palmer-motor sales - iis windows server

WE AUK NOW SELLING Til K I - V - C ' Vitamin Goncwtmto of Cod Liver Oil"in gelntiiuUpuurls- TASTELESS — ODORLESS ---------- ----- EASY TO SWALLOW Vitamin II and P from Cod Liver Oil, with 99 per cent of: thtt-obnoxiouB-oIM^movedr-fok1 all conditions,-whore" Cod LLivcjA-Oilvi&_ujafidT 60 Pearls -25 Pearls— $1,9(1 M H. FENN rito Store* -Chelsea," Michigan —f he last word in MODERN TIRE CONSTRUCTION CARS^WASHEIT—Satisfaction (iiiantntewL Screen Grid Radio RECEIVER, is now only $132 complete. It is the ideal-se^tfor, everyone. Boy Scouts To Meet Thursday Evening TAXPAYERSARE URGED Chelsea Victorious In SecondJLeague Game UI»<I oleetion of olttcors Thui-tiduy ov Ininu. January 23, ut the* Church of J C&itsL^orner Hill und Tuppuiq Ann , Arbor....The council in conTpoSed of W ^ Hontatlvea_froin_uach scout troop !fn, Llvingstonancl WaHhtermw"eo'un- | ties, tojfothnr with a group of men so. lected at largo for their interest in the - 8 oout-muvt»ment—The general public" is.invited'to; attend these minimi mnr»t.. m a w And ladies are especially wul- Ratification Of Proposition To Raise Money To Complete Sewer Sys- .. tern Predicted Hy Officials. come. Am o»g-thefeut ures of^tho-occwmm will bo an address by Dean W, W. Whitehouae of Albion college who will Ttpoaron “The Vuluo of a- RoyVDeah YVJUtuhouati Wfis b6rn ITOe slmhTo'f London,' and has had a remurknble rlne to hi8 present position of-^in-- iluoncor- Kopi’esontutlvos from tl;n _vurlouK. districts will be elected to membership iuutlm Washtenaw Council Kxecutivo - .. -Yillage-odi&i&bu are: very=opthmatlc In their predictions us to the outcome of the furthcomlnVapecinl village elec- tion which“ wi!l be hold; brTMonday, February 8, At this special election __ taxpayers in the village,will beasked [M’fifh schooL-Res^rves. to author! ste the council to horrnw .^50,000,00 for the'purpose of complet i n » ^L n >•„ . ____1. I . 1 Uourdritnd practten!!y an“Mti rbly new constjtutinn. ‘' * adoption. didliot meet the The previous constitution ing the sanitary. H0iyer_ system which was-stai’ted-last-spring.— About $45,000.00 H uh so-far":been Btructing the sewer sys’teim— This money has been paid from the general .fund of the village, which funds are __ H f- wecomi-ieague game nr tun son’was played last Friday at Saline, where the high school teams were vie* torious in three games, 'The first gume was played by the high school girls. Th'e score.was 10*7 at the end of the first half. The girls played a fast game, winning by* a foul goal made in the last minute of play: The game ended with a final score of 15*14. The line-up was as follows; lumbuilrfj-Ajulde^lfrFmkbemernrr Kinsey c, Lixey rg, Dancer lg. Subs: Britton rf, Kinsey If, Hopkins rc, Ad-_ aiiis'c; Stalfan rg. ^ • Are Your Tires dust ^Getting By” ? iThe-second game was played by-thir Saline having' a very good team, made the garni* The Reserves held Poes that describe your present tires? Treads*/ wornsmooth and slippeiry-as banana peebr^uts; and cracks that any mpment may cause a blow- out that could easily wreck,or ditch you? For tbe sake of the very few dollars tbatthese new Goodyears sell for* why tempt Fate another hour—w ith roads so slipperyandtire-ebanging conditions which have develbped^as the council has grown. "Latest reports, show that on Tpecembor St; ll»2Qr thci'O were TJOT scouts'registered In Washtenaw Coun* illl.the-.liu,gekt.totutwer-j,c«>cde4l-by- tlu* organisation. C. MT Fimibirbf '■Chicago-, regional scout executive, has indicated llmt lie present foTChetinhuttl -meeting. Mr, Finnell Is an.exjjert on council organization. . . f Dinner will, be served a t (i.-lTi.ut 75 -cents per-phitei ^-ThiH^wilblm^followetL-debt-from- :thci_surpluq which will he .— p.tly at 7 ,x)-clock-l^t-thi^getfeml^-arlded to— the— treasary-eaeh-year-by- r—The council -cannot- -Sfootl game but. logaily bucrow-nmney to complete an improvement pf this kind unless their uction is latifled by Jhreu-fifths pf„the taxpayers in the village, For this reasoji_tlie eleetbrs^qualified to vote very interesting^ leading score throughout the game. The seore-at- the-end of-the-game-was 17-15.""The Une-up was as follows: each- rf, Wallace-if—W , Mayer- c, Kern rg, R, McLaughlin lg. Subst Lixey, Laxter. / The Varsity team played a very go disagreeable? -YcA sir, these are first-rate values—possible be* cause Goodyear builds nearly one-tbirdof all tires aold today, tkime iit and havea^Took? cause-of u .small flqor. Tho firat hal f PALMER-MOTOR SALES ut this election will be asked to ratify the-eentfHnplttte<H\ctiorV-df^th^coun- cil. ' ■, . . 'l'hroiiffh municipal' distribution of ■electric cur retit, the village’of Chelsea Is making profit of approximately $J OjQOO .OO . per. year. It is the plan-ofj-th^ the council to borrow money to com' plete. the sower system’and pay the session, and it is plnnhod do,expedite Mt|HU’ution.-nf t.he ..dOlnefrlo the handling, of business in.such u wayJ_Water Department. ended with a score of 6-10. in Chel- "Hea's favor, The game ended with u scoio o f-14-10.' The line-up wan as follows: H, Holmes rf. G. Griffin lf;^ Established in 1911 CHELSEA MICH. ■ M I I i i R. Foster c, G. McLaughHp,,^i'g, G. ^tufTa n-lgr-R^:McLaughlfrr*gf^^'i^=^. This^Fiiilay,. the decisive, game of, the season will , be played with Uni-' versity’High of Ann Arbor., This will be u very hurd gume and we will need Tiring your friends.—-Hi School Scribe. Nev^Rubber-Co. WiU- .-jOperateXacaLElaBt:: iw .to permit— 'tnose-prosai othei— fiwu't ions that emtingr™^: A)thougiv-it-wiTKnoM.ake-t-he-entire SPECIAL FOR JANUARY r equipment and ^washing service, cars, washed with the Myers Spray Systemr-which means’clean underneath as well-ias-ttiff reat-of— tho eabv:fop- $lT50, called'for Ladies’ Night Observed amount of ^$50;000;00 to complete "the | sewer construction work, it is a well i known fact that tho streets of Chelsea are in bad, condition and it will take TJuL ’ Viiww^Ruhbfi r, .Gorii pany.... has. —^mil-ideiLvered upon.n^erj-ueat^ By Local Kiwanis Club doetd— K1 wtmhtns-'- on to rtainrd thotr-lviwaimitfoons nt^Hadies' niuriit' TTtVair Monday- "uvi'ning gt .St; Mary’s inrltr ''-'A~bnn(jut> l - was STrr.\Trl—a t . (i ;45 ’S GARAGE Chelsea, Michigan -by-Wm—Kulb-mni-hisTasststants. —-F oil owing _:.tho_LJjanquoU=ai=^e r y ^n-; teresting program;was given.' Kath- Klett'l.U'r rtmdtmid two xyhiplumol solos,.accompanied by Mrs. I’. F. Nie- haiKs at- the pinrui— This'- boing~the“ 15th aivnivorsary' of Kiwanis Inter- iuUfxinal, H-r^D—W+tiiorell-gave a voi;y - interesting history-of the activities of .the organisation since, its beginning,- Several musical selections were ron- ioTeil by* the high school 'Uke Quar-’ tet- ■•Kli-tha^ino Flotoher, jJoan Rejidschwerdt pnd Ree. A. ~M;- “Dotts1 dmlL—Margaret K n we ntr "LrOoics,^ Trnre- iect: “Why Worry.” Lewis. AthoT'toTv 'secretary, of the l.Inf Jackson^ was the principal speaker of*the ovo- idng. He gave a very’interesting .tolk ". hi '""The Spjrit oT’ Cludsea,” " Vance several thousand dollars to >^ .it "them iiv-^ 'good-shapesthis-comi'ng-spri-ng-and- beeh incorporated under "the Michigan- State laws to inanufjicturc, buy., and sell rubber goods, and lias taken over the" plant foriw-rly-detupied by. the Get out* prices on any auto repair job you w mme r^ -bbvi^-fchi k - -it—;-wait .Chelsea. Rubber Company and has in stalled over S0~ tons of heavy ; all AVorlt guaranteed ■ anel’isame prunipt" SiiieiZ aud' courteous trtiatmolTt'; in these dennitmpnt* thought b,<- the cbuncil to he'advisablo machinery, several -car loads of raw to appropriate enough ifiomn' 'to "do this necessary repair work. Thtr-rnost fPOnUent (itiestioti' askerp -imiteriaL-huve . arrived und the plant ^tllL^amnuincO: operations' a bouv^tBe: is: T 'WIuit^vfn~lH>^ionT^ii1ifrnt=tbe m u t - |TI -\‘Z, r , -------- Kilpatrick, president, .tefcdf-tlui pro-poaition of bonswdng 'nioney is not-ratifieiit^— While this question oamrot be didinifaly -answer Chrysler, Matoj* Car ^Company; E, ■ JL. McKimm.yich' president, also presi-. dent of the Rubber Ware Company, ..... ... ....... . ^ ed, in all probabil^y constructum work-would-be •8topped-aml-nsa_vil ing for the state-to com pel-completion 1 “»”L iW ftL manager, you havfalwayij this s’tatioil. o.J3. M c L aughlin --&J ...........-..-rr OHEBSEA, MICHIGAN of a sanitary- sower system. The factory wilD-make rubber'stair Tin. »lr chJm, wh» vot,.!‘ra",ls' . l| m!!'iln* f ;"“l" "1“' “ l e w w l l NL—----- . ~ - *- -line.of staple rubber goods. at this election are urged to give -the i matter serious consideration. Every-, Turn-1 one knows tho sewer system ’is ai Co-Ops Hold Annual ■much-needed, improvement for the. \jl* . . -** .• __ :— ^ lage- - shouid--tht>^vork. be completed ~ M eeting Ih U F M a-V^ t ; A atui-paHf-foHtt-a-wty-which would not Rut.tor ._ . I#, _______ >r- burden anyone, or should matters be further complicated■ E. J. CLAIRE & SONS W O ^ T G R E S —G H K I.SKA— A N N . Ogden "was in charge of the "eve- ni ng's'eiYtertninmentv^ : Officers Installed By_ "" Women’s Relief Corps Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Sunday 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred AI her were pleasantly -surprised Sunday when a company of-relatives.and friends gath- ered at thtdr4u>me-hY -SiYm'ob-lm oole- Inution of their fourtouiith wedding anniversary^ Ahsuinptuous (iinner was served, after which .-Hurry Sutton, in behalf of the assemhled guesUv pr seated Mr,, ami Mrs. Alber with a heautifuLrug. — 11ies»^;;m ^ eut^\vei'iiLMi'.. and Mrs,. Jacob F. Alber und childron-o£-Uma, Air, and Mrs. I,cuds Alber and family, Mr. \and Mrs, (leorge Alber, Mrs. „Miua Tmliii and sons. Glenn. Lyle, and ELECTRIC WASHERS Loren, Mr. and Mrs. Ruy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haselswerdt and Mr, ami Mrs. Albert: Sutton, of Shar- oiV M’L'Ivhu Mrs. tiari1^ M r. niTil^D’sr rOsca r Fi da'ughter of Manchester, and Mr. and ! Mrs. Win. Alber of Grass Lake. TOEAGITWGR—NOWmNGER—EASY ST. M/TRY’^ WINS water uction that is faster and yet gentler than any othid', ! baa n 2-pound gmtoT capacity, fewev and simpler controls, if ** equipiied with the lamous Easy centrifugal Damp Plyoi'—isarerl faster, easier and gentler iIvan the old fash- ioned wringer. Dries a whole tub full in less than two min- utes at one1 operation. I St, Mary's Club eume from Iwhind ' to deTMiT~S«tlmr IndepemTenfiT^Tn an I hr— rugulav.. meeting ami tlu'-instal- ^oeretarv-treasnrer. The boanl ot Hi- j || Hn» —- hrtlon of ollictii's t>f--tho ■W.--R. C\wnS./.gotor's''liemain the same'as la‘st veurj poiniq TeApot Ifea held Tuesiiav afternoon. J a n u a T ^ / ^ H f e ^ l 1 *' Large'box Purity Oats. ” The -members of the- Chelsea Co- Operative Associaturn- held “their an- Yumt Toee t,»vg- i m-tli 0-=^ylv a tow-n-h-ivl 1 rf j Thurstluy afterno.olY; The ’ officers.. of j_the_past -year wilV-hold over fo r. thy;. looming year and ail’ as follovys: |tieo. T.' Engtish, president; Mason j rWliipple; vice president; K. J.’Notten, Florida Oranges, pSr d 9J 5 en T Naval Oi’ahges, per*dozep.‘ Sidsodir ’39c“ 20c ,35c - seeretary-treasnrer. Tho- .bouril -of -di- remplar Brand Coffee, poupJ ', .3 cans Sardines ' ... - 1 bars Soap-. 4 .. ■ , 2 large Corn Flakes . _ 6 cans' Oolddftst Scouring Powder -*c 25c ----- _ _25c- '25c . 25c -------- 25c ■Hold'-'.Tuesday afternoon, January 21. A pot luck supper waB-servetl-at-’(>!:80- -Y»Vioek-ami-in-the evening a dunce was given. TluTToport of Ttiie secretary-tieas^ ureir:sh7)W’mf_th'al’’thL’a’^ocijni(rir’^vierj in a gooiT^tinaiicia 1 ebhditibnT:'Thei O^tE -arrr ■Mir rl^ pdimds Potatoes, U. S. Nb..l 23c -50c 4, gross receipts for; the year were froiYVj Hie installing officer was. Mrs. Per- j renl of th<1 warehouse,.amounting to vy of Ann Arbor and the conductor $203.3t). The eNepnditures were .$79.- ■was Mrs, Watson nf Ann Arbor. They j 2() ,ieavinK a cnt,|, balance on hand of were assisted-by^lrs. Royd- anti Mrs, i ai*.»A hi ' FRESH -VEGETABLES A'Nd f RUiTEVERDAY Pure buckwheat flow, also Henkel^ and FAfno prepared pancake flour. ~.. ■ -'v __ : .. ... .. __ l.iobold, both of Ann Arbor. . _The fidlowiiig officers were stalled: neiudu- Senior Vice—Mrs. Jolm Kilmer. Junior Vice—-Mrs*. Wm. Atkinson. Twasui'ei1—Mrs. J. (}, Webster. Secr<Ytary-~iMrs..N. W. Lain!, €Thnplnin~~Mrs. Kd. Riemonsehnoi* Parent-Teacher Ass’ii Entertained Friday TRUCKING' OFAtL-KIKhS BRING IN YOUR EGGS tier. Conductor- -Mrs. A, K. Collins. The Parent -'roacher Association of J School District No. 4, fr., Llm_a,_was_L eTStevtalnod Friday _evening^at— the4- A. B. CLARK & SOX home of Mr. dimer.' and Mrs. Alfred Lin- Park Street—TWO STOKES—Main Street copper body Insu m a lifetime of service, «©»imfpuy finished in Duco—an,ornament in your home. Price—Agitator or Suction type with Dump Dryer—$155. M m tihmmtmt? nt your hom*\ ovorthbe game 81*37 Friday' night, January 17. The game was hard fought and full of thrills Until the fi- nal gun. St; MavyV pass work and ayeurate shooting was more than the Saliue guaixls could stop. Sunday afternoon St. Mary's whip- ped Manchester, in-fine shape, playing a good steady game. The Saints had Manchester about where they wanted them in all parts of the game, The final, score was 22-2(1, > Wednesday Jiight-tlie4*atnta Pavelwl . Asst. Conductor^Mrs. A./.K, John- Fallowing the business session, the sonf pvdgrum’-opened with roll cftttL which (5uardT-Mvs,:Joseph Mayer, '.was answered by miscellaneous quo -iYsst^-Cluti r t f r s f “ Kf=S :r :?5tnni s. Itattonsr” A,r n'mfiTfgr^^She^dmy^fh “tbitrtotic” Tn^tnn,tor--^L\sT W. ^ . | cupation”; was given by Mrs,. 'Jacob- (iiUM'In. - ----- jAlbt'r and "Who Stole the Spoons?” '■Press Correspondent—Mrs". J. D. [ liy K, O. Outwater, interspersed with McManus. l victrola niusic. Musician—Mrsr .h-NT-Dancmv^—— j— A fiower and a fishing contest con- , 1st Color Hear?'*:—Mrs. Ohns. Van | tributed to the enterfainmenL A pot i ON HEATERS and FURNITURE P JJliUL 2nd * Color Henroiv--Mrs. Luella Whipple. - fil’d Color Ponver'— 'Mrs, Wm. Wolf, 4th Color Roaivy—Mrs. John Schic* ferstein. - I luck lunch was served./ New Officers Elected By Pythian Sisters -pH\Y~we,r*v-»ie- f l w t e d r At'tho meeting of the Pythinn Sis- ters ludd Wmiuesday evening, January 15th, the following officers were jnsKHi (i. ha I sfdrd Joseph O. HuTifortrdled Wednesday January 22, 1980 at the home of Mrs. J. A. Wilson of Tocumseh. For inany years he was a well known resident of Tevumseh, and n few yeai-s ago he mbvmi to Chelsea. Since the death of Mrs, Hanford he has miwie his home with his daughter, Miiw J^igls and at the Wilson home whew he died. He was a member of the (hid Fellows;: _______ his daughter, j 7W a have several Hunting Stoves,’'Heating Cabinets, Liuin- /lau ___ -a1 _... .. -..*-*-1 dry Stoves, which we are ottering at a special discount. Wood Choppers’ Tools Axes, Axe Helves, Choppers’ Mauls, saws, etc. We have several pieces Of furniture—Living Room and pin- ftjic Room Suites, at si>eeial prices during Januar>\ Touted., 8 0 .to 21. Sunday afternoon K 0,-M cs, May Luiok. they^itertfthiahi'euJhiU'otUtcwiYs-in: --M Vt^M r^^m-Pniddenr^ St. Mary s gym, , L K, S.—Mi's. Agnes Mayer. Qwob'tt/ Mmhtudm ------- ------------- —Whttdfy iSpiTiVr f'm 'r DANCiXt; PARTY Tinny wljl 1m a dancing party at L K, J.—Mi's, Ht'len Kilmer. Manager— Mi’s. Uu Guerin. f- ■■ i., i ■, - p ... - - - -«■ [O . O , t\ hall Friday evm itng, January 24, Odd Fellows, Reliekahs and i-Invited* ---- -.... 1—44 M. of F,—Mrs, Kthel Haselsiwiilt, 1 \ of T,—Mi's, Lydia Rolinet, tinavd—Mrs. IVrciv Jolmstan: He is survived by Mrs. Leigh Reach, two grandchildren, one brother,''u resident of Tocumseh, ’ 'lim'd Awo hreltn^'Teatmngin i X'troit, j The funeral will, be held Friday nf-| ternoon from the pelding Funeval: Home In TocAimseh, Rurial in To-, eumseh.— ', ~ « b ......... :“ f Chelsea Hardware Company AGENCY FOR MAYTAG WASHER Phone 32 ' will amm bo here,—Don’t-miss . , .. ., .. .............. That homo talent Minstrel Show 1 SI ■ Or' i m m , .... s4f- V U iiiiik iiliwMLdiMB

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I - V - C

' Vitamin Goncwtmto of Cod Liver Oil"in gelntiiuUpuurls- TASTELESS — ODORLESS---------- -----

EASY TO SWALLOWVitamin II and P from Cod Liver Oil, with 99 per cent of: thtt-obnoxiouB-oIM^movedr-fok1 all conditions,-whore" Cod

LLivcjA-Oilvi&_ujafidT60 Pearls -25 Pearls—


H . F E N Nrito Store*

-Chelsea," Michigan

—f he las t word in MODERNT I R E C O N S T R U C T I O N

CARS^WASHEIT—Satisfaction (iiiantntewL

Screen Grid Radio

RECEIVER, is now only $132 complete.

It is the ideal-se^tfor, everyone.

Boy Scouts To Meet Thursday Evening TAXPAYERS ARE URGED Chelsea Victorious In

SecondJLeague Game

UI»<I oleetion of olttcors Thui-tiduy ovIninu. January 23, ut the* Church of J C&itsL^orner Hill und Tuppuiq Ann , Arbor....The council in conTpoSed of W ^ Hontatlvea_froin_ uach scout troop

! fn, Llvingstonancl WaHhtermw "eo'un- | ties, tojfothnr with a group of men so. lected at largo for their interest in the -8oout-muvt»ment—The general public" is.invited'to; attend these minimi mnr»t..

m a w And ladies are especially wul-

Ratification Of Proposition To Raise Money To Complete Sewer Sys- ..

tern Predicted Hy Officials.

come.A m o »g-thef eut u res of^tho-occwmm

will bo an address by Dean W, W. Whitehouae of Albion college who will

Ttpoaron “The Vuluo of a- Roy VDeahYVJUtuhouati Wfis b6rn ITOe slmhTo'f London,' and has had a remurknble rlne to hi8 present position of-^in--iluoncor-

Kopi’esontutlvos from tl;n_vurlouK.districts will be elected to membership iuutlm Washtenaw Council Kxecutivo

-..-Yillage-odi&i&bu are:very=opthmatlcIn their predictions us to the outcome of the furthcomlnVapecinl village elec­tion which“ wi!l be hold; brTMonday,February 8, At this special election __taxpayers in the village,will beasked [M’fifh schooL-Res^rves. to author! ste the council to horrnw . 50,000,00 for the'purpose of completi n » ^ L n > • „ . ____1 . I . 1

Uourdritnd pr act ten!! y an“Mti rbl y newconstjtutinn. ‘' *adoption.didliot meet the

The previous constitution

ing the sanitary. H0iyer_ system which was-stai’ted-last-spring.—

About $45,000.00 Huh so-far":been

Btructing the sewer sys’teim— This money has been paid from the general .fund of the village, which funds are

__ Hf- wecomi-ieague game nr tunson’was played last Friday at Saline, where the high school teams were vie* torious in three games,

'The first gume was played by the high school girls. Th'e score.was 10*7 at the end of the first half. The girlsplayed a fast game, winning by* a foul goal made in the last minute of play: The game ended with a final score of 15*14. The line-up was as follows; lumbuilrfj-Ajulde^lfrFmkbemernrr Kinsey c, Lixey rg, Dancer lg. Subs: Britton rf, Kinsey If, Hopkins rc, Ad-_ aiiis'c; Stalfan rg. •

A re Your T ires dust ^G etting B y ” ?

iThe-second game was played by-thirSaline having'

a very good team, made the garni* The Reserves held

Poes that describe your present tires? Treads*/ wornsmooth and slippeiry-as banana peebr^uts; and cracks that any mpment may cause a blow­out that could easily wreck,or ditch you?For tbe sake of the very few dollars tbatthese new Goodyears sell for* why tempt Fate another hour—w ith roads so slipperyandtire-ebanging

conditions which have develbped^as the council has grown. "Latest reports, show that on

Tpecembor St; ll»2Qr thci'O were TJOT scouts'registered In Washtenaw Coun*ill l.the-.liu,gekt.totutwer-j,c«>cde4l-by- tlu* organisation.

C. MT Fimibirbf '■Chicago-,regional scout executive, has indicated llmt lie present foTChetinhuttl -meeting. Mr, Finnell Is an.exjjert on council organization. . . f

Dinner will, be served a t (i.-lTi.ut 75-cents per-phitei -ThiH^wilblm followetL-debt-from- :thci_surpluq which will he .— p.tly at 7 ,x)-clock-l^t-thi^getfeml^-arlded to—the—treasary-eaeh-year-by-

r—The council -cannot- -Sfootl game but.logaily bucrow-nmney to complete animprovement pf this kind unless their uction is latifled by Jhreu-fifths pf„the taxpayers in the village, For this reasoji_tlie eleetbrs^qualified to vote

very interesting leading score throughout the game. The seore-at- the-end of-the-game-was 17-15.""The Une-up was as follows:

each- rf, Wallace-if—W, Mayer- c, Kern rg, R, McLaughlin lg. Subst Lixey, Laxter. /

The Varsity team played a very

go disagreeable?-YcA sir, these are first-rate values—possible be* cause Goodyear builds nearly one-tbirdof all tires aold today, tkime iit and havea^Took?

cause-of u .small flqor. Tho firat halfPALMER-MOTOR SALES

ut this election will be asked to ratify the-eentfHnplttte<H\ctiorV-df^th^coun- cil. ' ■ , . .

'l'hroiiffh municipal' distribution of ■electric cu r re tit, the village’of Chelsea Is making profit of approximately$ J OjQOO.OO. per. year. It is the plan-ofj-th^the council to borrow money to com' plete. the sower system ’and pay the

session, and it is plnnhod do,expedite Mt|HU’ution.-nf t.he ..dOlnefrlo the handling, of business in.such u wayJ_Water Department.

ended with a score of 6-10. in Chel- "Hea's favor, The game ended with u scoio of-14-10.' The line-up wan as follows: H, Holmes rf. G. Griffin lf;

Established in 1911 CHELSEA — MICH.

■ M I I i i

R. Foster c, G. McLaughHp,, i'g, G.tufTa n-lgr-R :McLaughlfrr*gf^^'i = .

This^Fiiilay,. the decisive, game of, the season will , be played with Uni-' versity’High of Ann A rbor., This will be u very hurd gume and we will need

Tiring your friends.—-Hi School Scribe.

Nev^Rubber-Co. WiU-.-jOperateXacaLElaBt::

iw .to permit—'tnose-prosai othei—fiwu't i ons that emtingr™^:

A)thougiv-it -wiTKnoM.ake-t-he-entire


r equipment and washing service, cars, washed with the MyersSpray Systemr-which means’ clean underneath aswell-ias-ttiff reat-of—tho eabv:fop- $lT50, called'for

Ladies’ Night Observed

amount of ^$50;000;00 to complete "the | sewer construction work, it is a well i known fact that tho streets of Chelsea are in bad, condition and it will take

TJuL ’ Vii ww^Ruhbfi r, . Gorii pany.... has. — ^m il-ideiLvered upon.n^erj-ueat^

By Local Kiwanis Clubdoetd— K1 wtmhtns-'- on to rtainr d

thotr-lviwaimitfoons nt^Hadies' niuriit'TTtVair Monday- "uvi'ning gt .St; Mary’sinrltr ''-'A~bnn(jut>l - was STrr.\Trl—a t . (i ;45

’S GARAGEChelsea, Michigan

-by-Wm—Kulb-mni-hisTasststants.—-F oil owing _:.tho_LJjanquoU=ai= e ry ^ n - ; teresting program;was given.' Kath-

Klett'l.U'r rtmdtmid two xyhiplumol solos,.accompanied by Mrs. I’. F. Nie- haiKs at- the pinrui— This'- boing~the“ 15th aivnivorsary' of Kiwanis Inter- iuUfxinal, H-r D—W+tiiorell-gave a voi;y

- interesting history-of the activities of .the organisation since, its beginning,-

Several musical selections were ron- ioTeil by* the high school 'Uke Quar-’

tet- ■•Kli-tha^ino Flotoher, jJoanRejidschwerdt pnd Ree. A. ~M;- “Dotts1

dmlL—Margaret K n we ntr "LrOoics,

Trnre- iect: “Why Worry.”

Lewis. AthoT'toTv 'secretary, of thel.Inf Jackson^

was the principal speaker of* the ovo- idng. He gave a very’ interesting .tolk

".hi '""The Spjrit oT’ Cludsea,” " Vance

several thousand dollars to >.it "them iiv- 'good-shapes this-comi'ng-spri-ng-and-

beeh incorporated under "the Michigan- State laws to inanufjicturc, buy., and sell rubber goods, and lias taken over the" plant foriw-rly-detupied by. the

G e t out* p r ic e s on a n y a u to r e p a i r jo b you

w mme r -bbvi -fch i k- -it—;-wait.Chelsea. Rubber Company and has in stalled over S0~ tons of heavy

; all AVorlt guaranteed ■anel’isame prunipt"

SiiieiZ aud' courteous trtiatmolTt'; in these dennitmpnt*thought b,<- the cbuncil to he'advisablo machinery, several -car loads of rawto appropriate enough ifiomn' 'to "dothis necessary repair work.

