king solomon lodge #58 history report

King Solomon Lodge #58 History Report September 16, 2015 to September 15, 2016

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King Solomon Lodge #58 History Report

September 16, 2015 to September 15, 2016

November 14, 2015- “Operation Christmas Child” Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox International

King Solomon Lodge #58 and Indian Springs lodge #48 – Joint Christmas Charity Project Brethren and their families prepared 220 shoeboxes for this international relief project by Bill Graham. This was inspired by the needs of the children from birth to 16 years of age, a

shoebox filled with gifts such as toys, toiletries, school supplies, religious items are packed

and distributed to children from all parts of the world as Christmas gifts. Founded in 1970, Samaritan’s Purse works in more than 100 countries around the world.

December 19, 2015: Installation of 2016 Officers

Installation of 2016 Officers was held at The Masonic Memorial Temple (MMT) at 2200 W. Mesquite Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 on Saturday, December 19, 2016: Dinner was

held at 6:00 PM. Installation 7: 00 PM and Festive Board at 9:00 PM. It was well attended by families and friends.

MW Mark Mancha, Grand Master of Masons in Nevada was the Installing Master

assisted by:

WB Romy Peruel Installing Secretary WB Gil Abiad Installing Chaplain WB Rod Lampa Installing Marshal

WB Marte Hilario Keeper of the Jewels Bro. Dante Fontimayor Keeper of the Jewels Bro. Henry Moreno Keeper of the Jewels

During the Installation of 2016 Officers at the Masonic Memorial Temple last December,

2015, a drive to collect toys was launched to benefit the patients in Children’s Hospitals. Families and friends of Brethren brought toys and gifts in support of Worshipful Master’s

project, there was a generous response to the call, our gratitude to the supporters.

January 2, 2016: Grand Master’s Official Visit (GMOV)

The Grand Master visited KSL # 58 on January 2, 2016 at the Acacia Lodge, 2929 Van Der Meer St., North Las Vegas, Nevada 89103, one of the first lodges that MW Mark Mancha visited. This

meaningful event was attended by more than half of the membership. The message of our Most Worshipful Mark Mancha centered around promoting brotherhood and practicing humility.

According to him, masonry starts from within, from one’s hearts. That is why the Grand master’s pin is in the shape of a heart. He also encouraged Brethren to discuss their issues with the concerned Brother and to resolve the issue from within, we are Brothers after all! Festive Board followed and it was indeed a great fellowship among Brethren.

January 22, 2016 - Family Night Bowling

This was a joint family event with 4 lodges held at Orleans Hotel & Casino. These Worshipful

Masters are Jon Cambangay, Oasis Lodge # 41; Francis Dalog, Acacia Lodge # 49; Aldy Calbay, Indian Springs Lodge # 48; and Resty Lopez, KSL # 58

For the first time, we have four Filipino Worshipful Masters serving together and they joined together to celebrate a family event. With families and friends of Masons enjoined the

friendly bowling competition. Trophies were given to winners of different categories. They loved the food and have fun. Congratulations to the winners, trophies courtesy of WM Resty


February 2016 was a quiet month in terms of lodge activities. Since it is the month of Love, our precious times were spent with our loved ones / families. Most of the Brethren attended the Annual MGM “Manlalakbay na Gurong Mason” or “Travelling Master Mason”, a group of Filipino Masonic Brothers in San Diego. There was a big turn out from KSL #58 and even our MW Mark Mancha enjoyed the event.

February 6, 2016 Stated Meeting

WM Jon Cambangay of Oasis Lodge #41 was the lodge’s guest lecturer during the Masonic

Education portion of the meeting. He talked about “Professional Masons” and was presented by WM Resty Lopez and WB Leo Fortuno with a KSL #58 Certificate of Appreciation. “What kind of Mason are you?”…I guess it ultimately comes down to why you joined the fraternity. If you are truly seeking further light, then you are on the right path and if care is taken to avoid the seven mistakes you will make a great and valuable Freemason. If not, you will probably be nothing more than an AMATEUR or worse an ANONYMOUS Mason, and we have too many of them in the craft already.

