely to be cielayed for com­pa:rative·ly long periods extenslve services will be r8quiJ::·ed . Such i:)E:r­

sons are also 1:.1 source :from which a.ssis:tants for various f' .. mct"ions can. ba· re,:~rui ted . Shortages of supplies 1:.nd equi.pment may· make it necessary to improvise to the fullest extent posslble.

B. Inf or:nt, tion Se~r:: e

l. In dealing "Iith displu.ced persons it is important that they be giv1:;n hf1lpful information at each state of their transit frorri the Collect­ing Points, through t!H=, Trrlnsi t Points to the Assembly Centers, as well as at each succcs'3:i ve step in · the prcJcef-1s of ·their return or repatriation . Failure to do this may result in unnecez~,o.ry mov0ment of displaced pcr-­sonf3 th•?-rsby hampering m·i.J.L tary opert..tions or me.king control of the civil-­i2n populi:.ttion more difficult . _

2 . Tl;w Ini'or rnatj.0~1 Service; _is essential both to the u.dminis·tr;..1tion of the Center fir1d to its populatlon . Jt will facil:L te.te the r1;1 pid dis­semirn,tion of directions, instructions and reliable infor1aation and it will nssi5t in gaining t.hc'. c,)nfid,~nce of the ~esidents of the Center . It is o.11 esssntial w,:Ifc-re. servicf.:: because it will refer people to the pr0per source .f,:;r the help th1:;:f rGqu:l.re . In or der th&.t displaced p6rsons may have proper 1nf(.)rmution which v,i"ll assi::rt in ml:l.king them more runenable to c :mt:rol by , ;;,,nd cuoper·u.tfon ,,1th Ei'litnry Governnent ,ifi'icers, Inf..:1r­mr,ti.:m Burenux should be est11blished v,hcreve:r necessE0ry .

3 . In 0r:ich Assnmbly Center a. cer-~::-.in mn01.ix1t of 1mblici ty \V:i,.ll . be . necessary. Tliis ·t)ublicity will convE:y f.;'8nere.1 · or technieal inf,)rm:.tion effecting all displr .. ced pers ms Gr c.. cort:.iin grsJnp in tl1e Center , ~nd is distinguished from the inf'or:112-tion ~)ervice ·deGignod to meet indi vidw:il inquiries of r,_ specific mn,ure. Public bnno11nccments E-.nd general infor­mation m1:.y t)t, dissen.i.rrnted throueh such me&nf, e.s loudspes.kers, postc,n, and l-umdbills. Sorrn,rti,ncs · gen0ro.1 11wf,'ltings or lectures ma;;,- serve a use-­ful purpose . It v1ill bfo the responsibility of the Director to irnthorize tne d.isseminutfon within cill Assembly CentE;;r of general infornw.tion \\hkh rnLl.itnry authoriUes , the w~rious national governments (e:i.th1:.;r dir 1..:ctly or through t.n,-- Nationa l Lia:i.son yfi'icers for J{(jpfatrintion) may v.ish to convey to dis placed 1-1crsons .

4 . ·To i:,.nr;wer questions of the types sugg8sted below, Information Bura-:i.ux should be cstr~blished if nvcesst:Ty, at tro.nsi t points, [;,t Assem­bly Cunt.ers , Border Control Stations, Rec,:;;ption Canters, or in r . .ny city, town or locnli ty whE,re the nu1nber of di~, placed persons m:..rrnn ts the e~:tablish:neni::, of r. plr.J.c:e where informc .. tion mc.y be obt,:dned.

a . InfGrrr-,~;tion Bureaux should be locE,ted so as to be re&.di l y acces -­si ble .sn_d shoul<,i be well marked with suitE:ble signs so as to be eusily recoznized . Posters giving the location. of Informr:tion Burefau.x should be pl.:-wed j.ri appropriate' centers .

b. It is irnpor t c:.nt that cou:;petc~nt 1;,nd responsible versons be put :i.n cht..rge of thE: In-formc.tion lJurE::oux. 'Prop0rly eonductr:.:d, the Ini'ormstion Jm•,Jaux ~D.n ba of grE;ct . ar,sistc.nce t o military government, · wh0reas fill

inr1deqw,.te system of furnishing inform,,tic:,n can complic::i te 'problens of co:rt,rol ,:nd r,,dv,::ment, i.nd n:Lnd..:ff th e, quick and -orderly rr~turn 0f refu­gees r::.nd dj.:-,placed person~s . to their homes;

c. It wi l J. be the respon.sibili ty of Assembly Center Diroct·)rs to r;mke arr-r,.ngenionts through VJ,Jl.fore Offlcers or others to ascertain· from ap[.iropri1:, te sources ur>-:to-date :infQrmoti8n :to be gj_ven ou-t . It is hoped thst nrro.nger:ients . rn~'. Y be dev8lop:,:::d by which n:ili tary, UNRRA or other r,.1.r!:-hori ti es rnr7 ch,.mt\el ~o J\ssembly (;enters inforra:=-.tion of e':lneraJ inter­est.

- 8 -

5 . Types of Informo.tion, to be t=,rovided

& • :1t Collecting PointE:: . At Collecting Points or other forward areas from which displaced . persons are sent to the rear it is pr obable that, bec0use of proximity· to c.ombat, little inforrnation _en.µ be gi ven in most instm1ces . The most important information to be given a t this tiJne, pnrticul.urly if ci viliv.rts go to thE, .rear m1es_corted , . is the place' to which they are to go . . In _ ~ld~iiqon, they should be told if possible :

1. To whom thc:y Ere to report; 2. T·he route they are to truvel 1.u1d the roi:-ds th~y must avoid; J . To whom they will be responsible ~mrouti., , 1x.:rticu1Lrly if ihe :

group is uot under a. rnili tc1ry escort but 1111dE:r a displaced perf.,on de s igno.tod i.s lt~der; and,

i+ . Th8 tn-nsport av&ilu!)le , if a.ny .

b. At Tn.nsi t Points . Ini'ormcttion similr:..r ·to that provided at CoU0cting Points shoulcl also be Ewailable . at '1'r1msi t Points for such p,:JrDons as will be moving r t,r,rvm.rd . · Persons who must r emaj.n for . any p-.:riod of time ct the TrEms i t Po.i..nts sh,.)ulcl b,) given inform1:..tion reg&rd­int:r:

1. ThE:. pJ..t. ce thE:y nre . to bt: housed; .2. The prGbc,ble d;Jration :)f such bilJ.cting; 3 . Methods of coimnunicating ,iii t 'h r el,:tivE~s or friends; I+ . Services D. VfJ.ilable to ft,cili t.:.,te reprcttrii:,ticm t nd return home j

1;,.n d , 5 . The plu:o to which they c::::.n go for further informc U.tJn.

c . At · Assemblv Centers _. Displ&cet1 ptorsons in As3c;mbly Ca'l.ters wi.11 be eager ,f0r ini'c,rrnc.tion such r.:s :

1. lfoi'r long they Dre likely to re.nw..i.n in the Center; 2 . R1)ccnt n r~ws, of their homG C:: ountrie:s r.:nd c,~mrnun:Ltics; J , The proces::, by whi,ch they m&y secure tho documents necessr,.ry

t,.) r1;:;patrh. tion; · 4 . The prob1..:b].e bngth of tim"' b(;Jorc: they c,:n bt:. repatr ir .. tf.,d; 5. Ar'l'l!Ilf-e.tnen~f> .f'or h-.:.:,u.sing, feeding , chilc.i c&rc:, ancl othir

a rruilge.men ts f Jr. living in tne C en tor ; 6 . Oppurtuniti1.:s f ,.:, r work v,i tllin ,)r nee,r. tne Center; 7 . · Meth,)d f; · d ' ccmu;,u,nl.'o&ting with r.::l&tives _, r f ri l~nds ; l'nd, 8. "Arru1gemcnts fer tro.nspurtr,t:Ln, i'::.>._Jd and ,>thcr r.ecossi ti~s

for the joltrn~jr "t.) Hecq,tion P,.>~nts in thdr .h;.,me. cou,ntries .

C. Person2l .C.)1,msclling cmd S,:;rvice

1. Mnny serLms pers,Jnr.l ;_Jr '.~1b1ems w.il!. inevit:::.bly t.rise v,b.erever ther& 1:,.re lc.trg,s_ gr-Jups of .1JE:!'SG!lS v:ho h[,·1e been fJrc eci tu live in &.

f :ird.gn ln.nd unc-k:r clurr.::s s .f\):r'· seve:n,l yeurs, These · iJr,)blr.:ims mr.1.y , un less c: ,c'.refully 11:mclled, · ~r-us c c .1Qs:i.der~ble dif fic11lty. 1./lrntE l 6isord8rs , nnxiety, w:;rry ove:i.0 • J. ,;st n .lr, tives, financie.l tr •.)uble:s, thGse ::re typ:iccl 01' u h,·;st r)f • problems w):i icL.. 1:J.F;.y c-)nfront Center Dirt'ctors ,.)r :.>thers i n -­vulV(::d jn tJ12 cnre and r t.:fJ/.,:tr i e.tion proc;:;ss.