Thtr-rnost fPOnUent (itiestioti' askerp

-imiteriaL-huve . arrived und the plant ^tllL^amnuincO: operations' abouv tBe:

is: T'WIuit^vfn~lH>^ionT^ii1ifrnt=tbe m u t- |TI -\‘Z, r ,-------- Kilpatrick, president,.tefcdf-tlui pro-poaition of bonswdng 'nioney is not-ratifieiit^— While thisquestion oamrot be didinifaly - answer C hrysler, Matoj* Car ^Company; E, ■ JL.

M cKim m .yich' president, also presi-. dent of the Rubber Ware Company,............... . ^

ed, in all probabil^y constructum work-would-be • 8topped-aml-nsa_vil

ing for the state-to com pel-completion 1 “»”L i W ftL manager,

you havfalwayij this s’tatioil.

o.J3. McLaughlin


— ...........- . . - r r


of a sanitary- sower system. The factory wilD-make rubber's ta irTin. »lr c h J m , wh» vot,.!‘ra",ls' . l| m!!'iln*f ;"“l" "1“' “ lew w llNL—----- . ~ - * - -line.of staple rubber this election are urged to give -the i

m atter serious consideration. Every-,T urn -1 one knows tho sewer system ’ is a i Co-Ops Hold Annual

■much-needed, improvement for the. \ j l* . . -** .• __ :— ^lage- - shouid--th t>^vork. be completed ~ M e e t i n g I h U F M a-V^

t ;


atui-paHf-foHtt-a-wty-which would not Rut.tor . _ . I # , _______ > r -

burden anyone, or should matters be further com plicated■


Ogden "was in charge of the "eve- ni ng's'eiYtertninmentv :

Officers Installed By_"" Women’s Relief Corps

Celebrate WeddingAnniversary Sunday

'Mr. and Mrs. Fred AI her were pleasantly -surprised Sunday when a company of-relatives.and friends gath- ered at thtdr4u>me-hY -SiYm'ob-lm oole-Inution of their fourtouiith wedding anniversary^ Ahsuinptuous (iinner was served, after which .-Hurry Sutton, inbehalf of the assemhled guesUv pr seated Mr,, ami Mrs. Alber with a heautifuLrug.

— 11ies» ;;m ^ eut \vei'iiLMi'.. and Mrs,. Jacob F. Alber und childron-o£-Uma, Air, and Mrs. I,cuds Alber and family,Mr. \and Mrs, (leorge Alber, Mrs.

„Miua Tmliii and sons. Glenn. Lyle, and


Loren, Mr. and Mrs. Ruy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haselswerdt and Mr, ami Mrs. Albert: Sutton, of Shar- oiV M’L'Ivhu Mrs. tiari1M r. niTil^D’srrOsca r Fida'ughter of Manchester, and Mr. and

! Mrs. Win. Alber of Grass Lake.


water uction that is faster and yet gentler than any othid', ! baa n 2-pound gmtoT capacity, fewev and simpler controls, if ** equipiied with the lamous Easy centrifugal Damp Plyoi'—isarerl faster, easier and gentler iIvan the old fash- ioned wringer. Dries a whole tub full in less than two min- utes at one1 operation.

I St, Mary's Club eume from Iwhind ' to deTMiT~S«tlmr IndepemTenfiT^Tn an

I hr—rugulav.. meeting ami tlu'-instal- ^oeretarv-treasnrer. The boanl ot Hi- j | | Hn» —-hrtlon of ollictii's t>f--tho ■W.--R. C\wnS./.gotor's''liemain the sam e'as la‘st veurj ■ p o in iq TeA pot Ifeaheld Tuesiiav afternoon. J a n u a T ^ / ^ H f e ^ l 1 *' L a r g e 'b o x P u r i ty O a ts . ”

The -members of the- Chelsea Co- Operative Associaturn- held “their an- Yumt Toee t,»vg- i m-tli 0-= ylv a tow-n-h-ivl 1 rf

j Thurstluy afterno.olY; The ’ officers.. of j_the_past -year wilV-hold over fo r . thy;. looming year and ail’ as follovys: |tieo. T .' Engtish, president; Mason j rWliipple; vice president; K. J . ’Notten,

Florida Oranges, pSr d9J5en T Naval Oi’ahges, p e r * d o z e p . ‘ Sidsodir

’39c“20c,35c -

seeretary-treasnrer. Tho- .bouril -of -di-

rem plar Brand Coffee, poupJ ' ,.3 cans Sardines ' ... -1 bars Soap-. 4 .. ■ ,2 large Corn Flakes . _6 cans' Oolddftst Scouring Powder


-----_ _ 25c-'25c . 25c


■Hold'-'.Tuesday afternoon, January 21. A pot luck supper waB-servetl-at-’(>!:80-

-Y»Vioek-ami-in-the evening a dunce wasgiven.

TluTToport of Ttiie secretary-tieas^ ureir:sh7)W’mf_th'al’’thL’a’ ocijni(rir’ vierj in a gooiT^tinaiicia 1 ebhditibnT:'Thei

O tE-arrr ■Mir

r l ^ pd im d s P o ta to e s , U . S. N b ..l23c


gross receipts for; the year were froiYVjHie installing officer was. Mrs. Per- j renl of th<1 warehouse,.amounting to

vy of Ann Arbor and the conductor $203.3t). The eNepnditures were .$79.- ■was Mrs, Watson nf Ann Arbor. They j 2() ,ieavinK a cnt,|, balance on hand of were assisted-by^lrs. Royd- anti Mrs, i ai*.»A hi '


Pure buckwheat flow, also Henkel^ and FAfno prepared pancake flour. „ ~ .. ■ -'v __ :....... __ ■

l.iobold, both of Ann Arbor.. _The fidlowiiig officers were­stalled:

neiudu-Senior Vice—Mrs. Jolm Kilmer. Junior Vice—-Mrs*. Wm. Atkinson. Twasui'ei1—Mrs. J. (}, Webster. Secr<Ytary-~iMrs..N. W. Lain!, €Thnplnin~~Mrs. Kd. Riemonsehnoi*

Parent-Teacher Ass’ii Entertained Friday


tier. Conductor- -Mrs. A, K. Collins.

The Parent -'roacher Association of JSchool District No. 4, fr., Llm_a,_was_L eTStevtalnod Friday _evening^at— the4-

A. B. CLARK & SOXhome of Mr. dimer.'

and Mrs. Alfred Lin- Park Street—TWO STOKES—Main Street

copper body In su m a lifetime of service, «©»imfpuy finished in Duco—an,ornament in your home. Price—Agitator or Suction type with Dump Dryer—$155.

M m tihmmtmt? nt your hom*\

ovorthbe game 81*37 Friday' night, January 17. The game was hard fought and full of thrills Until the fi­nal gun. St; MavyV pass work and ayeurate shooting was more than the Saliue guaixls could stop.

Sunday afternoon St. Mary's whip­ped Manchester, in-fine shape, playing a good steady game. The Saints had Manchester about where they wanted them in all parts of the game, The final, score was 22-2(1, >

Wednesday Jiight-tlie4*atnta Pavelwl

. Asst. Conductor^Mrs. A./.K, John- Fallowing the business session, the so n f pvdgrum’-opened with roll cftttL which

(5uardT-Mvs,:Joseph Mayer, '.was answered by miscellaneous quo-iYsst^-Cluti r t f r s f “ Kf=S:r :?5tnni s. I ta ttonsr” A,r n'mfiTfgr^^She^dmy^fh “tbitrtotic” Tn^tnn,tor--^L\sT W. ^ . | cupation”; was given by Mrs,. 'Jacob-

(iiUM'In. - -----— jAlbt'r and "Who Stole the Spoons?”'■Press Correspondent—Mrs". J. D. [ liy K, O. Outwater, interspersed with

McManus. l victrola niusic. •Musician—Mrsr .h-NT-Dancmv^—— j— A fiower and a fishing contest con-

, 1st Color Hear?'*:— Mrs. Ohns. Van | tributed to the enterfainmenL A pot i



2nd * Color Henroiv--Mrs. Luella Whipple.- fil’d Color Ponver'—'Mrs, Wm. Wolf,

4th Color Roaivy—Mrs. John Schic* ferstein. -

I luck lunch was served./

New Officers Elected By Pythian Sisters

-pH\Y~we,r*v-»ie- f lw te d r

At'tho meeting of the Pythinn Sis- ters ludd Wmiuesday evening, January 15th, the following officers were

jnsKHi (i. h a IsfdrdJoseph O. HuTifortrdled Wednesday

January 22, 1980 at the home of Mrs. J. A. Wilson of Tocumseh. For inany years he was a well known resident of Tevumseh, and n few yeai-s ago he mbvmi to Chelsea. Since the death of Mrs, Hanford he has miwie his home with his daughter, Miiw J igls and at the Wilson home whew he died. He was a member of the (hid Fellows;: _______

his daughter, j

7Wa have several Hunting Stoves,’'Heating Cabinets, Liuin-/lau ___ - a 1_... .. -..*-*-1dry Stoves, which we are ottering at a special discount.

Wood Choppers’ ToolsAxes, Axe Helves, Choppers’ Mauls, saws, etc.

We have several pieces Of furniture—Living Room and pin- ftjic Room Suites, at si>eeial prices during Januar>\

Touted., 21. Sunday afternoon K 0,-M cs, May Luiok.they itertfthiahi'euJhiU'otUtcwiYs-in: --MVt^Mr^^m-Pniddenr^St. Mary s gym, , L K, S.—Mi's. Agnes Mayer.

Qwob'tt/ M mhtudm--------------------—W httdfy iSpiTiVr

f'm'r DANCiXt; PARTYTinny wljl 1m a dancing party at L

K, J.—Mi's, Ht'len Kilmer. Manager— Mi’s. Uu Guerin.

f - ■■ i . , i ■, - p . . . - - - -«■[O. O, t\ hall Friday evmitng, January 24, Odd Fellows, Reliekahs and i-Invited*---- -— ....1—44M. of F,—Mrs, Kthel Haselsiwiilt, 1\ of T,—Mi's, Lydia Rolinet, tinavd—Mrs. IVrciv Jolmstan:

He is survived by Mrs. Leigh Reach, two grandchildren, one brother,''u resident of Tocumseh, ’

'lim'd Awo hreltn^'Teatm ngin i X'troit, j The funeral will, be held Friday nf-|

ternoon from the pelding Funeval: Home In TocAimseh, Rurial in To-, eumseh.— ' , ~ « b ......... :“ f

Chelsea Hardware CompanyAGENCY FOR MAYTAG WASHER

Phone 32

■' will amm bo here,—Don’t-miss. ,..., ..■..............That homo talent Minstrel Show

1 SI ■

Or' i



s4f- V

Uiiiiik iiliwMLdiMB

u-l ■i l .i .iT1 . l..till -»“ J cl.'jtJi.


T H U R S D A Y -r J A N U A R Y ^ 2 3 r- 1 9 & V X -

t ] ’||0 £}|elS6ft 8^111(1^(1

M A P E S & P L A N K E L L

F u n era l D irectors

PubiUNed every Thursday.M. W. McCLURE, Publisher

< ’ Conaolkl&tlun of

j Jumps Mullins. aiHir like* lit* father | among the most highly respected tfiwi : tn Ohio, gives to Sulem a home for

nurses. This ,gi«> In.'memory of \hls ..-niQfh^r, sots an. excellent eNiimple' to

others thiuotm afford to ho generous.

BETTER RURAL SCHOOIS |pits, the amount per school will not b e ' perintenderit of Pubblic Induction In y : iVi d e c id e d . i , ( Michigan is illustrdtivet “There is a

State school funds to the amount or j8jatlon providing for funds as ?growing interest in the rural ngricul*

'Plie Chelaua Herald, eat. 18? 1. Tbe Chelaea Standard, eat. 188$. The Chelsea Tribune." SK." 1607.

F u n e r a l H o m e. -.a- t.

A m b u la n c e S e r v ic e

SubsMptton-pricei- 81.64 per year \ ilx month*^

Young„ Americana. plundering “it there Is ^mra^chiincc;" might study "Mr. Mullins’ start In business on Ids

« 78 yente; fa«r_months, 86 cents. own account, When very, young ho$nw a locomotive Hun Imtl been In n

KntertHi iii the .luwioiiive «t .ciwIrvhi. Mirh,, j ^mushup on the Fort Wnyne road thai,s *«.i«l clie* mntiei. „e bought for Its VllIllO US "scrap," .

; net himself and two or three median

$250,455.(57 were distributed by theState of.Michigan in 1028-l(>2d to her (51 Rural Agricultural Schools as spec­ial aid for consolidation. During the present, school year nine additional consolidationt^whieh— wul'°“ rw‘0 .Y vestablishedi will-|)articipat<» in tinsspecialdid. Since the iuoney-is appor­tioned to each approved jtclvooi at the rate of. $1,000 fpr maintainance and

insimilar tof the Michigan grunts is found i\i the school codes of a t least 28 states. That these and other in­fluences are instrumental in gradually bringing about greater interest in bet- fur educational-conditions in ru ral ter-'itbry is evident-from reports, coming. ;o this office. The- following stmte-to thisment from the office of the State Su­

tural (consolidated) school movement throughout the State. With the im­provement of roads, it lips become possible for some of the districts' that have been in operation during the past few years to enlarge their -present" units, and in the location of new units larger u reas'are thus made possible.” —From Department Interior Bulletin...

$400 per vehicle for transporting pu-1


T e le p h o n e 6 C h e lse a , M ich .

enough to stari wJmt became a big.i t — c ---------- - -•• a .^ . successful business. .

:__ T h e r # _ a ra chw iccs fo r those tha thave energy.

6. 1 98Q, by King Fcaturti Syndicatt, lot.) _




CRIME COMMISSIONCrime commissions, slate and nat

^on a ly cb n tln u e^c tiv e^ research ^ iu to .,



4F-yL>a -want ~a real examplev- a - i-eafeinspiration,

find the ireighb.oiv pr -fellow -workman whoswa^es are about"the same, as yours,; who pays

cash for what he buys or is able to pay his bills.... . ..*« -* ■ . * ■ .W^en^they are duet who his reservrfeVery

pay day, is ready to meet emergencies and facing;:the^f.uture- iwith_

confidence. , . - ___



K - -— -Farmers & Me rchants Bank

by A r t h u r B r i s b a n e

Crime'* Loud—Voice------------Earth’rOxoneBUnket Wise Ben Franklin The Pobtma*teP*"Fleet

BACK ON JOBcr.ime conditions,- alw'ays- witii the-de^ layed hope that somewhere in thojr

deliberations and investigations will ; be found an adepuate solution o f these modern social puestions, which~havcL been"giving" us so "much^conconrin re-

i cent years. ‘ ’

Had About Abandoned H ope Of Ever Having Health~New Medicine T

Wins Fine Victory. |

The public, always patient, a waitsCrimes speak louder (linn words, i these decisions, hoping- against- hope

and very KMi7i~lh^hi?~f^"r~~eountry" [that corrective--measures will be found Just. no.w'L_ . '*W - i in-time to dam this flow of ..humanity

A mli) , a [Tested in Chfeagb, --*c^towaids-prison-Jio«i«7=td['eady^ taxed- —:_cused of participating in the ”$t. Val- far beyond their capacity.

enUne’s^iay unissuore, was.delighted -First congress and state legislatures

■^gHiilznrlou from onr able criminals, tions formerly excercisod by the

to . And tlv^^“only policemen' were •<legislator“/HTofiv work is-accepted-by afu»r him.- : the "penplH, whn_j>ian!i»<iit-d.Q-piil.- ,.;this

Said be: “I ain-elud io see | 7)(.\v legislation into effect. If it failsL,tA10UKJ ,L ! 0,n! , 1BUJ.L„'V.!'rt: * s iln its purpose who is to blame? Cer-

! t ainly we cannot blame this lack •' oftake mo for a ride sure.'. ... . law ‘observence upon the great mass j '

More iperesiingulf the fact thttL.i citizens, whu are law-abuiinj? and 11 ♦. Hotljsto.l?. lhav,. „ ,,„;i ,t a i r „ t„ o fa p V i l i Lthe ________ _

"WlVose " miildei jiiLF.MiLd“^ iw ^ ^ a r k i .police and baffled itio diairict at- to nicy, vvns probably killed by a

- inan wtipTwIiriiever be convleiod, for the lea.sou ’lhal he btutself has since been nuuaifred by Kotlisteln's friends,

Kvenour.'jHltle corporations, might learn iiumelinii» about ellicleiu or-

^ ;Scieiitlst§-of $iiii.tbs'oiiiun:institution ■fagpo t»' learn aboat giagnetrc-dliihirb--ance*.

“ally; diy'~studyttrg vlve 'earlh.’sT uozone- blatikeT."

That -blaiiUet" Is a thin layer Of superior „atmosphere, thirty m.Ues up.

■By ntea sm -ln g- t h e ( h k -k n ess aad con

Now at

t h l r W t t l ^ i r t m w r t i o n . - - MR^M. F. TAYLORHave we not gone legislative mad l “Konjoia proved much more than a ■

A*’e we- n°t engaged in passing laws nudirintL iif-my. cas/i”, said "Mr.-M. F : : thut actually go beyond reason in q^yioj. 1008 Clay avenue, Detroit, an their attempt, to stamp ,^uL _gum e ?_ lo y o ^ f d h c .S r a n d - T r a n k ^ tU ^ K ^ Is it not a greyious mistake to ofoi. ;t put rae back on the job after

: ______ courts-andrJpt^\! Timjbleins

are-^genemily- local. 14very commun- -gest sufjicient^fgoQHodteep^ine gofngid itke-car<! - of—its [1—suffered f rom nain?r-and“ bIoating.

jawjj .situation. It is-when we attemptto make blanket" laws to govern local conditions that' w(? fail nTbsLdisnuilly. When-both courts and juries refuse

, ,,7 “T..... *,V,T tn recognize certain laws it must bettnta of -the ealtldn ozone blanket, it -ttt .may be possible io tell what 1* hap- patent ;for everyone'that something is

having had to lay. off for quite some ' time.- For three ■„ years .1 Sufferedfrom-stomach 'trouble.andailrnents—ofr; the'liver 'and kidneys. I. could not di-“

and m y system filled with poisons.“A friend who" called a t ~my~home '

feconunended Konjoia. I told him I that I had lost faith in nil ..medininpc, :

A new and better Ethyl combining theeasy starting qualities of winter gaso- line with the anti-knock properties o tE t h y l . . Q u i c k s t a r t i n g a n d ra p id a c - veIejating-^andJt-fldU-JmlJknoch.1....-

HARPIBft SALES & SERVICEbut he insisted that Konjoia w as-d if-; feiynt.— H^stiytVly—was- 'different, for I F^WvMERKRI^— DIXIE SERVICE STATION PERRY NOAH

:j » M « e » » e e e ej i ( • » ♦ » • » » * » » * ♦ / » » •♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » » » » » » * away. ■ever getting thc-enTt~bcfimrthe horse, tiop1, corrected my liver and kidneys'Crime

It might ht possible also later to ^U1 be all right if wo make common_and putmie'bark to work. ' I am feel-,

M 1 C H I G A N

^[4U|Fdow?r= niO^'o< iat-nMt6fiing bettor in every _ wuy ■ than for

arrd='.Us...wonderful..QUHlttlea. for Hie Im place before us. And we should neveprov ivimit nf the inngR nnrt. blood. "loae eight of the fact, fbnf the best ifi- Konjoia is sold in Chelsea at Burgrg s

A N N A R B O R _____

ing Sunday, January 26

Future advertisements, may read: “Ozone fresh from tbe ozone-blankef- "evory day." ■

formation -is not through the law, hut -in-the example vt-e set for others.

drug store', and by all the best drug-j gists in all -towns throughout this en- j tire section. ' — ~ ~

^ X 'h e l s e a M a h a g r e rS T A T I O N S T H R O U G H O U T W A S H T E N A W A N J L L W N G S T D N C O U N T I M

Go!tig up thirty miles from the -eHrthbr-^nrftfce' seettiR a great-ach4flv<r—|-j

ineiilBut- a—microbe—llvlng-.on- tb® face

E c l i p s i n g i n S h e e r D r a m a t i c i n d u e u r t h e M i g h t i e s t

^ S p e c t a c l e ^ o f S c r e e n --------—o r S t a g e :

1 of an ordinary apple would dM R ■ I much If he rose from the surface of

hl» nnole as much as one-hundredth part of .»n Inch.' •

—Thirty mller is nuieh lesB than-OHe-Iwo-lnindredtti part of tHo "earth’s 3P"ameler.

Jleaut\ r ^Romance ., . Clamor and Pngeantry . . .

"" trnitfd (o Create "-hat-aH-TVmerira- —.

has_a<“claLltte(l the


of theWORLD

dLere-is-yootl -ad vk»e-f-or—ymtHi—or-r-old age: 1* ".Dost, tliou love- life? Then do not snuHM(terrtTnerfor"tti'ariP thv"stuff life 1is!__ .............. . , , ,i More good advice is'^bis:

"If* tlmt' goes n-borrowlng, goes !-A-goiniowltii:.—


And for a nation in which ninety old" i)H‘n“ onr-f>C:a-htmdred“ (lie-wort1)-less than $10i>, .iliis Is valuable:

...“ A njrm may; if he lm.ows-npt;;bq>y , ito ,Hn\-e as1 bo gets, .keep his nose to ; Hie grindstone."

Prints again ? Of course ! Hut .what nrints thev'

Are,-these new'ones that smart women will choose'---- now; histead of -in the Spring_when-everyone" will -~ want them ! " • . - /

m m .

I..... - ' - ' - f i

Those wise tlilnpa were said by Ren'inmin Ivi'nnkIln,-Thorn ti^'i-.yc'nrs .ttgo

They have a new j.echniiiiie about them to aiTeii-

- - tuate the molded silhouette-of-the-Princess-binc:Tlieir. ptvttenls-aro deliberately smalleiwind moi e"

.carefully spaced, to bring out the''subtlety of.the

neyv silhouette, lo r daytime they are small and

""There is nmtortal for n thousand good-sf*t,mothiHtlit Franklin’s—eenunon—j scn«e to Iks,

widely spaced.-

— :Sir,-Drown, posttnnstor-goncral, auti

gostBv a- $70.000.000--progratn- to - build-— “1 opt of“X-oftli AtlrmtIcfSnporshIpr?-r Otr Amerlcan--

Tlu> postninstm' ,dcmnnds“"R serv ­ice which could compete with tlnj^ foreign flag service on- the Norih At­lantic."

-urn star “Bwwt^-andon that ..proposition, _ond hope that . they will not only compete with but pclipso every ■forelgrf service on tire- Nortli Atlantic and everywhere el«c ,

w hy -fihoQrr a '• 'connt r r ' w m r Tnr"host engineers, from the Presldepi down, and with more money than any.'body else, ever play seeorid flddle on the ocean o r_ ln . the air?

The only negro itudent at West I^intlsdismlsse^'hoTrorably/^forde^ flcleney In mathematics.

S ix ty -th ree w h ite men failed In ex­am inations w ith him and w ere . also

OlorlouM olde n O K * ^ 1 0

hyHarry Tierney J<w McCarthy

— R p c c t s r a ta r

Prejudice had. nothing .to 4o - wlth- It, although Alonso Soulelgh Parham,

i th*.leg»j^d«ir^i*ni).}8«ftd. t*.:th.<Lfonr- i. | teen th to en te r the academy and-the

e le v e n th to . b e . dism issed a t the end o f s ix m o n th s .

A notherctftJrtbr^insT T R iT erby- a lr. T h e T ranscontinental A ir T ran s­p o rts , on Its “nlr-ratl-w ater" trip “a ro u n d th e A m ericas/’ cu ts ItOO off th e .p ries o f T W a y toui*

tli^'ty-IJit*tilliig-sniiirtei1 undei7 a“ tlVirkJtViiit^’ oal Lh;iTi ;• pay- print dress, and sinci"'TmtTilTTK is"”^)^pcrftrcTfv . s t i ' m ' u i a l i n p r i n t

___dross-4n-.fenua-ry-t u r y e you to -scc w hat wondei's~ the new.prinfeilesigns■. J'iU.L/icJnevc!.iulw. silhouette —They’re Here

T he new spring ' p r in ts a re av a ilable now in b o th T h e " d ro s s goods soctidn

and the read y -to -w ear H o o tt- - . / - . - -.... ' T .. . - 1___

By the yard at

$2.98 and $3 .98and Ready-to-wear Models from

i _ ■ ,

LYNDON TAXPAYERSwflnsrifllrthe" Fam ersAiM err

chants Bank, Chelsea, every Saturday, 4/. collect Lyndon township taxes. w ALMA BOYCE,

i ' . Treasurer.

SYLVAN TAXPAYERS] will receive the taxes for the year

at Kantlehner's Jewelry store. . . . . sveek^ayjuhilLfurther- notice...

.. * " _ W._F. KANTLEHNER,lj;iC ' '....; Sylvan Treasurer

LIMA TAXPAYERS vI will' be at the Farmers & Mer«!


Township. Treasu rerT

T W E N T Y -F O U R Y E A R S A G O

T H I R T Y - F O U R Y E A R S A G O

- B / « G o o d L is te n e r

A puli' oC (iood e a rs w i l l d ra in d ry a hundred to ngues.— F r a n k l in .

Thursday, January ify UMJIi ,A one-duy fanners’ Institute will be

held at Cavanaugh Lake on January

- Born,-on January is, 1-JOfi, to MW and Mrs. John C. Loeman, of Sharon, a son,

Mr, and TV1 rs, Roy Bliss have the,r np'w ' » i<Vncc onEast Middle street. < s

— Rob&i^Leaeh-hus Jjoen awurded tlfe contract for the field stone to he used in the construction ol' the now_St. Mai’y VPansh Schoal-V John-. J, Raf-..ti'eyr has-4akon-the -eo(itriU't_for"tlTo~ excavating. It is-estifhated that the new school building will cost bo- tween lAj OOO tndlio.OOO:----. Boi'n,i.o. Mi\_and Mrs. K, M. Eise-

Borp, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ra­dies, of Chelsea, a son. •*• •

M, L. Burkhart has.sold the build­ing, formerly occupied by him as an ice cream Raftrey.-

Adnin Eppler last' Saturday started a force of men at work: filling his ice houNC at Cedar Lake, The ice Ik about

n -mches-thick.--------J--------- - 7— .Mr, -and ... Mrs. - James-—W. Speer

gave a dinner, last, Thursday evening

Thursday, January, id, 18%Born, on Thursday, Jun.v 5»,

to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kellogg, -a daughter ............ '-----

Born, on Saturday, January it, IHihi, to Mr. and Mrs. John Eschel- bach^TSOm

(’has. M. Davis has sold his farm in ■Sylvan. To George T. English. Tho consideration a v 5 7

Born, on Monday, January 18, 18%, tn Mr,__and Mrs. Edward Vogel, a duughteiu^.-.

O U R N E IG H B O R SAnn Arbor—- Americun History

Week will be observed in this city from Feb. 3 to 8.

urn, pn Monday, January 13, 18%, to Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connorra daughter.

The Chelsea Electric Light com­pany has been having a nuniber of ■&w*--m)le8-removed


* r ■ v * wsjm | IUVmLvU lit iDj lY(t11 Vwlllvr 111Kfn^ % ^ theo82ntL)>il:th<>Hy o -hifr^athei, Hfifiry Speer. A dumber,.of cateii in Chelsea. He was united in the lite-.long-.associate.s of -Mr—Speer mniTiugerwith Miss 'Evelina Davis

E t P H Y I R i l S

1 KITE, © IN 'm Ah

were present;The German Workmen's society, of

Chelsea, nelU their annual meeting on Monday— evening, Durihg-the , past year members were_added to the-society. The society'ha^a aRTplOH ojL-haml-of-iUSOtL—'Iho1 ■ following e ficers; were chosen^OT " the -coini ng:

.•« . .-j year: President, Michael Stalfan;Vice-Presiden t,__Charles__Juierchan;S e c r e t a r y . Charles Nowhergm-;

U P H O L S T E R IN GDavenports a n d Chairs made to order. Chairs re-

I modeled._Fuilline-of^sam-ples on hand. -, - , ■■ -Morris chairs made into

Coxwell chairs. ■Shop at residence — 310

-Sowth / Streefc—Phone _ 1387J . F . H I E B E R

& S O N

Cashiesj Jacob Hefner;'Trustee, Rob-

UulderColor BeaTer—Joseph' Kolb.-— Tho Lady and Sir Knight Macca­

bees. t/jom/jnsMlutmn Tuesday evening.

HenrviL. Messner, of Lviulon. was i

during the past. week.The foundry at \he stdvo' factory

started' up Monday morning, after be­ing closed, vdown for a few . .weeks past:< Dr, Roswell B, Gates died at his

home in Chelsea, on Monday, JanuaryllVlSyd...He was-bom in Great Bend,New YolTc,"March 1 f ,T«24.;'After finllini A/» .HIM >HAA#l«An I - ! — 1 'I ishing his medical studies JtrATuTAT bor, he located in Sylvan Center, in

TJie funeral was Held from the family home at 1 .'SO o’cloek“ this afternoon, Tt v. JrrHi-Gfwlwood- officiating. Bur­ial in Vermont cemetery, Sylvan. f K is reported thatJdr7 ITmOl'rsT

Jum^s~E," Riggs will7remove 7 from- theiijjfurm in Sylvan to Detroit in the -netir-f uttered r"z

Mason—Louis B. McArthur refused election Tuesday as president of the Farmers' Bank for the twenty-sixth consecutive term. , He made his deci­

sion known _to_ the board aI i t s j nei«t- ing hold last year.—News.

