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5 July 1950

Mr. Finn Juhl c/o United Nations In.torma.tion Office 37 Ve tre Boulevard Copenh gen, D rk

Dear Mr. Juhl:


I am pleased to learn th t you are working Oll the deaign ot the Trusteeship Council Ch er in th mrd' un Hea.dquart.ers in ew Yol!'k in connection with a po 1ble donation fro your government . I also informed th t you a.l.rea.dy have ea ene to stuey and develop your design for the chamber on the basis o! information gi v-en to ;you by Mr. ren.oen ot our staff .

Pending tinal approval ot the girt propos by your government toward t-he covering o! part of the expe:n s involved in .furnishing th cblunber, I underat that you wi.11 develop a partie for the architectural desie;n ot all wnlla and raillng,a, the c iling an lighting tr tment; (bearing in i::i1nd acou tical qualltie ); doors ; and th d ign of delegates and speclaliz.«t agenci and secretariat cha1r1 • Kr. Sorens n h stated that you will au t samples for ael ction or carp ts, curtain and upholsteey m teriala for all seating.

Since th con truction of the e ting Hall build.in is well under wa;y, 1 t is of COW'S nee ssary that your design r ,. in within the set framework s indicated on our architectural drawings .

We understand that you hav tents.ti •1¥ agrffd to Bul:md.t 1our design to in tom of asic pa.rtie, however co lete nougb for t.o interpret into workin drawings with 1 nee ssar,y detail.a de igned..

Our budget for the Council Ch b ~ interiors ia 83,482.00, ot which the tumiture bud et giv n to you by Mr. Sorens is a. part . AU lighting installation cost , howov r , will be in ddition to tbia um. It i expect d that part of this budget mq b cov r~d by the gift bei considered. by your gove ent.


Mr. Finn Juhl


5 July 1950

Since our construction program is rapidly progres ing, w voul.d like to r ceive your partie not lat.or than 15 Augw,t, r.d at the time of in tall&tlon w• hop you will be able to visit th• Headquarters in flew York.


Please call up0n us fer an,- information you nod.

Wall.a,ce K. Harrison Di rector of Planning



5 July 1950

Mr. Finn Juhl c/o United ations Info tion orrice 37 V tre Bouley, rd Copenhagen, D ark

Dear Mr. Juhlt

I a pl ed to le rn th&.t you a.re working on th d ign of the Tru..11Jt e hip Council Cn ber in th nev H dquart. r in connecti n with a. ssi.ble dopat.ion tro your gov ent . I nl informed th t you lready h ve co • eneed to study and develo y-our deaign tor the ch b r on t.he basis of inform&tion aivcm to ;you by Mr. Soreno ot our staff .

P ruling fir.al approv 1 ot the . ift propos by your ve ent toward the covering ot part of th ex.pens involve 1n tumi hi.Ilg t • c ber1 I underete.nd t t you will develop a partie for the ~rehit.etu~ d sign f.>f all wo.lle and railin , , t .e c.eillng and light tr -ent; (bearing in a1nd wstical uallt1 a); doors; and the d i of del& tes

sp i llzed g cie and ecretari t ch rs . r. r ns n t. t t.hat you will au t s ple tor el ction of carp ts, curtain and

pholst.er:, t-er1a.ls tor all sea:t.1:n •

Sine th construction or th H oting H ll building ia veil under , l t is of cour e noce a:ey- that rour dG-nign r in within the aet tr owork s indicated on our a:rch.itectural drating .

We und rstand that you hav t.e.nt.e.ti vel.¥ to au t 7t>ur design t.o ua in tom ot a ic artie., bowev r co plet.e nouth for to interpret into working drawings w1 th 11 n ce ey detail de i6l}ed•

Our budget. tor the Coune-11 C bar interiors 1• ,482.00, ot 'Which tbe t'urni~ure budget given to you by • Sorens is & part. All lighting tnatallation c::o6ts, bowev r, will be in addition to thia eur&. It is peeted th t part ot this bud et be oov r cl by the gift. being considered by your govenment .


Mr. Finn Juhl 5 Jul_y 1950

Since our conatruction prog 1s rapidly pro r aeing, ve wuld like to receive your partie not l t r than 15 A t, an at the ti of inet l tion we hopo you will be ablo to vi 1\ th• H WU"ters 1n ew Yor •


l'l •• call upon ue for ~ into ation you need.

!our sincerely,

all&ce • Harrison Dir tor of Pl.&nning


I ~: I'" 0

'· ·• .. ·!, I ·" ..


5 .tul,y 1950

Juhl o ations Wo tion otr1ce 37 v.. · · ul•vard Co~a

• Jubb

1 pl .ie Uhi:P Co\incil C} .

c IU] · • po•sible · into u - dy h ve ooumeilC tor o bu1e ot ot our #Wt. -

Mr. rum Juhl

Since cur constl"UCt.ion pro 1• rapi wUld l1k to r e1ve ,our part1e t. lator t'han 15 t., and at the ti e or i te.ll.ation we hope you lrd,ll be able to vi !t, the Hea quart ra in w York.


Pl ee call upon ue for q" lntomnti.011 you JMJr n ed.

Xouri inc i,.

W'all.,,ce · • ltarrioon Uirootor of Planning


• J - SJ . l

l. 1"' •





FnrfTl GS/ J.!. 1Junel946



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Hr. Sven Harkellua Kevinge Stoeksund Sweden

De r Kr. Harkellua:


I , pleased to learn that you t.r on the dealgn or the -Soc Council Chub r in the n8'ii W H a rt.era in New Yor . in connection with poasible donation from your gove t . I al o infonted that ;rou al.r ·<lJr have c enced to nt dctnlop your d•eign tor the chamber on the basie or intorm&tion give11 to you b,y • Sor en ot our stiff.

nding final approval ot tl:l gift proposed by Jour government toward the covering of part or the ex nsea involved in furnishing tbe chamber, I und rat.and that you will develop a part.ie tor the arcbit ctural duign ot all wall and r 111.n s, th ce!lln and li ht.tng tr• nt; (bearing 1n ind acoustical qualities); doors; and tho deaign of dttl pt and p cialized a encies and eeret rie.t chairs . Mr. Sorensen stated that you will S\lbmit s ples tor sel ction of c rpet , curt.ain and upholstery terlals tor all &eating.

Since t.ho construction ot the Meeting Hlul building is well under W&,j, it is of course n e-eo 8.l'f that your desi ,n r in t hin the set .framf!M)rk as indieat.ed n our arehit~ctural drawings.

We und•r t t.hat. you have tent ti.vol.¥ a re d to submit. yow design to ws 1n ton of a 1c part.ie, howev r cw t. enough for to interpret into working_ drawing& with all nee ary det.alla designod.

Our budget for the Council Chamber interiors ie 00,7'37.00, ot which the furniture budget give.n to 7ou by tr. Sorensen is a part. . All lighting inatallation cost , ho tev r, will be in addit.ion to th1 eum. It. ia expected th t part or this budget be eovored by th gilt e1ng conaid red b your gove ent •

Mr. S




5 July 19,0

Sine our conatruction prog 1e rapidly prognaaing, we would like to reoeiv y ur part,1 not la'tier than 15 A t , and t the time of install :tion v hope you vill b able to vi it the B dquartft'I in New York.


Pleas call upon us tor~ into ation you n ed.

Ioura sine rely,

Hallaco K. rrison otor ot Plarmin


5 July 1950

Mr. Finn Juhl c/o United Nations Information Offic 37 Vestr Boulevard Copenh gen, Denmark

Dear Mr . Juhl:


I &m pleased to le~rr! that you. are l«>rking on the design ot the Trusteeship Council Chamber in th new UN Headquarterl3 in ew York in connection ·with a possible donation from your govenim nt. I al o


infor ed that you already have commenced to study and develop your de ign tor the chamb r on the basis of infor tion given to you by r . ortmsen of our staff o

Pending final approval of the gift proposed by your govermnent toward the covering of part of the expenses involved in furnishing th ch.amber, I underst.a.nd that you will develo a p rtie for the architectural design of all wall and railings, the ceiling and l ghting treat ent; (bearing in cine! acoustical qualities); doors; and the deign of delegates and sp cialized agencie and ecretariat eh · r . Kr. Sorens n has stated that you will aubm.i t sample for selection of carpets, curtain and upholster,- aterials for all se ting.

Since the construction of the eeting Hall building is well under wa;y, it is of course necessary that your design remain within the set framework as indicated on our architectural drawin •

We understand that you have tentatively greed to submit your design to us info of a basic partie, however complete enough for us to interpret into -working drawings with all necessary details designed.

Our budget for the Council Ch ber interiors is 83, 482.00, of which the furniture budget given to you by Mr. Sorens n is a part . All lighting installation cost , however, will b in addition to this sum. It is expected that part ot this budget may be covered by the gift being considered by your govermnento


Mr. Finn Juhl 5 July 1950

Since our construction program is r pidly progressing, we would like to receive your partie not 1 ter than 15 AU8U9t, and at the time of installation we hope you will be ble to visit the Headquarters in New York.


Pl ase call upon us for ff¥ information you may nod.

Yours sincere]¥,

Wallace K. Harrison Director ot Planning


Mr. Sven Karkellue Kevinge Stockaund Sweden

Dea.r Kr. Markellua:

5 Jul1' 1950


I am pleased to leam that you are working on the design of the Eco-Soc Council Chamber in the new UN H.eadquarter in ew York in connecti on with possibl donation !rom yov v :mm t . I also aa in.form d that. you alrea~ haTe c eneed to st.udy d develop your de,sign tf>r the cham.ber on the baa1 or info tion give to you by Mr. Sorensen ot our staf'f.

Pending final pproval ot the gift propos d by your governme~ toward the covering ct part of the expens iJ>·.,olved in fumi bing the ehamber, I understand that you will dOYelop a part1e tor th• architectural dosign of all walls and railings, the ceiling ll ht.ing tre tm.ent; (b arlng in r..dnd acoustical qualities); do-ors ; and the design ot delegates and sp cia.lized agencies and secretariat chairs . Mr. Sorenaen ha · &tat. d t t you will submit samples for selection ot carpet , curtain and upholstery material tor alls ating.

Since the construction or the Meeting Hall building 1s •ll und r way, it is of course necess8.1"1' that your design remain within the s t frame rk as indieatee on our arctdt.ectural drawings .

'e under ta.nd that ;you h ve tentati ely agreed to ubmit your design to us in torm of a basic rtle, howfl'e:r complet nough for us to intftrpret into workin drawings with all necessary details d signed.

Our budget for the Council Chamber int rl.on is $100,737.00, ot which the furniture budget given to you by Mr. Sorerus is a part . All lighting installation costs, however, will be in addition to thi • • It ia expected that part of ttd budget. Jna1' be covOJ'ed by the g:ltt being considered by ;your goverrmlent.


Mr. Sven Markeliue 5 July 19,0

Sine our con&tru.ot:lon pro ie rap1dl;y progreaai.ng, we llOuld like to rec ive your partie not later th.an lS A'Ugl.t8t, and t the t.1 ct inst llation Vi hop ;you will be able to visit th Headqua.rteN in N York.


