port townsend wt, friday, october 12, 1877. - djvu document


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I}. S. All LLEH, Agent. G. JAMtJo;~UN,Agent


GreatThl' New Family Sewing .1liwhilleswiU hel'ea{!R1'

be Sold at Fifty Dollars. .lJncl allotlLer.MacMacs aL Equally Reduced Prioes. ~ Though these Machines have

been greatly redll~d in priCDiI, the QUlllit}· will Lo Maintained at Itsni~holtt Sl.&nl1atd. The .Public is cautioned Apin.t BUling

(mitnCioll Macbinea, ....bich are lll"ayl made in a vetl inferior manner.and ar" aold by irreapon.!lible jlftrtiell, whollo guaralltee8 arc worthless.

All Genuine INGF';1l ~itlohlllUliftre &Old thtough authorilteU Agentaat tl iSM price than any lither good ,":achincs can be sold (or, and al·

",a,s .>elr the patented TIlAJ)E MAnK alld tho name o( The Sing'l'lrComp:\ny dilltinctly printed on the arm o( the machine.

F 'Machinell sold on note 1lIH.llea.!lfl plall l and a liberal dilCOUnt mad.(0' l' 11. The Singer 1IIlanul'g 00., lot <10 Yamhill eta.,

Portland, Orn.Port Townlen<.ll W. 'F.Seattle, \(Olympia u 20



X. B.-A (ull Stoclc o( Or.gon City Ol.nlcet ~'launell,

Yama, Uuder"oa.ra, .eta.• alwap OIl Lalit.!.

Have also op<ned 10 connection with my Jewelry Store. thrmost complete

The Sherman & Hyde Piano,Belt Medium Priced.


The Cottage Gem,Belt Low Pricecl in thu Countrl'

Also. keeps on hand a Comp!ete Assortment of

"'Musical Instrumellts,SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC STA~DS. ETC,

Pianos and Organs Sold on the Installment Plan

The Celebrated Standard Organ,Best in the United States.

------ - ---------

The Best in tile \\~orld.

On Pugct Sound, having been appoin'tu Agent (or the:.1

Renowned WEB E R- Piano,

Store head of Union Wharf; under the Cent...t Hotel,

Port Townsend, W. T •



Men's and Boys' Clot hi ngJlfacle of OREGON CiTY C.IJSSJ.M.ERES.

The Cbeapest. De.' and M t Durable Clotbinr in tbfl Muket.

.J"COIJ~ DHO~. & CO.,I [.nu(;\etll",~ and Wbole"l\lll Dce.lers. IIOlrfl.,UIIJ, Oat.


n~TUlnUKER ! DJEll LED,DEAu:n J.


Clocks, Wa.tches, J ewe!ry, Diamonds,Silver-Wa.re, etc., etc.,

Which will be sold at prices defying Competition.



wv. A. 11UI,uI'.




''''AT];:1\ ~·r_,&;E:I::T.

Port Townsend, W.


Ceorge"Vl~~~~'le~~~~~r~~~~,~~~ih~\II." IfI'AXII IlIlnwn.1

aTE R MI NC'8 8A LOON"uperlor iju&lhle. or

J;'oN,11II'1l dt DOOlt*UO CI... reCon.I"nt' .. r>ll IlIlIId.

"nen"" '\ntll'o,ln)nIlIlNl .~ICOQlf!."ort Too.l)llt!nll, "'''.1.11f74.



r:T' Juat n.'Ol!'halst Ju. JODClI', alar,s.toc'-' of ll«nchlulU Pipes.

l),\I'Ml 1lt\M.1SU UOS~ TO OKD••~t 11l1l.ll(WlO~nOlll'e••lld &11Otd.,. Prompt., Attended To.

i [IAllRV 1"ll.lU:O;.

New Shoe Store.'\VM. VETTER,

Fashionable Boot aod Shot Maler.

l 'Ur. "'10\'.: 1U)II~~; 1S I·ARTU"ULARI.T".1",'11l1l 10 thl' 1K.''O'I1I11nodftllon of all

.1,0 .1C!'lrtl ,\ t1»tKlln,:1l .\SI) :Sll'"1·1 •.H't: 10 1\00"1, IIlltl e"lW'l'lllll)' Tanlll• ".1 .....,1011"...... ""j"hlullfOO'J rooll1..

d~~~~I:;:"ie~r~t~l::~II:f:)\i~Culltom "';;"kWATgn lOT.. PORT TOWS!!ESn

J. Cal. McFadden,AfrtlRNEY i COUNSELOR-AT-Ui

H. L. BL,o.NCHARD..A.ttol'lley'" Counllllor .At-law


"\ltl\TtHt I~ A1IMUl,\I,TY'.....U+ri..... 'l nUl...., ,._,., .......... A-t'....

l'uflT To"" lIt.'Dt \Y. JO

rORT TOW~ E.'J) W. T.• FRJD.\Y. 0 TORER 12. 1 iT.

Olympic HotelMain 8treet. Olympia, W. T.

1.G. Sparks, Proprietor.

Wll,n'v'l NrJ(VY.,\I~I1I""". ,............. . \1. u. "'1111111, R:la.llrer t h III "\lInin"I\~nrr , , ..•• _ 10. \\. L••\ III'n

Ill. ,\. IImlth

l·uunly.·OIum..lnnl'nl........ J. 1". Cnnrlotlr".W.!llll",·.n

JlItJ«c or l"mhatc•••••••••..•••••.•J. A. T~III1allL

CIoAI.I. ....11 cou",,.,".:fA...... fl""W". AllUllr_W,,,. 1•• tt<1fI1·nI•.•• l'rol*'fOJUt1Ke•• ntlngl'nJ. J. 1W\.l"toI JIl.tlt.'t.......... ..

f.: \~.: ~:r.~~~:~ .. :~~~~~:k.~~~~I.~l.lIl"ll·lintl Tro.'II~urcr .

I ·~·r~;':.',~~'Ii~:ni~·lh': ;:,,·{·ol;;;,i :,;~tt I \kl.-I_' ., 1·1.\ntf\·I.,.

:;;,:~., \\oIl.I;:::':til~::'f:.~I;o:\'~;-ib~::..lt~~lr ":n'J~;1·.u.wltl'l'_ nJlUlll.

--- .. _--------


neT. TheOlIt'rtS CUYler .".,.,: Xo"tl·reading, Iikfl api~e~ allli hru.e.raJlloh.Ibould b. Il&rd lI!,uill~I)', .lId onlyto leilIOD atJlil.ler (00t1. 'I'll 11101Ia·.nda il il ahut poiMlo, both (rolll thequantity abtl 9uality of the tIlllllniCellt1noured. "ith rate uCerlinnA 6c·tion il tbe mo.t ophemerll (1)"" ofliteratutej thfll funtil" I)f It' "'ay ill(orgotton tn·mutro". 1 cuuld p.wkint.o a LJulhel huleet alUlIlL Illlthe towanon ,et "ritten "hil'" Iff'likely to hfl re,ul h,. thu di.Ullninu·iog clauU'Il in 'he tllt'entil"lh centll',.

lhlU. Clark Gains II." I riral.Auotber wido_, a Mn. Milltr. "hokeeps a little hotel in New Jel1lC"T,bal ~rought .uit (or the reconr,. o(114,:191.000 aetelof I.ml in "'est 1I#ll'Ol .,l\lU ('Ot:'lO'T,V' . .\""\101' J. 11. n.'WlIlI.n

~rjl: I" Illd Kentu..:k" 82,000,000 Tre••orer •.........•....... 1'l"1li'1 K."'~'u 1)( ... hieh are in FIlIf'ttf'lCClllnty, "I~rlll' .... :: ••:::.•.•.•.•.•.• 1~'..I~;..I~I~~~~K"l the .::it,. or Leaill~toll standinJ; InlllLt, ·oullllb!;ok'nenl ..... \1.: IIf"l:'WnJlClaOn pa l Cth I .1 1" \I In. Killoler.

• rOle all.... e prop,.tt! IS Ju.Iocuor 1.1'O'-'.t II. 1·1l11~I1a.

latd lO bo wn"h Ihiur million Illll Ila~•• Ilflr clAim iA ba,ed Iln IIt'f ht'ir. _

IIblp to Jobn Young. who moved'ttom 'philadelphia \Q Alenndria,V•., III l'i7J, and putchased thill!anl) ~ Tuere i. a long $(0'1 lou it IudIt Will doubtleAI be longer b6foro'be "ida" pbtaill. ~"6110D.

Tbo Daily·IAlLorian" bu f101atgedita columDs.

Mrfl. A. J. Duni".y is on .. lectin·iug tour .nt or the 1II0unt'linl.

Two Rlillion funcs ban arri.ed(tom RUII.ia. Thi. i. said to be thefinal initall1D8nt o( the loall.


U"TKl' OF AI)\·Kr.1·UUSO:

One IlIdl, f1rillnaertkm ...•••......•t.1tO:Eadl subkotjutllt III-Mlttlou.... .. .... .l'JOTranllf'lIl .d'ftlttlMlnUlnts If) tllljlllil I"

tertlon must be lL'COmpmletl b)' Cft~h.",AII .&~... ~ltl'" ...111',.....

I'" """LI"""~ .'·t:ltT YMII'''''' .... t. I SFW ·r"t.."". 0c1. 3,1"';;.Port To"u~t'njl, Wbbln,toll Trrrl1&r1· ':flrrOll AIlGI .'- 1'"tlal'" ) 1t1lT" '" "Ie

A .~ L ~:"l ,,, l: I It. IIo"nUlllllOlI 11,'11~ It 1,.lIf'1"l)" '" h tH; .lh,1o:Itl trad II r,,,, 11.1(1" IhtW' 1'1,,1 tl' o. (n' I

EItITO'1 ASI) I·R.... ltl~.Ti)V. IM-n·. And"".II,f' .. ,.hll....flIllh •• I~'''lI

.- rrOlllftOO\·ll·' III Ih..11 ffilllOtl" .11(1""'" Ill.:It......................- I"!"_••• I t.'8111101 get Ollt'u diu lal.., tile blt..~IIllO

1M all~ .1. IUUlllb uo. or 1I0011t1• .r. I tkit ,·UU a '·w.1'h~re hili bl.'\'11 i. !treat IN!1l1 t)r talk lhr c.•. fIlU~Il"'W.

Ihe Il.!t ,"-'01I111c UrtlJt). _buut the Ul'l11t!01l ."ADaHAW. ·INMAN.Or'I'!lolllpKIllllI So.';lUll' 1:111 FrIlLI). COlli.I~rl~n"r~ 1)l·ln).:' 1lI141lu 1A;!Wt.'t'1i hl§l~81' ATTOR~.:TS ,\T I.A\II' A~·U 1'1tCk.'TOnsalltl tlmt lit SUItUll' or )·uur to"". dllli ill Adml...lll'·qulle lln("'lltalJll!l'rh1cblll~IlNotl\.~I. It Port TOWTIIe.d.. w. 'Idoe!! !l~nl. 1o lou),; till rrolll till. tU-lUHQt,tlun the 11I~I)O~1lIou f\r the ..:rhulnllis WIWout ur rmporUoll. It b Ildmltled 011 11.11AI~k:llhllt I'homl)5(:!n k\llt'll nnler. Uu'It 1& t1.1u..~ t tllllt tiuuou \i:llletJ IloVt:anJ illlllllore blul);ttOll( ""1'

01 (,.'OUtl'Cl ~'ll do uOt ",hll to US! lin!unllue ~nfCtl(lIIOil llp4'l1l allY one. Jlutwhit wOllhl bejll~llw to one 11I1I1l uml~r

t'tll'taln t'il'\.'llm~latlM "'011111 tic juttl..'\! to T,w•. T. l(l~OR.nllolht~r 1l11llcr the I'lIlW "i'l I 11I(tI'l111~.

Whut wo1I111 'll.l jnstlt.1· loor II 1.,:1., ",,'110atlml" bl'llIl1tlthe l):Ir II "I ,I.-a ~ • II 1111.'

I~"OUO'" ",," '''g,.t ,,, ,.' ,""".,<," PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS10 flllU Il'hfl"'t! IJrulll I( 111:'11.1 hl,ll \. linn •d~lg. nllt e.lloll);h or t"i.. . I OFJI'ICI ON WATIR aT.,

IIle shill \ ~Ul.Ui I~ be111lt ..~U('n~,l nrlK'.r 1.0"t; 'ro'wnl!lcnd • • • 'If'. ']"'.The ~'orkitlglnen'lI Grecnhllcle t.'argo olllllll. III lllf' l~llIN' ut tell .1:&).1'

ClulJ h.. beeu organized in thill city ;1:1l;~I:~~~·/~i::!.\'I:r~'tcI~·I~lIl~~~~~lt~r:rl;~THOMAS DRUMMOND.",itb .. U1embflt'lluil' of 14:J. The !Ie IIIl1 Ifill' Wth Ott"'UII Wllt,lt. 'l'hiclub ill officered U (OIlOWll: A. C. can betlOllc. Irmllll:tg("rrlghtl)·,11 CIa.11 1)- PORT TOWNSEND. W. T.\\'oodwottl:, pre!idclltj H. N .pplch, Ir rr,.!" htlll 1I5 from, I'otlluhli. noll.' thatIBricklayer, Plasterer, and

t r' Purtlalld UBee." I Ie \ "lIt11~ I.. het... I1lc WUlllmrl tlnr Jo't· ,. 1\(ntlQH.Ilecre a ,. ~lellnlt'rrCt1lltd In;oclllll):~ 11I('\t "hl'lU II. 01 ~ -

KJlhllllt It t('l1l1 (I' rlhl I lin' the S tirworlcdonlullhlllow81 tftI800abJenou18.111 PitUbur'" tbe Pennflyh'lnia ~. ..~ (> II 111. I • • Jol)!,III" llroIUI,U)·aIlClul.d I... hi'I ,. h 8000 ( II .H. It .• l..'Oultll'llrry It )","'j at II. .1Il1lll

r"drot{ comp"ny ave, tons 0 t.'I»(,. JAllt'JI.)("S'AI'GlJ1'. o. MOIIIII>l IlAI.l,ItR

Icrap iron left (rom tbe tuins for We hor.: the N. I'. H. It. \,111 '0011 McNAUCHT & HALLER,...Ie. "110 Piltlbng "TcleStaph" Ilulhll-? 'unlAnd au.1 "'0/1111,;1..1. willi thl' ATTI)CSE"I.SAS'nCOusst:I.LOIlSATLAWestimatell that tbe gun duleta ofthat o. It t,; •• road.. fIJ tlmt ,lllllUl"lIl~ 1;0111 be. ) "I ~. ood I b Illltotlfl U)' tlte ::kil1l11!. It ollght, 01 rl"hl. to 1'"lClors In Adn,ln111.

olty ost. ,,"-VV ID g II Ito en '! be, alld 10m" Ilr IIJ are pUri!UMlial lhAt (r Honer loan«l. 1l~1 ~Ill'e oollllhlanli toldtbe mob. tile O. l'i. S. Co.• dklll'j hll\·~ "'ItCh :l Itrm .'0IleclklnllllllX:.M111 10. I"'C:~·erandnr, "c.

,rnalllll)()l1 thetlw.lnlet uflhltl'Qllll\rY it 1'Olrr TOW); ...xu, W. T.'Vben a small boy "itb a ptejullir.~ \Wll! tl he tf"tO.

aio!ainst yello" dogs oblf!nell an oM 'I'l"IIlnol In~ 110W' nUlllhlgll.llly 10 .\1lI~~

uy8tllr can in a condition of iliac. 11)11. (111 !he bl1lllch fO(ul. 1f':I\'I,,~ hen: III

b'.' lJl, Illtl1eevt!lllug !tllil ret"mlr,~ Itft 0'·

ti,hy, he at 011 co e~lns ullhalill~ duo.k ill Ih~ mortling. A Vf'ry ,Iroll "'...wb_tber il w.. created '0 IJoint _ m.rk ....1. IllIttle 111 f\ne or Ihe yltownlll,limotal or .')orll a tail. The dog gfll6 llror" flr~ lit l'u)'allup HI rl lI'dOl:k IhlJthe fi,.t De"a o(tILo d~cisjou. 1ll0l1l1ul:. E,·er)'lJo.ott,. abo.1nl thouI:llt

l'f"tlolC ""nl,1 till (ur Iwulllt> '" Ilu I~lil lIt'I'UThe "Tribune',," Salt LakeCity roull'tlup:l.14!1 ..·d\)lk". 11. HUI.Ur.

. ) B • h V • . I ---, "U1:t~'h('l1 hllU<o(·11 "I' III Ili'IIo:'llt_pecla UJ. rig 1m Dung a "II lind hllrlUg opeu I: ,\ I'" ...ald. ··IIII~ III"'/U tead I,t, tb. (all1i1y. An eltate what 11,,'y ".. lIlhl' ~t'II). ,1."11 orlhc lUllrn.uf '~IOOO.OOO is di\ided tllulllly In~'" We nll··gtl,· •.t'l.I"11 Wlf, IUllltM.moll~ levenleen \.i'·es &lIt.! £Ot,y., 11':1111 Inn\·,,1 olT.t .) , 'l'h ·",1 i nil. 'f'lIe \I<lrk Ull the ~tttlH}lIl I. (;hlll"\·11 1011

OIlT" C I urrm. 0 ul ~ 0 . II to v. Lelllg r:\lJldl.v IJI1&I",j rOtWlInllllll1 \\'e IttlllCmade wben the Joun.RJII't child .hall III be "l:lIlly (oJr lhe II..d;l~lIloli III :lIMItbe of .ge, lI'bicb Will be thitteCIi (ullrnr fh'~ "~h. 'l'lll~ 1J1lIhll,,~ will tlll'Jcan bence. f llllly II)' 10 Iho ;<plrlt IItld I.'lIIcrl)rl~ ur llie

tuwn. IIIUllr YOlll':1l1 tlml nuy )lOl.ly llownA 0000 WOlin FOil no)w.ulI).-1·hf' there Ih:u ""111 conle Ull .ull hell' u. \0\ Ith

"MI"-Wull.Il"la)"1: "licn. lil1l'rltlllll. ht a/{uod rollnd ,ul)ocrll)lloll 011 I ,'IIl,,'lfloll COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL.I ( , ,. lillY· Jll~t semi 111""1 011, lIud will orlve

the IIre!ttlll'e 01" IIl1m ler I) dtllt 1I~ III tlMl:lU I"UI'Mllt rOT" It. Y..lills IJln~. CJ:1lte...~ hllll~lr Iii Il:):II1J I ' .YU"K "'IAPP, ...........-.

tatbtlttl ,,\lh Geller.!1 1I0Yl'lIul'" Ir.dlall I S"RYANTS OF THE PEDPLE l"'::~I1~\;~I(~~o~~~rui~~~ ltoR~~~~I'~~d\IIlTllllgll. lit 1,lllmt)ll·tllolll'"'It \I"utIt. IlIlIllU,'\flIXlrllllt:IIIIl.lIl1tll!lIlQ"l:;lllU'UtlIU

III1"a"llo lIltlwk tht' 111111311•• bllt ,w'R'ly J' t'tltll;;-Nl1'o1 ,. 1::'\·~~;:~·i~i:i1:;:I~lai'tH7~~:::=:11~lIfl1:.?).I,~1,,, henltMIO f}tlt ot Ihe l"OUlllry, 1'llllll.u·1l lI"I'n-"'''OIII,II\II J. )t. t:, ,\lkl" Jt1. 1I1""••-lt1hO 1111..·..11111( lmhll 1111 I.tIle ..Ill

fhllm III vlcllt' IItltllthlllr\JO[l~ 11111111111; lip J,:!nl :~:;!~':;l';::~I~~~~.::::::::::·::~~t~\."K~I~·,I;: ::n:;.\~ ~:~I~r....~I~~I:~::.I~III~hi:t:'rif~~:tilt Yelluw\IUIOll cou!ll II I Ilo:e III Ill." Iu. ~. (•• 'rrl~lI, Illlot lIllY"" .utIk. U

(·"lIIllrl·OllllJllj!.<lolll'n •.• _ ''''11. \\.lllirrlo&.I__

I .' \\ IlllMll 1II.'llOfl, All ,Iof..-..II ' ........kd III tile .........hThe Wa.hington Territoria l.egi.· Jlt'!a'l nr I rtlhllICl.• , •...•...•••..• J. ,. "111m or 11101 ",,111 "'01I1Il1."tlll!\lr)· lind Ihe prtljll!'r.

l.ture rOllvcll'ild .t OIYllJ~ia Oil ~lO' ..hr , ,., I,L I .u~I..r (1)·of'l,,,bnollllll't'.lIhflllhlat·<JltWI,,b«,..,lbUlor

~tond.y lut, the E'~lIiol\ ht'inA' tt'!!· ,\:':I~~~~~.:·:::::::::::::::::·:::J~;I~/" ~~:t":'~ tll'·ll1RlI)E)I~nIRng.or\liA"/Uk'T' L D1 •.,..m~·r .....•... , ,.••JIIIIII'" 1)n1l/lInlnu. ~

tticted to IOdl,s. The m~fllh~rll re· .Ill th.'1,ntlhtl I·u", ...•.. W.II. II. I.turn\ltl. ,cei.e Il cOInpell81tion of at; a Ila)" 1~ls·.ll,;~'RI.I~~lir.;a;::~l~ ~~~ t~~~h~I~~and are allo"ed milt.·age cuming alUl 11I1,....~11 (~1'~T\'. ....·doe. Itt!W \ .n<l IHlhlt'llllul r-nnnl flll 11..,j(oin,. Tho preaid.illJC onicet' reo 1'I",MItL ut'rlC'f'.iI -,lJOM'-'!lI. ~,v~lln~i:'I~:~~r.~e~~I·)·~:;oI~I~:~IIII1~~!~I~cei.e tl0 a day, ami :'Ut'l oletk& dour I.N'lllll.IJC)"•.• ll'·l,r~'-"'lItlllil('.. I"\II..',lIll· 111"11111 1!li1 Jl,,"lw Il)knn.. wltalyoll 111'fl(IO~'II.J." Ihlhll J'II·""ul'1hOl'"I •. T,hlll-tIl\1 ).IIIlt:!\lh)· "'·I'UIUJhl J..1. Cook.\cee.t'at eto., are allo ed $:; eacb pN 11.1'.11111 (',," II)' .\11 Ir"' 01II'1·\l1leday. 1'laill ia much more libflral \111111 ~!11I~~ ~1~1~;,j.j.;·,·:::4·;~:;:::~.~u. ~~'::: :: 1------------ 1ollr legislAture.!l are pAid, and Ihould JII~ Wnl"llll "h.·rtn .

b · b 1 ('_.1 ,""11.".... ..° "'lilt. t e lIee al ty 0 out::lue pl!:l· t .lnl'l< l:lIl..~I',,·•. l."."IIlI)·t...lI~ •••••• lJllk bllrliOr

lute.-Portl.nd. •• Hoe." t:! ~:'~Il~:~I~:tt::l:Cof'1I1nl"".' 1·11ll..1Ril

7I It. <ii. 1I111Im,,:u)' In.llt"b ..••..•.••I·U \·elllllli . Illlnalf'd .11I~1I orU"lfln ,.,lut.rf.IJI'"?~nlt t:~.) .. :c. '1'1.;';'hU.~I,;,:I~~ hll.~lIor .·.r .- w. T.