February 18, 2016 - Child Identification Program at the Boulevard Mall Left to right – Seated: Bro. Rey Castaneda, WM Aldy Calbay Standing: Bro. Edwin Berlanas, WM Resty Lopez and Bro. Joey Maningat

April 10, 2016 - Child ID Program at the Lorenzi Park –“Annual Pirate Festival”

WM Resty M. Lopez, WM Aldy Calbay, Brother Joey Maningat, Brother Art Catriz Jr. (with his family) Sis. Renzelle Catriz & Baby Boy Catriz and Sis Cynthia Deriquito were in attendance. They gave out free toys to the kids every time they sign up to have their identification done, kids enjoyed the loots and the same parents were happy to know that their kids will have protection even at this small scale.

History of Masonic Child Id Programs:

Masonic Child Identification Programs spontaneously sprung up in the 1980s on both the

East and West coast as Masons in law enforcements asked their local lodge to provide funds

ti cover costs of materials to “roll” fingerprint and take Polaroid still pictures for parent at local community events. By 1990 with the advancing technology of the computer and VHS

video recording the Masons were eager to implement these upgrades into their free public service.

1990 Grand Lodge of California formalized a stete-wide : “Kids ID” program for their Lodges

implementing computers physical description, still photo and fingerprints.

1990 Grand Lodge of New York formalized a state-wide “Child ID” program for their Lodges

adding VHS video recorded interview to the physical description card and rolled finger prints.

By this time many other Masonic Lodges across North America were engaged in Child / Kids ID as

a free public service for parents to take home for safe keeping and provide to law enforcement if

and when their child became reported missing.

Masonic Child Identification Programs was born and became a great fit with the Masons as they

had the management skills to plan and execute the events, the resources to purchase equipment

and supplies and the volunteer manpower to get the job done.

2004 Conference of Grand Masters forms a standing Committee on Child Identification Program

Support (CHIP).

2005 Masonichip Support honds “Worker Bee Workshops” gathering all engaged in Masoni ID for

a brainstorming.

2006 Masonichip Support collaborates with six Grand Lodges to develop an internet Server

System as tools to allow volunteer committee to manage Child ID Initiatives online 24/7 and

relieve burden from Grand Lodge office staff.

2007 Masonichip Support Committee receives “Special Award of Commendation” from the

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for its commitment, inspiration and dedication

to providing a safer America.

2008 Masonichip International, Inc. is approved to be formed by the Conference of Grand


2009 Masonichip International receives final declaration as a 501(c)(3) public charity from the

Internal Revenue Service.

To date it is estimated, over 1.5 million parents have received completed packs of identifying

items of their children at Masonic Child Identification Program public events.

2010 Masonichip International Center partners with the Take 25 Campaign of the National Center

to spearhead inclusion of a consistent Safely Education and evolve as “Comprehensive Masonic

Safety Education and Identification Programs.

February 20, 2016 – Special Communication to observe and commemorate George Washington’s Birthday

WB Abe Velasco portrayed as George Washington and chose the topic of George Washington’s Boyhood and Pre-Masonic Years. He told a brief history of his boyhood, family, schools, work, military career and reasons which motivated Brother George to become a Mason. His Masonic career was well documented. He received the three degrees in Masonry in the Lodge at Frederick, Virginia now Lodge # 4 Fredericksburg as follows: Entered Apprentice, November 04, 1752; Fellowcraft, March 13, 1753 and Master Mason on August 4, 1753. He was a just and upright Mason and the cornerstone of American civilization, the man, the patriot and leader, the Mason played an important part.

February 29, 2016-11:00AM to 2:00PM -WM Resty Lopez participated with the Nevada Week

Reading Program to read and have fun with students of Hummel John Elementary School

In 1987, the Nevada Department of Education began a statewide initiative for Nevada Teachers and Librarians to celebrate reading through shared thematic activities. Nevada

reading week usually begins during the last week of February and coincides with the

birthday of Dr. Seuss. Many of our local celebrities, parents and community members participate in the activities by telling stories and reading to our students. The theme for

2016-17 is “Camp READ - Nevada, USA”. Nevada reading week will be celebrated the week of February 27, 016 through March 2017.

