paper - 18 siddha medicine and its usefulness in day-today life

Siddha Medicine and its Usefulness in Day-Today Life KALAVATHY KAMALAKAR RAO G. VELUCHAMY Introduction: With constantly increasing population, diseases are also paralteliy increasing day by day. In spite of the various advancements in the field of medical sciences and technology, the humanity is left with many challenging and life threatening problems such as cancers, cardiac diseases and metabolic dis- orders that are yet to be answered. As the environment is getting more and more polluted, the humanity has almost come to a stage where the various available preventive measures are tp be valued much belter than the existing curative measures as a stitch in time saves nine. The science of medicine must have originated with the primitive and foremost man as it is of fundamental importance to his happiness, well being and survi- val and then must have developed all along ever since the dawn of civilization The Siddha system of medicine has been in practice in our country since time unknown. Fundamentals of Siddha system Prevention and cure are the basic aims of all systems of medicine whereas the Siddha system has In addition the transcedentaS m«yivat»on. of what might be called the immor- tality of the body. The basic emphasis of Siddha system is on positive health viz. to prevent diseases by careful dieting and

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Siddha Medicine and its Usefulness in Day-Today Life



With constantly increasing population, diseases are also paralteliy increasing day by day. In spite of the various advancements in the field of medical sciences and technology, the humanity is left with many challenging and life threatening problems such as cancers, cardiac diseases and metabolic dis-orders that are yet to be answered. As the environment is getting more and more polluted, the humanity has almost come to a stage where the various available preventive measures are tp be valued much belter than the existing curative measures as a stitch in time saves nine. The science of medicine must have originated with the primitive and foremost man as it is of fundamental importance to his happiness, well being and survi-val and then must have developed all along ever since the dawn of civilization The Siddha system of medicine has been in practice in our country since time unknown.

Fundamentals of Siddha system

Prevention and cure are the basic aims of all systems of medicine whereas the Siddha system has In addition the transcedentaS m«yivat»on. of what might be called the immor-tality of the body. The basic emphasis of Siddha system is on positive health viz. to prevent diseases by careful dieting and


proper relaxation of the mind to achieve a totality of health, that assures not only longevity but also immortality. The same is expressed by Thirumoolar in Tbirumanthiram as

tLL-ihurr crifluS sjmlpn r; §ti—ihui— 3ujig'£5T«rrs$ wmLi—ntr SLL-iheou euarrir&'§ (ipuntu wj^^S S-t—ibttiLi euerrif 4,zgjuSiT aietrif ®3^3<sr. -

— T & SsiuiLjair ( I) .

This paper deals with the various Siddha medicines used as curatives for m i n o r aiirrentN ir. day todrv life, drugs used as prophylactus for : jor ts!m?rts and also the various medicinal asp:cts c f DtJ?..' v .h ich are meant to achieve longevity.

S iddha mcdicincs cs curstives :

The diseases either minor or major are due to the vitiation of Thridosha n a m e l y Vatha, Pitha & Kapha as per Siddha methodology. Bastd on this theory, the problems of various systems are also clarified as Va:ha diseases, Pitha diseases <4 Kapha diseases. Let us deal with the common ailments of \nrious systems and also the scientific aspects of the drugs used as curatives.

Digestive Disorders (Pitha Diseases):

Most of the commonest problems belong to this system are considered as pitha diseases as per Siddha methodology.

I . Indigestion : „ Naus?;, vomring, headache, anorexia due to flatulence a otiJl and uncomfortable feeling are due to indigestion.


1. Ginger juice mixed with fresh lemon juice sweetened •ir.y iaksn • u empty stomach controls this.

Action ; Ginger: Bot; Zingiber officinale Rose, acts as a stimu-lant, carminative and digestant. It is a known cholo-


gogue and anti-flatulent in addition ro its'Use as flavour agent.

Lemon : Bot: Citrus auranfifolia Swingle This is a worid known appetizer stomachic and digestant. It is a proved anti-inflammatory jgent due to its high Vitamio C content. It is a good livertone and also an antieme-tic agent. Because of its rnuUifaceted medicinal aspect, it is used as Kalpa drug.