Thl,. HUIIlMI bllll'" · ltl nll\\'11 nlMll.~I. alltlI~" 1\11 lbtl .1'i~llll11eA"'OC.

F1:r."t-O~ ZEoto1•.Ill' lL.lr I.t. ~llll1l1llld ",11\1 Iiiii'! I_tot WIIICI\,Lhll\!)nI nUll t 'r:"" Tht!fft lIlIlIlNI-e:.!llfllIlII

~·~ttr:~I·wwrlltll~-::~II~,j~~~·t~1I~~~~11Il:CllWOIltl to IItlllU In lh\ll~ml~fli;unll.


A Serious IJIl1nder.

X..,.ndu aa. tbtl G. rrUI..\,«&.,..1 Itlthh te.1I. 11.. 101 I W

cUee.I • .,icltO«Vltd Jllln_, ... u .war .". <aa

..... Jilin MlrC'f1tdtr "'11('uofed"r lit (.. , _ ~~ an 0 illl

fI~t "-J, .IKI plll.tt1 Itl. II bllbl ..til. horMIUU~il' 0 .. d., I.e r.

...• .,.. tJII a .upub bUc.k Itohetb.t be ..J JII.t lit 1111 a ltl It pdcl'uJ dNlolbt"-.D w!J, .. ltk id~la,. th.t two • Wit M!Ill IUtd MlIIIlJ.n It"ptlRb • 'nMI nfYf:'It.l. l r 1JtIII .Ioed..... bt'&Jllig I'f lhe riokl drew a cNwdIDIo 'he ~Ulll", ••d r.'""tlr there wv..-er • Illou .nd ...11 lUI., c1tileo••ad.nll' fnl!uwert ofaIIIr.IGd"WIlr:b1l1ludadmhillK ooJadt .lI.,ru\IIr" abo., 01:Arkt "lJlIIf:, .. b.. MIgTude:rb.ad.lOpped• m'_eol, ODe oI"tbe .we.dcIllUUGle tor•~anl. p,u~ .ad p_I.1 the~ aadtold tb. o16cer tblt h. to.l, ahllOlt ..well II IG ioh..biuUI 01 the couatr1 euv.ld

'.""lmottl" )hgru~ler cried. "I c~ride a. ,,'~II u aDJ Kale.n. Sbo" meolle "'ho tao tide beller.""~'J." ui~ tllt Me..iean. "rOll el.l..

too nluch. "ou ride well, but h Ia outpOllible thlt JOIl CaD keow oW' bo... Dwell "J we do."

lI"M:ruder inll.ted, aDd, growlDg warmIllr~rl!ll to bet a tlVUII dlluuloou. that h;cuuld rldti hi. hor..~ bt:t'cr th'lI tbe olberCOUld. .

The }fulcao ObJecled, Illid b. did Dotlike 10 bel, aDd did Dot like 10 .haw 0«hi. borwPlan.blp lu public,but....t Ilngtb,II l<hgrlldcr gre.... mote urgeOl, he re­Illctaotl, eonen".'lI, aad Ihe moneJ ....put ~p 10 tbe h.ada ur aoolher Mlllle'D .For Judget ao .Americl\n WII ChOitobJ lhgruder, a "'~lic'n bJ bli! Idver.'Ir1, led the IW.. luglllh~r cLo....Freochwan (or lbe thirtJlII..n.

.Tbeo Magruder pili hb hone tbtou,hbl. plCe",fint w.lldogarollDd Ibeaqu"e,Ibeo IrolilOg, galloplnK, thtU floallJ put·tlng the .oimal to ill tnp .~, willi •ullgllilleeol burlt th.t dr.w chaer. andhllnd clapping from tile croy,·d.

Arhlf Il few IDvmeolll thll Meliceo came(urwlIrd lur bl.ariltol. Without toucblDgbll hllUd. to the botte be Yaulled Oil hi•b..ck Ilod weot IbrollKh "itb preclaclJ tbeMllIt performlUlee asllagrtldet,aod reallJpru'ed billllel( '0 be Ibll more accom­pliiheJ rider of tilt two. Magludcr hiro­lelf joined in Ibe ."pl.ullt', .od rraokl,.dmitted that lu Wltol 1'.IrlJ beillen. ThelIellcan ,ollled, aud bowed, Ilud .ald:

"Now, If tb. H!llOr wlll wail a momeotI ....m.hu. him. (eat o( bOtltlllulihlptbe like orwbicb b. bal oe..-er Meo."

llagrulle:r "tented, .nd Ibe Muiullrode b,lI( w'J rouud tbe Iquare. aotl IbeQpUltinN .puu lCl tbe hor.e. tlll,ppe6red lu• twiolrllllg.

"\Vbltot the d-- dUM Ihat men'"..id Mlgruder.

"1 knuw of 001, ono Ullln wbo c.n rideUk, th.t," ...10.1 Il b"'UllIder, OIaod tb,t I.MoIio().1t

"Mollal', tile guerilla'" grosDed theOWGIH uf the horto.

"Tbe '1IIl1e, aIr. I don't tbiok Jou'lle'er tee JOur hONII 'BIIID."

He n"tlr did; tb.....UiC.11 .bo heldthe .tak:u had .Ito dillppe..ted·-prob •ablJ ooe(l()lullllo', Oleo. lhgrudet Deterbearll 1M laut (It thi. es:pll}h 'mODI bitbrutber olHctl"l, aad wbll. hi. 'eullonluted bll ded.red he wu tbe blggat foo~

io the Ault~r~.lIl1ral'.

Hero i••n aDlu iog comed, nf errorawill" rarlailll edge: lime.. de Y.....'t:rl jeltolOlll, and determiDcd to " ..Ichhcr bllibaod. Oue dly lie told ber befIo'llI golnll to Vel'8 ill". and wlitn bowcol out .he put on her bonnet Iud (III·lowed him. Bhe kept blID lu Ilgbt uolllbe turoetllotn Il III allgfi which .ltorteoodtho waJ to the fir, IwaJ .I..tlon, ...·bere .bemiued him. he.tnod (or a few wio·IItlll in tho l)Ui&j:e lookiog about, aod.lIddelll,. ..w a. mAlI collling uul of •g!o,e.•lInp Wllh lto rltother ovcrdrtuodfilly. t'rom the dl.t.flnce .he mada.urethe man w'" her bu.bllnd, .nd without ..word ur ..atllhlg .be glYe him tbree (lrluut lOuodins bole. oa the elf. WhenIIltl gentlemlll luroed .rouod 10 COOI100\1,1, ILtllil.nt, .bo ptroci'ed th.t .be b.dmade a tulJtalte, aDd .t Ihe lime momllDt.he caugbt .i,ht of her b\l'hand, "hobad rcplcul'R&d hili cigar-cue al a tobac·cnnl.t '., lind wu croaling the .trool.What could .be dllf It roc" without IIJ'iog Ihllt .he (.IDted III the .rm. of tbe•traoger ""holCleara .he bad bozed, wbiletbe otber I.J, rao of( all (ut u .he 800ldto uold lClIood.1. The alraDger, "ho"u a eomeJlao, w•• utoni~hed to f1ad'0 unknowo lad,. iQ bl, arm.; "od "bitebi~ tIlrl were .till tiogllng (rom berblowl, be wu "1I.ln II.rtled. A lentle­Willi eoU..reJ him, .ntl .hakiDg himmUlbl, ..lted bim wb..t he melot byembr.c1Il,IJ a ladJ 10 tbe .treet. "WbJ,.be bond m, elU1and (alated r'acrwnedIhe .rtor. "Sbe it my wile," .houtedthe Irltote hwullnd, "and would DOYer lI ....eItruck 10U without cause I" Tbe Infuri·..ted geollllTllco Ihook tbelr Jit'- \11.111 tboIIW', ~ho h.d been cflrrlt.od Into a .bop,rtlOOvered 'Illtit'ientl, to eJl'laia how itbad h'lppeood.----

A CUCRCU J:fClDuT.-Tbe BottoDTraHltrn ..rrfolle.l the 101ll)"IDg: "Ao J:A...u coUDty clergym.n I'rtltoClltt<.la rou.logtemper'Dce dlacolIlH last SlInd"" luwbich be apoke In .trong terUl' of thenil. of Ihe li1luor tlatnCt DOt (o~ttlagIhe ..lea 10 placet tb.t b.... a preteliJe toretpectabilitJ. At be made one I\roogpoint ener 'Dotber, bla beare'" weretouched .nd upreued tlltlr .atlatlttionb1 appl.ulC!. .'llIaIlJ, II be reacbed bt.CUIllU. aD uclted be..rer rote to bit leet..and lorgtltiog tbe d'J aDd tbe place,.bouted-'No", theo, three cbeen (orthe miautar I' The dead .lIeDee tb.t 101­lowed brougbl &b. mill 10 hi4 .0-' aDdbe wilted il1to bb ....I."

01'1'01110 TO TOIII·aOOQ.-80lDe or tbepublic mCll or Eoglilld, iocludiDg oa,,1oillurs. are tr,lo& to .et the torpedoIIIDltbed (rom warrare. Th. reuoo RiteDi, tJiat WIptdoe. are 10 .uddeD &lid ....clel io their .etion th.t tbere I. no de·(&uce axaioll tbcw, Itld' tint tbUl.houldblt clallJed with uploai't1 balll lod IlOi••on., which ate prohibited 10 ci,t Iudwarfare.

A wbole deet Cln ~ destro1ed with afew fi'b torpedoet directed .moDg lbl.hi~ (rom a diJtaace. Tbe dettructioDwblcb thllle terrible en_I 'I" occuioo it10 .uddeD, 10 whol_le, tll"t lhe lear oftbem uooene. llie br..'ttl teameD. No"ollder, tben, that bumaDe meo "ant thod,i1iaed oatloo. lu declare ag..la.t tbeirII'" Uut, arter ..It, If WI rill"'" b"e ..aI,I.o't It jUlt ... well U) m.k. J' t,borl,warp, ud t1ecllt"I-N. ]'. IM,n'.

1M' • a' 'T • '\,. (,,. " •••'/0 t

~ t"',....... "'J""'c.~""t roc trell:r II JMr aUeal

,oor . I._ ItKUo. Wldl JlMIrI I f of .111 h ....J fo(", lui,. brot.'DIp ".,1 f,tt Jur (hr wllfC'H h'1"ft-. Itt Ul ll_e lu 11•• ltd_ I. Itl Ih.t.. ... J P( .. d., a 'I t'I.fD ... af'tR,.{ 'fIItr II", ("ft prt dli' \\ if h_..•• I IL....t f.1I1 Wit' y'OQ' dU-.f:lon It• I Ir ,.... t trtI to IUllhu II "1"'­t'" ,( 11'OQr ~1 .J. btl &«frtN tbe·lIu h.-.n ttl I"DIC ... II /l'& "D' 10 u••IMn 1l"law, btlt In I I I 1DO"t' lu m.nJn( U ~u lu..,.al I. pauptr' b"lB"..atllbu. too. _tHoD ,uur ruUn! ('tIUaalt'dl~IOrt ...,.. hll.UrlltlDIl:.t umml'r rt'

tf'lr ill priltCtlJ tIle. To (hi romfort.• ble e-j.'1It1eet ClO tbfir part, uader ....tcln:UbI LID it i. aOI ollr pru"iDce 10complato, 00\ wheD the r ull of Ibl. dlt­.illlilua aud l""billo.lllt: MIJ i. 'I'i.ltioKliltl6Ur"lnK t1reahle. 0(' their eD1Jllu)"\i••Ittluel bt.'Come U.IO lll'UI I. It rna, hethat lbe .bo"e doc.. Dot polDt 10 JOU tltfl­nilelJ oow,he I'rnt'ul. tf) u., unh'PIlJ.tale of .6.lrt a, IDaueoc~d bJ Ibe ACtIuf JOur nllOagtlfl. To eluddltolt:, we willeal1your alteolloll to. (t" f"cu..llflwiagthllt it i. Dot Ibe de pre. il). of btl.lne..Ih.t compel. your ttlrt'Ctort tn .tllnu u..ud our fftluilit!J', Lut Ihe ulltJu.loc..·likemanagemeo' of thl' .lfliirt of ,uur fUad.

A FCW CAi!ttIJ CITaD."We will cite II. fe.. cue. 10 polDt.

LlUt ycllt ,our road tccti'oolOmc, nl.,.kIhe 8KU'c., se..-en milllou dollar~ forfttllgllt (In 011 .blpVCtl b,lhu Stltondtud•nd olher refining lutcrtltt, oot owoedby the l::llIplrc, Pattl!, or other Ptoo.yl.Yalli. utllildu illhHc~!ll. Prior 10 tbeNlargu .blpmcDI8 !)eiog dtawn upon tbeI'coo'11"'lIia flill'llad, (tt'lgbt 10 the Ita.IKlard wu lIoooUt elghtJ centl per burel,but 80 lIOOO ... intelttitl wete harmoolzedIhe Peoa"lunilto rallr.....d received twodollBrt per barrel for til" 111m. lonlc_,",ell-clgh" o( fIo'hlch was ptlld by 1116foreign bUlert. Nflt IlIliaftctl vdtll tbl.iWme!lN incfellie of their r;;venue.4 frnma legitim"" W)urce, Ihe iotlueoce vf Jourroad ..... used w ,lCllruy th'l bUlioeu (I(iu !Jeslcu,tomer fur Ihe Ilurpt)N of build­10K up ill\U"idu"'l IUlerut, ftom which,ou, the nock·hold"rll, hue Income. Andwhlll i8 thOtellUlt? 'I'hetrllfHchltllllwOllIdinppear d (rum Ihe Peoo.ylViloill fill·rOlld, IUld 10 pl ..ce of ItvCO million. io­come thi. Jeltr. io which the .hipmenllfIre la ucw of lut Jeu, Jour road "IIItcaretlJ rceeh'e olle·balf the amounlWe call Jour ,U!.enlion to thi. (ICI, ....hlch..Iooe would b..,e eDlf.bled Jour comp.a,10 I>&J UI M leut tllough fur II 1i,lnK.Thco, Ilgltolo, Jour road hlUl been ulled rnrO'8r tweotJ·tlYe ,e.rt trall.vortlng coalto tile _oo.rd (rom Wetlero mioet ..t •prIco wMcb would barelr va, f"r motl"-ePIJ..er. Competitluu dil nut nccea.ltllteIbl, It"ice. 10 thlt ilem alone "mil·Uoo. haYe been 100t to Jour roJd,ll wbllelh,t bealthy coml>ethioo in 'r.do ... hlollIt tbe life 01 a ro.d w.. totallJ crulhedout b1 the di.t'ourRgement."i,en toot her.blppeN.

... F&1V I'SRTUfL"lT QUKlTtO~1.

"W. &gIiD call rour aueolloa to tIMuilleuce u( tbe m.D, "fall rrelght lillCl"which run upon ,our ru.d, ftUm whlcllJOu 0011 reu('e 1\ ,0111.11 pillaoce, whileulhers, who 8bould IlIlYe your IDlerau. .tbcmt arc iapplnl,{ the n.r1Ufll·blood frolll,on road lor tbelr (lwn awrandiuml!UI.Them iD tho pu-eD(Jer aertice Ihe limelodilfereoce tu 10ur iotereetl I. clearly.hown. It i. oalJ aeceu.lrJ to watclleat:b lhrough ltaiD to aee bow It it Ottt·lu.ded wilh can belooglng 10 • foreignC()rpolltloll, which par_ Me. to 11.50 peroa.r dl'hJood. utlIIIHJ to Ihelr ,toeK·balde"t amoug whlcb IOU wJlllllld mltoDl(..millar (.eeI. Tbi. comlort traffic i, DotIliolle io thit draio upon Jour plMenr;raraio'-III tbe upreu t.n&ffic rl)r wtlleh10U reeei'e • Im.1I relurn, wlll (requeat­ly in (ruit aDd o,ltet te~at h..,e oue ortW(I CItra M..lolIl OQ llalienatlr IChedule.1I11't1 )'ou eYer t'Xamlned buw much ,ourrt.*d geu fot tbil. lettice' 1'IJeo, IIg11lo,I, It good economJ th.t Juur r(lad .bould.110"" a .iuKle f1rlu to pocket buodted. oftboullod, .oau y lor wbllt .hould be,oor elfDlulC' fur a clerieal trao.fer Itr·Ylcel 10 thtl (ew or W'DJ .imUar poiDlIallo.. Doted, I. It. 1I0t potYlble Ihlt yourrll...1 1(l'C' aoou.IIJ lIIore tbao her pre-·enllucoUltllrom ..U uther &Durcet' Wetblak. we an "hb JUiUleM aod bope forbtUer Ulioi:'lln tbe future:, I.y our Srl.v'•uce bt(ote 'ou; ud _urll 1011 it '011do 1I0t gi.. tbe taQ'le ..-igilaoce to your 10'teratl fo tbl. COWp!LDl Ib.1 we are CI,IIll'

pelled 10 gl'tllD our dutica upoa tbe r.-I.I,JOU will to a (ew Jeara h"Ye a wreck be·10ad repair for ,our indiffctence. Duoot let IlIgh lOuadlnlC tillet ur potilluD'deter ,Otl (rum ,cU(lO, "'heo JOu buothe euwpltl 01 J., Cook '" Co., Tweed'.Natiooal Tru'tCulllpan" the .°reedman'.D'lIk, ete., etc.. to 11'11 JUU that blgb­tooed repulatiom, withoulltrict bu.iDe..qualificatlou., wilioot .ufficc loguarltoOlfe.ucce..."


TUK WUITIl MOUNTAIN8.-Tbe Irow­log ten4encJ to 'i'it the White )101101­alDI hu led to tbe coollructlon or •railroad IIDe qolte to their bue. Tbllbu bcleo .upplvmtoted by • DO"el ar·nagemeD\ lor m.kiog tbe ueeDt to lb."!.tawil. 8J 'bit lpeedJ eod comfort·able me..u olle avoid. tbe .Iow aodprlmltl'e metbod o( belog carricll up ontbe bll.C:k ot • hOrlle.

The &atoo, Concord and Montte..lRdlroad makes Immedble CODDection..... ltb tbla mtxlntaln lio., I' it drtel "llhthe t'lrioo. liD.. (rom Bolton and Ne"York. It tra.."ea a romao\ic couotrJ,ud .ffurd. the touritt tbe mmt deligbtful..lew. o( meAdow., 01 woodlllOd., ofmouotaio" o( rlun, aod of lake.. ItpUIItI through maaJ plwan\ vllhlp,ud ,.reeeD'- that cbanDlog dlYetJit, ofleeou, wblch b a coa.lant IYutCe vrpleuunl to the \r...eler.

It I. u a<halnblJ eqaalpped and • welloperated lina;. The nrioul new deticeateoding 10 promole the'comfort or pu·Mnge"" bno !Jeeo adopWd, anll the man­Iigemen\ it marked ltlr that cnt.e'lnhe"lIl1:h it COGtributieg to Ita popularit, .., dmt and 'RIft.bre route (or reachingthe Wbite Mouawo. ilDd tbe maoJpietur~ue tceOIli 01 BorlberD NewU..mplblre. Vermont ud C..oad••

LADY .ArlD Foua·IN·J1uD.-The io·b..lJi\.tlot. of KlnK'too on the Th ..mllwete .tut.lod recentl1 by Ibe IIrao.e.igbt o( tb. OuUdrord coacb drlteo by aladJ, who JeelDlto multle bllr team illla tborougblJ womaaUKe .t,le. Tb' coach

aa w.UlIllled, ..od tb.. t It perIJ'plAt!alon turpri.II1B fcltoture uf dltl Jncldellt.Th..t a ll'dJ .bould h"e the pluck aod'KIII to drf,o four·hl·b.nd I. Dol ellrllollr·1Iioarli0 tb.... d.,., but that IOmadoZ(lDotber perIOD' of both ...u .hol:ld h.vetb. ooorldeoco to IIIltUJl Ibeir 11'01 udlim. to abe Oflf"l'e o( I felBlle ebarioteerlacetlaiDI, a .i.-o of the time•.