March 27, 2016 – Joint Easter Sunday Celebration - (KSL #58 and Indian Springs #48) at

Calbay’s Residence: 5581 Mcleod Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89129

This Family event was held jointly with Indian Springs Lodge # 48. The event was attended

by over 35 children of Mason families who enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt as well as the

fabulous prizes of monies, toys and food items. Great prizes were awarded to lucky winners who played the games. Potluck style is always the way to go. Brethren, their families and

friends enjoyed a full-day event. Thanks for the support and participation!

Easter, which celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, is Christianity’s most important holiday. It has been called a moveable feast because it doesn’t fall on a set date every year, as most holidays do. Instead, Christian churches in the West celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21. Therefore, Easter is observed anywhere between March 22 and April 25 every year. Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar to calculate when Easter will occur and typically celebrate the holiday a week or two after the Western churches, which follow the Gregorian calendar.

April 1, 2016 – LVMPD & LVMPV “April Fools Festival of Lights Parade” Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the Las Vegas Metro Police Volunteers together

with the community residents gathered at 6:00PM by Great Walmart Shopping Store parking lot

to create an awareness of Safety among Pedestrian and Bikers crossing and cruising the streets of Las Vegas, especially at night. The parking lot became a mini-event center with tables for

information and samples / freebies of safety gadgets that the public can use when they walk or ride their bicycles on the streets. The 5-block parade route was illuminated by light-reflecting

accessories worn by parade participants. Ten Brethren and their families joined and supported this event. After that great work out, WM Resty Lopez treated the group for a light dinner at a

Burger Joint.

April 27-29, 2016 – Vista Lodge Hotel, Tagaytay City, Philippines 100th Annual Communication Grand Lodge of the Philippines – MW Tomas G. Rentoy III

April 30, 2016 - Grand Lecturer’s Workshop, Masonic Memorial Temple

KSL #58 Brethren were proud to be the biggest lodge delegation who attended and

participated in the Lecturer Workshop conducted by MW John Buffington, Grand Lecturer.

May 7, 2016 - Presentation of Scholarship Program

Devon Brown a Senior High School student of Palo Verde High School was presented with a

Masonic Scholarship Certificate and check for $1,000.00 as the recipient of KSL #58 2016

Scholarship Grant. He came with his Mother and Grand Mother who were also acknowledged and recognized by WM Resty Lopez. Also in the picture are Ms. Sara Ritner, Executive Plus

Director of the Public Education foundation; Bro. Jerico Aganon, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee; and WB Leo Fortuno, Lodge Secretary.

May 7, 2016 – Stated Meeting

Lecture on the “Grand Lodge of Nevada”

WB Phillip Michaelson gave a lecture on the History of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Nevada. He stated that the history he read was prepared by the late

PGM Dan I. Newman during the 150th year celebration of the Grand Lodge.

After the lecture Worshipful Master Resty Martinez Lopez presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation for taking his time to do the lecture on the Grand Lodge of Nevada.

MW Mark L. Mancha Grand Master of Masons in Nevada

May 14, 2016 - Annual Helldorado Parade AKA Las Vegas Birthday!

KSL #58 Brethren participated in the Annual HellDorado Parade in celebrating the birthday

of Las Vegas. They decorated a float and braved the triple digit temperature. A simple refreshment at Joy’s Restaurant followed. This annual participation to the event started

during the administration of WB Leo Fortuno under the chairmanship of then Bro. Resty M.

Lopez, it has been a tradition since then.

The Las Vegas Helldorado event began in 1934, when Arizona carnival barker Clyde Zerby saw the opportunity to make a

quick buck off workers at the Hoover Dam site and the thousands of visitors who flocked to see the immense construction

project develop. The theme harkens back to the valley’s frontier roots and the Wild West. The first Helldorado was a rowdy

affair, featuring a “hoochie coochie dance” show and other attractions that would let dam workers blow off steam.

