jerusalem america and the blood of jesus


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I was sent to Los Angeles, California in the winter of 2005

to learn warfare in the Spirit and the Most High built my

faith and confidence in Him in the streets of Skid Rowe. I

was amazed at all the people there that were homeless and

demoralized by a system that I had not really seen before.

After learning that I was an Israelite and that I was in

bondage to Mystery Babylon (United States) my outlook on

humanity and government began to change drastically.

Later learning what the Kingdom of God/Heaven is and that

JerUSAlem (America) in these last days is where the battle

for a remnant of us Isreaelites (sons of Adam) is going to be.

I knew that I wanted to help my fellow countrymen and

anyone else who wants to prepare and learn how to stand in

the day of Jacobs troubles was something I needed to spend

vast amounts of time to do.

This book has always been free since I wrote most of it in

2005 on various websites that I have. If you believe that you

are called by the Most High God of Hosts to learn warfare by

the Blood of Jesus Christ and are on your way to becoming

a King and a Priest for the glory of the Most High God than

this book is for you and you will never look at the Kingdom

of God/Heaven or the world (order or arrangement of

things) the same way again. Praise God and come to the cup

of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Blood for the forgiveness of


This book will help you to understand what devils, demons,

the devil, Satan and death are and how to overcome them

with the Blood of Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament the

Israelites were required to use hyssop and blood to strike the

posts in the basin to protect them from the death angel.

Exodus 12:22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip

it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and

the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and

none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the


Today we have access to the Blood of Jesus Christ by faith

and must use it for the forgiveness of sins and to be covered

to protect us from death, devils, and Satan. This book will

also help people to understand the system that we are in

verses the system of the Most High God of Hosts. Where we

are going in the future and what will be necessary for

standing in the day of battle. This is a short book jam packed

with information that will open your eyes to dimensions and

realms that have not been discussed too much in the past

2000 years. Now is the time to awake out of sleep and

prepare for the day of the Lord.






















































































I want to first talk about the importance of sin and

the law. Before God made us, He wrote the law in our hearts

and our conscience agrees with the law that is in our hearts.

The law was given through Moses, not to hinder us, but to

show us what sin is. Sin is a means to draw near to God,

through a blood sacrifice. This generation’s spiritual

sacrifice to offer to God is the precious Blood of Jesus, a

Lamb without blemish or spot. Now I know that does not

make much sense to the self-natural human spirit mind, but

give me a moment to explain.

Our minds, our unconscious or our thoughts deceive

us and make excuses for the laws we break which is sin. In

the world we have been taught that if we break the law, then

we are bound by the law, and there is a financial, physical,

or emotional penalty to pay. Thus, we are subject to the law

and the system of the law and those of the law in the world.

This is how courts, judges, prosecuting attorney's, defense

attorneys, convictions, affidavits, guilty, not guilty and a

whole lot of other legal terms that are created to confuse the

poor, uneducated, the simple and so on has come about.

This is a way of supporting a legal system and those of the

legal system and a way of creating jobs and bringing in

trillions of dollars for the different structures of the law.

God intended the law to show us sin and the cost of

sin, for when I was in the world and was under the law, I

lived even though I did not know sin. The law, lawyers,

politicians, financial institutions and all those who create

the law, have made it hard for the simple to understand sin

that is given in the old law. With their long definitions of

legal terms and highly educated words of

misunderstanding, assumptions, presumptions and

speculation, the law has become a means to suppress and

oppress the meek and lowly in spirit. Even though God

Almighty creates the law, Satan and his workers of iniquity

have used the law as a means to confuse and oppress.

Now that I am in Christ Jesus, I am no longer under

the law; but I now know what sin is, for the sin that is under

the law deceived me and brought about a life of suppression

and oppression. When I sin, I do the things I do not want to

do, like drugs, drinking, smoking, profanity, adultery,

fornication, and so on. I could not do those things that I

wanted to do. I wanted to quit drinking, doing drugs, I did

not want to break the law and go to court, to jail, to this

program and that program and so on. I did not like those

things I did, that I knew were wrong, but I did them anyway

because of sin that reigned in my flesh.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 “O death, where is thy sting? O

grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the

strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth

us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Through the law of God, I know the law is spiritual.

Though I through the self-natural human spirit mind did

not understand the law and sin, my mind was a slave to sin

and the servant of sin. The sin that dwelled in me and kept

me subject to those things I did not want to do, like breaking

the law, is now no longer me breaking the law, but the sin

that I am a slave to. Now I know that the law of the world

(constitutional order) was coming against my mind. I now

put the Blood of Jesus over my mind and put on the mind of


I now know that through the mind of Jesus Christ

who is now in me, I am no longer a slave to sin and those

laws of the world (constitutional order). I now put on the

new man, through the Blood of Jesus Christ and am no

longer a servant of sin. I no longer seek those things that are

of the self-natural human spirit, but I now walk in the Spirit

of God. I no longer fulfill those things of the self-natural

human spirit and am no longer subject to the ways of the law

that leads one to Death.

The law of the Spirit of life, through putting on the

Blood of Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and

Death. God sent His dear Son, Jesus Christ to die on the

cross in the likeness of sinful man and for sin and

condemned sin in the flesh. The self-natural human spirit

mind is an enemy against God, for it is not subject to the law

of God, or can be. Those who live according to the mind

cannot please God. So then if Christ be in us, the mind is

dead because of sin. We learned from the law, this is the first

death. When we have put on the Blood of Jesus, which gives

us the new man, Christ Jesus, we are led by the Spirit of God,

and now we are sons of God, because the Holy Spirit now

resides in us.