• UKCPTLT a plgeoo percbed 00 tbemlDIHe haad or the clock In tbe tower orTrlDltJ Cburob, 'PiitAbursb, at a "ulltero(el.,.ell ill tho marlilag, lOd beld Itt poItootil i'- bod, wu MC\Irely (uteDed be·tweeD tbe two bDd.. WbeD II attempl­e4 to fl., it eo.ld aot atnteh i'- WiD"ud ID a (e" MCODda WAI ~OeeIed todeatb. The ponderou. maehlotry W&l.toppetl b1 tbe ".UOG, but the dead birdcoold aot be takeD out uDUl the band.wen uDKrewed.c....;....'-o__

A lU:UU of American ne.'~pen.n.peak'-, ta,orabl1 0' tbe guiUl')uoe a. a.obttluu. for die , ..Ilow••

.4.0 Alneriean Ch'euilin Brittany.

\I.m",.' ,''tta 1,,1101 aw .bvul II bew ItNu,d .. Ulillt. Thf'n' • "' )'1I,d.... " III I'.. IbIrJ' r-r .. b,,"1 /o.t"U••t Watt Ik~

IMMIH'...J .. ta,a u...tn. I -.ta d.t w r of:" _f:11I ....Ii. I ,. IIor.llll. lbo-. lUI Ift"-.,I.' ,.., .....It.,. Il;b 1 ~ fl'-f' ''11b .~ t kf'\,l. "IDJ t,( 001 cl...

and ,1..~1 1"'1 'lit "r • bo',lIb.• ,1-.,. I ~ ., the do.: .,.,~td ..... lurlua .. l"luDf'lI, .",1 aln: I,.r WLDd'l..... 'ol'{•• toJ n l.: •

1t h all"rtil Id i'l,m the til, u l.f ttti' t I tlff1 If r ult'll ......... I ,,,' II,\trll"'" .llit l.amUia 111111"- .'1 lhf 4'mltll1, I ,,-I.tt..,ftq'p"" II' \lol' utiw"rI,II" .\unlluele • ,II" l lIT Ibr ,J Ihr..•,. It 10111"11 c,f ,0 II ....lE, Ilia ,.( A.J Ute loo'" :-- DIe ", LIM I.

Ibolt '.IIIIkI~ \\ h.d~.. _ 110 'N I r ... 1111 ltM! 1If'aNMI, Ira"1",ulo.lDth~lp II, ulAn04\oI. b to"I", IIr".. I,,..J,, ... It1.w'.f'I. h'J'p'

IDJ:. ··lbOCl~h I "Dftil It _IU '11111'01:" lUIe ()( lhe. II D't a .'.. hi t...." ....\D,I tt.e !"Uill hln,I, m'''e Ih"lr lA,llbeJ _t'rf: l;jUD~1 I \C,to It.. "".,tlil ~

""/f'u-,Ud I 11('01. IUllt'y. In 10 Uliltlc:kJlUloWtDt,l'lIh.11I"UII,a .1I,' NIlIt', m.mm,'" rlied ('ul ILt.:n_; Ib.1 Mtllll' lu,11 II ltuturJ I,.d, I

IIlUt'.duahnhulllneathlt lrom hernpltl WI looy 1lI1.e11, I ~ .... a I'allc Id.••IIt.III~. bl'lh"bl Je.l hllie Utet II 10 ~f) IU tltt-

"r['.. tlt.r:· III ht'r nllltiu~r, awlllog. (jI\;U•• 10 (ruDIO( -1 tilIDdu.. lI. luw"bul .h..... Ml lireJ I per·u,ded ber tu ...11, .00111 riOt: u lilt lilKIt. It blie do"n, 10 ,"uu ...uu·t _ be-r UDti! din-' al"oo' UDe huadttlll (et' 101lM'. aDd i••oer tiu~e." rod pl»ee to ,It; oolMJ, un ao la or

Olll'lt:r·liwtI ume,ID,1 with it Auot UOl uf tbe hutel witlior.lt lJeiog !leeD ItJ}o~ulJicll', a liuh:, Lti.k old lilly ill.. tiD l)lltlon. ,Iuiull on thtl WillI. I lave thedre~ , tiI'lIl1 ....lIrt no tile lJriJ"e (If Iler IllCliC lit tbrt.~ (I'CIOCK; .t h.1r IWbt tbr«UD8e. XU wood~r Corionll luroed pltole th.t ...11 Wtiau'ertK! with bo,.rruOIel,dud .ick "I he.rt u her motherlotroduced weod. You couhlll't hllYtI wedgrtl ioher, .. ith. lodug Imilt. ~ot but .he ooe .nJwllere wdluut Ibu,ing Ollll olfatuodl!nlood Ih.t low aDd gentle "Nettr ODe l'ad or Ibe olber. Wblt were theywind, m, dur," which r••ched htlr ellu there (orl I focud uul wbeD I lIn tlMlalooe, .. thd old lady ki.1ed b~r IUd l.iOlllll. f:ltoCh (loe h,,1 tlolle me 10m", aer­pretK'd ber bud. ,Ice-or imlgioed bll IL""-.n{) Cllme to

Ne'er bofore hltd .he relt.o humill· uk rllr a ffloc ill cOIlIC\4uence. It·, ...ated; ..ud DOW \h.t AUDt Euoice hltod 10D1I1.I1o& ...hat meworl~. Ihelle huy. hIddeart<! .w., aU trlCl'8 or the dUlt 'Dd -upoo wbl&l preleOItl' theJ dared '0f.tlRue of tbe jl}uroe" .be Ill' bow 15k me for a ftaoc. ODe b.'J ".oded DIllDoble IDd .weet WIUI tho face, .pile of a cbMil io ehulcb,ltooQther ltlkl ..ked tothe di~ligurlog w.rt, aDd how reallJ go towlDg wltb We, aud hIYioK ..oluo.te'llod Wil tbe .plrit that i1ll1mioed it, teertd to pull tilO o.r fur ltowhile, hlkl ju.tthllt led her to "J, ia lUllnner at leut, Ihouio\:hl to IUk pll), fur it; aoulher hadthat .11 WI8 (orglveu lllUI would be for· brought me I d.l1, plllhl uf .ttawberrilll,goncll. (or Which bill Iliotber blld a",..dJ cbarged

Catiune had De'er railed, from thllotclal 0111 tvdce tbelr ..arket pricu. Tliuaeto thi., 10 treat old.age with rupeel, ao boy....·ere too mucb lur we. I rled.,..tter whetber the meetl it clad 10 pur- At I..t tbe hour of rrt'urmloce came,pie aDd fiDe Iioeo or 10 the gub of IlOf' ud .ucb a Keoe" wllocued wltblnerly.nd miaer" ODe leuon ""u eoough tbat leut-"bich, b, the w", wu are­for. a IIletime; Doe recogoilion ot the mll.rkltobly budlome teot-I- Dever u.belutl of Cbrh.Uao furbear'IICO uDder ptlCt to Ite ltog.in. Oll tiera or .cUlI, uue,.retH pro,ocilioo .umcal.-YuIlW, Oom- 1I.00,e Ihe olher, lYere row, of Ihe brolld,pallioll. nhet-blt.nded bau, IDd '00"'1 clllfl, ..od

uudellu:alh thew lull-f1t1.bed he.. ltb,(.cu of old meD aDd ehildrtn, Jouogmea ..nd m.ideol, ",·bo walled ludoual,(or Ihe eDlruce (If the ring-malt"r. Itwu lu U~, AUleric'lI~, .impl, a 'eryIlood circtil-tIJ them It Will fair,·laod,\VtI Iltow Duly .p'Ollea llnd hulllou-lltoCe_theJ lit" gold .nd aem.. We law onlJp..luted CIOWD..-thIl1 saw 1I11.le,ioUIInd "oDder(nl belag.. Tbe, "'ere .101o( gro"a·up childreo. They ter.mOOwitb deliglJt at the .oliet I)f Ibtl c1owD,.ntl they Jelled witb ..dmiration wheDlille. &11 roJe arouDd tbe dog OR ber00r1 cIL.rRtr. ')'heJ WQuid hlt'e eojoyedtbelllll!ll,. a !trent dllli mote btlt for ooedr,,,bICK. Tile)' coulda't uodertlaodtbo cll,l"o'. joke.. Such a thing u af'reuch clo...o it.n but ..n impolJlblllty;&lid It teem••lmOl\ equ.lly itDpoaaibl.(oraa ED,ll"b clOWD to learo Frencb. 80we fe. Americ'D' and Eoglish ~atberedthere wete obllgec.l to cspillio tbe joktllonr and O'er ltog..in for tile benefit or ourQltlmperl6 friend., wbo I.ul(_oo, but didDot uodel1\&Qd. Out w. did i' all 'er,• lIJiDgl" (or we wue patriotic e.oougb towl.b the belt Impretalon .hould be leftbJ tbe Americ&ll clrcUi iD Britla.D,.-8•• Ni<Ml<u;.... --

To-Jay tbe Bretoos are ,er, mucb....b..t Ihe, were. cuturJ .go--Je., morethan tllu-perhape two or tbree cen­turlt... ugo. Tbcl 8fe IUpc"tltloUI, big­oted alld pidureaque. They come to tbelDarkcta cI ..d 10 .kia. 10 winter ud ioIIIIot:kclolh In .ummer. TheJ culti....te thelOiI iD lhe rudetl llIuoer wilh "oodeoplo"., and are t.Ooleot til .11 tbe waJ' o(lile to lite IIJ their (:.lthera Ii'ed.

We ofieo hear or the 100 IltlOding Intbe thud o( tbtt,r.ther, aDd thia ma, behid lih!rlllly of tbe DretoD.. 1\ oftenblppeOI tbat a pair of leatber .bDel Ub.nded dowa from (atber to IOD. TheseIbOfj IMt a loog timt, (or IbeJ are onlyuled 00 rare uceuiooa, rude woodeD.bnes, or Illbot1, being commoalJ wOtD.Not oUfillD tea cf tbe amWD people ClD

read IIDd "rlto, .od new'pap8nato ..Inury ellJoJed onl, b, tbe ricb. Tbepeoplll are .tmple·D1iode<t IDd creduloll.,but 1'1 mnnel matUrI tbe, are nOl \t)()

.imple to mike uoeedillglJ .hrewdblrxalo•.

No", io a couotr,likt thll, to a tOWDIill, tbit qoalDt, 0ld·log1bb Qulmperl6,JUit (adcJ &lI AmericaD clreu. lIl.kiag illappearaoce. Here, In the public tqultrc,a tremelldou. ,cllow.and·red poIler h..beeo di.pl'Jed (or a week put., .adcro"d. o( edmlrlng peu&ota, mOI1l pic·luruque Ib.a lid" b"e.lood belote ItiD admirlag "ODder from mOflJiog tillalght. It. 10Dg tr..lna 01 mOltled bortee,Ita humped-backed camel. IIDd hulkyelephlou, hue beeo commcolcd uponuutillheir lIlioute.t polota art konwD toeYer1 pelt.nt witblo teD mUea. A com·motloll w•• cre..ted one d.y bJ a cJ.lIlcalold oDe~1ed beag" dec:lariog th.\ theproprict"ln of die clrcOl were emlMarieto( tbt' "rullin goyeromeu., aad tromth..t au.piclQll It came to be prett, ~D·er..IIJ uodcntood th.t tbe mao. whodro,o the trillmph.l Car in tbe palutedc".lc.dew.. Peloce Oi.mucK, .lthoughthe bill aDOGuoced, 10 pl~a Eoglith, Ib.tIt ..... tbe Augla-American elreD' tb.t"u comiog. "Tbe people didn't qulletake 10 tbd wot« A.IIglo; 'but Amerleao"II plain 10 .ucb of them u could readFrucb, DO accouot or it••hnllari.t, tothe lame word 1'1 tbat I'Dgu""e.

At tbe ,",Iter wu koo....n to be anAmel'lcan, be w.. called OD UlaDJ time.to gite uplaDatioo. o( tbe f1guN/III 00

tbe bill: a.d ..IlY Ignorance regardlo,them wuuld b..... thro". doubt at ODr..011 hi. IlII.IIODlilltJ. Wu that IilEe anAmerlcao elepb..nt' Ooet Ibe Preli·deot of tbe United Statee ride io a coacbUKe Ib.U-polnllng to tbo wu,lclanJI'CIlr. 1I0w 01101 OIlrichet could. good.porl.m.n .hoot 1m e d'lln AmerlcalDo aU the peoplll 10 Americlto wearle..thert like tbat red ladlau 011 the bUll

All thlllC qOeltioo... lOll maoJ 1lI0re,we,. oolitlall.II, put and (1lI~bruIl1 u­."ered.

At Iltolt tbe circu. c.me. Brlllbt aDdearlJ OD lbat ""ODderf'ul morlilog .11QUilllperl6 w•• up &lid dteeeed 10 114 bettclothe. to tee tbe grud eotrJ at lb.c:in:u.. Trawp, lnuup, tramp illto lb.tow. (rom an quarte.... lb, people came.Alt the .u.ou cl.ttered in 00. dire<:tioato"ard tbe 8""..t aquare., where bu.,b"lId. ""ere pUttiDg u~ tbe Ieol. Eyer,to"a ID BrittuJ h... lit ditUlictl" CQl!,or wome.'. bead,.d,.... and ewerJ .,.rlet,Will be,. repreeeut.ld. The men elmewith tlMlr bu.e poc:ketl .Ulft'ed withgreat bD.(.kwbeat CIt", &lid womenbrougbt loe.yee II hili' ... the top o( apall, bJ waJ 01 t1ijbt re(reebmeat ..tmldd"J. E,er, mao uti womaa whobad children brouabt tbem .11, lrom abeeartfttllJ wr.pped·up iDf.ot to tbe ga".,bnJ.a.ad Ilrlt WilD are ..lwa,. tumbllna:0\'., lbeb OWD or IOtDebotl, elM'. tIIHCa.

ADd the beaPr'l It wu h cora InEiJpl" for tiI'm. na'J C&OIe like beet


41J.1J1 .I1A Un., ... '",rhtn

Takf: "Adr. Tb) H1n-.T,k. 'U11 lIl.-l C'tU .Il

T. "~_"''f") u\.t.I ..CMlilt 11M ..... ~. ~'1 c>f lIP,,>

('Nt''''"' , ...b

A .It"'rt. , lI'u1lC'1:,oo r.F••ed.ad 1Iorlb 10".

l'\l e.blf. of ••, •• ~el, dud pul..lad. eru"}' bl"O"'. '0_

u •• nil' ellrl. fro_ of! U11 '0.,Uti. _Itb .. klo& or bhlf,

-. tbla • rI. 'bel IllY ••k!."My lou for IbN 11 true"

Tat. bKk tb1 ,Iu-Ilonl, ptllrlOf r'ffll purity:

"AI e.blem or 1011r 1o',"," Jail uld,·f1t,rou.b .11 .teralll!"

J W1DOC ..,.Iodo bKk til, )ore,I'm ,\IN .,..... "I'er IIDlot,

Woehl loti bean !.bat', tnal, ~,"ea,)lore CODIl.ut prO'fll than tblne?

ADd tbul we part-l .111 nolll'1n niUtti IU 10 pilla;

A bfl,blAt:M from tn, HIe b.. (ODf,

That lIe'r.r 1I'U1 COale .,all.-lMIa Cltftll.'l)O(l.

Coriuufl'. }ll.Btake.

Three merr, girl. entered tbe cars Ittbe wmhull or • cltl ro~1. The, werebrlfll.'led, hltelll,qcDt, lad full of fila.

"Ob, do hope," &&id AJlIlle Welab,~OC ber .kirt lad ber boob COlD.foclabl,. "we .bao·\ ba'e a .Iogi. 1.>-,."Dl'r from bere to Haight'lrett. Iju.tWADt to talk and laugb. Ilad ac, "Iell,.. t pleue. without the IlreaeDDe or auiticallourtb.'·

"'UDI. it .OOuld baJlpl!D to be a ,ery,iOll }OODg JeD\lemao," laugblngl) ,up­pltDleattd CoriDDe Baku.

"AIl}thLag but Ih.t.," cried tbe fll'Il.~.r, with a ICrimaee. adjUltiDg 'tilud curl... bn"."r. IOI'm brimful o(mllChltl, and 10 .ueb , cue I know Iabould do IOmetblDg dele.lltoble."

". dn bope we .hall be alolle. thougb,"Mid tittle Louie Dteriug, th. ,ouo,.t ofthe three, .. Ibe placed ber boob oa tbecuahloa ,t ber aide. "It'. 10 mucb betkr1tul \0 ba,e the ear all to Doe', ..I', ortel.... ••

"POI at'rald the luo mu.t go by Ibeboard, lbeD," oclaimed Aooe, "lor IMe \b. IUDOlesl. pl.lotll, bowellett oldwocau comln, rl,bt Unllbt tbl. way.O~ ._,1 abe will 'Illel, .poll enr,·thlq."

"AAd look at tbat uUquated baud·bla-a CtDtUfJ old, a\ tbe '.ry leut, It

Ooriue cried. Did JOu e,er," .uob Irelio 0' Noah .. arkl And bow ridlcu·101ltl, .be it dreutd I I'm not 10 .urebut lbal we eu b". our (UD ..fter aU_"

X..U.... bowed dO"11 by lOme ID·ltaltJ, dutJ with a d"J'. ride, ud rullJ..tiqu..... la prb ud m.llnll:r, tJUI oldI.-elJ dre" D..... ud oever 10 the ear.Wt.., hd piDed it. h. (.et bright­eaecl TiliblJ ..I tile &I,ht or I'reth youog~ ud ia the klDdn.. or her beart .hulIoddecJ .. macil u \0 "'J, "}ly devt,JOII art all.traIt,.,.. to me, but 1 am II.d__ JOG."

1My did .ot. boweYer, retUrD th. Dod iNt OM b1 00. tbe1 .mlled, looked ineach otber'. r..., ud at lut Utteredludlbl,.

Tb. poor old woman. teemed .hocked.t thb lacl,lIItJ, &lid drew berMlr u fatfrom tbetr ,lchlltJ .. pouiblt', wbile .het1ll11ed ber keea eJea, tb.t .lmOlt di.·PfO"ld ber ,ea:.-to large &lid blaclE theywen-rrom tbeir lacet to o~ber ObJ8Ctaoatlid••

Saddeal" Corlaae, poaMUed ...bebid Mid belor'tt"itb \.be .pirit o( mitchle'l&ook vp 011. DC ber ICbool·bookt, aDdwith a .lulE at ADDe, ~glD \0 rud 1D alow too.:

k8be wu tb, xrawDleiot, wietdea~

looklDI objtct.. wilb I wan OD the bridgeor lter aoae., ud a criatle-uutle booaetof U Qoeertaia ....., Uke itt o"oer. Allabt Mldecl wu .. "brooaulick lOd a blackCit to malte ...rltable witch."

Best Ibe mirth or tbe thougbth.... girlabeeaale.a .udlbl. t.b&\ tbe ruder WIIlotted to paat 10m, restralDt DpoG hertu·lO'riag proclltWe.......d I"J the boutuid•.

"Bere'. Halgb\ .treel," aald ADD'"Coriaoe, I ot,er ~gbt to tell 10u,UDeI, U..l brouabt u. two 8pltz dogtJesterd." "bite u "001, &lid U cUDalog.. tIMJ cu be. Come hom. "itb me tadItt them. It wOO't take 8" miDataaon, aod pub,pI I'll r1" JOu 00. oftbQ2,."

"'&t m.auDaupecl' oompaD"aad_""Ob, boUlerl 1 tell Jou h woa't talte

fife miouiel 10DJU. Come, tbete.. adarllDgl" aad tbe old ladJ tat Inolt1aganer them. II tbe Rlr. uipped ,w'110hleb .pirlta. • aad upreuioa OD bet car..wonlau.

UOctrlaue," .be muullur.J1

"lthoulhtI o.,w tbe (ace. I bor. t wu Dol,tbougbU......." .b, ad ed, "Dd btr lipttn_bltd. ~'Bo\ pe.rb.p' I looked for toomtlCb (rom Oorry'. cbild. ADd Joullgrolb CU't be upe:cted to eater iotn Iher..u.,. of the 'It'd. But it I. bud to beto cliMppolated," &ad Ibe .book her beaddojeeledJy.

lIeuwbUe c.m1l1M. had Hea ud ad.mir«I Ute dOlPt aod tbe gir" were abolltperil.,.~e Ottr to our 1100" IOOD." ••id

Corio" 10 AIIDe, u tbeJ .tood OD theate~. III '''lit 10 iotroduce JOo to oaeor tbe frud.t old ladiel-IIIJ mother'.MUlti ba,. Ctt« aetD her mytelf bllt• Umr I .hall 1O't. beT, (or .be 'ted.....'. life .t the mil: of Ler OWD.


__ _ _~__ s:~ __


!--tlt->-+l~~T ••"~•• "'''''''........................-.

C. " 1', n. mln.T, " CO"I• ...,.......an. .,



H. J', BOOn,Dtalerlll I

A •• ' •• r


Prllttli Prellll810111 ro." oC

~f:r,~~~!:' ::il"allqClru,k


8et..ec!o ~.rtt\ aad "oar. 81lll'l'1lndaro.(Vp lINJ. .... )tr&.." ItkJ>lll for 111_".... Cfn:,,,,,~


ne.'ler III III illl~lIdWaG'blnd

ENGINi:s AND BOnEJI8,.&nd Gtll,r Ktebillflry B01/&bI 1114 1of4.

~e -':B1\TXI."r,CelL " ..XOIIIT ..0 XI.IO.. STII.. 'a. P~.O'IOO.

8RAIID, IQUARE AID U'RIIHT.IF'ltrlctl, llf'lt<_ Ud Nil, ...lInUttd.....

'1111I n., II•• 1111" 'IIIlLL.UII..~•• .r.r Ul......... tI .

CHAS. a. JA'1'CN, (hu.:! AgtIlt,lSI ....t:pIurJ ItrM',1u. J"ruotaN.