Please call upon us for aiv into tionyou n d.

Youra sine re]¥ ,

Wallace • Harrison Dir otor ot Planning


l 1• C

J l S

would like ti or t 1 • Yor •


5 J . 1950

1• :rap1 ,.._'1.1.,__.... , we not •rt 15 t tle 111 be a l• to v 1

Plsaae call upon us r r n •

-fallace K. r n 1 ctor ot P~

ft • ,,

Sv ~ l:b _._ inge · ·., cJnnme

• under tand ;d W!I ln to · ot a · -ft'f"f~ret. into wor~ d

OW' ud t , tor the ouncil Ch ~ · oo, 737. , or -wnieh th tumi\\U"e◄budgei given to -r. ! · a part.. AU li ting inete,l.latiotl co•t•, bow "' th1• ••• · r, 1• part ot this p. co _ tt ~i' CQi \d ur gow ont. :":.; .· ·:~ . .. ,.

~•r I \a" ;;; ..I I 1,1

""' ,Ii: 1,. T

l .... ..


l I,

',. I •


Mr. 5

in • our conatno would lli• · e1ve your

t !.natal.lat.ion ;,•

tion 7011 •

c• lC . iflu·rt, n -ator or ?latini.sl4

architect m.a.a.

private : Kratv.enget 15, Charlottenlu nd, Denmark . Telephone : O.Rdru-p- 60 09_

office: Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAl.e 6618

• 9Mr. Abel Sorensen UNHro United Nations New York City

Dear Abel,

• --- ------

• 17 October 1951.

Under special cover today sending a new sample Al/a of curtain-material, which Miss Paula Trock bas made. If we use some more lengths the effect will be better. If the motion picture screen had a black frame of 841llle width, it would be so much easier to concentrate on the film.

If we completely have to shut out the day-light, we will have to use some­thing quite different and much more expensive.

I would be happy to use this mate,tj,al. Please let me know, if it is satis-fying. ~ ~ ~ ~V:U-The New York-dirt would not effeet this so much as the white.

Kindest regards,

/~\L-:J f I

I' {-," de r 2;,

' f

FILE No. ________ CLOSED


FILE No. ________ CLOSED


-~ 1 ... :

2, ~(' ... l:.S"' ' I


AFS 120-10-6-2 - 27 April 1953

D r , Juhl,

have hand two in '.Oi.cea pertaining to ·h hi t of

d tol"M'8.rd­

It is n-th sculpture in the uunmts of $75 . for crating

ing to the sip, and al.so 97.85 for ocean treight .

qu~st that you advi us if thes cha,rgea are .r asonable and

hav, not been paid'in Denmark and if u recommend pa)"Ulent by

thi o"fi'ice 11

Mr. inn Juhl Nyha 33 Copenhag K Demru:U"lor

V ry rul,J" yours,

Ab~ h erman Admini rati~ A siatant

H adqunrt rs -01ann1ng Ottice



!.-OCT 1952

1 Octa r 1952

· • are dlaappoint.t t.hat . u ,..,. t. boa le to dovn Jil.r. '· l1 ver:r date tor tJ aculpwn 1n o 'fnaat.-ahip Co r. The ban been ftVal nquut• tor \hie date u a deacri Uon or i. ::tt .. u1 wre vlll appear i n the Viaitor•o Gt.lid• to 1Wd at.lo••

. tor- tho Gl'.i.:pping lUlli era 1 coat,a, •• • ut tod the t.o be about l2S. • will -. MN •har&N but. tea.. ut, wt know a• aoori u 1•u when• will han the aculpt11n h•re.

We a. lA>oki.ng torward to "" u 1n J

11..r. nm J 1, .. ,,, Copeahagen I,


ehael ~. Henl• Beadqu&rt..-. lanntng (Jttioe

cc Bennett., Daweon, McLeod, ••• Heal,, Harrie

(oo .twded to • J Zm-lch, Sv1t.Ml'land)

c/o Kum1t.pvert>awMna, Aaetell__.at.ruH 60,

, UHL private : Kratv~nget 15, Charlottenlund, Denmark . Telephone : ORdrup 60,Q~ -~ - . -

1.a. office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denm ark. Telephone : PAI~ 6618 • 20 • Sept• 1952 •

I l

• Mr. Michael M. Harris UNHPO Room 2272 United Nations New York City


1 - OCT 1952 .i; /1~ ~- 10 -~~ z. ~ -r .. '1.

Dear Michael: having succeeded in locating Mr. Starcke, I am told in a letter, that he has worked with enthusiasm and like a good boy on the sculpture this whole summer - and that he is now on his way to the UNESCO meeting in Venice - and that he still does not want to tell, when the damned thing will be ready. Are we artists? So much for him.

There is the small matter of shipping costs for the sculpture. I donot remember, if we have any budget for that. The amount granted by the Danish Government goes to cover fee for artist plus all costs in material and labour, but not crating and transport. The statue will weigh a.bout 500 kilos. Please give me your opinion.

Now leaving for Zii'ich, where I am going to arrange an exhib of Danish Applied Arts. Can be reached cjo Kunstgewerbemuseum, Ausstellungsstrasse 60, between Sept.30th and Oct 2th, when we drive down to Italy for vaca­tion. Will be back Now.2nd. ope, that you and the family are well and in love.

Kindest regards to see you in January,

~ P ,ease give my kindest greetings to Master Abel.


I I 2.o

) ,

) . \ \



n~ 1nn.

t. into tion can ro •

Stucke is

CoWlcil Cl her.

We ha been ed on aeveral occuio ,.en i vill



cc Bennett wson

Hea:q Harris

have an swer a on aa poa-

Col"Q1.ally you.re•

ic 1 H 'WU'"tcen






Harrison & Abramovitz United Nations Secretariat Planning Office New York, N.Y.

Attention: Mr. Michael Ha.ITis




,- iS52

Subject: u. N. Secretariat - Hurricane and Leakage

Dear Sir:

In our letter of 21 August 1952, we made remedial reconunendations to permanently remove the leakage problem on the subject building. A review of this letter indicated that further connnent shpuld be made regarding our discussions on the durability of vinyl plastics as sealants .

Sprayed vinyl plastics offer a convenient means of application to provide seals of cracks and lapping of flashing . However, the question of durability of such sealants has been given considerable attention by us since making our recommendations . Jn Weatheromoter tests on these materials we can find life tests up to 20 years . In addition we have seen actual service tests on Liquid Envelope of eight years on ¥.d.litary equipment in the

:'\ i lir.{). _ weather without the loss of flexibility nor any deterioration. 1 1'::IU · ·~--A sample of Liquid Envel ope produced by Better Finishes and

Coatings Inc., Newark, New Jersey is enclosed herewith. Although the application would not be exposed to the weather the length of service tests are not considered by us of sufficient duration to assure the permanence required in the u. N. Secretariat. It is for this reason we are convinced a much more durable material such as Insul-Ma.stic or equivalent reinforced with a Glas-Fab netting should be used.

We should like to hear from you of the latest develop­ments that have taken place to correct the subject difficulties .

ERQ:kgs Encl.

Sincerely yours , QUEER & McIAUGHLIN

~~ E. R. Queer

r FINN JUHL pr ivate : Kratvznget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark. Telephone : ORd rup 6009

architect ,m.a.a. office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlz 66 18

• •Mr . Abraham Sterman Administrative Assistant UNHFO United Nations New York City

Dear Mr . Sterman,

• • 28 January I


First of all 1 thank you for$ 900 in cheq_ue with your letter of Jan. 18th.

Hefering to your letter of Jan. 24th I can tell you, that the 11 fixtures were shipped by S/S "Bolivia'' on the 16th and the bill of lading airmailed on the 22nd . I trust, that you have received it already .

My greatest concern'is, how was the shipment on the "Argentina"? I take it , that it v;as in comparatively good order, since 1 have heard nothing about ito

Very truly yours,

25 January 1952


i{indly sonC.:. us by r eturn ai!'l'!lt'.il the Bill of Lading

covering the confera1 ,ce 0fficcr ' s desk for the 'i'rusteeship

Council Chamber which we underEtand is now en route to

New York .

:Iiel s Vodder Bille BrahesVej 2 K¢benhavn V Denmark

Very truly yours ,

Abraham Sterman Administrative J.ssi st ant

Headquarters Planning Office



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I' •• r I


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il Mr . L. V. Kirmey, Purchase and Transportatio Div1.~on, Ro 07

A. Stcrr:l.GD., Adin:i.nistrative . ssistant, Headquarters Pla ning Office , Room 2272

J:J.o ~ -6-j Delivery of 49 Cases from s . s . " rgent~ 24 January 1952

1 . Pursuant to your request, I am stating below the arrival andct) rture

t imes of the Cirker' s loving and Storage Co . 1 s trucks in connection with

t he pick-up nr:.d delivery of 49 cases from Denmark whlch arrived on the s.s.

".Argentina. 11 :

2. 'I'ruck " 11 was sent to the pier at S a .m. Tuesday, 22 Janua 1952.

Mr. Sh::i.piro c::lle<l ne t,t exactly 3:10 p .m. that this truck h...'\d just re­turned to the we.rehouse with 16 cases and I instructed hio to ma!:e this

delive:ry to the Unit t ations the following morning. This truck returned

at appro:ri.ma.t.ely 8 a .m.', 23 January 1952, .und as soon as it was unloaded,

it went to the pier for anotl,er load .

J . At the s3.rle time Hr. Shapiro sent two additional trucks, 11B" and 11 C6 ,

to the pier a.t 8 a •• on : ednesda.y, 23 January 1952. At a:ppro· tely

2:.30 p . m. truck "B" arrived .3.t the United Nations uith 9 cases and the un­

loading f this truck waa completed at 3:15 p.m.

4. Trucks 11A. 11 an<t 11 C11 picted up t.l e balance of the shi ent at approxi­

tely 3 p.m. (?), 23 January 1952, and returned t o the warehouse . The l atter t wo truck returned to the Urrl.ted Nations :-1.t 8:00 a.m., 24 January,

and were unloaded by 9 a.nd 9:30 a .m. respectively.

Form GS/ 11 1 June 1946 ROUTING SLIP (Rev.I


r • ~~


:.,) I l • I








REH AR KS: 7 ~ ,,., ,. ._, (...,,J C,/.J

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/JO- /b


Dear t' . Juhl,

Reference i.s -1~1de to, a letter dated 6 lJecenfter 1951 from

Johnsen ~ Michaelsen pertaining to the shi ient of their

eleven 1: nting f.ixt res w!1ich \l.Ould t a,:;e 'ace on or a.be t 29 Dece be 1951. 'the s.s . "Argentina." ,e.rrived and ¼.he light-

' ing fixt r s were not on boa:cd . t\ind.ly 1:nvestiga e when. this

shipmen\.. ca.n e cted and l t e know by re ·urn ail. Also, please an , .. 11g& i th t r1e vcr.:.dor t.o -irm2. ·. us the bill of lading

as soon aw pos. ible •

M:r . Finn Juhl ,Nyhavn 33 Copen.'l~gen K Denmark

Very tru.l-y :{ours,

Abraham Sternia.n. AdJ:tlnietrc..ti ve Aseist ~t

H adqu&rt.ers lan.--tl.ng Office


Joi . .