In 1935, because of construction on the dam and the legalization of gaming in Nevada, Las Vegas was a booming town,

and Fremont Street was burgeoning with saloons, gambling halls, hotels, shops and restaurants. But city leaders knew

that once construction was complete, the boom could end and Las Vegas could wind up a ghost town. The local Elks

lodge decided an annual production of the Helldorado Days festival could provide just the kind of community spirit that

would entice dam workers and their families to stay in Southern Nevada and also encourage visitors back to experience

the flavor of the Old West. The idea worked.

The festival was a source of community pride and inspiration. For longtime residents, it provided an opportunity for

reflection and forward thinking. For newcomers, it kindled interest in the area’s history and the spirit of its past.

May 31, 2016 - Books for Bikes – Walter Bracken S.T.E.A.M. Academy

“Bikes for Books” is a relatively new program in Nevada. We gave out 2 sets (bikes, locks and helmets), one for boy and one for girl. To qualify to win at the drawing, each student

should read a book that will earn them points to get a ticket for the raffle drawing. A format for the contest is suggested but it is actually up to the school to set their own actual criteria.

As of today, we have 12 schools in this program and over 30,000 books had been read under

this 2 1/2 year old program. KSL #58 is a first time participant for this year. Above picture shows the winners of the drawing last May 31, 2016 held at the school with WM Resty

Lopez, Sis Cynthia Deriquito and daughter Kallista.

June 04, 2016 – Stated Meeting - MW Mark L. Mancha Visited KSL # 58 for the third time

MW Mark Mancha assisted by WM Resty Lopez and Lodge Secretary WB Leo Fortuno presented Certificate of Appreciation to KSL #58 Brothers who attended the Grand Lecturer’s Workshop.

This KSL #58 Stated Meeting was once again graced by the presence of our MW Mark Mancha, Grand Master of Masons in Nevada. He addressed the Brethren and commended them for their participation in the Grand Lecturer’s Workshop. He recognized KSL #58 for having the largest delegation. He praised KSL #58 exceeded his expectation in doing a “fantastic job” in the lodge and the community.

June 21, 2016

12 Brothers from King Solomon Lodge # 58 accepted the challenge of MW Mark L. Mancha to attend and support him at the Installation of International Order of Rainbow Girls.

International Order of Rainbow Girls (IORG) is a Masonic youth service leadership training through community service. Girls (ages 11-21) learn about the value of charity and service through their work and involvement with their annual local and the Grand service projects. The order came into existence in 1922, by Rev. W. Max Sexson, a Freemason the original name was “Order of the Rainbow for Girls”

June 25, 2016 - Annual Table Lodge

OUR very successful event was spearheaded by JW Ruben Mijos. THE sumptuous feast was prepared by our Chef Bro. Fernand Fama.

Table Lodge (The Ceremony of Seven Toasts) A Table Lodge is part of the mysteries of our order. Therefore, the proceedings should be held in a place that can be securely tiled, preferably the dining room of the Lodge. The ceremony is a tiled Lodge open on the Entered Apprentice Degree using the ritual that follows. The membership of any visiting brethren must be verified. The Table Lodge is a Lodge of Entered Apprentices to enable Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts to benefit by table instruction and enjoy Masonic fellowship early in their Masonic life. It was also an ancient custom that the initiates served during the hour of refreshment. Minimum standards require that a Table Lodge be held in connection with a dinner, and not otherwise; a dinner in the dining room, a complete dinner (not sandwiches and potato chips), with a menu that will enhance the image of the Masonic Fraternity. Minimum standards call for attractive dining room decor; proper table coverings; tasteful decorations, such as floral centerpieces, candles, etc.; and the toasts served in glasses (not paper cups). The Lodge building should be free of all competing events. A Table Lodge is complete in itself. It should not be combined with installations or presentations of awards. Ideally, the speaker should be introduced, and give his program, after the conclusion of the third toast. If wine or beers are to be served, the Grand Master must grant dispensation. A non-alcoholic beverage (such as grape juice, ginger ale, etc.) must always be available for those not wishing to have wine during a toast. A diagram, which illustrates the recommended table and seating arrangement The Table Lodge is an occasion for fellowship and is festive by nature. Therefore, the program should be in this spirit. Music during the dinner is to be encouraged, but it should be appropriate to the occasion and the Masons must provide it. Ideally, the speaker should be introduced, and give his program, after the conclusion of the third toast. If wine or beers are to be served, the Grand Master must grant dispensation. A non-alcoholic beverage (such as grape juice, ginger ale, etc.) must always be available for those not wishing to have wine during a toast. A diagram, which illustrates the recommended table and seating arrangement The Table Lodge is an occasion for fellowship and is festive by nature. Therefore, the program should be in this spirit. Music during the dinner is to be encouraged, but it should be appropriate to the occasion and the Masons must provide it follows. If possible, all brethren should be seated on the outside of the horseshoe

