ace exam questions

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, SCHOOL OF SCIENCES AMEENUDDEEN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, KANO NCE 2 Second Semester 2014/2015 Session Examination CSC 225 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Instruction: Answer (3) questions and question one is compulsory. Time allowed: 2 Hours 1. a) Define System and list the characteristics of a system? b) Enumerate and explain the (7) stages involved in system analysis and design. 2. Feasibility study is important in system development. List and explain different types involved in carrying out feasibility study. 3. As a system analyst, what is the technique to follow when collecting information? List six (6) and explain four (4) of them. 4. a) What is the important of management information system (MIS) in an organization? b) List the types of system and explain any two (2). 5. a) What do you understand by the term Organizational chart? b) List types of organizational chart? c) List the types of sources of information. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE,

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NCE 2Second Semester 2014/2015 Session ExaminationCSC 225 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN

Instruction: Answer (3) questions and question one is compulsory. Time allowed: 2 Hours

1. a) Define System and list the characteristics of a system?

b) Enumerate and explain the (7) stages involved in system analysis and design.

2. Feasibility study is important in system development. List and explain different types

involved in carrying out feasibility study.

3. As a system analyst, what is the technique to follow when collecting information? List

six (6) and explain four (4) of them.

4. a) What is the important of management information system (MIS) in an organization?

b) List the types of system and explain any two (2).

5. a) What do you understand by the term Organizational chart?

b) List types of organizational chart?

c) List the types of sources of information.



NCE 2Second Semester 2014/2015 Session ExaminationCSC 225 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN

Marking Scheme

Question 1 a) Definitions of system

The term system is derived from the Greek word systema, which means an organized relationship among functioning units or components. A system exists because it is designed to achieve one or more objectives.

System: An organized relationship among the functioning units or components, which work in sync to achieve a common goal. – 5 marks

Listing the (5) characteristics of a system

1- Organization. 2- Interaction.

3- Interdependence.

4- Integration

5- Central Objective – 5 marks

b) Listing the 7 stages of system analysis and design (SDLC)1- Preliminary Investigation2- Analysis of the requirement3- System Design4- System Coding

5- System Testing

6- System Implementation

7- System Maintenance – 5 marks

Explaining the 7 stages of system analysis and design (SDLC)Stages of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

1- Preliminary Investigation: One of the most tedious task is to recognize the real problem of the pre-installed system. The analysis has to spend hours and days for understanding the fault in the system. This fault could have however overcome if the Preliminary Investigation before installing the system was properly done. This is the first stage of the development of the system. In this stage the analyst makes a survey by gathering all the available information needed for the system elements and allocation of the requirements to the software.

2- Analysis of the requirement: The analyst understands the nature of the information and the functions of the software which is required for the system. The analyst makes a brief survey of the requirements and tries to analyse the performance of the system which is to be developed. He also makes sure that he gets enough information and resources for building the appropriate system.

3- System Design: The analyst actually makes number of designs of the system on paper or on the computer and sees to it that the rough image made of the system comprises of all the requirements or not. Once this is done, the analyst selects and finalizes a best suited design for the development of the system.

4- System Coding: The system design needs to be implemented to make it a workable system. His demands the coding of design into computer language, i.e., programming language. This is also called the programming phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions, which we refer to as programs. It is an important stage where the defined procedures are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language.

5- System Testing: Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the system is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data. The output of the test run should match the expected results.

6- System Implementation: After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the implementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice. The major steps involved in this phase are: Acquisition and Installation of Hardware and Software, Conversion, User Training and Documentation.

7- System Maintenance: Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working life and to tune the system to any variations in its working environments. It must meet the scope of any future enhancement, future functionality

and any other added functional features to cope up with the latest future needs. It has been seen that there are always some errors found in the systems that must be noted and corrected. It also means the review of the system from time to time. – 15 marks

Question 2 a) Definition of feasibility study

Feasibility study it is the measure and the study of how beneficial the development of the system would be to the organization. This is known as feasibility study. Therefore, the measurement of feasibility is known as feasibility study. – 5 marks

b) List and Explain the types of feasibility study

Listing 3 Types of Feasibility

1- Technical feasibility2- Operational feasibility3- Economic feasibility – 3 marks

Explanation of the 3 types of feasibility

1- Technical feasibility:

This type of feasibility assesses the current resources (such as hardware and software) and technology, which are required to accomplish user requirements in the software within the allocated time and budget. For this, the software development team ascertains whether the current resources and technology can be upgraded or added in the software to accomplish specified user requirements.