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..., .,

. '

J.k Dear Hr . Juhl ,

our let t er 2, 1952, is at hand and I am

ma:kin • arrange~ents With our Compt roller ' s of fice to

y i.rnmedi ately to Miss Paula l'rock 5, 46. bo kroner .

I am ureparing an amended purchase order to Jacob

Petersen so t hat he should r eceive payment 1,-rtt hin

not too distant fut ure .

Ver y tl:'Ul y yours ,

'" r, "•' '~ ,.. . '. ~


Abr;:i,ham Steman-..; .. ~ .. ~;},t .;, :, Administrative As s---i t nt/ ";'_;, ·, _.·'

d arters n1,ar:u • n Offi ce } '· .. · Vi'-

i.T' . Fin Juhl ryhavn 33 Co enhagen T:C

Denmar k;

,. .

" Ill' I ,.~

. ·~, ,(.

f INN JUHL private : Kratvaenget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark . Telephone : ORdrup 60 09

architect m.a.a. office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlae 6618

• • Mr. Glezm Eo Bennett Executive officer Headquarters Planning Office United Nations .New York City

Deax M.r. Bennett:

• • May 2, 1952.

/ Having been away for some time I did not receive your letter of April 15 till today.

Concerning Jacob Petersen: in the discussions with Mr. Sterman in Februaxy I gave him a final account from J.P. The item dated January 14 is the one we discuss, of the amount 1 851,o5 kroner, so it cannot be unlmown to him. The specification ,and invoice was sent later, as I was afraid not to have banded it to him. Unfortunately it is written in Danish and tells that in accordance with tender of April 4 and July 10, 1951, he has chaxged U.N. for the increase of wages, totalling 8 307 working hours at o,15 kroner per hour, for the cabinetmakers and metalworkers, and furthermore he bas charged you for an amount of 605,00 kroner, because we were unable to get steeltu.bes in the right dimensions for ceiling-hangers and bad to use brass with chronium finish. Likewise he had to .,cast a paxt of the bangers in brass, as one can­not weld steel to brass.

I am including a new copy of this specification and invoice. As it refers to the final account of the same date, I believe that Mr . Sterman will ack­nowledge, that it is not entirely a new item - but I regret if my mailing the invoice later on has created some confussiono

I have had occasion to discuss this invoice in details both with the firm, the cabinetmakers and the metalworkers, and it is quite alright.

Concerning Miss Paula Trock: Out of the Danish amount we have paid:

Sept. 12, 51 o ••••••• 02500,Qo-, kroner Dec. 21, 51 ••••••••••2000,oo " total 4500 ,oo kroner

Her final account of 10 146,60 kroner was sent you in my letter of Dec. 21, 1951, in which I suggested, that we should pay the rest: 10 146,60 + 4 500,oo= 5 646, 60 kroner out of the Danish amount, when you gave me word to do so.

When discussing payments with Mr. Sterman in February, it was agreed, that you would pay this amount. Miss Track is very interested in receiving it as soon as possible.

Very truly you.rs,

ff;;~ Finn Juhl.


Hr. ~:d-:i te ki. : 'inn Juhl T\j :ne c~tuen l{yhavn ~.3 K0benhsvn Y .


Jeg tilleJ~r ~13 herved at frensenJe en tctalo1c,relae over -srdinstoffer or1re1e til U. N. New York .

) /1,:, 1( r7 _o "- · ,1-:;, - •

375 , oo rn+-r . =:...,rdinstof,Al/ ·', , ,' 27 , oo r . pr, T'ltr . ======= lo,146 , 60 kr .

Stofferne ej ,::,.f c;endt: ti 1 1 · cbel tr·ansLort nnri.ai·k . Rbhv n .

, l











6, V I KT O R I A G A D E

K0BENHAVN v., DEN... 14 .. J anuar .... .... ... .. 19 52 .

Q .T. :25463

United .. Nations, ... N.ew. Y.ark .. 17 , ... Ne.w. York .•

Pur ~hase Order HQ - /436 - 29 August 1951 !

I Henhold til Ti lbud af 4 April 1951 & lo Juli 1951 .

Dyrtidstill3".:g 83c7 Timer a' o,15 (Snedker & G¢rtler -arbejae)

Merpris paa Pudsning og For'u·omning sarnt for Bal- l dakiner, de~ blcv udfjrt i Me ssing , da Staalr~r i den Dimension i k',::e kund e f r e mskaffes . Bundene maatte sa~ledes udf~res af 6 mm . s t ¢b t Messing , da Staal og Metal i kke kan svej ses sammen . )

Kr. 0re

1 2L..6 o5

605 00

Kr . 1851 o5 mmmn lID.Illmmmm,., ,. nmmmn

l" • Juhl.


Mr. Harris • McCall

'l'h1a will NpJ.,. to your l tter ot pril 9th t.o • Harrie

the amount· or 1851.05 on r, ....-bi.ch

During your recent visit when

finance ot th 1:rustee hip Council viuu.w1

granted that J cob Pet n ' invoic of J

d we,

feel strongly that this invoic in the abov

tion b given o! th it s contained therein.

too it tor


ccount. It

ntioned unt

re thol'Ough exp

V ry truly yours,

• Finn Juhl yham, 33 K

Copenhagen· D, ....... Ui, .. .,.k

• ett ttic r

Pla a Office

FINN JUHL architect m.a.a.

private: Kratvrenget 15, Charlottenlund, Denmark . Telephone : QRdrup 6009

office : Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlre 6618

• Mr. Wallace K. Harrison UNBPO United Nations New York City.


r: •

• • 19 March 1952. ,?~

' 1cGlSTRY

Dear Wallace: I am extremely sorry, that I never had a real chance to tell you, how much I appreciate and feel grateful for all the collaboration and good will, I have received from you personally and from your office in getting the Trusteeship Council Chamber made ready.

I am fUlly aware, 'that I have been a "pain in the neck11 , a pest and a bore·, and I would have been only half as sorry for that, if the final result had been half as insufficient and unsatisfying as it is. Let me haste-n to add, that. whatever defect in aestetical value is apparent, is my responsibility.

In time I hope, that you will only remember me, as the chap, who was indeed grateful to you and forget the above mentioned qualities.

To tell another truth: it has been a great pleasure and a great chance to do my little share in the very fine and interesting building.

As far as I know now, my next trip will. be in June. I hope, that you will allow me to look you up at your office, when I return.

With my kindest regards - also to your wife, whom I had the good chance to meet at St. Regis Sincerely yours,











_ I




-AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY A/ S IL E 618 A/8 10.000-6-48.



S .J!t;mting on , lmp6rt 1!.ana.ger , ork . ~ _______ u _

1952 . I 'J: ...r--,1-1-161•.., ... •

r/ ::. :i Com pleied CJ- ""d;;od C- .t ::i.,. equired


SUB: 2 cases light fittings f or wall per m.s. BOLIVIA January 16 to United Nations {Receiving Area} , our ref. : ~/BffJ?.

----~----------------------------------------------~--'I'he shippers have informed us thut as late as

on the 24th inst . the consignees have not yet recei ed the documents . consequently we ask ·ou to be kind enough to contact:

N.r· . Abrcnam Sterman , Administrative Assistant , U. . H. .u. United 1-Jations ,

ew Xork Cit .

foeanwhi le we trust the consignees have by now received the documents enabling th m to release the goods . ·i;i,11,.~-· ,.

. Lund . xport Clerk .

✓c ,c, • , Abraham terman ,Administrative Assistant , •• , ew York

rleferring to your letter addressed to •r . Finn Juhl, architect , Copenhagen/



Z56I /Jr! !¥ I I I 83:J ...



_,1:c. Abraham ::i terma , Administrative ~ssistant , U. l1J.H . P . u . 1 United Nations , h ew York City . ----- -- ---- .. . ·· ·---USA.


General Foralgn Agents for



NIELS VODDER . K0benhavn V . Bille Brahesvej 2, Telf.: Nora 7551 . Privat: Nrerum 453 . Postgiro 24101



29 . January 1952 .

United nations UNIIFO . Room 2272 New York City

Ref . AFS 120-10- 6-2.

Dear Mr . A. Sterman

7 FEB 11952

~-··A··:r·· C,o_ .. :- · -d- ---@§ii -~..... J.j ... ,

'O-A_: .. :,w· ,.· :l D - tf:; !._::-::.~ ;;~~=:~·-::

: rnIT111L3 ........................ .

The Bill of Lading covering the conference officer's desk is sent from Copenhagen by airmail January 22th .

Very truly yors

FINN JUHL private : Kratvznget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark. Telephone : GRdrop 6009 • architect i;n .a.a. office : Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAia: 6618 • 28 January 1952.

iir . Michael M. Harris UNHFO hoom 2272 United Nations New York City

Dear Michael ,

..... _:--::=----... • fK!,:," File No. , :r;). ___ ........._

Natne frdexe~ C;p'. of

Admlnl:traliva & f;naneial Servfces

JAN 31 r


B;-, plane to London on tl.e 3rd, by Panamerican35rrhe President" from London on the 4th , arriving in Idlewild on the 5th at 9 I v:ill stay at the Frince­ton Club, 1-ark and 39th, and immediately go down to U.N. to see you and the room.

On the 9th I cO to Grand ha:pids, returning on the ll+h , the n::_r,;t '1c·ek-end).

I furthermore have a date ,.i th "Interiors" on U1e 6th in the afternoon , be­cause Charlie :,,hi tney wants to 0 ive a cock-tail-party . All other days so far a.re at your disposal .

Indeed hoping work is 1 rot:ressing satisfactory and indeed looking forward to see you and Abel . Give my very best to Mr . Harrison.

Ki ndest regards,

r- ..


• eOOc) qu,bRO :snoriq9liff . .>hsmns0 ,bnuln91'olun, ,if 1sQnsva,)t :s1svi1q

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~ ~~

JHUL HHl=t .s.s.m J:>s1irin&

I if.._,,, -

,,MOIJELTRANSPORT DAlfflARK" Head office: 16, Rddhusplads e n (Town - Ball Square) . Telephones : Central 1773 -2773 - 1761




Te leg~ams : Flyt &eda n - Cop enh age n

Copenhagen V, J 1uc ry 22, 195 2

Unii;ed 11~2·cior.J he·• .g_uerter .::i .,_l2n1 ir loo 1 2272 ,

0t2:r1d ,,-: Fi rs t fl venue, ew Yoi"k , Ii . Y.

JAN 28 1952 .__,,FJ'~ce ,

E.:_ oress fJ.e g i_s ter~d !lir :ri.l .