2 . T0 .h::,n,ilE. - the0e µrublrn:1s, skillec.:t e )UnselJ.in[~ services shculd te avaiJ,a.bl"> ut As~eff:bly qen tEj)rs at1d uthcr u.rcLs v,here d ispJ.ac8d pers.:ms, · S-.Jc1contrc1to Su that the displ&c0<l perf.ivns muy bo given thE:: upp,.1rtu11i ty. t0 6.iscus:3 :tneir 1;r•oblE::m3 with some·.me wh0 mc..y o.id them. in wcirking .;mt tb(J s,)1uti ~n . Tho ubj ecti vo 01' pers s:)nc.l col,lilscll:Lng from the point uf vi0w of Mi LL tary Government is tu minimize the hinciranc2r3 · to ,jrclerly rcp1..tri[.ti,)ri v1h:i;c.;q may b<;l encountered if th,,se personal pr0blet1$ r;re ignored. In t';:,ny o&pes. . pr00J.,t::ms wh.i.ch ~.:._ppehr tr0ublesomo l .. nrl importrmt tq tn(, c.to1Jl.:.-:.ced pers,m can be solved if (mly hf.; is given th& opportooity t,::, c:iscus~~ them . · In- :o,m:c cc.ses thE: t~ ifi'icu.1ty maJ· bG such th1. t the indi ­vi.c:ual mc.y hL,ve to be .w.ithdr:-sm from the riormal processes :;f repa tri::ction t:n cl g_i_ \.l·c11 s pee ittl cc r e-;.

. , . . . ~ . 3 . Ootms1::.Ll1ng servicos sh.:mL: ba distinguished from InformL.tion

Servic,1s . . Thess; lb.tter ;;.r e m,)re ·)r less routine , will b0 u sed by _practi­c;Ei.11.y c.11 the d:lsplaced persons, (.UG muy be · oper-:::.ted by relatively lmt:r-dned

9 -

persons . Counselling services, on the other hand , will be required by only a few displaced persons arid. shoulc: ·be . rendered . only by • pe:J"sons trained QI'.. axp<?r.ienced :Ln . welfare, · social work, or r ·ela:t ed. fi elds· ., Such' persons r-;hould be of the samG nationality, H possible, a.s 'the displac·ed persons,

4. It may be d es irable to establish Counselling Service:,s in con­jmction . with the Information Servic es . The Information B1rretmx., Asse.."!l­bly Ceptcr administrutive officials, National Liaison Gf'.ficers, 't:i.'s welJ. as th0 displac:;;d ue'rsons themselves should be .inform·ed ··of the existrnc·e of r;;. com1sdli:n g ;ervicu anct shoul d rof er : to it individuals who are un..: fabl e to so_lve by themselves the numerous· ·personal· problems which' m&y · nri se.

5. Propm~ly organized. am~ staffed, skill e,d Counsulling Servi~e crm be of g:(eht valu~ to displaced persons und to r::ili t -'.lry officir,ls char 'gecl with their carG and reps.t riation .

6 . .Succes~ful coun::;elling requires ( r4) skill nnd experience j_n per~ . · son2l counselling , (b) an understL.nding of the vo.rying backgrounds imd

• ► r • .1 • , ' ' ' ) -1-, 1 ·1 t d' c.1.rcurm.l\,r.:nce::: O.L 0 .. 1.s p.w.c ca pbruons, anr~ , c pcl._,H.mc c a:nc. unc.ers ·en ing. Counsdling should -r,in; to h0lp the:, indi viJual to gi:d.n th~ 'ful.J.0st under­st.::.nding of his O\m pc~i·i,onal. E,itm~tion in rch ticn to repatriation, and the r,:;asons underlying officiu.l 1.Jluns E<m'. purticul.br prcicccures . There will llPdoubtedly be some cases of . severe rn cntc.I or emot1um.l disturbances which will require si<illt:- d Gvcir,..1 or medicc l tre, ·tment nnd possibly special ca.re . Howevei·, Azsembly. Cent f. r off .i.cers sh . .:ml ti be· v,&rned c.i go inst inexpert &ttompts to deal with cvmplic:..ted s-i tuDti on s· 'thr t vrc beyond thuir curnpetE.,nc e . Pe:r:suns r.eveo.ling rnur.k~d i:bn0rm&li ties in b0hc. vi our sh0ulC: be referrecl to the Welf1_rc o~ficer ,\ho shoulJ. , v.hen ncces&ury, consult with medic0.l officers qr other fjpecblists ~;ho may b8; avail1:,ble.

D. Chil dr en 1 :;; Scrvic es ......

1. Childr 2n under the age of s i xteen will frequent l y pres f:mt c1 iffi •. cult }JrocL1ms . Althou.gh tho number .of children 'lih,) &.re displc:::.c E:d v,ill no~ be, very J.r.r-ge 1:is c0mp:3.red with the tot1.. 1·.nwnber of cUspl1.1.ceo persons, childr en in Assembly Centors will .f &ll i nto two groups :

c.c . Those who ::ire ,tccompu.n:Lcd by their own pE,ri::,nts , by /legal guard­ians or by r_dults hc. ving no l egal r.=5spunsibi1Hy fut them, and

b. Thos ,:J who ::i re 1..m,1:Lccompimied .

2 . A~~com 'panl~ti Chl l d.ren . · liher·e children ~.::re y,i th famili~s, evrJry efior t must be made to keep the fanily together . If childrcm a.re tempor:­F.'.rily lo:3t or sepafat ,;;d , In.furm1:.tL:m J:Jure:&u, :,:c-gistr ati:)n rec ,::,rds W1d · uther me1..i.i1s~. shou].t:\ be ern ploycc. t0 reu.".ll k ~he f~rn1lly us rLpidly as possi- · ble . Sp8t:ic:.l carf: must be ta.km in r t.;gistering ouch chilcren.

a . Childr,;.;n i.1!1ucc0m~a:ni u~ \;y .r elat i ves .)r · gull rdfr,ns . will ' pn,sent the inost difficult probl ems . These children m.<.,y be lost or sc..parated fr•),n their f amilies , abc:ndonoc:\ or orphan ec . Some may be v:lthout '.i. · i...U t :i.-- ·

ficatLm ci ther bec1-mse of accident or bees use of c1 dc::liber ate 8_ct on the p&rt of their p1: r l·mts to pr otect tr1e child, or bccnuse of an r.ct of the t:r,emy.

b. Th,; number of un1:cccomp:c.nied chi lor en of Alli ed nati.Jnali ty fo cmerr;y territory is n..:;t known. From informa ti .Jn · !::.-v1~ii.1:,,ble the fol.lowing gr oups of such children a r e lik~,ly to be found:

1. Children ·who origim .... lly -.vere deports d in lc1.bour gr oups wit:i thei.r pEtrsnts or who were, born in enemy terri tur y, but h&ve since becomE: orph&:nB or completely s ep1.1nted fro .. 'll purE.:nts .

• 2 . Children who were dep-:.irted from All.ied cuuntrit,s Emd have been r cur etl aG enemy children. These children ( estinw.tcs run into the tens

- 10 -

of .thousands) will present special difficu1tie::; . It may be to the best interests of these children to leave them where they are until their ultimate disposal has been determined • .

3 . Childrt:n of unions between enemy nationals and United Nations nationals who were deported i~to enemy terr.Lto:ry .

. 4. Ch.i.ldrcn v:ho ha.ve been in hiding in Germany becaus2 their par­ents were looked on with disfavor by enemy uuthori ties for rear,ons of race, r eligion, or politic al affiliation . Many of thes ,:; children have be, .. m cared for by syml,)athetic 1)Qople who may, upon collapse , bring them to thr.:: n.::ar(!st Ascrnr.bly Cent.er or other Processing Center .