Northville—-After a half century of -waiting, the government hhs finally recognised the long military record of Frank Pontney, better known as Prank^Raymdnd, of Northvillor and -has-gi^uted’-a pension-toHwn--sufficientvto keep him the remainder of his life. A familiar figure on the streets of Northville, few kr ew that for hear- ly half a .dozen years he shw active serrvieg,,. inu^he... Indian -campalgna—ofthe west that followed the Civil war, —Record. _ • , -

Munith—-The stockholders meeting of the Farmers' State Bank, of Mun- ith, was held Tuesday, January i f , and was conducted by Thomas Win- gad, W. W. Ford and4 Uoy G.-Erihkel. The report of the earnJngs of the bank for_the-past-year showed_a little over- 11 per cent. Directors elected for the

Harr and J, 3. Leece. THe'fdlTowing officers were appointed by the board of directors: President, W. E. Flem­ing; Vice-President, 0, F. Moeckel; Cashier, Fred. Wl Ford.

Saline—While other communities huve been repoi*ted' us falling behind on the Hale of Christmas seals, we understand Saline Is well over the top^-Obsorvor. — ~

Brooklyn—Six .pigs^anJyvlDi" days old, and wiiighing 140 pounds _each were sent to the Detroit market "last week by George Martin, who received 10 cents per pound. Local feeders telL CeoTge that' this Tsvthtrbes(~gain on pigs -thaVhas- been"' recorded formarty months;—Exponent.

Brighton—Much excitement is being caused in this county by^thejrews that a test oil weir is being cirilie<l on the Tracy Crandall farm abbm tjiree miles

Daniels," which occurred in MldjR^pi’ft India, following an illness from, ty­phoid fever. Mrs. Daniels had been in Indiu for more tlmn a year with her'daughter, Miss Ruth Daniels, ,who

.... .hi:

Dr. L. J. PaulO S T E O P A T H —

A b o ve P n n a c Hs T heatre OFFICE HOURS 8:80—11:80 a.m. 1:00—5:30 p. m.E v e n i n g s b y

A p p o in tm e n tTELEPHONE

Office 114...Residence 125-J

teaches in u mission school there. Slav was 70 years of age, and was w known in this vicinity, having m her home in Ousted.—Herald,

F R E- T R I A L

the new, AU-Electric

Fleming, O. F, Moeckel V, R. Weeks, Charles—Pickett^E.—A—Parks, J. G.

northwest of Howell by the Shell and Sun Oil companies} A ten-inch pipe, 1 which is the largest used on this test well, is now-do'wn over 400 feet, and the drilling is going on day and night with two shifts of workmen. A gas pocket 'Was .struck at a depth of DO feet, but- the -gas is mixed with water,and therefore unfit for burning pur- posesr—rhererhraiso oil;—Argus.

— Pecumseh—F; Prfteed, i ^ mttedy received word*Saturday by cablegram of the death of. sister, Mrs. Alice

J : •' ■ :! . ■ • >; C o n c r e te B lo c k s a n d ]|

: B u i ld in g T i le jj!■ -.:'■■■■

w" Ventilated Chimney Blocks * — Haydite Building Units —

; L ; G l R A N D O L P H | |


BALANCE-D-iMVIT r a d i oTills Screen Grid ‘ Lowboy, only

Jiifitt L inAnuudng tone, (tele*

m , . . - . _ Hvlty end dietanee rlnuhed In bfnfi-eye maple ana: Oriental walnut. Equipped with ge» uiae e/eriro.Dynamic speaker and Acouktle Equalizers; and nalauced to u«ft Iwo of the wonderfult

lower tubes, p__ _67.00-to #205.00,

- - - - - - n e w 24> 7 0 lb e r m o d e l t


the first man to appear on the streets ■with-a sleigh for the year H)9fo— Ht-

—Dramig the yetir 1800 tliere were.'M applications, filed for divorces in tire

^^ |||- ________

K o n jo la M a k e s S a le s

R e c o r d In 48 H o u r s

drove into- Chelsea- Wednesday. Whyt is believed to be a recoil? in I the history o f-the prepared medicine -business, is-reported '' by..lthe.. Moshy

Cleaning & Pressing *Cleaning and Pressing ' Coats Relined and Altered. Will call and. deliver— M. J!- B A X T E R “ ^Phow272—--------- Chelsea;'Miclr

Medicine Cnmpdnv,. nintMnn-iti, manu-autim>!=s--of—Konjolar 4n-48 -hottrsT-

i WISE AND - 1NEXPKN81VE. The wisdom—of_caiuying-ad&

quate ins.urancQ- on yow- prop -:ertyjs- freely acknowledged by P h o n e 99 G h e ls e a f M icH:property owners and—they arepro f i t to arrange for full coveiv

ia_the-extrtucost.—-Have-you seen the actual tfg~-~ ures showing the low cost of fuH coverage on your prope r ty ^ 'Let us show thein to you.

H . W . S C H E N K


H ^ i U E O S T E R & -C O .m i L D r i l i i n g land Elumbirig-

E . F . B U R T O N

Phone 373Michignr



"ofJ a n uairy“ Ls tT: :1U30, -o re le rs for ft f teen carloads of—Konjola -were received. This was "nbiHEHe result of 7a specialsales drive, but the drdel s poured, in juring-the regular courae"of~business.when many imnit. whnleaqlecompanies sought fb replenish theirstock-, after takimr the customary'—an -eitaMaventeriesr

I n t h e s e n s a t i o n a l n e w

HYDRAULIC SHOT.I The sengatiGiiul value of THe Greatest (JDevroIet inABSORBERS -Ghevrolet-HiRtofy-ia-baaed an Hpflnito polnts-ol- j y i A T in m - r a o o i L


Commenting uponTFus unp'fec'edoht-■u! ordeiv-Mr. (i., H. Mosby, President of-the^companv-^aid:—“flTris_:meimk.that more than a quarter of a riTinion bottles of Konjola are needed at-once-

d, aif(t:this recorci-break-ing-bit^bf-busr'nes"s,'3vhi'(dvT’:ue-lieve to be unheard of in the m er­chandising oFmedieine;- may be a ttri- p buted to two factors. Qne of them is th^nrerirof"thel>T^dUct, an<l: the otheF is~ the~'"cohsistent newspapeOjlyeftiaT

^aud, • I ravel and NVood - for Sale.PHONE 217 CHELSEA


ing back of Konjola. Certainly such an order, coining’ from

within two"buiih'

Jn>uUc i hock nbnorbwfr-on *11 miMl«l« *limln»i j -mid ihnflu giuf Iflc f w comloct.

you can easrtty check for your^ -MlrnwImiHiitinTir

self.•UMWiUng, wwtJa«r- firvoLbmkm HivwptO.

v^lve-Ih-heaU engine, to its b eau tifu fn ew bodies*»* <i »n—


by^Fisher—i ts e ts a new standard of quality fo rth elow-price f i e l d r


A Ereat i l i - c j l l o t f c r motor, IncrMMd to M h o n t p o w t r , g l r a •

1 uapother. qiUetar opar- •don. wtthETMtar power.

A few of Ghevrolet’s extra-value features are listed-on th is page. Check them over carefully. Then com e i v aud drive th is car. I t will take you only a few minules^^to flnd o u t why i t -is-causing-m ore—


Tbo iqetrarueoi p«o«l corriee « new flrouplnfl ot the drtftot control*—ln- cliwllna tiMoUnfeg* u e

ness (lavs, is a tine commentary upon the far-reaching effect of the news- papers that carry Konjola copy.”


< i(. ; (■( j(((

Delivettid to. where you \vgnt them—-when you_ want them delivered.

rFi n es t-Qtmlity of-a 11-types of-flowers-and-pltttvts- ---- ------ are our-specialties. ■. Phone Us Your Wants in Flowers '

J t o b r C I t i c k s !


Theetronrter, IlEUter pU- ton* are buehed . with hl£fi-Era3~e bronu to provide entoother oper­ation and lonB«r Ufa.

“ “comment and winning more praise than any Chevrolet we Have ever shown, For 1 1 is a finer Six in evesy way— yat i t ------- ■---- -— ^=7


B o n d e d M e m b e r s o f t h e F . T rD e : __j

Chelsea Greenhouses j' i




A la rfltr lio t^ p o t ma ni­fold Inetirea complete eaporlrAUfon of fuel*- Improving performance

~iad~e(Drlency. '

A Full Line of. f

A.VLE -Lamer end etronEer rear

it?_! CMd(a5t4tUL-



Cali and See the New, improved1 ,


irmiai"aicer—aJTdf" iu1 iiuimniuy aga "iaait'

, life .. ... - :

’Ijju' Koadstof • ............ .................. M m

The PHAKTON.......... ................................................ $495The SPORi'^lUTADSTElr . TTTTTTT'.T:^ 7 7 7 . ' ,^ 5 2 5

lihe: coach “ . .t t .

rlit‘ ...... ...................................... $565-The-SPOKT COLPK -^ ^ „ 7, . , ’ ,^ = r <gg25 ~JOie. t l.t a SEDAX . .. .. . . .............. ; . . . .----”TRe^sKl)AN .................... T T T 7.T .... ..........•' j g y g ........The SEDAN DELIVEKY .. . . iS595

‘The: LHiHT- DELIVER Y CHASSIS/.:” :. ’T ^ 3 fi5-Fhe iLNE-and-DN-E-HALF^ItTN CHASSIS ; r j j * ^ : -----:

' 1’he-t4N4<7und-t+NTMlAl^ l'DN CHASSIS- - » " ■ « « « - : ...................................................... . . s i6 2 5

nn r' a jj j, 1 <"' / -a ........ ' "7 .. ,

---------- ....... ,1------ — -

t - -

Thenew Wisher body non- alaro wtndthleid deflecta the Ehtre of approwchtno awwa hte.— - -


-New, l*m«, fufl-halloua (tree with ematler wheeie improve roadability,


------Sold on Easy Tlmer-PaymentBr —

“: u

Uates to Detroit—40c per 100 llw. up to one ton;.... '"i "'- .............. ; ,'.............. .......■- 1 ' v~-"r—r80c p&r 100 lbs per ton and over.

SeveFairfuinoads aTlPtipie; 25c puhnndredr____ __

Purina Feeds


A n«w automatic at^el- ~ zera.tlon {Mitnp providm the flaehlnft acdeleradnn Which— modem— traffic neceeHltaiee.


Two*beom- - -heodiampscontrolled by a foot but.ton -permit'' courteay,

- without dlntifafaE- the ..:...

... >


Ail cloeed modela hove an adjustable driver * eeet—a turn of the reEtc iator E>vee the proper pn itkw .


JATtorSiurfi 'that la Uwaya Dponf”


g4>EXTER,;MlCri. P h H r t W s e T W F t T l f


A S M O O T B E R . F A S T E l l

P tf •rVA«U* W . J

' \ \ >- , ■ /' (- I < ■' \ *


:7; !'•£ ■•'■: ;■ ■ ■'■"'■■'« 7 '7!'77'’". ‘, ; ' ■ ■ . ; ..' ,v ■. V '. . f v


■iJMKr'F' f!fyTTnr. , 3

TH URSDA Y, JA N U A R Y 28, 1930.

NORTH FRANCISCO! Mr, aiul Mr*. C, Kulmbnch oLCInd*

Mu, Mr. and Miw. W, t_ I'Jowh, Min* (lertruile l'town and friuml, Mw. Liz* tie Hammond, Mrs. Currie Wtdfort and Miss Margin Hammond and friend pf Ann Arbor worn Sunday callers at

Mr [liid Mrs Hr1 Harvey cnlled on K, Tin* hurmv couple will reside mar ! ' HowelMho .opening j» thfm^ iTL. ih . u " A ! .? »t Mining,: m/«, th.. i P-iittofi, >»“!« * rtep ltu l,«a„, M KrM,y. ^ ' j h u f R W .1 t;h>irl<-H Uuly of W . ^

Mr, and Mrs, Henry lldjjv y»'nt Tuesday at the -Nelson Peterson home.

Mr, ami,Mrs, II, Harvey spent Tunspf Ann Arbor were Monday rollers n (J . #t thl,'h()mi. ot Ml, ,m,i Mrs, Mil- the Rome of Mr«_Jiud .Mis. MoultHapimond.'- Mrs, Her tie OrtbiTng," wBo Ms Men

laril'Hinwy of Dexter.Miss Mabel Notion, who has been

spending u-waek at the hon io,.of Mis:...— « u » . v wnunii^i nn» uh" ' " , ^peiultug a-week at wiU-.noni.U-.ui pending a week at:.Anu Arbor, ra - ; t;aj.| MllHt 0f Chelsea, returned bonu turned home Stuadav. . Saturday.


turned home Sunday.Mr. and Mr«. Hawlor of Jackson,

were Sunday visitors at thcThiimo of "Mr.: aluj Mrs. Nelktm PotorsOn, ,

Mi.v.ainl Mrs. Millurd Harvey und daughter, aiui Mr, und Mrs. Lylo Hnr- vey spent .Sunday at the home of

, “their paitmts,- Mrt- aml-MrHr-il. Har\ vey, _ - _____________________

Hr.-and Mrs, James Hirhanls-and

WATERLOOAnnouneenient is m’ade of the mur-

riage of Adorno S. Daly, of Flint, and Albert Ci, Hoard, of Millington, at the Haptlat-ehutt-'h in—Flint,--.Thursday, evening, January Id, They wove .at* tonded-by Mr. und-M rs3krillllkiWldl7

• Mr, und Mrs, Charles Kumkiian of , resentatlve and speaker pf < iu„rih-Ruriuoi— ......— 1__S»i«l»y-#uilii![ ^ • ‘5 ^ ™ , ^ ' . W - S 3 T

‘» r ,#ra”'Mi'». Alva ...... unil'Mr.!known thniUKhout III,' wiHlVi'li pul" 'I.Tvlr*' a’' I ‘ will!dOH.l yand Mrs. Orson ,Premier motored-,l»-Jlions of Ingham, ammuneed his ran- 1 Z> L» i,L, ee A t-li irk'‘ uUiTirWndiiv,lij"Vee"HeT1Mif'ICii:t^ltRlilcy"for^tRti,™wTrrttt»r -t su^iLUkllUMiUh-JMUlLL^MWV__ - - 1 . __ )Heymnttr—H—orsoMi-of—tln—Iughumii“*M rs. ft ardlif’ I YifkitfbtrtmWTieiPOiit^Udtfga UnuliatEkL— ------. ,Wntertiio Homo lOeonomlrs, Wednes­day.

E«»y for Polittcian'

Manehestor—'At tlu» annual meeting lauTuesday of 'Inst week of tlm stock* iholiieVs df the l.1 nlon .Savings Haiik, >f

To be- a - ehendsi yon nnisl .slud.i , this S'IIIhko/ i.ewls Kuehl, of Shai’On ■iienilsiry; 'to lie it lawyer or, a pby , WUH dirrnrtor of the bank to-ieinn you mii"i study law. or medl |,jH father, tlieJjLte Arnold ,n.ii nut-. - rtUiTeea laiuei, .................

; Imt to be a. politician you tieed ^ ^ ( v v t) Hi_n^ v ^ ,al.«1_wiis a to sNidy your own liitof>al,w,«-, t)f tlio board of 'dlrcetors, ■


ANNOUNCEMENTSRegular meeting ■■of the- I’ythian

Sisters will be held TuoKduy evening, January .'ifH-. instnJJatjon of olJleei's,

supper will be served at” :'Ui o’eioek.Htwy mrtrtnviU'd. ■

Fmvlorvllle—For more-than forty rears the Fowlervillu Agricultural So* (Lilety has lmd a five-man board of di-, rectors. Thin year it was increasepil to nine members, the officers being elected fronr the board,; Tho-datcs of the i 1)30'TatFitre Octoliorrl to-4-inclu­sive, both a day and night fair will be hi.lil. * This is the first attempt ul

•.... tf ......... Mf ir i' "TregulTfr c'onveiilTon'""of '^hetmUr ‘v[owLodge, No,. li)4, K. of I',, on Momlny_|_V‘

were compietely wired sojno tinie ago to provIde’ fd'rThls feature.—Re-

evening,' Junuary ti7th..• An Interdonominatioiml, conference f/ m» j .■■■■ Holland,'» Fir»l I'ullpifm- tonchors, siiperin^ndentsn'eligiouH Tuhps ore subl lo iVnye lii-en Intro oductttlonrd I rectors In church schools i.. ,r„. n«iand all others Interested in religious nurture of cliildreir will bo held Monday evening. 7,‘80 to i).*M, Januuj’yJJ?,; at the First’ Raptlst church,-Ann At'-bor. _______ _________

Watch for dates of Kiwahls ' Min­strel Show,

diieed lino llolloiah In Hm ilrsr purl of the'Seven I comb eomury hy an ViiSlrlnn nnibiissiMlor

Mllan—Robbers entered the,Milan high school some time during the night lust Wednesday, and entered the office of Superintendent K, W. Mack­ey, and made way with a little more than ld-doilarsr—The- deed was dis^covered by Klnier Dennison when lie opened the building Thursday morn­ing. “ How' 'thc=TGbborfr entered ~tUP building- is still- a - mysteryv No traekH-fn-tlie-Hnow^the front of- the building^ and it 1>; ■- bcJievial that entrunco was gained either through the boiler room win­dows, or someone. hid in the building—T- nll night,—Leader.

Try Strtn'dard Liners—-only, 25c.

M $

SCHOOL NOTESTuesday, the eighth graders con-

ducted ,tlu,Thapttl-prftgrmtYr--We-l)eard- for'the first 'tirnc.-thc lilgh-schooLor- cimstra directed. I),v_ Miss _Wilson,_Rog- orflliTdorcm'mul front-the Hll>lertlien’ wo had the .extreme pleasure of lls- tonlng to our radio I’rlonds, Amos1 - i) Andy imiadiiastihg from Station X Y/-Ohefsea. “Ainos^-w as-no-other-ihat ’Hud (iulde and "Andy",'.Matthew Me* (tiiHigan. -Aftet^'.the «ceiie;;_[n.__...the FiibMh“ATr1laaicab“njilimv''l.‘iiuf'Tt(>g(,f]?a_s_ji 'Romeo' and Leona Weinberg ns \ n “colored girl enacted a little serenade i ■scene culled "Kate l’hcniilia,' played again, n fto r■l-vvhichLtlHt. eighth -.grade ■ -smtg-lhmi i; songs, lOvnnyone ;-enjoyed- the pro-

; I'rcdlt.


‘T-”-**: *' ' *- -

:." Y:


, . v. ". ........— i ■> „ _ \ 1 ■

A iV u n u re ced e n to it o f f e r , a s s u r in g th e m o s t d r a s t ic 8 a v in g fr o f - th e QiiUye y e a r

u la r s t a n d a r d q u a l i t ie s o t-w nm eiA s. C o a ts , D re s s e s a n d u o w n s

o n o u r rvsr-

! I‘A-vuTtlT"IT urn, "former "wrll known-j l ri'sidont of Lima, dieil ■ W ednesday ) mnr’mTrgrJiTiiTriiTyv- iJ, at lite home of! his son, Mil m V Horn.' 444 Saratoga-:

i .Avorr Ferndalo.--- ---- -Mr.'.Horn' was born ■March 10, -l!S,V

in-Shavon tnwnshl}), the ,s<m of lleui'y ,-and Irene ( .SipithT HoriTT —

:iti>F«bo tiT C o a ts a n d a b o u t 60 n e w 4 > re s8 e s-th trN iH i8 fr-g o r W r i i - jd e to a n in e d _united in niarvlage ■Mn.i,cb"7',"l'kS-lr-te.-;'j

-Miss-.'Florh • JniAds iinti'-.-uheyv-rpytTieiH1-!

o u o n e t h i n s - C L E A R T H E S E O U T R E G A R D L E S S O F 1A)SS! l - r o t t t is n o i o n i r e r a n y

c o n s id e ra t io n ! T h e s e n s a t io n a l p r ic e s show i t a n d te l l th e s to ry f o r th e m s e lv e s !

in Lima; Jm dcson, awl■■Lnfny.e.u o ,, 11 money iviul yono'awny happy,.—rniGi,e>s a,.splendid stock of

Ask fo r T hcse^C oats Toda p~Siy:tT'T-1—-/fiTTi^ 1H, n (r-n-TiitWf

:sT?-.e '! (V— T l7urrrrarr:$1 TiYLr_nll“YvnvrI-<.'onV

— Size 18——rr_}vn lrV, r)t)—f vv-obil - emit



'SivttiJMl— 'Ym w iiijovOO ati'iptHl tw eed cogW-to^ enlln r , f i j A ’l,, .

'. s i - ^ i s —H i ' o \ V 4 mixturo oonL , ■ benvqrelio collni’ S1L1.50

Size :vS--rHlue and grey striped tweed cent:,fox collar . ..... - . . .

s i llpi-v.uinm l.S.nI)_L\v i*e(1,1 i'avel ‘coat

Size ;18— Hlue tweed UTiYel «m t, imttmrl-nicmKm colltvr

Size/UT-Vlkif LlKA()dtnp(dipdAweiklV'<»iU naturaU- ■riir', i woJfr-colJiuT^___~ ; ~l!~ 7J, r .^S2LUU-;,

_Size”12::~Hlacrk broadelotivdress ebat, haturab- -- ■ ■ —nitmTliim" \Voi f rnlla t1— —r ~ ■ ----- ' ~~ —

Size PI--Brow n $2o.Oii tweed coat, lieaveivUe co llar

” _ . AN!)'MANY O'i'HKIlS TOD!------------ :----------

For tin' past nine, years ho had made Ids homo with this'.-sop.- -•■ ■■• ;

M.r, Horn was a rotirod railroad | iconductor, I’onnorly In thir ompluy. of.j

l i flip MRdiiLran~(MTirita11 roffii7'ITi'sidos Tin* soil, ho is survived liy

and M rs^l tarry. Tomsim,- of _(iroons-. I>i|vg,' )ml , nod Mrs. Myrtle (>nmr ot: Akron, Ohio,' two7 htdb-sisters,- Mrs.TiminniobTodolo, of nextor and Mrs.A-iiUuiv'-lioaoin-ot-lJi”vr(ii.'.to.\vnshi|i,_iu

t h e 'sea -

'son from somtr manul’iietiiver’s tdoita-up but are ail of— cmi-TUsunl-stnndnrtkituaUt^.—\Vo simply tn0 )lv■ and are determined to oloar_nur t'atfks, regardless,

Women's all wool1 dresses, ropidai’ly, $UbnU to $15,00, now

Women’s $25.00'silk erepe, traMol crepe, printed 'sil'irdressoH, your ehoiee now ftirttfi-

A]l'women’s $ 1JL50 and $1 H,50 silk crepe, travel crone and urinted c-i’eno dresses, your

_ _ “ —elT d tte ; n o w ---------- - . ' ----------— — : -

All-women’s !jil2.50, $10.50 and $15.00 silk ' *____i_r. ficossHs, your ehoieo-now $5,05

You’ll not onl(\-pu)'<!hasg, one, but .several wdumrynLLsoe.these dresses—Shop early!

All Rayon lied Spremfc

. . _ n . K M l A Nf 'K SAl.K OK ____t”"" "Big I.of"irf_~

W om en’* O u tin g (la w n s

ana Pajamas1 W greatly, red tired v> r.i cos,

Raid Stripe- and Onyx Pointex Hosiery

$1.05 quality at " $1.20’ $1.50 and $1.05 quality at $1.10’s Theste are a close-out of bur entire —stork of "theatH'awt»u*4\0set—-—;—

Boys’ Hose

BLANKETSTnxso out ton $;l.oo blankets, tans - ------- a u d a r eys r b e s t l i mrHl — $1,05=

i OxHO-eoUmv $11,00 pinid blaivkel-S," ox tTTF"hoa vy------- - : _ “$T.O 5

72xHd wool mixed $5.00 ’blankets,la-rfre plaids; not all colors, $2.05

72x81 wool mixed $5,00 and $0,0b1,blankets, la fro plaids, vai'ious cotors 0*1 i«

-72x8-bwool mixed hiahliets, large

$4.08 and $5.08. _

Women’s and Ohildvon’s

Fine SweatersIn two lots a t ...........$1,95 and $2,95

Values to $5,00,

Big lot of

Prints. >

Fast colors. d5b*aud J19e values-; ; ; ; ...... . J | 5 c y a v d . ____

Remnants of All Kinds-At loss. t luni—wluiinsalii_c.oaDb

■t'lea ran cc-Sale-ol__

rrfaTi'f—brnf-htMV-Gcorge-- -NiU'diiviun — oF: 1 j Limn-, imduino grundcliildfen.

Sol's ici^ w'cu'i' iu 'ld <hi> innining-ttVtho humo in I'V’i'iidulo, after which'the

I (ii'pr.m.'dnirg, lad., where. .Uio funora!! will ■ho ho!d -],'rrdity foromimv ut—tho l I homi'-v.-o f -tviji--ilmighti'i4-tM-rsr-Sm»siM,Sr[: jRov. J. F. Mitchell, pastor of the. H np:!| list church, wit) oillciato, ami Ju ir ia l! will ho iii Milford " obmotnvy, noav" (iroonslairg.

has been taken adyaiftftRe of-by_ many~-they

Suits mrd Overcoats to chdoso^frojrm

S ft/ lr s (ire ru/IU ; S u i t s a re { /cur-round ir e if/ltfs ; the O rer- ro u ts w ill la s t - w m sere rat sea so n s, ^ ~—7 __

All O’("oats now One-Third

(A few at about HALF PHICE-— nearly alt sizes)



7)f. Limn Viiwnsliip, t dfod _ Wednesday J < January lf>;.al his. homo-in-Marsludl,-

Mr, Wullaco was nhout 70~years of ago und w as liorn in Woodstock, OjiV,,

rrnrn ,{ntir^vlTcT7"iF:y m i n g -nr; uTF7-j'whoro ho made Ins Immo for M'voral-i ^•nncs-vvilh the Into. Mr'.- ami Mrs, (loo,

Mitchell, on4.1io omipuvd.hy ItTTotI Harth, ' AftoiHiis irnnrmgo—tii

Miss t'.liu'u 1’aimer, of - l.inui, _thoy wont, to Marshall., wiio.ri'—tlio.v have'since resided. 1.

Mr. Wallace is survived by the w i­dow, t\Vo brothers, four sons anil Ifvef' grnndcldldi’eh,

Mv. and Mrs. (icorge Knglisli, oi t ’.helsna, and Mr. and Mrs, llenrj Lulck. of' 1 ,iina j.ntmideh-4lu -finu'i-in

NOT Nt-). 1 — Men-a-and young meiifs-models, in worsteds !-arwl—eass-i-mores—

Tlmmiis Wiillnce, a former resident ;,S ' 1’T.Ap PRI^IO

—BQT -NO, 2--(.'onsei,valivo patterns and newest models-n o w o NK - i ' o o n ' r n b k s s than r e g u l a r p r i c e .

\ lh "Woolweai' jtmko” w hich guarantees you satisfactoiw_wear NOWrONE-FOUl i t i i AND ONE-TIIIUD LESS-TMrYN .REGULAR'“PRICE.

which was held Friday, with burial in -Mm*tfhatl-

mtdkHY tfODAS lHKS

have. Curtains and Hni*oW. V’riinntHg,- aecoinpanicti...liy.fhis brother.-,. Mnrk-Li.'.K-rinindig,-...of.__

CurtuiningsAl ONK-KOei.TI'l lo ONE-11A1.K

- l.F.SS in price.

Pontine, mid ■L.-li.j.If.rimudig,- of lams- -■iivgr-leit Tuesday for lied Wmg, Minn.,

Adluro-tlioy were called by I lie dim- L the'i-i'-'brcU4a'-fM-it4aAi —4 i :h-i-v- -1 »in •.

Mr. Podas, who was employed 'as en­gineer by llio. riurago. -.Milwaukee &

"5rr~triuI1 railinati, was injureil last"

AToi) -a woof anTFpai't-wool UNlON SU lTSf-Nm v— O^NE-fOl 'KTln.KSS. than regular.

_=^oitV ^iH <H ^-AvoHl-Hnd-i)a-vt—1wool—l-^NFDORAV-RA-H^N^w JiKF*-T,l.inii)'LESS tlvub roitulaiv


Blank Slips

week by in-boiler explosion, His brother, I. K. l'odas, and Mrs,'Podas

| :; Wacot—u^414mI—W-riw -on-Trecei ,.,nf. tho.siceiilonl

Small lot hum’s 2-piece all wool U N D ER W EA R-N ow - O ^ a L A L l O - U i H U C x ^ ' f ______ -

In rayon-and-silks, at $1.95 and $2.95,

’ 'Valut\s-$h,dW-and $5.0(17 :1" ^

Albion lilgti «ohuol —seniors and ji Juniors .|n,-an intcr-olnaiP contosi' am | ,_ an nlTUmo rocoial for-low acoroH .fon,-,

s basketball giunn In Album ami |ins- -Htldy-iii- nuceomary. Thr serdnrw wwvr

Small lot ot, men’s OIIT1NG I’A.TAMAS, regular price1 $2,00 to $2.50- -Now $1.29.