1 c .-, :-:;e ':18Tk~'V7 '~ 470 - "ev1 {o:r1r -

ship~o12d ,e.,, tbP. in.c:i . " ''oliviP" for ·£1- 4 6 9 ~ _ j A 7 0 •

i. y _, L,

Orie ne1 1 ~ "i'.,.,e'1ch /-::,l_nut, ew York. - Your orrlers

11.L 3tJ •,v~-'~ ) ·ro )., • 4llo. -- _; __ I~r~:=Jl'] ':IIJ/..TU'~.Y:::1.=:( ;'i_1·, .3.''B0L-/IA".

: e·1 :.e t>ree d'y'l ·• ,·o -i101.1e6 ·cvi.e s' 1ip.1i 1 ··ocu.11e'1tJ to .r.Pinn J-u 11 fo_ :::i p:91:· "l' 1 we "iv e1,e ·0 r:J.v L 1ed t 102t t, e ::;_e,··•3 of the deJK v1roc.:; 2 se 1rrPtf) order, e _c'l c,',pt t: e , "'ice fu·, c ,·i:; 0 11 deY- WP, '10t c-;tj 0ul 0 ted 1:1 or·~e 1" - 470 , r_·r1 Ne t ,·ce1·0:re ·,u"o t,) ;:;r ncel the Con•c:iula-r ir1voice Pl ·er,rl_, , '!' ed , 2n.d i3-H,l8 r; ret1 ocie i11c·1 iG_j_ "-,oth order-1, ·;,l i.ch h89 ,.,~.n,en P r1e7:iy -in ~e··d· 01"1··· +1'·1e ,,·i··, ·; - ·,r.,e1·., .. r ..., ,_,... .) ..,, "- ' . -· ...1...... ..J . lJ :.) µ -· J...J(. ~ , • ~~

;ve 'c~•,clo.,e (.;on3ul2r lr,vo~ce ir ouplicPte~ il30:ceJ and T"{ill of\~ Ledinc for the P1"'ove co_1si&·n,nent . _j ~ "'4"1>

--­but c,t:,.t(.~ Ne a-ooloP·i7e fn·,. t1-1e l2te arr 1vel of t11e s}iip iinr docui·1ents , er.: ""1su::::-e ''OU tl',"'t we Pre not to 1Jlr,11e fo·, this del&y.

--0 ~od co~dition, we

1 ' /7· \ or:. -;.LJ co l l'l "r l" v(). ce i.n JJU}Jl i ,., ta

Term• according to ''Dansk Msbeltran&port Forening' ' and ''Nordisk Speditor Forbund''. Member of '•The Britiah Auoclation of International Furniture Remo'fen''.

t£'J~. '[.;A/\5'-\

I ' . .

~ h



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I: Y'TTt

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~;;k': .

~-· ,,.

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~ Jj ~ ~ ,., It

' " ... .. .....

18 Jan FY 1952


Dear Mr. Juhl, ) .. l~o ~ ~ l·-i "':. In accordance with the request stated in your letter of 10

January, we are enclosing herewith a cheque in the amount of

&900.00. We are also enclosing confirmation Purchase Order in dupli-

cate for Miss Karen Warmings for the chair covering material for

the Trusteeship Council Chamber . The chairs themselves are present­

ly en route and it is hoped that the sur lus f abric is being forward­

ed also. It you1 find the Purchase Ord r satisf actory, kindly for- ,.

ward the original to the vendor and keep the duplicate for your


The s . s. "Argentina" arrived. t his T!lorning and we are all

very anxious to see the condition of the material that is on

board for your Chamber.

Kindly get in touch with Johnsen and Michaelsen and enquire

if they air-mailed us the Bill of Lading for the eleven light


Mr. Finn Juhl Nyhavn 33 ·K Copenhagen Denmark

Very truly yours,

Abraham Sterman Administrative Assist ant

Headquarters Planning Office

... '



er, Pur·guLSO

'1k .:tl1,l!!IF.!m!lllll' J.

• 021 t

Din on,, OD D:i:f'i ion

, Inc. tor

17 J

ll.ttvan eont

in ecol'dlmce ""'1th our Purehaso er No .

~P vUl vriv. • .

Pl"ClXl!Mte lu, t hie 1 47,6.oO Dani



Dear Mr. Juhl,

MMH/af cc Bennett

Zunser "'.'"'""!"----•Healy

:&t-o-- Aussern Namo I · Harris


16 Janua.r;y 1952 ·~ ~• J 'TRY

W r in receipt. et your letter of 12 January 1952 and altho~ Mr. Bennett is in Paria have tak n c re of your 1900. travelling exp na•a•

The co plet1on ot the te ship Council Cb ber is go-ing forward as rapidly possible. HoweTer, we are so ewhat apprehensive about the mat,eri&l which ie on the Argentina . Ac­cording to our lat st re rt, this h a en delqed three dqa by storms. This S-bi ent contains most ot the material remain­ing to be installed including the ceiling battles.

As ot th• pr sent writing, t e first eting in the Trua­tee hip Co ell Chamber is scheduled tor 27 February 1952. We believe that it Will take at l ta onth to co plete the c il.ing installation once th t rial bu been reeei ved. Aa you can see w are working with a very tight ache .ule hope that all the terial on th Argentina will arri'¥1 in good shape and re dy tor ediate installation.

It 10u arriYe in ew York on 5 Fe'bruaz7 1952, e assume you will be spctnding at l thr we k in ew York in order to s e the room co lete and possibly attend th op ning


Mr. Finn Juhl, N7havn 3.3, Copenhag n K, Del11lark.

Cordi~ yours,

Hicha"9l M. Harrie

"MOBELTRANSPORT DAifflARK" H ea d offi ce: 1 6, R d dhu s plad .se n (T ow n - Hall Square) . Telephon es : C e n t ral 1 773-2713 - 1761 .

United He. tions Freight & Supply 3e ct ion , Room 2272, 42nd Street , First llvenue , N ew York , N.Y.




T e l eg ra m .s: Fly, t e da n -Copenhage n

Copenhagen V, Js.nuery 14, 1952


7 . ··-- ... -·· I

I Registered Air M&:ll . - ~ , ]·

.., KY Gentlemen :

Re,: Order H.Q . - 438 - 1 Liftvan furniture per the m. s . "Mormacsaga" for New York.

Referring to our letter of the 9th inst, we are glad being able to a.dvj_se you that we have shipped the above consignment to you as per the enclosed Bill of Lading . We further enclose Consular Invoice in duplicate .

Hoping you will receive the consignment in 2 good condition , we are,

consul2r invoice in duplicate l=l;-1 org • . ., .Li.

J' . R u

F . " nd .. Nordi.ek Spediter Forbood" . Member of oThe Briti1h Auociatioa of lnteroatio•al unntur• emoHn . Term• according to 0 Daoek Mebeltraosport orening a

architect m,a.a.

private : Kratv.enget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark. Telephone·: Ol!_drup 6009 • 12 Januarj 1952. office : Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAl.e 6618 ' -~

• •Mr. Michael l\'lo Harris JAN 15 1952

UNHPO Room 2272 United Nations New York City

,....... ,· - .• :.•i.· ,::II!'-): ·~·

/ :.1! :;d.:...-:{stt-, I If /J -~ ._.1 .b1.....,:: .!. ;:;...1 ~ii;l.,!U.

1 .. _,- ,..,.. ..... __

.. ,;,. '---~ .. )

I ) -- /11

Dear Michael ,

I wrote Mr . Bennett yesterday to ask for 3i 900 sent me here for travelling expenses . He has agreed to pay 3i 1250 in total, and I asked for the rest , when I arrive in New York on the 5th of February . As he now is in Paris , would you please speak to the riµ1t authorities, so that the amount will be sent me SOOilo

I am rlad that you are re1:ainling the backwall. Concerning the conference officer's desk , it will be shipped on the 16th - so please tell Abel , that we are doing our very best to hasten i t .

Believi ng , that I will stay at the horrid Princeton Club again , will tell you later -

Kindest regards

Concernihg baffles and n•etalstripes at bottom we suggest , that they should be put in place with some glue to fix them.

r, I'\ 'l

• ~00o qu,b~O :~ori_9slsT -~1&mns0 ,bnuln9nol1.6riJ ,ct Jsen:svJ&1>t : 9l&vi,q J HU l MM I =t • <;;('I [ ,, :n T, I • 8 too :s1A9 . snoriqsl9T .>b&mn90 ,>t n~esrinsqo:> .EE nv&ri'(v1 · sJillo .&.&.m 1JsJiriJ1&

• l ' , •


, a, [



u b JJv c. '{, I t [ t c! I t➔ I t

P'"' •n, ~N er rn1r

SN O t JJ! i,. n 311 N ~

ar •'1tect m.a,a.

private : Kratvaenget 15, Charlottenlund, Denmark. Telephone :-ORdrup 6009

office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlae 6618

• Mro Glenn Ee Bennett Executive Officer UNHPO United Nations New York City

Dear Mro Bennett,

• • 10 January 1952 •

In my letter to you of 310 May 1951 I wrote you to ask for a pk-chase order for Miss Karen Warming, who has ma.de the cover material for all the chairso

- - · . () ~ rrhe amount then mentioned was 5891 ,oo kr . and covered 58 chairso As you yu.l~~will see from the enclosed bi~l the amount now is 5676 ,10 kr . and covers all

,l-,1-1 , 62 chairs . We made a few alterations , which made it possible to use less material , and I believe, that nobody will be sorry for this change in total amount .

The chairs have been shipped with the cover, so that no extra costs will ap­pear.

I believe, that you might prefer, that I pay this amount out of the Danish donation, but naturally I will wait, till you have received the chairs .

Concerning my going to New York , I plan on leaving on the 3rd of February and arriving in Idlewild on the 5th - staying in London one night.

I would be glad to receive$ 900 here as soon as possible and to receive the rest of the amount, mentioned in your letter of 23rd Nov. 1951, when I ar­rive in New York.

Finn Juhl .

~L µc;cr w ·11·s·

l::IMH lnHr

I,:)"".A6 ru G.M J.O ... J{"*

... ,E'B i o:i: ~ps 9'11JO:rn+ • ll1 lJ+:fOJJGq 1.,r AO!'fl. J6-f+6I. Ot S ~I.q f!OA • J ~Tl NJ €17 I 8'.I.-

OI ;g p Ja-q -fO -U',ce:r.11.e ~ oOO rs:r..s s-a aoou rra ooa .:fpJs £'Ira cc .LE'CS.f.ti.e ,..JJG

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OllS-fTOlJ 1 prrf ns-rw }JA .,. 111.TTT ,s-,+• +HJ 1,011 JIB.A.€- rcs:rAsq +J e crs-:r-r.a • ,. 06J.:r6A6~ -fFS--f 'Mm t.,. ·+ I-1. ... t.,,• JJS'+' 1 I.1, l'JJ:r:::i 81UOilU-f 011.p Ot "~'6 DSlJ:rcJJ

DG8'1. ·

IJ6 cm-:rI.a JJSAC resu 8JJT lEq '.f+JJ f.U6 COA6:r.. • 80 +JJS'+ XJO 6X-fL'it co· ra .MtTJ g -

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Head office: 16 , Rddhu&pladsen (Town·Hall Square). Telephones : Ceniral 1773 : 2773 - 1761 . Tel e gram& : Flyuedan-Copenhagen

united i~ations neaaquarters i'larillin6 0f1'i .h.OOill '?7 7 '2 , 4? nci Street First rlVenue , 1~eVv York - ~; . Y.


de. Oraer H-~· 438 .

