processing and analytical skills exam questions and answers

Processing and Analytical Skills Exam Questions and Answers Brian Shadwick 12 YEAR

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Processing and Analytical Skills Exam Questions and Answers

Brian Shadwick12YEAR

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© Science Press 2021First published 2021

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Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS iii

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Introduction ivWords to Watch iv

Advanced Mechanics

Set 1 Projectile Motion 1 2Set 2 Projectile Motion 2 5Set 3 Projectile Motion 3 6Set 4 Analysing an Experiment 9Set 5 Using Simulations 12Set 6 Acceleration Due To Gravity 14Set 7 Gravitational Field 17Set 8 Orbital Radius and Velocity 19Set 9 Gravitational Potential 22Set 10 Energies Of Satellites In Orbit 23Set 11 Kepler’s Third Law 26Set 12 Circular Motion 1 29Set 13 Circular Motion 2 31Set 14 Rotational Torque 34


Set 15 Charges In Magnetic Fields 1 38Set 16 Charges In Magnetic Fields 2 41Set 17 Electric Fields and Parallel Plates 44Set 18 The Motor Effect 1 48Set 19 The Motor Effect 2 50Set 20 Parallel Conductors 1 52Set 21 Parallel Conductors 2 54Set 22 Induction 1 55Set 23 Induction 2 57Set 24 Induction 3 60Set 25 Transformers 1 63Set 26 Transformers 2 66Set 27 Torque On a Coil 1 68Set 28 Torque On a Coil 2 71Set 29 Motors and Generators 1 74Set 30 Motors and Generators 2 79Set 31 Motors and Generators 3 82

The Nature Of Light

Set 32 Light Sources 86Set 33 Spectroscopy and Elements 1 91Set 34 Spectroscopy and Elements 2 94Set 35 Diffraction 99Set 36 Mainly Electron Diffraction 104Set 37 Theories Of Light 108Set 38 Polarisation 114Set 39 Planck’s Constant 120Set 40 Photoelectric Effect 1 122Set 41 Photoelectric Effect 2 126Set 42 Photoelectric Effect 3 128Set 43 Special Relativity 131

From the Universe To the Atom

Set 44 The Big Bang Theory 136Set 45 Speed Of a Galaxy 138Set 46 Hubble Constant 142Set 47 Energy From the Sun 145Set 48 Wien’s Displacement Law 147Set 49 Life Cycles Of Stars 151Set 50 Discharge Tube Experiments 153Set 51 The Bohr Model 156Set 52 Nuts! – A Modelling Experiment 159Set 53 Hydrogen Spectrum 1 161Set 54 Hydrogen Spectrum 2 165Set 55 Half-Life Experiment 168Set 56 A Modelling Experiment 171Set 57 Decay Series 174Set 58 The Standard Model 176Set 59 Kaons Or Chaos? 178

Answers 179Data Sheet 224Formula Sheet 225Periodic Table 226


Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICSiv

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers


account, account for State reasons for, report on, give an account of, narrate a series of events or transactions.

analyse Interpret data to reach conclusions.

annotate Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.

apply Put to use in a particular situation.

assess Make a judgement about the value of something.

calculate Find a numerical answer.

clarify Make clear or plain.

classify Arrange into classes, groups or categories.

comment Give a judgement based on a given statement or result of a calculation.

compare Estimate, measure or note how things are similar or different.

construct Represent or develop in graphical form.

contrast Show how things are different or opposite.

create Originate or bring into existence.

deduce Reach a conclusion from given information.

define Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase or physical quantity.

demonstrate Show by example.

derive Manipulate a mathematical relationship(s) to give a new equation or relationship.

describe Give a detailed account.

design Produce a plan, simulation or model.

determine Find the only possible answer.

discuss Talk or write about a topic, taking into account different issues or ideas.

distinguish Give differences between two or more different items.

draw Represent by means of pencil lines.

estimate Find an approximate value for an unknown quantity.

evaluate Assess the implications and limitations.

examine Inquire into.

explain Make something clear or easy to understand.

extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details.

extrapolate Infer from what is known.