Now that we are heirs of God and do walk in the

Light, because Christ Jesus is our Light, and the Blood of

Jesus cleanses us from all sin. This enables us to fellowship

with each other as sons of God. We now have the word of

God, abiding in us and the Spirit of Truth will guide us in all

Truth. Now we know that sin is a means to draw close to God

as we sin, but is not a free pass for us to sin. The Holy Spirit

of Truth, Comfort, and Love will teach us all things and lead

us in the Light, through Christ Jesus. Whatever the Holy

Spirit hears from God, He shall speak and teach us things to

come. Thus, we have the washing of God’s word. The Truth

that is in Christ Jesus shall sanctify us by the words we hear

and the words we hear we will do, because we want to please

God. Gods will, according to Gods way, Gods time and all we

do is for Gods Glory. Therefore by putting on the Blood of

Jesus Christ and doing God’s will, not our own self-free will,

we become sons of God! Amen.

There is a big difference between free will and self-

free will. I want to express that through one's self-free will

that the self-natural human spirit and self-natural human

spirit mind, will send us on our way to eternal Death. Self-

free will is the will of the self-natural human spirit and mind.

One may choose what he or she wants in this world through

the self-natural human spirit. You may think that you are of

your own will and through your self-natural human spirit

decisions, but you are free to choose Death. There are two

kinds of death. Death that is eternal separation from God

and death that is of the mind.

How can one say, "I know what is best for me!"

Doesn't God have the blueprints to life and life everlasting

and more abundantly? More abundantly is a life selection by

God Himself; God chooses whom He will according to the

condition of a person’s heart. To choose self-free will, one

may decide through self-natural human spirit and self-

natural human spirit mind to make certain decisions and

find themselves and surely die.

Where does one's own self-free will come from, a

source, an image, an idol, a child, or a man. Explain to me

the wants of a child or a man, an image or a source. Explain

to me the wants of those who are in this world. To many

wants in one-place leads to destruction, take a look around

you. Why, would one want to choose their own self-free will

that leads to Death? Free will means choose your

inheritance; it does not mean choose what you want to do,

choose either God or Satan. I also want to say that God made

each man one woman. God did not say, “Hey guys here is a

few billion girls choose which one you want!” I am curious,

“Have you found your soul mate yet?”

Everlasting life comes and comes more abundantly

through the Lord Jesus Christ! For in choosing your

inheritance of life and life more abundantly, and life

everlasting, you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and the

Most High God? That is to say that you are of the Lord Jesus

Christ in the first place, through the seed of Adam came the

Lord Jesus Christ, unto David a prophet and a King. One

may choose his or her death or life by recognizing who he or

she is and whom he or she belongs to.

Romans 8:5-8 “For they that are after the flesh do mind

the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit

the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is

death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not

subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they

that are in the flesh cannot please God.”

When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden,

God told Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of

good and evil or he would die. Adam and Eve ate from the

tree of knowledge of good and evil and their eyes were

opened. They gave place to disobedience, which is a devil

spirit. The unconscious and its presence, embraces the mind

and corrupts the intelligence; intelligence can only come

from God, and not from a book, a Bible, a preacher or some

other devil that calls himself a son of God. For no marvel,

Satan transforms himself into an angel of light. So we should

not be surprised to see his ministers as ministers of light.

The Devil is a great deceiver and has been using

people for centuries to deceive many into believing that one

must be taught by some man in a church to teach them the

ways of God. God himself will teach us through the Holy

Spirit. Now do not get me wrong here, we all need someone

to get us started in the basic teachings of the Spirit to get us

on our way to walking in the Spirit. For God set in the

congregation Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Ministers to

teach us how to grow into the word, which is within God!

However, by no means are we to go to some

hypocrite church every sun day or Sunday and listen to some

self-righteous man interpret scriptures through the self-

natural human spirit mind. These people in the churches

have gotten more and more greedy and deceptive

throughout the years, that only a fool would not recognize

the wolves in sheep's clothing with their lies and false

doctrines. They claim they know God and have the Holy

Spirit, but they deny the Truth that is in Christ Jesus and

using His Blood. Truth is more than meetings on Sunday,

sermons, church congregations, workers of evil, and the

Pope. A man is not even supposed to lead a congregation

until he is at least thirty years old.

Numbers 4:3-4 “From thirty years old and upward even

until fifty years old all that enter into the host, to do the work

in the tabernacle of the congregation. This shall be the

service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the

congregation, about the most holy things:”

Jesus did not start His ministry until He was 30

years old. I was 33 and a half when the Lord chose me and

set His Glory on me. I am now doing the will of God,

according to His way and His time, for His Glory. Ministers

are ordained by God and are taught by God through the Holy

Spirit, not by the Pharisees and Sadducees of our time. We

are not to learn from theology, philosophy and all their other

false doctrines that they study and sale to others. Out of

darkness comes a lifestyle of congregation, a religious

festival of a sea of self-righteousness or should I say


How can one be righteous through the self-natural

human spirit mind? The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one

that is Righteous; if you want to be righteous, you have to

come to the Lord Jesus Christ and His precious Blood.

Preachers, Priests, Chaplains, Reverends, the Pope and a

number of other deceitful workers of evil, such as the

Pharisees and Sadducees of our time, have led so many

people that are simple and lost, astray. With their false

doctrines that they call the word of God, the word of God

comes from God.