5. ChiJ.dren of the United Natim1s whr.> have been deported e.s la­borers . 1\s those childri::.n will b8 in the ,Jlder age eroups , it should be p .)ssiblc t ,J treat m0s t qf thc=,m in the s tur.e vmy as adult displaced pers,Jns . A fevt may present lsp(:;cial problc,ms requiring particuLs.r atten­ti\)n of V{elfare Offic0rs . Many vf them probably have:, been in communi­CccUl,n with the:ir parents or rela tives .

c . W.li tr;;.ry &uth-Jri ties or ci vilic~n u.genci es WJrking under their direction ·nill hf,ve mn j ur r 8sponsl bili ty for Ulrn.ccol!lpanied children . However, it is exp0ctod th1.t t SrfAEF policy will lx to recomrr,end to mil.i-­tary r..uthorltios th1ot during the SHAEF pericd, b.t lHtst,, military imt.\1~ri ties should t&k.e no action the:.t would pernwncntly :1ff ect the gu::;.rdianship ')T L ,gol s tutu .. :; uf h child . \~elf are Offic ers sh:iUld be 1,.1,rr,il1.' ble f,n· consult.:::.ticn by military c:,uti:writi e s r esponsible for deci­sicins 8.ffecting the custody ,)r ca·e (,)f un:1c comp,;;,:.ri ied children . Respon­s:i.bi]j ty for U{~a.ccompanied children of kn•.)Vffi nc:tionali ty will, of cuurse, be trc11sf' erred t() their r espective na.ti-:m1s l goverrunE.:n k [..S . soon c,,s cir­cUJnstt,ncei I permit . ·

• 4. Types of Service

The care r;nd r epatriLti !)Yl ,Jf c11ildrep,, whether 1:.cc01npuni0d or un­c~ccompa.nied, wi11 i::wolve: c0llecti0n; r egistrntj_on; appropriate shelter e.ccommudr,tbn i s pec:i[,l fe.~ding nrrangemEmts ; day-time i .Gti vi ties; indi­vidud. services cs required for particular groups of children 1)resenting specitJ. problems; mzrvemcnt ., ,,nd r epatri:.tion. In the Cl:.Sc ,Jf unaccompE,nied chilc:r c:m, of eourse , the primcry ,:,b,i c,,Cti ve is to r eunite them with their ftmilies n.t the ea;rliu,-t. possi.bl~: moment.

a . Collecti0n ... Plans snrJuld be m1: de for .the collection of children, µurtic:ilarly thJSEJ 1,h0 • re um,ccompanied, i:i ,kll l ,.rgc centers uf populc,­tLxt .in en8my territory . It is probab1~ t.hat &dults nov1 cc::.ring f or these child.r-en will bring then: "t,:, the nearest r eputri1':,tLm autbori t.i e s . At every collectL..:n p;,:i:;_nt, spocir,.l &.rr['.Jlgt:ments must be made fo:r the reception of these c::hildrc;n by con;pr"tent per sc,nn8l . \'!!here E: child is cr_;,red for ::.du1ur.tely in c,n ene:;my home c.nd ,,here such adequate caro can be continued, h e should n:jt be removGd until .f,lF,ns r~re m&dE: for his mJVement to his hc,,me courrt.,ry, tt.J,,r::ver, und.1..!r n0 cir c1.w1stances shculcl children be permanently placE:d, nor sh•Juld 2ny plans f'o.r aci ,:;ptiun be consumm:_ted. ·under CLll cir~ cumstcmces, thE. bct;t, interests of 1,he chilci must be the fact .)r tJ oet,er­mine • whn.t provision sh:>Uld be ,,:1:.d e for him.

b . Ri.~ gistrcition .

· (1,) Gcnerc.l. Becr:use of the gr eat importance of preserving ::.Tl. :i_nfn::.•m;~ti·)n that mr:y · lielp to L~entify, or otherwisG help properly to pro-­vid.c for chil c.1rc:,n , frhc w~e should be ma d e oi' the section of the Registn;­tion Record l~0bolled "Ronw.rks 11 for th,1 r ecording of ony informo.tlon neces­scry tu serving the best interests of children .

- 11

(·2)" Accompanied Children. In registering children accompanied by a relative (or by an adult with J.ogo.l responsibility), grea.t1 co.re· must be exorcised to make sure that t _hey a.re properly identified so that th:ey mny continue to benefit from tho ',protection of ,their rolo.tivos. In registering children o.ccompaniod by persons .QM.QL..than th0ir own ·families, tho safeguards suggested bolov1 for registration of -unaccompanied children ·must be observed to cmsu:r:o protocti(?n. ' '

(3) UngccomnJill.iod Children. i . Th~- standard procedures for reeistration of displaced persons ,

as o:utlincd in Displaced Persons Rogistrntion Instructions' and in tho first supploricnt to those instructions, vdll have to bo supplemented in• tho cc.so of un.'lccompanicd children . · Separate accommodation should be arranged f.o·r reception and rog:i,stration. If possible, persons who o.ro oxporionccd in ca.ring for cnildrcn ~nd who und8rstnnd how to deal with their fears should be given rcspoi::isibility for their rogistrntion . The identity of somo childro;n may bo un!monn; some children may concco.l their identity, Youngor childron mny not . be, o.ble to supply tho information roquirod. Indirect methods rather than diroct questioning of tho child will ofton bo tho. most effective vrny of .. obtaining idontifying do.ta. Eyery effort nust bo nude to secure nocdod cl1.ta :

_ fron the fo.Mily ~lith v1hich tho child , has boen staying and fron local· authorities as v:ell 8.fJ from tho child hims0lf, so that the Rogistro.tion Record may be fillod out completely•

ii. Every child unacconp::micd by a relative (or by an adult with legal rosponsibility) should be rcgistorod o.s an um.ccor,1panied child. In fill ­ing out the Rogistro.tion Record for co.ch unacconpaniod child, tho word 11 Ul1£l.ccom­panicd11 should be inserted in thc ·upper left hand corner of the ca.rd. If tho child is unidont,ifiod, the words 111,.mnccompo..nied- unidontificd11 should bo sinilo.rly inserted. If tho child's namo is u...:iknown or if ho has been given a n.n..no by sono­ono other tho..n his own fo.tiily, the rrords 11real nnne unlmown" should bo inserted, unclor .It.or:t.l on the Reg_istration Record, after the nano by which ho is called.

iii. Partlcular attention should be given to: 1:tsim 2, Far:1ily ·Nq,po , other given na.nos. Itor~Qlninod !btionc.litv. Itcn 6, Birthdnto ,. Birthphco, I?rovinco, county. I ter:i 10, Full n;i;no . of fa thor . · ·

.. J;:t,em ~l...,, Fgl:J, r.1o._idcn nq,no of nothcir. I ten 24, Rorr1grks. Under ror.mrks phould bo listed nn.nos and

o.ddrossos of' brothers, sisters, o.nd other rob.tives, data on residence :LP onony country including no.nos and a.dc1r~ssos of persons with rrhon child h.is s~ci.yed, otc. It is suggostcd that whore necessary, additiona.l shoots be attached to ·rogis­trntion cards t o show sources of inforr:1c..tion entered on . the card •

. iv . In tho ccriti·a l rogistr:i.tion. file (for tho soc ond popy of tho ~~.E.F. P.P. Registration Rec ords) the cards. o;f mip,cconpuniod children should either be specially Barked or filed ir+ o. special section. Tho marked cards (or spocid.1 filo) should bo indoxodn.lphabetically according t o fq,nily nano. Stich a file viiJ.l faci.li ta tc tho clca.rnnco of inquiries r ocoi ved :regarding unacconpan:i,od child:ron:, wi11 expedite the trn.cing of relatives, and ·will provide data for o.dr:iinistrD,tivo purposes.

The tor□ 11 rolntivo 11 , as usod horo 1 vlill nornc..lly include only aduit rolb.t,ivos of close blood rola tionship, such as po.rents, grandparents, brothers or sisters·. However, in nuking. provi'sion for ch:i,ldron their best interests r.mst o.lrmys be kopt in mind.

- 12 -

, v. Every, urio.ccoripcmicd child should ba tnggt3d vri th his . idonti.., fication co.rd iniriodiat oly after rogi~tra tion . Photogr o..phs should be mado of each unn.ccompaniod child, if pos~iblo. Tho photograph should be attnchod · to­tho registration recor;d.

c . Sholte!\qnd Caro

(1 ) Accorapn.ni..ilii.&hildron. Whore the chi~dron arc wi th their families or parsons fnnilinr . t o then , every cff?rt should be mad~ to keep tho f o.mily ; · t ogether. Tho ordinary co.re of children is tho rosponsioility of the family or accompanying adult . In l iving quarters vrhoro tho children ar:o .housed , o.ttcn­tion must be given t o sleeping o.rrangomonts , lavatory facilities, otc f, suited t o thei:r.particular needs n,nd safety-'.

