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AngularJS Interview Questions & Answers

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All other trademarks referred to in this book are the property of their respective owners.

Release History

• Initial Release 1.0.0 - 1st Jan 2015

• Second Release 1.0.1 - 30th Apr 2015

• Third Release 1.0.2 - 12th Aug 2016

• Fourth Release 1.1 - 19th Nov 2018

• Fifth Release 1.2 - 04th Jan 2019



About Dot Net Tricks Dot Net Tricks is founded by Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP), in Jan 2010. Dot Net Tricks came into existence

in form of a blog post over various technologies including .NET, C#, SQL Server, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript,

Angular, Node.js and Visual Studio etc.

The company which is currently registered by a name of Dot Net Tricks Innovation Pvt. Ltd. came into the shape

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Dedication My mother Mrs Vriksha Devi and my wife Reshu Chauhan deserve to have their name on the cover as

much as I do for all their support made this possible. I would like to say thanks to all my family members

Virendra Singh(father), Jaishree and Jyoti(sisters), Saksham and Pranay(sons), friends, to you and to

readers or followers of my articles at to

encourage me to write this book.

-Shailendra Chauhan



Introduction Writing a book has never been an easy task. It takes great effort, consistency with strong determination most

importantly must have wisdom over the subject on which you are going to write.

What Where Author Qualification to Write This Book

Shailendra Chauhan is rewarded as MVP by Microsoft for his exceptional contribution in Microsoft Visual Studio

and Development Technologies. With more than 10 years in hand experience over Microsoft technologies and

collection of other technologies including JavaScript, MVC, AngularJS, Node.js, Ionic, MongoDB and NoSQL

Databases to name but a few.

His inspiration for authoring comes from his enthusiasm for technology, analytic and initiative nature. Being a

trainer, architect and blogger and passion for helping people inspire him for writing.

Enormous feedback and support from his previous books which appreciated by all user inspire him to write

AngularJS interview questions and answers book.

What This Book Is

AngularJS Interview Questions and Answers book aims to save your time and make you more productive AngularJS

programmer. This book will provide a comprehensive guide for building rich, scalable, extensible and high-

performance single page web application. In this book, each topic has been explained using appropriate

questions with the best appropriate answers and suitable examples.

What You’ll Learn

This book will help you to prepare yourself for an interview on AngularJS technology as well as it guides you to

learn AngularJS fundamental like bootstrap process, directives, statements, routes, filters, services etc.

Share to Help Others

Hope you will enjoy this book and find it valuable for yourself. The author is truly delighted about this if you will

share this book among others because he wants it to reach as many techy people as possible.

Keep Connected with Us

We always post about latest technologies updates on our website so that techy people keep themselves up to

date. That’s why we please to suggest you to subscribe yourself on

To get the latest release on AngularJS, we encourage you to follow the official AngularJS website at

Our best wishes always with you for your interview and growth!



About the Author Shailendra Chauhan - An Entrepreneur, Author, Architect,

Corporate Trainer, and Microsoft MVP

Moreover, and to his credit, he has delivered 1000+ training sessions to professionals worldwide in Microsoft

.NET technologies and other technologies including JavaScript, AngularJS, Node.js, React and NoSQL Databases.

In addition, he provides Instructor-led online training, hands-on workshop and corporate training programs.

Shailendra has a strong combination of technical skills and solution development for complex application

architecture with proven leadership and motivational skills have elevated him to a world-renowned status,

placing him at the top of the list of most sought-after trainers.

“I always keep up with new technologies and learning new skills to deliver the best to my students” says

Shailendra Chauhan, he goes on to acknowledge that the betterment of his followers and enabling his students to

realize their goals are his prime objective and a great source of motivation and satisfaction.

Shailendra Chauhan - “Follow me and you too will have the key that opens the door to success”

He is the Founder and CEO of DotNetTricks which is a brand when it comes

to e-Learning. DotNetTricks provides training and consultation over an array

of technologies like Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node and Mobile Apps

development. He has been awarded as Microsoft MVP three times in a row


He has changed many lives from his writings and unique training programs.

He has a number of most sought-after books to his name which have helped

job aspirants in cracking tough interviews with ease.



About the Reviewer Kanishk Puri

Works as a Sr. Software Developer and have around 7 years of experience in

.Net Technology using ASP. Net MVC, LINQ, Entity Framework, Web API,

jQuery, SQL Server, AngularJS and mobile development.

Expert to develop mobile hybrid apps and N-tier web application using latest

platform like PhoneGap, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Web API,

PhoneGap, AngularJS, jQuery Mobile, Backbone and Ionic.