2- Operational feasibility:

This type of feasibility assesses the extent to which the required software performs a series of steps to solve business problems and user requirements. This feasibility is dependent on human resources (software development team) and involves visualizing whether the software will operate after it is developed and be operative once it is installed.

3- Economic feasibility:

This type of feasibility determines whether the required software is capable of generating financial gains for an organization. It involves the cost incurred on the software development team, estimated cost of hardware and software, cost of performing feasibility study, and so on. For this, it is essential to consider expenses made on purchases (such as hardware purchase) and activities required to carry out software development. – 7 marks

Question 3 a) List 6 types of fact finding techniques

The fact-finding techniques are:Interviews, Observation, Questionnaire and surveys, Document review, Sampling and Research

– 6 marks

b) Explain 4 types of fact finding techniques InterviewsSystem analysts spend a great deal of time talking with people, both inside and outside the IT department. An interview is a planned meeting during which you obtain information form another person. You must have the skills needed to plan, conduct, and document interviews successfully.ObservationThe observation of current operating procedures is another fact-finding technique. Seeing the system in action gives you additional perspective and a better understanding of system procedures. Through observation, you might discover that neither the system documentation nor the interview statements are accurate.Questionnaires and SurveysIn project where it is desirable to obtain input from a large number of people, a questionnaire can be valuable tool. A questionnaire, also called a survey, is a document containing a number of standard questions that can be sent to many individuals.Document ReviewDocument review can help you understand how the current system is supposed to work. Remember that system documentation sometimes is out of date. Forms can change or be discontinued, and documented procedures often are modified or eliminated. You should obtain copies of actual forms and operating documents currently in used.SamplingWhen studying in an information system, you should collect examples of actual documents using a process called sampling. The samples might include records, reports, operational logs, data entry documents, complaint summaries, work request, and various types of forms. The main objective of a sample is to ensure that it represents the overall population accurately. ResearchResearch is another important fact-finding technique. Your research can include the Internet, IT magazines, and books to obtain background information, technical material, and news about industry trends and developments. In addition, you can attend professional meetings, seminars, and discussions with other IT professionals, which can be very helpful in problem solving.

– 9 marks

Question 4 a) Important of MIS

- The organization that uses MIS is able to record, process, route & tabulate all important business transactions. As & when need arises the organization is able to incorporate the needed changes & improvements in the area of concern.

- MIS facilitates informed DECISION MAKING. It usually represents a number of options from which one can choose the best.

- The top management ANALYSES whether its resources are being utilized optimally.

- A TWO WAY COMMUNICATION FLOW is greatly enhanced by the MIS. The management freely tells the job responsibilities to its employees. The employees in return discuss their doubts & grievances.

- MIS supports the planning & controlling function of managers in the organization. Managers use past/historical data as well as the current data to analyze the performance & hence apply controlling measures.

- MIS encourages DECENTRALISATION in the organization. Decentralization is possible when there's a system to measure operations at the lower levels.

- It brings COORDINATION. It facilitates integration of specialized activities by keeping each department aware of the problems & requirements of other departments. – 5 marks

B) Listing the 4 types of system 1- Physical or abstract systems

2- Open or closed systems

3- Man-made systems

4- Deterministic and probabilistic systems – 4 marks

Explaining the (2) types of system1- Physical or abstract systems: Physical systems are tangible entities that may be static or

dynamic in operation. Abstract systems are conceptual or non-physical entities. They may be as straightforward as formulas of relationships among sets of variables or models.

2- Open or Closed Systems: An open system has many interfaces with its environment. It permits interaction across its boundary, it receives inputs from and delivers outputs to the outside. In contrast, a closed system is isolated from environmental influences. In reality, a completely closed system is rare. In systems analysis, organizations,

applications and computers are invariably open, dynamic systems influenced by their environment.

3- Man – Made Information Systems: is the basis for interaction between the user and the analyst. It provides instruction, commands and feedback. It determines the nature of the relationships among decision-makers.