Copenhagen V, 9


th January 195~-

. ie lrerewith inior,ll you that we by oru.1;:;r o! ... r. 1dels Voaaer ,

will S1.cip oue liitvan v,i th 6~ cr1airs as .i;ier tne abovementnioned

oruer. '.J..'he li11,va11 wil l 'o e s1li.J?peo. pr. s.s . 11.Lormacsa__,a '' .t'ro1n Co­

pe11ha5en the l::' 1,h inst. 1,0 your auress, f'rei")1t cc supply section,

and \!,e ask you, a ccora.i r1cs to agreement with ~ .. r •. .tl'in.£1 J"uhl to cover

insurance 1J. kr . 4~,.~10,00.

vri~L1al .oill oi laciir1c, a110. 0onsLLar Invoice will follo,, as

soon as possible .

. ,e are ,

Term• according to "'Dansk M"beltraneport Forening" and uNordiek Spediter Forbund". Member of '"The Briti1b Auoclatiou of lnternatioeal Furniture Remo-.en-",

, I

JP.1 , .i.J HI I I V , l

ri E. (; I~ i h ; J l! 1 n O i.. 0 ff I~ E

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_I\ Ti

~ •

at ec Harris)

Bennett \, Healy ' 1 ,,,·,·

.,' . : i~. cf

~ ~i· •tc • . 1q : ~m1cri lJ f () I t--t;,;( >-,

Dear Mr .. Juhl,

Ill aJ1S1f'ff to your let.t of 2 ~nnunr;r 1952, we will pl"Ovid♦ the ilaing ban terial 1n the public U · area ot the T.ruat: eship Counc l Ch r •inc• •nen ha• not already' tak ee.re of · , • • anxio to complat. t he ro-on a quickl,y u ••iblo w,· therefore, ~eel th t t. :i · rk houl b in t lled ...,_-1at•lT,.

. ' ,f.e aro a.lso Nl,)aint.ing the re.ctt .. wall u you i--eque t.ed

in an earlier l•ttt:ir t.o ua.

Iot1r let or t.o ::r. BeJm tt on th• coot ,;;r th l t~ fixtures h l!tl reee1ved bµt r1 action bas ·b n since

~J.U,lut.t 14 t pr s 1t in p i . ,ben b r , vill . tu. .. with hi! . and lnto yoa rha.t .e ha dono aoout.

• Pinn Juhl IQrha'ftl 33 Copenhag n I



Michael • ria

. ,.

private : Kratva:nget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark . Telephone : GRd r'll p 6009 • office : Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAia: 6618

• h. Michael M~ Harris UNHPO United Nations New York City

Dear Michael,


•2 January 1952.

JAN 8 1952


I have tried to squeeze the teak boards out of Mro Jacob Petersen's tender, but cannot find them. I remember discussing them, and he does so too, but he tells me, that tha.y were given up, when you changed the sidewalls from hardboards in pattern to plaster.

As we have no ·w.ritten material telling us contf~se, and as furthermore the boards definitely do not exist, I can only suggest, that they should be made in New York.

The painting of boxes came to less than$ 600, so perhaps you can steal the money from the rest of the$ 2 000 program.

I am terribly sorry, that all control on this small item has been missing, but presume that it would be nonsence to start work on them here now.

I am happy - so far - about the glossy blue.

I have another correction in the numbering of joints in ceiling arrangement -enclosed part of drw. 45, revised.


r;;;~ Finn Juhl.


JAN 8 11 47 AM 1952

U1'-il TE - iiATil)NS 1' F. ( 1 ~- -f ' CO 11 ; HO L

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r . Rich rd v .. Pur · and ort.ation Division, Roo 35 B

'bel r sen Hea.dqunrter Planning Office

endment to

Plese issu nn en ent to ch se Order RP (theatre ---~

ch ir for tho Truste ship Council Ch ber, vendor Joe Hornst in, The . ) J

for the repair of 3 back cover!.! and 10 tvo-piec i."ut cover" ,

tion co plete, tot l li g , .95, as list dbl w.

Chair in Public SJ?!ce 1

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JANll 1952


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Cl N N JUHL private : Kratvamget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark. Telephone : ORdrup 6009

itect m.a.a. office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlz 6618

9:!'IIr. Glerm E. Bennett Executive Officer UNHro United Nations New York City

Dear Mr . Bennett,

• • 8 January 1952.


0 I 11 "r;


I would be very glad to. r~ ive rour purchase orders concerning 11 wall­brackets (my l~~ er 18 Yee. 1951) and concerning conferenceofficer's desk (nzy- letter 19'1fec. 1951).

Sincerely yours

fwiWJ/ Finn Juhl.

;,rucc. sf, o.1u.a

AN I \ 4 5o Pl1 1952

Ul·\i.'.L:J 1:\: 111 /F R [ CI ;, .. h ' C (I'~ ,- RO _b___

Off \CE

Inf}._ Tf"t!+G:I. Jd ')SC · JcliJ). ;· urc (;,te \ l.lOi. 1 f Th.i, re sc · nu ~ A'OrITq PG 11.er., > J"'"O +O L (;€ A ic

161 ;._O.:::.J{ C.fl''l., f''C~ +Sq TJS';'[Ol.r

'if-TT 7XLCJJ !' .f A ')

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; cu~C6.Ll..[l1t. ~Olf.l LS"~GO~trcsL 18 q~a~ o. aq ~a,; .tq~La couc" .JJ"fIJ J i.'t.S'T -

Dear Mr. Ju11l,

~ -. - .-; . _· ··-·--, I ·--• . ~~J I ·- ' .... .

AS/fm ·f via AIR t,,AIL

t : 7 January 1952

Enclosed her ewith are four purchase orders in duplicate,

as follows:

P.O. No . HQ-460 Paul a Trock Amendment No . 1 P.O. No . HQ-468 Johnsen & Michaelsen

.o . No. HQ-4,69 Laurids Jensen&. Co.' s Fc:.brik

P.O. No . HQ-470 Ni els Vodder

If you f ind them i n order, kindly f orward the original to t he

vendor and keep the duplicate for your r ecords.

Mr. Sor ensen is somewhat concerne a.bout the shipping dat e

of the conference of ficer's desk and we would be grateful if you

would try to send s t he desk at the earliest rosribl€ date .

For Purchase Order No. HQ-470 , it isn ' t very clear whether

the quotation includes marine insurance so we are assuming that an it does . If this is/incorrect assumption, please let us know so

that we oc;1.y :--,rovide for s;;ime .

M:r . Finn Juhl Nyhavn 33 r~ Copenhagen Denmark

Very truly yours,

Abraham Sterman Administrative assist ant

Headquarters Planning Office


. •NN JUHL architect m.a.a.

private : Kratvznget 15, Charlottenlund, Denmark. Telephone : ORdrup 6009 •

office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlz 6618 • 2 January 1952.

"Mr. Glenn E. Bennett Executive Officer UNHFO JAN 7 1952 United Nations New York City

y< _~ /2t>-1 0- '-ol

Dear Mr. Bennett,

In accordance with a letter from .IV'ir. Michael M.Rarris of l ~ v. 51, I ordered the light- and diffuser boxes to be painted here instead of, as planned, in New York. Enclosed a tender from Jacob Petersen. Mr. Harris told me, that 2 coats would cost appr. $ 2 000, so the price seems very reasonable indeed, not exceeding one fourth.

The following amounts have so far been paid here out of the Danish donation: I

11. July 1951 Jacob Petersen, panels •••••••••····•••••·••••35 000 - kr. ~,~ 12. Sept. 19 51 r aula Track, curtains • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 500 - " " 12. Sept. 1951 Sculptors, competition••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 000 - " M

27. Sept. 1951 Niels Vodder, chairs ••••••••••••••••••••••••. 5 000 - " " 3.Dec.1951 Jacob Petersen, panels •••••••••••••••••••••••30 000 - " •

21. Dec. 19 1 Paula Trock curtains•••••••••••··•·•••••··•· 2 000 - " M

78 500 - kroner leaving out of total amount (140 000 kr.) •••••••••••••••··•·61 500 - kroner

Danish donation consists of: Sculpture ••••••••••·••·•••••30 000 kr. rest Clock ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 000 " " General work •••••••••••••••100 000" "

total 140 000 kr. rest

26 000 kr. 10 000 kr. 25 500 kro 61 500 kr.

In your and my first budgets the lighting fixtures were kept outside. In order to get this work done in time and in the special way needed for the whole cei­ling arrangement, I have been forced to ask a specialist make the very definite and complicated working drawings. This work bas been done before the prices were worked out and has saved a lot of money on this special budget. It has been quite impossible to give you any indication of the costs of this specia­list-work, because nobody knew, how much time would be involved. Now I have received a bill from the specialist, architect Mogens Voltelen, and ask for authorization to pay it out of the budget of the Danish donationQ As you will recall, we pay 2364 Danish kroner for the clock and have 10 000 kr. for it.

As this work is completely outside an architects' work (and training), and as it normally not will be done here (leaving it to the contractor), and as the prices of lighting fixtures because of it are exceedingly low, I hope, that you will agree, that it can be paid for this way.

Enclosed I send you }4. Voltelen's billo

Sincerely yours


SLCfJ!CGC[ w•g•g•

. U-1M lnHr

2:r1. c.sLeJi.. 't.om.s • 1·r E-- D .. } ,\I , Nt\T I O NS

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Herr Arkitekt Finn Juhl, Nyhavn 33, K.



Kebenhavn V. , den 31 December 1951.

I Overensstemmelse med Aftale mellem Mr . Michael Harris og Arkitekt Finn J uhl tilbJd8r vi :1-r•;_c-, ;,t 1[(" 0 c1E' t.:.J Loftarran­gementet tilh¢ret-.d.e perfc,r sdE: J ernplader og Kassebunde male for en samlet Sum af

Kr • 3 • 82 5 • oo .

Med venlig Hilsen

pr.pro. v 11... cob Petersen


-· Mogens Voltelen, arkitekt M.A.A. Thorupgardalle 27, Vanl0se Telefon Dams0 25 Postgiro · 235 32

L111rer i belysningsl111re ved Kunstakademiets bygningsskole. Rddgivende i dagslys- og kunstlyssporgsmdl .

NY lE&NESTUEAllESSE; JI. C, lnteds11J 12, K1~ew■ Y. lit. YE. 3313

Herr arkitekt M. A. A. Finn Juhl ,

Nyhavn 33, K.

Deres m111Tke

s~ Forenede Nationer .

Emne Honoraropg0rel se •

Mit mlf1Tke sag 391. MV / l m Dato 14/12- 51.