He always keeps up with latest technologies and learning new skills to

develop a better web app.



How to Contact Us Although the author of this book has tried to make this book as accurate as it possible but if there is something

strikes you as odd, or you find an error in the book please drop a line via e-mail.

The e-mail addresses are listed as follows:

[email protected]

[email protected]

We always happy to hear from our readers. Please provide your valuable feedback and comments!

You can follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus or subscribe to RSS feed.



Table of Contents

AngularJS Interview Questions & Answers .................................................... 1

Release History........................................................................................................................................1

About Dot Net Tricks ................................................................................................................................2

Dot Net Tricks Training Solutions ..............................................................................................................2

Dedication ..............................................................................................................................................4

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................5

About the Author ....................................................................................................................................6

About the Reviewer .................................................................................................................................7

How to Contact Us ...................................................................................................................................8

Introduction to AngularJS .............................................................................. 14

Q1. What is AngularJS? .................................................................................................................................. 14

Q2. Why use AngularJS? ................................................................................................................................. 14

Q3. Why this project is called "AngularJS"? ................................................................................................... 15

Q4. What are the advantages of AngularJS? .................................................................................................. 15

Q5. How AngularJS is different from other JavaScript Framework? .............................................................. 15

Q6. What IDEs you can use for AngularJS development? .............................................................................. 15

Q7. Does AngularJS have a dependency on jQuery? ..................................................................................... 15

Q8. How to use jQuery with AngularJS? ........................................................................................................ 16

Q9. Compare the features of AngularJS and jQuery? .................................................................................... 16

Q10. What is jQLite or jQuery lite? .................................................................................................................. 16

Q11. How to access jQLite or jQuery with AngularJS? ..................................................................................... 17

Q12. Is AngularJS a library, framework, plugin or a browser extension? ........................................................ 18

Q13. What browsers do AngularJS support? ................................................................................................... 18

Q14. What are AngularJS features? ................................................................................................................. 18

Q15. How AngularJS handle the security? ....................................................................................................... 19

AngularJS Core Concepts ............................................................................... 20

Q1. What are Modules in AngularJS?............................................................................................................. 20

Q2. What components can be defined within AngularJS modules? .............................................................. 20

Q3. What is a core module in AngularJS? ...................................................................................................... 21



Q4. How angular modules load the dependencies? ...................................................................................... 21

Q5. What is difference between config() and run() method in AngularJS? ................................................... 21

Q6. When dependent modules of a module are loaded? ............................................................................. 22

Q7. What is Global API? ................................................................................................................................. 22

Q8. What are Angular Prefixes $ and $$? ...................................................................................................... 23

Q9. What are Filters in AngularJS? ................................................................................................................. 23

Q10. What is an auto bootstrap process in AngularJS? ................................................................................... 23

Q11. What is a manual bootstrap process in AngularJS?................................................................................. 24

Q12. How to bootstrap your angular app for multiple modules? ................................................................... 25

Q13. What is scope in AngularJS? .................................................................................................................... 27

Q14. What is $scope and $rootScope? ............................................................................................................ 27

Q15. What is scope hierarchy? ........................................................................................................................ 29

Q16. What is the difference between $scope and scope? .............................................................................. 31

Q17. How AngularJS is compiled? .................................................................................................................... 31

Q18. How AngularJS compilation is different from other JavaScript frameworks?......................................... 32

Databinding ................................................................................................... 33

Q1. What is data binding in AngularJS? ......................................................................................................... 33

Q2. Explain Two-way and One-way data binding in AngularJS? .................................................................... 33

Q3. What is an issue with two-way data binding? ......................................................................................... 34

Q4. How AngularJS handle data binding? ...................................................................................................... 35

Q5. What are Expressions in AngularJS? ........................................................................................................ 35

Q6. How AngularJS expressions are different from the JavaScript expressions? .......................................... 35

Q7. What is the difference between $watch, $digest and $apply? ............................................................... 35

Q8. Which one is fast between $digest and $apply? ..................................................................................... 37

Q9. Which one handles exception automatically between $digest and $apply? .......................................... 37

Q10. Explain $watch(), $watchgroup() and $watchCollection() functions of scope? ...................................... 38

Q11. Explain AngularJS scope life-cycle? ......................................................................................................... 39

Q12. Explain digest life-cycle in AngularJS? ..................................................................................................... 40

Q13. When to use $destroy() function of scope? ............................................................................................ 41

Q14. What is the difference between $evalAsync and $timeout? .................................................................. 41