4- Deterministic and probabilistic systems: Deterministic system acts in a predictable manner where stepwise execution and the output is already known. For example: a program to find the factorial of the entered number.Probabilistic system acts in unpredictable manner and where the outcome is not predictable. There is always some of error present in such system. For example: weather forecasting – 6 marks

Question 5 a) Meaning of organizational chart

An organizational chart visually depicts the internal structure of an organization or company.

– 5 marks b) listing the types of organizational chart

1- Hierarchical 2- Matrix 3- Horizontal/flat – 5 marks c) listing the types of sources of information

Primary information, Secondary information, internal information and External information – 5 marks



NCE 3Second Semester 2014/2015 Session Examination


Instruction: Answer (2) questions and question one is compulsory. Time allowed: 1 Hour

1. a) Define network and state the three (3) characteristics of a network?

b) Enumerate (10) hardware tools required to setup a network and explain any five (5) of


c) What do you understand by IT? List and explain two (2) components of IT.

d) What do you understand by ISP and Communication Protocol?

2. a) What is multiplexing?

b) List and draw five (5) types of topology?

c) Give three (3) differences between internet and intranet?

3. a) Enumerate and explain the three (3) types of network?

b) State five (5) important of computer networking?

c) List the types of transmission media with one (1) example of each?



NCE 3Second Semester 2014/2015 Session Examination


Question 1 a) Definition of a network

Network is a group of computers that can share information through their interconnections. In other words, multiple computers that are connected together weather through wires or router that has the ability to share information. – 2 marks

Listing the 3 characteristics of a network Share Resources from one computer to another

Create files and store them in one computer, access those files from the other computer(s) connected over the network.

Connect a printer, scanner, or a fax machine to one computer within the network and let other computers of the network use the machines available over network.

– 6 marks

b) Listing 10 hardware tools to setup a network Network Cables, Distributors, Routers, Network Cards, USB, Switch, Hub, Bridge, Modem and Gateway. – 5 marks

Explaining the 5 hardware tools to setup a networkNetwork CablesNetwork cables are used to connect computers. The most commonly used cable is Category 5 cable RJ-45.

DistributorsA computer can be connected to another one via a serial port but if we need to connect many computers to produce a network, this serial connection will not work. The solution is to use a central body to which other computers, printers, scanners etc. can be connected and then this body will manage or distribute network traffic.


A router is a type of device which acts as the central point among computers and other devices that are part of a network. A router is equipped with holes called ports and computers and other devices are connected to a router using network cables. Now-a-days router comes in wireless modes using which computers can be connected without any physical cable.

Network CardNetwork card is a necessary component of a computer without which a computer cannot be connected over a network. It is also known as network adapter or Network Interface Card (NIC). Most branded computers have network card pre-installed. Network cards are of two types: Internal and External Network Cards.

Universal Serial Bus (USB)

USB card are easy to use and connect via USB port. Computers automatically detect USB card and can install the drivers required to support the USB network card automatically.


Hub is one of the basic icons of networking devices which works at physical layer and hence connect networking devices physically together. Hubs are fundamentally used in networks that use twisted pair cabling to connect devices. They are designed to transmit the packets to the other appended devices without altering any of the transmitted packets received. They act as pathways to direct electrical signals to travel along. They transmit the information regardless of the fact if data packet is destined for the device connected or not.


Switches are the linkage points of an Ethernet network. Devices are connected through twisted pair cabling, it treat the data it receive by having an in-built learning of the MAC address of the devices connected to it. Switches operate in full-duplex mode where devices can send and receive data from the switch at the simultaneously unlike in half-duplex mode. The transmission speed in switches is double than in Ethernet hub transferring a 20Mbps connection into 30Mbps and a 200Mbps connection to become 300Mbps. Performance improvements are observed in networking with the extensive usage of switches in the modern days.


A bridge is a computer networking device that builds the connection with the other bridge networks which use the same protocol. It works at the Data Link layer of the OSI Model and connects the different networks together and develops communication between them. It

connects two local-area networks; two physical LANs into larger logical LAN or two segments of the same LAN that use the same protocol.


Gateway is a device which is used to connect multiple networks and passes packets from one packet to the other network.