Than we have the money trail, that comes with

tithing, tapes, CD's, DVD's, the offering plate, and so on, for

their own selfish needs. Ask a Christian for some money out

of his or her own pocket sometime, better yet ask them for a

place to sleep for the night and see what they tell you. The

Pharisees and Sadducees of our time, here in the 21st century

are the very hypocrites that are living amongst a generation

of hypocrites. Today, everyone is saved and everyone knows

Jesus Christ. Really! About 76% of Americans confess that

they are saved and about 60% of those say they are born

again. Okay! I hope one may realize that isn’t Truth!

So many people here in Jerusalem (America) claim

to know the Lord Jesus Christ and Almighty God, but in

works, they deny the both of them. When you are a

hypocrite, you live the life in the spirit of a devil. Those who

believe they are saved and born again in the church

buildings and out of them and believe they have the Holy

Spirit and Jesus Christ living in them. These people are so

deceived by the Devil and Satan's ministers that he has given

them a spirit that acts like the Holy Spirit and they don’t

even know it. They truly believe they are born again and

have the Holy Spirit, but they do not. There are many devils

and demons living amongst and in the houses (bodies) of

those on this earth and yes even if you who are a son of God,

you can have a demon spirit attack you.

What is sin and what are demons and devils? Sins

are things like doubt, unbelief, disobedience, greed, lust,

fear, frustration, and so on. When one sins, he opens a crack

in his temple and a demon or devil that comes with that sin

moves into his house or body. This eventually leads to devil

possessed, obsessed, oppressed, and suppressed and so on.

I will talk on this more later.

The image of a hypocrite is considered by the

appraisal of his fellow demonic friends and the devils that

work with him. Many people think and believe they have the

Truth, but they are captive to their own belief systems, the

Devil, Satan and their own self-natural human spirit minds.

An image is something one longs to be other than that what

he or she was intended to be. One can see where that will

take you in the ways of deceit. I do not need to tell you what

deceit is.

The Holy Spirit is a means to hope in a generation of

carnal minded hypocrites leading those of God astray in the

church buildings and government. Our adversary the Devil

and Satan are waiting to consume you, me, and our carnal

minds. The devils seek to kill, steel, and destroy whomever

they can. I hope to lead you to another dimension and

another realm, the third Heaven where there is forgiveness

of sins and a means of keeping those evil spirits from

dwelling within you. This is not forgiveness that has been

taught in the synagogues or churches.

This thing called; just ask Jesus into your heart is

from the pit of hell and is not the doctrine of God, but the

doctrine of a devil. We all know by now what church is all

about; greed, money, self-righteousness, self-exaltation,

self-glorification, and a number of other devils and demons.

These devils and demons will lead one into a pit of

corruption and eventually the pit of Hell. Corruption is an

inhabited presence of one's own understanding relating to

an in genuine relationship with one's own ideas and

thoughts of others set forth by that of the Devil and Satan. I

am speaking of your own self-natural human spirit mind. A

person’s own personality or rather one's own mind brings

about a life of corruption relating to one's own mind that is

of the self-natural human spirit.

Thought is nothing more than corrupting one’s self

and allowing the Devil and Satan a way to entice and

torment your mind. Thought is the act or process of

reasoning or judging one's own self-natural human spirit or

that of a deity. When one thinks of how he or she feels for

example, one brings about powers, principalities,

dominions, demons, devils, and all kinds of workers of

iniquity and transgressions that corrupt the mind.

The process of judging one's self and forming an

opinion and how one may feel, through the identity of

emotions is a sin within itself; it is called self-condemnation.

We are not to judge ourselves according to the self-natural

human spirit mind. One's own emotional past, through a

vain imagination is corruption throughout a generation of

corruption and heathen. Before anyone is to say how he or

she feels, they must reflect on their past. A past full of trying

to find one's self through a system of lies, deception,

analyzing, judging, comparing, and so on.

To reflect on one's past, you are giving place to the

schemes of the Devil and Satan. We are to forget those

things of the past and reach for those things that are in the

present. The kingdom of Heaven is now and we walk in the

Spirit now, according to the way, the Holy Spirit leads us

and directs us. There is no future in reflecting on how one

may feel and the feelings in the past. The mind is susceptible

to involving you in an emotional state of demon and devil

possession, obsession, oppression and suppression. This is

a means to keep you at an emotional feeling state, so that

you will continue to dwell in the past and the things of the

past. The past is nothing but corruption and a means to

inhabit oneself with demon and devil spirits.

One can look back at history from the time God

created Adam and Eve until now and we have seen nothing

but the memory of corruption and we continue to reinvent

the past every day. What has your self-natural human spirit

mind and the memory it holds of a corrupted past and those

things of the past brought you this far? Here is a history

lesson. Sodom and Gomorrah were annihilated because God

could no longer let them do their own thing. If God had

continued, letting them do their own thing no one would

have lived. Look at Noah and his day’s only eight people

were righteous enough to be saved. Everyone else insisted

on doing his or her own thing. Let us look at why one must

not do their own thing during this time that Satan and his

devils are on this earth.

The self-natural human spirit and the mind are one's

own perception of relating to others and how they feel on an

emotional level and comparing one's self to a group of words

at any given moment in time. Words you say, yes! For

someone to think how one feels is a means of eternal Death.