Efter aftale har jeg foretaget en opg0relse over omfanget af det arbejde , jeg som konsulent for belysningen har nedl agt i forbindelse med projekteringen af Formynderskabsradets sal i de Forenede Nationers bygning i New York .

Arbejdet har f or min part omfattet dels forslag t il bel ys­ningens disposition og beregninger af belysningsstyrke og l ystretheder og herudfra belysningsanlreggets omfang savel for tilskuerrum som for s alens hovedafsnit , med paf0lgende deltagelse i detailprojektering af bely sningen i hovedafsnittet , dels be­lysningskas serne under loftet og dels lampetter pa vreggene.

De p~greldende arbejder har strakt sig over perioden fra august 195 0 til projekteringens afslutning i denne maned , og mit honorar vil i henhold til den medgaede tid for mine medarbejdere og mig selv og inklusive kontoromkostninger andrage

kr . 4 . 16,2.,1_-•

Desuden har jeg haft udlreg til tegningsreproduktion i hen­hold til vedlagte regninger . Der kan eventuelt yderl igere frem­komme en mindre regning for tryk i december i ar .

Med hilsen





H e ad office: 16, Rddhu spladsen (Tote n - Hall Square) . Telephone, : Cencrol 1773-%7(1 3 - 1761 . Telegram, : Flyuedan-Copenhagen

Uni ter1 ,7P l,iorrn ne2dqu2rTie .. c ':1

Hoo1 2?72, i:~2Ld ~treet FLrst .Ave1,.,ue, . e .'l Y o r k - 7' • Y .

1:vi.l sh 1 p

hr:een 1,he

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Copenhagen V, Dece.r rer 31, 1951

Yourd very truly,

Coft ~ r-

t: ~

Term• according to "Danek Mebeltraneport Forening" and " Nordisk Speditsr Fprbund". Member ol .. The Britiah Auoclation of International Furniture Remo,-en".





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,o Mr. Bennett








Mr. Juhl wrote to Mr. Harris pre­viously about the request as out­lined in paragraph 3 of this letter. Perhaps Mr. Harris has already replied to it.


'·./t_ : •·

,.'';· ' " ~:1: _", •



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I I ill .: ~

l-!r. . .H . rri s .:f , Sorensen

Mr. Finn Juhl vn 33

Co enhagen Denmal"k


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J.n l'C.H,:;,"\.XJ.S<;: to 70ur 1 ter of 19 ifoved ... · an t1 · t he.~e no objection to -your· arranginij

leit York provided that t.h_ total ' cost to t.he is not inc.re. sad. I W'l&lerot re ~t.tl.J.i? r

can pay you pa.rt . ot ,yo~l' ng ·.r O • ~•' to th.1. to ~tho ~ ~t of o --h it , micl

•J I!"" ...... ~ .. ,, ... ,J..,.._~,.,,u -• ,., .J J "' •I I

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I note "' ·t ynl ~- ..,you "ill wor:-:: eut Nl:"th· ~ , ota.Ua · ~ ' later. · ·:~?

ec: .Hr-·. .,,~ Harr.is . Lr. .. .(;i.cod .,{:-. ·1cCall

. • }ti.nn . Juhl n; "':avn: ;,~. Co nha en K: D~

ca . n ~ . ,n::,e:t"t, r, cut.:i'{\} -~:rr.:.cor

He>'l~quro~cr~r -la.nning rfi. . . . '"

• .i; .. ·-,


r- •• '-l Jlill •



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'j,_, ' ....


Hr. Finn Juhl 11a · JJ

Co enhagen K De k

Dear Mr. Juhl:

e .are encloeing herewith a a pl or the eerul lu color us the rec a d portion o! th ceiling or the Tru.at esbip Council Ch ber as requested by you in your l tter of 16 Nov b r 1951.

Th we t U painting ha been co pleted in the color you originalq desi t d d we are s g e ting that no r painting of this wall be one until the ceilin battles ae paint d . are anticipat th t

you will be h re t that tim d can gi. ve the w st wall turt r con-sid ration then.

ich tion in 7our le re d w I ork e or t or three in t k•

bad here a inatall at th t t t you pr as ur door tr es rr dq •

We are expeetin the arri v l of r ot your finishing · terial , whic we erstand were hip ed troll Copenha o th 20th of Yaaber, ten dqa or two v e •

:js cl.

Cordially your,

·cbael M. Harri

be: Dawson, Bennett, Healy, Aussem, Sorensen, Harris, File


, . . ,,


' • • 1 ll\ ~~.:

r Ii .....

ett, HealJr,

I. f. f .. 1111 t ~~~~~===== raadhusplads 77 - telefon central 12108 t e I e g r a m a d r e s s e: st off o g ht I t I k or en a s e postkonto: 377t tapper

1-Uni ted Nations , Headquarters Planning Office, N e w York.

k " b e n h a v n, v. 1_ N • Y • (copenhagen)

U.S .A.



Gentlemen :

re: your purchase order no. HQ 404 and HQ 404,

europaaiske -i taapper

moderne m •be I og gardin stoffer divantaapper

_ 1e n g r o s

amendment no. 1, for the a~tention of Mr. Glenn E. Bennett.

After having mailed my letter of yesterday's date I received this morning a eheque for the amount in question from the Bureau of Finance, and the matter is thus in perfect order now.

Hoping to b~ favoured with your further esteemed commands, I am, uentlemen ,

Yours very truly,

nor. • I


l.f.f••11l1t ~~~~~===== raadhusplads 77 - telefon central 12108 t e I e g r a m a d r e s s e: s t o f f o g h f O r i e n t a I s k e

k • b e n h a v n, v. (copenhagen)

19th November 1951.


postkonto: 377t taepper

United Nations , Headquarters Planning Office, N e w Y o r k. H.Y . U.S.A.

europaeiske -i taepper

moderne me be I og gardin stoffer divantaepper

g r o s

re: your purchase order no . HQ 404 and HQ404, amendment no . 1 , for the attention of l\Ir. Glenn E. Be1mett.

Further to my invoice of the 11th August for U. S. $ 9. 923,19

I should feel obliged to receive your remittance for the amount in question.

From your order sheet it appears that II Payment will be made after

the above material is delivered to its destination in satisfactory condition",

and I sent on the 25th Cctober a statement of the amount for the attention

of Bureau of Finance, but up till now no remittance has been received.

As I consider that the invoice has now been examined and found

correct I should be g:rateful to you for cont acting the Bureau of Finance

concerning settlement of this item.

Thanking you beforehand, and always with pleasure at your service,

I am, Gentlemen,

FINN JUHL private : Kratvaenget 15, Charlottenlund , Denmark. Telephone : ORdrup 6009

architect m.a.a. office : Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telephone : PAlae 6618

• Mr. Glenn E. Bennett Executive officer UNBPO United Nations New York City

Dear Mr. Bennett,

• • 19 November 1951 •

--c "',j) • t.), . ' Q '-~ ' r

/ Enclosed a new tender from Miss Paula Trock concerning the heavy curtain.. Mr. Abel Sorensen and Mro Michael M. Harris wanted a more heavy material than originally offered - and more of it. After a discussion back and forth a new material has been approved of by Mro Harris and discussed al­so with Mr. Sorensen during his stay here.

I have ta.ken the liberty to order it at once the dicision was final and de­livery will be in the middle of December.

I have discussed with Michael Harris the possibility of my staying in New York during the very last phase of my room being finished and would ask you, if you in principle would agree to an arrangement, wheitemy travel ex­penses and stay were paid out of my remaining fee . I would like to go into further details concerning this, if your answer is positiveQ It would real­ly mean a lot to me, because the painting of diffuser boxes etc. in the cei­ling pl,ays such an important part in my plan, and has to be carried out in New York, on the spot.

Looking forward to your answer,

Sincerely yours,

Finn Juhl.


16 ._ l Sl


J'o ve t.• •

rcliallT ' I

ic l ,. r1•

tJ• be: Dawson,





Hr. Arkitekt Finn Juhl Nyhavn 33 K0benhe::ivn K.


14/11 ,1951.

J eg bekrrefter herved at have ~odtaget ordre pa 350 mtr . stribet gardinstof Al/a,brd i mtr , ,pris 27,00 kr . pr mtr . til levering senest 2o/ 12 . Da disse gardiner er kraftigere end de f0rst tilbudte,ser je~ mig n0dt til at beregne denne forh0jelse af prisen.

Fenlig hilsen

q~)wl__ ~ :Pot1la 'fr-ock .

• m J Nyha:m 33 Cop en !}

ce di • tabrie, ck tak 9 e

-conn ut it t rooti the ! b o ·c c his i


. n cut.t. to fo 100.~

ciable shr h"

\ e alao cheo th c with :,OU . • in th a l brae o not ct sign ot ur t:txtu

innt ed. in pla in your 1 n to ua .

\ u at.ill have wo tor you about the •oul tur •

C rdi 17 yours.,

1c el M. liaJ"ri,

be: Sorensen, Auss , Healy, Harri , File

•••• •

S M IV'cbcr 1951

Dea Mr. Juhl,.

&nena.m.ent. No . l to clia Ordu-U1.;-44l, in du!)ll,c te, tor 50 add tional e !ling .fit.tinge in ccordance with endor • quot.&tion dated 26 Octo . 1951.

If tind it 1n o er. 1ndly de p,a.tch. the origin l

to th andor and keep the duplicat r, r . files .

Mr. Finn Juhl )l'dW ))

Copenhagen K' Deni

Vwy truly yo rs,

Abnh iniatrati A si t

Hen.dqu,e ere Pla:nnina f f ce



FINN JUHL .;p,;;;.r;;;;,i va~t.;..e.;..: __ Kr=.;;;;a;.;.t..;.v""'a_en_,g....,e"""t;.....;;;l_.5_.,.__C_h __ a __ r __ lo .... t_t __ e..,,nl,,...-un_d_,_D_enrna __ r_k Architect m.a.a. office: Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark.

Mr. Michael M. Harris UNHPO United Nations New York

Dear Mr. Harris,

3 November 1951

As you may have guessed, these have been hectic days. I was so disappointed to have to forward Petersen's and _Collstrup 1 s letters, and have tried very hard to get some better cooperation.

I sent you a telegram yesterday, the meaning of which is, that all outer frames for 2 panelwalls, all frames around windows and doors, the doors themselves, the teak foot-boards will be shipped on the 2oth of November, while the total rest, i.eo all wall P{lllel lists, the whole ceiling arrangement including light boxes from Lauritz Henriksen will be crated and ready for shipnent on the 29th December.

We have been told that a ship leaves Copenhagen on the 1st or 2nd of January, and we have arranged to have this delivery on board.

It is not ideal, far from, but at least so much better than the timetable, sent you previously, and it meets the deadline of the first timetable. I am assured, that they really are doing their best and that nothing better can be obtained at the time being.

I am eager to hear news about the sculpture - as you may have guessed, I am not at all convinced, that it will be the right thing - the more time flows, the more uneasy I feel. As one of my fellow architects said, I am only allowed the negative in this II14tter.

