redefining the world around us… - spring dale college

Redefining the world around us…

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Redefining the world around us…



It is with exhilaration that we put forth the first edition of our Spring Voice of the

session 2020-21. The e-magazine is also a part of green initiative of Spring Dale

Institution to reduce the use of paper.

Together, as we embark on yet another fruitful academic year, the rooting of our

core values of resilience, hard work, commitment, compassion, empathy and

unison have strengthened manifold. The year 2020 has been a year of challenges,

new opportunities for growth and technical advancement and as always we have

emerged stronger and also better prepared for the daunting journey ahead.

The corridors and classrooms missed the buzz of children’s fun and cheer. But

nothing could stop them from participating in the myriad activities held online

which acted as a platform to keep unveiling their talent and caliber.

We are grateful to our cooperative parents who have been a great support to help

us in moving ahead hand in hand to achieve our goals.

The compiling of this edition is a combined effort of our editorial board, the

enthusiasm of our students and of course our teachers and parents.

We assure you that you will be delighted to browse through this new edition,

which has some features added to compliment it.

Happy browsing and keep looking up!


Message from the Management

The past year and half has been a turning point in the lives of our children.

Education systems around the world have had to stop classes in schools and turn

to a shift towards remote learning. But let’s not be in denial that with remote

teaching, the learning world of the children has been turned topsy-turvy. Our

heart goes out to the little ones in the elementary school who have not seen and

experienced their school. A child’s life is not a package deal revolving around

remote learning in a controlled environment. A child’s life in studentship has

within it the sound of school bell, the sight of neat rows of peers in assembly, the

echo of loud cheers in the playground, the pleasure of group learning, the

fulfillment of friendships, the experience of growing-up challenges collectively

and much more. Every year is a milestone in student life in learning and it

remains a regret that the children have missed over a year of on campus


We are mindful of the toll exacted by the intensity of the second wave of the

pandemic and the risks to the well being of children as the families struggled to

keep safe and deal with the losses associated with the deadly virus. The

continued uncertainty around board exams has only heightened the anxiety and

pressure on students and parents.

Our teachers carried the extraordinary load of switching to online teaching with

dedication. Amidst the health and other challenges posed by the pandemic, we

are proud of our teachers who have risen to the challenge and constantly

developed and adjusted the time and tools they have for online teaching. We

remain grateful to our teachers and thank them for their commitment and

professionalism. We are also thankful to our administrative staff and the support

staff for their devoted service in this period of crisis.

In these uncertain times, teaching, learning and school administration all needed a

great deal of adjustment, tweaking and even experimentation. We tried to keep

pace amidst an environment of evolving challenges to the best of our abilities

without causing any additional stress on the students, parents and the staff. As

we have been sharing in our earlier messages, the challenges of online education

are enormous ranging from infrastructure inadequacy to pedagogical

questions. But we tried our best to respond to these issues because we owe it to

our children to hold the school to high standards and make remote learning work.

We wish our children, parents, staff and the families’ good health and wellbeing

and hope to come out successfully with our collective efforts.


From the Principal’s Desk

It is our good fortune and a wonderful opportunity to communicate our

thoughts with you after a long year rife with challenges. As individuals we

were all on a rollercoaster of myriad twists and turns. Being out of our

comfort zones also had a brighter side where families became close knit

sharing chores along with emotional burdens. The worrisome thing however

was that despite being in the shelter of their homes many adolescents and

children were driven to aggression and frustration all because the main

source of their energy release and social interaction –‘The School’ was


As teachers we too missed the physical interaction and personal connect

immensely. But thanks to the technological advancements -the online

teaching and learning system broke the grim clouds of disconnect. It was

amazing to see the transformation in teachers, students and parents teaming

up to make necessary changes to accept this new “New Normal”. We learnt and reinvented ourselves.

Dear parents and beloved children we express our gratitude to you all for

your support and cooperation. As we journey ahead let us reach to each other finding strength in our unity.

Thank you once again.

Keep safe and be happy.

Mrs. Anurita Bakshi Mrs. Neelam Sinha Mrs. Sudha Khurana

Principal Principal Principal Kanpur Road Branch Gomti Nagar Branch Indira Nagar Branch


From the counselor’s Desk

School life is the most memorable and enriching time in one’s life. Everyday

teaches something to live life with peace, progress and prosperity. School is

not only passing class 10 and 12 board exams with 90%, to get admission

through competition, into a premier institution, but also to give an

environment, which helps to inculcate traits of team spirit, sharing, honesty,

gratitude and many more. This makes individuals associated to be a brand,

in their own.