To think of thought, the carnal mind, in absolute terms, is

essential in a time of evolving. An evolving way of growing

into a realism of thought and a pattern of degenerating one's

self exclusively too thought. Although one may think, he

realizes his own ability and the ability of self-natural human

spirit mind; we cannot measure thought or even place where

it comes from.

The capacity to generate new thought through one's

own imagination and that of the Devil and Satan becomes a

series of reflections on circumstances and an alienated

substance of searching for one's self. "Have you found

yourself yet?" The question people are asking themselves,

“Is there something wrong with me?” as they see the world

as we know it, falling apart. People’s hearts don’t agree with

allot of what is going on around them. Those who want to

control others get the majority to feel like the minority

through propaganda, the media, politics, etc. This gets one

feeling like there is something wrong with them. This is how

brainwashing begins. An example of this is how feelings and

emotions can get someone to do something they do not want

to do.

Endless amounts of memorizing useless things

taught in a corrupted school system of psychological and

metaphysical nonsense has brought about children that are

learning to hate authority and have no interest in learning

brainwashing systems of devils and demons. We spend our

whole lives trying to cram more useless stuff in our minds

and our children’s minds and try to recall it to thought and

the cycle continues. This book will teach you how not to

think, instead of what to think. Continue to give place to

your mind and your own belief system that you have

generated from thought, vain imagination and the brilliant

minds of this world and you will surely die.

The devils and demons that come and inhabit one's

body through giving place to words of thought are beyond

one's own understanding. I will tell you right now that those

brilliant minds that are in the world giving you their own

understanding according to Satan, the Devil and his devils

will never give you the understanding of God! Praise God!

Glory be to God! These so called brilliant minds in this world

are only going to give you enough understanding to keep you

in a system of lies from the Devil.

Advantages of a legalistic world under a new

reformed Roman law and Babylonian codes in this

generation of heathen has given us a system of lies and a

means to send you on your way to eternal Death. The Roman

Empire moved from Italy and now resides here in Jerusalem

(America), this Beast that comes out of the earth has made

an image of the old European Beast and will soon go into

destruction. Technically we have a separation of church and

state, but we are a Christian nation. Christians at lower

levels run our government and also are our social structure

within the church (congregation). The government system

we have now is set up just like that of Rome and is changing

into a system I call Corpocracism.

Corpocracism is a word derived from some entities

of democracy, capitalism, classism, and corporatism to form

a government system into a dictatorship and police state.

This system is being brought about by a group of people in

our own government, corporations, financial institutions

and foreign entities. It is an ideology of hypocrisy that is

leading to a Jerusalem (America) that will sell off every

aspect of its nation’s people to be captive to foreign entities

such as corporations, governments, lawyers, financial

institutions, banks, individuals, and groups of individuals.

In its beginning stages working towards a free market in a

global economy; capital goods, land, labor, and money will

be protected by the state. The state will enforce ownership

of sovereign property, intellectual property, private

property, etc. and make us dependent on the state through

foreign ownership of property.

This will bring about a dictatorship and police state

that holds both law-making power and the ability to claim

ownership over property. One of the major aspects of

Corpocracism is the institution of the law in establishing

and protecting private property, especially private

ownership of production. This system will force the weak

and poor to accept the government of a dictatorship and a

police state and pay them for protection. As I speak we are

being conditioned to be slaves through state control over all

aspects of life such as political, social, cultural, and

economical systems.

Corpocracism has aligned itself with corporations,

financial institutions and foreign entities to form economic

oppression that silences opposition (don’t ask questions),

judges personal behavior, promotes racism, classism or

other means to attempt the concentration of power through

the media and create hate towards the enemies of the state.

Corporations would have us believe that by an ideology such

as Corpocracism we would have the freedom to choose what

we consume by how one spends their money and this is the

best way to meet people’s material needs. But the economy

does not respond to our needs. It responds to how much

profit a corporation can take in.

This is why corporations are pushing for a free

market and global economy. Take research and

development for example. Most research and development

done by drug corporations are funded by the public. Allot of

research and development is funded by public money to

bring us NASA, science, education, etc. Funding for

marketing is usually taken up by the corporations once

something is developed with our tax money. Once

something is developed like prescription drugs which are

devil spirits, than the corporations seek to monopolize the

product for their profit and intellectual property rights. By

establishing property rights, free trade agreements, patents

and other means of controlling the economy and the

marketing of economic products benefits Corporations

producing profit.. By using state power, such as laws, courts,

police, military, etc., fear and violence one can develop

something, then they can place laws and remove procedures

so no one else can take or better the development of the

property. Congress recently passed a law making it so the

drug companies are exempt from paying taxes for the next

50 years.

As of now people are given the ability to choose their

wants (lust of the flesh) making it easy for corporations to

stimulate, manipulate, and exploit your self-natural human

spirit mind. This is why people are over worked, stressed,

and tired and have given place to devils and demons that are

invading their relations with their neighbor and the Most

High God. The authorities involved in Corpocracism don’t

care about the poverty in the inner cities caused by our open

borders to Mexico and South America or the social problems

like lack of housing, cheap wages, no benefits, drug

addiction, the mentally ill or those just released from jails

and prisons. They actually create poverty through austerity,

policies, control of monetary systems, economies, etc. They

are more concerned with the question of land titles and

development of housing for the rich and those who own the

land. They want to take care of their investments.