July 4, 2016 - Summerlin Council Patriotic Parade

KSL #58 had been in support of The Summerlin Council Patriotic Parade since 2013 during the administration of WB Leo Fortuno under the coordination of then Bro. Resty Lopez. This

year for the first time we received the 3rd place award for Community Service Award category, see our trophy and certificate of participation. Our participating Brethren got their

certificate of participation signed by Worshipful Master Resty Lopez and Lodge Secretary WB Leo Fortuno and was awarded at the stated meeting.

When this parade started over two decades ago, organizers say it was just a small group of kids with streamers, riding bikes the library. Now, the parade has changed with tens-of-

thousands of attendees lining the sidewalks of a well-planned route. The entrants include marching bands, floats, giant inflatable balloons and children’s favorite storybook and

cartoon characters. From marching bands, to live dancers or even Santa Claus taking his

annual summer vacations in Summerlin for the 4th of July, the Summerlin Fourth of July Parade is one of the largest in the State, with dozens of intricate floats enjoyed by around

35,000 attendees.

July & August 2016 – DARK – aka “FAMILY TIME”!

September 3, 2016 – Stated Meeting

For the 4th time MW Mark Mancha visited our lodge with his lovely wife Sister Shannon. MW Mark Mancha stayed for the fellowship after the meeting. He expressed his personal

gratitude to KSL #58 for its support. Calling the Brothers “outstanding”, he claimed that he always brags about KSL #58 in terms of its achievements and remarkable unity.

We were also graced with the presence of our Brethren from Artesia Sunrise Lodge #377, Artesia, CA and their lovely wives as shown on the pictures above. An invitation to visit their lodge in CA was extended to KSL#58 Brethren.

Stated Meeting: First Saturday of the month

Called Meeting and other Lodge Functions: Rest of the Saturdays

September 12, 2015: Third Degree Work

Brothers Phillip Montessa, Arthur Catriz, Jr, and Emiliano Cano were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Conferral was participated in by the following Brethren:

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Resty Lopez

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Rey Castaneda

Jr. Warden Bro. Larry Idanan Bro. Larry Idanan


Secretary WB Romy Peruel, PM WB Romy Peruel, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon

Jr. Deacon Bro. Roy Maliwanag Bro. Roy Maliwanag

Marshal Bro. Bienvenido Parel Bro. Bienvenido Parel

Sr. Steward Bro. Ronald Tomas Bro. Ronald Tomas

Jr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Chaplain Bro. Leo Fortuno Bro. Leo Fortuno

Tyler Bro. Ted Ricafort Bro. Ted Ricafort

The following Brethren performed in the Third Section:

Character Brethren

King Solomon WB Romy Peruel

Grand Senior Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda

Grand Secretary WB Gil Abiad

FC1 Bro. Larry Idanan

FC2 Bro. Ted Ricafort

FC3 Bro. Angel Duran

JBLA Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

JBLO Bro. Joy Bauto

JBLM Bro. Jem Aganon

Seafaring/Wayfaring Man Bro. Roy Maliwanag

Soliloqouy Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

Graveyard Prayer WB Leo Fortuno

Master Mason Lecture WM Salvador “RJ” Andrada

Master Mason Charge WB Marte Hilario

Ballot Box Lecture WB Leo Fortuno

Bible Presentation Bro. Ruben Moreno

September 26, 2015: First Degree Work Mr. Joselito Aguirre Maningat and Mr. Bernard Glen McKeehan III were initiated. The following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master WM Salvador “RJ” Andrada WM Salvador “RJ” Andrada