School is the second home called Alma Mater, i.e., nurturing mother, who

takes care of all the needs to make life a better one. The qualities inculcated

during school life helps each individual to leave a legacy to be followed by

the batches coming next.

Hence identify the legacy that you wish to leave:

- What do you want your life to stand for?

- How do you want to be remembered by your friends and teachers?

- What will those beyond your circle of friends remember you for?

- What kind of an impact do you want to have on your community?

- How will the world be a better place because you were in it?

- What contributions do you want to make to your field?

- Whose lives will you have touched?

- What lessons would you like to pass on to the future batches?

- What do you want to leave behind in school?

- How can you serve?

Once you have decided on your legacy, life becomes simpler, our thinking

and feelings less complicated. Adolescence generally is considered a very

turbulent period and often portrayed as a negative phase of life, a phase of

storm and stress to be survived or endured. With setting of proper-targeted

goals life can be smoother, easy and positive.

So believe in your capabilities, move ahead with conviction and take life as it comes with honesty and sincerity.

“Do the best and the best will come to you!”


Editorial Board

We offer our sincere gratitude to all the members who have given their

valuable time in the careful selection and judicious editing to compile the contents of this e-magazine.

Top Row (L to R): Yogita Mehrotra, Anju Chandra, Anshoo Singh, Geeta

Upadhyay, Manpreet Kaur

Bottom Row (L to R): Mehuli Ghosh, Rachna Agarwal, Ritu Bhalla, Roma

Bagchi, Sushma Mahadane.


What’s in Store…?




























Happying Hours

According to Dalai Lama “Happiness is not something ready made it comes from

your own action".

With a belief that small changes in one's life schedule can keep productivity

rolling and contribute to long term happiness.

With this aim the "Happying Hours" was introduced in the Spring Dale College

curriculum in the session of 20-21.

With all hope that this would keep the stress level down and also balance time

and commitment, and give one a sense of preparedness to face failure and success

with equal grit.

By being happy we have the potential to change many other lives. It was

coincidence that the world was struck with Covid-19 and all of us were stressed,

fear of being infected with no friends around, following social distancing, face

half covered, and unable to go out for months has been a very anxious moment

but a forty minutes class of Happiness games, interaction and discussion is, was

and will be the silver lining for dull days.


Self- Compassion

A strong, positive self-image is the best

possible preparation for success.


Identifying Personal Strength





Awareness week 2020

Awareness week is observed to pay homage and reinforce the founders 'vision of

developing socially and emotionally sensitive individuals. Our commitment

towards nurturing and creating good humans is unstoppable. Awareness week is

observed every year from 18 July to 25 July. This year the socially relevant

thought-provoking topic was…'Psychosocial impact of Covid-19 – how to cope

with it'.

The various related activities were conducted virtually. The seriousness, effects,

solutions, handling of the pandemic, both social and psychological at various age

levels was deliberated upon. The students prepared posters, collages, wrote

poems and gave presentations to convey their thoughts, ideals and emotions on

the topic



Felicitation Day 2020

Felicitation Day, 24 September, the birth anniversary celebrations of our founder

father Sir B.S. Sood. The teaching learning process at Spring Dale continued

unabatedly. The much awaited annual Merit Awards we know are an important

and integral part of any learning teaching process - so not wanting to disappoint

the young scholars, a virtual award giving ceremony was conducted where in

around 160 number of academic achievers were awarded.


Roshni – An Annual children’s Festival

Creatively rich, emotionally endowed children of all ages are a treasure for any

society. This was always the vision of our founder mother Ma'am Krishna Sood.

She always believed in and worked at tapping the individual creative streak in

each child. Thus shaping happy, confident and eager to learn children. The

mission continues.... This year the event was organized virtually and children of

primary classes from eminent schools of the city enthusiastically joined in. The

energetic, colorful and talented participation was a balm for each who joined.

On 24th December, We -Spring Dalian’s remembered Ma’am Sood and the

Alumni regaled us with inspiring anecdotes about her. The classes spent a fun



Founders’ Day

Spirits undaunted the 51st Founders’ Day celebration saw a new touch on 14

January 2021. To mark and celebrate the presence and importance of their alma

mater, the temple of learning set five decades ago by the esteemed visionaries

Mr. B.S. Sood & Mrs. Krishna Sood, the alumni- the true strength and

torchbearers of any institution hosted an online talent and cultural festival for all

students of Spring Dale. The event ‘Flickered 2021’ was well received. It gave

the much-needed cheer in the pandemic struck life of the children.