'(2) ·· Unq.ccor:iponi odGhildron. Unaccompanied children should not be :·· ~ pk.cod with unrolatod family groups or single adults in Assembly Centers ex­

cept . ns o. l a st resort or as n strictly tcmporary -oxpodiont until other arrn:nge­'rlcnts o,re r,10.dc ~

(a) Wherever possible unncconpo.niod children should bo sogrogo.ted by nationnlity ~nd , if possible , housed npo.rt from adults i n some locnl i nstituti on ·or hor;io uhich -r.ny be roquisitionad • . Persons in charge should ,be of tho so.mo nationality o.s tho childr.cn. .Probloos of f eeding, clothing, housing, o.nd ro­crwti on , cannot be dot.lt 1;;ith o.doquntoly uriloss porsons oxporioncod in handling groups of childron. ,:1,ro q.vo.ilnblo·. · · Such per·s o11s ony be obtained through Nati onal Liaison Of ficers . Sono of tho displnced porsons themselves my ho.vc the nocosso.ry qunlific~tions . · ·

(b) . Uno.cc onpo.niod children of Uni ted Nc..ti ons nntionn1:i,ty shou1d not bo billeted or plo.cod in onony households , n or should they be placed in the ca.re of 1oco.l c.goncios or . institutions whore this i nvolves any diroot contact ,7ith onony personnel . Suitable local fo.cilitios nny, however , bo rog_uisitionod . If unacc or.1po.niod children aro ca.rod for in nccor:1r.1odations vri th;i.n an A,ssonbly Contor or in c;Losc proxinity t o it, they should po.rt i cipo.to:in_pl c..y , r ocroationo.l nnd cduec.tion;i.l nctivit~os proyidod f or other ch:Udron in tho Assonbly Cantor .

(c) Whore tho mmbor of m1::1.cc onpnni od children in o.n Asser:ibly Cantor is snc..11, it Eii.y bo c,dvi so. blo t o tr.nnsf or then t o . s or::.o other cont or whoro there aro sufficient nur.:bers t o· pornit ·provision of appropriate care and servi ces . The pro.ctico.bility of such arrangononts doponds upon o,. vo.ri oty of fo.ct ors :md ·. should be undort2..kon only aft or careful consideration. It !'.ll'.y bo nost expedient t o plo,.n e1.nd oper a to service s f or uno..ccoBpq.niod children on o.i1 u:reo. ·bo.sis .

1 (af Feeding . If f ooci' is sorvod ,in connon dining . ro,oms , spoci o.l · f eeding o.rro.ngenonts mc.y bo needed f or tho propnration nnd ser ving of f ood for children up t o .:ibout five yea.rs of ago .

d . Dav- tine activities

Evon whore the nmnbor of children is small , it will bo necosso.ry t o s eo that they ho.vo whol <;,s or.1e outlets f or their energy in plny nnd odµco.t i onnl nctivitios , other niso , they will find troubloson9 cmd destructive things t o do and may boo.. gonorc.l s ource of rrorry t o busy and anxi ous adults . Dny-tir:10 '.lcti vi tios f or snnll nunbors of children cnn be unr.1orto.ken on o. sir:iplo bnsis witp suporvision gi ven by moth0rs and some of tho ol der boys 'nnc1 girls . Whor e tho nu!"lbor of children is lnrgo , clay- tino ~ctivitics rJill have t o bo more cnro­fully orgnnizoc. cmcl ndnptccl t c tho needs c..nd inter ests of difforont a.go groups .-

- 13

o. Movement of Childron

(1) .No child and particularly no unncconpnnied chil<l should ·be ·rcturnc:el to· his own cc1mtry until plo.ns for his novcmcnt .:i.hd reception ti.re k.nmm ·to ki.vct .bco;,1 r:io.c~o . Evory chi'lc1' under 16 , yea.rs shouJ:d be in tho chi:i.rgo of 0.11 a.uthorizoc1 ·o.dul t escort. F.or children of· nixoc1 ago groups 11ntfor ·16, one ac~ult·· should o..ccor.ipany tho po.rty for every fifte en children; ·for · mi:xcc1 · ago groups unc~.or 12, nn.o ndult for every pnrty pf .ton ch;i.ldron, Mixed o.gO groups ·aro pro­forn.blo io.s older chilc~rcn m'"\'/ i:i.8sist with tho cnro of. younger ohos . · It is unsafe t o TlO'lO hrgc nunbers of bhildren under five together, · ·

(2) Sono nothod r.mst bo worked out so tho.t idontifico..tion ·dtscs, ta.gs or ca.r(1s nro f ,.:i.stoncc1 to young children who, if they v1crc. l ost , could not be readily ic"'.ontifiocl, · ·

(.3) Those in charge of children sh0uld have full clot.J.i ls of tho nGvo;-1ont an<l shoulc1 bo instructed co.rcfully .as .to their duties .. Thoy should not l oc.vo the · children until they ho.vo tm~nod then over t o those responsible . officials t o whon they ,'rnro instructed t o :lolivor thor.l', Spccic.l problons , of feeding a.nd caro onrouto sh0uld bo carefully considerGcl and pln.nnod . For lo.r·go parties; nodicnl

, ·;. o.ncl nursing personnel shoulc1 acconpnny tho group if possible~ ·

Children nontnlly or physically ha.ndico.ppod, those su£foring fron . dobilito.tion, , cnoti onnl disturbo.~1ccs or shock nnd those 'who present behaviour difficulties, no.y require npocin.l c1.1..ro nnd s orvice:s . such as scparo. to housing o.rrnneo::-ionts, <tpplfo.ncos , special diets, rocreo:tiona.l c..nd -bccupci.tio:no.l activ'itios suited t o thoir needs . While the nur.,bor of childro11 in tf1cso g-.coups vdll be sr:in.11, a.vnilo.blo .facilities and services should be used to tho mxinun t o noct their urgent .roquirononts ~

g • . Reno.trint~on.

Childr en ·;Jill bo ropr..trintoc1 to tho cotmtry of their no.tionality in nccorda.nce with nrro.ngononts '::ith Nc'..tional Liaison Officers •

. E. Spoci,;:.l S0rviccs for Yout,h

1. Special ikods of Ycuth . Many o.dolosconts fron 14 to 18 ·yon.rs of a.go nhc cone t o Assc:-,1bly Centers vrill, as o. consoquonco of ·their exporionco 1 have roached n sto.eo of nnturity beyond thoir yours , both in suffering various forns of distress _n.nc1 in fo.cing ,rQsponsibilitics. Although they -will neod consiclornble

·. help a.nc1 supervision, o.clolesconts should, so fo.r ns possible, be given tho oppor­tunity of n.:i.ki ng their ovm decisions rogo.rcling their future,

· 2. Ar.1one; tho typos of s ervices po.rticulnrly .needod to help :i.doldsccnts t u nd:..1pt thcnscl vcs tc, novr ways of lif o arc;


Spccio.1 housing nrro.ngononts , ospocfo.lly f•Jr those 1.l.Wlttachec1. to foniJ.y ,groups,

b. Provision f qr nut:dtionn.1 nooc1s . idolosconts boco.uso of their rapid gronth, often ho.vo groo.tor nutritional needs thnn school- ngc children,

c . Educ:1tion:i.l o.nd rocroationo..l activities . i .

""'-' d . Oc.cupettion.'.'.l activit.i cr, . Pc~rticulnr attenti on should be givon to nork suito.blc to their physical condition nnd ngo .

c . Sorvicos f or groups with special needs . It is to be oxpcctod thnt no.b.d justncnts and bchnv:iour difficulties 1:1Qy be connon o.nong this group o.ncl vii:U rcq1,.1.iro skiJ.lod tron.tr.1cnt :md spocinl sorvicq ,

... 14 -

F. Soc~lo.l Services for Women

1. Oldo-1: Girls q.nd Vloncin. Tho girls o.nd women coning to .Assor.ibly Centers ,;iill include no.ny who ha.d been forcibly sepa.ro.tod fr on their fnnilios c.nd driven ,. into forced lnbour in Gorno.ny. Many of those vroBcn o.nd girls 'idll nood spocio.l opportunities nnd oncourngonont to regain a sense of self-respect nnd socio.l dignity. Every effort should therefore be nndo to crento iri tho Centers nn · cnvironnont thnt will respect tho pcrsono.l dignity of vronqn a.nd girls . It nill be pctrticulctr ly importo.:nt t o sc.fogu.'l.rd g1r ls nnd ~ion on Vlho hc.ve boon . subjected t o dogruc1ing experiences nnd t o protect them fron being stigr.m.tisocl , o.s obj-acts of pity or consu.ro. Spociul nrrangononts o.nd services needed by woncn and girls , ; incluc1o as r.mch privacy nnd personnl considero.tion . ns possible during the process of cJ.o::msing o.nc1 nodico. l oxo.nino.tion; housing nccor:rrnodo.tioh nllowing for tho no.xinun of pr_ivo.cy o.nd o.ffording opportunities to mo.info.in or inprovo tho o.ppeo.r-. o.nco of their living quo.rters; porsono.l counselling sorvioG for those who have hc..d p2.rticulo.rly painful oxperiencos or who need nssisto.nco in plunning for their return hone; suito.blo occupntionc,l o.ctivitios und social a.ctivitios affording o.n opportunity of ongo.gine in constructive nork nnc1 of participating in the oper­o.tion of tho Assonbly Center; specio.1 protective r.1eo.sures f or girls o.nd young wonen r,hos o situ.'ltion night othorwiso be oxploit6c1 .