Modem is a device which converts the computer-generated digital signals of a computer into analog signals to enable their travelling via phone lines. The ‘modulator-demodulator’ or modem can be used as a dial up for LAN or to connect to an ISP. – 10 marks

c) Definition of IT Is the design and implementation of computer networks for data processing and communication. – 2 marks

Listing the 2 components of IT The IT can be broadly grouped under the major following areas:

1- computer technology

2- communication technology (ct) 3- telecommunication technology 4- optical communication systems 5- satellite communication technology 6- computer communication (compucation) technology .– 3 marks Explaining the 2 components of IT


The wide spread use of computer technology has made magic development in the information

transmission processes, in every field of human endeavour during the past few years. It is likely

to changes the information infrastructure by merging itself with other related technologies.

Highly sophistication service from elaborate abstracting and indexing services to computerized

database in almost all scientific disciplines are in wide use all in the world.


The recent IT revolution has transformed the communication-conscious human society into, an

information global village in a short span of just two decades. The new technologies like the

laser, fiber optics, telephone, teleprinter, telex, television dictaphone, silicon chip, Internet and

many other telecommunication devices have come to constitute an important and inevitable

component of written and oral communication media network. These modern communication

technologies have the potential to bypass several stages and sequences in the process of

development encountered in the earlier decades. The advents of communication technology have

revolutionized the activities of library and information system.


Telecommunications are devices and techniques used for transmission of information over long

distances via wire, radio/satellite without damaging/loss due to noise and interference. The major

trend in telecommunications at present is a fundamental shift from mechanical to electrical

furthermore, electronic , and within electronic, analogue to digital modes of transmission

involving all types of communications voice, facsimile, computer transmission, TV

communicators, microwave and satellite communications, and radio links. Telecommunication

involves use of telephone, tele-printer, telegraph, radio or TV and satellite facilities to transmit

information, either directly or via computer. Data communication is the transfer of

data/information between computer devices, and is a common that each of us has probably seen

it in action everyday life without thinking about it. The other major current developments in CT

are: E mail, electronic imaging, electronic publishing and DTP, tele-text, teleconferencing,

video-text technology, fax, voicemail, satellite, telemedicine, etc.


Optical communications are a recent addition to the armoury of telecommunication systems.

Their main uses are in long distance digital networks. Here light is the carrier of information and

optical fibres are the medium of transmitting the light signals. Optical fibre transmission has

come of age as a major innovation in the telecommunications. Such systems offer extremely high

bandwidth, freedom from external interference, immunity from interception by external means,

and cheap raw materials like silicon.


Satellite communication is one of most popularly extensively used technology now a day.


Computing and communication are natural allies. Both concern information when computing, we

manipulate and transform information, we transport information. Though this distinction seems

logical enough, computing and communication are so intertwined that it is difficult to determine

where one stops and the other begins. It is a descriptive term and there is no doubt that this new

technology is going to have an increasing important role throughout the communities in the

office, factory and Library. Communication technologies will alter, regulate and control many of

social interactions. – 4 marks

d) ISP Means Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the industry term for the company that is able to provide you with access to the Internet, typically from a computer. If you hear someone talking about the Internet and they mention their "provider," they're usually talking about their ISP. – 4 marks

Communication protocol:Communication protocols are formal descriptions of digital message formats and rules. They are required to exchange messages in or between computing systems and are required in telecommunications. Communications protocols cover authentication, error detection and correction, and signaling. They can also describe the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of analog and digital communications. Communications protocols are implemented in hardware and software. There are thousands of communications protocols that are used everywhere in analog and digital communications. Computer networks cannot exist without them. – 4 marks

Question 2 a) Definition of multiplexing

Multiplexing is a popular networking technique that integrates multiple analog and digital signals into a signal transmitted over a shared medium. Multiplexers and de-multiplexers are used to convert multiple signals into one signal. This term is also known as muxing. – 4 marks

b) Listing the 5 types of topologyBus Topology, Star Topology, Ring Topology, Mesh Topology and Tree Topology – 5 marks

Diagrams of the 5 type’s topology with diagrams – 5 marks

Bus topology Ring topology Mesh topology

Star topology tree topology

c) 3 differences of internet1- Internet is wide network of computers and is open for all.2- Internet itself contains a large number of intranets.3- The number of users who use internet is Unlimited.4- The Visitors traffic is unlimited.5- Internet contains different source of information and is available for all. – 3 marks

3 differences of intranet 1- Intranet is also a network of computers designed for a specific group of users.2- Intranet can be accessed from Internet but with restrictions.3- The number of users is limited.4- The traffic allowed is also limited.5- Intranet contains only specific group information. – 3 marks

Question 3 a) List 3 types of network

Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN). – 3 marks

Explaining the 3 types of networkLocal Area Network (LAN)

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network within a small geographical area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, office building or group of buildings.