N%'W'" ~'X'%Q~"1~A.K "ll!rlUliOR TO T .... OI.D IITYLa.I.' w. at"" liar. Ih. CO.IIlIOllllld ICtplar

CALIfORillA WAIH.OAUIIOf llupu10rJ~~lt:ft~::Il~I~I' .•1I1e pritt

RUNTDOI0J, HOPKIn*, co.,Ya.• rPM·r.... .,,' AIII.'I'll.

.IUIlClllllI nIMh 11/' llulr.tt 6tnlew. Se.la. FrilleiIeo.,


A. O. RIMIIICTOIl & CO.,I~ to P. )t. IjNlaldl" • co.

N... m. tII ..4 U5 8..1OlI. 81rol\..,," r_a:a(lUI{JO. (lAo'lo.

A. D. nK)tI~?~:,.r~ ..tf,o~~·1 Wu...F. Vi. AIN8W()KTII 8&11 "rao~.


T1IKOA.T "'".RCTIOl" ,I.:-ro ltO.l.AIIN'Isa.­All .utrerlDK froUl Irr(tptiofl of 1M Throololld Jl,Nr_., will be ".reeably lurprlled attbe almOit immediate uller afforded bytbl'Oil! 01"Rroll1ll" Brorw:ltlal 7'roc.v',"

PurOhM~ Aa8noy.Ladlel wb'o be de.how of betlo", «ood,

purchued (or tbem In 81n rraochco Cln do10 bI addrtlflnjf M"', W. u. Alblll!, wbowill lind lImplei of rood. for their n.pec.tlon lind Ipproul, W.uld ••, tb.l I 1m Inexperlen«ld dreu.maker aDd hete the ad.nO"ee at buyloK i1t wbolellIe, IIlld ..ouldlin my palrooa tbe henellt ot alme. 000<1.porcb..ed Iud Hot O. O. O. Bend for Olrcular. Aoylofor,utloo 10 reprd to It,le.ehel'rluU, gl,on. 1\'ould IIdd lblt I bue at1",t·e1ua e.tabll.bment for Orell.mlkloJ[',IIld 1m prepared to eucuto ('ountry orderswllb dlllp.tcb. Addrua 1Iu. W. D.AluILn,120 Suller .treet, Room 61 alo FrUlcl.co,

Epiourean Reeort.The OllCr..!tyor addloX I cllIpartmtnl for

the leeommodlUoo of ladlel ,llttl1ljf theUo\led 8utu Rett.llraat bu beeo milt bylIttlog up ooe of the 1Il00t tuty Ind con\·en.Icnt parlon for tb.t purpole In tbe elty.Ulololloua belnJ( tlle t1ntlnd mOlt pleulnltIn,ltlUon to the IIppellte, no I.bor Ib.l1 be,plred In thll direction. The mo.t polite• nd llttentlre Willen .bllI 1'111")'1 b,ln at.leod..nec. w••hlll .ene thtl. cholcMt Ih(lIalon and tDtrkil IlI'ord, In • mlnllQl topleuc the mo.t euetln•• It. prl<,et enllbllnKIII to Krl~lr, tbeir wllbel. All In,ltltlon IIexltnded to tbe llldle. and It il boped the)'

ft~~~:'~1 ~~:~~~~~::fo~e~~I~~~~tlltk~~~eU~8. Reltaurant., eorner CIIY lod ~lontBomer)'.treell, SIO frenelleo.----

u•• Burnham's AbleUll1I for rbellm.UtmIUId lIeUralj{"'L::...~ _

U.. BUnlbllm's II bMUol f.r t:roop, c:oldJ,lore Lbrolt Ind bOArMOI...

Tho Oallrom.la 010". 00.Pl"Ot'rew II tbe ••\cbword ()( the I", Ih.

oow.rd mO\'eflleot" perpehl.J. Ind, I. WUlInCITe. perlJ.pa, mor. lhall III In)tlllOI{ d".Nu one un Il1hrd &0 11aud .tlll; If h,doetto be _III be pu.hod ..Id, and lrocld"n litoIn.lrllll\ealh'~. lIowlllrer, th" CIIU.ltY IndenterlJrheor Ollr chliCU lean lillie w bedellred In the wlY or Id\'lncem~ml. tr.ryt,.de I. oUll1erDUaly nlll'l'tHnted hero: Ind.e,'en tnlere'U, whIch were lIuppo.ed, at onetime. to be befonll c..nri.lfollU HOIK! Illd tobe loeallud In f.UUlm ttr Euruj)ello dUn

~:::~n~::e~,t:~'I~:~bl:ll~I~::~Il;:~~~tbem .ucceuMlr.

We Illply theae remuk' at prt!Jlnt to themlnufr.clure o( (IOre,\ln IndullrI thlll b..obtained quite. footbo d In C.moral... WIIhlte plelWure In tonnectln,l' wttb tho 'ur\!./(nllloR' ollAefVltlnn tb, nlmll (If the C.IIr(lrnl.WOTe COlnpIO)', ('onduthd by Melin. I'. \\:F. G. Conkl1o, It No. "IV B.lIery stretl, 81Ul'raul.eo. Tho company blVe been e.lab.lI.bed bore lbout Clyear.. and Ire lhu plo.neer lod tudlng bOlDe In the bu.lntlu. Themlnllfllelure or buelt.klo !flave. I. I.peelal.~y with tblll bOINe, .bul th,y allO ..uke up a'Itrul variety from olber mlterl.I,. auqll IIkid, do/{, 11mb. etc.. aod, In their '~'llOntlotb. lind bl.nket v:lo'tI for use In the cold.D('Uon. of tbl. and IdJolnlog .late. aod ter.rltorlu.

The eomplny tOlllume .lIop.lI, lboutforty t1~oulliud .khlll of ,.rlou, klulb, whichare ellt Into Klofel, fllrnl.hlnj( employment10 tlrty blud, u euUen, tlnne", Ind make'"tbu. retaining In the StatelboulludJ of dol!la" thlt trould otllerwlu be unt abrold.

Wo tak. e.peelll pIeuuro 10 10troducioWthl. nrm to our readen' notice, InuOIueb IIIt Ie II purely C.lIfornlln COD('em. carried onIn our tnldll, /(1,IDit remuDerttive work tom.n, penonlln tho diy, Ind etlndlnlon111 own merlll wltbollt .eeklnlf tbe preatlgeKite" by Imporlalloo. from tbe tilt.. '·hl.energy Ind enterprhe b"'e boroe fruit IIIhumeol" p.tMnla-e, .howln~ Illc tlItimlltlooIn wbleb gooda of tbll bOllae Ire held, Dodthe C.llfornla Glove Compau)" ••uecllulnnative glare mlnufllctllre ,lIould Kite IIvel)'.eliltleUoo to public Iplrllt:d Ol1lfornll1l11:-So ~'. COOinurd4ll. ,

PufllOIL'(1I of blJth IlIIndlng unbuII.t.Uoj{.Iy fCho tbllir ladornment to lh UII of tbeOllet"oberjc·MI"'blll'. Cilbolleon (or.1I fe.mile campllinti. 1b(I welk aDd debilitateddod woodl!rlul ~Ilef from a eOl)ltan~ we ofthl. "Inable remedy. Sola by In lIru,ltA'l.tI.fUO per oot;:":::','- _

Con JOIl !on THMO.l'l'.-Rub tbe throat",Itb Tupper'. Indlln UII uuUl red; tbell bind011 lIannel until taturaled wltb It, aod In themornloj( It I. (One.




'I!I~I:::~VI00 the PacUlc Coul Ire now mue at tbeNew York 0ll1ler1, No. 13 Third Itre.l, 8110Jraaeisc:o. Price. to lult the lImlI.

J. B. PETERS, Proprietor.


111 IuInml 8heet, 8u In.oebco,

~ImporiellandDeatenlll ucrrdeterll"

110. crIIr_l. aDd X.lI:.I~_LOA.I.,


~'Tt:d~r~~(J~II'V:~t~::W;t::~r.;••.••'" _.".r _Ir_f I~


A 01eNTl.IUCAN who hlMlloft his operagiusci io II oox at a West End Thelltro,RDd hid been IIlIlblo 10 nco'er them,concluded an lodi81?llnt letter to the1Il1l011gor a, followi: lIApart from the1llM'ai MlU/!l of thoRO glaSRcsl tbey COitme t1\'e !>ou.c'"d'C'o',-- _

TilE New York street car. carry 166,'000,000 plWellgtlrs a ,oar.

SI· ... NI II IJrovcrb; "When motheu·ill·luw till! OUI, thon we get at tho fOlllll}fucll.·'

How TO PAOK RIP. PEACUI!8.-Qulteat mucb plcuuro ba, be.n felt upon btl·IDg JnformN of tbe ••U,eactor1 conditionof luch IOrt (rult, as ripe puche. ladnectarlnu after a journe, of 1:100 mil" a.In wlnDlog a well·coattlted prize at "dower Ibo•. The plao which baa p\'(l,edl~rrecu1Iucceu(ul, Ind whichl. nOw In·",rlably followed whenever fruit Is leotby rail, i. to wrllp ouch bunch or grllpc.Uf fruit of other kind. III Ion tinuo paper,InrroundiDg it with ••light lladdlOg of'''Get brao at the fr'dt II Ililced Iide by.Ide In a box. The P'1)CIr 11 pu' UJIOIlthe fruit io plain fold .., and oot twla.tcdlDlo hard corOCrt, which may prell Intolbe DCII fruit and .poilit. Much titre I,lIkeo to lu",o cReb fruit thoruughly cn­veloped in braD, wbleh i. IloilO Icltledlo.to 'UI complct a mllIl lUI poulble by.lIghtl,. Jarring each box upon tbe paclt·Ing bench aner the top layer la rut in,anu wbeD It h quite full a ahnet 0 paperla put uJlOo the bran and the hinged liddOl«! loy book. auLi cyelet. of copper"Irel aDd laCurely cordeLl. tr thl. excel·leDI Dill melhlHl I, on I} done correct I} aUrlak, of fllilure I. "olded.-lAlldo~Journal of Jlorticullurl,

Tlltoninr Fruit.

.~IOIITEY.." women from the TreMoryDepnttmcut have 1)(1('11 lent Oil to NewYor" to perform the nice IlttloJou ofcounting 170,0001000 poltage atampa reoported 10 Uo atored in the "8uH. at thoagllllCy In tbat cit}.

,. .<

I , ••........ ,..I ~ t, ..

....ai, .' "

,. ...0(1.1........._ 1

.. .. UUJ".ll.£


AND CHILDREN'S]3001;& _ Sho.e..

Of the very be.~t qlllllltl~ alld or til.J.lI.te8t f'lItllrll•.

Gtnt'. nml T.ntllril'Arotic C>'vor-SJ:a.o<o_.

Oeut'.. lAd leA', MI.~ICS Ami ChUd",II',D,U.'b'bo1· Ove1··&J:a.oC.


John .I:'itzpatrick.w 1 ~ C: 6. J) I. , .. I; I••: \ •

a t 1u~tI

,'" \ II 'If \ ~

"ro-t T ...

A ('(tllllll,.,e. ,MmPlIlII(

jlloot & Shoel.• STORE.

ThlJl11 the Largest and BestSclellh.'tl StOllt (I( 1iOO1l! i\:\d~M'IOCoI (Ill Pu­get &ltllllJ. liomprllltlK

DItON7.£ ...1011 SATIX DKKssINCl,

M.uo:O;'11 CUALLI~:orOIl: B'....(JKJSn.FRANK ltJH.I,P.H'R W.l' .. 11

PltUOI' Ih.,,(t.I,s.,.

MACIIINto: SILK .\\IJ ~ I: to: lJI,E:-.

Shoe FInding.,.)of ,;'\ ory U .....tJl·I..,U.HI.

Rigging/;( HarnCl88 Leathor,lte.. tt.c

:Miscellaneous StG(,:~ ICustom Work

AI.,I Jk'plllrlnl/; I'J:t't'\Ill'fI .I~I.I. ".,1 ."~r.l&l'd<Ml X'1:\,.nI1t'lf.

tr A r..tIr .1,1"'" (0( tJlf' 1.("" .._., II""JlUMld' lkit"'!l.tT II ,. "li n!:\' t:UE\l t (01'

t ,\ H till




P .......


> lo ....v




For Sale,



Dry Goods,


noors E. Window,



Whollul. alHl fI.t&1I Dealer In




[7 At a bargalll l the 11Ilnl-flolshct.l~

t:ii"" 1I01I~ Lllllt by Doctor O. V.~

t7 Calhoun, colltalnhlJ( D"\l1

L7 good sited Rool1ls.-q'j


W Tbo Frut-5alllng Sloop n B. L.~


Apply to


Ci rar , Tobacco,




l'nNT TOW:I j,;. D.

a-~ow _ • a

rI" ...."hoI'. a Nil

g.r •••.• CIU .. le,1


Notice of Sheriff's saleOF REAL EITATE.

Tult aloop T"iliJtht. went aehortbelu.. ruint. '''lil,llon OD 'VednesdaJnigbt.

Or. ,r. M. Hlllklc. 01 the National fo't1r­p:1l'allnlrltutc. with I\comnctcllt ror,.....'(aMl!mullI will vilit Pordll.ntl. O.....j.(lJll.1l0001lI,lIt St. Chllr!eg Hotel. Octobor2:.!l1. toNO\'ClUOOr I.t. !ti71. Illch.,lve. SooUlerIn!tIlUlittn III tho world hu ~1ICl..~hlllr

trenttd l!O mOllyCftatl of SplnJll (.illf\·lIturl".lJlguAl!t. 0( 'lie .lo1llt!l.t 1':1",1'911. (;tllbFecr, PII~. ,.11jl1lll In lillY. ~(',"ll'11la. X"" ••al dlitMrh, etc. 1~1I1.1f\11t1 (TUllI RIIllU~1everr COllllty III the Ulll~St:uiC!j h:l\"\llll>­pllCi to it for rl·II.,(. ell Iter nt Ih.~ lion I'" Ill_.tltllte ot tndlJult4fJOlI•. Indhllllt.. nr lO nileo(lts GrAlld I)IVl>lloll'llit PhllNIeJphlll. I'll..Atlrl.lltA, (;11" or ~ah Frrl.nc!k'O. CAl. The.fllleted t':lIlllnt Rlfo,,1 to ml....~ 1111~ 0JlPI'I­tUlllfy o( beln« CIII"l'd lit home. '1I~ 1.>0.....IIII' m:akn rll) chlll'J{. rur oon'II1t:tlloll AmICJ;.It.lllhIUtloll. JlllllllIJl \1'11118 (ur tn:.ltll.~l1t

art) ydthi11 the reach of c.-ery (11:10.

~Stcl'CO!!CCpIC vlewllollll tillportnlltpuluti 011 Puget Sound Ai CallroruLil for8111" lit Jali. .Jolle!.-----

TlIR EWPIRlt.-This "teamer leitSllII ~~Tancieco on the 3d inst., (orPUlftt Souutl, ~rrived in this port onthe 10th, and "ill load at St!attle,widl coal Crom tbe Henlon millell, for

IU Fr.nciaco. She ..... built atPort Malli,oll uuring the present.Tcar, and ia 732 ton. burthen. Situi. eUllllllallded bl Capt. C. H. Butl,·r.lIer pur.e-, MI'. Vanl. Plac., i, I'ery gentlemartly and ohliging flf· .O'~'". d d I I" ,AELICIOUS ..-:. ,hcer, all no 011 Jt. "·1 I eCOlliU IlOP- 101"1"

nltr. On ber ""ay~ up slle !Hopped .tl;~~:,~~ ~~Il~;,I:~)n:;:;~'W~:hl:~~ ,,'IOJ!'.

;H hour. at Eureka and 2·1 hourt at I'It':M~r1k'e",lIl t!f' hl""'n thfl I''''''IJ\'~Goole U_y. Her rtl~\Ilar rnutt" is , , '1, .. ,,-h ".·.t /CoI',halllalli ...... a.n" ...(rom GooN n.y to San l!·flIlCi.cu, • ,: ••~''+:::~~ ~f1~n~ l:-ulJ~: .1.:1,..rryin,~a..rlllil'cr. all.1 Creil.ht .lol' I'r" ~ ,u"fOIh'lII: .u" IIlUkllllld) al Jit O'£IM\

• .' ,_ "', "11••pilll( at. ort Orford, Crelt.:eflt Cit, Tl".,11\ .. 1ll11ll1'f'!'M'blnll In 1","". ro. rh'-1T1t..nd Eur.ka. bllt tb. miners bt'ing lJn '.:'1'. J~~:)J~~~~ ..~~~.r."~~n~'::.n,h:t..~~a .trike tbe o""ner ,"Ilt her UJ-! to 1I1i '" 1lI. 1'''''\f!r1_.llIlIl'''''''u",bo) ....·11·" I r' II' Inl(ll.all"l~.nll.-c"'''''·11 I"IP UII , •.,.aU. or a c'rgo. er .Illiro ear- """"'~Y~'~';':.:''':';':..,...,.... _KO i. oOlui.ned &0 Mr. Joo. Filz')lt. ­rick.



•'RIDAY, Ol:I'OUto:K 12. 15,7.


"IIE N. (', n. H. '11_" EXTE.~810N.

Thi, C1u('etion ill olle utKlIl which'he jt.lurnalll of Wubhgton Terri·torr are pretty w611 united. All'grle: that. if neceUllry ttl the cornJlletioll of the road. the time .lIould~. u\endet.l; yet nODO are willingk "ate au_ large t.ragt, oC ourmOM ..1l ..ble Illub ktpt nut o( IOure.cb or lenten In,. llmger ll1erel,r'fW tltt! purpoee 'or alht_hlS .lhe ~.Pf R. n. co. time to d.ciJe ",betLertb, roa.al ,hall be b\lilt or tlQl.

Our Terrilor" IlIUII he ..nled Ind.....Ioped "1' d"KrM j alld whenwild land i, ..ttled "')QII. lbue ialI,alll,a period of H",,..I "'1,. ba.(ore It br('('m~. Ilrofitablp. I":ilb., lv\h. ..t.4t.,. ,hfll eoo.",! lit Ilr~e. 0,. &.turJa,. I..t, the PbantonlA.l w bue wttd.'elllJl'fd re4 broke her Jlfopeller ..halt, near Port10oO(( .1'''lD ., l,e timber M.ditna. Arter putting in to tb.1land r"aunlt I "un or Il'ao••he bad it 1l'elded. Illd Lhe re-hbtri w..., 01., ind. alenta pII,. aher.ard, eompleted It. Portto ••m1rrula to ..ul. "'fm, Uti Llill w. ha returlled to tbl, potlwt. _be, I. t. a,. Cutted too "dterda, I:n~ntng atl atart..d 011

Ila.ed ut4 _a1t !w trail, d ber rtlu)..r tt1pt al"n."'" h.ih 'My ..t,l.. ---•• ,.. ~ d· t rt....re~.. Til. I.nd advertised. o( tbe Han .

'! or t..... \t*r "Itt nlpt I-;a,ate of Th _ Unn., at .'t·u. fr- ... I~ • w" e tb... ..Illd,. to D"t'. be.n Id on Tuettla,,,,. eo.-l.L . t 0, t I~t, w.. D.ot kJ Cot' ""ant of bld,ll!n.