Sr. Warden Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Resty Lopez

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro. Ruben Mijos


Secretary WB Jay Caturay, PM WB Jay Caturay, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Larry Idanan Bro. Larry Idanan

Jr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden


Sr. Steward Bro. Luis Rodriguez Diaz Bro. Luis Rodriguez Diaz

Jr. Steward Bro. Jerico Aganon Bro. Jerico Aganon

Chaplain Bro. One Arkangel Bro. One Arkangel

Tyler Bro. Ted Ricafort

Apron Lecture Ronald Tomas

Working Tools Phillip Montessa

Protocol Larry Idanan

EA Lecture Rey Castaneda

EA Charge Jerico Aganon

October 3, 2015: Stated Meeting

October 17, 2015: Second Degree Work Brothers Resty de Guzman, Jr. and Bernard Glen McKeehan III were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. The following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Resty Lopez

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Rey Castaneda

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro. Ruben Mijos

Treasurer WB Jay Caturay, PM WB Jay Caturay, PM

Secretary WB Romy Peruel WB Romy Peruel

Sr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden

Jr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon


Sr. Steward Bro. Luis Rodriguez Diaz Bro. Luis Rodriguez Diaz

Jr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Chaplain Bro. One Arkangel Bro. One Arkangel

Tyler Bro. Emiliano Cano Bro. Emiliano Cano

Middle Chamber Lecture Bro. Larry Idanan Bro. Larry Idanan

Working Tools Bro. Phillip Montessa

Protocol Larry Idanan

November 7, 2016: Stated Meeting November 21, 2016: First Degree Work

Mr. Reynaldo Dulay Tomas was initiated and the following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Rey Castaneda WM Salvador “RJ” Andrada

Sr. Warden WM Salvador “RJ” Andrada Bro. Rey Castaneda

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro. Ruben Mijos


Secretary WB Romy Peruel, PM WB Jay Caturay, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Deo Tomas Bro. Larry Idanan

Jr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden


Sr. Steward Bro. Luis Rodriguez Diaz Bro. Luis Rodriguez Diaz

Jr. Steward Bro. Ronnie Tomas Bro. Jerico Aganon

Chaplain Bro. One Arkangel Bro. One Arkangel

Tyler Bro. Ted Ricafort Bro. Ted Ricafort

Apron Lecture Bro. Ronald Tomas

Working Tools Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Protocol Bro. Larry Idanan

EA Lecture Rey Castaneda

EA Charge WB Rod Lampa, PM

November, 2015: 151st Grand Lodge of Nevada Annual Communication.

It was held in New Orleans Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV. Worshipful Salvador “RJ” Andrada received the Silver State Award for King Solomon Lodge # 58.

December 5, 2015: Stated Meeting and Election of Officers for 2016.

January 16, 2016 : Third Degree Work

Brothers Resty Gonzales De Guzman, Jr. and Bernard McKeehan III were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The conferral was participated in by the following Brethren.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Rey Cstaneda

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Resty Lopez

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro. Ruben Mijos

Treasurer WB Jay Caturay, PM WB Jay Caturay, PM

Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden

Jr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon


Sr. Steward Bro. Deo Tomas Bro. Deo Tomas

Jr. Steward Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz

Chaplain WB Marte Hilario, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Working Tools Erwin Valenciano

And the following Brethren performed in the Second Section:

Character Brethren

King Solomon WB Rod Lampa, PM

Grand Senior Warden WB Romy Peruel, PM

Grand Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM

FC1 WB RJ Andrada, PM/Bro. Ted Ricafort

FC2 Bros. Ted Ricafort / Angel Duran

FC3 Bro. Joe Aquino

JBLA Bro. Ruben Mijos

JBLO Bro. Joy Bauto

JBLM Bro. Jem Aganon

Seafaring/Wayfaring Man Bro. Roy Maliwanag

Soliloqouy Bro. Angel Duran

Graveyard Prayer WB Leo Fortuno/Bro. One Arkangel

Master Mason Lecture WM Salvador “RJ” Andrada / Bro. Richard Orden

Master Mason Charge WM Aldy Calbay

Ballot Box Lecture Bro. Deo Tomas

Bible Presentation Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz

February 27, 2016: Second Degree Work – Past Master Night Brothers HJoselito Aguirre Maningat and Reynaldo Dulay Tomas were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. The following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Abe Velasco, PM

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Romy Peruel, PM

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Elias Briones, PM


Secretary WB Leo Fortuno Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Larry Idanan RJ Andrada, PM

Jr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Resty Lopez, WM


Sr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Rod Lampa, PM

Jr. Steward Bro. Deo Tomas Cesar Lumba, PM

Chaplain Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia Gil Abiad, PM

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay Aldy Calbay, WM

Middle Chamber Lecture Bro. Larry Idanan Leo Fortuno, PM

Working Tools Abe Velasco, PM

Apron Lecture Romy Peruel, PM

March 5, 2016: Stated Meeting

March 12, 2016: First Degree Work

Mr. Justin Eric Caturay was initiated and the following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master WM Resty Lopez Bro. Larry Idanan

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Ruben Mijos

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro. Richard Orden


Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon

Jr. Deacon Bro. Deo Tomas Bro. Deo Tomas


Sr. Steward Bro. Ronnie Tomas Bro. Ronnie Tomas

Jr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Chaplain Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Apron Lecture Bro. Charles Cruz

Working Tools Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Protocol Bro. Rey Castaneda

EA Lecture Bro. Rey CAstaneda

EA Charge WM Aldy Calbay

Prompter WB Abe Velasco, PM

March 26, 2016 : Third Degree Work

Brother Reynaldo Dulay Tomas was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The conferral was participated in by the following Brethren.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Rey Cstaneda

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Ruben Mijos

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro.Larry Idanan

Treasurer WB Jay Caturay, PM WB Jay Caturay, PM

Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. One Arkangel Bro. One Arkangel

Jr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden


Sr. Steward Bro.Ronnie Tomas Bro.Ronnie Tomas

Jr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Chaplain Bro.Esmeraldo Garcia WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Working Tools Bro, Joy Bauto

And the following Brethren performed in the Second Section:

Character Brethren

King Solomon Bro. Jerwyn Luzentales

Grand Senior Warden Bro. Bristan Torejon

Grand Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM

FC1 Bro. Bernie McKeehan

FC2 Bro. Angel Duran

FC3 Bro. Erwin Valenciano

JBLA Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

JBLO Bro. Joy Bauto

JBLM Bro. Jerome Aganon

Seafaring/Wayfaring Man Bro. Ronnie Tomas

Soliloqouy Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

Graveyard Prayer Bro. One Arkangel

Master Mason Lecture Bro. Richard Orden

Master Mason Charge Bro. Deo Tomas

Ballot Box Lecture Bro. Luis O. R. Diaz

Bible Presentation Bro. Ruben Moreno

April 2, 2016: Stated Meeting

April 09, 2016: Second Degree Work Brother Edwin Morio Berlanas was passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. The following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Resty Lopez

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Rey Castaneda

Jr. Warden Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden


Secretary WB Leo Fortuno WB Leo Fortuno

Sr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon

Jr. Deacon Bro. Deo Tomas Bro. Deo Tomas


Sr. Steward Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz

Jr. Steward Bro. Rey Tomas Bro. Rey Tomas

Chaplain WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Middle Chamber Lecture Bro. Larry Idana

Working Tools Bro. Art Lopez Catriz, Jr.