Remedy II: Perunkaya choorajjam:

It is a granny's preparation with which most ot' us are very muck familiar. This is an excellent household rerC'-y for all problem due to indigestion and helps in 4to:«ach pain also. It has 8 ingredients the name and action/given below are sclf-txplanatory as how it is effective in indigestion.

Thirikadugtt Digestant. stimulant Chukku I Vasodilator, muscle relaxant Miiagu j Carminative, stomachic Thippili

Omam Antiemetic & Livcr-tonc Jeeragam ] Chologoguo, stimulant

I and appetizer Karunjeeragam J

Indhuppu (common salt) antibacterial & ^

Asafoetida Antifiatulent

Most or the above said ingredients are used in Kitchen daily. 'Jeeraga vellam' commonly used by Malayallys by boiling Jeera with water for drinking purpose which acts , as a antiflatlilfnY"cum "-digestive is yet another example for " its medical value. - ^ - - 4


In this condition, there is difficulty in evaluating the bowels lack of roughaee, fibre in diet and less water content, all these


lead to formation of bard and dry stools. If left untreated, chronicity of this condition leads to headache, vomiting, full-— '<+ * -«..«__.,.. anH skn a verv lethargic metabolisms of the body.

Remedy I: Daily intake of honey in warm water taken on empty stomach early morning acts as a good laxative. Honey has an anti-inflammatory effect too in addition to its soothening effect. »

II: Tender Kadukkai (Chebulic Myrobalan) taken as decoctiam at bed time emptys the bowel easily.

I l l : Draksha (Bot: Vitis vinifera L.) Taken as decoction or infusion has an excellent laxative effect on children.

IV: For longstanding constipation Malakudari oil prepared by adding powdered tender Kadukkai with castor oil (can be equated to castor oil emulsion of modern medicine).

V: When the laxative fails, the necessity for an enema arises. The principle type of lubricating enema employed in Siddha system in the juice of Kattrazhai (Bot: Abe barbadensis Mill; with castor oil.

Vi; Milk and honey with rock salt solution used as enema gives excellent effect (Milk» laxative. Honey/ soothing & anti-inflammatory salt; antibacterial; %


Non-specific diarrhoea where there is frequency of loose motion soon after intake of food associated with occassional vomiting, abdominal pain are due to indigestion.

l i Chukkn Milagu choornam:

Buiu ingtcuients iakcu iu equal parts powdered and taken with water or honey 3-4 times relieves diarrhoea due to indigestion.


Chukku; Boh Zingiber officinale Rose. Milaku : Bot; Piper nigrum L.

Both are digestant, anti-flatulent, mild anti-bacteri-cidal, anti-inflammatory stomactics & chologogues.

Dys entry:

This condition is usually amoebic or bacillary in nature. Here there is not only frequency of stools mixed with blood and mucus but always unbearable abdominal discomfort and Tenes-mus. —

1. Poduthalai kudineer : (Bot. Lippia nodijiora Mich)

A luindful of Lippia leaves along with ajowan prepared as kudineer taken 4-5 times a day gives very good relief. The anti-amoebic and anti-bacterial properties evidenced clinically are yet to be confirmed experi-mentally.

Jatbikkai Podi : * (Bot. Myristlca fragrans Houtt)

Powdered nutmeg taken with honey 3-4 times a day relieves dysentry.

Jathikkaii Mild analgesic. Excellent antispasmodic and styptic ageot. Its anti-inflmmatory and sedatives effects are well known.

Honey: Used as a vehicle serves as an excellent anti-inflam-matory agent.

-3. Thairchdndi chooranam:

This simple siddha preparation is one of the excellent examples to talk volumes on Siddhar Science. This is a prepared medicine which is of extra ordinary scienti-fic value. This is prepared as per siddha pharmacoepia by adding powdered chukku along with five other salts in deeply formented curds, drying it completely in sun light to a solid mass and then powdered,


Cbukku: Proved anti-flatulent, digestant and ant/-bacterial agent.