___~ __ '" e an InrOfUled b1 the a ignH, I • t 'I 10;. :lfurdl ta., it "'II~ .lHt IOld a' prl.'" .1•.

.... J "1 I II. • • enUfflin TboH dtllnnr to purch .111 tAl •

e' Ie, It•• , .,.t' r. tca"dF.,1I0tlce aeeot'd lnl 11'

~..e4~ft .t-J ., 'I' dl rctr St,. to: pire w.ll ullat )'orl.t 1 • .. " To"". ad ( r nl'" n••," nn

.. "" I' Jo.. I. Tl.t ,Sa~urday ,C\.f'roOillfl IJth IO.L, (ora,. .. f.... I.).~ \\ II, ,'... ~·,.a..I,"'O dU·t·t't (·.IJIG .lU.

i "1'Ii M.ry A ·wrnae.10MlnDI If, bel. ._-:-_-::- -:_

• d., '''·.If''fOded Tlla btl" nncon '1frl\ J at Por1t1lH la, "ltfo.,.. II, 1I".t 1). M.TI••t w.r. luhJ, u the thh,11'" 11"1 II to ',I III L

1'.•• S. ~. fO.'S LOSS. I h~:tT")lT DILl•.-~Ve ar. pl..:dto note tn e introduotion of • bill io

Th~ lo.~ 10. the P~cifi.o Mail Co.. ot Ihelowcr house or the Ll'gi,latllte,,h. Conl't,tulIolI wlll.del greatl ... 101l..J 11011. E. C. Ft'rgU!Oll. or Soobo­their miafortunci in business. ~'hil mi,h CoulltYi said bill pro"idil1£ (or('ompanyllflleml to hne been aspe' tbe prulliction of the ••1111011 Osher­dally ill {aledo Within the put lin iell of PII~et Souod and iu tribula­or .i. year. we learn, thy h••e riel. Thill bill is or Vlst im·aUltaineJ the lo~. or nine of their portance to the people ot the Terri·l't!l!lel.. Tbe flllm"! of thul": 1'l"ie!el tory, I":llpeeially thl": Sound country.art u (olio,,!!: Tha Bil":lI .. illc. lo,t It "ill rl":cei ..e tbe unction e."r, oneill the GuH of Muieoj the Guata· both in and out oC thl": Legielature.rnalK, lot't in the lame j'ulf; another The terrible tilb trip bu alreadyoC t~;s name, le.t amontr tile Wa.ll found. pl&Ce in Pugel Sound ".l~1'1\11. ("lanJs; the American, 101t.1Il en, to uy notbinv oC thOllfJ cUrlingYokobama hay, Japall; the Hellef the Columllia. SeIDe aetion .bouldalld Ariel, both losl near Japan; thf'J he taken at once to check tbe nil.Jallan., loat 011 tl!c C?ast of China; Th. bill .. ill be printed, .nd thentbe City oC .an hanclscu,lost.on ~hc it can be thoroughly .. eutilated be·eOllt of Mellco, and thl) COII"lltUtIOI1 (ur" its p.sugc.lost ill S.n }o'ralleillco bay. The ex· _tant o( thelle losee. will be "Il",arent"hen eonlliderad that in 1lI0llt ca!I":S Joseph Captured.tLe,. were entire. The com pall)" nodoubt ill r.liable alld ougbt to be all Or.:1'. 9.-Tbe (ollowing dilpatobeuenllively p"troni7.ed.a pOls,ilJle. was reeei ...d at b.adquartera in

From rlrent dilipatobtB. it "ill b, \Ye are I/:ratiliecl to know that" they Portland lut niKht. '" HOltile Nlz.een tba' our b.lligerent du.ky citi· appreciate the effort. made on PUJret Perce!!' camp under Joseph, SlJrrend­.elll out in Idaho bue at 1,,\ been Sound in their behalf, and try to Bred to·tlay at 2:20 I'. Ill. Mo.t o(nbdued. Joaepb and hi, aecom- please in return. the principal men arl killed, includ·plic.. bue anaurrendllred, and the illg Joseph'a brother, Lookil1g~glasll

war bu bf'eo brousbt to a cloae. ST&.lM!UUr D... K:OT.A..-Thi. 't'e!,ol aud Tu houl·kah·.ute. Tbe Cama!fa .....ia,C up tbe rtaulta o( thil lert Port Town.end all Tunday prairia murderers are now.1l d.,ad

conni." and In juelring o( \hll action morning Sept. 9th" bound Cor Sail -killed in action.01 &.1M panioipantl, It will be "el1 Francisco, a'll] havillg on board the O. O. HOW.A.RD,lIDCM&Ib '-0 notice tbe (act tb~t our rollowiog pa'lenJters alld Creight list: Bri..c. tieneral.,o,ernm,nt made tbe ..me mlltlke 11, S. Prescott and ",ife, M. R. Mad. CmcAoo, Oet. 9.-The (ollo",ing1n reference to the Indian troublell (Jock., n. H. White, S. Kenn" MfII. dispatcb i, just received from Col.jllil end.d 'ba' bas cbaracteriled E. A. Woodward, H. F. Morrill, W. Miles to G.n. Telrl: II We havemore tba.a ooe p...,iou. Indian war, II. H.mlill, Jas, Mc~au~ht,and ",iC" had our ulualllllcoe.". 'V. made a. h f d . Ih b \" H l' h G II S .. very dir"ct o.nd r.pid marol:i aorO!ia"u., t r.t 0 lUI nnURtr e num er Y. , ump roy, . .. nnto,

aDd poirer o! th IDdlanl, arid the Mrl. Chapm.." Juo. JOlles, Mrll. thp coulltry. and a(~.r a le.-"re en·force neClflIl'Y to couquer them. Hurntrllj:Cllr amI Lwo obildrell, Mi.1I gagemeut, lind being kept under fireGeneral Howard .......n\ out 1l'ith a Katie Mill!. Pall!!Ongf'<fS (rom PorL (or three davl, the hoatile Camp orloere band!.1 o(-....en, to punue Ind To"nsend: Dr. Alden and family, Nez Percn 'under ChieC Joseph .ur­capture" band o! bran, ",ell· armed Or. Hill and Mi~!l Katiij Hill, Mhs rendered at 2 o'clock to-day. I in­and hard, Illdian "arriors, in a part l'orJ, lfrs. T.llcutire alll,1 iu(ant, tend to ltart thft 2d canlrl towardofcouDv'"y"orwliichtbeir georraphi. Mrs. MOCUIJ)' and Mis!! Anna Mc- Bentoll 011 tl'e 7th ill"t.cal kno"redge rue tbem "er, po.· Clirdy, Capt. M. 'Vhite, And Litut. IO.-TI••'bl d .. \" ~ K·I In' Col.U~tIl[lS, 0., Oct.

'I e I "In ge. ". 11. I loC0r.. iJ an stloral{e. Democratic committee claim theWbile at tb. outlet thc aelio!! o( l-'reight: 783 bales hops, 4,8 8 Ilks,

Gtn. Howard io claiming sucb Ipeedy OAt!l, 147 ,liCreen h:des, 3 bllcs ,If eleg~ioO'O'Oor Dd"hlop by .'ro.m .lOb,OOOh• I....ay "- -'0 Ih t hi' ... 2162 .. r t I '00 to ""1, ,1\11 a eo a majority Iq, otr au ua.... p,vv I a • II_lilli" sac... 0 po .. ac..... brllllchel!l of "he general anembly

kllow.ledge of Indian warfare Wit t~eep pelu, 13 heer kegs, ·1-0 dry Tbi Hcpublican oomnl1tte~ concedelimited, "'e cannot fail to a'lmire hil hides, 6 baga sced, 2n pk~ii .. mdsc;, Uishop's election by c't'er ]0,000, buttenacit! and braver,. iD COllowins-u;r. 914 callel salmon, .~o dry hll.ltlS, :.I are in doubt about tbe uMmbly.the aouoQ, till ,ietory w.. achieve I case. mdle. DC tbe. p..:tt:ogers "~10 OunuQn:, 10",a, Oct. O.-R.~afsO tbe eour.ge, endurance and wen.t (r~m Hort 1 o",nsend, ~1l1l~ lJorts indiellote the election of theflitbCuloeu oC hi, jnave loldiera. Katie tldl o"lmctcd to be ahsent (j l' bl' SI I I' ,- t b aboulThay 0..00 to ba•• '0 • th' d I 8 h' , , . I I' \epu lcan • e lo..e 1

\I /I elr u y or IIIUllt II, VISIting wit I r~ all\'?8j 30,000 over tbe Hemocratic ticket.DDbl,.. the 1Jeu·l(lr. nIH ",orth,. druggIst. N - N JOt 9 It bll-

Like .ostother Indian war. in th" '11 t . b t tl L· t Kw... m,;:, .., c .•.- epuV . S ~~ r.. UI'Il. III a ou a mOI~ I. IOU. cana re.elect Mayor Yates bv 382

luted 'ates, tbis ona "'a8 tILl'! r~· Kilgore will Ito 011 ta hla hallie at ··t p. D ~IUlt o( iII·treatlnent, to till! lndillllll 0:.' II b N" n Aid d maJon y over lIle, em.

~1Ij{P; lor or, ,I.. r. ell alland bad (..ith on tbe part of \b~ falLlly ~o to l\~\t' York City. Mrs,"hites. Wbile it is not to b. denied Tallenttre bas gUllet to Lo. AnR'.le.that, aCter the war commenced, the county, for hf'r hea.ltb, and "'Ill beOlltnr. oolllmitted by tbe lndian. ahseDt until lOme time nesUummer,upoa the wbite., wt're in lJOme ill' ~fis~ Ford, art.er a visit of .. (ew....ott, .implyawful, it is Ill!l1'e:-the- 1I'1lllllh!! with her .ister and brother­leu to he deplored thRt,.rnng. wllicb ill-hlw, Rcl'. JIIO. Rila .tid wift, reorna,. be practiced '''Jl<!11 Ihe dusky tUTUI hi her bome in Oakland, Cal. All DPPDRTUNITY fOR THE lfFLICTEOnee by un,crulllllullfl ..b·te Illen ~IT•• UcUurd,. anti daughter expeotm.-1It 10 (tel.lnclld,), lead '0 unfnrtll 10 be absent about 6 mouth.. Mu.Ilate and damllging rcsultll. Jt I~ Josie Woodard, of Olympia, bllsha~dJI carr?ill.l{,~l )1V' mu:ill\l~ II lid ~O"C to California, (or her hellth,p-MnClplel of clt'tll1:l\tlon for 1l.1111llbera and ,,~J1 perhalJs be absent a ,.ear.of our 9WIl rlll:e _hil !l111! 111·tr.at, I \Ve "llh the departed ooes a pro••"TOng 6r llhUMJ Jnl!illlll'", to go un· porous journey aud ~afe return.vunilihe\l, ~hlle Hie poor J..dinu,'who"'u:nt, even io their blubarou.IUld vindictive "ay, iII~treatlll.nt,areslaughtered 111111 nt'erpowered simplybecaulo 't'e outnumber them:


D. C. H, Rothschild.



and Cigare,

and Shoest

Whea t, Pot t, JII,\'GLE.',

DOCFJSlI,,''''·,fL onDR,.,', s",'n nl:"RIt

, . f.'LA" , h'l. \',

POll LETh,.. 'ple"dld "erm

W••o__• end I Dump Cert.at lJ.l •


Exchange Bought and

Coods Bought and Sold on Commis8ion.


Dry Goods, ClothingtBoots

Ship Ohandlery,Toba.cco

The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce.

American 8cbr. ElcelJ,OI'r.'ITllt.N Til. 4'\t"UI~ 'lilt TItF' ~M"'Ucned 1IIC'e"1.t of 1M ItJo,., rylMd , ...

• 1 .U1 I.. l'nr"OlIJllhkl lor IIebta conuw:ttd brlbe ollklorw nr M"l w.

t.I8l'''k tll1iITKI.. K...,u.lhrrll"",'ltll,'t'" "'0.,., ala.

FOri TO••MAI1. pI, II, 1111.

Sale I






6bbls Rosendale CementAnd lJ hUTel.

Ground Yellow Chrome.Jo qUlotitie. to ,ui\.. Appl1 \0

.. MIWk....... 01'...

'I'm: lIlall schooner Willlllrn.'lI t1k.1 not_Inh'" thlJ wee" (rom ~Cll.h &1 until"'kllldl'Y. ::;hu lIrouglltone ~Ilgcr ltumj'url AlIgcle.-~r. Sliml. .Mor.., ItIHI1'I'Il'O (row IJUUg:IlIlU!l-)leMni. 1-':11101

~1l1l11 _lid Call" J.uvlu. ~r. ~Of8e,

,. Ull' Ion 0' Ollr McmJ F.. G. WOnie,t-:!kJ., 01 Port AI1~ltl ;1II111~ gulug 1111 tl~

~lId lu _UCud "-flout theeuullllj{ whHer.


UO "ELL r~r~" 1I'lT1I MAUll, 8"', Bran B-ANCU.. IL..... &'.(J. I.M.

rYrt TQWII-'1M1, AI\lrIl. 1.71 £tTlI It TUK ,'''M'AU' •• ,Il TilEApplrto nOfllio(, 1111.0 4; co.•\II=~'!;::~I ...::,~ q-"""I'

L.OT .....•• "1...111 ,"',....,., Tho TheFlrst-classsteamship -..- -, , .,LO • ...,.,k11e lIte&.r l"baAtON, f'roIn Port Town· I) (H)U.'LLI. JL, ...

Iftk1. arrind r-tmJt,r with u.e ElIW.f'MIIU 'itSt Pon d• .-..w U. 14J.

rr1lUl w bua"1. riM a-k 1M tripINt. lo_moond Yl _hi: linn,., rwJoo

alill t.I • M.... '- bani to~ uillofo and '- a COOfI

poododu' II( lie J'c.rrltorlal

tAl ""~ prilIUill' h .UI.. II 11 to NliUIIMIt--. ..... ()Iptpla iii .,.........u,.

I A OTUU WlUtJ"lIlktltltln lrom ftkoadI.... '" •«'PI M-T." Uf'OM It .In 1M. • rI

I'll. M DI an Lnl( 1/1' 1/111 tlK'O\l1'll111l1cba,..1l'r (rom lholt il$11&){1 oIlvwltr1.our dO· • _

FllUf1lln a .llDOot llallr coml", Infrom Ih, '..nul"s dL&Ctk.'t-. aoo IboM "'·hoban lftl.l .....h'l -'1" tto...re tlll~I)"

ROTHSOHILD & 00"Shipping and Commission


Hardware,CrockerYt Stationeryt Etc.

PQ1't TouJnscnd, Wasltington Tcrritory,

Tmporten, Wholesale and Retail Dealers i.

A N.uIlOW .~IlC'"r.:.-Thl. wet'''.while 1M mat. of tI~ Bark Unle M'lr·.ba! W{lJ lluldlng a l1rullkeu ~ll'or onboInl tbat ,. tel, the IllIttr ~lIdl"'IlI}'

tlrewa "harp kur" aut! In'l~' rlultJ60. bIn",'It the IOl"1fttr. l"ortHo"t.ely the m"I("1lband "" •• IH'tr hl5 breA t anti ":l;~lvtd til('blow wbk:!1 Olherwl-e woukl h""ill relldll'\ltile I~l&rt. A' It Will Ihe kulre pa.!.~1

dlm.1ly Ulroulh tlle wrl.... making IUIIKI)'aflll pAlnrul wound. Defore he ""a. SIl­ftlrt'\1 tha Plan wltll • 111llftl o~lI(d tip 11M'CAllr.ln·~ Wilt sleeve III a 1Il1UII('f UUH~1l1l\.'CreIllOulom tll"ll IJIClUlng.

Til'" St~.l","ahll) AI'lkIIlen s',n "mlld~

<'0 tor ]'ltict Soulld 011 tim lOCh. ami willJeIW'l Victoria Oil hu n:"turu, 011 the 10th.SIIll Iv1l1 1~1lIV1l 11"CI~ht MlIll pA,;aeltgt.....

(rom !Ill ptlftA 011 tho Sollllli. IIllr Ion·II_ge, hy cafprnlCl'll' IIlt'l~Urelll('nt. Is ....noo. '1'111.', we bdle'-" I~ the IllrgC~1

IItClmer u',er 011 litO tiolllltl, 111111 will IIf.fON ahlllIJCl'IllI l'x,:ellent 0lljlOfllllllty to":lIul (ull_ln tJ.lluw. She will lulric: tht:pl.oo or llill UCln tltutloll. \\'6 hore tiM'P M. fS. 8. C'on11Illtl)', IIlIly be mOrl! 'Drill·

hate III 1M "Illlre. and I!lM the IIlltlrlulilatll o( M'r'1. I.. 'l'ibllllll, thelrlgcllt. lDt'fnoc go UUtl.lWliNtll,

MIL J .•·.I·ete-f'II(lII. hlt"Oli hantlal.~ltodl: ftf "Ne_ White" fie'" 1111 mad,lllt".11\1. ~Illlf'lllan will thaf'),"'Il .rotl nocllllllll: OJ( )lomlar 11ll4h1 the (<<uler 3I1 ..tlt.*(lr ulllblllrlg lit" mllt'hlnl"l alltl nla""", Ilrrln~.1 at .I'un 1J6u)\'~r, with a IllIerue antl.'"I~I1\lli,tlldr wurlr.ln" Call wunlolloc 1\lIkh lhu h.J towt'l.l all Ilk'anti namllW'. wa, rrolll 1·1 ·IIt rlnor. At Ihl IiOU or

tbe Jl$Iof, '1, 11 1111 wwATta,luc I. JOIIlb-8"'.•0)1 are JUlllpl"« In t'nrt Oi__ hat ri.I., 011 ku>Ulll u( the (tt'q'WllI

C"Oft''1 na,. In I""I( nllmh~l"". "1..,.:,. Al ~Q1'llt:r out ill t1k.' ..anliu. uti lhe.. wi. Illclltlrultl..no a~ III 0()t1tt'10- g.IM!:'" oftl.1J bOl»w ...., bt WtI~raud.1W

oUt~ k t1t.c"rI.... br ultn I "~I· &bt: tafearrh..101 Ulllr pnJl_rtr,......

~ z:::::.

The FMIh'I~ll lI"tll",

-Jrlat m~, hu\"eu, my rarn~l (Ir'). r,Whltber Ilfe of u"f or Un!

Ik tba one t.o m, lIItlgaedTillt each pu,h11t )our m'1 lhtd

Lo,ln( tbou~ht. Illd ,lttOlle word~

T ...llled .'Ilbln my bOtonl chord~.

j,ml tbat _gi! fIlll but ImllUhKiper rrullilue 10 my h~rt.

\t_lh.lu A, WUl"Iu:u.

, 11In,. '1'"~t!lrbrl/:hln,--.'" IlIbl, f~et f,'r\::t't tllelr Il.l:hlll'·~

I"uh tli'Cth "II" 1I11j). 11"111,HIH'alr, ..·tunllucU~,, h6f.kI 1M! pile lind ~~n tit' o!llltI ;l1_t Ih.. \lI1~1' Ind .'ulllhe III.• ,1111 11lU'lltb .lrrlll:lb lid ~lllllh ,I,

,.·olld \Jlb~II;nIDl:' hurL.

J I.e Ule 1l1l1~ mounliin let",,"'l"'el»l1I: f.>rth In .lnlr1 bour'" kn IJIt' .u.IOIer'l brutll I' dtdhlLitbe ~lOdlt'f lkJ.tO'la 11 ..",L1"lfbeD Olll...rd rblfm~ liN!! ~'!f",

l'ricb\(r .1111 dulh 1,louom 011,

" ...pltl' tlt1t.\·f dt"IN,ln~ diUl,1 lie lltnll~, klndl,.. f.dl!..·~ be,t.'·

l'r III .orWI~ _1..dOlIl olLl,f te ..ho 1)0111' Ibc ktl« tli Jold.

IJ tel tbb rulb II IlIVel1lteul..u II dId II life', )"OUII/: d'fanl­X'or tbl, _orld bit, ~rUllotd o'~"

YteItDJll..-ood led )'Illfe btfare­.:r. rOll told It mlniUlOll'l mllrl,

I.ll bdt ytarUlllWl ollbt Ittart.

hh'Ilo'jUL' hrnk,' Ttli' lhulI.\"r fllJn>d, the' ,\ltl'l"lll )(or"li!. Af'ttr-TlIoughts. The Turkl8h IUlluter or War.

nilll"'li ill tllrrCllt~: ,the h",11 ...oulll d"l hi till' .nt-illlt OClltuo Ilwi of IlIdh, Bow -.eryoftcD ith'PI~n. in CODVerts· Tbfl Pub of Bagdad II the detpollc\w:b'O 1'f'e'JI uuwlud III It. Ilo'hich .how.dmlultll! nOlhlO' o( bou- tiOD, ,Bernard IlLrton remark, io one ruler or thl) target! and mOlit important

r ,\II ~t ,'lnt'(', ".J ,I r~ltl\' on. Il ~I~' ltllulloo c ty III lMll\ll'HD tIle ubjectl of the II'''''. or hi! (elttn to Crabbe, that the tblng province in Turte,.. He ll., the (om­!II1l, a hUll, 'AI !II!* l"'1I11I1 llkl' !he cry Wi! tllHI preACril'lhmi for di.idlog (he 1011 migbt IlDd should bllveultl OCCll~ 10 mand of a large erlllJ which II It.tioned, I tt. clull. HI.'lllIUt: ul', 1 ."1 1111 '~Id IJO It1 or rob~... wtlt) hili plundertcl ao)' 1uu JU!t a little t,J(} J.te. He dr..... oo .l IlliRdad and other towns whlliu hia:i~ll'n,-"I 1I1l,I.I lJl>f'1l ll!lllltken' ,NI\ wntigllou, but allen pcoIJIt'. "tr .111 hi. O"'D U'ptrience fortb. rocord of mloJ p&lbailc, which il bounded On the east

~ l~er(' It WM ~'lll. I~ut In whll.' dlftlC~ Ihle."," lays theotdinance, "b, Ihe cum· Ito lou8 lod animlleu discus 100 with Q 11IId lOuth b, the Pe"ilo frontier ud theI:. tlllll I (,','ul11 11"1 t('11. t couluu t ~ Il\Ilnd or the ro.ghtrtlte••ntl ,",'ith bit 118· friend, after __'hicb hc calli to mind lOme OUlf; )(O!'e thltt oace ambhloua bll~1l

1~11Ji: It ....'•• Ilo ,I hft,;c ~.llli t\lIl:k at' .illlnce,' h"e comruitted deprrUlilloa pith, argumeot thllt "'ould have Imllhed holding thlt poaltloo,lO "'mote from tbo~tf'b. U~uln:; (,Il m~ I~, 1'. t .. u, uPDo Rod brought ~o II\' from t1f#l>I/I.,. hi .. ol'voneat'lI caJe, aDd wbicb, Iftlrms hume K,J'ernwent, hue been Iu..pected

,ui coo:,1 till I 1IIIIhin;.:. ,\~J !lIllie I.~•• pl'itrin« the lO'glilrllte ~h II rCCf'i~e allhe g~uII~ Quaker poel 1'1 ShODld h '6 of dctfgnl to render thenuel-t'ei iodepen_~",'killl.:. th~ cr~ I:ltllh' 1~1ID-Ihe IIlIUI :!hare of'olle-!i.tlhoflhe whole," eiC. lJl n alllH~t lure to ha~e had at m, tla- dent lO'fef1!lgo.-a dnlgn wbich WlllIJUC_nllllUI III l\ child III II '11. Then.,1 lIl-gliu 10 .odent Oreec~, e,en at lbe goillen IMera' elnl.!! had I bt!to tluiclly arguillg tbe eturully aetOG1pll.htd in 1830 II

j'e) lVooder. 1,IUli ~I~'t ~uper"lltloU!l. bUI l>riuHI uf th.t IIJltodlli Ilurrow cultllr'll mlllcr on l)llpt:r in my o",'ostudy." lloh.mmf() Ali, Pub.. of Egypt.' A~I Ill~l.'\llDlte'lt II"", It 'U

h• IM>UlllJl~ thc~1 whicb exhitJilwluelho ioc.'OlUllfrabll ia Cowper complain that. when he wrole Ihl limo of mJ Yillt to Blgdad, Ihe ,~

lllo c'lIld eOCJ~J I.e unttn I. lTrl1r~; u ; arl, io IiIClratllre, lltlll in cit'ic ,irtlle, tbe a letler to IUy bul a flmiliar frieoll, 00 erDor WI~ tbe prtieat Tvrleiah Uiof::er~D,ldl~r~!l I tiD 'I~I I II1g I. - 1.1; rea moral rul" wbich coacern libutJIDd eooner had he diapltche.1 it tbln he ""II of War, n~dlr Puh., a lueeea.rul gea.

b'UI II e'bu (oot . tl th I t-o e lire, au~1 the simpler of the moral rules lure to recollect how much better be eral and a m.n or onqu tioned energypou t ttt ClII~e :\DII IC,.'T 0010: I n wbieh concern nghl.5 or prot"",t" were cuuld hue mlde it. 1I01l,ce Walpole aDd .bilit,. Once, while I ..'.. In RI'-

I!,',iIl ,,~lclttue: \\ iU II (llrap t'l IUlltler n~~ dedlled Yer, IJerfec.IIJ at bet"tleD tb. Opt-IIiI bia ('I)iltlc witb tbe remark tbat dlld, be h...1M opportuohy to alto1ft' h'"on lUI~ Jr.Ilo~ "Dit~~llarfOle,' ~hcilru:g r fellow eit.lU.I of each Atall! uti bel\ll'l.'eD mere anlwen Ibat are DOl IUlde to letters power u • de potle ruler, Ilid be actedhe III alguro rl~ 10 ,,::ru e.. 1 Ita tbe kindred '''ltea I.>ut .erJ IlDporrectl, itamediatel)", .re like~ thing. ",'hieJI with It nerve ADll energy worlh, of IIIo~ m, alnlO~t Cdllill rl tt hom, ~btlt belond that triet lIwlt 01 fllmilhlr 1l!IU' peo»l!! recollect Ihe, might havtI saitl hid prall'e. The Tif(rls, wl.ith bad been on

I olgbt. ..uti of the 1Il(llley I lihould Ive c1ation. Thl IIl'iloger, Ihe Illea. the to· tbey bu~ tbOusht or t1u!m in time; that the rKmpage for t""o moatba, at la"about WI' .,,1 b f ' "Id d I b k I I bltd ,. I' k . 1 10 t' kl tbao Ilav".. eapti.c, Ihe bar arilln 0 the DOD, II, YerJ 101lp ,an I Ie apropot ver, ro e I Iroulll t e IJlktilOlDe It·u mile.