The enthusiastic participants designed their heroes, delivered monologues on

given topics and also prepared advertisements on social issues. The auspicious

day 14th January began with the prayer seeking the blessings and strength for self

and world. This was followed by the glimpses of the journey of the school, which

filled each staff member and student with pride and love. The much-awaited

results of the event ‘Flickered 2021’ were also declared with gaiety and


Resolving to continue working to reach greater heights curtains was brought

down on the celebrations but the onward journey of honest teaching learning

mission set by our esteemed founders continues unabated.


Co–Curricular Achievements

Due to the pandemic the students were engaged in online studies but this did not

deter them from taking part in various co-curricular activities conducted in the

school or the inter school competitions conducted by various other schools. They

enthusiastically took part and won accolades in various competitions.

Spring Dale also hosted “Roshni – An Annual Children Festival” on the virtual

platform and this year it was an inter school events which was well responded by

a good number of schools.

We are proud to showcase the winners of some of the events, which were held


Gomti Nagar Branch

Inter school event – “Roshni an

annual children’s festival”.

Online Debate competition conducted

by Hope Initiative.

Online Inter school event

‘Blitz’ conducted by Carmel







U.N International day of education

(IDE) organized by City Montessori

School, Event Name ----- Rhythmic

Fusion, East Meets West.


Indira Nagar Branch

Inter school event – “Roshni an annual children’s festival”

---- Fancy Dress - 3rd Prize

Omisha Ranjan of Class1A.

Classical Dance – 2nd Prize

Aditi Saxena of Class 3A ----


Kanpur Road Branch

Inter school event – “Roshni an annual

children’s festival”

Online Debate competition

conducted by Hope Initiative


Creative Corner – Gomti Nagar Branch

Like a peacock, dance with an open

mind and heart to reveal you

incredible beauty and happiness…

Coffee has given me unrealistic expectations

of productivity.

Build boundaries to your thoughts,

not the cages to your free spirit. Let

your free spirit fly!


Creative Corner – Indira Nagar Branch

Super heroes are born in the minds of

people who are desperate to be


Hope is the thing with feathers that perches

in the soul!!

I'd rather live one day as a Lion than

thousand years as a sheep!!


Creative Corner – Kanpur Road Branch


Fun in Isolation

Kanpur Road Branch

Gomti Nagar Branch

Indira Nagar Branch


My Home My Kingdom – Indira Nagar Branch




Gomti Nagar






Inputs by our Pre-Primary Kids- Kanpur Road


Inputs by our Pre-Primary Kids- Gomti Nagar

Dance is the narration of a beautiful


Depicting community helpers – You

have 2 hands - one to help yourself

and second to help others.

Fork Printing - Creativity is inventing and

having fun.


Inputs by our Pre-Primary Kids- Indira Nagar

"Filling a space in a Beautiful way is called art."


Writing Panache




















Mr. Sunil Gandhi

On 25 Dec 2020, Spring Dale lost a pillar of support,

Mr.Sunil Gandhi, known for the last 3 decades plus

to each student, teacher and staff as, 'one stop

solution', and help of any kind in the Indira Nagar

Branch office. Gandhi sir truly lived up to the

saying, 'Work is Worship' in letter and spirit. Ever

smiling, nattily turned out Gandhi sir was always

'There for all'. His untimely demise indicates that

good people are needed even 'up there'. His

presence will always remain with us. We pray his

soul rests in peace.


Mrs. Shilpi Berteria

The Pandemic taking its toll Mrs Shilpi Berteria a teacher with Indira Nagar

Branch, fought bravely with Covid for two weeks and then lost the battle on 7th May, and left for her

heavenly abode. She will be remembered for her gentleness, creativity and love for all. May her soul

rest in peace.


Mr. Joy Roy Chowdhury

Mr. Joy Roy Chowdhury, a soft spoken always ready to help office staff associated for almost three decades with Spring Dale College, without any major persisting ailment suddenly left us for his heavenly abode on 17 April 2021. Leaving behind as a legacy his devotion to duty, creative craftsmanship and dedication towards work. May his soul rest in peace.


Cover Story

Original Artwork by Sankalp Srivastava of Kanpur Road Branch

We, at Spring Dale Institution are dedicated to foster the development of

sensitivity and a foresight in our children to see the world in a broader and better


The cover page is an attempt to throw light on such few practices & intangible

qualities that revolve around us the entire life.

We believe,

“The best way to see the future is to create it”.

All rights reserved.

Spring Dale Institution, Lucknow