Indhuppu : Sodium chloride impura Venkaram : Sodium carbonate & Borate j To correct Vediyuppj : Potassium nitrate >electrolyte Sotruppu ; Sodium cbioriae I imbalance Pooneer : Soda bicarb ^

Fermented curds: To facilitate the presence of betobacilus which is meant to restore the intestinal flora. When we closely analyse this drug, this has all the factors of. antidiarrhocal treatment viz. electrolyte correction of modern time which shows the length and depth of siddhar science.

Respiratory system:

Most of the respiratory disorders are kapha in nature.

Common cold •

Sneezing; sore throat, waiery nasal discharge associ-ated with hcadachc and mild fever, mostly of viral ori-gin is known a loryza or common cold. The treated cold lasts for a week and the untreard for 7 days.-the common joke by itself describes the course of this condition.

1. Thulasi Bot :,Ocimum sanctum L. 2. Karpooravalli Bot : Coleus aromaticus Bcnth.

Any One of these or together in equal proportion taken as fkudineer) decoction helps by its

1. expectorant 2. decongestant 3. anti-inflammatory 4. mild anodyne action in addition to its anti-bacterial and anti-septic action. The anti-viral property Is to be confirmed yet.

~ ««&ugation : With Benzoin and Turmeric of which turmeric has cxcelknt antiseptic and anti-inflammatory property and


Benzoin acts on the nasal mucosa as a smooth muscle relaxant and also a decongestant. The antihistamine like action of these are yet to be experimentally established.

B. Bronchial problems :

Inflammation of pharynx.larynx, trachea & bronchioles totally put together results in Bronchitis which may acute or chronic in onset: There is difficulty ia breath-ing, swallowing and is usually associated with fever and unproductive cough with expectorative.

Adathodai Kudineer or Manappagu : fBot. Adathoda Vascia Neesj The use' of Ada thoda for bronchial problem had been in practice since time immemorial. As much light is thrown by modern investigation on the medicinal aspects of this drug, one cannot but

& wonder how forefathers realised or recognised its action. Recently the active principle of this drug was isolated which goes by the name "Brom hexine." This has been proved to be a 1) Decongestant 2) Mucolytic agent 3) expectorant 4) smooth muscle relaxant 5) anti-bacterial cum anti-inflammatory agent

Chronic tonsilities : Repeated infection of tonsilities evidenced by severely

congested throat, fever, difficulty in swallowing and speaking is known as chronic tonsilitis which is very common in children below 12 years. It is mostly of bacterial origin.

Poondntben; This medicine is nothing but paste of garlic mixed with honey which when applied as throat swab pro-motes excellent healing.

Garlic: Is a bacterial resistant - has very good bactericidal honey is a known anti-inflam-matory cum soothening agent.

- S—12


Skin probems fVatha diseases)

Most of the common skin problem thai we come across in daily life can be controlled with available drugs at home. Many such things are right now in practice even though the actual scientific basis is difficult to explain as many more studies on them arc yet to be completed.

Burns & Scalds

This is almost a routine affair in many kitchen where there is loss of integrity of the exterior surface due to either dry or wet beat. This ultimately ends in ulceration which goes in for bacterial contamination & sepsis.

Honey Applied externally acts as a good-anti-inflammatory and an excellant soothening agent and prevents blister formation. Turmeric & Margosu leaves mixed in

equal proportion ground and applied a paste promotes healing by its anti septic, ami bacterial end antiinflammatory nature.

Ulcer \ Acute J Chronic

(Non specific) Ulcers are the classical manifestation of any active inflammation. In specific ulcer unless the systemic disorder is corrected, healing is impossible. In non-specific ulcer, many siddha drugs work wonderfully.

1. Pachai ennai (Dhatura leaf juice) with Coconut oil with (CuSo4)

ixii!» paitiw-i-." -rug na: occc experiments-.] or. many non-specific chronic ulcer in our Institute itself. This is routinely used as external medicine which is giving excellent results.


; iiyt Action;

D b a n t r s : Anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory action.