hypothesise Suggest an explanation for a group of facts or phenomena.

identify Recognise and name.

interpret Draw meaning from.

investigate Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about.

justify Support an argument or conclusion.

label Add labels to a diagram.

list Give a sequence of names or other brief answers.

measure Find a value for a quantity.

outline Give a brief account or summary.

plan Use strategies to develop a series of steps or processes.

predict Give an expected result.

propose Put forward a plan or suggestion for consideration or action.

recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences.

relate Tell or report about happenings, events or circumstances.

represent Use words, images or symbols to convey meaning.

select Choose in preference to another or others.

sequence Arrange in order.

show Give the steps in a calculation or derivation.

sketch Make a quick, rough drawing of something.

solve Work out the answer to a problem.

state Give a specific name, value or other brief answer.

suggest Put forward an idea for consideration.

summarise Give a brief statement of the main points.

synthesise Combine various elements to make a whole.

The questions in this book will give you practice in applying the processing and analytical skills you’ll need for successfully answering typical Year 12 exam questions.

As well as developing your processing and analytical skills you will also be able to check your understanding of the syllabus content involved with the answers supplied.

Questions with high mark values are also included to test your knowledge and skills. Emphasis throughout is on developing your ability for individual research and application rather than relying on face to face classroom learning.

Words to Watch

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 1

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Advanced MechanicsAdvanced Mechanics

Set 1 Projectile Motion 1

Science Press


YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1 (24 marks)

Consider the scale photograph of a projectile shown below. The photograph was taken using a stroboscopic camera and the position from which the ball was fired was exactly 3.6 m above the ground.


Diagram to scale

(a) How long does it take the ball to reach its maximum height? (1 mark)


(b) Determine the initial vertical velocity of the ball. (2 marks)





Set 1 Projectile Motion 1

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 3

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

(c) What is the maximum height of the ball above its launch point? (2 marks)




(d) Use this information to determine the height of the wooden structure that the ball is fired over. (2 marks)




(e) Determine how long it takes the ball to hit the ground at the end of its flight. (2 marks)




(f) Use data derived so far to estimate the range of the ball. (2 marks)




(g) Find the horizontal velocity of the ball. (1 mark)



(h) By constructing a vector diagram, determine the launch velocity of the ball. (2 marks)





Set 2 Projectile Motion 2

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 5

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1 (9 marks)

Some students were set a practical task to determine the relationship between the range of a projectile and the angle of elevation of its launch.

They fired a small object from a launcher at a constant speed of 20 m s−1 from various angles of elevation and measured its time of flight. They used these results to calculate the data they needed for their analysis. Their results are shown in the table.

(a) Complete the table by calculating the data needed to find the relationship required. (3 marks)

(b) Construct a graph using your data to determine the relationship on the axes provided. (4 marks)

(c) Write a conclusion based on this graph. (1 mark)



(d) According to this information, at what angle of elevation would the range of a projectile be maximum? (1 mark)


Launch speed of

projectile (m s−1)

Angle of elevation of

launcher (degrees)

Time of flight


Range (m)

20 10 0.7

20 20 1.5

20 30 2.0

20 40 2.6

20 50 3.2

20 60 3.5

20 70 3.8

20 80 4.0

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 47

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

(j) On the diagram below, draw in lines to show the electric field between the two plates. (2 marks)

Positive plate

(k) What two properties of electric fields do field lines show? (2 marks)





Set 18 The Motor Effect 1

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS48

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1 (21 marks)

A 30 cm rod of metal was held firmly in place (so that it could not move) by a clamp at each end and placed between the jaws of a 2.5 T magnet as shown in the diagram. The magnet is firmly attached to the balance. The reading on the balance was set to 5.0 N before the experiment was started.

Various currents were passed through the circuit containing the rod in an experiment to find the relationship between the electromagnetic force on the rod and the current flowing. Their results are shown in the table.

(a) Identify each of the variables listed below in this experiment. (4 marks)

Independent variable ................................................................

Dependent variable ....................................................................

Controlled variable(s) ..............................................................