2. EX1,?cctnnt Q,nd Nursing l,Iothctr...§. Whore oxpecto.nt nrnl nursing nothers arc rccoivof inl,ssonbly Canters, they mny roquiro specio.l diets or supplenen­tc..ry f ood, special housing n.rr11ngor10nts and clothinf, in addition to medical services. If c.. r.10thor in tho Center h¢.s young children, a.rrnngenehts nust bo no.de f or their ca.re during tho Dothor 1 s confinenont, unless tho fo.thor is present o.nd co.n to.kc co.re of than.

G. Sorvicps for il r-,:ocl , or Ho.ndiccrppod Persons

1, Anon0st tho p0pulation of tho Assonbly Centers, riill bo f ound s ono persons ho.ndico.ppec1 by o.go (including persons who through their experience. . , h.·wo boc or:10 promc. turol y ol d ), nncl uho ho.vo su.ffor od o.ctuc.".l physical injury (includinE blindness),

2, Tho n50,d , ho.nµico.pped persons a nd other spocio.1 gr oups will r equire spocio,l housing o.rro..ngoDents, sped o.l di ets, o.nd · other services . It no.y bo necosso.ry t o house smo of those pers ons in ho9tcils ro.thor tkm in lo.rgo cor..r.mna l centers . The ir novonent D'J,y o.l's o r equire spccio,l planning .

3, Attonc'J.mts shculc:. be prcpo.rod f or tho possibility of ho.ving to repave fr on trnins o.nc:. ccnvoys tnoso who · bocor.10 :i11 in transit. Plans shoulc1. 0,lso be nc,cle in 0,c'tvanco f or eenor 2-l r1olf[~r o servic e s t ri bo o.vo.ilo.bl o both on r oute, at points of transfer c\nd upon arriva l o.t destipo.tions:•

H. C::1 sh Grf'.nts .

1. For Displucoc1 Persons Providcc1. f or on o. Com.mnal Basis . Present phns l ook t c;70,r c1 r..10.k;i.ng cnsh gr,:,,nt s f or pocket money - f or tho purchnso of personal itons .::md incidentals - t o displa ced persons nho n,re shelter ed and f eel in ;~ssonbJ.y Con t ors on n c o::1:r.runal bo.sis. Vl cdico.l car ·o ,:.1,nd clothing , ,;1hon available , will be prcvic1 ocl in kind ,

2, For Displucod Persons ~-or Prov;lc1. od for_..Q1l..l1.. Conr.mno.l Bo.s:j.s . Prosont · pl::ms f or c1.isplacod per sons inclividuo.lly billeted in priVl::,te hones · ( or otherw~so) l ook t oYm,rd tho po.yncnt of cash gro.nts f or f oocl and pocket ' no11ey. Pl.:ins o.lso call f , r giving clothinc, nedical co.r e and other o.vnibbJ.o services t o this group , o.s wall as to those provided f~r on n. comnunnl oos.j,s,


J. Until policies r egarding cash grants are finally worked out for Assembly Centers , it is hoped that available canteen supplies and pcr f3onal necessities may be distributed free to displaced persons, recardloss of whether they are provided for on a communal or on an individual basis.

I. Recroationn.l Activities

_ 1. 'I'hc smooth working of Assemoly Center s will depend in large ,Jeasure upon fi progrnm which r1ill keep the displaced ·persons busy, and help them to occupy their time constructively. Where persons ar o ccngre­ga tod together under crowded and abnor mal conditions, with J.i ttle to-· do, tnc:y- ar o not as nmenable to discipline and routine as they might be normo.J.ly . Sa.,tisf2.ctory occupation of leisure time wi;J..1 help to sustain morr1J.e , rr~went gri 0v1.mces from assuming undue proportions , and consider ­ably eas0 the task of the Center Dir ector and r epatriation officials .

2 . In most situn.t:i,.ons displaced persons will not remain long enough to war-rf.1.nt the fo:vmal organisat ion of recreationt~,l ci.ctiviti es . However, there m:w be instances where displaced persons may rorn11.in for n. consider­abl e period. During those hours·in .which they are not employed or occupied \r.,ri th personal tE>.sks , Vf' ... riuu::, leisur e time activities shoulq. be made available . This is particularly important for children and youths , Personnel for thefJe activitie s can ofton be secur ed from among the ¢lisplaced persons ·themselves.· A nwnber of privo.te organisatiorrn may be able to furnish scrne leadersh1p tmd •Jquiprnont for the lc'.rger centers . Such supplies as may be avc).ilv.blo in Germ('lny co.n , of course, bo r oquisi tioned by Military .Authorj,tics .

3. The greetest possible vn,riet:/ of proj ccts should be sought in order t o meet the different i i.1terosts of difforont groups (such as men, vwmen , boy13 , girls , young children) and , because of tho differing occupa­timml time-tables of differ ent .groups, as for example wonon with families, worker s employed outside the Cent.or, Ot' those engaged in duties within the Con t or . It is also r,eces,:lar.f to rencmbor tho.t some proj ects should pro­vide r elaxati on and qu~.et r a t her t hl.:ln energetj.c or boisterous activity;

. and that in all fields a premiu.rn must . be placed on acti vi t fos which require compr.rativel;y sinplo or iir.provised, equipment . Act"ivit:i,e s. raight b_e of three types : ·

a . Social, cultural and informational; b. .l:fondicrnfts and r'.tf;nua.l work; a.pd c . Sports and gc.mes .

4- Displaced persona will be hungry for news and 1::nowledgc about their horncl.::nc1 . N_c;3ws , serv:Lces, readin c roor:1s ., t e.lks •by 1fo.ticn;,_,J. · Lin.is on Offi cers, r nch-o fr..ciJ.ities - these: tl.Ild s i nilar devices CD:n serve to i npart inforr:mtion 'r-.. nd a i d .. H,or cJ.e . ·Tho t ypes of netiviti:1 s that ' cc.n .bo organised. ar ,3 numercus but t '.10 particular progrm:i must, of course , rlepend en the · · l ocal situation . Nnws broo.dcn.sts f or displaced persons in Germany oro being pln.nneL1 hy :militc.ry authc,ri ties . Assembl y Center Officers sl:wuld be prepc..rcd t o its sist groups of displ o.cocl persons to hoar broadco.s ts in which they ma;y be intcre:sted •

.r. R81_-htiious Ministr.::,_t,ions •

1. Dir)pl11ced persons in Af3sembly Centers ( or other processing centers ) 0;itcUJ..d be per2;1i t ted t u conduct Sl..\Ch religio-q.q services o.s they desir e. AsG•,:mbly Cantor director s should o.ssi st in every wr:..y pos s ible t c enable displ«'.!.c8d persons t o · conduct su ch sorvlces by pr0vidi11g meetine , plnces o.nd othi?: r ·r.coossar y f acilitLs. While, obviously, JX!.rticipn.tion in ;3uch ,c;i::r.•uicos should bo wholly er~. o vol.unt,-.ry basis , their avnilabili ty ·will . i1aprove morule anc1 enl1anec, t hr-i well-being of , tho Center popula ticn.

2. M:Ln.L:1ters and religious lenders .;1180 :w;-,.y n ish to nmlrn 11 sick calls" or perform vo..r i ous religiCius rites. Such activities can be very- helpful in l'elicving anxiety andn.iding in tho nrderly ropo.trin.tion pr ocess.


3~ Ministers and othors able to conduct r eligious ser vices may b13 available from r.l:long the displaced persons themse1v3s; frorri ntit:icnal agencies and from internationo.l religious bodies which arc dos-irous Gf s•anding_. _ninisters to . the larger Assembly C~nte'rs . . •

I+ . The services . of local r elii;:ious leaders . ;in Gerr;;.any rnay be util:i.sed only with the consent of ailitary authorities~ whose approval must be obtained through the Director of the Assei:lbly Cent~r c;oncerned .


A, The Problem

1. The qany inequalities in treatment of Uqited Nations nat:Lono.1s errip.J.,oyed or inpris·oned in. Germany will suggest :i.mportant considero..t:i:cns to

. ndrid.nistrative and welfare poJ.icy in Assembly Centers. The most privi.,.... la~ed fo:i;·cien' w_orkers have· enjoyed a status equal - in theory at least -to that rJ f the German :vmrkors. The least pri vih1ged have suff erod ev'?ry indignit;y~ that tlio Nazi could devise. · Between those extremes the . r emain~,er h::we been classed in numerous and constantly cht'!.nging categories . ,:ith unequal privileges, protecticn 2.nd sk.tus. 'rh.::se inoqu~tlities have :sometimes bred bj_tterness between natur2.l allies one between groups of the so.me nati onr.li ty. · · ·

2, Just .and equc..l treatment to all persons o.nd the tilllgible evi­denc<~s of personal rGspect and considernti c-n for the· individ.uo.l persons should permeEt1.:1 all ::dmir.;.istrative plans and a.ctivi ti03 in the Assembly Cqnt t:ir . Al though :r::hy2dcal fo.cili ties may be prini ti ve or inndequate . much c,an be donG :to. cre;J.te a setting in ·which both \Wtt1.en end men will 0

firid encouragement and orJportuni ty to re~ostn.blish for thernsel:ves the. personal and soci1,1.l s tandards which were respected in their heme ·· coi:uauni ties.