Q15. What is the difference between $watch and $observe? ........................................................................ 41



Directives and Filters ..................................................................................... 42

Q1. What are Directives in AngularJS? ........................................................................................................... 42

Q2. What is the role of ng-app, ng-init and ng-model directives? ................................................................. 42

Q3. How to create custom directives in AngularJS? ...................................................................................... 42

Q4. What are different ways to invoke a directive? ...................................................................................... 43

Q5. What are restrict options in the directive? ............................................................................................. 43

Q6. Can you define multiple restrict options on a directive? ........................................................................ 43

Q7. What directives are used to show and hide HTML elements in AngularJS? ........................................... 43

Q8. Explain directives ng-if, ng-switch and ng-repeat? ................................................................................. 44

Q9. What are ng-repeat special variables? .................................................................................................... 45

Q10. What are Templates in AngularJS? .......................................................................................................... 46

Q11. What is the difference between $parse and $eval?................................................................................ 46

Q12. What is Isolate Scope and why it is required? ......................................................................................... 47

Q13. What is ng-include and when to use it? .................................................................................................. 48

Q14. What angular components can be defined within AngularJS templates? .............................................. 48

Q15. How Directives are compiled? ................................................................................................................. 48

Q16. What are Compile, Pre, and Post linking in AngularJS? ........................................................................... 49

MVC and Routing .......................................................................................... 51

Q1. Does AngularJS support MVC? ................................................................................................................ 51

Q2. What is the Model in AngularJS? ............................................................................................................. 51

Q3. What is ViewModel in AngularJS? ........................................................................................................... 51

Q4. What is Controller in AngularJS? ............................................................................................................. 51

Q5. What is View in AngularJS? ..................................................................................................................... 52

Q6. How to share information between controllers in AngularJS? ............................................................... 52

Q7. What is Routing in AngularJS? ................................................................................................................. 52

Q8. What is the AngularUI router and how it is different from ngRoute? .................................................... 53

Q9. What is $injector and $inject? ................................................................................................................. 53

Q10. What is Dependency Injection in AngularJS? .......................................................................................... 54

Angular Forms ............................................................................................... 55

Q1. How to apply validation in AngularJS? .................................................................................................... 55

Q2. How to do custom form validation in AngularJS? ................................................................................... 55



Q3. What are different Angular form properties? ......................................................................................... 56

Q4. What are different states of a form in AngularJS? .................................................................................. 57

Q5. How to do Language Internationalization in AngularJS? ......................................................................... 57

Q6. What are i18n and L10n? ........................................................................................................................ 58

Q7. What is $locale service? .......................................................................................................................... 59

Q8. What is a locale ID? ................................................................................................................................. 59

Q9. How to manage cookie in AngularJS?...................................................................................................... 59

Q10. What is the difference between $cookies and $cookieStore service? ................................................... 59

Q11. How to handle mobile browsers/devices events in AngularJS? .............................................................. 60

Q12. How to detect swipe event in mobile browsers/devices in AngularJS? .................................................. 60

Q13. How to do animation with the help of AngularJS? .................................................................................. 60

Q14. What directives support animations? ..................................................................................................... 60

Q15. How to debug AngularJS app in the browser? ........................................................................................ 60

Q16. How to securely parse and manipulate your HTML data in AngularJS?.................................................. 61

Services ......................................................................................................... 62

Q1. What is Service in AngularJS? .................................................................................................................. 62

Q2. What are different ways to create service in AngularJS? ........................................................................ 62

Q3. What is the difference between Factory, Service and Provider? ............................................................ 62

Q4. What is the difference between value and constant? ............................................................................ 65

Q5. What is $emit, $broadcast and $on in AngularJS? .................................................................................. 65

Q6. What is the difference between $http and $resource? .......................................................................... 69

Q7. What methods $http service support? ................................................................................................... 69

Q8. How to enable caching in $http service? ................................................................................................ 69

Q9. What methods $resource service object support? ................................................................................. 69

Q10. What is $q service and when to use it? ................................................................................................... 70

Q11. What is the difference between Kris Kowal's Q and $q? ........................................................................ 70

Q12. What is Restangular? ............................................................................................................................... 70

Q13. What are the advantages of Restangular over $resource and $http? .................................................... 70

Q14. What is the difference between $window and window in AngularJS? ................................................... 71

Q15. What is the difference between $document and window.document in AngularJS?.............................. 71

Q16. What is the difference between $timeout and window.setTimeout in AngularJS? ............................... 72



Q17. What is the difference between $interval and window. setInterval in AngularJS? ................................ 72

References..................................................................................................... 73