All Nellie Don Aprons4m4wn4nt*—74RJ_4U L_^4^_„Vfiiuw-

*■1. through-n tone basket by Kvoriqt| C'lovolRnd, MaiMePonnnll with a 1

throw from the foul line ehaiked up' -thw-juntoro1'only point.

Mon’s fancy ■ wuni ffnd atlk •Tffld’ d o r iT a SE^NoNy ONE -Tl i lBD l.ESS.than rdRular prico.


to *,1.75. M. J. abarkey, 40, nt Lunqng Htatq; KArnge employee, |H dead of tnjnrloi| Nioidtod when a Ht ton truck pinned him ncAtnxl a platform. He U »ur>-tlTAd. by-A widow amd-M»ven ehtldrc^

make—rSAtivsfaction Rimraim'd-^n$nTO" a Hip, iOc "a But­ton.” Now ONE-FOUUTH LESS thkn roRulai* price.

•WW»______ _______ t


l o c a l it e m s...Mips Lucile Broosumle was home*from Limning for the Week-end.

, M*'8' M«?’y Hieberis confined to herho||)(! nn Sonfk M«um i... ml.on South Main street, by 'illness.' Mr. and Mrs. Roy—-Harris-Mperit Sunday with .reh|tive»' in Ann Arbor.

Mr. amt Mrs, John IV.Cogk spent Thursday with relatlves-inl Detroit.

Mr..and Mrs. George W. Hart spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Detroit;

County Clerk C. L. Pray of Ann Arbor was a Chelsea visitor, Tuesday.

- -Ferdinand -Merkel and Ray Juer- gens were in Niles on business last Thursday. ^

Kdv Finnell of Pontiac is spending .. flun -time-St-tho homo of Mr,.jjul

Mrs.- Peter Wirkner. .....

, Ml and Mi's. Jphn Sehieferstein vis­ited relatives in Ann Arbor; Sunday afternoon.-

—,._iMrs.- John Haselswordt- and Mrs.John Frymuth were Jackson visitors, Friday. --

John P. Miller, of Detroit, is spends1 ing several weeks at the home of his sisters, the-Misses-Miller.™.™, .

CLOVEREEAF ELECTS--------Mrs. H. Wi Schmidt entertained the

members o f the-Cioverleaf chapter of the Congregational church at her

ENTERTAINS AT CARDS.Mrs. Reuben Grieb entertained at:

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN sLet this witness, that I, Clarence or

home Friday afternoon. The follow-

a neighborhood party Saturday eve- jTrinkle, never said that Ben Breiton- ning with three tables in play. High ; wischer stole five head of. my cattle

'}.;twin Baxter of Dotro'jrwas n wtu»k-3oKiTiw.v" vTC rr ~ —MnK-HwmajrHils of'JIckkon spent —r . i 1 . - r.v:,-iT~J:h.;...D,yke,..waJLJthfikTuesday-at^tke-home bf-her mnthei*.

end tfuest at the home of his hfotheiv M. J. Baxter and family

guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ja- bey. Bacon, Sunday.

—_ . i

Tuesday at-the-home bf - her mother, Mrs. G. Hiobor. v

Mrs. M argaret Hcsolschwerdt spent Sunday in Jackson a t the home of her Horii Clayton," and family. “ T

. * t " ’ .. »u«n_j_ytLvor nas accepteu-i>.of-A-mv^hm-l—ty in hwic ke:rath of .IVt'uut HzajLthe- -PDsition. housekeeper at tha. homirnne of 'her war- of..hiis brother, Carl Swickerath, of Emory D. Chipman... -.C * . 1 l ' : and fannlv over tho U’nril/.nt\/l . I 1 _____:i. ■'

^ "A g n e s -D a n e e r - <

Miss Alberta Winans of Ann Arb>>r

Miss Lillian Foster has accepted -a!i?...... 1 ’ e.l.a.patient.for-tha- past-twa weeks

Mrs. Conrad Lehman returned to her home yesterday from the Chelsea private hospital, .where she had been

i ng~o£f ieenrwere elected—for~the"en suing year: President, Mrs.* J. E.-Wfibkerj„.Yie9-Presi(lent,. .Mrs,__ DorrRogers; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Anna Hoag.- ' • " -----

honors ip 500 were awardetj Reuben or., any other number of cattle, and ifGrieb and Mrs. Clyde Lasslett, John ..such a report is in circulation . Jhe and Anna Haselswerdt receiving the I '* utterly false. ^consolation prizes. The ho8tessrrserved"1" tt ‘ri* January- 20, .1930. refreshments^- ” r w. l - “ (Signed) Clarence Trinkle.

__jkyHa-Hx’ciyn Bohnet of, Ann Arlior. , - ----------,Dent Sunday at the home of her .pur- ‘,J)<'lvt »Mniiay-alJthe-home of-hen-par- nts, Wr. and Mrs. SamueLBohnet. i enV*i..Mr. an(l,.Mrfi.~K,.lC Winan8. .

Dliss Edytho Koebbe wuh home from Grand Ledge, for a week-end visit with her mother, Mrs. E. Koebbe.

- Lois Fortman, three-year-old daugh­ter of Mr. and. Mrs. B. H. 'Fortman, of Lima, was painfully .burned Wed-

Mr. and Mrs. Otto H inhere r and son, llogety and Mrs, Jacob Hinderer spoilt

.v Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.-^H=7ht4stian=Grfiu,_ — -------- ■- - - - ---- ■;

■■ —- --yt.- : • ——— -^--Morio-Sehroedei';-wtts--in- JackiioinMr. ami Mrs. D. ILvWtST5tor find Sunday to visit his brother, who is a

nesday noon when some scalding wat- ped over on- her.—A-local physi­

cian was called .and-dreVsed-the-burns,-

family spent Sunday in Ann Arbor, at tjic home of Mr. amf' Mrs. “ Charlos Martini

patient at the T. B. hospital.

F ,» k a ,! .-»«.«» Claire of Ann!

Mr. and Mrs. James Jhhnston are making arrlu^ementiTto^dve to 51 3 South Huron street, Ynsi

Dancing PartyA dancing party held at the

St*_ Joseph ,auditorium, Dexter, Fri­day-night, January 24. Everyone is -Cordially invited.


7rl5 and 8:45P . M .

rranK.anu iw u m oi *"n ! and Whitney Riedel, of Jackson, spentArbor were week-end quests «t -the , gyn(]'uy as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bom Q f their grandparents, Mr. nTid wTif,^,.,,^,.Mrs. K. J. Claire. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Rha Alexander spent Sunday in Ann Arbor, at the home of herststor, Mrs, Elizfabeth Sutter."

FORM PARTNERSHIPF. W. Merkel, - who has conducted

a hardware busihess irFCKelsea for


■ "Mr. aiiil'Mrs. A. G.'HIndelangiipeni:... Mrs. John hochHmd-dmigh'Sunday”in the home of |A iu u n d a ,w e r e guests of_Mr. an(

"theiFWn-in-law ami “ ilaughterT- Mr7 ' Julm -Niehamand Mrs. Alien Baton. Sunday afternoon..'

andof-.Vmr- Arbor,

"Miss Ruth Vogel of Ann Arborspent thVweek-end at the home of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. "IV.Vogel.-.

the patfr few years, has taken into ^rtnefshfpliis brother;' Nofbei’t "Meip

‘ J&UN-^OltBER-T-_________ In ■ "

■ Cyril" Conk, son of Mr. and .Mrs.; ’WilUamsT—\viir>— has-^boon_ Harold Conk, of Lyndon, was brought speiiding-tlie-past two weeks at the jU j}jiels(*ji Private hospital "Sunday. * bom,. »f bk snp ,-nU(r)f.s j. Willinnys-where- luv-iV. taking— treatment:- for iivii ianTilyrn’etunioir'to' Hi*rhome jh

rhcumntic-tnmfale:--------—---- =— ——i-williirin.shm. -Simuvlav

(laughters spent Sunday'in“Monroe at Merkel Brothers, the home of Mr.-and M rs. 'C; T. ATd- .rich. ___ i— .. :..

kel.'' -For the past year the - junior partner has acted , as a Salesman in the .store. The business in the future will be" conducted under the .name of


“ T H E P E R F E C T C R IM E ”With Clive B rook'Rnd“ hreTre~tlichr"-

------WHO K I t tE D FRISBIE?

H m ua& .X L ati£ (L L figM cj^bu t!(L .gm il(iJL__ _lo n a i: .- r r \— - - - - ---7 -

-\VairTt';mmvboaot, or—some' .demoniac

ENTERTAIN:FOR CHILDREN Mr. und-Mrs. Eugene McKernan 'en-

ull^~ -tertained-at a family dinner .Sunday,dren of Detroit wei'e Sunday guests

Bi’iive-in b"attley. darmir.jiT_io-ve-= 'hRU a_- -dmracter-f-or dosiiinu John Frilbept-in -Htw-

- presence _ was the crim e!

No-oM -kneM V«od -yet— there

SE E William Le~ BaT-olFs ^npprng photo^

at the homo of MiTami Mi’s, StaiileV -Bird,

celebrating the 11th birthday anniver­sary of their children, Mark_and.Morv^ 1cm A birthday cake, w ith . candles

(~j— _-Miy und—Mra._ReubehT (iiieb alid i l sons-visited' reTiitives. in Manchester,

Sunday, Karl Grieb remaining for the-week.

centejic ttney tab le:" The guestT im eluded: M issTheresa Gonlan, of Orosse Pointe, Miss Theresa McKern an, o f Ann Arborr“J^hn C. McKernan and

picture! - . / . - ■-Jle sweeps yotuyvlong tfteY*oadJfe^i,ohitrhee: in an enKagibg-dUel. of wits, swords am r

•'dramatizaTlbu of Zarty^ilFa-fttmed hoveh-‘The Big B6w Mystery !”

11 year—Thrilling,

_ _M r. a rttLMrs.-'J. ...lW i 11 a r< I Green, of Ann Arbor,-were' Sunday -guests” of- her parents, Mr/ and.Mrs. Wfn. Bahn: miller. ......

Miss Carolyn Van Poppelen, of De­troit. ---- - ---------

love; You'll love it !■Comedy— * CAT, DOG &“Cd:

Baffling, Fantastic.^- -

--— Comedy—“Baby Folks”


^The annual meeting of St.' Paul’s

Mr, and Mrs. Frank Goddum. of

■We" carry 10-20 and Farmall Mc(!oi‘mick-Deering tractorsj_JnjLtock at all times. Come in and let us figure with you on

trhesirgmrt-laboi' and tinte-savuTg:

I?ontiae, were week-end visitors-«t-the-

evening a t th e . parsonage,^when offi- -eers-for-the-<


"SPECrA'L FOR fmrS^VYFJilKJkUkmch-log-chaiusH^v-i-t-li-svv+veh-aufl-4wo-hoekS’-Y Y iuHow-Yefvtilators- —n35e-r in o r Bi’oornslCalvanrzed Wash Boilers

rCppp^rTBoltoiTv^ asfi~~Boi iera-

-95c- $1.9o

M E K K E r B R O T H E R S

B P S P a In tn -Y a n i iuhvs JaahsonJC^iKU’-Mcrbilorl Q ua k e r S t a f f Oil

.Ethyl Gasoline Cleaners’ Naphtha..• PHONE 91

■7" Clielsea; Micnigan

Ivome of Mr, and Mrs, George Win-as follows

Chester. President—Ruth Loeffler. .. ! Vice President—Esther Bah'tmiilcr. i-yjrSecretary^G race-Luickr

: Miv-aml Mrs. Edgar Stevens and Treasurer—Paul Seitilchddren, of Newburg, spent S unda^ A ftei. the business. l^ e tin g , games

were1 played .Tnid~prtr es were awardedwith her parents;.dilr. and Mrs. Rnn-som Lewis.

. Mr. and Mrsr-Lym r Korn atichchtl-"mfller. Refreshments w ^re'w gEtk

dren spent Sunday in Plymouth, at ■the-home-of his-parerits-. Miv and-Mfs.Jacob Kerii.

-Mr. and Mrs.-^^issell-^cGuinness of ter noon^ in Sylvnn^ to^Trhull, ro-elee tletroit-returned-homo-SaturdayT-iifte

spending several days with his fathei John McGuinness.

__M.r. and Mrs. W. H. He.s_elsch\yerdtof Ann Arbor were guests^ Sunday a t the home of their daugh ter Mrs.' John O'Hara and family.

Lobis Schneider and Esther Bahn-

The most amazing picture that ever played :—this-ettyT -Tho-greatest-melodrama the New

W ith G lenn T ry o n , E v e ly n B re n t,

Y o rk Stftge h a s e v e r k n o w n m ad e in to a g4- ^ e r n a K en n ed y . E o W f E llis a n d a T io s r g n n tio piotupo that, p l u n k s y ou d e e p .in to th e ___ ■ ■ ■■___:____ o f s ta r s .heart o f NetyTYork's' mad night l i f e ! It gi-ve.. :

. y o tr^ r iim lR ic ^ d y invmi lUie- tt w . n'aP,

INSURANCE CD. ELECTS ^htH^m'Hvxvc tm’tr Wash tena AV’r-F-aV-

mere' Mutual Insiiraiu^. Co,, ' a t lHeif:-abnuaI--nvectin^heldTTuesfla.Vaf-'

rearit1 1 (mowing o -President—Win. B. CollinSi-/G,rogory.;


from, the screen! if tran sp o rts you to a newglittering gaiety-runs:

riot and vsudden tragedy stalks. !REGULAR PRICES

25c— 10c

Mrs. Mark Lowry is i n~Ann -Arbor, ~at -thrr~honies~ofher, (laughter,- ..Mrs,■ Williaii]' Dogen, and her son, Earl Lowry..

Mr. and Mrs.Herman Weber and AGthur Weber left Monday for a trip to Miama and Pensacola, Florida. They

■ Directors—John . Young, Tiymltn; Ghasr-nJohnson, Dexter; Sain .Smith, Scio: Harley Stantoir, Webster; Ma- Son Whipple, Lima.

.Secretary-Treasurer—Alvin J- Eas­ton, Lining . . _ • . -

In5 Memoriam v ~-I-i>^—loving— rMneinbiianet‘---'<>f iHii!-r depHy heTnved dmighter a ndVsister, jBetty, who died one year ago, Jan- uary 257Tn2i):■. A .preciousone from us h'as gone,

A voice w e loved is* stilled;will be gone about six weeks. : . . . .... .............. rV— -----.— -: __T r-nntcezisw itcanl^in jn ir rmjne,Which nevpiwitrrin*Til}ed-


ir is in g ly Izm *^ O F - I m t a n c e :

o r less, b e tw e e n 4 :3 0 a. m . a n d 7:00 p., m , .. „

Ypu can_ call the following points* and talk for THREE MINUTES for the rates shown. Rates to other points are proportionately low.

From Chplsea-to). ti«y... .....

Coldwator ....... ...........Grand R a p id s ........ ......'RATtltTCroPk- i. i J

U.1.L.JLO.JL A,.I .1 .v *' u------------ - —Hastings . ,

,Ionia » t 1 » 1 1 * GO

Th* MUs'ttuotadare ^ f to n -fe -^ n f ito in D*jr ret**, 4i)4 a, in. ^K) D",'BT.,.. TV- VSviiitr^ dNett¥« 7 iOO f.W . Wtt90 p. m ., and Night rataa, 1 JO p .* .la 4)90 a. m.

T o a b eo i ff O m y ^ T cm m te le p h o n e n u m b e r* c a l l " I n f o r m a t io n ."

Mr. and. Mrs. Norinan Wood .and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hall of Battle, , , u , .Creek were guests a t the lunhe o f“Mt‘. l r iu ‘ love had-given,

God in His wisdom has recalled,

j tv*.*j tvyA] J J tvy-vj vyg i t j t.y /j j j tv*/j ivg/-i tyg/j t vgyj >,vgj j t j txg/j j uy*v j vy

------■ PUiin-Drt'gk Gray Wool Kerse>%.;size.s 0.6 to 48. conservative.'/- .staple - modal. \ \rill .stand hard service. $18.00 value,-.. -

and Mrs. Charles Mohrlock, Sunday. And though the--bo'dy---:-Muinbers-' here,- • __ ■ ' ■ ; T '

' O U R S A L E P R IC E

-Mr.' 1 .r w i s --E schd barlr--was- - iiadi The <nn 1 ik I» i n heiLVtm-1 bruised add hurt when he fell from, a scaffolding while at- work in Ann Ar-borr--He- was brought to the Chxdsea private hospital.

■Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'Adams andnv vj a m )m irtra im vxti

Itors-Sunday a t the .home of his sister‘ ami .brother,. 'Mrs.—Dora -Jedele and

i ItinTn- Adam -------------------------

Mrs.'lda Avery-strstained injuries tohei;'“lva'ck' Wediidsday 'evening, 'when

' she fell oTf tlie icy Walk in front of her ! residence on Must Middle street. She

:—Ts’as 'talu'n to- tho Chclsea privnte hnR--

Mr, itml Mvs.- A. -Eppler • and family.

DALY-HOAKD WEDDINGThe marriage of Miss. Adorna . S.

D a ly ,d au g h te r of- Charles Daly, of j ■, and—Mr.

of Millington, Mich,, took place Thurs- ' day evening, January 1(5, 1930, a r the'T

Y o u n g 1-l}lHi"n"d[vid<-brue KerstW-V-AA-I]-regurar 822.5(t to .'>25.00 vahios, OUR SALE PRICE:

^ Men’s .wool pull-bver. Sweaters, round neck,'sizes38'tcV44TA^gtiiar-.82.5fLg'ar.nicilt.s,

4bk}>tiftt pav^fvnago-iiv Flintr Mich. Rev,.Sale Price -$-1.39

‘George Atkinson is a patient in University"HospitaT, Ann Arbor, where"

CIj;.de A. Baldwin performed the, cere- mon.Vv Mrr. and Mrs; Hoard will re- ■ side in Millington;

Saturday evening--Mr. and Mrs; L .| B. Roepeke, of Stockbridge, uncle and |'

4umf o f tluTbride, gave a. re.CL‘pUmLmd,,shower in their* honor. A pot luck

Men's sheep 1 ined. blue corduroy coats, 3-i-inche.s 'tofi'g, shaVvl fu r c()llarV higlt gl’ad'e itT evet'y ]>;\r* ticularbuid our Sale Price' is way below-regular—■1..-.... ........... ;..:..'..... - :'-7 ■ 8-7.95...-----.......- - -

supper was served, and many beauti­ful g ifts won? received by them.

MK and Nf rs. Moat’d - spent, a fewhe submitted to an operation for her-jihiy* with relatives and friends here, nia last Friday. According to reports,--;- 7 his condition is very sirtisiactory,- _ _

Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon and I daughters, Barbara und Jane, and Mr. Ami Mrs." Dexter Davenport, of

Tinuis "Feldkamp, aged.58,..died thisiv.ovning at St. Joseph’s Mercy hos­pital, Ann Arbor.

Mr. Feldkamp had been a life-longAnn Arbor, were guests Sunday a t the I resident of Freedom township, where |

thbme of Mr. and .Mrs. G. D. Schneider.

Mr. a»d .Mrs. G. W. Moore of Jacf- Ison wero; callers Sunday at the home of Wtii- Scripter, and accompanied by

they latcr. viai

he was; born May 13, 1871, the son of j John H. and Mary (Meyer) Feldkamp. jHe had been 111 about seven weeks.

Timvcfsity hospital. Ann Afbof,Tted"MM. Scripter, who ia-a patient at

Mi's. Martha Weinman spent Satur­day in Detroit/ At the home of her daughter, MrSTfiruCe Peabody, and on Suiidrty ftircomtihhtOd Mfr; "and ’Mrs. Peabody to .Flinty to visit her sister, Mrs. Herbert Laroa, and family.

He is suiwived by four brothers; Theodore and Edwin of \ 'e, Danof Manchester, and Fred, at. .tv no, andtwo sistew rM m - Chas.-BusS-of-Free*domyand Miss Amanda. Feldkamp, at home. >; y

Funeral arrangements have not been completed.



Members of ■ ther Lucky Nino were entertained Tuesday evening at the homo-ofGMrsr Roland Wcnk,-of-Lima(Two tables were in play, and honors in 600 wore awarded Miss Viola Sey* fried and Miss Ella Kaercher. Re

See and Hear dem Niggahs alng at Kiwania Minstrels—they will soon be

STORE MANAGERS PAY FINES Charles Horn and Ivan Baldwin,

managers of two local chain stores, were arraigned before Justice O. J, WAlworth last Friday, and fined for selling '.underweight merchandise. Dis- oovery of-the-abort- weights was-madaby a state inspector, who was on his regular tour of inspection in the vil-

- i:

. Price* by JMaaTh4 Lord sends the sonsbine and

fixe* the laiees.— Moinee ReglBter.

Men's 82.50'Flannel Shii'ts, Sale Price $1.59

Men's Blue Corduroy Coats, blanket lined $5*95' .rM t'H's-bl^e-tn^eea-tl^iot tho cut-rate kind, but—rt-

hitrb grado triple. sTftcTu'Tdbinin the land, for the-money- - -$1.29

*v jc

. i . rSi'T



■ri, ’»,

• , 'T T N>:.

Question And Answer Dept.

pensution’"from the Pontiff; but-faiH-Atncriea^ The best of -authorities, inir ill this, W broke away from the however,' consular thtv chum unfound* \ i% See!and”in“ f584 «ot himself W lMo,rrn;Si»ft1inn-l5«“ ~ ( -


G o t t e n r o a dJames Monroe came within one vote of making hts election unanimous. Floyd Schweinfurth js spending

some time at FatonTta']lids,

attended the funeral services of her aunt, Mw. Su(san I>kkerson at Tekon-shtti-Thursdttyjr

recognized bv act of Parliament as- ■ , K.the head of the English church. i tJues.-Xan marr_ui«: PP ;

Leona McCoy spent Monday eve- Philip Huiper of Yfraitonti called oh friends in. this vicinity, Saturday.

... yues.—-Him. dill...Henry. VIII o f’-EnfilaniLsccJure...for' himself .the_pusilion as head of the'Huffish church

■A Ans._—Henry _Vlit,.'~juid■_In*'mi c.vr .... . to "Catherine of Spain, who was first married to .his elder ■■brother \r-

Ques.—\Vhat is ‘meant by the

p » ‘- .......... _ '.printely defined its the ••fusion ot t\yo ^ A n l-T h a t • is a 'te rm , appfied to pi«lff,witH Miss . ■

; U . 1 « j « r r " t o r n Wb.. • « « . A i» .y -u ,. Ij.K «»■■"" Mm, bud, „ml Mrs. .................„•• ] the -wjaT, (iIsaiyeivi-.-of-, America- ,-L.o?. suits- in lYonfuslim.” , i tl»* nrk liowe a t Mercy hospital. They also - r ......... ‘ ......... ■ •; .t ;- . a

Iambus, Cabot or .Amerigo Vespucci? (> — - . , !tlu* a ,k * __________ J X d on Mrs. Carl ftutan. Scbittcnhelm Hros. a»V-drawing, iceAlso \vhtit~w^n^As<»i-iHhwi.-s^uiUuiuvUi>iuMW »4^UM>»»«3dll»yoia«kiiuiIl\r'.tiUaiU!.L,,\L,l^aWwiriy g.v n TTfvT\-TgifFr"j-l3'^AAvf l? " ^ r ' i--\ii|ii‘"f-ii>n?-Hpvdlatttt^t(it<Wonf^Lloydt i froiiwLii'aAS;Xakt.‘ T ol'ed v-

Aits: -" I'ifb'of"' was f lvc~‘"fil’st io"*di^”Avns^be^irst ^ov^rnor ol. Canada and,;— l u C i i l l U i ' l S - i f l v i H r i — j ...... .....-7—- -:— -........... — =■------ --------- —■—

South Lyon—One morning last week persona in the physics class of the South Lyon High School noticed there were; some birds in the trees near the laboratory windows, the birds being of a species not commonly seen here.- Investigation showe<Lthe birds to be evening grosbeaks. Reports came from other sections of the town that the birds were seen there also,— Herald.

___ thur, h ■prince who died young, ••‘jinn-ET:1 ry became, disgusted with his queen,

'Hid both me enainored uf one of her mqids-nf hmnuy Anno Bolcvn. lie had recourse, of course, to the fqpe to dis-

r -solvi* his marriago-to Catherine, which Jiad been rendered legal only by a dis-

■ \ ik ~ I’ubot was Mie-nrsi m -uis--wtis. u..- ......."• -*............ - —;— * * » * - • * ^coyer the mainland of America, but as whether he was *a l-ronehmun or n n ; yVh.ile.,Mrs. Nellie Rumford. one. of - tlie West Indies, where-Columbus f irs t; Kifglishn’iffn f epur 'efficient nurses*:.-was.- walking—-to |landed, belong - to the' western, It end- . Ansi—Samuel.;do: Champlain .was the i the villuge.. last Friday slu* slipped-on j..sphere, the distinction of discovering |irst. governor of Canada. He was a i the icy sidewalk and fractiiriut.luff left |

frhn - 4 thn 11‘i‘ict Ss)u> -hiltf !America goes-to him. Xiiiefigo Vos* .Frenchman who fpripod the first j,'a!.m just above- tne wrist. She has j _ -"piled was an ltaTTaiTborh in nfS'l.; HP^French 's’ettlemenfs fft™"QuiT>ecJ . ^ i i T K P '"Ri':DV*fft» i.t'to-reimp-'i -claimed priority over Cabot and Co- ■ MoiitrfltUp„-lDj(i'H he was di'iyen Jj'om erato. Miss'Edith Warner, ot Atirkm,. ■ 4Iambus in .discovering .the mainland of his office by the English, blit . .when ■ 11 ’ ' J * ’ ''' _l................ 1

v m m m m m m m m «— 1 \yUS {'OStored IK* WitS V<* 1 tlStllti"(1RKPORT OF.THK CONDITION OF ;;b the governor.. fc ~

F a r m e r s a n d M e r c h a n t s - B a n kQues.—In the expression A*Mary

and myself will ylo it," weTvam ufip ■...... .......... know if thabis'gianimatically eonvet.| . ■ _ At i ’hel^a, Michigan, at the close of busmen Dewpjbm^1. 1 ;)2P,-a^T;dU-r|-1er^hmTklvou” ’': . --- ------------

by ttw CmmiMlonw of the Bunkms DcMsrtnimt. . ---------- A ns.-Tho ™ ,,l„ “ ra y iS f1’ sh,™l.l•Resources- :.::Coihmerml“ Savings-’- ^ -

. -. . 'J < a —. .. .....Items in trausit-

, ' Totals ........................... ■ ■■-E-euLF state. M ortgagCf

l,702. To

TYTit be usedTlfflu^abpve sentence. 'Hie, -pronoun “I"- shoabi- 'be -used- i nsteitii.

.. . .stf7S,ir>S.2!»_ — Hie word-Jimyself’lJs. used only wlien

- _ _ >27k,Iod.2P increased enTphasis- is;-(lesirtui...... I*or$2!i7,o(id.Uii oxainjde: “ I will do it myself,"

Rtaitls -and- Securities, vhs.:. ’ Qiies—Wej.youl(l[ like lo kinnv whilt-......................................................... " " ^ I I P V -------H r n n v ■ ■■-y j U A L L I I , '" 1 1 V , v

Municipal .Ronds in Office .-. >. . . .. -,.... # 80,000.00. , the Cbemicai name for/'petrideum '' HT-Cither-Ronds-.. ...................'■ ■ ■$ do.OOQ.OQ ‘.40,1m ,o4 ~ , y ;.() ;s- ,|1t» chemical name'foi... J(,tals7;;,u..;.;..'::...vJ ‘ .................... .. ............................ 000.00 S27a,J77,_f>4 S?U 1.177..*>4 i ^ r ?

Due from Federat^Rtesf-rve-Rank— . . -1 o,2 x 4 .1 .0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 '■Cash-'and- Due from Banks in Iteserye-


An.-.- ^‘Hutrol'ouni— is the chemical... j■hnme.--jtself._rjjLhe___c,onimon name for her_c.hildren in Detroit. ......... ,____ ■ ■■ , ... •

it is '‘oil,” of~which there are nmny _ _ ,.s< Francis Fool received- word r \ f \ A q f | A r t_-^varieties.- “Sotliirm Tliloiade sistoi.r y],.s, - f l U V / U

cliemical-TTame-for-“sait7^- - - - — -xlieW-Slmw at-h-er~lTomeHn PohTiac:r~ ----"Tvyl?rin'ds-and-'-CFTtificntes: of Indebted-'4!),03').'>6 2,'pr>7.24

ness cai'ried as legal - reserve-:-in';Sav-.ings Department Only dihnb0:00

Exchanges for -C’learing House — -- fl'otalx -----__•

“2, ro'4?f>F' ' tjiies.—-Whatfiire the ten largest

.'.* « « « .• » * . * I M I * .................a:limed Accounts, viz. Ans.—The ten largest'cities' in the


Kui'niture and Fixtures . . , ...........'-hock of Federn! Reserve Rank . . . ..