The government and financial institutions use the

law, police, even the army to protect their investments. They

abandon the poor; give them just enough to keep them

homeless, but not starving. Rescue Missions, churches,

welfare, human resources, state, and local government

programs are set up to funnel money to different

organizations, institutions and individuals for their own

greedy wants and needs. The hypocrite churches, Christians

and other religious sects don’t help individuals, but also do

the same as financial institutions.

Legalism has brought about suppression in a sense

of gathering information in a way of causing confusion and

fear to those who are already oppressed. When one or a

group can form an opinion out of self-natural human spirit

mind, the Devil and Satan, make it a law that suppresses

those who are already oppressed, there is definitely

something wrong. Lawyers have taken away the key of

knowledge and understanding. They have brought down the

simple, through legalistic terms, laws, statutes, reforms and

a structure of words and grouping of words to bring about a

demon spirit of confusion and the devil spirit of fear to those

who are uneducated and poor. The legal system is a means

for banks and financial institutions to pass laws generating

a way to stay in our pocket and control what you do.

I want to show you how words that are evil spirits in

the legal system have brought about the world we know

today, from politicians to non-governmental agencies, from

police to the military, etc. The forces of words and their

ability to blind the minds and the understanding of the meek

have generated an evil force of legalism. I hope to confirm a

set of ideas that are not of this world (constitutional order).

Opportunities that arrive from a legal system can

and will help us to understand who the Devil and Satan

really are. Critically speaking legalism is a system of

analyzing information or words and documenting them to

keep a record of your past. Gathering information is also a

means to find out what you do, who you talk to, where do

you go, how do you spend your money, what interests your

self-natural human spirit and the lusts of its pleasures. In

this, big corporations can invent things and then market

them to you, get you to use them in hopes of you breaking

the law that they have created from your information.

Ever wonder why the average car can go 120 miles

an hour, but the fastest speed limit is 80 miles an hour on

the freeway? Ever wonder why it is illegal to drink under 21

years of age, but most marketing of alcohol is to those who

are under 21 years of age? Now this is where feelings and

emotions come in. Generating a bad or good feeling or a

memory of a feeling, through marketing will get you to buy

a product that will lead you to do something against the law,

or against God. All this causes a system of fear, generating

all kinds of demonic forces. Lawyers use assumptions,

presumptions, and speculations to form opinions that use

the legal system of demonic forces or words like fact to

generate ideas and ideals for structuring a system of

financial institutions. Groups of highly educated lawyers

and politicians use their own interpretation through self-

natural human spirit mind and gather data in a legal system

of devils that have brought about a way of oppressing and

suppressing us.

Ever buy something you didn’t want or really didn’t

need. I have; I just had to have it and when I got it home I

used it a few times, than stuck it on a shelf, than later in a

box. Let’s look at lust of the eyes it goes well with pride. I’ve

gone into a store in the past because I was bored which is a

demon spirit, had my mind set on getting a couple things or

other times I would go just to look. I would get to the store,

walk the isles and bam it would hit me. I would see a nice

blue shirt, I would look at the price and decide whether or

not, and even though I could afford it, and really didn’t need

it I would buy it. Also the thoughts of the beautiful girls I

seen on the way to the store and in the store wearing hardly

anything would come into memory. I would think man I’ll

bet those girls would sure think I look good in this shirt.

Now all the sudden I’m lusting or wanting some girl I don’t

know but I sure enjoyed looking at her. I decide to buy the

shirt, call up my friends and say, hey lets go out on Friday

night and look for some girls, so I can wear my new shirt and

look good. All of a sudden, pride comes in I’m looking in the

mirror, saying to myself, “Wow, I look good!” Then suddenly

vanity comes in and I am thinking, I won’t have any

problems getting a girl with my new shirt.

I get to the bar or a night club, drink a few drinks in

my new shirt and proud of it. I start checking out some girls

and really don’t catch any of their attention with my new

shirt. I search the whole night trying to get some girl to

check me out, get a few looks, but don’t get anywhere. All

the sudden I’m feeling down and rejected, I get upset that I

bought the stupid shirt in the first place. I’m wondering

what people are thinking, I ask myself, “Do I look silly in the

new shirt?” Fear comes in and I start getting uncomfortable

and so on. Can you see where I’m going with this? God just

allowed me to give you a glimpse of my past for this book, to

show you some demon and devil spirits at work.

I put the Blood of Jesus Christ over the whole thing.

What’s done is done, what’s past is past. I put the Blood of

Jesus Christ over the past, Father give me the victory over

the past in Jesus Holy name. I’ve said all that to show you

the tactics of Satan and the tactics of the legal system. The

legal system uses the tactics of forming words in a structure

of laws that appeals to lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, to

pride to fear, using services, goods, marketing, sales, and

price wars and so on.

Lawyers are used in businesses and corporations to

set up systems that rob you and I of every dollar we have by

the use of making advantages in taxes, tort reform, trade

agreements, free markets, and the global economy. Have

you ever asked yourself why S Corporations don’t have to

pay taxes but the poorest people in Jerusalem have to pay

taxes? As a single man I pay 27% of my income in taxes. This

doesn’t include sales tax phone tax, property tax and so on.

By the time the government, state, and city is done taxing

me, I have about 50% of my pay check left and that’s just the

beginning. Then there is the question of affordable housing,

a single bedroom house or apartment in any big city will cost

you an average of $750.00.