A LAN is composed of inter-connected workstations and personal computers which are each capable of accessing and sharing data and devices, such as printers, scanners and data storage devices, anywhere on the LAN. LANs are characterized by higher communication and data transfer rates.

The range of LAN is very small i.e. 0 to 5 Km. Some component of LAN are nodes, server, NIC (Network Interface Card) etc. LAN basically used only twisted pair cable and common example of LAN is Ethernet.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is similar to a local area network (LAN) but spans an entire city or campus. MANs are formed by connecting multiple LANs. Thus, MANs are larger than LANs but smaller than wide area networks (WAN).

Wide Area Network (WAN)

A wide area network (WAN) is a network that exists over a large-scale geographical area. A WAN connects different smaller networks, including local area networks (LAN) and metro area networks (MAN). This ensures that computers and users in one location can communicate with computers and users in other locations. WAN implementation can be done either with the help of the public transmission system or a private network.

– 6 marks b) list 5 importance of computer networking

File Sharing

Computers connected to a network can share files and documents with each other. Personal computers connected to a business network can choose which files and folders are available to share on the network.


Computers can print pages to another computer with a printer on the network. Additionally, printers can be connected using a print server, which allows direct printing from all computers.

Sharing Media

Sharing media between computers is easy when connected to a network. Like file sharing, computers can stream musing, videos and movies from one computer to the next.

Media Center Server

A media center server can store your entire entertainment library on a centralized hub to give quick access to your media from every computer on your network.

Video Games

Console and PC gamers benefit from networking also. You can easily set up multiplayer death matches and even host your own game server. – 7 marks

c) Types of transmission mediaGuided Media and Unguided Media – 2 marks 1 example of guided media are Twisted Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable and Optical Fiber

Cable 1 example of unguided media are Bluetooth, infrared, satellite etc. – 2 marks



NCE 3Second Semester 2014/2015 Session Examination


Instruction: Answer any two (2) questions. Time allowed: 1 Hour

1. a) What do you understand by the term troubleshooting and why do we need it?

b) List the classifications of computer troubleshooting and explain one (1)?

c) State the procedures for cleaning the following computer components:

i- Motherboard

ii- Monitor

iii- Keyboard

2. a) Why do we need disk defragmentation?

b) State the procedures to perform disk defragmentation on your computer system?

c) List five (5) cleaning tools and how can you prevent computer virus from infecting


3. a) What do you understand by the term “computer virus” and how can you detect a virus

on your computer system.

b) What would you do, if your computer doesn’t power up?

c) What is the use of the following networking commands

i- ipconfig

ii- ping

iii- ping



NCE 3Second Semester 2014/2015 Session Examination


Question 1 a) Definitions of troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is the process of diagnosing the source of a problem.

Is the process of solving a problem or determining a problem to an issue.

Is the process of identifying, planning and resolving a problem, error or fault within a software or computer system. – 5 marks

Give reasons of troubleshootingTroubleshooting is primarily done to keep a system or software in desired condition, specifically when it encounters or exhibits a problem. It is a systematic approach done within one or more phases depending on the complexity of a problem. – 5 marks

b) listing 3 troubleshooting classification Hardware Troubleshooting, Software Troubleshooting and Network Troubleshooting. – 4 marks

Explaining 1 of the troubleshooting classificationHardware Troubleshooting

Hardware troubleshooting processes primarily aim to resolve computer hardware problems using a systematic approach. Hardware troubleshooting is generally done on hardware equipment installed within a computer, server, laptop or related device. Some processes within hardware troubleshooting include: 

Removing, repairing and replacing faulty RAM, hard disk or video/graphic card. 

Cleaning dusts from RAM and Video carts slot/ports and from cooling fan.

Tightening cable and jumpers on motherboard and/or components. 

Software related hardware problems such as device driver update or installation.

Software Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting software problems is a big part of computer maintenance, is generally done to resolve technical or source-code-related problems in software. This can be both functional and non-functional in nature.