Total . . . . .-.-;-. .-. -. ......... ...........-.••• .

•> 4X1.4f) i-.Cnited States, acctiniing to the-latest— IT,0 0 0 . 0 0 wus_ are-as-l'olh>vsj.Lz_New - -York^

M,Wm nrt; Cldaigo,”1 Phnaitidphia, Detroiir'Tids o.000.00 j \ lltr(.p.Si Cleyeiaml, St. Louis.’R'ostoiu

SU'.O.) , 11 .•) i... [kiltimore and Pittsburg,

orate. Miss'Kdith Warner, id Adykin, is taking hoi'1 place while she is aw ay., . On account of the large mmfber-of the members of tin family iucupucU j

.•olds and.-other aliUctions-the ’seryico .arran ^ i- iQ i’ last Sundn^nf:ternoon by the Kpworth League of Ann Arbor__wus postponed until a more favorable‘time.

ta th esebr. W. JL Ralmei' is spending a fe^.;

days with his childreti at Royal Oak. j'ST i s s F 1 s i ellaTTTieT'Te! CoTiir d ay- Inst

week aVici spiuined her -ankle. , Al-th o ugh J imp i ng=sjhe-mainta ins-heiv u s? uul-smile and keeps pleasant over thepain'-"-Mrs. Oitn ie 11oed-ts-sti 11-eonhnod-to-her room by illness; but is gaining


- 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 -

Mrs. Sarah Ackerman' returned.Sunday fmmv-ji-Kcti weeks* visit with B U I C K S i nher_c.hildren in Detroit.

■ ’ 7--r A*1-------- ■ • - v _Alice- SJiaW at- fferlmme- in PonTiac.”On Hcimlnd Pni irnTpTdHrnml-4hc; severe cold of the past few days,,.

t h a n a nit was deemed inadvisable for her-to- attend the funeral services.

Mrs. Jane Taber, an account of.her|admission -to the Home-recorded:.last i

f if te e n o th e r m a k es in B U IC K ’S f ie ld !

so much “in 'th e new surroundings as • -to overcome .her, and she has been r confined to the bed most o f the time:

h r

Liabilities apitid Stuck ~Piiid--In—7.

■-■Surplus Fund V n < 1 i v i d o d _Protits._niii./'ividendJ. L'upaid Ccmmierciid Deposits, viz.: *

mQomtimrc^UDepysjts Subjec-t—to C.lniulc

-Q qqq qq ...„ Ques.—— .Ma.\‘r— 1—7lsk you -\Yhiit is -the.— 5 )~Q{)Q:qgTfistest timiMmide-on-a-motm'eyide-on-

' ' ’ V- ’ '•; ’ . «2*202!»1S i a circular track, and who is tlie holdert ' m P , ' { ) , 0 d -of thaisrccbl'il ?— -------- ■-----—----—

^24XrS!)7.l).7Ans.—The l’as-tes* .-time'.made with.

CFTtTfi'Od ’ Cl leeks' ■2XK.bOCashier’s - Cin‘cks. .............*. ......... . • ....... . •- <510.00

“ Totals . . . . . . . . . . . r.-S24!),7!MU5—S24H.7W5. KTT?-.--TsJivings Deposits, viz.:— .... . '' ■ .' y

■ Rook Accounts—Subject to Savings R’y - I .a w s iX f i lT ,7(51.71 '. *-rtificytes'of Deposit—Subject to Savings: By-Laws ff7,8H7.0d ■

track was-maile by James •'.Jim’’ l)a- i vis of Columbus, Ohio. His time for jjuuileVK2 seconds, made in 1P22.

Tuiab ,$050,048.74— iiS05o, 048.7-1( ue.s.—fias there over-/been", any*

f-. i thing used bv sea-going vessels in aTolls Payable -. .. S lfi.nnn.Ot) fog besides., the use of, a fog .horn?Rends Sold Subject to Kop'.irotnrer—: NoHe'-A'Iso rsrtluH=o-ttny kind of a*light- tlnU-

smee. "" — ;-S o m eth ing - o f :a-hoodoo - seems to be -:

■following-our- n’STScsppa^t ■ and pres--- ent,'-: Miss Nellre Halhrecently fell onj the icy sidewalks arnl1 fractured "'her.i

» v v v r

m otofists-in -;

arm above the elbow. Mrs. " Mabel

soning An her hand. Miss Lisle- BaT”

new M A R Q U E T T E S d u r i n g t h e f c w

mer (a . going-to-be nurse).._sprained | ■ her ankle. Mrs. Nellie Rumfoni fell j . on~tlve icy: sidewaiks-“:aral fracturerh—

m o n th s th is ca r has.her -arm' above tip: wrist and Miss Ma­rie Rutters got married!

-"Jo h n -room. -

Hubbard is still.oonfined to bis

b een o n th e m ark e t!

—i,':j ,Q.'-7,777.-.77‘! W»R 'f>emOr,-itp a- heavy fog Titus Yettaw and Henry Piolemeier

J----- -lr4V 45^-StAns.—7A ‘ne\V type, "of beacon'‘has

a-i-rpwt-=ar.ii=,doin(f—tlie-fr—-s h are— of —bauk-iiig- _The preof of value is in the buyings

rwear, that the above' statement i s .true to-the. best of my knowledge.anc..L„f i „„„ n.....i, r« l which ni'iv ,™-P,dim; and correctly represents the thie state of-the .nveral-m attersitherei, ^ Z f o t ^ c h voiitaine(l,-:rs--sbi>\v)rby-th.e books-of- the bank.

TTGrrrcH niLEr"! ry s i < 1 dnu l-Uu-iienf'past. • It is the largest aerial beacon.

-SidiMtribed- and sworn to before- me- this 4th- day-of January, !!•;«).• * ■ *!l tlie." wo rid, aiuHts- rays extend loiJohn R. Colo, Notary Rubbc. - 75 miles. It is capable uf

from the colds they have captured. i >Frsr—Mercy~Coni an -ivceivetb-tvord : ----- ;

Monday of the death_of« sister, M rs.;Holen Nichols -while-.spending .the-win*--]--- sss er'm- FloriUaT Mi's. Nichols spent! “““

smne" time_a year ago with her sister i _ ' liehi anil made many . friends. She 1

.!.s_Hamgn...Mission- j

You, too, will profit by making BUICK. or MARQUETTE your choice.

My commission .y p ^ ^ g u m .-j. 1 :i^-^unL_aens^u^_Tliis-ik the ,H>|-u,.y- s -oTl-etrh-(r,.e amt „HS ke-ptTp“herr• C. Tollman"

A. A. Palnu-i ' O, D. Schneider

Director-iipproaolv- to -answei jng tlie qmTstion I m‘mbLq.Hhip sint;e, you are asking about. It is- expecter'- - ^,:"- A-„V,iltI A() ==t

-that eventually-all —s1yh>s- will—-be■equipped with these powerful beacons.


The Kempf Commercial and Savings Bank"Qtic-Y.—Wirs~th<;re any man ever

■■“elected.p'residenVbf the United .States : unanimously? ■- If so. w ho wasmt ?

Ans.—George Washington- was u"-:: ichigan, at the close -of "business. December -a 1, l!t2:t, as calloifior naniniously chosen president. Tie was

by tin* Commissionn of tile Banking Department. The only otic that has that"distinction.. ' .. Resourcesa-hs aiiVi .-l.iifi'ic,mts .

- Tninsiti-.-i Secured by f-Nrflati‘T.d: .......

<iummercial ’ Savings'- ...— .S24S,1 fio.jsli

' T754T; ir" - - - - - - -........... * ,s;;,s m .s().

Miss Agnes Adams of 8t. Clair is"]expected here this week to join the-i family' circle.. _• ■ - I]_ Mrs. M. Kr' Andrews entertained on |. SamlayY-her niece-and-nopiiew,---M4v i- and Mrs. RalpF Amlrews ami her sis7"


ter,-M i’s.T',ainvi*'-Uvm’etV-:in(l-two.-chil-]-- dfen, alt of ■ Yiisilaiiti. WHEN BKTTKR AUTOMOBILES A HR RlfTI/lL -BiLICK-AVILL BUILD THEM

Try Standard Liners—only 25c.


h.'liUi: Mi.-s24ii.s02.7.'i > sb.xsi.sQ sd:;;i,ijs7.",m y’s.Tl'i 7o < 1 s.'blbs >■>!■> fssTr-:

~T:-,-riTT7- ;-nuf->mrTi~ri 1 resr ■■ ia.:4Lu001- 1- Iloiubn—in .(JUiee1 '■. S.. .Hmfds and Certificates ol'-

- r '] *

Indi-l.iteilness-' Pledged ■ . .oi in ■ . 1:f >11f I - ■.. . . . . , . . ‘Jii.OdU.OO


:..* rvi-s, / •............ . * , __ .D'ie. 1 foiiv Fi-ij'r'i;;d Res'e.rve. 1 iil !il< .b.rsiv and- Uijc fi bm Ranks iii 1 iesm-x i.' . . . . . ... „... . '. ___-.■-8.T4eHH^trrd^.(TH'Ufietites...o 1 •; mii-bt-i'■''mo.--- i i-j• T as legju I' sv-rve ■ it-

ir.g- I >t-pi. O nly __ _

T47b-i4vsTi: -s->-=y; i j^, Y7Y. s'

}:■ s ' c-O itiingi.. !:i iijii Clearing House

, yMibiiii’d Ah-ii.uiits, .vizi • 'v.-np-afts . ... ... T. :Ranking llouAe ......I'.imiiluri- anti 'Fixtures' ........JLri iiii)aawS.,.liiiiul&wlli.i;itid.tii4—ii*i.l ii fifOvk—f',r—8a 1 ekei- oi ng - V-to'-k of l-'erl'-i a1 lb-serve Rank . i . , . .“ . 77. . . '

x /Md7.:i2 10,000.00



■SSHO.l 2! iLiabilities’ v- ’

vapital Sttirk71 'aid Ilf-', . . , . . . . ..Surplus l-'y .»irj—Tidfvtdi"0-Mrf>btsiTret---T'-rn*-.-mrT~- 7~"'rrrfeTrrr" ~ ...

':'.vid**niL I

$ 00.000.00-—40,000.00 -•“ T)T04t7T'"-

1,5b 1.55 'r-',< inmm-iiial.'Deposits, viz.: ■ -

' d 'jOnnm-rida! Deposits .subject, to Clierk X 172]] liT.O'i; 7■ m ' 'ertifii-d Check-. . . . ;. . . . . ; ' 1T4L10 •

. ‘ * Cashier’s Checks '.. ........... ... r1:'. .; . i .. . , . ; .-. , . .. .. x,087,7:; -' ■"“ 1’ii-neTbHvi mei-rial C'ertificati-s nfDeposit-.hrrv;. . ..-] 4y5 i:X;4x

AavingsiTlepiisits, viZvFiniok .accounts■ ■ rtilicate,,-

accouni>. Subject to Savings -By-Laws . , , . . . , $420,400,40 cate.s nf Ip.qxtsi't...Subject to Savings Ry-[,a\Vs 28,8(iL4r; ' -

ffarf.Vi i .Tuta].--

m m ,rr: .7y4;j : ■ ■

,\„ tes and Rills.Ri-discouiitedT$44!rj270.0rr'-

None •

t ...y •• .

Hills Payable ......... ................. ......... .......... . . . . . ^ 2 ( 5 . 0 0 0 00Bonds Sold Subject to Repurchase . Noni-!Customers’ Ronds' Deposited *vith Rank Jor Safekeeping '.......... . I7,d00.00*

- Total ---- . . ... v . . .*. . . . . . . ... . ... .V : ............ '. .$XM0,I2L5<I!Slate of Siii-Iiigun,.County.of-Whshtenaw, sw.. '’ ... . j, I, John L. Fletcher,. Vice Resident 6f the, above'named bank do soleir i

iy sweur, that the above atatoment is .true to 'the ibest of my knowledge, arid'- V; L:" - 7 belief ftnd'TerrectIy;represbnts the tni&- 9tate"-of thi:'several ‘Matters thcroir ''

ontained, as shown by the books of the bank, ;~ ........ T ' JOHN, L, FLETCHER, Vice President.

.wms»:W,:. ■'—— tiiJisc.r'.ibnd-Und..riW.(,..dliu.-thiaJlth..tiay..o.LJLanHary.t,lt)20^^ i™i. ‘ - C. J. Mayer, Notary Public. , ..Ti

' 5 . , ; . -My Cbinmjssion expires March f», 1333. T ' i, p Correct Attest: : r' - ' - !

> , 1)7C.'McLaren T. , , f • ' >ttprz rectm's.:.:....:-:-.— .: :- 7'7zrmzzr

' . • Otto O, Tiuick ■ , ' ■• ■» ; ' . ..

jf?'. - *x~r- >.

I N D E P E N D E N C E Electrolux - Noiseless Ref rigeratioir“No Tniittoi* vvlmt tlioi'r' ineomu,“every- .v<umjf:Conjile should have a bank account. . . -It. is more, than a reserve to meet unexpected expenses. • It. is.more. thpn„a means of obtaining more-comforts and

.conveniences. ' ___•:r 5IbaiikTV,ccQTtRt-iuid:a'.::i:eg:ulaiL.methocl50.JL.savi ng_-c^aUr-a

leeliiur o f, it feelrmr of aelf-respeei: ~

Mamtaii'SHi Health Zone TemwiTituroTrom 12 toTiO degrees Fahrenhuit—

Mouey is not everything, but the .'lack of s u f f ic ie n t funds often brings unhappiness. Do not let your married life be threatened by. iinapcjal worries. -

-----O pe u-tlm t Su to ilu y !

A t iny g a s f l a m e d o e s a ll th e w o r k . . C o m e in a n d s e e i t . m a k e Ic e f r o m H e a t . — — — — — -- -

W ith a d o w n p a ym e n t an d m o n th ly in s ta llm e n ts y o um ay e n jo y a n ic e le s s r e f r i g e r a t o r .

-M.epib,e r I edeyaLReserve-By^tem-^-jim tnl Sm-nliib ’ a . . a ./Ia.Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 140 ]0 0 0

Founded in 1870 'Af«rkf>-l4-A: r-’ i»v Chelsea, Mich.

Phone4264 — ^ iin A rb o r l4 c 4 t -: 4 , p ij.', 4

.A -•

tr \ :


i :r.”Ilf V>r,WS> ■


T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 .1 ^98(1.


Thf .Muiiith Brotherhood will put or a ix’oKfam' »t- .the U. 13, chunih on Sunday-.evening, January,sW, All-ttro 'welcome W attend.

Mr. and Mra. Herman., M aim .-of Dansviile a,1< Mr. un<l Mrs. Rupert lliivkiE.^ oi M un it,) s l,e n t T h u n tilu ^ with theTr co u s in sM r. am) Mrs, W

)"* Friday night at the school house. Jhero was a-good attendance, regard- ««s of the b itter cold. Following the

L««1«‘,^ io n .a siifiial hour-was en­joyed and a lunch served.' ’IV next nmftting will be hekUln* tiiird-Frlday n Fdliruary at which time. Founder*

iray will bo observed hy a free-will offering.

Vicar,v.MrTai^ Mrs. Kmory R tm dm anam i

childi'Wi visittMl reitttiveft jn Hoimfittiton Sunday- .

j{n ami_Mr», ,W. Vicary entertainedthe i td U n ^ J u & to r^ a n d J u ia b a n ib -M 14

Mrs, WXFVSehuimui, Sunday.Hr. mnl Mrs. Gorton Hiothmiller of

pctroit spent Saturday and Sunday #|th the former’s father, Milton A.j/cthmilleiv "Mrr~nnrt-Mr*r-Gl&yton ’Ifentechtof

■j nd"funnly- of -J a o ^ w -^ i< d d r-S w )d tiywith Ml . and Mrs. George RerttflchJer.

— h rr-W aU o r^K o aJs-an d JG co rg o d Jtan ^ley of Ann -Arbo^ isportt nn evening •recently with the form er’s mother, Mrs. Theresa KooJ*. -- Milton A. Riothmiltoinspo nt~ Motk day in Jackson. _ _

Mr. anil Mm, Emory Itundm an and family sifent"Sunday w ith Mr. ^and

"Mrs. HuhSmith of Hoar Munith.M ir n h d ^ t i 's r W»n^ ’HnrOev' s p e n ^mmI.iv in rh e lsn a .. M rs- Geo. HoffmMonday in Chelsea.H, J. Lehman and Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Fi Moeckel and daughter spent Sunday with Mr, and ; ~Mrs. --H azea

Lehman an d . fffmily "of North . F ran­cisco, : - ;' M rs. Vivian -Schenk an il 'dftuightcr,

..Sandra>: spent S a tu rd a y an d S u n d a y

-Miss Nidda Scherer was home ft omAnn A rbor over the weekend.

Reuben Keeler was in Jackson Mon- day, on business.

Tlie Win.' SundersiW family enter- jained relatives ■ front Jackson a Michigan "Center'over the* wTukrohd.

George Scherer was in .Jackson . business over the* week-end. ■

A rthur Frey huMvr»vi*ml from his injury and returned_to Ann . Arbor, whe-re-he-ls-einployffj,~ — - >—


OTUNClIrPgOCEMHNtiH ,tonne Boom#, Lheww, MM>„ Jitn. ft, c m , Unwell mat Irt-Ttk-uftr B^ninnMwilns f» y to onior by Pres. HuiDbIs.

- «SMjS»lh . k x m itu Jii-UaUm. (.'JniwJUir, J)*u- Intwiem'c, Strlutoi-, Hummoi, uwi lluriiu.

Minutes of mooting of Dec. 1#, cttml 'aiiii“Wliovad. ..-.........* ........ . L—..J _ _.?Movorf-jiy-stI'iiiuir ami’ biiiiiwriw] i>y-n«iii* (Ilia wu Hi'tapl Ilia InvIDiHun to join tiia Mlt-RL h«ii MunU-Ijup Jx-uguu for Ilia coining y«ui iUiU-w»Ui- ” ..... *“• • -

I lie following lilllh wore road by Dui rlark:• * - fkuloial Fa lift

L. L. ft W, W, t ’omm., light*, wuiar - mnl repairs to ()«•, I . t412Mrulmui' Motor Solas, chains fur f)iv trucks

(iml sloiasa .l-’ab, I , ....... TiAUiWill. AtMnsmi, 1*2 wio. v ilify ' Miiki

euik'ti fk KhIii'iiiii’, Xmas hue mnl, »in>nlle« , . _ r,,'inl»owftrrt\l»rwks, ,«alKry for alilef RirU r;il.: v.

lierl, tt Hm« anil Kolb liras ..... IJLMinihalHon Stiiiiiliiril, null Hub I nv room’l l ____

liriK'aeiliiim. ■ . | a.aiiKlary-lanwrij 11 lirw. Khmul,

Ins snow

lac* Elect Son will tw held in the Sylvan Town Kell, in the Villa** at Mkhli__ ___ ____ _Monday the Thlrrl day of ’ Feliniaryr ioyo, and that the pdeti of aoeu eiteciel election will be oiwn- ut-wyen oVdooli-ln- the-torenw/n -of-aald day, or an soon thaiwafler as may tw, aiul con­tinue ojwn until elybt nVJw-k in the aftemnonon theilay nf uui'h-ii(ioeiai eliwtlnii fnt4ii»-iuir (Mine of aetermiuiOK whether tlie ertion of tlieCommon Counel) of the Vlllaxo of (l^isea in makitiK two contract* for InstallliiK Hnnltary

ttirrrtsr -0m »r Sytta»» lj»-s*ld“V1IUire and the aHlonV‘i'^i',i0m',r llllt iluouui-l. .Sitom; J>un- of snld Com/»oi> t’liuttHI In ittying :to /uUd

U'r o /tl .j®, . . contractor# the Hum of 146,020.84 on) < of tlieeoneral fmills of eh«. VIIIbko of Chelsea In partial payment of end to apply on said can* trmits he fall had ami ennhimed and shall a Villace loan of It0.000.4d on the faith amt credit nf the Villaye of Chelsea to pay for tliq lomiiietlon of said Eanllary Sewer System Iw mithorlzeiLend at wh|ob election tho VoUi

“ -hatttWr the #oirni^»no=-eont»7tt8"-of

OUUHH yOU CLHUCATION MOHWAGK HAWi l U i m OV PTBUCATIONSTATE OF MJI'JIIUAN .Stair of Mirbfyan, In the Cireoll Court fori Jfefaolt bavlne Iwen nuutu In Die <innliiin,4

to Dw ('iH'iilt Ooui'l for-the County of W'nDi- tJu- Coonly of nashtenaw, In ('hanrerr, 'o f a nuiituouo bt-arlmi dale N'livvoiian 10, 1 „i.aiiittw,-fn-l.'hamiary,----- ~ - 'lianiy.-iioovor, J'lmmiff,

Yu,Kmily Ifoover. Oefemluiit Si/il (wiuliuK Jn Die (’livid! ( ’inn 1 lor WnMh

Williiiiii W. Newt'oinb mnl i'doiIi Flalntitls,'

Vu—Km her M. J v l-v..

irlven by Elmer it, hlne nn-l KaDwrln* Uiltth Ids wife, to Mary it. Visnliia/-, wb(<X niortenee was recrndnl In Dm oifo/v of rh« Itej/Jali'r of iJewt* for Wi -littl.iis1 i/nnfTy Mi. h-

ilufns Nbhol^ I'liilena NMiok, Devem.hiii }V V. Hawks, Hevsodier I'. Iliiwk*. I)evun«hire l.,,,!!* 'I', ilnwki, Oavenshire F, Jluwks. 'Wjljljo,} Wn ■i^ono) tu)riu m itmit, . -Jbuaa. -:(JiJlman, Mar- nihrtfl v ii' h\2Kurot-f,. (dllnwn, Willlum hakei, William «'1 f|«1vJi In imi#L Uuynmti, Ojarles Fuller, I'nrulir. Ii, Fuller,

lenaw County, in Citunrot y, on Die I ID) day i liom, In l.iber 170 of mui itrueei. on \mury, A. D. i'lHU, ni Ann Arbor in --niil I on Die I Kill day of .November, I (I'.'i, by «esM,n

..!of.which dofanll the morimnuv nlei-t« io «ni.» ■mitfwwrtty ‘lHflHUUHnV~W''XKl> -('OliTruyTi-UMiv. Hie whole mifoum' «7 .Halit nun i unee a4

ibnU-JiU' dufeiulant,—KfiTTTy 1 iiSW._dua.--it!i<L.pityjiiilJi. upum.-^ninb loortvaKe- . lesbleni oj Die Stole of MriTb/.lhere is ijiilinw) io -be due a.i thn ilme of this

r at- Cambridge in ll«; SlKle' ItiAivti for prliodluil, |nlern,l, 'in,urn Mn^irrhuFerrjroii 'motion of (’iVvniiiujvli A ‘ mid’ intornr'ya Tees' o»’ iTro.nlud fo

UNADILLA- .J Jfeti'l IlflftYtau. JL Ill's, .Ht-flniy.Shoe.

■ ,und.IM rs, Cjjtu< 10 llosd an d Mr,-an d M rs. AI.hx ‘Fyp»»r spout . W ednes­d ay J11 JonosvU le, . ,

OJi p -JlJfH'shfHi -vvas*"rn H ow ell' on S a tu rd a y , the* uf .Mrs.^Geo. M u tte r .- A^ n u m b er from hon* ’a t t o n d e d " ^

m? r ? ' ,'i 'an<l ' ^ on lmiu lut‘l “ l G reg o ry

: Arthur F«lwr, id hrs. at Qoe, ah. mi.' Alfh'k’h, 21 ht'Hi- Ht ftiut, sit, , nn.Earl Stawmt, 21 hi*, nt ftue, di. *ri,;'

ti'i hi)

H offm an rcturiu id to h e r hom e h e re a f te r sp e n d in g - sev e ra l w eeks in D e tro it,

WaiTOn Jllll'ton Was given a s noprluo

G orton.-.Miss Mary. Otto spoilt Saturday., and

Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Otto, in I.yndoit.

K 2ra Moeckel sp en t M ondayChelsea,.


party on his birthday hv u number of friends.'.' Mr, and Mrs. Clair Harnuhi- and daughter spent Monday evening, a t .UxtUionteZorM r . and Mrs,. Wftvhe Fills-worth of Chelsea.

B<1 -Huitim, hii«il|iiK-~i«»i|w......... ..Carl LliiVd , TI Drr»<, af :firiiy «h'v“RTiv" WHllar_ <‘1 , hnullnif sinnr _I.,- llmnir, 4 hrh, al-’ fiOef nfi.viD ’AMano Aldrich, .ft hra- at .Vic, ah. Kin

Jaim-MitEmia^■'* u ...... ’John llmiHiu', Ifi Iuh. at film, *ii, sn. John Mycr», mi lira,’ at 5dc, ah. «n.- F. McOml»L'._ia_lua^at_fHhs-Mh,-sii. . J . It. Jliifnllum. 1)6 lii'M ill run., Di.-mi— Earl Stewart, 16 hn,,-.'m fiUc.-ShTHin T~ ‘fam-Aliiridi—14 Ill's; ai IS!)<*, k|i. h»,-----

in,mi W,fin 111,51127 Ailf IU.511 H!>.5n ii.nn !i, 50 a.ufi7.511



4wiimita-, IA hrsT.-ut rfiniiialto, IihuIIiik minw . ................

j<eo McKuho, h Iii'b. nt 5110, sh. mi. Floyd Limtln, huullmr snow- Chelsiiu I.umbnr, Drain A C'o'iil Co.,

till! and coal ....I. il, Weiss, Imnllmi wave] niul vlean-


K.ilO■ M(Jil.illi■i .no



Ilmen I^uoh, huiillrm Krnval 11ml cleaii- llip streets .

Shmty Hyan, M -ajm s.-n i nue.-sli, mi;Fred Ait;., 5 hra, iil_5i)e, sh;-srb---- --Waller Cos, hauling snow-...Deo^-.Uiuclir l^-hriu~ne.-r>iiii,--*l)r-Mt.



dtolnui Tsuodi,-hiutttwg-*tfravel-’iinTt~Ftt,inK-


llin streets

Mi's. Fhnmet Hadley, is helping to nire for her mother, Mrs. Geo. Man- -sliiiHf-w'ho. buill. -- — — —

Mr. nnd-Mrs, Cecil Teachoiit tnillnd


mi George Ward and daughter, Flor­ence,- of Chelsea,‘on Tuesday ufti'i1 noon.

K, 1,. E. 1.

■Mi I,. A W. W,. Fund * W. W. Ordoi. sn A'W . W. Order 31----------


Wawnr F u n d -—J dIui Kiilmlmiih, l. hrs, iu-riiU', <d*nre

Iih* .iwwar

_S I

(Jckleru, jwii-tlul osllnnilv4----SStft

-. !-■-The young people of the neighbm:-

hood enjoyed a sleIgh1ng_pai:ty_M.(iiLi. day evening.

Sunday, the I tay m o n d H am 111 fu n j- T exas, -iiy -o f^ Ja ck so n , visfEetL a t th e ■ H en te r "home; W ec k -end "g uests= W ere

r-ftnrtfrrrftml fam ily o f P o n tl

S tm c k b liilg e^ W e—tuai'ii- th a t- LutejLves has- sold -his Turin—property—heir an d - purehasnd an orange-grove-.-in

Van I’nimdNo. a ....... - — ———- j i-jr,;‘jfr

, Moved by fjtrietei am) smuiotnal by Chand- lei' that hills Iw allowisl and onlors dniwn for tha annum 18, . lioll call. Yeas! Tiuslees

: (’liandler, J.lalicor, Lawriinrc. Stricter, Hum- Linal_and Harris. -Carried.

The-.foJhmiue..lleM»lu|hin-was—m,nh--------- . i-:

vvhkh shall b* an faltowat "Shall (ha aetionor tha i'ommon Csnunrll of Vlllatra of Chelsea In making two rontraista for inatalllnp Sard- too 8*iwer ftystom In «ald Vlllaiwi and the ac- t|oii.,of sulil Common Council in payintr to said crmtractnrH the sum of 145,420,14 out of ilia ueneraJ funds of the VillaKe of Chelsea In luuilui payment-of-wiHf to-apply- on said eon-- traotK }» ratified and confirmed and sheil a VWnxc loan1 of $60/ " 'STtiTcredit of the Vlllaire of Chelsea for-the completion said Sanitary Sewer System he a u l h o r l * ____

That;sajil micclal eleotlnn be condueted in every respect in the manner provided by lawforlspecie! eleoDona and Ewt the -VHlaae Clerk •s hereby ilirecterl to plv# notice of aueb elec-?lon by hayleir a conv of this resnliitlon.-pilb- lisfieil in the Chelsea Sth lid * rd al leesT twinetiefm^ the day of such election and by poatlmr notices of such election containing copies nf this resolution, at the polling' place of such eleotion’ and also tirten other nubile places in the-said Vlllaae-of Chelsaa at least fifteen ileyfr

Jiwfore the. date, of- such elec Don and-iiimwi wnmwtK uf mien iiuiini'uiihii null itfat?ilia of Tiurh si«cial election notice be hied Intlie ofllue of the Village Clerk."