FC Charge WM Aldy Calbay

May 7, 2016: Stated Meeting May 21, 2016: Third Degree Work

Brothers Roque Cruz Hernandez and Joselito Aguirre Maningat were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The conferral was participated in by the following Brethren.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Resty Lopez

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Rey Castaneda

Jr. Warden WB Abe Velasco, PM WB Abe Velasco, PM

Treasurer WB Jay Caturay, PM WB Jay Caturay, PM

Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Richard Orden Bro. Richard Orden

Jr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon

Chaplain WB. Leo Fortuno WB. Leo Fortuno

Sr. Steward Bro. Luis O. R. Diaz Bro. Luis O. R. Diaz

Jr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Working Tools Bro.Joy Bauto

And the following Brethren performed in the Second Section:

Character Brethren

King Solomon Bro. Jerwyn Luzentales

Grand Senior Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda

Grand Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM

FC1 Bro. Bernie McKeehan

FC2 Bro. Angel Duran

FC3 Bro. Erwin Valenciano

JBLA Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

JBLO Bro. Joy Bauto

JBLM Bro. Jerome Aganon/Esmeraldo Garcia

Seafaring/Wayfaring Man Bro. Charles Cruz

Soliloqouy Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia/Angel Duran

Graveyard Prayer Bro. Rey Castaneda

Master Mason Lecture WM Aldy Calbay / Bro. Richard Orden

Master Mason Charge Bro. Richard Orden

Ballot Box Lecture Bro. Luis O. R. Diaz

Bible Presentation Bro. Ruben Moreno

May 28, 2016: Third Degree Work

Brother Edwin Morio Berlanas was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The conferral was participated in by the following Brethren.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master Bro. Resty Lopez Bro. Rey Castaneda

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Richard Orden

Jr. Warden Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon


Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Jerico Aganon Bro. Larry Idanan

Jr. Deacon Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz

Chaplain Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Steward Bro. Ronnie Tomas Bro. Ronnie Tomas

Jr. Steward Bro. Erwin Valenciano Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Working Tools Bro. Art Catriz, Jr.

And the following Brethren performed in the Second Section:

Character Brethren

King Solomon WB Romy Peruel, PM

Grand Senior Warden Bro. Brinstan Torrejon

Grand Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM

FC1 Bro. Larry Idanan

FC2 Bro. Angel Duran

FC3 Bro. Erwin Valenciano

JBLA Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

JBLO Bro. Joy Bauto

JBLM Bro. Jerome Aganon

Seafaring/Wayfaring Man Bro. Ronnie Tomas

Soliloqouy Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

Graveyard Prayer Bro. Duane M-Reese

Master Mason Lecture Bro. Richard Orden

Master Mason Charge Bro. Resty de Guzman

Ballot Box Lecture Bro. Luis O. R. Diaz

Bible Presentation Bro. Ruben Moreno

Prompter WB Abe Velasco, PM

June 4, 2016: Stated Meeting June 11, 2016: First Degree Work

Mr. Felipe Agapito Gatchalian Raagas was initiated and the following Brethren participated in the conferral.

Opening/Closing Conferral

Worshipful Master WM Resty Lopez Bro. Larry Idanan

Sr. Warden Bro. Rey Castaneda Bro. Ruben Mijos

Jr. Warden Bro. Ruben Mijos Bro. Richard Orden


Secretary WB Leo Fortuno, PM WB Leo Fortuno, PM

Sr. Deacon Bro. Jem Aganon Bro. Jem Aganon

Jr. Deacon Bro. Roy Maliwanag Bro. Roy Maliwanag


Sr. Steward Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz Bro. Luis O.R. Diaz

Jr. Steward Bro. Ronnie Tomas Bro. Ronnie Tomas

Chaplain Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia Bro. Esmeraldo Garcia

Tyler WM Aldy Calbay WM Aldy Calbay

Apron Lecture Bro. Charles Cruz

Working Tools Bro. Erwin Valenciano

Protocol Bro. Jerome Aganon

EA Lecture Bro. Rey CAstaneda

EA Charge Bro. Jerico Aganon

Prompter WB Abe Velasco, PM

The Tomas Brothers - From left to right - Deo , Rey and Ronnie.

Having three biological brothers and active members of King Solomon Lodge # 58 is history to the Lodge. KSL # 58 has the Tomas brothers. They were initiated, passed and raised at King Solomon Lodge # 58. Deo was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in May, 2012, Ronnie on March 15, 2014 and Rey on March 26, 2016.