(b) Suggest a reason the students doing the experiment set the ‘zero’ reading of the electronic balance to 5 before they started. (2 marks)




(c) In which direction was the current flowing through the rod? Justify your answer. (1 mark)




Electronic balance


Metal rod

Clamp Magnets

Current in circuit (A)

Reading on balance (N)

0 5.0

1 4.6

1.6 4.4

2.2 4.1

3.5 3.6

4.5 3.2

5.7 2.7

6.6 2.4

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 51

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Question 2 (10 marks)

The diagram shows a horizontal, one turn, 8 cm square loop in a magnetic field of strength 0.06 T.

The diagram below shows the same coil from front on in seven different stages of its rotation about its axis. As we look at these positions, we see side AD of the coil. The rotation between each stage shown is 30°.

Complete the table under the diagram to show the magnitude and direction of the force acting on each side of this coil in each position of its rotation taking the force on side AB in the first position as F.






Force on side





AB if coil has 20 turns

CD if coil has 20 turns

AB if field doubles

CD if field doubles

AB if current halves

CD if current halves







Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS54

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Set 21 Parallel Conductors 2

Question 1 (9 marks)

The diagram shows Thomson’s ring. It consists of a solenoid wrapped around an iron core. A metal ring slips easily over the extended core and rests on top of the solenoid.

(a) When the current is turned on and flows through the solenoid, the solid ring jumps up into the air. Explain, in terms of the principles of physics involved, why this happens. (5 marks)










(b) Johnno says that if the experiment is repeated with a slit ring, there will be no emf induced in it and therefore no current and therefore it will not jump into the air. Evaluate Johnno’s statement. (4 marks)








Ring with narrow slit

Solid ring

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 55

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1 (17 marks)

The diagram shows a magnet approaching and going through a coil of wire at constant speed. In position 1 the magnet is approaching the coil. In position 2 it is exactly centred within the coil. At position 3 it is moving away from the coil.










(a) Determine the direction of the emf induced in the coil in each of the three situations. (3 marks)

(i) Magnet moving towards coil. ..........................................................................................................................................................

(ii) Magnet at centre of coil. ......................................................................................................................................................................

(iii) Magnet moving away from coil. ...................................................................................................................................................

Set 22 Induction 1

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS68

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Set 27 Torque On a Coil 1

Question 1 (25 marks)

• Consider the diagram below which shows the coil of a motor at various positions in its rotation within a magnetic field directed from left to right.

• Each image of the coil is 30° of rotation further than the previous image of it.

• The yellow circles represent the same side of the coil during its rotation – as do the white circles.

• The dots represent current out of the page and the crosses represent current flow into the page.

(a) Taking the rotation of the torque as 0° in its first position, and the torque on the coil in its first position as equal to 1 unit, insert into the table below the diagram appropriate values for the angles of rotation and the torque at the other positions of rotation. (6 marks)


(b) Explain the change in the direction of the current flow in the yellow and white circles as the coil rotates. (3 marks)







Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 171

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1 (16 marks)

The sequence of diagrams shows a famous modelling experiment.

Identify the scientist who carried out this experiment, clarify the modelling within the experiment and state his purpose, method, conclusion, and how this relates to actual science.

Structure your answer using appropriate subheadings.




















Set 56 A Modelling Experiment

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 179

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Advanced Mechanics

Set 1 Projectile Motion 1

Question 1

(a) Diagram shows 4 strobe spaces between launch and top = 2.0 s

(b) From = vy = uy + at Knowing the vertical velocity of the ball at the top

of the flight = 0 And time to rise to top of flight = 4 strobe spaces

= 4 × 0.5 = 2 s We get 0 = uy + (−9.8 × 2) Therefore uy = 19.6 m s−1

(c) From = v2y = u2

y + 2aΔy We get 0 = 19.62 + 19.6Δy Therefore Δy = 19.6 m

(d) Maximum height of ball above the ground = 19.6 + 3.6 = 23.2 m = 9.0 cm on the diagram

So, scale of diagram is 1 cm = 23.2 ________

9 = 2.58 m (rounded)