B. Responsibility of Assembly Centor .Staff

1. The Ass0111bJ.y Center st'. ·.ff shcmJ.d, f"'.ccordir;.gly , take account of humo.n and personal vnluos involved in the basic pr evisions of focd, clothing, r:nd shelter; ro1:;istrr.ticn; eaploy;::icnt; t he operettion of cc.nteen si:.oros; th0 cleeree of self-i;ovornnent ,md of mutuo.l 11:i.d und r,ss ist::rnce thr.t cnu bo developed. · . , .

2 . Asseflpl;f Center perscnriel responsible for specific functi ons shculd ,;ork in th,~ closost possiblo cooporr.tion vii t h the c:enter Direc t or o.nd personnel rasponsiblo for othGr specific functioYis, It is of parti­culnr i:4porta.µce thn.t ".::.hG st:.1.ff should develop all 20['..ns of co.inj_ne first­hcmd kncmledge of the pi:oblems nnd r eactions of t ho rosj_clents of the Center . . By securir1G their co:'lfidence, tbe staff r:::,x h0c8me tho best

· chr.:.1mel 1ihr0ut1 v;hich the needs or C:ifficul ties of displ:1ced persons mo.;y be a.scertrinod.

C. Livinf!·Arrc..np;er.ients

1. The rro.y in whi ch displ!'.ced persons are assigned to whatever fors CJf nccorar.iodation is 11vnilu ;)l e will be the r ospc,nsibili ty of · the Mili tP..ry Authorities .o.nd Center Adr:1inistrr:,t.ion . However, all 1:1ernbers of the . ' . . stn.ff hL1.ving per tinent kn,owledge will be expected to :idvise .. on the housing of j_ndi viduals or eroups of persons for ,-rhon s:peci['.l urrani:.:e;;1onts na;-;,' be found to be necessn.r;;-. Stctff nemb·Jrr. mt::.y also 1!11~.ke r ocommendntions to tho Ad.ministration ·as a result of ccmple.i uts or representP.tions rocei vcd from indi vidUEl.ls or 6-roups v,ho dasiro s(me rc,9.r~r-mgement of the c.lllotted a ccomm.odo.tion,- e.g., to ennble r elatives or nenbers of the sc:-Jne fm:.ily or rio.i;,ional group to live t o[ether trhile in the Center~


2 . Feeding orrr.nger:ients in tho Center wil l be the -'respori°~ib'ili ty of the Administration, but ve.rious .. staff membors may be called upon t o give 3dvice <;n tl1e' s pecial .needs. of .particular i ndividunls or "gr cups or r;1ay !1e in a pos ition •to i nitiate recolJ1I;\end.c.';tions on these points. In the eyes of the re$_idents, the stnff member s Vr:Lth whom · they hr~ve most frequent con tad o.rEi · likt:!ly to be the persons t o whom they can come with all sorts of complaints rmd v10rrie s about their life in tho Center ~ These staff raembers should pc1.ss on these compl!.di;i.ts in the f orm of concrete suggestions to the au'chori ties responsiole f or the foecling ar rru1gernents . · ·

D. Re gi.s tra ti on

1. The i mmediate purpose cf r egi s tration is two-fol d :

a. To i nitiate and facilitate r epatriation procedures, s.nd b . To provide essential informat:i.on for ndministrative purposes .

2 •· Since regi str o.ti on mc,-y be the firs t personal contact of the disrlaced person with United Nati ons authorities, r egi strati'on methods snould 1)e des i gr~e d to inspire confidepce . This contact will ,,l so provide an q:,portunity for showing a personal J,nterost in tho per son -registered and for interpr eting t o displaced .persons the r.;olicies of the Adminis tration and t ho services availabl e to thorn.

3 . The o.ccura c:r cf the inforir.ation r ecorded during . .registration is of great importmico n.nd if tho person concernod feels relucte:nt to reveal requir ed facts, it is essentia l that the tegis·tra r c·o.refully expl~in' the -reasons for regi stration and ass-ist the r egistr ant in filling out t he Registrn.tion Re coi;-d .

4 . Welfare Officers wil l bq expect ed t o assist in c.ny vmy possible, in onlistine the c ooper ati on of distlaccd fe rsons who are be-ing r egister ed and in helping to realize e.s f1,1lly as possibl e the benefits resulting from registr ation .


l. Wher e clothing is in short supply, so that a fCner al distribut ion t o all per sons is iE1possible, the Welfo.r e Officer should be called ur1on t o advise i n r ogo.rd to categories or groups of residents who should have priori ty .

2. Where any considerable nuraber of r:ers ons is tc be pr ovided f or over any r elr.tively l ont;; reri od of tine, a valuable sun ler:1ent t c, the i ssue of clothing will be the provis i on of faci1itios in the Center for cleaning, r-unovatiop , r epair s, tailoring· and dress-making. · Such f acili tics will r educe the need for new cl othj_ng .

F. Comrn.unicl:!.t i ons

1. Gener al. Dispb .. ced persons hc.ve been separated from their homes o.ncl f runil:les , r:inny of t hem for sever a l year s . 'l'hey 'will be extremel y anxious to coJ:1i'!l1micate with r elatives and friends . Evor y effort should be made to ·nake t his poss i ble •

. 2 . Postal Frrcili ties . Ci vilinn r,ostcJ. c0rnmunications will be ro-opcmod cs quickly as oilitary consider ations pori:iit n.nd , v1hen r e6s t n.b­lished , r,1ay be used by displaced pers ons in Ger nany t o communicate with friends or r el atives in other countries.

_J . Use of Field Pest Cnrds . To provide an iramediate and effective · means of· communication by displaced persons in Ger many with their hcrr;es ,

r olnt:Lves a,nd friends , the Allied Authbrities ho.vo 1:institutod a system of Field Post Cards . Th1:1r e will be uvo.ilable 1n Assembly Centers cn.rds w!:licr. are printed in Dutch , Engl;ish ancl French 3.nd will be printed in other J.r.nguo.ics wpen arrangements co.n he r~.de wi t.h inrlie-8n0us f'('St'.:!.l services in ot her countries .


a. Field Post Cards should be used only when:

(i) (ii)


The full postal address can be given; · · · The receiver resides in liberated or Allied ter ritory;

I.udigenous postal service is availabl e . ,

"' • ' .J

b . The cards per mit only the chocking of the following stat ed messages ·

I am well und safe; Will 'r-irite e.s soon us possible; Expect to be home soon, do not write .

c. E::1.ch card must be filled out and signed in the rresence of ap approved official.


d . Car ds originating in Assembly 'Certters in Ger many will be suoj ect _to censorship .

G. _li:mployg1ent

1. It will be desirc,bl e in most situations t o develop emrloy-1:,ent · pro6-rar.is for those displc.ced . parsons who are to r er:min for< any period . of time in o. specific area. Such employment night be available:

a. In the Center itsel f; b . On projects of the Allied armed for ces; or c . 'rbr ough , priva te emr,loyers in tho community .

a . Welfnrc officers cnn assist in plnnning c.nd rnakihg recomr.iendations on such mnployment problems ['.S:

a. Przysicnl ,'.).nd ei;iotiorw.1 conditi on cf disr l c.ced per s ons in ileltititm to ·;,·ork opvortuni tios;

b . Emrloyment classificP.ticn of disr.ilaced -rersons based en their employment history; or

c ; Deterrnin:i.ti on of rriorities for novement in r el ation 'to such f act or s as skills needed in tho heme countl,7 of the dispJ.aced r,erson, vr:)r kers needed on the Center staff, phys::;.cal and mentl'l disabilitic-:, , ::J.nd person al needs of the indi vj_duals °tihemselves . · ·

3 ! Ono offic~o.l should be designat ed o.s the Assembly Center "Emr;loyment OfficJr . 11 He should ;·1mintc.in close contc,ct with either (a) the Regionc.l Labor Office, U.S . Corr,s of Engineers, or ( :) ) Director of LD.bor (Br,) who vrill give pr ofor en co t c t he e;nployment of dis r l f:1.ced r,ersons in so fo.r as possible .