Through the system used to set up companies, like

the United States that we buy from and support, we become

suppressed and oppressed. In the world we are bound by the

law and those who put the laws in place and there is nothing

we can do about it, because the financial systems own the

world at this time. If you want to get elected into the

Corporation called the United States all you got to do is get

big corporations and financial institutions to fund you and

you can make promises to them when you are elected.

Through this funding you can hire people that have gathered

your information and target those people, through

advertising, marketing and a play on words that appeal to

your self-natural human spirit mind. All the sudden you’re

at the voting table voting for some guy you know is evil, but

he is the lesser of two evils so you vote for him anyway. Now

these people you have just elected can get some bills passed,

policies, regulations, or better yet some laws passed that will

help their interests and make them more money and make

you less while giving them more control over what you do,

where you go, and what you are able to have.

I hope you can see that how the paper trail of

grouping words can set a path for destruction. The legal

system is set up for all financial institutions to get you to buy

their products, whether they are goods or services. These

goods and services are used to get us to sin and break the

commandments of God, so Satan, the Devil, devils, and

demons can suppress, oppress, obsess, and possess us into

eternal Hell.

Continue in your daily life through the self-natural

human spirit and self-natural human spirit mind and see

the mystery that has been revealed. Now the conviction of

the Holy Spirit is with you and you will surely see the

asunder of your soul. After reading, this testimony of the

Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is now with you and will

be with you, until the Day of Judgment. Unless you come to

the Ministry that is in Christ Jesus and allow the Spirit of

Truth to come into you and live in a house of God Almighty

through repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Spirit and

speaking in tongues, your body will not be a refuge for the

Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of Power, Comfort, Truth and

Love wishes to reside in you and lead you on the way to

everlasting life and life more abundantly. I hope today you

will see that we do not preach Death to you, but have shown

you how you will surely die. Now life has come to you

through the words of this testimony and the witness of the

Holy Spirit. Peace be upon you in Jesus Holy Name.

1 John 3:6-10 “Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not:

whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth

righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that

committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the

beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,

that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is

born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in

him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this

the children of God are manifest, and the children of the

devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God,

neither he that loveth not his brother.”

We live in a metaphysical world of endless amounts

of theology, philosophy, counseling, programs, institutions,

schools and other deceitful gatherings of information to use

against you and I that seek to keep our thoughts captive. The

people in this world have been giving place to their own

thoughts as well as the Devil and Satan since the beginning

of time. Have you got it all figured out yet? How is it working

for you? Do you really believe that you think for yourself? If

this is so, why do you do the things that you do not want to

do and do not do the things you do want to do? When one

comes to a point in time realizing who he or she is and really

investigates his or her own thought patterns, one may come

to know who he or she is serving, according to the way one

gives place to thought.

Let us look at the ability that one speaks and writes

in a realm of unseen workers of demonic forces into our

daily lives. When one realizes the ability of words in thought

and the forces that come with this thought, one may come

to know the capacity in which one speaks and what evil

forces they are bringing into reality with those words. Greed

for example is merely a word, right! Biblically it is also a sin.

How about lying, it is a word and a sin also. Biblically it is

also a devil spirit and the Devil is the father of lies.

John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of

your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the

beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no

truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of

his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

This passage shows us that there is more to lies than

just the Devil. Greed is a devil spirit and so is lying. These

two evil spirits are used by the Devil and Satan to

systematically asunder your soul. Have you ever known

someone that was greedy or lied allot. Why do you think they

were this way? You or the person you know had that devil

spirit. How about the words guilt and shame? Guilt is a way

of consciousness that comes about through a system of

bringing to thought iniquities and transgressions from the

past back to memory giving place to devil and demon spirits.

In order to make one feel guilty, this demon spirit brings

about what the world calls emotions or feelings that make

one feel guilty. This is the same with all devil and demon

spirits. I am here to tell you that in times past, present, and

future these sprits are usually born with us.

Many demon and devil spirits are inherited by our

parents, explaining things such as bed wetting, alcoholism,

drug addiction, blindness, etc. If both your parents are not

both, Holy Spirit Born again, when you are born, which I

know they are not, then you will grow up with these spirits.

We inherit the demons and devils that they have, then as we

live in this life we give place to others and inhabit those

demon and devils.

Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and

desperately wicked: who can know it?”

The Devil has not only deceived people in the world,

but also Christians into believing that they are born into the

hands of God. People curse God all the time for the way

there lives are, but the truth is God don't have anything to

do with the way there lives are. We do not become a child of

God until we receive the Holy Spirit. Not all of us are born

of God, even though we are all created by God.

2 Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the God of this world hath

blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light

of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God,

should shine unto them.”

Have you felt as though you are trapped in a body

that is not yours? Welcome to the bondage of Satan, the

Devil, his devils, and demons. Ever thought maybe that the

reason you do the bad things you do is because you serve

Satan and the Devil. We must plead the Blood of Jesus;

some people need hands laid on them by a Holy Spirit born

again child of God, in order to have the demon and devil

spirits cast out of them. Because some people have so many

demon spirits, they become demonic, devil possessed, devil

oppressed, devil obsessed and devil suppressed. Possession

is to be occupied by devil and demon spirits through the self-

natural human spirit and mind, either with or without rights

of ownership to be dominated or influenced by an idea,

thought, feeling, emotion, etc.

Oppression is an exercise of authority or power

through devil and demon spirits in a cruel or unjust manner

using impositions in order to subdue someone’s self-natural

human spirit and mind. Obsession is a persistent disturbing

preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling.