(Note: Needed for many calculations below.) Measured height of the wooden structure = 4.6 cm Applying the scale, height of the wooden structure

= 4.6 × 2.58 = 11.9 m (rounded)(e) From = Δy = uyt + 1

__ 2


We get −3.6 = 19.6t − 4.9t2

From which t = 4.2 s (using quadratic equation)(f) From the scale of the diagram, range = approx 14.5 cm Therefore range = 2.58 × 14.5 = 37.4 m (rounded)(g) Horizontal velocity = 37.4 ÷ 4.2 = 8.9 m s−1

(rounded)(h) Launch velocity = vector sum of vertical and

horizontal velocities From vector diagram launch velocity = 21.5 m s−1 at 66° up from horizontal




66° up from

horizontal19.6 m s–121.5 m s–1 at 65.6°

up from horizontal

8.9 m s–1


Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS180

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

(j) From diagram, ball is above the wooden structure at time = 3.0 s

From = Δy = uyt + 1

__ 2


We get Δy = 19.6 × 3 − (4.9 × 9) From which Δy = 14.7 m + 3.6 m (height of

launcher) Therefore clearance = 18.3 – height of structure

= 18.3 – 11.9 = 6.4 m(k) Bottom of ball is 2.5 cm above the structure By scale, this = 2.5 × 2.58 = 6.45 m The 0.1+% error (rounded and negligible) between

the two readings can be accounted for by errors in the scale diagram.

(l) Time to be at position X = 3.0 s From v = u + at, vertical component of velocity

= 19.6 – 9.8 × 3 = −9.8 = 9.8 m s−1 downwards Horizontal velocity = constant = 8.9 m s−1

From vector diagram velocity at X = 13.2 m s−1 at 48° down from horizontal

8.9 m s–1

9.8 m s–113.2 m s–1 at 48° down from horizontal


Set 2 Projectile Motion 2

Question 1



(c) The range of a projectile shows a parabolic relationship with the angle of the launch elevation.(d) 45°

Launch speed of projectile (m s−1)

Angle of elevation of launcher

Time of flight (s)

Cosine of angle of elevation

Horizontal component of launch velocity (m s−1)

Range (m)

20 10 0.7 0.985 19.70 13.8

20 20 1.4 0.940 18.79 26.3

20 30 2.0 0.866 17.32 34.6

20 40 2.6 0.766 15.32 39.8

20 50 3.1 0.643 12.86 39.9

20 60 3.5 0.500 10.00 35.0

20 70 3.8 0.342 6.84 26.0

20 80 4.0 0.174 3.47 13.9

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


ge (m


Angle of elevation (degrees)



Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS 181

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Set 3 Projectile Motion 3

Question 1

(a) Ball is released from 2.0 cm (scale) above the ground = 3.0 m real life Wooden structure is 4.0 cm (scale high) which = 6.0 m real height(b) Maximum height of ball above the ground = 4.5 cm (scale) Which = 4.5 × 1.5 = 6.75 m real life (c) Height above launch position = 2.5 cm (scale) = 3.75 m real life(d) Measure this with a protractor = 29° (accept 28° to 30°)(e) From = v2

top = 0 = u2y + 2 aΔymax

We get 0 = u2y – 2 × 9.8 × 3.75

From which uy = 8.6 m s−1 (rounded)(f) From the vector diagram showing this information: Tan 29° = 8.6

______ ux

From which, ux = 15.5 m s−1

(g) From the vector diagram, launch velocity = 17.7 m s−1 at 29° up from horizontal(h) From the original diagram, wooden structure is 6.0 m high and launch catapult releases the ball from a height of 3.0 m,

therefore the ball hits the wooden structure 3.0 m above the launch point.(i) From = Δy = uyt + 1

__ 2


We get 3 = 8.6t – 4.9t2

From which t = 1.27 s (using quadratic equation) – the other answer, 0.48 is the time as the ball is rising and can therefore be ignored.