L In o.dc1it,i on t c such sun lies ns. rntty be issued t o .disr.111.ced persons, oppur•tuni ties should be available .fc.r them to r urchnso vnrious

. commodities. which they r::i-:.y desire .. A ccri.teen s t or.e sho1,1.ld be estnbli.shed . .. in ccr,rrnuntl centers and iP. other arens wheri) l ar ge ~umbers of clis:r:.,l[\,ced : per 0ons ·are .heused. Such a service i';ill L;prove morale 2nd in enemy

... territcil"J will ··make it rossibl-'.) 1f pr 'the displaced per sons t o obtain com..'TI.odi ties which mi ght not be 1w~ib.ble to t hem otherwise .

, . 2. S..~n,l:i,os r equired f or cc.nteen. ·. stor es will be <obt a:ined as fc.r as . . ross.iblc fr9t\ ·exis ting · J oe al r esources; the-·· indigenous nuthori ty lJeing , . inst!'.uctec.1 t o pui~ch:ise them . Wnero su1-1-l\es nre not r-.vD.ilable l o~ally,

... the)r rno.y be cib,t.~iriod T:rfm the /u.>my , Ll.N .R. R~ A. , or other sources .

I •


3. There may be an a.cute shortage of many articles and in such a situa­tion a simple rationing system should be instituted to enable all disp1ac ed persons to have _an . equal 9hance qf obt~ining such articles as a.r e available .

4 •. The i terns which might: be .carried in stock at such canteen store.s . should include toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, towels, .combs, .razors . ~ncl razor blades, needles, scissors, stationery, pencils , cigarettes, tobacco, matches, sweets,. handkerchiefs o.s . well as other similo.r . i terns whic_h might be av~ilable . ·

I. Self-Government; · Encouragement of Sense . of Re~ponsibi 1i ty for Others

1. A democratic organization of Assembly cotiter acti~ities cannot only be of distinct - r<;ihabilitative value· to its people, but . can also heip ma.teri­a.lljr in avoiding . or in solving admin:i.strative problems, The degree of ,s f;,l lf­governm0i1t which can be achieved and the form of its organization will. depend greatly upon the length of time tho residents remain in the Centers , the com­position of tho population, tho phys~c~l arrangements. of the Center and other local circumstanc0s. · · · · ·

2. The director of an Ass embly Centre will reqµire tho assistance of leaders of tho displaced persons in carryillg out his r osponsibilitios. In s e curing, by oloct:i.on or othe rw_isc, the · services of. leaders who possess the confidence of the displaced persons, the director should seek .the advice and help of the National Liaison Officers .

3. Displaced ·per~ ons in Germany have developed many ways of helping '?ne another and~ in Assembly Centers, will doubtless be interested in con­tinuing various forms of mutual a.id anri a.s~.ista.nce, Such interest as dis­placed persons may shCJVv in meeting their responsibilities :f'or othr, rs should be warmly encouraged by Assembly Center officers in every _p.os sible yray.

J. Legal Matters

1. General . Particularly in enemy territory displaced persons may re quire l ega l o.ssistance. Problems confronted will include claims ~gainst Germans or German authorities ~ methods of establishing citizenship~ advice as to new legislation in libe rated areas to which · the displaced person is to go and a s to local laws and Military .Government regulations affect~ng his movements or personal property. rt is desired that, as far as may_ be poss­ible or appropriate , assistance with respect to such matters should be given . Displaceq. Persons themselves, and National Li~ison Officers may be able to assist ·in pr ovitling~ this- type of service.

K. Personal Documents

1. Dj,splaced persons should be given a.id in.securing papers and docu­ments which may be important in connection with births, deaths, mo.rriages, claims against employers , claims for so.cial insurance. benE?"fits , personal property , and related matte rs •

a . Deaths~ Ad:rninlstrat:i.~e responsibility f:or -~Hsplaced persons who die at an Ass embly Center rests with the Center Director. Deaths are to be r e corded on th~A -, E~F~·'Displa.ced Persons Registra'l;ion Record and the A. E,F. Displaced Persons Asserubly Center Registrr.tion Card in tho spec~fic manner prescribed in the Displaced Persons Registration Ins t ructions and in tho Supplements to these i nstructions.

b, Marriages •. If ,qi splaceci 'per.s-ons.in.Assombly Centers desire to get married they s hould see ·'thut the ma.r:rio.ge is recorded according to local lo.w and that ce rtificate s are issued to the individuals conce r ned . If the man r...nd woman intending rr)D.r;riago are of different nationalities,, it should be made clear to them bofor,ehp.nd .that the mere foct of mo.rriago will not o.uto­matic:;'-lly cnti.tl e thci w1fo to be u~itted to the husbe~nd' s home country or vice verso.,

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c ~ · Births.

(1) Births, like der,ths' , s\1buld be r ocord,ed a.t the office of the loco. l civilian reg'istra.r· of vito.l sta tistics . This is o. r e sponsibility of the Cent e r Director and the displaced pers on himself should not be r equired to rrk'1.ke personal conta ct with Germo.n authorities • .

- .. (2) Births sh oul d be r e c orded o.lso on the Ass embly Cent e r

.Registration Rec ord Cnrd which some National Authorities might ·want to r e c ognise on £, p·rovi s iona.l ba s.is o.s o. )ogo.l document . In other wor ds, this co.rd might bo usod us a temporary birth cortificute until the child ' s c.rrivo,l. in the ·count ry of d~stino.tion . Where possible , o. copy of the bi r th ce rtif,:i.,c £1.,te filedwith'loca.l authorities should be given t o the pa.rent . A .note· sh ~ul d_ be made· in the' ' ''Remarks II space of the Registrati on Record Card , stating that ·"Thi;=i card does not in itself c onstitute a valid certificate of birth."

(3) . On the Assembly' ·Center Registration Rec or d ca.rd under' the heading " Remarks" the fo ll owing information sh oul d be entered:

(a) Farents 1 addre s s; (b) Parents • oc cupati on ; , (c) Pare'nts ' re g istrati on numbers ; and (d) Dute and honr of birth of child .

(4) The Medica l Clea. r anee Ce11tificate should bear the signature of the medical officer , -nu±-se or midwife who attended t he birth .

(5 j The Registration Record Card for a child bo rn in a Center should be preµared in triplicate , the original copy to b e given to the parent s . of the child . 'The r emaining two c op tes should be handled the same

.. as for other displace qr pe rs ons.

2 , ,Pr operty I Currency anci. Re lated Subjects .

I •

a, General. Displaced pe rs on s , particularly those who have be en exploited and r obbe d by the enemy mo.y be possessive and suspici ous and any sep().r$.tion from .th~ir pe rs ona l possess i ons may r e sult in a g r eat deal of discontent . It is important , the r efor e I t o do everything possible t o so.fe­guard thei r pr ope rty .

b . Pe r s ona l Property of Dis placed Pers ons ( other than currency)

. · (1) Some di spla ced pers ons may have . o. c onside rable amount of pers ona l pr,- ope rty in their pos session . They have been v,ro r k ing fC!lr s ome time and w1th t he threat of collapse , there may be a t endency I particula r ly in Germany, t o exchange currency f or pe rs ona l goods .

(2) Eve r y poss-iblG attempt must bo mo.d.e t o provide fac:i.li ­ties . for depositing i n o. · ao. f o pl a cb that pa.rt of the luggage of displaced

'fo~sons. which is n ot nee·ned in t he ir i mmediat e possession . Knowledge tha.t thElir possessi.ons c.re in . safe custody will strengthen mor a l e and requce · socuri ty problems . A receipt sh ould be g iven to the displo.ce·d pe r son des ­cribing his pr opc rt;y, giving the addr ess of .the place whe.r c · it is stor0d 1 .

and other pe rtinent do.tu .

(3) · A displ'ac·od pei:-s on · sh oul d be permitted t o ,take with him on his homewo. rd journey a t least a.s much as he can carry . · If transp ort

.•· {ac:i,.litie;, permit , he should be given tho oppor tunity t o t o.ke all his baggage . ·

(4) If any impor tant luggage or pe rs onal prope rty is l e ft be hind because of tho shortage of transp ort , every possible assistance should be given t o tho displo.ced pers ons f or the arra.ngement of stor a.ge in tho corn,~unity . This sh oul d be done i n such o. way that a.t s ome subsequent do. t e when transport is c.vo.iln ble I the d isplaced pers on can

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21 .,.

ho.ve his -baggo.ge shipped t o his hor.,.o. No.tional Lio.is on Officers will be expected to o.ssumo s ome r e sp onsibility.for . the property of 'no.tiono,ls of their countri~s. It should be mo.du cloo.r _ t P the displaced persons o.nd to National Lio.is on Officers that 110i the r mili tar:>-' o.uthoti ties 'nor UNREA assume o.ny logo.I liability for tho so.fcty _of prope rty loft in military custody.