II l'Dt\lla ,lor' aml~brc 1l~ III' Htllenie "orld, were not human fellow. problbly forgotteo, \-liol1'113 well QI lboyothe cllr,Kndtbetont~Dt.weeping

ot ler pl.'Op e; UU t lUlU II !o, dI I, 10 tbe Grtek; .1 the 1U00t tb'l were 0011 't!ullon of ,pUll. dowo ..'!tn IrreJlil.>le forc(', did greltU i(\11lC: ltut I coo ell lie (81 !1'a e lIIe human crealurel of lOme dill'erClDt ". Utile HeorJ E;monll, wbeo polotod damagc to tha cropa, and in • single dl'

IODe"'. ~l,IJ("1rlill was t.1 mle OU II riety, buiog thlt Ilmilitude .otl ap· out b, lauey 1'ri.r. 10 m)" lord as "1I,)'log turned the llroad r,lain back or tbe cltJfl&t I\j [ could, aot ~et out of :h~ mI: prolchlng lomewhllt to tbll relatioo, but hla pra,er_ to mamma," could onl, look loto.o imm41lll& Ike. Tbe wlter "IS

teb" IU~ dfelt q~tbryt'li o~dS! 1~lr tl e quite ucluded from bllcQ8nitioo or fel· very sill,. If hc iot'cnted • hltlf-dolen only kcpl from f10wlag loto 'he city bl4 II out, :1 dor t~ I 0

1rrse t10 u Itol.>o~t 101ubip bJ lit the blbitl or hi. feel log ot' .pt.'eCbcl io reply, lhat Will mootha ,f- ao elll.b~uklll.eol oUhltle tb~ wall" wblch

roulll, b.OUD logh lLIYtlltl t --' . lod hb ~boua:bt. Acc:urdiug ~o bll (Ier- lerwlrd; a, it "'&I, he had Dot'er • word in man)' pllloCCI WMI out of repair. Oreatto u~~ 1m o~, w til ~e'l.ryf"n~tl~::il:~ ception, tbe, "ere cludl prppcr 1111.>· in ulwer. Mr. Tllackorll.y'l writinMI reM WIl. fclt of luch an Inundalion I.It ~l Iloun~ IIkea cbl! ,110 II J'ectaor predatory ",,'arfarean.d plr",cr' be off'er dlven illuitratilJn80f theume kind. occurred In !881-tbo year of thc f,1.,,",wllil ola chIld Deftrl, exbausted, Id '-'I hid b I' l'b I 'I B I 1 f 'h 1utl.-t.1 Id '''I laid uadechled whal COD III t t em, p un or t em, ens ave ere I JI r, atc Ie or, or IOstancc," en -wheu lCt'en tlOllsand bOUlC1 fe I Q a

""r" gu e me. 'h r III Iii Ihem, with 11.0 mortt comIluoctlon of coo- Iwpertineotl, quint<! 10 blt (lICe, by Ihlt Ilogle <1"1' !Jere was aD emergcnc, cllI·to ~o. tAuJ 11.1 t '~\IOlJ~1 ~b mOlllo

ri te~ Icilloce tbll.l]. tbe modern bunter loeh In IUI>ercllioul allplaio Bakcr. "'Sir I' IIJI tng ror prompt action, The pn.sha ISlued

r LJ It· teDlug, on~e Ulore Ilea~ m CCtl' ~ nw

clpturing Ot killing the gamo .nlmall of I, 'air,' Wll.8 alii could II\J'. The fnct h, I\n orller cluling all Hlo IJUUI'I .ad'",'ed hy a. t')RSIJ 0 tr tllllll;'. :nd 1I10~t:1 (tim', cJl t Ir~1 Jso U y Ihe foreal. Anllyet the Ituue coo~citmce I could have replied ""itll IOmetbiug re- Iholl., and rlJr four darll Imprealled the

Ml11llllle il l~t1I,airI AnthollY o,~~ W!t lll~ Cl lIm~Crt' bbe \n "al .eting In the Greek thllt Icll In Q,ell markllbl)' ocat Ilnd cutting, wbich wuuld whule male popUlation (forelgoers ex-HUllt. 11I1tl .. lelller 011 lhi~ Wflown I C I:t g 1~'lr~otO~ne toa!Jll~odoa r~ c1J.Il(i to-day; ~ut obi, witb more bIl.rrown~1I have tran,f1.xed the languid liltle jacka· cept.ed) to vo'Ork on the !.like.. naif thepnhl~. W1IJII' y~, tir; it', liltle ell~ t 1°:Jft ('ht tit. elt" of range In tbo perceptlonl Upoll "lIl<lb It 1I1P'. but, J'ou iee, (ani, thought. of my fnrCI) wu 8enl up the river, !lud the bal.dun'" llda 10'11', IJutyou Ihould htlt'e Il!eo 10 tl'" t out ry oS lJhr . II 1Iitl acted, rCl'IlfICC iome elgbt houri II.fterward, aace .et to work 10 repair the embank-il ",liw 1 u,1 DJS wife flut lDO....'t1 ul' ~~t bow ~tl! I 10 a~~d ;:j,~~7 tb~ Ie.. We Iball blve to JllU' far oo,ond tbe ",hllB l waa I,iog ill l>ed, Ind I IIUl .orr, meDII srouDd Ihe cit" I rode out io,~eIC. TIlt'te ",,'M UOIII. buu#c 'ldtbio ligbt e mOle IUfC 0 hi ,Greek io bluon to od much ot'. Olorlll 10 own that l\ grtat uumoor of wy buit that Jlrt.oction ono moroUlg, !llld wltne..edfor milt!'. 1.:'en no'" we IIltve not wanJ c~ul1 UllI 11I\11' ll~l~t Cln.1 1~ ~g, 1\: cbaogo In tne..;' rt'lpect8. 1'he EDrlllb. bo,.. mot, have been 1IllIodc in that wRy.n '" linly Icenc. &I.eral thou8lod rueDlIti&h!J fI; but tboM ",'e bal'C lire lIu.'o- I ~PP1 can thad e vo\~e f ~ 1~~1 WIU uf the Eliz""bcUlln ale Will a tuler· Ur, Holmes 8u!lge.ilivtl, record" on were at work, and the puba b1maelf "II

ri~h' rod OliU. To 'VI\,l'tCilltc your ~hn ~o", iOd

tr lnoo tif: :er' I~to th~ .1I1J cu.ltured Dian, u wtn 1II0nll, II the aubjlXt of mistukes and .liplln writ· un tho 'pot, aurrounded bJ a brllll'IIt1J

~::rGOO~~jl:a~~J~i~.;ri.~~a:t'~tJ dark:?!,. :~r:u1e:~~er~Il.~~:f!lI~~:1 =~:r::r:'coS:C:::e~~:~e:~o::;j~~I~I~r ~~~' :~:;t:r~l~v~~~~dt~;e~ ::\bi:~~ ~ti~:~~I~;et:etr~I;~~::rcte:~~~r:e::tdft'otIl tba hlunll of man, ~!7.bl~~~f 1~~~tUI, JIIU~~i d kf d or rigbt eooduct tbat 1ft'ere qulte &CCllrllel, tlteJ I'llrelJ efcal.e him. SlJulhoJ ooce the cltJ. The break In the dike up the

Wb.t l.m aoout to tdl nf Illlpptoed .~~ It e Ill, 'f~I' ~ 'hnt aRIi~I)SCl formed. l)ut be fuund It bani to 1SI1~.ed u the re'JOn f(lr bl. not readlog rher Will atol)pN, and the wlter gradu·lttt SeN:' fMo. I 'of" gulDg to a L1istant f1~e or g~tlt e 1,' caug • Ie i tlrrJ maD1 of theae DOtioU lJel<llld Ibe for Ihe bar Ihat hc wu 80 cuUJ dilt:on· all,lulnidod,""8" Of alttflieDl, to .ell toltlll fift). ?f iOmelblilp ;;'II;t('( ltdw~ du .ag~t~ Ihore-bouDl" of bit liule Illud_ The celted; that tbe right lalwer to argument AI there are 00 American miolJtert or.ead 01 CI lIe-8111 ertllurt', lir, II e,er 10 lirri:mtt 'f ~t '&r: ulug;e> there Ie" ill tbat time- Dot onI, he Spaoilh never OCClirred to hien immediately. "I conlulM lJl:en!J In thh part of tbo world,,ou UW'. Tb, jourae, ...1U a wore rlre rlne a g r ~~t~~ cbllll. Whether 'ooy or It..in, but the Eogll.tb Cbubtl, Illd tbe alwl,' flad it at lut, bUI il comea too berore leavlllR Cairo I Imd lneloeed a let­tlYClit wilh we WlUI it iI DO"'; .nd my ,1

1IPOO Id II It ed to bu 'IfJ TbarDu itMlf~",u ,,,arlDlag with I.te. a blockbead \l'ho lpeak, boldl, Cln ter or Introduction to lJur minuter at

..if, bad al..6J' plcotl of cowmwiolla ~~ee ~~~tl f:~~:ibie oow~: l took it EogUlb pirald ..d, buccaDee..... wbo ba(fte me," A stale of mind figured to lL Con tlotllople, wltb the requfjt tbat be10 rllUge me ",ilb in Ibe &bar.' or dr, nn dripplog with wei froOl tbe IIoPP1 ".re tbe oonlempor.ne, of ~hak..pet.re poem- would furw.n! to me .t Blgdld luchpoda &lid lux.riet aDd luth like Ibiag~ e:;th Ind Bacoo, Ind ~pta.aer and Ccleeo who "Speerb, ODI1l'J.ul~k to bluab Ita owa del.." credeathdl to the puh. It mlgbt be of

Our 10unpt child Wlf a .weet IIt:!e 11)1' I' 1 I . 1" I -d I bouted Ibe beal IlIlnCl of tbe ElIgluh lIlde DIe" fool, _btD fool. bid their O"D aarvlce ia aDJ UCltlloo I de,ired tolllakeU 'blDg bo b-'. ,._.......- ••A,r , poor ttt e t UOM Iftl, .. ,. I ,"-I k' hn I td 0 t .'1, '0 "-byloo or o'b., pl-- of ,'.1.--, "0Ieli e , w ... va: ".... It bUfbeJ it to me. "we'll go and lind mam- ~~~b1 IDf ~ ",an t, W

frec~..'_ ll1bl~ ,"-ad a.k...rd aUrat ...beD eOD~1L "'II loud." »II ..........-

her Aunt I»rotb,. We called lhe thUd y r" huw a couo eDaDCI row. Ultl:l pta Ie Meaopotamla. pon reaching Bagdad (1»111. Thl.t time mJ eoavnhsioa iD' 10', .0101 ire as. e DO". H:ouwellt &.lid public policy of tbe i~ng' Charlotte Bronte relatea bow )Ir. f.,uod awaltlag me a firmall from Ibeadded lJDI for ~er-a doll, Sit had And lD I\M"er, the child jill' pat OQ' Ii b n.tion; and wbo plU....ed puiab ThackerlJ met ~er at .the door, at tile Turkl.b M;o.erameot addrels to theDt'f'er bid 1: t'tli dell; tht~ is a LoUah\ If, reel.>le balld, mOlDed ooce-,lDd nettled .~fencb, and Flemilb traden "itb Itrea~ c10te of ooe of bll readiags. aDd fr..nkly patb., IDa oolUmendiag the Amtricaodoll. 001, tbe rag bUDdlea her mother c1~ to me. . im artllUr killing captain. aad cn.1 uleed her wb.t Ihe tbouMht of it; and traveler io tbe Ittooglo!lt terma to hillitade for ber. For tome d"1 befote 10, odW1tb tb~ cbtll} bUlil:;ct to m, b~eut~ "tStoot re~OI'i4l "ben it .llited tbeb: con- h?w, liking bia nai"l., Ihe. WII entirely bOlpltalltJ aDd protedloD. Upon m,dqll.rture the dlUd eoulcl talk of aocbiog 1 e OU. ta per ect I nce 1000 lowe i 10 kUI P l&IcI Stitn« d~ to praise him, hUlor pltntl of entraoco to the audiell.Ce·room of tbe.........r dtbu, for lbl maUer of t~U me tbat it ,te(lt. .i.ad, Ilr, 1 tbloked God ~n eace .- op ,. pr".. io ber belrt, ··ltut, alu! no .ord. pubal fouod him Mlted al the further-l,)r abe wu a,reat pel Ibe tllrlio.g or Ibat He bad let me lIt'e it, aod I Ibougbt on"ll,. un mJ Ur' Who hu "'ord, at Ibe r1lCbt trod ~f tbe apartment, nelr a large t.bleUJ all It "'iaJ to. be ~ bii' big 0011 bow r.atefut ~mt poor motber would bel It... HATuWOSr.4L FAIN.-Ill the 1I3t:1tb- momeat I ltammt,cd out IIOmo lame c:oyeret.l ,dill l*pert1and II I eotered bewitb . Idl.U hair IDd blae e t:j' l.hlli But " futt of l"onder ror .11 tb.t, fro part of [reLand a eurwtU c.wwm pre- uprtlalool"-aud doubtleu hit on lOme f'OICl .nd aduncod toward mc, IbookMYer"forcet d\8 child'i woJ. "be mOto- woaderiug what txutordiDlr, rate. bad nils, whieb il called "Sbraftlas," nlmed lleat aDd p1thJ eulogium 1000 after hh baod.. and courteoual)' mlJtloned me tolaiJ .... "-...dtg, at abe ran .ner me to tsltell au, 10uD8 child to tblt IOUtarJ from 8llro'e Tuetd.J,oo wblch dly a back "lII'at turned. . • lelt belide him, He II • large mlo,dI, R.te, or tbe Vl"t!ltJ picture abc made I'POt.. regular m.trilDolll.1 "Tatteflall" i, held, The good dame ID ooe or 1[1'1. 01\1- tall aDd quite porlty, parblp' forl,.Ii.eTtl ,e lie lOme cblldtU aweeter a.od .Oetting i~ ligbt of home, 1 1I\If al.t the wbere alt tbt "lIkel, bo,.a sod Kirl," in kcll'l fiction. II .pt.klnK ror tboullndl Jean uld, with a retlt race, brown beard,"'t{d~r tblll other&, .ir u you uu', but wlollowe .1Igbt. Dl:bor.b bad dODO It for tb, pariah. are on .Iow, aod aU the wbeo Ibe Ii&y' or tbe rector and bla Wife, aod e1 Iharp .nd piercing, Hil dreu.te I3Otlctd, and Doll; WII {lOCo I m£" I tbougbt, to guide DIe borne In "mitchell' in the year are made. For that tbey "ooth talle 8~ lUucb .. to knock wu enlirely European, e1ceilL the fn,

"A "ttl.lett- bi& doll _pleue <1I41<1J" ufety Ultolgb tbe darkueu. But pre.s- da" before tt1ere la quite a Ilir III Ihe ODe do1ft'o, like; and It. not Ull IheJ ha.e wilhout e'~o a !Jultoo to lodleate bit_call-1Jtlt.rm me' ''In'd"pl~ br'l oSit entlJ I ~oew tbat IOmethlog mlltt be the neighborbood, and a t"itter runl1hrough gODe'aod ODC'I a little at peace, th.t one r..nlr. 1111 COllotenloce lodlucc. energy..,., AOOIItI' mlUer, tor tbe nrJ rtlW neiM;hlKJMJ ..'e tbe entire feUJsl0 populltloo. There it II CIU think there are Ihlogs une might bave Ind Ilrolneil, IIld hi. mal1oel'l aro court-?'arn;d I; n~ I yel till 'Ier at be hp.d .~regathered tbert, &(, hllrtltoad \lciycraal atlteblllg ....nd. 1l11ng of rib· laid on ooe'••Ide of the qUt;ltlan." Aod c.'Ousllnll plenlog. Se,eral offlccl'l ot'otloott wber eM1l1l white .brown iodore IAlt """tb lear, r Ibought of lOme CI- boOl; enrl girl 'OU moat 10 lbe road 10, Isaill,Jobn 8erc.olllike, lotroduced bI raak ltandlng near wer. pre»eoted 10 me,,..tllit the g.le hu .tIulbrowo h~ir i U. tamlll toone or otber or the cblld~n. J hold I out her liand ror Ilxpence; aud JOu PbiUp ,"nil Artcteldo 18 our 1I'l\gac.loua but DO aile W8ll11lltL'<1 except Ihe palJba

.iI:l.g 10 carla a1,olt ber oeck kDd the Ii;bt b.c1la,~lIa like one from periabiog, but Clo't apeak to a dome.tlc aervant ",Itbout rrieod"-thao. wbo:llu a better COUOieUo'I' lod m"elf, AA he 'polee oolJ Turld.heltirrtll tbelll' what Ul1lbt Dol tll.e happeoedtomJ o\l:n. hcr haogiDg out l;go&1. of dl,lreUl. 00 need not be, If ooly he hlVo rull ICOpo lod Ambie, Mr, 8tlnoo, a IA,antioe in

I' 1', . llloord.l, daring to lift the Iltcb "bile the dar (,If tbe "~hrl~tiolJ'" 111e "irll befurehand tlJ ponder .nd dcvlse what to tlto Illrvic:e of the governmeot••u lum-A. brue doll,' l.~na",etcd, IIf,?r my m)' llQC)r tireJ horse .toOO IlltI and muto aland ° a row on tho Y11J.ge gr.lell, lJy: but Illl>k him on tbo luddeu" lllim- moootl to tlet Illilltcrpreter. Our COllver·

Jlttle oa~.llllOAtu ulg II Dollr, out,ide, ( went Ilowl, ill, the cbtld ill my Tb~lI is ncrJ elprAnloo 011 thelr faccI- pic enuugb quell lon, lllld- IIliou was nl.ocoparlly 'lOW, but thoNoIJOdr ,'ould belieye. I due la" how arllu co.ered wIth tile fta)) of my loog loxiety. euriOllt" limldltJ. dull lIullld- -"Confounded .. \11 he .tund fJllll8tlolll I\nll replica were verr readl"

flU m, ",ought' were of that prumiled co:.r. l1J wife wu weeping bltterl,. Itl, ,harp, Ibrewdllh Interell; lui here T1lllheller IOn,uee froni emptier bCld~ hntl trao.l.ted, tod I felt quite .e mJ eut,doll .. t rode aloog, or _bit a nice ooe t "Whlt'l.millt" [ uked fn a failit voice. aDd tLere 1011 cume OD lueb a prell, lpoken, t roulIll the puba ycry iottUlgeor u to_o110 ""r, h "aI 1I0t <lften Ilptllt A.Dd it IMllled thlt • wbole choruA of count.... beaUI" with tblt ladeecrlbable T~en on Ibe morro_' 10 I little kno: lbe ........g..l.hylml .....vernmeol of fol'tign--7 iD \IIhlt rDy _'. thrifty ..l~t -I r-.. 'J \\blt.bould bu, beea bl. I",wer, e~- D


6""" '.. Dol balf arch, bal Itllook. 10 Lb, e,ee which cououlel, and he te~med fLlll1 to oem·.oal bate ea.lled .....te; bOl Do1l1 WIU "DoII,'llo.U" M..cllM baa caugbL in perfectioo, A.t a Il'I'''' 811An TO bit A:tlw&lum,-ln prebend that Eoglaod and Americi wllreDlttlJ. aDd 1 meant to do it 110". 00111 losU Jun for a Illomut 01' little dlataDtO ara cluttered together alai 10m, or the courll 001 loog Iloce tbere IWO dllliott aDd MI)ar.te cavnol... Ue

'I'bIt1IU~ ",lei, I weet aboot mr pnr- besrt turned ,ick, Tlleo tome lostiocI, or ahamalaced lookJDlIIleD.-"tbe bo'.... CUlle up fur Irlal a cue in "hid! a Cbln· olfered we ever, facillt1 rur aeelJ)g Ba,r­I8d 100II b.ad DO nd of partell to 11k. I rlr of liM;bt aD,1 II I'" M,,,td upon II theJ at. called-aUlD Illth Sundl' mill w.. tbe colllpll!nlDK whDeea agaloat tlad, .0ll Illd tbal, u ( ••1 the oaT,

-. pkktd t. IM"d~bac" Tea, IUgu, me:, Pullio, t~ coat of!' the r of Ibe .Ita, acad -"<leoti, lit .t..... .,tdnu WitJl I.hlte mu. l>u.nog tile emp.oeUIII, American who boo eyC!r viaited bilD, beri • eM bu I Ned Dot w~ar, 10ll, child 1 beld, I hfted tiM little l1ee!)i.D, ditinll' hi ....parlor aUraot 11)1II "f tbe or ~he Jllrl ODe or Ihe .norneJ' quOI' hOIlf.''' t would recel.e a f..'onble 1m·

• ..-1!1a t.elU,.. (I( dM:m, tl1Jttber .lth tbio,( to thellxtlt ,.d ... 001l1! 4cu~ wbo &rCl, like lbe red coala, tloned clatel, the mell 11i1DIlIlJlled II pr_ion or the countr,,-W. P. F6fl, illtMU;500,. "bud .ll!'t.p...., ud ...,.. ir, The child I hd .,ed "... flUorf1U amoR, ttwladiea, But tJllt 10 jurou, to uctrtala tl.elr .Iewl 00 tbeCbl· ·mblter.