(j) From launch to hitting the wooden structure = 12 strobe spaces Therefore, period of the camera = 12 spaces in 1.27 s = 0.1 s per space Therefore, frequency = 1

__ T

= 10 Hz

(k) Horizontal scale distance to ground below maximum = 9.0 cm Therefore, total distance back to launch level = 18 cm Estimating additional distance to ground by

sketching in the missing path (see diagram), we get an extra scale distance = 3.0 cm (see diagram)

So total distance = range if structure not there = 21 scale cm = 31.5 m real life

(l) Flight time without wooden structure

= total distance ________________________________ horizontal velocity

= 31.5 _______ 15.5

= 2.03 s

(m) Total number of spaces = total time _________________ frequency

= 2.03 _______ 0.1

= 20 (rounded) This represents 21 images (the first image needs to be included here also), which means an additional 8 images.

29° ux

17.7 m s–1 at 29° up from horizontal 8.6 m s–1

Position level with launch position and 18 scale cm from launch

Estimated path to ground

3 cm9 cm

Science Press

ISBN 978-0-85583-8294MASTERING PHYSICS182

YEAR 12 Processing And Analytical Skills

Exam Questions and Answers

Set 4 Analysing an Experiment

Question 1

(a) and (f)

(b) A systematic error is a repeatable error associated with faulty equipment or a flawed experiment design. These errors are usually caused by measuring instruments that are incorrectly calibrated or are used incorrectly.

(c) The graph does not pass through the origin, but according to the physics, if the horizontal velocity of a projectile is zero, then the range will be zero – it must pass through the origin.

(d) The measuring ruler has not been positioned correctly at zero for the starting position – instead it is positioned at 4.0 cm which means every reading is 4 cm too large.

(e) Every range reading has the same error the relationship between the velocity and the range is not affected – each reading is simply 4 cm too large – the graph is still a straight line graph.

(f) See graph in (a)

(g) From velocity = distance _______________


Time of flight = distance _______________ velocity

= gradient of the graph

= 0.30 _______ 0.56

= 0.54 s (rounded)

(h) From the correct graph line, time = gradient

= 0.30 _______ 0.68

= 0.54 (rounded)

(i) The time of flight depends only on the height of the table, so if measured correctly, it will be the same regardless of any constant systematic error.

(j) From Δy = ut + 1

__ 2

at2 = 0 + 4.9 × 0.542

Therefore, height of table = 1.43 m

Set 5 Using Simulations

Question 1

Strengths:• The simulation diagrams clearly show that a lot of

different data can be displayed for the projectile’s flight – much more than simple measurements made in a lab can provide.

• The diagrams show, amongst others, that relationships between:• Time and x and y displacements can be recorded.• Time and x and y velocities can be recorded.• x and y displacements and velocities can be

recorded.• x and y displacements and both potential and

kinetic energy can be recorded.• Because the simulations can be stopped at any

time to record data, many more plot points for relationship graphs can be taken and these can be collected very quickly.

• It is extremely easy to change the values of variables, so many different experiments and runs within experiments can be done in a short amount of time.

• It is also easy to change the controlled variables and collect data for different relationships.

• The data is also much more precise and accurate than similar data in the laboratory could be and so

• The data collected is more reliable.• In addition, a huge amount of data can be collected

in a short time – far more than that possible in a practical session in the lab.

• Because the experiments are computer generated, they will be mathematically correct and so perhaps more valid than those done within a school lab.

• This will also make the relationships easier to identify and understand.

Limitations:• The simulation can be done and data collected

and processed without the student having much knowledge of the theory being studied, and the process will not provide activities which can strengthen limited knowledge.

• All mathematical calculations are done by the simulation, so the student gets no practice at processing information.

• Graphs and vector diagrams are also done by the simulation, so again, the students’ skills are not reinforced.

• So, while the data and the relationships are shown by collecting data in the simulation, students do not necessarily understand what is going on between the variables.

• Because results are perfect, students will get no practice with error in readings or in identifying or processing unrealistic results.

Conclusion:I think that the statement is correct in that, simulations allow a collection and processing automatically of lots of data to show different relationships, and, in showing relationships, they help students understand what is going on between the variables, but do not develop skills that allow students to be independent in doing similar activities themselves.



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


ge (c


Horizontal velocity (m s–1 )