5. Eo.ch Allied m'.tion will hc.vc its o\m regulations o.s· to who.t goods . mo.y be o.cl.-r:iitted o.crcss its ovm frontiers· . tro.tio.no.l Lio.is on Officers should convoy this informo.tion t o displticod persons ·before they sto.rt their home­wo.r,1 journey. Such info:rmo.tion should be :mndc av.o.ilablc .to Assembly Centers, Informr,ti on Buroc.ux, and officers respcusible f or giving l :galr o.ssist::mce.

e. Currency in the Possession of Displo.ced Persons . ,-

i. Sorne displo.cod persons a.re likely to hnvo in their possession con-.. . '

si-dero.blo ~mounts of currency of di-fforent countries.

2. All displaced :persons· registered at Assembly Centers shoctld dcclo.re ' the -amount of currency, of wha.tove'r "'type,- in t _heir possession o.nd this inf ormation should bO -onto.red on their -Registration RP cord cards. Such a record will holp t o forestull nny attornpt on the pa.rt of a. di splncod person to introduce o.n unlluthorized o.mount of fo_reign currency int o his own country on ropcttrio.tion. IJc should bo informo c1. tho.t fo.ilure to doc1o.ro ourroncy in his possos-sic:mmo.y _:r·esttlt in comphca,tions on his return to his OWJ'.l. country •

. , ' .. 3 • · Nntiono.l governments will determinp tho o.mounts o.nd kinds of

curronc;y which mc,y be to.){"en int-o their respective countde s und the regula• tions rckting t o the exchange of such currency, Informntion. concerning the regula.ti o;,1s to be esto.blishod by· ea.ch government should ·be nvuilr.1.bi•e to its nc.tiono.ls o.t the vo.rious ,l\ssembly Centers o.nd Informo.tion Buroo.ux. .

d_. Clo.ins c,nd Froporty Rights Some displaced pei-sons mo.y ho.yo doposi t~ in l::ia.nks, wng;os duo, or other clo.ims for monetary compenso. tion, Whilo neither .u1-JRRl'i. nor J ... lliod Milita.ry ,A:uthoritios co.n o.ssumq rosponsi­b:h]ity in r6s·pect to these claims~ it is important that a.ssistancc be given t o tho displaced person oithe:r in s.ottling clc.ims oefore departure or in · obt~ining ciocurn.opto.ry evidence which he can take back with him to his o.;,,,n ccmntry o.nd which will support C\ny claim ho mny mo.ke through his oym national o.uthority o.ftor ropl\t:rintion • .

1. Movement of Displaced Pers .ens .

1, Genoro.l. Responsibility for plo.nning o.nd arranging for movement o.nd tro.vol of displa.cod persons sh ou ld not normally be assigned to Welfo.re Officers. Nevertheless, me.ny probloms urise in such moveme!'.\t in which the Wolfo.ro 'Officer is :int >3 restei:J o.ncl. in the s oluti on of which ho may ussist. The so problems tnclude the doterm-ino.ti on of priori ties in inovomont; l<:eeping fe.milies . together; feeding o.rrongo:rilents; pos?~blo notification of rolo.tives , rog~rditig ·nr:r,ivnl; special ca:re for children, 'the q.god, o.ncl ho.nd.ico.pped persons; o.nd knowledge thut appropric.te plc-.ns have bo on made for reception o.t thoir -dostino.tion,. Sot forth bel ow o.re o. -J:ew of . the mutters t o be given spocfoi tittontion. {For:fu~thor r6fo·rencc .to movement, see 11Guido to Assomb1y CElntcr .A,dr:iinistro.ti on , 11 Puro.gro.ph 28~)

. . . ~

2. Priori ties• Welfare officers should be c onsulted regarding pri.or-ities for niovemen:t • . lndi vi duals who are .. il;t.- should .not be perr.1i tted to · travel ' unle-ss conditi ons make such a move imperative. · If there is a. choice of mode of· travel, won.en, children/ the age d , " and handicapped persons ,shoul d bG routed _ over, the .i most· comfo;r;i;;a.ble . routes. Definite rules of prior­ity cannot be la..id down to cover _all ·situa.tion,s but must be · detemined in connecti on.with ·the -individual Center or are~,

.,. 22 -

3. Infoi·~tion. It is important ·that~ so fur as possible comple~e . inforrn.ution be given to d;l.splaced pe rs ons who are moved. Such informat,ion . should be available at Information Bureaux . Counsellors and National Uo.ison Office:rs ,. ~hould a1so be ·avo.ilable to di°s'cuss various problems ar.is­ing in connection· with the mov~ment, 'The :information should ··be given to each di splo.ced person . , · . , ~ in his own Io.ngua.'ge as fair in advance of th·e d,eparture time us possible , Informo.ti'on g i ven to 'those about .to move should cover:

a• b. Co d,

Time of departu.re; ·· Place of departure; Destination; ·· Responsible authority at each stage ; Type of transportation; Length of' trip, htilts; · Fee.ding arro.ngements; Action in emerg0ncies, fires, sickness; Luggage regulations and plans; Hygiene instructions; Convoy organizations; and Health n.nd dress if movement • involves sho.rp climo.tic changes •

.. 4. Counselling, Di;,plo.c·ed pe rs ons will wish o.dvioe · on nume rous m~ve- · mel'.lt problems. Counselling s ervi co sho,uld be availo.ble prior to depo.rture to discuss these problems . If time permi.ts , co.ch fo.Jnily g r oup or individuo.l should be interviewed to as certain · if they ere able to tro.ve l, understo.nd o.11 r0gulnti ons , ho.ve c.11 the infor!lll'.·tion o.nd ·do. to. necessary, ho.ve ma.de proper o.rrn.ngements for excess bo.ggo.go, ho.vc properly marked o.11 bc.ggage, o.nd ho.vo ·o.11 documents necessary, · ·

5 • . Feeding Arl:'angements. We lfo.re' Officers should pay po.rti culnr c.ttentionto foe ding o.rrangements. Food o.llowo.nccs fot tho j ourney should be L'l.D.de not only for the normal , plo.nned length · of the journey but o.lso for probable delay in trans it. Special diets for info.nts , children, o.ged per­sons o.nd other special groups should be arranged if possible .

6. Fo.mily Groups. It is important for fo.mily groups to be moved together.

7 • · Notifi cut_ion of o.rrivo.l . :' · As.~em:bly Center Directors c.nd. No.tionnl Lio.ison Officers should o.rro.ngo methods for notifyin6 rocoiving centers, conun:1rd ty o.gencies and , if ios si ble, re lo.ti ves of departures und a.:rrivo.ls. ·

· 8 • - Special Co.sos• Whe re aged, or sick persons or children, arc moved in o. general movcr.10nt , they should be_ o.ttachod _. to some disP,lo.ced person in the convoy who should be churgcd with, their cc... r e until o.rriva.l o.t dostino.tion,

9. Relief. Wolfore Officers shouldnrro.ngo for distribution of clothing; blo.hkets , nnd other supplt e s as rieeded , • V. CONCLUSION

l • Al though tho foregoing· secti ons of this· Guido ropresent SHAEf e.nd UNRRA plo.ns c.t tho time of writing, it must be ·rec·ogn.ized · tho.t <:hc.nging needs o.nd other circu.1nsto.nces··v1ill doubtless 'necossito.te frequent - c.nd per• µo.ps . sudden cho.riges {n ~he o.rrangomenti.i outlined here. - Officers using this Guido :nust, therefore, be constantly o.lc rt t o the no_..cossity bf ndo.pting thomscl VOS t O cho.nging , conditions• ' . · . · . . : . . · .

2 • In ctctuo.l 'pro.ctice, As·sembly Genter Off.i cc:rs will und0ubtedly . encounter mo. ny problems not even touched upon in this Guido . Until policies rq;o.rding such mo.ttcrs a.re settled - c.s weli as when co.refully worked out plc.ni:: 6 0 o.wry - tho only hope for preve nting or ·nllcvio.ting humo.n suffering is tho irno.gina.tivonoss of Assembly Center Office rs c.nd the ir o.bility to i~provise on the spot.

3 • Regardless of how well policies mo.y be defined in o.dvance or how co.rofu:).ly pkns mety be lo.id, the det ernining fo.ctor in o.ny welfc.re or rcpo.trio.ti on program is tho wo.y tho responsible ndministrutive officers perform their- duties. If tho so. offi cers hc..ve o. cleo.r understanding of tho problems confronted, c, re ima.gino.tive in finding solutions for those prob­lems, o.ro m.otivo.tcd by o. sincer e intorest in others, coopero.te well with their c ollouguos, and mo.into.in the ir poise even under pressur e , they cnn viork wondo rs to o.ssuro the success of their cuus c .