It bas mild cytotoxic effect also. Copper sulphate acts as a cleansing agent and the vehicle coconut oil as an anti-inflammatory cum soothecing agent.

„ Touch me net plant powder (Bot: Mimosa pudicaL.) This plant as a whole dried in shade powdered and applied heals ulcer. This has styptic and anti-inflam-matory action in additiou to its antiseptic property.

(Vinca Roses-Bot) Nithyakalyani paste

This is another remedy for ulcers. Applied locally as a past;, it bas anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and haemostatic action. This bas anti-cancerous effect too as both internal and external medicine. This is primary source of the famous anticancerous drugs-Vincristine & Vinblestcr. This is one of the best example for modern scientist to understand how much foreign exchange can be saved by exploiting the hidden secrets of Siddha sciencc by analysing its medicinal aspects with modern available facilities.

Fnngns infection of foot (Athlete foot)

This is a sickening disorder of chronic nature affecting the webs of toes. The site is raw with offensive dis-charge and is very itchy.

1. Kadukkai & Manjal as a paste externally

2. Elluppai nei application (Bot. Bassia latifolia)

3. Scemai agathy (Boti Cassia alata) as an external paste.

4. Henna (Bot. Lawsonia alba) leaves which is used mostly as a cosmetic has excellent anti fungal and anti bacterial effect. This helps in fungus nails too.


Allergic manifestation

Intense itching with reddishness of the skin.occassio* nally associated with severe rashes due to internal or external allergant.

Arusan {couch grass) thailam (Bot * Cynodon dactylon Pers) This is prepared in coconut oil base as per siddha pharmacopeia by mixing Arugan pull paste. This most interesting drug has excellent steroid like anti-hista-mine action. Excellent anti-dote for even internal toxins and a good anti-bacterial cum-anti inflammatory agent.

Siddha Medicine as a Prophylactic :

Dost thou come from dust and

Thou shall go back to dust-goes the biblical saying. So also God has created mas as well a> ,;i:J.cinc from earth A man who identifies himself vwith the laws of nature is sure to be free from pains. The speciality of Siddha system is its non-diiferntiaticn of food and racdicine. Most of our dietary item such as \egetabies, fruits, roots and eens were used in ancient periods for a definite reason based on its medicinal use. Cooking in mud pot, eating on plantain leaf using gingely oil or coconut oil as the medium of oil for cooking - all these have a sensible medical background. The most surprising and interesting factor is the literary references which detail the specific indication of various vegetables and fruits. Let us see few examples and analyse how much prophylaxis can be achieved.

Greens t The best diet for ail ages which can be consumed as it is or in cooked medium, the richest source of vitamins and minerals. The frequent use of

1. Drumstick leaves: (Bot. Moringa olcifcra Lam) An excellant source of Vit. A. prevents many eye dis-order and Vit. deficiency diseases.


2. Manathakali (Bot. Bolanum nigrum L.y It bas lof of Vit. B. complex indicated in Stomatitis, gingivitis and Aptbing ulcer. It has very good anti-inflammatory action. It is a well known liver stimulent.

3. Karisa'.ai (Eclipta alba) 1 v Keczbana'Ii (Phyllanihus niruri) J

World famous 1'ver tonic and are proved digolant by its chologogue action. These two drugs are very much used iu Jaundice and are proved regenerative of degenerating liver cells, prophylactic against all dis-orders of liver.

4. Pasalai keerai (Bot. Porlutaca quadrifida LJ.

This is a very good source of Vit. B. complex in addi-tion to its phosphorous and calcium content. Thii prevents many urinary disorders by promoting diuresis Its litho lytic action prevents calculus formation in even chronic patients.

Among vegetables Coccinia indica (Kovaij - Bitter guard (Bot Momordica char ant ia L.) Cluster beans (Bot : Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Taw) acts as hypoglycaemic agents in established diabetes and checks the pre-dis posing factors in a prone diabetic. Cucumber (Bot. Cucumis sativus L.) Raddish (Bot. Raphanus sativus L.) Plantain skim (Bot. Musa sapientum L.) Pumpkin (Bot. Benincasa hispida Cogn.) Due to its water content indicated in uriniuy dis-orders. --• -

Both Radish & Plantain skin prevents calculus by its diure-tic action. They are helpful in hypertensive cardiac diseases also Among fruits, worth mentioning is the simplest plantain, lemon etc. An apple a day keeps the doctor away signifies the medi-c inal aspect of fruits, Tr.ey are food for all ages and a $oo4


source of vitamins, minerals and sugars. They act as good nutritiveandlaxatives.