'or 11M dllk1ru I 0." frod.. DO other mu tnJ own-_,l1ttll 0 ,II, realh, .attill"l liule- II 1M r.1 4lOaduct DMe qo..uo" Ue ..ked oDe of them:LMt fI .U,.I .t:Dt~I tbt doll-uclIADd r kDeW ttaal (}u.]'1 JOOd u&tb hAd or the' rill. th.'bu41 .t "tile pow- "Would 'OU believe a ChID.mao uader T \'OUlW II S UIDr, Cia, ooce...-.1 .....11 Itw.. act .. bl,aI ptMd .. &oynlw,aadu..t tbeaut .. thi "-the f.tbt,..d _&bera, OIlbl" IAId~ ·'Iow.ml~u;;'. la Ufe to ooe

1,- .. ,"t lt '-'''lUI "bot tHIU..... U...t8I.,~Mtboat .~ 1aaI· ..d quarrel ori:, t..lr ...· Thewita ,..bocIdediD the affirm.. ract'Damll, .At Ihc 'Ie of tweotJ·levu... .,..... .., ,Md bJ 41" j lit t t~t to MR. 1i.. eklh1rea. IOIHd..... b......1al tJ••, I w'mmuac.J uti cootioMd for )'Nn the

~~,t_,.:_.. ,. .".. ...Ia.· laJ It ........b, tUt 'p" us. abN,vy,." carrJ-- "Woold lCMlllalie~ a (:hl~amllD ..1000 practice or re6diolud 'pMk101 _pan.... • ., rTf Sll, h k8c1h w big lila.~"" Of" )aler," Wu,. ..!:; Ir:a~ta~~i~ oa'~~(MIld bel~t lbeCOCllrnta of tome hl,t.oric.et or K,&ea-

11 '1, I .... " t 1 .p - .., _ .. !be, td... '-beut e ,'Ii'l, .. tUlc book. Th oll'·bud ef!'ortt wereW ' ~.df rro. ,fair. Of (041"" I1n~ INti 0( 10· .'~~~.~~ :'0:: ':';~I~~.•llIe IOmetlm ID. corn-field, .1 otherl

..J.... " I' 1aerI ..".,.. e..- t ... I t*J,,~ a ~rical II a fl)l'et~ aad DOt unrrequeotlJ la JOllIe•• r t I ...... f fII , ..... , .....-u IIOW.. ~1M botl..... a cau...... III dl.Lut buD, wlta the borM aad ox for

..... ~i ....,.J- .. ...."'. WOI ,,_ W bell1e""S •• or u.. II••"GJltora. It lIlo Lbia "rlJ p'lICtke." IN,....... ...,. AI?::t tI~d~ rot lubacel" II. tbe ~t Irt of alttlbat 1~. ladeb

- .....,. I "" f... thl pri.ltT ..d IelldIDII.PUlM that• 'wit J"" Ii lit .....:: "O".u':';' dt-J'~ ,,.,. to 1.1 ,li••Lated Ill. forward aDd ....pad ~d

•!"'I''''~.Y· - t...... "'I",.n..f Ita r. ad .., ••.&Jt.,t rIl, ..rita IUbatqueat deth.J.r. ~ _ l_", •. t_. JO.... a-t1er.-, me ,•.J ptrt.... k1ft1lu 1"'\1, be... "}o1. Lei

• II'J ......ilJllclul uerclJ.{D, Joarpc1wer or .pe«h TIle I. DO pi, likeInI'WJ _ ('rQ r COIltroiled .u bl ....~tla, l\roir r. Ck 1.11 cavliftualj:t Ir" I'·... a.,..1 ''''lllg ~r,...·

• Tbr latlM'Drt ot 1~ OM J*itMIwllb II. aDth II, !btt IJr II otber COlI'tI I,thl tI.y"-~l. If'r .t C'.IIUI ChrilU.

It til_ I 10 r.:1 oa a liut. Ion.l1at JIJII m ,bt It 'Irle. aod

_, 'hll td bt 'oohd .rt"r '" II,. deparl..... t It W...JII'I1Il.. U .eluall1

r I 1(11' .a.It.. tb~bl...M • lr ••UH"· 11.. 'f .hllplt Get,.

I If •• ...-i&h to ~.t a dw rmatla "....,.'1 1Il1HM' 1lNI"_ mut "II befu' I h' hi,.. • pri... eo:;o.er.-ce fl rt 1IIt",1 1'1 .,-Itih I , wbl. of ..1 ...tll'ld ,o.1...t" Saeb ..,IfillIll"" lifo frQ..... dow•• fit lhe: ~oent111'11.1 • (.( ,k _lit I ~. -Itipol'


_a' ......k.ttl.. I

" .. II'.T......_., •••••• 1'"


, ~... ••• , _ 1" •• re.... _,

111.1" " ••••



'hrl'&llIH '- 01... %.Un .thlMlioa.-



..I.mDriCAll B.wIll, KaaIl1D. Ce..o. a. WOOD, ......r.

,,-41 ,tlfTU 8TIUtrT. . • . IAlC 'UNCi..... ,

OONOOR.DClrriliel, Bmlea, EIlfll1 1'IIIU1 BIl1I1f

-"9-.....110'1' DO._."8 c. .

U' Md tU u.•.,. tttr-. ............... .





OwiDflo" ,,,",an If ••rk •• haTe beU oblle"';o pnn.... aaewCaapbloU PItiII. Timfait prH. wt.Uuri'. i.al.. "N",""••' .UJI" pr.puN t. d, pr.....rklllrl00 ..pinat aboQt th ....." ....1u. a......' kif 70.

3l'OI..ltlYl.AlI'U.. Ille 1II11"".-.wIIl'C!eftt IUl'd £I"Ilooott~ol' l"t\I W~ltu., 'l'1i"ltalump" 100 tlMk••1..OlOrblYt_ IOIf!ltdllJlllll'._l. our Ihtol ...~ .. _ .. I.rp:rU.a._~

ar~ h~~~I...I'lIl ~lletl&f"lfll_w .. • ..((... ,.llIIliIJtlo_ wb.J Ill......".,'''''.ltlfall ~rMllplt"' .. NllUk, U_. .llW,..

CARLOS WBITE. P. 0, 80& 227J. 8.. ~o.

.....l'rualIOO, ..J 10,1171, IATHE" NEV'T JJ NWI, Ill, u4lraiped WholHa1e OfClClfl ERe

lU.""VI fa ,..ukiq u. lIlUMMd .. M I A.II1II. fer !Wna', PrnIhLlII Yeut Ptw«n.1MIl.r &IIWJIar~ tile ..,ual tatllfactbl iiOl: •Ii'" b, t1w bru4: e:t e \\' IDe Mae hiD e......Uau. Peck I: Co., DIU.fIue' Co.,&eot I: kWneD., 1ru. I; bIn,lAd,..,~ppll I: Ct., 101" I: c..,Jl&aI 'nII., ~. b..n:wI I: Co.,Tabn, Rubr I: Co., ldaal,_dtUla c.I.IL Plkl I: Co.. r. Dun! I: c...I . .L leIt-r I: Co., c. JlucIla,Intoa lroli. I: Co., Till I: IedeI..euu. 1rM., Alblrt I: eo..nNo "IlIl1af" W. w. Dodt't I: ee... FHlIir I: Co., _

••hIt I: ce., I"'tIIl: Co.,-.IWku. I,..." AlIta • Lewil.--.111.,,,,, Pvn......

11011' tho BrllIV~r~I;~ler ~ull'", on 11011' S<l1U.lndU::r~·t Brlll,h OIrl,IINTERNA TI0 NAi HOTELPerbap8, all thlage oomiderw, it i. u The ricbulb~ all tbe eng~.d OU11tr 11UD1 u4 JlCt.O~Sunw u4 IIoJlt'OIDU1.hual, Su huNcD.

well the Brilbh lIOldie, wq Qt'l Hnt to Ii.t hi )Ii... Cra"aha,. the dIUa-hl" or tn,CoJlut.otloople tile alhertl,y. The march Vulcan ur the Hill.ln Soutb W.I". Utlrlrom AhJershou to WiDdrof llnd the hlU""1 dowfJ I. uid to be, £~.OOO, lad .hl! I..bilH be ullder"'~ot ,,'hU. being reeehw about to bctto~ tbl. Wltfl her bud I.IIdby the Queea "'ere too much ror him" bell.rtupoa a bneJ1~.turrL.lerolllb. SoUlhToo llluell It it he Ifue, •• lilted. tll1l1 th. Waitt circuli. ilbould be Ylry hllppy IIIC&5Uo:,litie. of the dlJ MIOUD1(..',l Iu Deaf Illke bet lutu upon tbe Mme term., it Iooe t1\C1maad DIU or th. (vurt II thoUKnd relllaclined to mury-fur mouey. "beHmen eOJl:Kged. TIle wrJlll might bue lrollmuteu' davgutetl. lIa,... ..try"rout! through a tole-rlllllJ lJri.k .ction eoo~lder't.e ••y of IeIf'Ctlog VOO" mea forwithout lUlling a Kre-Ier pueeUIII(f1. Ueat their lIu.b&ad., for Blr Oeorae Eliott'.aGd ratiHue were the cause ot the glill in 1Ilu,;hter married one ~( tbo .pecl..1 Cllr·the rallk., aud there iIIC the u u.1 ex· rt.poodeulIlJf tilt Ault N." Ind a f~...plallatirlU that th" mell 'Were tWt:nuarcbal day. awo tbe heir.. uf • Durl!aw colli".,IUId kept oeedleMly 10DN uDlIi'r "nu. propdetor bolted .itb tbe edItor of I,Pro\inbl! th.t Is true, but tbereill Dona-j oorth couDtryau"IMper. It iil laid of~II to .uppDle it would be leM lIue if thu DOt! "r tLCM ladi..-perblpa it wuulJ b.lIDOpl h..d heeD io r.ctut.l ICnlce. It I. Cluel tu .., "blell-for lb. Ql.UlUlU"',

.tBrmed .110 thlu the Queto hid bt.'to ClI· after aU '" It ionoout 4:aough-tb,t meet·I~ted to go to Aldeuholt and re,iew log "llh a gtlltleDl.II 011 bc.Nlrd a .leawerthe troop' there. Dillllking to upoIU wblch ... 1I1l8'led in 1..!iD" a deep-.eaherlc!lr to the heat alld dUlt, .he ol'tlered cable ia tbe Allude, tbe, nty D.luuallJher little army to Wincllnr. It 1118y 'p. took tu flirting 00 lb. quut.r.4tek. Th.po.ar to tbe iml).rtlal Otltlhler that the lad, W&I all alooe enept .ilb pips, 'I'bebeat aod dllit were oot likely to be leu geotlelDllJI ..ade b!m8elf &lreeaul~, aod.ror 14,000 mell marchioK from Aldenhou btl., taU and baod,ome, of conr.. lOOnto Wlawor, thaD for oDe elderll lady illlr.tI"ted blauelf witb tbe irl,l.ll kina'.driving from WlodlOr 11) Alder-bott in • daughter. Oue d..y, f1.odiu,If him_lfaIGu.,carrlMge. But UICIt Clil bellO doubt th.w.t II. prnJlOUd thef'fl aud tbeo. "Hlllb littbe army ought to IIlLye beeD Ible to do .ald Ibe lad,· "papa it "lec(l 00 tbe ...,fawh.t ...·IU .,kt.'lI of it; and Ir It "ero DDt, II.lld migbt be~r you. ' Let IU t.lte IUlrolltbe lOUDer the fact wu ascertaloed tbe 00 uG(k." "1 am nrl illery," ••Id tbebetter. It will Illlt do rnr .taft' officel'il ladl, relumlDji( tbe couv~rtiltioll00 deck,to complalo of Ullhort notice." It migbt Ilbut of.coune 70U did IUIt kllow",bellh.ppen thllt the Ituul.u, would IOttll,l you were talklllK to me lJ610" tbat I " ..day ~ 10 forgetfUl of gU<.'d minDen .1 .Illiged. Dut I hue a lohter at bODleto gl,e thcm no notlco ,t all.-LAlidOI. WilD I» elletl, Iii.~ m., IOU wlIuld ootOOT. flltll' NeiC J~ork 71,ibrmt. ko(/w u. avul

l_lId W!ltD "ereturn hotut

- ~ I will iDuoouc" you tu beT." The iQ-n~QUIlIt:EI ~~It N~\V81~1'~;k ~hl'l.-· u-oUuclloli follollo'lld In due courle, aDd

COttlll GUIld, 1ft lI. lecture Wlrore thu th~ marriage wilbio lib: wooth... Til.Hoalon newlpaper meo, al.l: "\Vh"t ~our~blpwok pllllC~ b! l'fOSy.-UitdD'lthen, lOme eoe mny ioqulru, are Ihe reo Lat"fluhllci tur tbe newlp'fler bll~IDelI~1 Au •.u wcr to Ibh .ugg8llLil IU4'If tfl m)' mind TUII: Clledonla (WW.) OowrWr .ay.;In a rcply,lo IOlIlewhBt po""erful I~rllll, "Th, Il.Igett "oman ill the worlJ


I will admit, that I madll w a pale, bol· Hutb Ueotuo, .Ii.. lo"'atllly WaUace, uledlo...·-chealed youog DHLI\ or t"cOly·t"'·O or .t bill r••h.lco<:e ii, Veiooll COUll I" WI•.,three. "ho once "alted UpOD mc wltb an 00 It'rldsy wt. Sbe wat dfty.four leanioqulryof a limllar olturt. Ut! bill! • !lId, .nell feet fOllr Illcbes ill bdehl, &lIdfew tbnu..nd lIo11Il1l, "nd had jUlt grad. "elMbed 1583 POUllI.l4. Her cultio


uated from colltlt,lod wan led to joill c.Je III thl. Tlllll8e, alld .lloI Ie". Ce.twitb IODlebodf to 'Itattl pIper: Statt eilM laches In 1e.IIMth, tbree fect Ilx... paper I Thll 1J thoogbt b)' almOit iacbu)1I d.ptb, four fHt "ide at tbueu·!'fet! olle outllde or the bu.lnw olle of It.r, tw~oty four locbe. .t th, be~d andthe lllLIiClltllOd pleuallun lh.IIIgJ lJl the tWCllly.thrN iucbea ,t the (,lOt. It r."'..rid to do-Ind!O it 1-. if 'OU bue Clol,....1 'Igbt me.a .Itb ul...ck alld laekl.plCIlIY of mOlley to ItArt willI; but It II to lower Ibe lemailll illto tbe ,r"e. BbeDot llie ltilrtiDg, but the kocpiog o(lt gi)- WII a kiod, BOOtl aeij:blxlr, a !l,lvillllog It. profit, tbat call, fur braio.. I motber, aod "Ai br:loYt:d (" aU wborecall ."... lhe hply, pruLllbly prompwd kal. b.,. Koo"iog thlt .be ianilablyby a dlly'l lClyele and flilalltting ....ork, mliit .hume uti' tbe mor~1 coil sl\ the.·bcn, after lillenlng u pelieoU, II pot. lIe<:e...rJ Vl'lparatioD ""ere mad"lWd sll,..Ibl. to the Yllooll mu'. crade 1l0110.1 died turruuDded bJ her falOlly"d r..a!rcapeellog I Ilu 11le.llla "blcb be bit" 110 frieod" hippy, C>louoted. wub .0 ,UIl..experience, h. bejurec.ll would lell hllII, Ihakeo belief ira her adupted relilioll,10 .. re" ""orll'liI pouible, the qUIIUftea- "hicb .'1 tbat of IU Ad,eotl".1tiolllOeeeu&fJ to prO«Cllt6 the tlu lu...1IUCl.'ellilruUy. Ue "1.1 to;llewb.t tauledhy the lUM'f!ioo tbatlhe, ....~ ... rollo"l:A br.ln .. t1ulble Illd eludc a, 'Itel,'mcworl II.! lenaelo•• u lroll, a temptreftD u thlt of 0 Will, a dl~tioa ellualto that of an o.trlcb, Illd Ille e.nduranceofadt..ar"ol."

F.dueatlonal NOIt8.he tbe educational cl..lillcltioo of tbe

StalU ~orth Carollol ,'aad, out 10 thcfoot.

TOE Uoh'e"lty of Soutb Cftrolillawhicb Will rttently clOtted by tbe Irll twill probably be r~,ollC!Ded IODletimeout ,ear.

Till: 'I0tltloo of introduciog algebra.,Lalla aDd Or\.'tk, lototbegrllam:\r gr.(lesof dla Clcgellod echl'l('lll, h uDder coollid·cratlon by the nuard of EduealilJa.

Is the schools of .Itoelltlur, N. Y.••work OD c1YIl govilrnment il to be .ulNti·luud for tbe Itud, of pb}lle. in the tintgrade. of the Grammar ICboolll, and Id·gebra II to tll.ke the piau ofbhtor!.

IT 1J ..id tbat at Oberlin oot a f."" ofthe ltudCIlll Ict tbruuSb the Jear ith·outlpudillg over '160, ,II tuld. ·~ e[\ty-..,ell dolll" a Jear COVert tbe entire c~t

of lahiao iocidcntalJ alld libnry ft.CIlDeveD the' highest deparllUeou. IJ,uardRnli ronm" In the towo arc 'ferl· chespScarcely one of the prof81On, t I. re­ported, 11:611 a ..Iilty 00 .blcb beeaA sup·port bil family. St, they pr811ch 011 S~n­oay., t"ach durlliS tha vaUtlODS, WIlte,etc.

M. l.E<1ouva, the cl.v., }o're.uehml.n,UJI tbat III Amcrlca rc&CUng .loud IIcounted U ono of tbe clcwenltl of publicIntlrllctloo; It jl one of tho ilIACI of elrlyeducalloD; ""hlle 10. }o~"'uco it doo~ DOte.en rllnlt wltb tho lighter .rtli It18 reogorded at beltM' ,cllrIOllty. After mltnyyeara of ,atudy and u:perien~e, ll. ~.

ro09it hal becomecoQ91ucw Hilt rclldlng• an arl Illd hell dralrou. of inlroout:ing

It Imooy, tho ..rioul IJrallchCl ot' ...'duell­tieD in bhr ClIUOlr!.

TIIKna \lrl! no"" 10 p ... rl. about 427schooll fur elemoDlIvy IIl.tructloo. ThelIumber of pllplll rocul'ull, "bout 3.5"4.11. Notwlthlundini: Ihe helu'y bUllieDof debt lIpotl the cll)', and the (lnormOUIt• .ulloo rendered noe.... rl by th.. t debtlind hI the neceliltlel uf tho SClite, thelIIuolclpal gl,v~rllmcut ill mikilll( Itrcnu·OUI error I. W 1)ro.,idll O.,U! I'ltUllm .... itbthe rudhnent.t of ao educatloll. Aboyetb, eleDleutarl IcilDOII. the cit., h.. llltOfoulldcd lenNI .u~rlor 'Ch'lOl», and afew tfchlliclli iIlhoolt, IDd It Illml'rovillgllitm.

A SCOttil Itllhl.