I am very anxious to hear your reactions to the news here, also because I plan to go to New York for the final installation and painting - i.e. if the U9 N. will be as gracious as to let me get part of my salary for travelling expenses. With this in mind, would you kindly tell me your time schedule as soon as pos­sible.

Kindest regards,

/s/ Finn Juhl


_._ ...

• FINN JUHL _p-ri_va..;.;;;;.;t;..;e_: __ Kr_a_t_v_a_e_n..,.g._et ...... l_.5,....,,__C_h ... a .... r .... lo __ t __ t_e~nl~un_d_, __ D_enma __ rk_ Architect m.a.a . office: Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark.

Mr. Michael M. Harris UNHPO Ur.ited Nations New York

Dear Mr. Harris,

3 November 1951

As you may have guessed, these have been hectic days. I was so disappointed to have to forward Petersen's and Collstrup ' s le ~ters, and have tried very hard to get some better cooperation.

I sent you a telegram yesterday, the meaning of which is, that all outer fran:.es for 2 panelwalls, all frames around windows and doors, the doors themselves, the teak foot-boards will be shipped on the 20th of November, while the total rest, i .e. all wall p{'l!lel lists, the whole ceiling arrangement including light boxes from Lauritz Henriksen w.i..11 be crated and ready for shipnent on the 29th December.

We have been told that a ship leaves Copenhagen on the 1st or 2nd of January, and we have arranged to have this delivery on board .

It is not ideal, far from, but at least so much better thar. the timetable, sent you previously, and it meets the deadline of the first timetable. I am assured, that they really are doing their best and that nothing better can be obtained at the time being.

I am eager to hear news about the sculpture - as you may have guessed, I am not at all convinced, that it will be the right t hing - t he more time flows, the more uneasy I feel. As one of my fellow architects said, I am only allowed the negative in this lll£\tter.

I am very anxious to hear y,mr reactions to the news here, also because I plan to go to New York for the final installation and painting - i.e. if the U9 N. will be as gracious as to let me get part of my salary for travelling expenses. With this in mind, would you kindly tell me your time schedule as soon as pos­sible.

Kindest regards,

/s/ Finn Juhl


COPY • - -- -

FINN JUHL Office: Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark

Mr. Michael H. Harris UNHro United Nations New York

Dear Mr. Harris,

~ .3 November 1951.

As you may have guessed, these have been hectic ds.ys. I WfilS so disappointed to have to forward Petersen ' s and Collstrup's letters, and have tried very hard to get some better cooperation.

I sent you a telegram yest~rday, the meaning of which is, that all outer frames for 2 panelwalls, all frames around windows and doors, the doors themselves, the teak foot-boards will be shipped on the 20th of November, while the total rest, i . e. all wall panel lists , the whole ceiling arrangement including light boxes from Lauritz Henriksen will be crated and ready for shipment on the 29th December .

We have been told that a ship leaves Copenhagen on the lrst or 2nd of January, and we have arranged to have this dell very onboard.

It is not ideal, far from, but at least so much better than the timetable, sent you previously, and it meets the deadline of .the first timetable . I am assured, that they really are do1.ng their best and that nothing better can be obtained at the time being.

I am eager to hear news about the sculpture - as you may have guessed, I am not atall ~onvinced, that it will be the right thing - the more time flows, the more uneasy I feel . As one of my fellow architects said, I am only allowed the negative in this matter .

I am very anxious to hear your reactions to the news here, also because I plan to go to New York for the final installation and painting - i.e. if the U.N. will be as gracious as to let me get part of my salary for travelling expenses. With this in mind, would you kindly tell me your time schedule as soon as pos­sible.

Kindest regards,

/s/ Finn Juhl

Finn Juhl.


FINN JUHL Office: Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark

copy of telegram

Telegram til Normal takst. sendt 2. November 1951, kl. 1#. Michael M. Harris Unations New York

3 November 1951.

Petersen shipping doors frames teakboards 20/11 total rest ready shipment 29/12 letter airmailed.



, ICP EL 1 l /f R S ' I TI : S

EI tr


~HIP.ET~ /1 - L ER AIR AIU: ,I




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Office: Nyhavn 33 , Copenhagen K, Denmark

Mr . Michael M. Harris UNHFO United Nations New :;ork City

Dear Mr . Harris,

JO October 1951

In ans~1er of your letter of 19 Oct . 51 about wattage our engineers tell me, that t he maximum for each of the ll fixtures will be 5 x 150 watt ( 3 in upper and 2 in lower 'part) and perhaps something less. The fixtures (j .b. ) in ceiling near the window have not been decided on - also depending on the type of curtain . I am anxious to get new information about the new sample, sent Abel 17 Oct . 51.

Concerning your letter of 26 Oct . 51~ received yesterday, I at once infonned Jacob Petersen, and we now try to find some new and "better" date for the last delivery. I enclose a copy of a letter sent yesterday to the fim, showing how I consider the matter. Please let bel translate it to you.

Sincerely yours for Finn Juhl

/s . Marianne T:rock

Marianne Trock.

P.S. I am perhaps even more anxious than you to get this solved.

COPY Translated Ole Hamann

Fa. Jacob Petersen A/S VIKTORIGADE 2 v.

29 October 1951


This date I received a letter from M.M. Harris (dated 26 October 1951) concerning the delayed deliveries to United Nations . I have road the letter aloud to the foreman (in the workshop) Jensen.

scan be seen., the delay has disastrous consequences , I .«:>uld like to point out that I think it i5 natural, if the fim tries to change the last delivery- date. It is a fact , that it is of i portnnce to the reputation of the rim as well as or Denmark.

Now to enumerate some of the points in the case:

1 . The original wainscot (panel?) list which was approved by UN was ~ typical for the lists -- desoite the a reement between the firm and myself.

2. My inquiries about the work until 26 eptember met with the reply that everything was B()in,; as it should .

3. Only then, on 26 Se teober I learned that the i~pregnation was not sufficient, but that the tter now had been straightened out, and that the wol"k would continue 24 hours a day.

4 . Only three weeks later, 15 October at a oeeting here in the drafting ;0om was I told that there would be a three weeks delp;y .

5. In writing, this amounted to six weeks .

6. I sent the letter from the firm and from Collstrup in the hope that

yothu ? would be annoyedj but approve the delay. ey.

7. M.M. Harris letter indicate that completion ust pootponed indefinately, and that the meetings in the chamber probably will be cancelled.

8. Or that the chamber will be used provisionally, which would be a. big additional cost.

In view of this it is natural to expect that the firm will do everything possible to advance delivery.

t 29 October 1951

a . To advance the mpregnation.

b . That the drying take place immediately and successively.

c. That production time is shortened .

The conclusion must be that the last deliver-.( take place much earlier than last notified.

I cannot take into consideration reservatiol'lS concerning shipping. The firm must , irrespective of the ship,)ing situation, finish as soon as possible . They will naturally hnve to put up with shipping delay because of the shipping situation. In view of that, one might just as well be lucky and get a delayed, earlier ship, as to be unlucky and get a delayed one, as to resign oneself to speculating about all this in the planning. It would be of extenuating significance, if the firm would give up its defensive attitude and show increased activity and a positive determination to make up for what I would say is a combination of lack of foresight and carelessness .

In expection of immediate handling of this very decisive probleri,

for Finn Juhl .

lK.arianne Trock



COPENHAGEN 25 OCT 24 1951 160~







--- ___ , _____ ,..... -----~--'-----'--

t. .

r• erk• ed. •6


D i Tru••u11. h . t of ,;your


.ho 1 we.q ll t.ie r b to U hip Co {

• Juhl aor• r p er Vi th trla.


• cover t.. tea.

proot le r.J.l bit

bes Dawson, Bennett, lleal1, A.us , Harris, FUe, Juhl

26 to ~ 1951


writins; Juhl e confer vith hi.a.

V 17 trul.7 TO


,.,. be: Dawson, Bennett, H aly, Auss , Harris, File, Juhl

26 Oct . 51 Mlffiarris 22?2 HFO HFO 5235-2





Glenn E. Bennett, & ecutive Of f icer

C{tty, 9

(k ~¼ JJ~

26 ' to J.91

n •


be: D :v n, Bennett, H al,y, Harris, File


TO Mr. Bennett








The cable of 31 Oct. which was

sent to you in Paris was as a

result of the attache« very

alarming letter.


A. Sterman

• J '

I n

t n •


·3• be: Dawson, Bennett, Healy, Harris, File


FINN JUHL • Office: Nyhavn 33, Copenhagen K, Denmark

Mr. Michael M. Harris UNHPO United Nations New York City

Dear Michael Harris ,

22 October 1951

Enclosed a letter from Jacob Petersen A/Sand a copy of a letter to that firm from R. Collstrup A/S (regarding fire-prodfing of sidewall-panels), both received here to-day.

Since DJ¥ return from Italy I have asked many times, if the work went on according to schedule . I was informed, that it did, and Jacob Petersen ' s people first told me on the 26th of September, that there was a problem concerning Collstrup's -work, but they added, that they now had the situa­tion in hand, and that no delay would occur. However I insisted, that a new test should be made by you as soon as possible.

Since then we have had a lot of conferences, but until the 15th of October it was impossible for me to get exact inf&rmation. At a meeting here I demanded to get letters from both firms telling, how the matter had deve­loped, and how we stood for delivery-dateso The letters talk for themselves. The only thing I can add is, that Jacob Petersen's tell me that the first shipment (18th December) also will contain all special panel-lists, i.e. all lists around doors, windows, edges of panel-walls, foot-boards etc. I have insisted, that they should deliver, the way they now offer, in the hope, that we this way could keep your workers busy in a reasonable manner.

Sorry to bring such bad news. I cannot see, that it was possible for me to do anything more about it. Jacob Petersen's have told me, that they ought to have infonned me earlier.

Sincerely yours

/s/ Finn Juhl

Finn Juhl.

P.S. How about the sculpture?


JACOB PETERS Kontor & Vaerksteder: Viktoriagade 6

Kobenhavn V., den 20 Oktober 1951.

Mr . Finn Juhl, Nyhavn 33 , K.

Dear Sir.

Referring to our discussion of the 12th inst . we enclose a letter from R. Collstrop A/S . containing a statement of the causes of the regrettable delay in the fireproofing, which delay must of course influence our time of delivery.

As appears from the letter the materials will be ready for kiln-drying about the 10th of November. Considering the time required for kiln-drying and our job we shall be able to deliver as follows: By ship scheduled to leave Copenhagen on the 18th Decem­ber 3/4 of the panels for the northern wall . By the next ship leaving about the 2nd January 1952 the remaining fourth part of the northern wall, and about half of the panels for the southern wall. The still remaining panels can be forwarded the ship leaving this town about the 16th January . Finally, the ceiling will be ready for shipment about the 6th February.

At the same time we have pleasure in informing you that the doors corresponding to the frames now shipped will be sent by the ship she­duled to leave Copenhagen on the 20th November.