Network Troubleshooting

Network troubleshooting is primarily done by network engineers or administrators to repair or optimize a network. It is generally done to recover and establish network or Internet connections on end nodes/devices. Some of the processes within network troubleshooting include but are not limited to:

Finding and resolving problems and establishing Internet/network connection of a computer/device/node

Configuring a router, switch or any network management device

Installing cables or Wi-Fi devices

Updating firmware devices on router switch

Removing viruses

Adding, configuring and reinstalling a network printer

Network troubleshooting can be a manual or automated task. When using automated tools, network management can be done using network diagnostic software. – 5 marks

c) cleaning of motherboard - When cleaning the motherboard from dust, dirt, or hair is to use compressed air. - Portable vacuum can effectively remove the dust, dirt, and hair from the

motherboard completely and prevent it from getting trapped within the case. – 3 marks

Cleaning of monitor- A glass monitor screen can be cleaned with ordinary household glass cleaner. - Spray the cleaner onto a lint-free cloth so the fluid does not leak into the

electrical components inside the monitor. - Vacuum off any dust that has settled on top of the monitor, and make sure no

books or papers are covering the air vents.- Microfiber Towels- Swiffer Dusters – 4 marks

Cleaning of keyboard- You can clean the keyboard by turning it upside down and shaking. - Use compressed air. - Use a vacuum cleaner - If you want to clean the keyboard more extensively, remove the keys from the

keyboard.- After the dust, dirt, and hair has been removed. Spray a disinfectant onto a cloth

or use disinfectant cloths and rub each of the keys on the keyboard. – 4 marksQuestion 2

a) Give reasons about defragmentationOver time, data becomes scattered across your hard disk as it is written, read, and deleted. This can slow down your computer as it takes additional time to find and read the necessary data. By running the disk defragmenter, the data is consolidated in one location and related data is placed near to each other. – 7 marks

b) listing the steps of disk defragment - Click on Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk

Defragmenter.- Click on the Analyse button to allow Windows to check if the disk needs to be

defragmented.If Windows reports that the disk needs to be defragmented, click on the Defragment button. This may take some time to complete. – 9 marks

c) Listing 5 cleaning tools Cloth Water or rubbing alcohol Portable Vacuum Cotton swabs Foam swabs – 5 marks

Steps of preventing computer virus Installing anti-virus software on your computer. It is advised to NOT connect to the Internet without AV protection – the cost is well

worth it.

Do not open any files attached to an email from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source.

Delete chain emails and junk email. Do not forward or reply to any to them. These types of email are considered spam - unsolicited, intrusive messages that clog up the inboxes and networks.

Do not download any files from strangers. Update your anti-virus software regularly. Back up your files on a regular basis. – 9 marks

Question 3 a) Definitions of computer virus

A computer virus is program code which 'hides' in other files and can either cause irreparable damage to your computer or (more likely) steal passwords, bank/credit card details, and email addresses.

A computer virus is a software program which is able to replicate itself and spread from one infected computer to another. Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. – 5 marks

Ways of detecting virus on computer - Computer running very slow- Numerous pop-ups- Hard Drive filling up- Applications launching by themselves- CD/DVD drive opening and closing by itself- Computer freezing and crashing- Damage the contents of the infected files- Mislay the data or defect your computer systems normal operation. – 8 marks b) listing the steps - Check that all the cables are securely plugged into the back of the machine and the

monitor.- Check that the power cables are plugged into a power socket and the socket has been

turned on.- Try using a different power socket or, if you are using a power extension strip, plug the

power cable directly into a power socket in the wall.- Replace the power cable with one that you know works.- Check if there are any lights on at the front of the machine:

o If there are lights on the machine but not the monitor, then it's probably a monitor issue.

o If there are lights on the monitor but not the machine, then it's probably a machine issue.

o If there are no lights on anything, then it may be possible there is a local power cut.

- With laptops, try removing the power cable and the battery. Hold down the power button for about ten seconds, and then plug the battery and power cable in again. Press the power button to see if it switches on. – 8 marks

c) ipconfig: Using the ipconfig command determine the router's address by looking at the Gateway address. – 3 marks Ping Running this command should get a reply from Google. – 3 marksPing is to ping the card or the localhost – 3 marks