■ Herbert'Ch Iamffler, Vlllaae. Clerk.Resolved further, That the form of reKlfltra-

tlon notlres for Mu;h eiiechil' ele'ctimi-iihiiillhias ^ollowsT’vl;:

. RKOISTKATION NOTICE ’'Foji.HmirlaLEIecUon-to bi1 held In lhu Vil­

lage of ChelsoBi State of MIchlBan on MoiTi- day, February 3, 1000,

Tn -the ■ nimlKliwI alcotors nf the—Vtllpye-of he!lain 1 filstw of IMIchlginr.— Nnth'e lH hereby

Mfltn. ' , .- •■ , 1 oiHplaini to lie hlul, mid a iopy ifiurenf io 1 piemises "nl /mblir veud'ic u. Dm bighesl lib)*, , j, ■ be iiivd, and » coj<y !beiujf u, !«,■ ujmiii > iler. -on Ihe 5th day. tit April 00*1 nl, f noAt .a. carrion, of Miid court, lulu, ni Die i in / plaloflilV aitorney, wiibio iwiuity days .Ti'elock- in 'tiro fniviioon, enMeni .-imulaii) rime,

V* ■ ,M or Ann. Alim, oir the aftei service on him of n-<opy ul ,md Idll, and ! «i the souDierly fruui ilmu m Die <-i#oniyloth day of January A, I), llilfu. . .........jjnpJye. of this tniUit^Miui.. Dial., m i|einu|r ilieio.-.' buUdlue in' the idly of Ann Arbor, VV w ibii'i uie

'present 1... 7100. Deorge W.. tsamply,. I’iieuil . «/ Dial .-aid bill be lukeii h- .l onfen-ed -.b; , couniy, siitlu nt Micblumi, IhniTioioh t)i« bu)l>i' 4HQU0, - ;-yv.— ■ *nld. non-iesWanl defeiidHoi;r’ ~~;iJlng in which lim fjiculf fniin,r:f«r-satrt':m univ

-in—Dthr-emtse-p uppoarhnr by iiic hlH -AiobTt-iri-fnrDier-onterpd-thirr tviDiiii Ivnrmi'—nf-:Wa,htimTry;r^—tnrtdTTTy mti.fy -ttBT awo'ifht. complaint .duly • verlheii,' preseiurd ■ anil nbai' nJiei Die date iieieof,-Die uild ididnDlf 1 ctaiineil lo lie One on ■ o»nt ntnin/uuu ,,m| ,-,p B7irt"Tn"tfur’snmffa'5irdb,'ftf'.■,ihft’7,-i7rtifr //iuV‘nii-7V»,».w;« ,fin(l<'«'^ThjK"di7ta7',t77'T«ri7i(nijsiieii in , i.igai comsTTo-wJi : V' ■■■ ■■■ .■■■■■fus Nichols, I'bijuim Nichols, DeveoDiloi p, i Die < he|»ea Hlandanl, 11 novvspman prlnled.'i Thai curlaln /deco m luucol 01 land .'ihn>!e

enuno of In Die immsblpof Vp-iluoD, f p<<aly«of' Wa*h-llawkit, Revensbot f*. Hawks, .lievenshire' I Hawks, -Jfaveushiiv I';—HawifK^Wiiiiam ”

, niiblisliad end cliviiljitini/ In Mild : Washtenaw nnd that >uch piddica

- 0,0,nr mitis-1 Umi“ t,*‘ince .In. ea«!|_i_woek foi -*iKaret D.‘ Dillinanr’WflJftni Jlukei, William E , wH^u-ijiL-ihuL bfe^m-w « copy < Maynard,' CbiiDe.- Fuller, Caroline H, 'Fuller, ' •»o-^er^wL-Oei.-oniiily on .mid-Klljnh W. Mo'ikmo, Julia O, MapnaNI,. f,iiey-i'‘h.!tond»Mt»’ -at .least twenty dnys

................................... W .; Vyashlenow and Dmr surtnnitificHtlnn-bo wms+termw, f i t u Ml r h l o i r t f ; - upil ’descDbwi .^tone,: Jw i^ , -Dil»n«n,-.--JofiHs- - iiiltnian, Mhi>4!. •^-■;-W**-b.^weel*-.fftj,-suirosslvt; /mji. Durfy--is i.ltrtt of If Ml Trust- Pnb- tisi»ioirr

Moi'Kiin, Jemes linker, John itolierls. ! pieaciibed for Ills upiiemu/ue;'! lo the .reeoiuetl mat- itiureoi.miTl-^tJ»mi~),liTTr^'irniierle, !' A ^ DoDler mderftd Dial Dm miIO. ololiivDTbrpI/ij/. paue 'fl'i^Wasbfi iiifiu creiM-y recotij

of this Older J be) u« i> pu>i of the omlli we.o one iiuai iei..<>( ooa-roBlileot Die souDieuM one <iuarle< uC accti/in- tou t lii),

liol'oi M Die Blown -three'south,' range seven lutai,' nrrvifriTiiiK Ills ennenrnnee ;*I Io recorder^ |ilsi Dmrcni^_, r,-n,,il{>j u , liu.nW. »

Kutiwriifu—itntJBm ............................... ..................lo i Dared, Jemirn y

Consider Crepo,- I'oiudiler -iDrejie,’" JOivid '-'Or} **}1] ' dofaiiiDoiH--at her M known jui-toHice . vHmith, Nolsgu Mr. Wing, Knimii JI, AVioK,' Ami > Modrassr by I'eKLlermJ imill." vjfnd a i:chn:n i ft, C. Driffen,- Tierney, J union -fc^JSverett—iw 1 heir.Tin rnivwii';-raeeliit jle»iaiid»Hit least twimiy dayiv !inforr| Attorney Tor: MoTiuakiTe;

. _ ‘ id ,pma_ JneieiJi. ,|nufnnlbeil Un—tho ■ apoeiew wi., ■ ltu»ines».—Addres*. Vpssury and proper oaiDes in Die jiIidv,. cniinnsi 1 Pv_D>e_de( i»liiJiL___ ;_^ 1___

“ ------IIIIWIWUUnI Ill-Tilts- ................

mn,Mli ry

____________________>U * * Tr irw-i of the ilefenilnniKuojecl^oailiJr1

Involved DioreJn aiul whoso-names spptm in Die oltice-nf the tteglster of liittsls fur the

If, Voni'lHNy*. ^ Mort^ainri* .

Jan- '!■ April k-lull.— -- —

rnuuty of Washtenaw as hnvino at somo Drue claimuil 11 right, TilIv, inleresi 01 .eslnle In the siiliject .mnl I nr of said cause, or slime portirm of It ' ' ' .................... - ' —


trinniaie, mam o f «iontgnn;--’nmnvr*iH nei'eny_ given that In conformity whh the "Michigan Mleotlon Daw" I, the lindorslgned' VillageClerk, will upon any dny, encopt Humlay and l-ogal_Hol|ilay, iho day of nny regularor »i»-dill election,' or prlmaryvoiectlon, reireive :for.

jegbarntlun the name of «ny_ legal voter Inealil VllliiHU not already—fegisteml-who-iffgyapply fo me personally for such registration. Provided howevur, that 1 can- rdceiVe no names for registration during the time Intervening hetween the Raiurday before such siieclal elec-

IS arah TToTilct' o f Jad k K W r

RKSOl.llTMW-- —Resolved, that the VtUage of ChBlseu, Wadi-

- . tenaw County, - Michigan establish, constructMr. and Mm.___Ivoa__a n d ' nnd ’ ' '

M entor Jo h n K in g a n d -fn in ilv -w ir i- ’ffo down Jn said Villago, according to plans, mapsAIDO) fr Til e re a s HimirnH F ro if ^nTTIgm ilTm iTr1 by'Drorgo Champ, showing the~houndarlea and d :M ia.s . JHiU4 -4 J(om.n,..a hom(il ■ Thoiv • <**w*—ttiyttawiip-tneathmr

-lionriLof Reglstratlmt-wlU-meet-iHuMai-in-aea^ Hlon in the Connell Room, in the Bylvan Town

"rfrftm lK w ish them huccokh in tho iFnowThe P. T. A. hold Its January mont- vciiturn.-^Hrlef-Sun, .

At St. Mary’s School Hall. Chelsea,J an. 24. Feh. 7. Fab. 21. Marnh i

U p - t o - d a t e M u s i c . “ R e f r e s h m e n t s . B e n e f i t o f

School. Auspices St. Mary Recreation Club. Bill, S ir E x tra^T .aS iea^cr Everyone Invited

Diet and the prnim.ied route anil location of ihe sewer or snwer.-i through snlil VUTage, wlflT Its depth, grade amt dimensions and showing cstimuteil cost of. <67,512,NO exclusive of all lateral I’oiinecDons' whioh-’weiv to be furnished nt DQc per lineal foot end whiuh'sald map is now deitosited - with and rm—llle ,- -w ith tb o Clark'of said Village. ^

Rusolved furlheV, that Ihe action of the Comelr miieDuft oil Jmrunrr - 3, ?, 11)20, whereby eald Com-

Viin I'ninal sml J. i'uIh (leklsrH fn furnish mi^leriaft ami to constriift_6akL_HanUarv_-ii6WerUystem known hr Main Hanitary'- Hewer- No. I and Main Baidlary Hewer ,Nor 2 for Ihe sum j f . I47,.\ia.aft-:he and-the-faune-ls-hinehy—ratffieri ami cnnArmeil.

— Rubnlved further that Din a£ltoii"'of theTtom- •men—Connell under dato of April .... -4434,-rwherehirs«lit“f,,omn)o"n €ounetf'«iReiM3]hJo' an ' uther aiul supplemental rnnti-MQt with R. Van. T'nmel and IVouls (lakleic tn furnish all tools, TTuitorisIs.THhnr -and eoTifltjnTet^sll-ftdiTrtnieis- ylre-connettlons Trom the mains nf the Hniii- tiu-y Sewer RysUntv toTlm~cnrb~w»lk-:urL|iropgtvr

and the same Is hereby raDfled aiulcoiirtrmed. Resolved ftrrther that the aft.loiTnCthe Cbm

TTTmr‘Cmini-it_iiv paying to Hald -noiitraotprs D. Vim Pnmel niid Tauila (ieklore -from -the Kog’ (mil fund of said VlllagiTof Chelses the aum,to engineer. 11,757,56; to jyintrnctorH. <13,462.- 3b; total pilid,- 445,020,S6 in partial puyment of ami to apply on Hii|>|dfeH, irmtui'lals. and' la­bor already.*Tiui’nlahed and performed' by..saidcontractor* lie and:'Dm snnm■ Is hereby ratl- llcil hiul cnivttrmed.

Don and the day of auch election,The last da# nf registration does not apply

to persons who. vate under .the Absent Voters law.

That Saturday, February 1, 1630’ Is the ItAHT HAY —for— reglutratlon by iwsonal up* plication for-sudh speclul election.

Notice- la-hereby, further given that the

or"BS’-'nav|ng~a non i»- enaegr thyrepn wllhuui .having rpiiveyed1 in- relnnsed tlie snmn,nnd who might, id any-lUnM. undet the provl-; Defiiuli having been imaln in liu- l upihDun.- siuns or legal otTe.A of surji inMiuments ot-r0f a-m m taage lienrlng rfiiu- ,Jnn.- a,

-record-claim-or ifltempt in^Udni.-ur hr im. given l,y William'. J, KeihyMiii and Htinili K. titled in .claim heneflts, ihcreuialer, and.T> " ‘ further-apjiuarliig 4o the smisfiicDmi of Dm (gnnd—that—suld-nlmve named - parDos^arn-duatP ni^lMl.^.tWltTiSiillddlir-llfiRm ’-----------------------

DED. W. HAMID,K, m d D i rf nvaimugh A llu-rhe, Ijrc iii Judi-c. j . . . MOItfDAfd. SAIT.Attorneys for I'lnlptlir, Jan, |.>Fnb 27 ' - IbdtinU.-.having been minlc ;m m, rondliiiu: -.Ruslness -Arlilreaat Ann ■ Arbor, Mich, ; "f a catlain niprigage pffldt- h> i liarie,, HA true-copy i,Seal) CinranuuV f, Cray, t'l#ji-D.;J •DJDD' and f-'niTle Young, Im-bnuil /kki ...... j.' ...... t ■ ■■ _ 1 ■ ■ ' - (.’Wife,, nt ny11an' ’Inwnsiiipy -Wa»hianaw county

~Ml('l)lg!in, lir......... ......... .. ... ........ van niwiishTTWssliie/uiu k /miiTT; Mlcblgaii, daii.l the Duriiteiiib - day--of—Ma ruii—in-21), -nnd- 'rerpnlwl In Dm x/lii'i' of Dm fUigisler ul licnds for iim •-(iiifily -wt '.WgshtoiiBW and. Htiilc uf Mb hiimn n l/iliar i'.'ift uf morlgnni" on pagi, 23 and'im

- i

Ulfs, mnl n fuir illEgaiitthey have been unable to wlmre any ni -Diem ■ mayvWiere tlmir liclrs reslile. nr i ____ __

i/1? •,J|,4*-.-mtiy--0r might have llierelii bar-! lorniiy's fees as pi-ovldisl for in snlil niurlgayu, t corer me na'nmVn • securf'd- by been dhposad of by will _or_nt>>i wise.,and Dial , p ,, .am of nlneieen Ii Bed amD-ien dullar^ ' 1

■Kiicmtelcndiiiils iiannot "lie ■ mirsonldly.- .-gu-vwl with."prni'Bss-, therefore, on million of fiavn- naiiKh-A Ibirke, atUirneys for said plalntUfs; It Is O rd ered that the a-piicnranim nf. said da

-Haiti—In—the—'Village of Ohelaea, un BiV,THR- TtAY, FEHRUAlVi 1 .0 MO mul^wlil^odtlTnioDtttit:

* l * 4Jfl4k|f #44 4 I j_ 4 4MH/ Hi

The inujiose of '"rng1 storing surh of the ipiall- bed aleotors of said Village ps shall proimrly apply therefor and who'lire-not already regis­tered.

NOTE, Every iierbon desiring lo vote at any iteiteral—uiL.-apeclal—election on nny-uiiestloivwhich Involves the direct expenditure- nf pub lie moneys or the Issue of bonds, MUST, Inadilltlon- to all other i'it.mllf1ratbuis of an eletr L<"VlfAYE PROPERTY; ARHEHHED FOUEl


ELKCTION,All provisions relative to registering by af­

fidavit.and an to absent voters-shall-apply-,and lie In foi'ce as in roglsl ration In VUI1»al«d January 6, 1080. ;

. . . fferberf rt. Jyoefflei, Villaue Clerk,"'— R«Holveii3jiTrthBr^:‘'f h a t- ttri!- (ll*irk of said VUlag* of Chelsea be and Is hereby dlvectodto cause noilces of aeld registration to he pub lisheiHn-the-Cholsea-Stamlswi-fit-leasl- twloe before the day nf hhIiI special election, the

rilrsi—publlcaDon-sIml 1 he at least fl f teen - days prinp-dQ-Oio day—of—such—i>| and by posting nr causing to he-nbsteil a cony of. such rflKlsTnttroi) at the j oUlng placo itnd oin

fendanls and each and all of them lie onimeil In lIiIh iiimse within three- rimiiDis fi’uiu ihe date of tills order, a ad that in case of their alipuiiruiii'e.they cause tliuir answnr lo the bill <>f complaint in lie lilud and u-cupy—ilieritof. -civwl on tlje nltrirnuys for the iilidntllfs with- , In fifteen days after .-service iiiion -them nr- tlielr attorneys of a. ropy hf tiaid-bill of eom- I Dili nt, and that In default tlmnsif said bill lieluul lt Is fiirtliui’ Onlered that said iilalnilils liatl cause aTopy of this order to bn pulilisli-

N-o inncuedlngs bur lliLvammint

In Ifli» J>S»T’’rlWriijfjrft ID '.mortgage.

:-l( . |)V 4.■hereby.given■ Pini■ Mild mnriKage will lie. fore- clpNifl )»y a sale o/ the mnitgagi'd iM-nuilsos nt public vendue -tp the highest blddei -drv tlm 5 lb day of April’ next, at Dr n’clorl; III rhe forenoon iuistciTi standard' iiinu, at Ihe soilllmrly from ilooi- In"the city "nf Aiifc AiFioi state <*l Mlrlilgim, Dial Imlng Die building

been tliken':-hi roliecl Nnlfce Is Riunby .(«ivmi, Tlint iiy vinue of_ „"• ............................ ..................... ' ' lifItio powia of Mile, rontgiauri In said mortgage,

niul Dn,;. fifrttuic In such -ruse nunle nnd piv». 1 idl'd,'-—.71 KTiTunffiy; flic FDDr da> of April A, IJ. ItiSa,-' al • Ian o'elrn V-ln—rhn-focenmyn KiiMni .n tSiandm d . time, Dm uridiu.-lened will nl tlm -Muion .Slceet. enhenen nl-lhe -Cou>t

ihe i coil nt v building ■ House ill Din-. J'i_ly-. m_Ann Aiboi. tVnslilenuwr, Washtenaw enmity, , rmnf7; Michigan, Dial ladog Dm pluce, where larlng the building In ' (lie Clicun Court -fur iIm t 'iiuuu .ul Wuaht*-

which .ihe riicult Court fin- the courtly jc held, i bow Is. held, sell al laildli.' auclloti, to Dm hlgln to satUfy Dm amount claimed-to be dim-on said ! ca1 bldilc', Dm premises 'duhnrlbcd in .mid mort-

t?il In 1 nn Chelse~RIftimum—-Wiuiln lii’iiy-Oag*.

Mifitifa-and-all -1 egitl- ront-s, .up wit; curtain plei-a ni- ranvul of land situan being

All Dim --f-ffiKf*. or -SO much thereof an mav Is- im imart----——

fvmir DiliTHnir, a1 nBW8|)ti|)Ui'‘'|ll'llinif. iniir 11'--lied in said county .nf Washtenaw, and cn nuTaflng llmr'eln, . and that : suiih . nubllcaliim lie. coniinueil therein, once In each week fro- ul least six successive' weebH,/_nr. Diul.r.sidd

-plnlntllfa cause a copy of this fiidor -td-'-be lairmnially siu-vu<L upon said ilefeudams _muJ

TTtanreach nninm i ut: tessriwenty dSys ImfiTi-c Die time prescribed Da- iheir appearance:

MED-- W. HAM1M.U. f;ir..,dt .T.,,k„

-f-swnmy—of-—WsrdHeiiftwi--Htwte—oi ......... ..... .......... ..........................nub. I<wii‘eHwiH“iu -tottoMr8'r TTww li, Cuimninirt irf)"llTl*w|t»p- ' him atlni'iii )' - J ewi tirwtt ....... ..........,1,,’ hit- ir"point on the imrD) line oi the Itcrroit, |r Tim west half, of the .-.outhcasi iiuariac ,

ii.nd m ,, i eeciinn number..twenty-two r-'2j, Town '|V Woulif, ItiHWfO-Three Ecm, •. Sylvan. Townsbi


mnl : D> pay Die ai'nounl. su as afmesnlil due on aiim . In^-Dnrt-bwrDwger-iogelhcr with the - lases-palil—wbKMfrbfgirn j s11 fsu cirn)—tnleresl. unit—it.ti—lend—ri 1-f! —j :- •

ill iitlncawe-

Coiiiilerslgped i .Clarainon L, Pray, Clerk, To tip.- Aimve Nmneil Defendants“Take’ notice Dint (he above entitled -i au'su In-

Vo I ves -I ho I ltl« hn_tius— fiillnwlllg -iliini-iilio t-

Arbor, Wiishtenaw (..imply, Mlciilgan. and hrouKht lik s)»l11;T!|re.1111KJuuri . foiL-:t|m;iciiuiiiy

iitennw, lirTTrammry, for the fafriiosc'of oiilotlng tllle to ihii■ sulil. ilcsiH-lliail_umiss.isea^tp-wlt ( .

A ft-D IB g-f art at-l W-ftt »«’«r- ll r

Jai’hsnn mid ('hiragn Unllroad t'o’spoint im teci"(<a'si oi the~fi?}tiit wherirrturmmtr. . „ .. . .line-of sold rail road .1 niersecfs :ihc; weM lln«'i:jv(“,bleimw (sumty.Tdlchlgan,of-.--iictlon- one In-the--T«wflshl|ivrnf- Yfisibimi January i, i t i Ff f r —-thence north easterly along the mirth Hue uf 1 . ' '"7""I ' " " dolin Distilc.i,. Mm tga'nis* said —ra II roiuJ-coin puny.’.-. rjg)D -of—way—2llii.l I L t i - - ■ ” bawdl;- A l.toi-iie>.. lus—Monguiree. • feel ; thence north pnntllel with the ■ west, Tine " Caelwra, Michigan, JaTi. ffT-Apiof said seuiIon one,. »I,IU feet i thence ' wm.i ” " 'J .... ,

feel io ihe. wi--i. iiim ol said sectlnnifTTuF . , , .............nnei thence' south along the wes’l line of sa

ii i he norih west e/Ji ncrMORTDADE NAl.i; r

............. ,.-m west riJi ncr.; ’ DoimiU-hi4v|iu»-l>«sm-nmdfr-lp-ttu^raiiTtiui>r.of luiiii of Anna fteiich ; ihmicc:easterly fmniD ! °f H tnoDgago Imailug dfitc August 6. >ff2«

Arbor, Wiishtenaw Cimpiy, Michigan, and - t he,,.. |a;i-IIU» - MV --nfiiir—; 7m»M; HWHTf» i l i iu f j TlM»ri',4> 1 1 > |.. ,1 -Is - ..i Y’

4spifher|y—afboy—jjhg-eitnt’ jinn of Miii.l—tleaiilV s . Vn?4 land,' 118.83 feet to the place of beginning, 1.yV*oltnui In Ubm ITh ul Mor

!honciit{,,ol llt,,(Di--w as -iucoidwl - In- ’Dm nMhe of .14...VVoshfcoftw - Counter

gage's no page

Twrce |-of—1 and: 'str’m~ liclng~k part id ihe west mm-Im I/, of the sTmTh- I .l,'’' "h-'inhymr ,3, Ih-m. ui'“n whloti Mortgage:"--- ^ r^pwa3M>ftA.lVipriar-()J^seciipiMi)n'ei-'tdwrrh'tu^ ■^mjtlmyLio—tbiuU m uf ihmv

unfed and 'lining in Die townshlirof Weiisreiv Ominty of WasbtenaW and Dtato of Michigan tnnru parDnulaily ilesinlliml as followsi

"AH Diat nui’t n f Dm \Vost half rjf frnuilonal suciion . nnniner nisj Weliwter Tiiwnshtp,' lying

ten "other pt'lbilc' ,rliilrs'h't IF iKo’ n " V I I i’ah'' °o'f i -w Townshl n. ombriml n» - In nils describedChelsea, af blast fifteen JitU-dgys: prior to she- .ii*:.M Ii]wsi lleBinnihK at .thmafluili .'(iim'ler

Resolved fui'ther that Die enst and expense -nf-im rylhg out-unil-fomnletliw -said- two oon-

jjysiiun so cunt raided for by said Common Council iir Dm sum of 460;06n,Qri be paid by a general Ift.x'-ujion all taxalile. [iroimidy of the siild 'Village of ChelHea and That the Common Council of . said Villago Issue bonds or othar>vlsc borrow the sum of . ISO,0.00.60 bearing in*

o »— ■ : - ieiYist not. to bvconit- «t\—par cent pjnrtgluufailh aiul creillt of tho'snid.Villago of Ohelaea

j for Ihe paynmiU of said liondn or other ohli- untlon so made by said Csimmon; Counoil,.

Rosolved fiiithur, that tho pi-opnsftlon-----caisu—fho


fnllh ami credit, of tho Village of .ChelBea forIm imrpiiHo of paying for siild Banltary Sewer

1 System so cimlraoted for by (tontmoii Councilnf hkIi! Vlllmrc of .Dhnlwett. nnd now mu- '

day of sueh election and that proper, affidavits of. aueb .publication nnd pnaDng. of such no­li cea be filed In the office nf tbe Village Clerk,

Uosolveil further, That the Common,Council of_jihi.d _Villu«c of_CholseiLiloeH hereby ..deemsaid Huiilfafy 3ewoi' sKystom necessary for tha public hfealth and welfare niui that all owners aiul noeupanla of Iota and, premises ail,iolning nml

Imifter construlted and maintained, Hhali. bo feuulrpd to constriu.-f (u-lvnio drains- (herefrom jo conned with, sanitary system nnd thereby to drain fundi lots and (ucinlses; and to keep siidi private drains. I'n repair and free from obstruct Iona and nuisance':h nil 1 f- hucIi '.private-

atns-aro-not—eonstMi(>iotl~rto4-l>HdriUfned-«iconllna.'.-to ;Hitch rouuirenmnt the Common Council may enuae such work -to ho done at Uie-exnonwr • nf—afteh—ovhwc- nr-r-oni'imant. timLtbo ^amouni o r j | ^ n

•unith anil UBht of Hnsti Lake iniiF Die Huron iilver ; -and- alsiFthu- norlliivuat mmi'icr-a t- the' northwest' <iuniTer- uf section seven of sa.ld

post nf section si,-s i thence i linrthorly JSlUi.lift

rangr 7 e«Ht, Including Dm- frunfe sinre ami I j.n|Di;e Im prlMcipnl,. intents aiul .attornetCe; garage on this land, . tee n« provided for In saut nunUtage, the aum ;

• t ID (toll hundred ninety*five dotliira, «i» on*..-1 liatixl, ilaiiuiiry .ml, llala-. _ i.omkHkhs liavlag .been (liken in roHiwt ilu '

v, , t.inltlc f . ( ad well anil hale' l aiDvcll, , eninniil sciured :by said-nioi'tirage.It, I . Drifien^ ' ‘ Morltragn's. | Ndlice "is hereby given that halt) uiortgurj i.

Mod g f l g g a s , . J a ti(u.A |u:ll... ft, .1. w}l I lie ti>rerln»i»f to a sale-ot-ihc mortKasM—r-r Ilim)in-sc Ail(irc.„-, YpsHanll, -M.lrh.’ —I premfsek a(-public .veiutun 'in Dm hlghwrt-blftT -— —.— —— ------ —,—- * der im-Dm—2 uii day_ul JAdu-uary nest at. tanVo t ip v itf—\t i i iit# 1 ar - o B'diia'ci iiuim a' ' o f.ioi k .iti I lie fuiemion, Rfislern Htandtird . M ill! r. ID ,MlHIT(iAlir. FfiKbjTifthtllik—- time,-at Die -unitherly frap(--dooi- of-rhe-coutif.^- •

feet, or Dierealaiuts ulmiw the norih and s'oijth iMialtcr IIim of HOcttbii six in Dime Lake; thence- lirn-westerly, northerly and soul Herb ill red Ion • along the shore of snlil Huso Luke


iir.iV Dm Hun'in Rivet; 1ii thu nolut at which Dm Hbore line Inlersbets with the west line ofHedinn-ijMxi said Townaliln of Websler ; Ihliilre soul heily along-Die west Him of cud Ion . six,2nKU;Hn feet — nini:c—dF-Icks—to ..air troa..|dpethence oaSCT dogroe, T4 iiiliiu.lus soiiHiFW57tf*-tfuel nini-p nr less ui an Iron -p|iie i .thence north 2(1- degrees iMisl IlllUi.ltl fed more or less to an -lroii nine localcd on Die soutli line uif Mild section ’ six ; -Dionne easterly uilnnu said snuDi line 1366.2 feet more or lees_ to 1 hi plure nf ■lHiglnitinffi—t'onl a+nkae -LlOFrini- iictos ---moi u m--TohSi

. liulldlim in Dm (Illy-of Abu Ai her, .Waphteaaw ■ , , ,, (Cminiy, Hialc of . Michigan, that' lining tha. licDiiill luoii.r .lu-eii made in Die cumini,i;.n , hulldinu in ehlch. ihe Clicnll Comt for tha

n u cer ail) mor gage made, hi Wil iam H. Cgunlj of Vmdgomra b. held, in .u.iUfy Dm hliiatDwidower| nl Manches e.-, Michigan, in I nniount dalmml lo fie dim o« mid mortgaga

ulm ^ ’ihur-BH-vtugiwitapk-oF-MHodmsiei-i—kVii-li—j W l T ^ . T i l i i n ^U.*r’ 'IhTd-the fiist day ill Novembei-, A, 1), j or parrel of land slfualed in Ihe low a ship of |imf.,.iii„l recorded In Dm (Dimerot Dm Reel dm I Yi'sllantl, County, of Washtenaw and Stoto Af ol licnF i.or iho C ounty of Wm.litmi.nw and i Michigan ami. ilpsciibed ns fnll.iws:-o. , . , uT'k'iira.,.' . . , V' - , ' Mfclligati . !Ul<f-ilu.s(li:.ih0il..Hd fnllllWflHtatir of Mich I gun i op .fpe-jnxI-tFay—at—Nttveitw ; - Cnimmiiniliur no tlm mini ,,’riii" (,'miIh-i'i Irka, Iti- Liber .11 k. rif—M ri/tgirueon page '-'ul, and In which Duu'c is un oiump


C-A'VANAUflll. & KtfRKR,.■Inn.'_23-M(ii'. A . .—:__AUuauiys—for—IHaiuUfi's

Riialmnm- ’ATlih'Uss i :-it?> -Ann ArlrorHldg., A an A I'lmr, i-lilim m

- -i coiuiilotedkJh-JiUlij—Villago—uf-jQhttliidii. l>e suh- i milled In-tt- vote uf— tlm elurlm-H of the said -Village of Cliolsoa at. a Spedal "Elect Toiv - now i nml herea/ter called for- thill purpose. ■ to_ bo

■“ fhohl' iirthe HvIvhii TowirflalFtfr^suiil .Village

Butter Fat

Milk is the Economical

I f y o iT h n d n o o t h e r f o o d b u t m i lk

y o u c o u ld l iv e o n i t ^ e r y c o m f o r t a b l y .