Suppression is a way of being inhabited by devil and demon

spirits through conscious and unconscious inhibition of a

painful memory or idea to keep a thought, emotion,

memory, etc. out of conscious awareness. The war is in our


God is Love and God is a Spirit!

John 4:24 “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must

worship him in spirit and in truth.”

1 John 4:8 “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God

is love.”

God is love and God is a Spirit, therefore love is a

Spirit. If we love one another than we have the Spirit of God

in us. So, what are these things we call feelings and


Names of devil spirits!

1. Spirit of infirmity

Luke 13:11 "And behold, there was a woman who had a

spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and

could in no way raise herself up."

2. Dumb and deaf spirit

Mark 9:25 "When Jesus saw that the people came running

together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, 'Deaf

and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter

him no more!'"

3. Unclean spirit

Matthew 12:43 "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man,

he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none."

4. Blind spirit

Matthew 12:22 "Then one was brought to Him who was

demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so

that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw." (See also

Mark 1:23 and Luke 9:42)

5. Familiar spirit

Leviticus 20:27 "A man or a woman who is a medium, or

who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death; they

shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon


Isaiah 8:19 “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto

them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep,

and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God?

For the living to the dead?”

2 Kings 23:24 “Moreover the workers with familiar spirits,

and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the

abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in

Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the

words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah

the priest found in the house of the LORD.”

6. An angel

2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder! For Satan himself

transforms himself into an angel of light."

7. A lying spirit

1 Kings 22:22-23 "The LORD said to him, 'In what way?'

So he said, 'I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of

all his prophets.' And the LORD said, 'You shall persuade

him, and also prevail. Go out and do so.' Therefore look! The

LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these

prophets of yours, and the LORD has declared disaster

against you." (See also 2 Chronicles 18:21-22)

8. Deceiving spirits

1 Timothy 4:1 "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter

times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to

deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,"

9. Jealous spirit

Numbers 5:14, 30 " if the spirit of jealousy comes upon

him and he becomes jealous of his wife, who has defiled

herself; or if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he

becomes jealous of his wife, although she has not defiled

herself...or when the spirit of jealousy comes upon a man,

and he becomes jealous of his wife; then he shall stand the

woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute all this

law upon her."

10. Palsy

Matthew 8:6, 9:2 “And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at

home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. And,

behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on

a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the

palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.”

11. Lunatic

Matthew 17:15, 18 “Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is

lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the

fire, and oft into the water. And Jesus rebuked the devil;

and he departed out of him: and the child was cured

from that very hour.”

12. Distressing spirit

1 Samuel 16:14 “But the Spirit of the LORD departed from

Saul, and a distressing spirit from the LORD troubled


13. Spirit of ill will

Judges 9:23 “God sent a spirit of ill will between

Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of

Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech,”

14. Rebellion

1 Samuel 15:22-23 “And Samuel said, hath the LORD as

great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying

the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than

sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For

rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and

stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because

thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also

rejected thee from being king.”

15. Spirit of divination

Acts 16:16 “And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a

certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination

met us, which brought her masters much gain by


16. Palsies and Lame

Acts 8:7 “For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came

out of many that were possessed with them: and many

taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.”

17. Spirit of an unclean devil

Luke 4:33 “And in the synagogue there was a man, which

had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud


18. Sickness and Disease

Matthew 10:1 “And when he had called unto him his

twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits,

to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and

all manner of disease.”

19. Perverse spirit

Isaiah 19:14 “The LORD hath mingled a perverse spirit in

the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every

work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.”

The most common devil spirits are emotions and


Romans 7:5 “For when we were in the flesh, the motions

of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to

bring forth fruit unto death.”



From a presumed derivative of G3806; something

undergone, that is, hardship or pain; subjectively an

emotion or influence: - affection, affliction, motion,



From the alternate of G3958; properly suffering (“pathos”),

that is, (subjectively) a passion (especially concupiscence): -

(inordinate) affection, lust.


Apparently a primary verb (the third form used only in

certain tenses for it); to experience a sensation or

impression (usually painful): - feel, passion, suffer, vex.

Demon and devil spirits!