We are, dear Sir yours faithfully

/s/ Jacob Petersen Nielsen


R. CollstJJOp A/S Kobenhavn Osterbro gade 2


17th October 1951.

Fa. Jacob Petersen Snedkeriakts.,

Viktoriagade 6


R: Ash-wood treated with fire-retardants.

We should like to resume how this matter has developed

since we received the first samples of ash-wood for panels from your

esteemed firm.

First of all we wish to put before you that the treatment

cannot be made in our normal retorts because these are in use for

Creosote only. The treatment must take place in our pilot- plant

which has a capacity of abt. 25 cbft of "WOod.

The treatment of the first samples was carried out during

the first days of April this year and as•the penetration was satisfactory

a specimen was sent to USA for approval.

After approval received we started the treatment of the bulk

but it soon became apparent that the penetration now did not conform

to the AWPA requirements.

We started at once renewed experiments. We soon stated that

the new material differed from the first samples inasmuch as the new material

mainly contained panels cut parallel to the grain which was not the

case with the first samples which were partly cut across the grain

thus allowing the liquid to enter longitudinally m re easily through

the vessels.

Furthennore, the new material mainly consists of heart-wood

with an abundant development of tyloses.

After several experimental treatments with the following

kiln-drying (each test taking about a week) we found a suitable

procedure which allows a satisfactory penetration.

The ,new procedure takes a considerable longer time but through

CO PY 17th October 1951

Collstrop '/S

Fa. Jacob Petersen Snedkeriakts., Viktoriagade 6, v.

working day and night we are still able to carry through the impreg­

nation of the whole bulk durinl!; the same interval of time as foreseen .

On account of the above-mentioned necessary extra experiments

the treatment of the material could not take place as early as expected

but has been postponed until to-day. If nothing extraordinary occurs

we expect to have the whole treatment finished about November the 10th

from which date the kiln-drying eventually can take place.

Yours faithfully ,


Air Mail

19 October 1951

Dear Si.r,

The packing list for the partial shiJnent-:fe.f' Order IJO ..

HQ-436 is at hand .

Undoubtedly, you a.re aware of t he urgency o.f forwarding

the balance of the order and it would be e.pprec~. ted if you

would write me as $oon as possible of your anticipated ship­

ping dates .

* on the m.s. Florida.

Mr. Jacob P tersen Viktoriagade 6 Kpbenhavn V. Denma.xk

Yours inclitrely,

Abrahi:.U.t: Stcnr.an Adm:l.nistrati ve .-1.saistant

Headquarters Pla.1mir1.g O.f fice


Mr. Finn Juhl Nyhavn 33 Copenhagen lC Dmittark

Dear Mr. Juhl:

19 October 1951

f I I /;.1- (j

Our electrical contractors have asked what wattage i cont plated tor the bracket lighta which 7ou indicat. on your Drawing No . 44. Only one clrcui t has been provided in each side ot the room which means there will be seven fixtures on the north wall and eeven .fixtures on tbe south wall, each on on circuit. The fourteen fixtures listed include not only the wall brackets but the hanging fixtures which you once indicated on your design drawing.

We believe there is sufficient power to acco date these fixture• unless ,-ou a.re considering an unusu.ally high wattage for th • Pl.ease give us this information as soon as you can.

Cordial.ly yours ,

Michael M. Harrie


be: Healy, Aussem, Dawson, Bennett, Harris, File



: 1'. F'inn ,1uhl tlyhavn J3 Co e h. P.r K

'' r • r. •h.thl: . '

10 ' ctn r 1951

'.!\«:i w,:r-k a,ro ·e c.eived >o ;.er5 n o,y,.r.c:. that they . sendin u i.Mp?'Qo.t" d to t t . They also

b ll ve* e 1cc t-er ia net nt.irely o! th(! P-ar ot ofed ·rush


.e .. Nttu in~ ;,art of hie Jun 1951 · .ple to yo tor for.Jardin to th • ,11:lo v• have r .:.v d t heir new s ple and te~t it w . will r-eturn pa.rt o! i t ;ou

ivo () opinio or it .

Ul:ja Encl.


• H·rri

be: Healy, :u.ssett., Sorensen, Harris, File

r i. • uh :

:J• l .

9 (,eta r 195

el •

C: D W'aon, nn t , Heal,y, us , i rria, Ue

:J 1 ..

9 Oc o

BC: waon, nn tt, Healy',

l S

rrie, File



Mr. Finn Juhl .fvhavn .33 Copenhagen I Denmark

Dear r . Juhl:

..,. ..

5 October 1951

Answering your letter of 2 October 1951, we have studied your Sketch No . 44 and see no difficulty involved in installing th'e fixture • They will be a very interesting embellishment to the side alls of the ru tee.ship Co,mcil Chamber. en you sent us the sketch you advised us that you were sending us additional information on this detail. Since we have received nothing further trom you we suggested in our letter of 4 October 1951 that we were still awaiting this information. Send us whatever you can on it as soon a po sible. e assume the sculpture will r plac one of these fixtures which you had originally indicated on your drawings .

The information on the clock enclosure was sent you yesterday.

Cordiall7 your ,

Mic el R. Harris


be: Healy, Aussem, Harris, File

T Y,


.. t t ~ti .~1.'G,:


·11 • 1 ~~ -~. :·~·



t i I /

, I • D .. ,

' i I

/ j



120-1 6,...2 5 October 1951

Dear Mr. Juhl,

c1o h rew:lth are confirmation Pure s er-e Nos. HQ-40tr- and HQ-444 for carpet and clock for the

Tr-l1 teeship Council Chamber ..

The into tion contnined therein is in accordance with th written Worma.tion supplied by the vendo all

of which you h&v app ved. If you tind it in order,

kindly despatch the origillal t c ch vendo~ a on a

possibl and ep tbe duplicates f'or your records.

ndment No. l

Mr. Finn Juhl., yhavn 33,

Coper1hagen K, Denmark.

be: Mr. Harris Mr . Sorensen

Yours eincerely,

Glenn E. Benn t Executive Of'tieer

Headcp.iarters :laming Ott.tee

AS/tm. '



\ r . (


\ • I

I (

~-- , ... ..,

, ,.

tor a

B t

ennet.t Rama. ile

... - 51


.. -

12 lo-6-2

• Pinn Juhl ;ybavn .33

Copenhagen K, Denmark

Dear • Juhl:



loaed rewU,h is eontinu.tion Pureb&se Ord r

-441 tu duplicat tor ligbti~ tixt.urea and titt ·s

for th Tru te ship Council Chamber.

'file in.tor tio contained t erein i in accordance

with th writt n info t.ion uppl1ed by the vendor,

all ot which yo ha.v pro·rec.. If ~u £" it .ln

oroar, kindly despatch the original to th ve or n

soon aa pos ib d k•p ~bo luplleate tor your records.

It ie ~t neoeesa.17 tor u o end ne o!' t

U,ght boxes in ad a.nee but wait until t 'I' are all co

plet.e nd · p the all at. onca.

Very truly' yours,

Blem • u.,,U.Jgt.t &ucutiYe 0£tic r iltaaa.1:tU1an.era l'..1.1111a.w.,.. trice


·• . , t •

' i. ; I

1 L I' r t.


' '

t \

\ \


Mr. Finn Juhl H:,ham 33 Copenhagen I Denmark

Dear Mr.. Juhl: , ·

28 September 1951

< • ' I'·

, I• -~

l •; I '


"' . _.,,, :· ;-fl~•·· i • " •J,,,Jt"J'f, ' -~ . ~ L

i;:~.:f~t II,

- . 1,.. -A; ,- V' ~ - _,.. 'f-. ) i '-:-" ,,n-, ,I_"

,, t"-~ '--'l- ~ "\. -~ • • ,,, 1-(• '1.-·~ -~ .

' '.1 «~ . ;._, • ~ :7 All the drawings which ha~ been received _troa , ,..._~~,.r. . '

:,ou within the la.st t1IIO weeks have be n reviewed, checked anc"r : -.;i ,, ,.J_'! , l f ~• ~ ,• •

tound aatialac-toey. We have tran posed to feet and inche•r ~ , your centi ter r1guree and forwarded the drawings to th,\ · , ,~· General Contractor tor hie intormation. 1

.1. ,~~ • .~. •

~; .. 4 1, I.,,,.• l._r ~

Work bas now been started on laying out the ve_~ical sub-batten •trips in acCQrdance with ,-our nOrth and south elen,-tion drawi e and your door and 'Window detail~ . , ,t • ,

. ' e believe we have all the i nformation( we need fl'Olll you

at. tnia time but ask that you send us 1:mmediat•~ three (3) additional prints ot your drawings No • 18, 30, 31, 32, 38, 42 and 43. We have been asked tor tbes•' additional prints tor diatribution 1n the field and 1110uld &ppreci te h~ving _th• at. the earliest pOasible date. . ·- , ·,._ ,~~-l- ~·-,

" 4'1:

Cordial.]¥ yr:,urs,

,, '

MMB:js BC: Dawson, Bennett, . ealy, Aussem, Harris, File

28 vet-. r 1951

r :r. Jllh.l. i '

at thia Uo , )21 3, 42 43. rints tow

diatri n th• a· he lleet. poaatble <lat..

. ch.a.el • • n1.

BC: a~on, Bennett, Healy, Aussam, ris, File


24 Sept.&rwer 1951

l.. P. Fogllt 4h. pladeen 77

Copen De


Reference ill e t<> your invoice d:.i.tod

ll A t 1951 tor 1731.7 tres ot three vari t 6 ot carpeting 27 inehee wide tor Tr t e iJJ Council

hambur. The original. Purchase Order tio. P.Q-404 pro-

Tides tor 1794- /2 7arde ot tw voriet.ies or c ting.

lindly submit a rovi:,ed ot tion to • Finn

Juhl f?r pproval eo th t


cc: Mr. Finn Juhl Mr . M. M. Harris

01 • Bennett Executive Otticer

dqn"'"--rs Pl.&nning Otti e


\ I I

\ \


1 n. kft1--

1~ ,mi.ch 1d • aculptQN ld.ll b · • t • • u1 0

l,llV./11;..ur;Mlli'l,l;l l ·- . .

.fja . cl.


r a, File

r r . Juhlt

l el

r to your l r ot ll Sept r 1951, e rail e, 1 n in t • thi

11 cl,. r the aboTe

tle l o. 30,, t h• lowe t • 12.

In th e the palnt

• • exnena •


• t

t . megmt.iU. • 1 • \

t.h of t • Art • t

ptor b • t • \

-· ..

r. 1nn luhl

er 1• on h1teetural qu e\ion, 1t which ,,. wuld like you to clarify tor • • ul -ur will e et n a lattona 7'-ll' t the floor. is• ot the cul ture be lO '-ll O , the p ot the soul

pro~C.tal1a:tel7 l '-10" bove the ti •hed tloor. Iw thia 001r-NK1

• have not¥ t rece1 ur d tor the tt wall.e, eretore we will not b a ennier on th fiel . '-'.M_,..

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