^ n h X r l i o r D a i r y M i lk i s r i c h i n h o u r -

i a h m o n t a n d being* p e r f e c t l y p a s t e u r ­

i z e d , f t i s p u r e ; T o r e a t o r e e n e r g y ,

to prodiice resistance against sickne’ss‘ At

use and drink . plenty of wholesome

Atm ATbor Dairy Milk, ' ;— “ — w

Phone 142

ANN ARBOR DAIRY CO.T h e H o m e o f . P u r e M ilk

Pltnuc tS2 ---------------------------- ChcJftx

of Ohelaea on Monday;'Tho Third duy of Feb-' niary liilli) uf which electton-the vfdc slinil be by ballot, the form anil contents nf-whlrh .(hall be ns follows; "'

The 'ballot for' thotm- voting TO aiillmi'Le siitll_tfmn to rend as .follows; "Shull’thu mrDnrr

locled hy hricctrtl-nsNOHsmoju lo bo lovleil thoro on. The ’owners' and nceupiinta o f; luemlses shall have tho rigid to ninneid tlm kuiuu, at 1 Imlr own cMu.-hHn. hv ni■ u,il-. nf iiilvuln druiiiH

line of imclloii three In Town, 6 .south, rang*, , . , , . ..... . , . - : 7.cast,ineveiitcen ehalns.ami fifty link* «Mt Wlo ilei’lgre the whole sum .due, luiffi pi liu-ipaj, the aukrier slake on the west Mde of said «afl. nieiest—and daxes, hr ra-se-Dui .Kiiui^st umf . tion ; -thence mirth along tlm uust line of lana

taxes shall heronm. due ami remain unpaid 1 owned hy Arthur Sweet seven hundred'mW-' fur thll'ly dayh. Dmreaftei,- and Dm m -ms- ami -.fifty-five feet, tlienre east parallul with Did.n.p.DI!tUi!!niftlU..O.L.liDerflaUhny|lti«.. Iiurunie duo.; cast—aud—ivesf iptai ter Him-iiiuliiyi.-ilv uml rrmv.--- —npd;--r«.ri!ntnw1,: unpaid'fm . fldny..Tfit3y-'tlri ii:-- j hali flan r ila-imu -.outii -75?,". feot-iu Die oas; afler, tlmrefore. the iiiuleisigned evuiclncn snid’l.nnd vu»i. unnitei' lliunrtheiue- west eliDity-4li ■

; utui the W'holi mjmj iI*ig, hoth I f w i i . - i l f - . hpkilinuniic —jpiljujiimlt mipjortl—imrt- Iti\tfh7 TiTrii #r<ii4J," Tm Ii£Iiig*. n imct* «i . luilf of” "“uortK! wf\»in moviumfp Iht ro ic in In dm* ni ...... ' . ..‘im date uf Dim mulile;'Tiul tn'ltuDixiI", lntniunt

west limn Ini' (if serl.imr_Lh.ii»i—Ui44in .throe south,.CruitU..Mail, township nf VphHhuii.

TWitli-anld—uuuuu-y-sower—.yatemv—umlei^-iauih roles and l-eimlutlnnn a» the Common Cnunrll hIihII- presprllicr-...............’ ~ ll.iHiil vtiil rni-l hoc ~THm~i1u> Tmiumiii ..f.7.iimc.l alnill make full _|ijovlsliuis for apil iiullinrLc the levy ami iinlieetUin or mi annual tax, not

MDRTDAliE HALEImiault luivlnu Imcii iiiaile hi Du

t»4“ ii nerliDO—tnui Imiiiti- IllllflO lii

exceeding five mills on the dollar of the as- sessed . valunttnn of tho prepevty Jn snfd Vil­lage. as may Im needed fur an interest and slaking fund In miv the mill eli ip I am) Interest

-----1 (if-rho Comm'OTr’t ’mTiTi-ll of Village of ('heUeaJ»=aiiiklng--I wu coal I'liclu—ftii**-1 nut ailing fieldtnry ijowur. System, in said . Village ami Ihe

-imtioa-of said Coniumu-t'ouaidl-Ja paying--to said- ‘-outraelius Dm sum of S-lfi|02il,afl mil of- ihe guneiial fumls of -the -VIHage-of t'liolsua In parlial i'utynle'nT_oT_Jritii-T7r‘ap11ly on salif'en11-. tracts' liu. nitillod nml - cunfiniieit nml shall a Villaue loan of ASti.dflO.on mi thu faith ami rOilil of tlm Village of t'huIxuH to pay: for the

of bnml and Indebtedness as- they mature. Such taxes to he lovliVI mnl cnlleotud In thusnrrg! manner as other general taxcB, the pm- creilH of such taxes to - be deimslteil by_thu Village Treasurer as it sepiirate 'fuhiriiy" miiue u'liil :1a aimli .nmniier ,is in .Identify.. It' with suclr bonds anjUliidebtuihmsM- and- shall- bo used only- for (lie. purpose nf paving principal and I merest. :

Resolved also, That Ihe Flerk ol the Village

Karin Janie■Stalu of Mlcliigau m i Dm 2sth day ol June ibV*. .altd-i wwdod—hr-1iiu—«klice—*H-the—Ke*D»- ter nf Meeds for the ('minty ul Wimlummw ami .Statu ol .Michigan "in lllmr 17.x nf iiinrl- w a ires on L'lign -hill, anil up ■which mm Inure Diuru is i limned In Im ilfie, at tin- itnlv nf lids' nut n-4i, I'm principal tun I inleiuHt nml Ku taxes mill Iiv snlil mm-lirngec. tldi sum u) llun.'l'liiiim^

liirly-six cents'^

ilolluis |Sfio.iin> us iirmiileil fur.lii sulil iiiihi- gmre ami.hv lu\v, mnl no suit in proi-iauliiig

. ............... , range . -...................... .................----- . It ml luxes, i h e. . 11 .ni _ p.[__ Di 1‘Htin h i hi :■ n 1 n 1. i\w.” of Was him law, Kinie-nf Wflilr'nu

Jiundml niiiui.v-virhi ami afi-lnu ilullm.- nml Dateil. Noremimi 27, lu2(ii’umtll u i t i ; "I1, flMrn nuy's ice of Dll el)-the dnjlrfro : as p u l - -------ATthur fJtnpknvoll; Mnngagen

hH4~;~Ti"nTt 11.' <|| IITiln. Alim lie, liu; Mm li/ngtsi .TI

i ml Itst iUl ____ :_unliji-s- ,”'k’psilaiiu, Mu'lr.

Il.'llll’llll w : . .................(ipinjinny,' iP-AJirtimu n cm pm iniiuii ■ in i"*) r" l"oret'dlims u1 I a w Inuiiiir tuicu. iii Hnwlett of: Dm Cmintv of■ Wa.-hieiiaw, sDliitciMu n-rmci ilm nmu.cys » 11

1 niortganc, sur. any: run f I hereof c ...... .............— . • •• • ••..'Illauefuie;—Notice..L. .heiohv- Dui;.. t.v-—- ---------N l..\ i F - A t t(- UMIA-N

vl e I ui* of Ihe pen or oi siilc. I'lintuiiual in Mini ,,,


ami Niimt-ysl.v—ilrrthtrs—ami

luorlgmio,-ami Die sluuilc..ln sm:h rase ninth- rml inovlilt'il. un Mniuluv, tlm scviinlIi i|ny ji'i ;

I Jui ( ircMiif C o u r ( (Tie The (TmimI v

A pi U.-A . I > luau, si- u-n ii'i-lm-k--iir Dm,-fuvc~----- ^11j | , n :

i-oiuplellnu of said Saallmy Sewer System lie i.ho directed to 'cause these renolutluns lo be milbai'l/.ed.1’ ■ - ; imldished ftl lefist (wlco In the (’helsoa .Stand-

v „ , v • i-ard aiiit Dfat roiiies hereof'1w 'posted la six^f:i;f.4h(i-m(ist“tnddle -tdaees iii Tho-sai4-y4Hag*-of-

( 'InilHoa at least t wo weeks before the elect Urn,— ifiiic.lniUut-for-thostmvoDag-NOT -TO aulhor- i/e said loan to read as follows: ‘'Shall the action of tlm (Vuiunmi Council of Village of

i Oicisea in making two ciinti'ncts for installingSanitary Sewer System ill said _ Village alld

cl Inn of said (’omnium tVuinrl! In paying

nt which tho vote Is to he tHken apil that proper alfiilavlt of such tuihllshltm ami posting of such 'notices ho filed To (}to ollice uf tlm. Village, Florin

Yeas: Edward ('hnmlier, J. N. Ilaurcr, L, H, 1.11 1x^001’ Jnthis -N." Dl il e’ler; .iacuh lluniiruil,'

'al- Tnw luivlnu Imuu LisUlulcd In rccox’ei Dm inuiniys sue ii rod hv sahl' mortgage., oi. auv.-pnrillm runt. ... ’ .. . . ___ * .......... ...... . <

N»-'lh'« Is llerehv .1 ii'inil,-Thai -|i»- - virtue nf tlm puwui ul sale cuiitiiineil Iii said miiiiriiec, and Dio s.uituic In such ense madu nml prn- \idixl, on Saturday Dm Nineteenth I'siy «f April. A. M. Iliftu, nt I'eu ()T-hi(-k ■ in .Dm. FortmHHmr Eastern Sutndard stline. -the niulci

mmu, Eusli'i ii Sinndiii i| Tunc, I hi undersignedwill, nl ■ llie -.until f 1’iiat dum.—liL-DlU- CuLi>-l__House, in l hi lilx cl A mi. A i Inn ,: i lint hrlmi Dill lilui'V—ALjilire.-tini.. .('iri-ml . 1 i ii, is., .im:

" iieF

WHHhttD'HtW, III ( 'ImiUTU V.PCI I IR'itnlfin,

vs-'IhtrD ill',

V -

■I am i'sFmTTiU ni \\ ii.-liteiui.iV i Aurtnui l.u the hndu-sl hiililc seriiied iii sauf mnifeare, c

■ I lieI id I'uldir,n-cljiisi'S do-

4 1'1 Vlll'l>ll| IMI>'l%JIM I '111 III III I >1 vy I II ,|l| ■> ll(: III1III I ' IIalwimd.,will,- at the—U.mui—Street- lUKmiii’tr-tit-s hJ—laUuw w.-ia-nu :

as may be ircrcsMiry: to pav the niinmiit sc as afiucsnhi ■ due on said nuirtgat-tu—1xetDi—t-ia- pcf: rent inter,is, nml nil log nl. costs, . t'oiietliei ' with

, sold nlIci'ilflV - fee-:| \V lllch' siild in'crill’-es aic ilc-'i i ll'cd n - i lew s : Till) In lid-', premises aud jimpeili -dLijil- I(si in Dm Village id JitnnrhcsU-i . I’ouiilv' oi

W u .in el him .nml Stale-cl Mirhivnu. .lesi rihed

At a .si;'xT."*1.-til.i'_( Tm it II.I)U1*4 111 Dnr* itilli- iiinn i D; t A

I'n•1 -ht *ut, tSu mi ill-, i ' i j'4‘

In Dii l'an


...U|;.MUi|„P.mi4’.1..It.-lilwii-mi in 1 hi• c ity ui' Ami At cniin ty of VVas‘'lcm tw , an 'uf A. 1 > T!>WT"

hi’ Huitcralili- (Iiuinrc \V.

Dm Court Doiim.' -ai -llie (Tty nf Ann Arlior, ' ■ tH 'f 1,1 Innd t« elm-i u n .nail warn ,niu

1 uf Dm general funds of the Village of (’helHoa | Itoy HhitIs. ..............-I tf- t'itvilid piiymmtl: of umT tn 'mtply^uu—ralttu— Naynn-" Nnn(», . - r ~ r ~ ......................-

roptriiri-.-.bii • " I W . . WAlUrKN—Rr-FDANiKl^r^irosld*at»-of ■diio-n-AVillmie iimti af -l6l'h00fi.tlfi'_onTtro'Tiilth''"ffif(1 erdiit of Dn- Village of ('holsou to pay fur tho rnnipTajhm ui said Sanltnry Sower Svstotu Im nullHirl/B]

Village of' Chelsea.Herbert (1. IxHsflRer

1 Chelaen,Clerk of tho Village of

NO ,1 ■ i i_ 'fbnt lUlhJ 'T'ei'lal olei'Duit Im . ........ .„

! every renperi 'in Dto’ nuitiitcr prnvidud Hy law,'r innvj for spcrlnl clrrlions anil that tlm Villago Clork i is horeliv dlrerltsT to Klvooiotleo of such oloe.

—rZ-i ttruV'br^lmving-n—‘Hipy-of thlw resfilullon t'tih*' ... I lislusl In thu; Fhdafift ..Sl.timlard_jit.-lmiHt twice' I iiefui-e Dm dnv of such oleetloa and hv postltiK

— (-nutlrcs of -such election; cciDalnlpa ccides ofI tills resolution. «l the palling jDaco of Hiieh | eluellnii ami also 111 tea other public places in ! *niii Vliltmo of.Ohpiivw at 1«ui«t .-fUtacn day;...fete.

Muiud by Hummel. nmt -muiorted by Dai)-- .iai,\.i in ( rer (bat thu lesofutlnas for raising (no bai-

J iithal®.l.JlU.1vlt( - nf funds for Snnitnr.v Sower an vend■ ho’ mloided.

■RuU call. Yeas; TvuHtww Chamliev, Datirov. bitiVt:eJu,ii,.SlDotei;»-iI.iiimmi] und-JlurDs—Dar*- Tleil. ■ ■

Fi'eshleut nanlols aiipuiiited , Slrlotul' ami Hummel uif Imard of leuistration for special election, fd he held on Sii'.mday. Feb.

AVTTsKfcuTtw ■' C(TuiT (y: Midi man,' Tlnu lieiinFTiin t ,!l ' 'tnd vi e.-ilui t>) —Mail* lilncu wimni Die Curmt Court tin the ('‘uuiih 1 1 ' !'‘l"r 1,1 '-ol ihree of Washtuiiaw Is held, .-'ell al public anrllcO, lu D,0 -highest lihldur. (he premises desj-i ila'd la snlil murlgagt. m so numh Dieiuni ns -imiy lit! imi’Uhsiii-y In inn I lie alltiiilnt su im iu . ru-

teud—sm M

said due on .said mciigmm, togutlim null The 1 axus |niid. wI p i i-U pur. cent liderusi. and nit

erk lhnH>,im, tc the rerinilisl plat of. said Village

Milled, Jaiiuni>Hdh, liifiil.The Muimi Sninius Hunk

\. ,1. Wat in -t, Mfii tgagiaMm I Unnei


1 .A 11 ii iimj—fmHuslne-.s Address

Jain 11- \ i >l 11 Mniu-hrstcr. Midi

1.1 Lit.-: Uutt .tin- Di.dT jpltDil... Janii*i-Ui'ltPifull, is liu! H 1'i'aHlt‘ll! uf (Ids. s(;|(i-UMtl Hint If idirtmit dip asi'i't’iniiii'ii it, Wiuit s j i i tr nf I'utDil l'\ in-, tip' sum .Jdinrs Ki'tiulutv, mav c< -sui,

On mud urn ol' Jtu-iDi IF ITilm u'i . ui

F)iml.'.jnFls.i’ 'TiuTiFnic~' u ii Ip sipTT "‘dilT'caicAIL.(niTipy fpi: p litin titf, D is. iiiTlpppiftirr i i

MORTLADERATE• Ujioa iT.pHT■ — Pi -.--Alii__i

d((lllt‘S ."lie’ll I'lliTll, llr iTD r n vd “ t f i—th r- ....

furu DilLdnie uf »nch el6t'tlcm and that in’iippr afitilavits of mindDDIliblliitliihJiiuCfiMBiK -. M stinh spei'lnl .cl«HdIfWi notice bo filed la Ihe^of- fii'c of ihe Village Clerk, ’

ROHOlveil farthor, Tha't tho VlUmtc Cturk*7rttif tcustew <L N( Etrioter am) Jaeoh Humpml be ap’polatrd a Hoard of Registration, ^he mem- bora of raid Hoard of ReglatraDon, pefovO cn- lerlmt mien their dttHcs, ahall carh take aad sahaeribe tho Conatltutlonai o(\lh,-and~that then-iAi-d of ReiflstvaDon shall meet «t\d l>e in Msalon ItVDho Oomicll Room lii the ftyivaii <IViwii Jlall; ifi "alii Village of Oholsoa on Sat*

vmtM' w-ij ii_iji_l hVtv. muiCUts ft'ldir trh- i i lnl r pf (hi - u ritfi ; am i Dial in caA,’ uf his a iR ii'p ratin ' Duit Iip cmi.sp hi» aits \vt! p.-fu -thu- I i i 1 i j p j* -Tjunii Ini ni - to - lv* f|[pR ami iii,'ti a vu),.v Uii'iT'of s u n ’mi

.. Mdveil by (Tiantller- ami supported by i'na- eer'thnt the appointment- made by tluti prosi-

aloiit- bb upiiroveitr-'-RoR ohD....-Ywta -all. ■' Car-rlod,-“J'rosIdonrMtuDdsTtpT'cJcimdTJd tvard" McKune

mid Kent Walworth to aei oiTh04td"pf“’i|’«dhl nesesHOra, for 'eleatilng sldewftlka, rubbish,

rmfayr* 'fgun'iirtT---mt1.1 ; , nwfemmt wibh'special election and shall vemaltt In session4* _!,.)> ftlftlrtnu Jn ilm ium «j>u hmDI nlnktfrom aloe o'clock In tho forenoon until eight o'clock In the afternoon of said day for thepurpose nf reHldcdnrMhe naniqs of, all oualL

. .........I’eady registered;,

Resolvwl further, That the President, ( let'V and Trustees iMward ChamUbr, ,1. N. l*ance^,

H, l*Kwreiteo, JtiHus N. fltrleter,' «ad Roy Wfirrts, eha»:b>,..1n____

nspeo*W Uof sttch sfiwkf ‘itbelTotr and that each iitspww tor snail before entering upon his said duties ae'such Inspector take and subscribe the Con-stliiiUeiial oath- Ivod furthov, fhat the fovm of tbe notloe

HPRCIAl. RLKCTtON *."Noilce Is Iwroby given that a Special VII*

l| HU' UIIRIUHIK 5llinT«|fi8, lHIUM'lii OTother refuse (hat may Im.a nuisance, hr fur any s|ieei«l asseasments la tha Village of (’hid* soa, Moved by Hummel and supportotl by Havels that the appointments made by the President be approved, Roll ea(l, Yeas all.

MoUmt made and carilisl to adiourii, 1 ......................Iliage 0■ Herbert (T lsiefllor, VI__

Warren K. Daniels, Village President,Terk.

TtoweH-r-ThinvHtlay movnlpg thoBank of Cohocta, located Jn Cohoutit vilJaffO, uloaod itit doora* PftperH ask- fhg voUintiiry liquidation'’mid « ~rccolver wero kt once filed In .CJrvuit Court by Attorney T>oii W. Van Win-

tno First National Hank, wan named to take charge by Judge Joseph Col* 1in». Tho Hank of Cohoota was or- fanJited ’Jn-lBlft; and- haf

community well for J5 years,—Re

Thu AOiithwuHi (iunuin iMW \*\\ of ilio : ,noiBh oHtfl ~ MonHuY kui’Uon hvm nviult iu i-iumuoi i»iUhmi MH), in Town Uiu* South. Homu'1 Ptuou I DiMullniout^ of inluio^i 0m- un n mmi-EhhIj In -thu Tosvo*fiJj-»-u(—Kyjohoii - f uoof.v of i ..wurlni; dHii' »miuu In, hi.*’ *, divoo h>

L-Washtunaw muj Shoo of MirhlKOD- ; ( hontui A. Mluwuvi hiuI Ivoiyn Siuwavt. hi-'JhOwl Jmumiy #Ui;Jn. r\slfu, lo muifo t . luilvuifl oiul I m IwiM*

• - - - ■; ... Jamc- ' Howlottr Mormagee. f-whh'b nMirtgMKe-^’«^ee<uxlttl-.|»-:t*2-;.«~-iW-4..(JI, M. White fell, Alti'i ,1,-v fur MorfyUnme. -1 Ihe Heglstor, of d«s|s tor U ashlenaw cumitv,Chelsea. Michigan. • Jan. 2a'. Apr. 17 I Mh'blK«n, in Llhci- l.u ul tnmtmmc- un .pane - u|>o« 11m..nU-enii'V . fur p lain l ilV w ith in -

,default' Ihe - mortgagees elect nnd ,1c .deei t,» j u n u u n tlfi.V m kI MD1 m'kV.U'p ,u.ll hinv Ot Icptmldei find ITOit Dm whale nnumm uf .said j hjp n tU tn iu v .u f miiiv uf the attiti bill mm tBagc as nuvv due and t'liyable u* provided - ' ’ 1(oi- In said toiutymcc; lipcu w h ic h ’mcttipu'c thoro Is clainusl tu he duo al the date uf tbl- noDce, fur niTnelphl, interost- and uttniney's fw ' ns ivrovhliiii.Jni. in said -morJaaco.-T he- sunv uf five hundred- "*ov«nty-scven (loliurnr-T,rr pro readings haviny - bron Tfikflm 'TmTbDr-i f ' iTiV

\ \


Stale nf Mlehleau, The I’rnhslr Cant I fn, .ihe ('niialy t,f W«»hleaaw,

AI a session uf snht (’uni t , held at Du- I’ro- bsta fiifioe Ta the (’Ry Atm AvIhut in ssid County, ‘at, the filli day iif Janua. v" .V. M U'3U, . riescnf, IION.-J'AY ii. p in Y , —

Judge uf I'rolislv.Ill Die maltcr uf the estate of llmb-un D'.

nm l. in. tli-faJill DtPt'uuf t!in1 smit bill Rp DilxPii ns t'uiif>,d«:t|!ii l iy jl tu sulD tii'ft'nd ttnu Jatnu.s U m m lnn.... '... :------------

Kills, doeoasod.Klta Pomeroy, having’filed her pciltlun bi

allowance of furelgu will, praying that sn Instromenl filed In said MuiT inProbate «s the last : wiii imd lament .uf said dcroarod and that h« granted"'to' Ksuitahln laivson,

t r

udmlnistitdlna nf raid estate ilia I’onu'iuv ‘ ui some ulhev

Hiuuiml sta'uvfd by said mortgage uv any purl tbecrof, ■*

Notice is horeliy given that said aiucteagc will be foreclosed hy a sale of, the mnV|gag»*l premises at public vendue lu (he hhthent blddei un Ihe Mh day uf April next al ten u’eloek in the forenoon, eastern stamlard time, at th e , M'liTiiritvFTvOTsrihHii’ of (he county buildnur In

11 is' furt hw'iRiTkirfidTtlnir.TlTiv hrM . jiltiJ.utiii'■ omiHu t 10m (iiili'p to ho pub*

in tilt' (’)iulsmi Slffnilnixt, a uuwu*Its hutpH pur pi’inttnl, pubHphinJ -tDiil oi'roiUat* iiijr lumiifl county, and thtil mmh pub- Unit Urn be I'rtPDuujiml withtn twenty

(he cR.v of -Atm .Arbor; Washteuiiw oounly, f Mlchluim; thatsheinw th r building In

it Is mxletw thgTrrhtr'iDt "ifit.v ’ttf 'bxiunurjystate of Mccnutati; tnalsiw ................... ...which-.thw-- CJceidi .w'umTi-fw—(he ePutu y.-’-of-

A. P. DiHii at Ion a, in., at said Probate OflUe Is.hoveby appointed for hearing said nelUtnm

It Ip- fudhor, otxletT'd lhal ptihltc nullce' thcrcofi'be given by puhlleatlon of a conv her< nr'TOF'AhT'*- sucTC ■ ■

Washtenaw Is held, to satisfy (he amv'unl claimed id Ui ddv on »aid mottgaue ..pud all legal <sxsts, to wit i

All that certain, plccp or parrel of land'ail-

Gayh TiTniTThi' dati' (if Ttiiy uiTjm\ anil thfit Ktioh pulilloiilioti lip oontlnued t h u r o l n I n j cnp>t Avuok fqr~~ghr

new«|'at'ev printed and rlmdatwi In said iAmnOf Washtenaw ami state of Michigan and tie srrlb«sl a» follows to-wtl i Thai parcel of land

»»vfVMPv »'v ' ’ ’m i «(• tt «m \ tni© COIW JinttfB il( I'whitU' ’ l,,u ^..MonmruMwii unI'RAY - thy first waixl pf (he. city .of YnsllanU,f I'roba'te !.ro"fidipd on tha norih by. Harriet" sirdei, op iheJudge of Probate


- C b i* fl« tn HoaohmI .Blru k ii Aho luumj uf a chief whe

dountry lu the Hlxieeuth century

'O Pa\l*'v on ih* west hy Hamilton atreet, raid Kg being h,s feet oast and wejtt and 166 fees novln, amt south, being tmrL of'.led *4 ll, W. leu-selcr * addiilaueio thft.A’iUage, ■(Tup uf: VwitontL----::::-"-: ----- —•

l‘«ru U «n adHptiiihm ,tff hln name,P, (\ Di-Ufep. Attorney for Mortiiaveea Mortgagees. Rhslness, AtklresuFYlisllahtl, Mich

MoriMutuL January Dh. tl'SO. Jan, k-.Aprll a

wuukfi ip jiiitTPstfilon, or that Aatcf plaintiff oiHiftu u copy of tliia pidur to

. ptD'aoniUly ui:vt‘d.Arm..tho aai(i-dos-fnmlmit, Jainus'R oai'dou, at leant twenty dayfi lioforo tho iimn ahovo pWwrlhutf for hja appoarnnec.

’'m iO F’W r 'SA M M it;, ■ '• Ib'o, fi r i ty n l t .tuiJffo.


Rxmnlndd, rupnloralanoil and ontomiUc_ J w .n i i iL : .C ib r a m a n l^l - ^ L fci — * -JmWw F.

tiff, Ibifilnofis adrtroaa,\Ann Ar Michigan,



T H E C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D . C H E L S E A , M I C H I G A N

1530 .1


M. J. CAVANAUGH D1JB* j FELLOWSHIP CXUB MEETS M urtln J . -Cavuimujfh. RrotnlJicnt; The Fdluvvship d u b o f th e Mutho*

, Ann lArb^i- attorney, puxKeii uway at dint diiirdi hud a luwt enjoyable hi* homo In Ann Arbor, Wedneaday meeting «» Tuemlay evening, night. Mi'. 'Cavanaugh wax boFti in. \v<>«|(.>y. gniitii 'secured Or. Flnton, fthai'on townahip, and began his jm u '-, (J(. m show moving picture*tiee of law in djelKOU. - J.‘0f tin- wild life and .admit' beauty of

j. ...... •"-—— the Canadian Reekie*. Or. FintonPILLING ICE HOl-SE , and family and goidos traveled into

™ -.n>-^ tTitju^ --nnn ioaT t; uf the-- itockirs by-~home-


lon & Tuttle harbor Siiop. *24WANTftQ—-Roomora and , boarders.

Mrs. Harry Knickerbocker, phono 214^F“8. -■ “ - — .*. 24.