. Lemon & pomogranut as anti emetic : Tomatoes; Orange for electrolyte imbalance

Jamun as" unti-diabetic Dates as anti-anaemic and Grapes as laxatives

are worth mentioning. Periodic and appropriate use of these definitely prevents many unwanted problems.

Kalps system of medicine:

The most intriguing and perplexing unique phenomenon of siddha system is the Kalpa system of medicine which is not found in any other medical systems of the world. As expressed in Tbirumanthiram.

t s p u u 0L-A>Qj5rriu *irg»ih

m&Liu gtatGpttuj wty&Q&t«r«> *irt$Uib wgguu AQprriLJ @tircrtr*$)($uu u>£tuugi *rra>ej mtyfrQ&m soirQu

(0<3$fieu/f 8000)

Kalpa drugs are those that ensures physiotherapy, psycho-therapy, preventive and curative aspects of diseases and above all pave the way for not Only longevity but immortality. There are about 108 drugs. Many among them and in daily life are onion, garlic, ginger, lemon, potato, nelli etc.

On close scrutiny one will be struck with much awe and wonder as in bow those days where modern techniques were few the ancient siddhars with deep insight were capable of discer-ning the use of such things rich in vitamin, minerals, proteins, hormones, electrolyte and other nutritives grouped them as drugs for longevity.

Two illustration for 'his kalpn drugs-take

Lemon x It is a digestant, appetizer, stomachic, anti-flatulent trnd liver tone, chologogue.


It has mild antiseptic property-It excellent anti-inflammatory action is attributed to its rich Vit. C. content

Another contenr, Lemon pectin has very good haemostatic effect.

Bioflavin another substance in Lemon is proved to be radi-ation reaction resistant. It has anti-emetic action and de-odorising power.

Garlic Known anti flatulent digestant lactogogue Bot. (Allium sativum Liver stimulant & anti-septic. Proved anti

• Linn.) -cholesterol and anti-rhemuatic activity indicated in heart disease by modern scientist. -Very high bacterial resistant and an excellent bactericidal, an anti-hypertensive too.

jyjjPtr «/©a» Qfiirrt Qprrii. (<5ffldr. 429) said by Saint Thirnvalluvar-speaks the importance of prevention than cure. By appropri-ately including kalpa drug in our routine, we are sure to gain the most valuable wealtb-tbe health.


The siddha system of medicine Is till today a living science. System which has survived through centuries cannot be condem-ned as unscientific as we are ignorant of its scientific basis, as

"The lore of country man is built upon the experience of generations and sometime even centuries" (pract. 1950)

Most of us are aware of the famous saying that life is nei-ther a 'Tempest' nor a * 'Mid-summer night's dream*. It is just a'comedy of errors'. You can make i t 'As you like it'. Very few of us atleast make an attempt to lead a meanigful life. As we know more and more about '.these simple, harmless, valublc


and easily available siddha medicine and its uses. Let us give them due recognition. Not only appreciation but appropriate application of this science and system is sure to give us all a happy, healthy and harmonious life, \


1. The History of Indian medicine—Dr. Sbanmuga Velan

2. Introduction to Siddha system—Dr.V. Narayanaswamy

3. One hundred useful medicine Da. Lakshmipathi 4. A hand book of common remedies based on siddha

system of Indian Medicinc-Dr-R. Tbyagarajan-CCRAS publication

5. Materia medica : Part I by A. K. Nadkarnii

6. The wealth of India CSIR publication (No 1 to XI Volumes) . ,

7. The glossary of Medicinal plants-Chopra 8. The text book on principle and basis of medicine-vakil

and Gopivalla.