Loeb and ItijlC4lot mlluou!n] were•1e'Cped 10 ralo and ml.t; d...klleolbrooded OTer 1)18 moor; tbe greeD .lopeof Be.o Oig wu cbaokN to a JcHuwi.bbro"II, IIId Itrelked with brawllllR tor·reota; IDd t~ one rambllog ,tretl rJ( tbelittle to...o .loPP1 aDd dfll8t1ed, and o,er­cut .lIb tblt "JIll.mllg drearilletl, "blebis to be found iu It. Te.rJ ICDlC oul, iQ aleaward lowo during a rala·sad·mist.&Mm. Not ao bOllett. blu.terlo(, la­

If! ltorl). I am ,-trlotie I Not 001,. ItO,

bat I call gue lIope(ulty ala wlrlri"lndof tempel, wblle I loathe IQlleIiIlClU, ot,.. I~ 8eotc~ 111«1 to call h, ·'.trllll"',"10 their 0"1l nry lael.1ge bllIIlO" almost4lecllde.d tURD.. Tbertfore gtYe mea merelleu Vllrmont t.eml~I, th.. t de·tceed. ,t 0001 10 all It, Ildght lad furyaDd uulWit tttoCitt ool! to be fortb·with felltanl1 hurled ac.lt (uto Erelllli atthe peremlltory. NlIlltltIi beck of hi.tollr ma}H1Yi "i~e me Ihat, uebl, en·r~, befure lhe OIellll, 00011111, perv.d.lng, silenl, lUlbCllrtelllllg clamullnllll ofembrACe or a IIIHbllI.od "ill·mlll!. W.,thtre e'n a 8cottllh poet who len hll0"0 COllllty \0 look on othersklu,aod,hR.·10' reluroed to 1t. ..IlK it, IOlllr.log ,IllorielIII the tell"er but knol'··lIolhlng·betterItraiOI or bl. yOlllh1 It I. not lllebeano. that teem to rain to WesternScollalld; It it thoellflh illelf tbat III)'p!llll'l to be throwing up Ihl. IOm!>re.llllleexbalatlon or 0\11l.mll~10 Yllpor. Wheo,ob "beo, dhllhe lirinceu of Thula 11ge,tblt Ihe .hould Inlve lH.'eu ItO IIlgbly r.·arid beyoud otbClr mortal. of lbe damp·aud·e.crlo·h.tlol or<wrl-ApphtonJ' JOllr-­....




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&t:oAZD._h1.p »-J&ot_,2100 Torw. II. G. MOKSK, COMM"1I'tlDlt

'\711.1, U;An; 0-" Ttll: VATU una;·l'l' .1I~r menlloned:

Iteem.hlp City of ~enem••lDOO ....... ".M. fttal',t·••'uu,

"',uiHUf..\\ ox 'II rtILl UfO

U. L. TmR\tS&CO.~

I Telegraphi~Summar'y.



Commi on Merchants

THE t'OKCtXU I'H04 (:o~.

rorLland il ,bout to tr.' .bat vir, f. .... "".I' I I.-A "lrr""1I'>1.1I<'1'I " IIIhle th~n" ill in Ihf' ,. forrin).: I r 8~":' II t lllll.i~h :\111+.' ,11.1• ':.r.q,lll~ lllllll 1'1'\:"h I III (,,'fI'C Ille Und,lil').: Il{ Illl 11.11' \1.,\ '111 1... ·/101· It}.·.· Ir....1lI lit, "~I.I,. ." 1"1 I h nu-,lln ,.IUIl"I,.:!d!' W,I'C 1).\1111111;:1\tht' S('Irtbern 1.1'1I't~ ,'1 nl.at lIl'. t e ,11::111. I'UI 011 II... Iby "11f'1I 1M' I''ll!. tl,~'liouth ,.l(j~ o( the (OtlilUI.HI. 1 urt., rnl..,U!'h ,Ill Ihf 1.011\ hll t\NUr. 1)1' 1,'-1 3.­land 11'10& Iht' f(I~d Lul1t on the 000 llK'n. '11k ~ lUI" 110'" brpt. i:kl. OilY

cb 8id~. tift heuuu it "ill pro· I.!\IO "Ollnlll'lIU l'lenl'. . '" , r P lland but A CMn.... I"" tlelll "l hll CoI'II. t\rlHl,R.

mote tbe mttrtst 0 or • ",Ito l"OlIIlIIlII'14 tht) '''n~ \t1,1e" I. ~n,j...1\·.!Iiml,l;" becau~ Portllnd IJ ~ ~uch an .,jJlng to Iln:\1:M Ihe f\'\!rlllallllf'llt III

uoft'lfilh inler~lt in the ~tl(are u( I'!e\'nl, it}"" the n,..t 'l'ufl.l.1I COIlVOYth~ Railroad COlnllln", tllit abe i. ",ilkh l·IlI~"-,,,II'Il'\'nll. loO\I-.I'1101 'l.tll'lll

II' t .11011' tti:Compan'f' to ":ll-rotl. KrilolTlUlmpll,) to 1II)It.l Ih.. Thl'-f'I.lnlll~lll'lrealmfllrlhe_oadt'rtltunWI ID~ 0 • ·r.. rillUl at I polut 00 Iwar l'It:\1I:l Il1lil tI~_ Imanlg' III 0"0 .lfIUII... There :.~t, 1II1,,1••'h.. 'Ut attic to ... nd a (,m.'1' l\ 111\ II :n~:;:~~. nM'ir til'", ~ are little k-'IbnPortland bas a pl.n: "lth a ~Iltlll- IUI\"t'(llllm III the rtlr Ind 011111;11.1111111 TIIof. "·hlt.....1__1 hI ttlr Ibe buma"tert ttd [rit'nd hip (or tbe n'llroad 10 "l111..I, "l' "'lid ttl' the rrl;t,1 °1~1. family. II _Ill drh·t RhtuUIaII"n, 11I1k'aCompany. wbicb i.truly beroic, Port- l'I)I)1\ l'l.lutlllnr: Krillo!f I.·n 1\\0 "'Ill- and Sf''lIr..lIrt. nom tbe 1,II,m: C'Ore" I,aln'

I d b I 'I '0 "0'0". IIIl'llC. nl CO'i""-d,,~ Rt ••l~)pt'l. 10 ",atlh ..~- Ch.,,', I I .,. '" I h •An U ,It ast r~fO ~~(. • IIii' :.-on:l. "l:lli. Another l.'fIIl\'eY. coming ......'.. uI"'" AC 11'. I'Y. It • an

Congrel!llOo,' I,gll-I.tlon In bCbalflrrOlll1l rotll IInknllwll to the nll••I:11I "Kl!t NllrtMU' l'fUllllnn..; It fl:SlfIlM. ,",,"t"0' o{ Portlltld, but o( the "(orcing rnrmlllJt ltl(lIlIil..II~ the ~nl ro:ul, 8111l1lt"l1 tmm r'rlUcn hlln,l. allltteel. lin!! Ihtl JlOI'OII tlf

fi I I l'-" I I I. 01 be ,- h bIlCla",dlllnl(.of'enoIllOll' f't11lUn.;h.ub-Pf'OOHI," (or the h,lIe tot I. WlI' t lroull' It' ftc"" t _lAC ntent on d I • u'- I

rood Co..~.,. This il ind,ed yerr. MomIay.'td ..•..3 IlI'tLer ,he lUll' of Pity· Uel ••ell nn. an ..,'·.Iet r-" or flrof'r• 1"- " • nil bl'ln", ,~ 1I1I0;;11n, l'Oul\1 nltl\4d It. kind. WbeD~In.orhrul!!U cx:eur.lt It 'be

con'ld"r.te o~ PordiDJ. If tbe R.I - . A dl'plllch (rom SdJlp". iII)'~ Suk:.lmlll IIl1JeI ,..'Itml ~medT e".r dr.cournl til) bslroad COMpaQy il 10 blind as not to J11'OI III 10ttllyhlJ!; Itl.! l"lIlll, l'tnd Ippar. Ihe InJuI"CIJ larta. The ,."enl..r LlnlnletU I.L_ able to lie it. o"n intere.ts it i. enlly Inl~IIII, It I \\'Iuler hel'!'. IlItd ",{lIb In.-lit ctr\oMrr forlCll'e Ihl"Nt. IlJf\lb.- , \., ..... q" I." , at'hr. t'llIlCIt I'realil" tancbe ami _l'\lll: !Jack."er, tilld of Portland to lend the tt:l\."CA, ~1 .••- lEI III n ~lenA 0'" The ((lIIo.-lnlll bllt • lIIIrnple o( DUttlel'Ofl'

CoL g:tll dt\:lll~ Servla'l euterln« on the ",ar W.IIUIOllilll~

mpID1 11er eyell. • II IIOt ctrll\ln. arId !hu would Illn. II the t1~ "Indiana Uome,JIl!·. Co.,lnd.•Mav tll.lli1l.Yet in t.h, adopt.lon or t.he (ore· el'lw 011 tile IlIftUCII~ 01 AlLSlrlll.'l nellt",1 "I think II In)' dulY 10 In (..rill )'OU 1111\1 I

ing procell," Pordlnd ba. geDernus- auhude. ~~~'1l."ft,I:t:f\I~':o!llchnl~~~IL~~II~~~'~t'~~1,. ulldertak.a • bit job. A job ~o.WtClr, Conn.&:!pl. 90.-'I1111 ,1II11~ dUlle tbe ",ork (or 11111. I Ila\'1l lIot heen lhle

b' h b I Itt II b 01 PUlnul1l ER'letn COUIleCtkllt, Waif f'hUlIIIlUfJlrelllnlrflnelghl,'"'''''''' :\'nwlmuw 10 ma, aye 0 e e .0)11 - IlI'llrl1 lll!lll:.o,.~f by It"' thl" Dlorlllll~ IJerlbe~I,.ell. Th"I,I~'I!"'IIlt.u~'lht.I<I.~:';~OODlractor" aCt.er Ill. Eyer; I{ lort· 'I' b I I I ,llllodll!U'lIl. BE~J~MIN HUH'S,

• II' . lie U·Ur!.~ I>oUOI J!gol~ e:rcept t "beprooflllinthelrllli. 1t.1J.Il'dllllJlooltllland,~ucc.edl 10 her (orclng pro· Nllloll~1 Hauk Ind IItlW ho1l'1. ),Qi.'4 IIl\n(I,',lt I.cheap, alld fI\'ery t'AmUy .houillcell, the cba.nces are tbat rort!lnd nbout f.oo.ooo. )U'lltAl1I.:-e Irtrs::~11 ~lStrl- hu\'tllhe White Centuur L1nhuenl.l' ill rtta" a complete mCD'gerle o( bllietl III Ihlll SUite and New '\ orlo: l'011l~ he'l'ell••t·",".r U...."llllw II'Inlllfll\un'l(uIII .. large elephantl, i>1I0'~IC~·. 0 ~ I 30 A "0 t CI. , ttllheltlllMb mllllClee,oonl.n.n,llh'''1i "I h"I'l'I"

• , 'I'" II AI.l''''T N', ......p •.- r r •• -, '" " ,'J hu" {orcln~ pwceSll, 00,..IW8 - IJ)Ccllllor Hie 20tll IlIya: hlforllHltlon III an lin m..... luper or1l11: ,,1'ln'''''''' ~,.

011 11lpt'r, It II one o( thOle exceed- n.>ceived hero tILl, morning that Lieut. fill Clll'N, In throe ,can, 01 ".1\'111, '1111111,, 'lib' b' Oul111 hili II. &eve... engll-lIl~lIt with the ..Iml.glllli. ICfDlchel, ••een,,, nnel lltlll'ralu"JI: ,raro lD'I'eD on. "Ie A .ays " ~~, . l"lIlen_.lllan All tlther rem(l(I"'~ In u.ll»h:nQU.

tromile better tbln \hey perform. ludlR1l5 UII Il'CO! river III "11lch he lost Kelltl.bllt t1UII~alUJ\RlMIlICIl fMwof II:

, b' h r et'l'cral or hit a1lUm/llld. HC\MJrll are "Se.. York JllnuAry 181...J III a procUI" I~ , or s0m.e unac- l.'OunlctlnF.1tlI III the result of t HI bftttle, "E\'cry o.-ner or llOl'l!e' ~lltlUltl {ve tbtl

countable rfluon, 18 better III plall One 01 S IOIn"r'! guide.-! arrlve..1 here this tAlntllur 1.lnlment .. trial. Wo eon,\(~r It the

b ' , Th lh "(' I I "I~tle(' '" 'Ill WllatllcllJ.\'Crutl.'lJlnour.lllblo·"t an IQ practice. at e oroln&, morn IlJt lilt reVOr.8 I. Y II c...m..... I1- "II. M,\ItSII, SUIl!. AlIAml Ex. 811bl~ N. Y.

Procclll' has lome virtu.. it i. not 'es of CAl'lIlry with two Gatling ~ln. "t;. l'UI.TZ.~llpt.U. 6. t:x.llllllJ.lea s. Y.L d . d Tb II f . I n 1.'T()<;!!t'l.1 thl! JUo Onllllll! at t~ 111011111 01 "ALU"1' II. OLts. 8ul1l.SMt.r.X.l!llIb{fIII,N',Y."!'O uo eOle. e orclngproc:eaa I"OOro l'lntn n-eek Illd are In putllult or Thfl beltp"tron.ot tbit Liniment. &I'll r ....

II a good proceSi (or lome tbmgll. the hostile Indlalls. rlorlllntl VOlerinary 8arrfAlll, _ho Ire ton.11 il good (Qr t.be production of earl". COS~TA1'o."IMot'lt. Oct, 3.-0IllclAllntel- IlnUIIII)' lullll( IIOUIU IInlmenl. It '"-'aI...II-.

. J ". I u .tlu.d....nd 1>011 evil, remO"N ••Illllnllll, andc:abbaae&. radll.bea., and other J{lrden JlgellCB rttJelnd here ttAIe& I lilt ... ukhtnr I' _nb million. 0( dolllln IInnllllll, 10 I'll,.Iru .kr,--· Et'en tro~ieal (rulCs are )'11011/\ WI. on 'flleMlay enlotlgt.'tlln II gl'tftt Ino.... Ih·ft')'Iueu••tOC!l;iCN.iII.... llleeporaben

c.. • bnule Ul'lIr Ale:u.ndropo1. When tho an~ Iboao IllIVllllJ hor_ ur caulu.lome&lme Induced, 1 mt!lns or the lelf"rlIlU "~l! t11-r,:I'llt'lI the 'l'urlu ap- l\ bllt .. fltrneu"nnot do fur r-o IheOClutaur" ( , " b 0 ,l.: 1.lnllllellt.WW do lit a InAln",coet.

otelng proceN, to grow upon t P, 114'1lf\.'l110 be \Ii'UIi ng. TheM I.Inlmel111 aro ....w by III t1ea1enlo~igo lOil o( 1b.e bigher latti~tle.. (,."lTl~J~.. OIJ. 3.-:;Ome ItMlg tlell'tti\. ~~"::~1:~11~=:~'J·;.t:rl"'::,ii~r:r::~It II • r.roe....... hl(l~ h.. somet"•• 'Uetltll}(B:l.!I~Bazoulu wlJoauelupttlJ to 1011")' I&nl':.-ot pby.lda.n _bodeei1'e8 (0,) '--'

b d th ' h ( ~lIler lIunk.'!lt'c ro lletlt Buttotelll, wu~ welD. •e..n .e e country "It n or· ~'1I1,;a) 011 Mt.lIJtllty ancr leven booN' . L ho I 'J B R ~ Co' d' 'I ' a ",oryo .• OII~ .,1!lUI atatelmen &II precocloua WI' 61111~\Ill1ltr,. Ilghlll1}Z'. .. Un 8T., Ne.. TOf'k.IloDares. Es: 'S, 0\.1. ".-UuMIl\ Iw onJercd lJOO

Notwitblt&Dding these wonder(ut KrU~I) canu0l!'reluha of tbe "(orcitllJ' process" in JJt;IICUAIl£til', Od. 4.-TIte Jut regl-

• • I"l. m~llt of the RU&4a1l ImpcrlAI cunnItbe IDlm11 and nget.able 11:Iogdomlll j pnJlell tlu'VualJ bere t().(Jly 11.11 to the1MfG .re after all, lOme things "bich lrolll. 'the U(ordng p~.." unnol. d(). !"oilI'''", <>ce, 3.-RalMIll'lUha 11I11r-}'or in.tance, the II forcinK proce.... rl~·~III.. I.t1I1. IIIntrll.'OIIlIl18l1d. r

C , b 'Id cod 1: bl l' (tile I Ut"~ bI\'I: nh1I1dolU:t1 Kl\I\",t':t on PIUher'. 0 ....... 1. a «lmplete .ulllllitutea.ooo III g r!.a e lOti 0 the 'I)Ptt):l~h or tile HUSlillUli Around for CMltlr OU, IUI~ ill u P'-nt to takll IU

railroad.. Tbe upenraeDt blS been 'I',..nO\':I. honey. It II rarUCUllltl, ad"llted 1tl f.-lb·tried a1read. too o(teD. Once upon LO"IJQ~ ()(.'t . ..c.-One huntlr('\1 tllOU. In/(l\nd IrrlI"hlec:hlldn·n. ]t '''.''''fro).. ",onn..

• .... • I ...·uhnillt.lf!ltlh"bod. re::"I'III .... thu _lomllCh,a time a ctrtlln ell' o( a\lout twice :tlltlllOllllll.....orthofu:old 'A'A_ wllill r..twn an.!eurcl .Illd colle. Few rt'lUediellU'll all

the .ile o{ Portlan tried thi... rrom II~ It:luk of F:lljCllnd }"\IO>ll."":l1 lOr "mt'lIoCIUU~rtlrInV\lrubn~"''''''Ifl, .,orlllllltq(l. ! me 11111)tIlt'Il\ 10 XI'\\' Yorio. wllOOf'ln,r-<'OII,b. '--utorholllltk'ltntln<; lind

Ii (orclng proct!lll" II) the matter of An Ill~llrTl.'etloll III 11::1" to hue broken 11Urel)·. \'l'lelA,",le~...,..,h",m, D1Uf'll C1-lTlIC,lInb 'I" "d Th d I' h.nl.;ularO ,lInu ncl erl(IIKIUtlrK1 petI.UI ulng a ral roa. • rca wa, out hI fllle ofthr Z,ll) I)CJ J.. II1l1l1-..... a ll!~ I'rel_notl tI}· M\'8IIr'l'o J. It. ROIl -. etl., MDeyIUbaidiztd b,' Conrrresll but the I(mnl r IYf\I.t ll6i.lIT\l rtom ~lIlrIlO~ 11'001. Se.. Tor1c om the I"I'4'Ipre;of samll

• "'.... III I I~~, r It 000 I • I'lwher,». U.. of Da.ruttable, ......CoDlpan1 .al compelled co construct lIl111UII~ I 116 loo;-.tut 0 6t IUiur.l!ll~'I' h d 'I b}'lhf'l:'II.1Qbhlmn~.tl;' Inft o~er t e route ~"ref b.>- t~e UllicIIAIIU'r, OcL 2._Amnlllllltlon 11111)c1l1· In order to 5IYe ItIsubaldJ It p'n)\'I"I~ls ..re being 8eIlL tl.ltho IXI"ter.I--------------­built the re<juired nllf', but.t 11m" nlll KrllguJtI'·al1."~lllll h.wClrkluJt thJtime. "it CODdrucc.d & branch O'l"ur Alk! 1II,r1It'.tile more dlrecL and natural rOlite n Vu.:'1i~. Oct. 2.-:l'he te'l()I~l\on l1)1l~

T .' to fit thl1 &n-IIUI CII11lllct coulIcllilllltlll;jko.da,. the branch Illle docll III the tilt"' IlUtltl 10 wlilllll'1l.w tlie ItOOJ'~ 0011\.'('11­

hUlin'llI. and 1lia mlin line run. a t",tal llt'lIr the frflluler. All Ihe reOlinl-.mal1 mind traiu, with one paslen. ofthl! ,11'111111111 Is !lImo t hn~\'lrn1)It', It I~

f.er Cit to that oity ....hich like Port. lJclle\·t'llln &1"''8(1", tlult ~1I\'111 wJII be SUMMER ARRANCEMEHT.d 'b h ,:. " Ihlll)' to t"'~ till, l\told l>J' tht'l 11111" 11\·

all "t oUK t tbe {orclng ptOCfl55 lI(111!t('t'(\ Itt the 11w.l1111 Mn.dtltlurlcl'!,I rood 011. (or rlilroad builtJillg. ~Inllllll\'. The I~h lll~t.Meali.bile the coune of tlto cit1 hall t,;LllC·"IO. O!.t". !.-Gr<'lIt Pn'p1l1'l\t10"'buelllik, aHebrew oook-back"arrl. tire lllrtt.:hlf{ lor Lllo IIIICI"l'llte And IlItl'l'­h no. ha. S 000 people wi 't !,~!I(ltllIl rUle I'I1ttrch here t.'OlIIlU('udll,lC

, .' Jere I I Jlllt3Ilrl)" Alflllliv II. 1I11lllber of tho-eonce bad 90,000-" but It. has lIlur~ WllO '-0111""\11111 tlw CI"tI.'1lll1oor Itn' ollilluweed." \bln it u,ed to hue. Plitt· ground. 'file .hooUng I.~t;li &hnoedw)'t1,laud mi/(ht do well to ternflmaer Ih.t.. ahhougb the ma11eld the horse tn ~ .fust n.~hed lit ,Ilu. JOIltl!', a I.JlE'!I U~ 'JlAJiCllCQ, PT. f'Ow....O' TtCl'IIa1.ol."ater, .be cannot make him drink." itod.llr Jl'w~lr.r. Utllt'S collu ami I:IIlfl I ----_" VaacouT... lmlependent." rUlIuu "l1r~ .h.lJ, .tc.. &te.

Gene,..) Sheridan'l r_port lb. I'hue lie nn h06til, India1l' *'Julh vI8rililb Anoetic......ilh II e esc"p&i.'n~(toM ~ Pf'ten,. .. ill be gt'ltl(lingIn{ on to ,he .-hole CUUUlry.

The ......nder or tbe • ion (' r ,.tton_bat ia Ie(, r 11 em, i. pml'a!,h t~etan w, ,b.U b,ar of lb,c tnt ". 'rbl'lwe.re I.be m t Inlrtctlbll' or all th~TI", The Clal, f'ofatiJ.II~ 1.r,,1

n I. t £ 1d I t & UI .•I"r c....~DlIlid or ..,nOD nlill. I d .al y(\,,-,,:'I..t ]) .... 'bOt~, II be f. at lar~ p""1' ft I) rr .lab.. Cl'OU_,",I>C"bot tr ....11t t.e ow ftA, • r; r 1& ,. '_laCit 1l1-e1'1. tht I'. h T••m" of.n kind. done,do 1I.!"a. c. '.l"f't