Waiter Cox,’bus a force'ofTldrtyinpn-nt^wjjrk f ilh park-train. iim hln In- h„u*>- utIVilur Uki-. W,„-k ||,i twik wmu-.uf III. Kiu-.l pteturwi;>lr. U cicku It Ml .w,V» .turtMl Montluy.’ ;iml""»ri‘ ''C5S-tr,,irim v.t .-v ,-r® 'n taken of moult-, ly m rltod-tostates that it will tuko about ten tain sheep, mountain goats, caribou,|apo\o sm u o s . __....days to fill tin- ice house to rapacity,■ hear, moose, ptarmigan; etc. lie took, -

y ....................... ■ ■■ to show tlu- grandeur CONGREGATIONAL

METHODIST EPISCOPAL i Rev. Fred I. Walker, pastor. ,

Sunday, Jan*. 20 Morning worship and sermon at 10

o'clock.' Smitio/i : topic will be "An­swering the Call." Church school at p, w. McNess l,roducts~-spi(:os1..ex -11:1ft,- -Mr*rX".W.—LaIol,_iiiiperi«)-.- -tracts,' ,4mnnidies^-toiM_ articles., leaden t“ Kpworth League -at 4:00-i - stock tonics^amlbrtishesvdiv^rhan'tt.

You ure cordial”' hmal representative. ■ ' ’ 24the

-widrh-ls- 25.000-cakcs_-or„2^00 tons of_othiT. pictures to_ show _ ice/' The. ice is" about 1 4 irfehes oYThi"'Cnnndiaii "Rockies,

us in

CHURCH±z~-- k • •

ropru*F O l f i ^ ^ m l fi rm-ea rrots-und heats.--- Intone- IfiO-F 14. , . 24

'.thick;-und of very good quality, cording'to: Mr,.Cox. -



FOR SALK—One Jersey cow, coming .__<L-yeariT6'fiir''Inquire- Thomas Mur- __phy, 1 mi. east of Lyndinr Center.

k K N JO Y .U iLK I’ARTV _ .

An enjoyable card aiul dancing, p a r - - ly it'iijs given 'I'uesdav evening in-St.T?!n!unil)

-24, : Rev. A. R, Pottii, Pastor

Morning worship at 10 o’clock. Seymoil -subject; “Jesus Decides." Sun . __, ____

school ut 11:!o ; Mi-sr Helen ^.'”.1! FOK ^ aT/k—IVhiii of. black .gddings, •nnlondent; -Christian,. j um,-8 yeiiVA aU|/wgt. 3800, wellIKHt;BITES YOU,Mi. I.AN - - .... ' L. h i-S tlw im im b super! nloiRienu .u n n s u a n r

bitten iuesday by a dog belonging to j{ ^ • Donor* in 000 were awarded P'duit s. ; ,Gilbert Clark. The dog-knocked the ” . * , ^ Mf|Kll.( whn,. Mr*. Fred 1 - - - , -- ----- _

mated; alflo”SftrgH'3tiwiiigjna cbme* tit g iro f l^ c o n d itio !”’;gir^Hfteman,

i;- ^

imy—dowir and—bit--hlm in -the—face, some severe 'wounds being; inflicted.

vTh« hal was rushed to the, office of a ■■TdfcT'Tnry*iHan'1innn<nlit,alrutttmtion:

Officials ordm'iul that tlie dog be con- —fined pending the outcome of theJOv-

t-rott boy's injuries. - ■ ■ — .•

Hostess To Chat.’N-Sciiu-' The Chat^N- Simu was delightfully entertained

Waterloo/.-. -2G

ClentneF received high score in pedro.

Tlie death seiTiomm passed 7()l die t'ervuM Klaphus, a few -weeks .ago, .linH-heouTcntmmUed to-llfe iniprlsoie meat ip Mie^-MtlharHi-Park muntclpal ■/on. in Kalmiiar.oo. The pet deer

LIMA CENTER CHURCH v A. K.' Hurth, MinisterJanuary 2)1— .... .....

.PdiO—Morning- worsh.ijie. Sermon i “'Why the Church V”- 10 ;!10~-Sunday-school. r ~ " ~~ ---- -

was doomed to be shot after It made a vicious attack on his keeper, James toylun. The city parkina ftommls-

| ahiner,


-HON-l5-FDRtH^l--Hhr'7' primaries in Septeinbeiwdon’t forget the snow on th(* sidewalk for the last twenty

.ymnrs. , T . *24

LOSTr—On Alain St,, Moore ^Kver- — sharp pencil. - Kinder.—leave at

Sti>n(limrdfllce~iiini~ receive-rowanlr

RKGlSTRATIOJi NOTICK“For Special Election to be held In the Vil­

lage of Chelsea, State of Michbom o» Mon­day, Februaiy 3. 1030. ' ■ ,.

To the .(jtiallflod. elcctois of the Vlllatte of Cheltwa, State of Michigan, Notice ia hereby elven that in conformity with the "Michigan Kioctlon haw" I, the underalgnod Village Clerk, will upon any day. except Sunday and l«gal Holiday, the day of any regulur.or spe­cial election, or intmary election, recelve-for- reirlstnition-lho -name-of any - legal votor In said Villiige not (dreudy icglstcrixl wha niay apply to me personally' foi1 such rcglatriltton. Provided however, that t can receive no names for registration during the time-intervonintn between, the Saturday before such spedul elec­tion and 4he day of such election.

Thu last day of registration does not apply to iHirsona .who rotp under: the Absent'Voters law .' ■ ■ ' . " ■ - —• ._ •Tlml_ Saturday, Febrnnry I, 1U3U Is the LAST PAY for registration by personal ~ np- jillcatlon ‘for such special election. .

Notice is hereby fnrthor given that the board of Roidsfratloir will moct iiiid bo In ses­sion In the Council Hoorn, in the Sj;lvan Town Hall, in tha Village of Chelsea, pn SATUR­DAY, FEBRUARY I. li)3u and will continue in session from NINE O'CLOCK A. M. UN*, TIL ElfiHT O'CLOCK-V. M. of wild day for the purpose of registering such of the <iuaH- fled electors of said Village ilSisiiali. proiwriy>]‘ply Ihn.-yfr.,- Hllil \vhf> lllfl not nli,.iiilv I’Ugls.

SuBibine in Arciie’The ,suu sliiiibs at the North pqle

rtorn Murcb 10 to September 26. All land above the Arctic circle may be called the "Land o£ the Midnight Sun,"

A registration of 2,788 tor the Win­ter term at Michigan State College at Kaat Laimlng, haw been announced.Thin i* the largeat rcgletration for this term in the history of, the college, „1W ...,Udmor*' that m, large number of-the L ince the F*uii may b« seen at mid Btudenta had "flunked out last term|^i1;m from any point In thjg region wore branded. as fuleo byv„*he “J1’! for-periods of time that vary with nouncement that only 10U Htudem?jtjje latitude. Thus at North cape, out of the 3,030 that ....registered last ^orwayt t|ie 8UO nuiy be seen at mid Fall were refused- admittance tn,s/ frow mtty 10 to July 28.term because of failing grudes. - 1 ^

tered. . . . . . ...NOTEr'Lvciy * persoir(li^n‘fn?<-lP-v<i(«-uMuiy-genvral -Pi’ siiucIhI election on any uuestlon which Jnvolvos iho direct expenditure of pub­lic moneys dr I he. issue, pf bonds, MUST, in

-addition to nil other-tjuallflcHtlons «f-an-elec- toiv-HAVK I'ROPERTY ASSBSSEl)- FOR TAXES IN THE DISTRKT OR TERRITORY I1Y THE RESULT. OP SUCH KLKC1UON *

All provisions relative to registering by af« fldnvlf nmmnt-to-nbsentrvoters shall Hpply and Ih» in force ns to 'reglstmlion In VilhigBs, - j Dutcd January 3, 11)30.

__, , Herbert (,. IxwflTer. VIlInpe'CtcrkThz

. Henry Van Dyke, Rector. 8 u. m.

* * - * — r A T n u t - t w e n t y ^ ) ' n i e m b e r H - : : ^ 1 ' : .n u ■ ■ "■ f .n .t .1C I .0 . n J" t - r V ^ - ? T n .V , . - M a i ^ o n - - W T k d i W a T T J k

present, and ti ilolicloun- lunch'wtm whs si "vnd, Mrs; W eber was assis ted oriitlim,

a "warrant" for Uuldle's ex-1 1 bui the imlmul was saved


LUST—.Sunday, u lire chain, between Georgo. Otto’s Hiiul Skinner’s .ct>i;n«rs

_or between' Skiimcr’s corner - an<l! -~M-ohrltw'k,!s.-i:<)i'ner. "Finder ■ notify [

NotIce By-Uonnty Drain Com miswionefriof Mectiiifr of Bourdsof Determination.S ta te~ of M ichifran , In th e Office, o f th e |

D ra in C om m issioner of the C ounty - o f.-Wa sh tenaw ;--------------------:____ __

— (1, r,t vin'' •— r * ^ - b y - ids keeper, who th rea ten ed to au ltby Mrs,- A. 10. Miss J a n e |f thp oJfU:lu,H km<jU Mlu dlf?r.

J iT .


PAUL mNGELICAI H. (Jrabowski, Pastor.

Rudolph Otto, T2-F2. the Mattel' of the'Grau:Drain.-------------------------L777~~7T7)n.i ' Notice, is^Hereby Given, that on the ,

south-of-f-liel - December, 1 l>2i>, an app ii-1-W A N T E D : ac res ; _y


-T e n a n t -D 2 "miles

lUirtis,. Ypsilanti

'Round H om e-* CaAiS-KLNNKON

iMilSnn tunu lila/1 with fhh IIDfiAPfilffnAil

nranth;"lUi .Sunday el- 5- l--,,s»<,y*'.l,.V

’timiifty, — -—

Xh.40' 4-t)U(fkle 2nd. and GU> - ^2.DS; SiilO

2, *2.7n..

A ir tic s -4.*bvickU

-CUt)‘ir h r .k (it 10:Qt) o/dock..- Suiuluy-srhopl,-all-■■English^ at 11 ;1&.,

Arctics,_i> to FIslieliL_Shoi!_:Store,_ _ 24

FOR’- SAItH—Mixe_ci. ’hay-;"--jds«r

Gounty-of Washtena.wfpraym irio r-th e , 4 laying out mal designating of Grau J ., Drainage district. _ ] ]|

.That upon'the (1th day of January, v, i

When Mother^ SickMy ..m other’s, s ick today, an’ gee- ItdivakfiSstn^T-ocl-so bacl-to .see-

jbl .,<rfj- . ■ ' .E ...... ...<r 4

' * .■1 .■ v

{+ :/1A' '■r ■____


L -





ff; 'l ■'k „ .' . '

— -

How-sielumbe/look+F^F,ut stUl-she’ll grin liach-timc-that I coing-m.nenkin’ in.

SAI.EM METHODIS*- - - \ ca r' Fraivclsco ^ Rev. - If. VV. L enz , P a s to r

'.'S unday scliool a t lihOO. F reucliing s e r v ic e s n l 11:00,

hpglisiif at 11:i 1(.R1(j Winter, phone 2KJ-.I. -24 [ Honorable Jay G .Tray, JudgeTfrPro-Tr i ' K n i r u - T'AKM FO R ' s 'A I!Iv - T ’am i nf ' T i io |b a te^ m i^ .tition4m king-fi)i-the ap p o in t- ;

>1 LI IS( AL ^ t.o ,. saltl , mii , , u s l 0 f Hog- W of a l oard of De e./nm ation ;see,-Mich. (-,,'C()rn ersr!Tre<t«w tT)wnship.-Mr<).: - lh a t -smd Jiidge of Probate having ;

— Jr.cob Zatin,.

F()K SA U T-2 barn>

‘ ajipointod Fred Dlumlumlt;/ Hi idge-___________fwater- Township; Frank ' Meritlmw;,one'25x60; one.,Manchester Township; Leigh Reach’,

-rVr-^Xfi0r-:L- and- in (rood

Rnth ^ t t r -bimeineiit—btprns^I.invn—i;ownshi)>i—M-i.ehae)..G-ro.'.shanH,--,:xk1 ■(■ondition. ~ •-1 iLverivos.s-Ll.6ili-Townshipr-A-ustin-’Hobi^mr-^Sa-^-|

W licivaho is tlued a'nd feelin? sick.-She. always.says.; and t ries to a'raile;;^ j. 'T i l be n]j-.rig!H_, S o n -rafte r while," _

-l'lft(TsclrryT^J;-'d l1 to

s-a»,« It.

study. Tojric "H is Text "1 -am ■Ji’lic ;un'i m y glory I ‘ wi

n e l T I T i T !

±1LN a i m

rrrpp---- (-’ouatr-y.-Club, North-Lake.- See Leon ■> linnJ'ownshiph-Albert -T-rinkn ibh -. ^ - -25;TT)WT-T?hip~im)Ht're (i-S tao b l),'i‘r



T-rink le,Ann-Art

por Township, as such Hoard of De-

An’ when I sit bcHide her-bed;Olio’ll hold iny-liand and pat m.y head,"

oilier iniligi. ■ I lilile


tudv’ welconu

vail; that is.juy_UiUliei F.(llV-'-SAl.ld-^a!utaryr:-(',<)V,-with—felt-i-[T Trr| T17Ty-m r' " n o t J < a i v (yjo_on - in at t re s sy i n_-go pjLc ond.i turn. ,W. K." • thvrbfdi-er-said^ Hoard - will'-!!

......" th.ei'ini-phoiic-l^-W ,---------------------------------------- ^ t f - jW (:i-nX T hi^dJnnT L L iT aim rm ^l'ry^!:L;ts,. , -III ei-e-s e. m jTjfy/ ./rhtih* saleslndie7who can ! ot'- ^ Freedpin" T-wp„ on the 3rd '

(lav of I’VhiHiar.VT-HhUIrni the-forenpon h f5(Vh s.Vutiv st.

A n'.sm ile df mo so sweet tha t I Anr'awful, ’fraid I ’m goin’-tq cry-

m eet equally the better neonlo of

vLprcity—soon,- X hear L ei -aay-t-SLAT’SDIARY

of stiid ility to dt-'ti'iiijlilt! thr ' practi-‘-Chelsea fir nearby—towns— Refer-.—LL, ._L,_ . , .. v, J , . .. cumlny.dt laying outen oes coqnicoil.__ .lofumcy sale nnw - •

"If I wore y o u J ’cLrun ah ’, play.” . ___Ah” ttic irr 'sq u e ez e tier hand" “sbnie'm ore, A'ii-..sneak onf easy -tlirou^h* the dO'Of.

-rntr -Write t:. R. Fuller, ■ Real Silk"of"TItovt Th-rri nagr

l''):id-ify - - 1 ’ii wood of bought nm a ■ nice present today onlay' he cuddent

•Hosiery Mills, .Jackson, -Mii

and'iles'i'gnatingDistrict'.. ..... v -? — 'relore, all personsi..v--22tf--1jEOthllzhig 11way-officials Jntcrcsted -in

^ I m vk the— slorft—... . „„w,n .. ' . . the' proposed laying out and designat-|A V A r^rH ^-H ^ e meat, at I'ox ranch,, itmi,v m .tnc t. are n - '

lint, I don't want to play and run,' dr I don't feel like-havin ' fun

.W.he-U-..Mother's sick—and too, my Dad _; •Just acts so funny likeyTtnd snd— , ' -An* g olly, he is g rouchyrtorr;— ■ ■ ■ : ’— — But I-don't th ink-he’s mad, do you?L th ink 'lie feels the.sam e as hie,/For iuH ikcs M other, too, .you see.

■|3ur"sh'e told me this afternoon ...Tluvt she'd be better p re tty soon. ; A^d=gtrc -in it-I-d o -h o p V sh erw in .FotT T' 1 kwc~surely had my fill' .....

Of eat^^in^ihtiT'vs thnt--Daddy c o o k s ^ -- -An' I.don't Hkc tiic ir tnsio "not' looks!— *--------I te ll you w hat, when M olher's sick. " L - W e vv ii h.thIvel' :b etfetJTijftft

down |>rmeme'

keeper hislooking a

-chewk of lie .VIy 1 o

in mjuire itt- ^fcMrrrriis' »Slu'dror to be pres('i>t;.if they so.was

a sin- AbmnLs and 1m

-wanted tlie st-ore-

FOR' SALK—Jersey c.ow, 8 ‘years"b'ld.New Milch. Alfred Drew, pliom* 102-

... F24j ,-l--ihi. bast of Lyndon Gonter.______ -__ ' ---- 1...' - ' - - -.. • 1 Rtf-

keeper to nock "off i FOIL RKNT- Alodern house. Inquire I i ’few $S',on acct. of Mrs, G. W. Palmer.1" 7~ ' 17tfshe was . shv a —------------ ------------------------- r - — ■cunple of arms. U ST PROPERTY, farm orSo ma luol to be ‘‘'O’, witlr Win. SehwarV/miller, satisfied \v ith 2 broker.' I ha,vo houses in Detroit;

■ slackens, Or c<m- Pontiac, I’lymouth, Ypsi ami- Ann'Tented e-Tinvlvow:

■questedsire. ' - _ ; .' - . \ ■

Dated at'Ami Arbor,''Michigan, this'20th dnyrnf Jamiaiy, lTiOj_______

Cl.AYTON F,. DKAKK, .■ _Counly-11 raiq...Coinmissioher of

• the County, of Washtenaw. - 25

Satenlay -went-------Arbor,

have youiu-tru tk


la- .1 party —to -— (i<'('vpostullic^-bl(lgv or -'ll 1 Congdon- .qa ■!ni-t-rs,—rli+n- - ,!ui k— he-- ivitrr— I tlimit—aft Chelsea, -----------^-----•—C3!)tf , .wures*—g+xi—Miua,4i«

, Early r ar'8 Bill . - -Tlie preaiiilile or u iaril'1 hill passed

ay congress In 17S!i <1:110(1 tin it; ll -was ‘necessary ..far the support- pf the •uivernmeni. I'ar die’ (l's(lufrge ol the.

—ua,u al' llia_..i:iUl a,l _Tla(as._ nniL. t hei linn qf man

laid—qn.indlse.. Jn i—

In 11. D. Withered of-“, 'nu'otii'iigoineiii and u-vi,

Back AgainT h e r e f o r e , w e d o th e v e r y f i n e s t w o r k

p o s s ib le . VVe r e a l i z e - th a t* t h e r e a r e m a n y ;

i > ♦

-m e e h a h]t:s_=a l k L.s Iio p s - T h a t - d o ._ n o .t^ y rg h ^ = =

- f u l l e s t ^ s a t i s f a c t i o n , b u t w e h a v e _ s e t_ q u t—

to b r i n g b a c k t h e m o t o r i s t s ' f a i t h .

; W e . h a v e t l f e ’; f i n e s t m e c h a n i c s i n t o w n ,

a n d c a n r e c t i f y a n y t r o u b l e . y o u / m a y hav& ;

n o m a t t e r w h a t t y p e o f c a r y o u d r iv 'e .

- W i T - A f ^ 6 - i - b A ^ K - A - k T T T h - b t i T E - e F - A e C E S S 0 R l E S

"pfii'lys sluul onglit TKUCKIN.G—of all-7 kinds.-local and tollg—(IIstmico. Reasftnablfr ■'rii tosJ


—i^FjHlnrr-'ir SlioeV* 4iumd-Ua— Ami So-Docs-FiHhcria-SUoc Uepuldiifr—

SOLID LEATHER SHOF-lSHOES___J2.25- l i ppm' s (li'-h'd outIns!end-:o 'f-oil soaked eiwlv m orn ing ,

NOrl-ICE“ ■ - W e Wvu a Ee w pairs a l bo^s’ —ip.W4-hkl. Arctics, size 3S!U0 4-bkl. ArctJcs, size 9 to 2 to M’O at . S2.75

-o- —

Siitiu'day nile ho- ( Carroll J:l. “Shorty’ cuz when you want t(i-go tr> ir pur.tyr ’ 102-F12, Cliolsea. • you winlt to lie.nice ami dean ami a JLII a is m ost generlly always d eo n , on Sate) <ln-y. nite. ■Ksposholly if ho has got a niiOfke.. l 'have got',~ ,

Clark, . phone l-7lf

FOR'SALK--32 yearling owosp also 30 S-yonr-dkl ewes. John Sullivan, phone 1 Hr-F42.-- ---—----- !----- IDtf

Sunday-.--.-1 sea -Tune’ ’TiuTSundnyJ'-Tf) MARK THINGS GROW — Try school tiiilay juuLshe had_bt)cn. t o . a 1. Sacco Plant1 Fund. It makes beau-

.-Jipxev..I dtrliiiL. dawns and—thrifty . gantens. ■and the lorclun teller to d her that ____When she - was groan up into a lady .. .......... i T „ ,e V , , 'she wouldm arry the hansoinest man w 1'-‘ V ' ’ - * ay '-r ,st” I’1-10110la—town; So—ft—looks—lilt,. —t+n'inv---- uoAA-.----- .------=--------- - — - 25- i n town; So-R—looks—Lkr~e\u^rThiirg~ is settled for "mo wh'i'fi the time comes. ST A N D A RD -W ILLA R D -B ttfte ry -N ow-i

..S8..Bfi.__E._J. .Claire &_Sona_... 4 9 tt .Munday—Teacher gave me a hai\Tjiroblen'i in rithmatick today und [ ...luck i was vs. pie so I' gest the rung 11 HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS with answer. She’ said my dread "was good !' •‘proppi'ty- ia-.Northvillo, Detroit andfor trying, on-hats hu\ tha was about/ idl it was good for, so t gess l will j he mua like puds when I


T w o 1 -p o u n d p a c k a g e s 4X S u ^ a f v . . . 15c

10 b a r s P e ls N a p h th a S o a p . , . x .............. ,4 9 c................... ' . ' - / ---- ‘ t ; ' 7“ '—. r .....

3 c a n s C a m p b e l l ’s F o r k a n d H e a n s . . 20c

G o ld e n A g e M a c a ro n i , 8 -oz. p k g . , . , f i f o r 2 5 c

G u a r a n te e d P a s t r y F lo u r , 2 4 $ lb s . : . . . .‘.84c

2 p o u n d s Io d id e Salt". . . . . . . . . . . ; : :2 T » r 15c

get big,; Ti'usda.v- Ft supper dowiTTo_ Hlis*1 torses .house gad when 1 ttik the 3»t [pence of Cuke why his mu says Pont yqu ever gel a chance to eat ciikoMit iluim*.:,,.. I * .mply wd-«nt 1. .*ii( l- l-o ire tv --fr«4- heji'liance hut very selilmn the cake,

iboks- lik“ shi' J t s f if-ofBji^pirsfm aF “ W estton, ■ , ......... : ............-

Wensifny I herd' the teecher- say . riat- Hic'ilry re])eetH'its self but. when I am. tVj'ing l» reingniber fhe dates of llattIi*s;aiaN ] U’dv trw 'tysw hylLkeiJis mti'y-mite.y quiet -and (|ont do mutch, epeeting. - :----— .. .........

Ann Arbor, to exdiunge for farms. If you want to-dispose of yyur farm i come and sue me. John- Hnaa, flflk

“Anil Arbor bor. Mle.h.

Trust Hldg., Amt Ar- 18tf I

BEST WISCONSIN CREAM CHEESE, lb. . . . 25cCOUNTRY CLUB CATSUP, large bottles ,... .2 for 25c ULIFTON TOMATOES^large No. 3 cans , 2 for 25c-

h i n d e r e r b r o t h e r s■* } . r . _

I'hir.-iduy—I'a ami, Ant Km my was haveing a J*ig argumlnt when I come .ip to my room,to gd to bed tonite,.;Pa said the Pope ufr.Rqtne was:eh!ct<‘ti aml Ant Kmmy-^sed that shi" was sure he \vas i|th *!(HlUTy;, A«(i lluiy wa^. atill irgueing wen 1 dropt into a trubbled deep. So l doat kni*w nothin "about Mr. Pius.

Walter llardgvove, Almn‘-life jnaur unci* repreHentiitive, Imij )>Ven award' eil the grand production . hrtie (o


" J .

xaleknien. H e reiVniyeit av eakli re< ivurd and a trip to the national Fed* f ral eonventton at, RhUadelnbla, For uTno ymu'^. llardBrova htui earned *n annual ♦rtp;tp the eonvouObii wJth' the sale of «t lejiHt a quartor. of ('rmillion iloH.nm Worth of .Insurance each, year, Thi* t«-1bft-4lrst-j^nrr}iDjii,H Ave,* - (hi* tiTild prltfe..4 ■ ■ ""v ■

Sl’Kf lAL KI.KCTION. '‘NetTc LJyyrJiy tdvcntlmt a VcIal Vll. ' li wci.Kloetion win l,o heUl In tho Sylvnn Town 1 ii** *1 n ^ CIihIhch, MlchlVaUr on !

TMiJ-itaj. ol' l-Vlinmcy, lono. nml ■tlmt. the juil.s ni hiicb. siHidul elect Inn, will b« i ahon-a^ sa vat i-o'y I<hi k-tn-Pir-fniTmieTi “of-aHttH


COUNTRY CLUB KIDNEY BEANS . . . . . . 3 cafis 25cMACARONI, NOODLES or SPAGHETTI . .4 pkgs. 25c

«• ......... ... ■...__ i,T1TIUH3HdnyrWTiw*spn dmiriifW'!' us mSy hcTanil ooh- Itnim-ois'ii iiimi-riiitht/oVIm-k Em the ftftornoon"- or* tlii’-ilny- iif-MuO*-siwcInF'oTMMi' r(n“thc nur- "* m>Hc of ilcici-mlnln*r, whrtliui1 the w-ilon of the - (ommen Coiinoll of the Vlllngc of CliolHon In Itii.Afmr two. eontemits for tn-lnItli,« iSixnYtnvy Scwcv System* In wild Vlllnwo-nmt tbo-nettonuf Milil Cinmin)u‘..CimncU- lu._4iay|ntf. to imld'enntcactoi's the sum of out of tntf>d>noi'Ht of the Vlllmre of Chelsea In 'IMt !\.l riwmctii of hiul to iiiuiiy on^iudd con-

..iioHik'd^flkj.T»»fli-inod anil jdmll j* ;Jw'1 nr^DJTTO^iroii tbo XflSth nnLri'odlt. of the “Vmmm of Cbelsoa to imy -for - tin* ooinitlciUui ,if unlit Hnnltnrv Sewer System . !»■ a*ithurlv.c,l iirnl ut which olcrtlon the Voto "I. u u“'lut. the form and,cnnlonto of : which xbnll bo ay follows! •-'Shall the action I of tho OoftmvimTounell of Vlllahc of Cholnenln^maMna-twa^ooatrAntH-for.-tnntalllhi;-SanU-i-

wW-Vtllaw-Rnd-tlife-ai!.1 iD of J 1'1'' Com«on Connell In Kixytmt to I

said contractors th# sum of *-IS,(l2(».!lB out of 1 ho wnernl funds,.of,the Viliam of Chotsoa \n

? >Ilnym.1o ,of hml. to npnly on said con.1 Um - i r,dHI«lnnd eonfirmtxl ami shall 6n Vl liwe lonn of *R(*,0fm,flf) on the fnlth jand 1

of the. y m arnaf Cholson to'|.ay- fS r the imdhdrUwL'' !l' ' ‘ ^ 'nl,ul>'' So won System {£

Thnt said qxK'lal cb'clioik hc .comiuciwl In Jivit*- ........ .v , . "•-

_ ......- . L J

and thjUTho Village ClerU imnlTu s lltivw'ln' to wlvr notlro of such oloc-!lUh'«.Mnh,,'h nKr'iU thL- vo«ulutlon i iX( hoi son SiRrulai'il ut tenst twice

tiny <»f Hurh'cleriloir aa(i_bY uorUiu/' V Tfrftib blccUdn fitnlaYnliitf■ cojdcs ofi!'!r.iroHO'" .0,V *d lb® polling elace of mteh

M 1,0 "'bei- inihllc nlnces In tho wild Vlllnm of Chelsea at least fifteen days

■iimHia 5, '*«'-•v ' I S n - nfllj^lu ' i ^ 11 '*"«». that-)^mr7lnv-tins won the - l wtelrtkifilTcMtoii-•■«nd post*■ M?* o l/lF h .ai’N,,'l ®l«tlon notice t*e fll«| |nth« ofllfe nf.fke Viliam C|»rV," „ ” m ■

lii'i hfti'l (j. I/xjltlcr,-.Vtllam Clerk,' i' '■■■ - ”--J-— ------

QUICK OATS, COUNTRY CLUB,...... .3 for 25csacks

SALAI) DRESSING, Country Club, large jar ____ _ 25cSOAP POWDER, Kroger’s, 2 pkgs. . . . . ,25cIVORY SOAP, medium bar ; ............ , „ 4 bars 25cTOILET TISSUE, large ro lls................... . 4 rolls 25cRICE, Country Club...... ................... . . 4 pkgs. 25cSALMON, A v o n d a le , medium red, tall can .. v ,. 25c- COCOA-rHERSHEY’S, 1 pound can . . . i ,25cMATCHES, S e a r c h l i g h t .'..-.; . . . ,6 boxes 25c

. .3 pkgs. 25c ~ 7 ^ f o r W . 2 'pkgs. 25c

RAISINS, Country Club .. :' . . .TOBACCO, all lOe-scrap . . . . . [ ...... .CIGARETTES all brands * \ * «:'Urvt