fear, hate, lies, worry, confusion, sorrow, contention,

frustration, doubt, loneliness, boredom, anxiety, shyness,

sensitivity, unbelief, anger, pride, lust, arrogance,

haughtiness, double mind ness, self-pity, judging, delusion,

condemning, adultery, fornication, envy, jealousy, stealing,

coveting, false witness, perversion, greed, malice, brawler,

violence, love of money, resentment, stubbornness,

impatience, shame, guilt, hypocrisy, fables, boasting, self-

burdens, stress, depression, provoking, rebellion, deafness,

misunderstanding, foolishness, silliness, torments, laziness,

sickness, disease, swearing, blindness, high mind ness, pain,

corrupt mind, wickedness, affliction, evil, submission,

twitching, idolatry, false doctrine, rape, manic depression,

absent mind ness, forgetfulness, stupidity, un-forgiveness,

discouragement, stage fright, bitterness, wrath, clamor,

immaturity, envy, deceit, profanity, slander, headstrong,

love of self-pleasure, nervousness, vanity, wandering mind,

Satanism, debate, malignity, whisperers, backbiters,

implacable, reviler, extortion, self-condemnation,

covetousness, discomfort, conceit, flirting, guile, gossip,

bitterness, restless, despair, self-exaltation above measure,

self-glorification to be seen of men, disillusionment,

disobedience, rejection, selfish ambition, murmurs,

complaining, mocker, evil conscience, disrespect, self-

righteousness, unseemliness, rage, grief, sympathy, beggar,

despair, disgust, regret, defiance, surprise, suspicion,

pessimism, embarrassment, accepted, affectionate, respect,

hurt, hopeless, distressed, defeat, beaten, bad,

disappointed, inferior, repulsed, remorse, superior, furious,

seething, enraged, victimized, drained, annoyed, agitated,

strained, uptight, dismayed, inconvenience, repulsed,

competitiveness, frightened, defense, aggression, suspicion,

panic, distraught, miserable, threatening, insecurity,

strained, reluctant, bewildered, trapped, troubled, torn,

disorganization, fogginess, disoriented, uncertainty,

division, bothered, uncomfortable ness, indecisive,

powerfulness, energetic, self-confidence, capability,

attractiveness, sureness, overwhelmed, impotence,

uselessness, incapability, inferior, shakiness, unsureity,

murder, witchcraft, homosexuality, transvestite,

molestation, hormonger, prostitution, mute, deafness,

reprobate, occult, sorcery, split personality, blindness,

retardation, mutation, attention deficit, impersonator,

obsessive compulsive behavior, self-fanatic, bitterness,

bitterness of heart, instability, strong opinions,

stubbornness, darts, debauchery, self-justification,

discontent, etc.

Unclean spirits!

Alzheimer’s, syphilis, gonorrhea, aids, epilepsy,

hypoglycemia, meningitis, autism, manic-depression,

paranoia, psychosis, schizophrenia, anorexia, arthritis,

asthma, colitis, common cold, hypertension, flu, bronchitis,

impotence, migraine, ulcer, homosexuality, transvestite,

transsexual, hypo maniac, hysteria, incest, marijuana,

cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, crank, crack,

amphetamines, neurotic, pedophilia, sociopath, stuttering,

mental retardation, bipolar, bulimia, dementia, dyslexia,

narcissism, nymphomaniac, palsy, bi-sexuality, incest, etc.

Denomination devil spirits!

Protestant, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholicism, Pentecostal,

Assembly of God, Southern Baptist, First Baptist, Messianic

Judaism, Presbyterianism, Episcopalism, Nazarene,

Mormonism, Seventh Adventist, etc.

Here is a short list of the structure of these evil spirits

and how there hierarchy works to possess, oppress, obsess

and suppress one into the depths of hell.

Devils and Demons!

1. Possession: One of three high ranking Devils that takes

an involuntary and unaware state of one’s soul and controls

a person with various demon spirits.

A. Unbelief: Doubt,

B. Idolatry:

C. Fear: Worrying, loneliness, anxiety, shyness,

sensitivity, stage fright, nervousness,

D. Addiction: Alcoholism, drug addiction,

E. Handicap: Deafness, blindness,

F. Mental Disease: Manic depression,

2. Oppression: One of three high ranking Devils that

systematically forces the state of dominion and cruelty with

demon spirits and limits and restricts one’s will.

A. Pride: Debate, contention, arrogance, haughtiness,

greed, shame, guilt, boasting, high mind ness, head

strong, vanity

B. Anger: Hate, frustration, jealousy, violence,

brawler, malice, resentment, stubbornness,

impatience, provoking, swearing/profanity, rape,


C. Condemning: Judging,

D. Confusion: Stress, absent mind ness,

forgetfulness, stupidity, discouragement,

immaturity, wandering mind,

E. Rebellion: Love of money, laziness, unforgiveness,

F. Sadness: Sorrow, self-pity, self-burdens,

depression, bitterness,

G. Sickness:

3. Obsession: One of four high ranking Devils that is

persistent, intrusive and controlling ones thoughts, ideas,

and impulses thru many demon spirits.

A. Lust: Adultery, fornication, envy, perversion,

arousal, horniness, love of self-pleasure,

B. Deceit: Lies, double mind ness, delusion, stealing,

coveting, false witness, hypocrisy, fables,

philosophy, temptation, misunderstanding,

foolishness, silliness, false doctrine, slanderer,

whisperers, backbiters, self-condemnation,


4. Suppression: One of four high ranking Devils that

subdues, overpowers, crushes and destroys by concealing,

retaining and by not revealing; disclosure.

A. Lust: Adultery,

1 John 4:1-3 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the

spirits whether they are of God: because many false

prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the

Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ

is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that

confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of

God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have

heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the


There are over 3000 devil and demon spirits and a

lot of them are sins, but not all devils and demons are sins.

But if we allow sin to overcome us with demon spirits than

big devils that are not sins can enter into us. The devils and

demons in a person do not make him evil, but the condition

of his or her heart is what makes a person evil. When we

become Holy Spiritual children of God we have a ring of fire

around us and are encamped with angles to protect us from

the really bad devils from harming us. The four big devils

are possession, oppression, obsession, and suppression!

The devils and demons in this list are according to

the world. There is of course Godly fear, sorrow, wrath,

jealousy, anger and so on. Satan's ministers use demons and

devils that are at an emotional and feeling state. They share

their personal past, difficult life conditions and pain, and

then overwhelm their victims with the devil spirit of fear and

death. Bringing people to this thing they call the sinners

prayer. The scriptures show many examples of what a

demon spirit is. Dumb, deaf and blind spirits are devil

spirits that need to be cast out in Jesus name. You can't cast

out demon and devil spirits though, unless you have power

to do so through the Holy Spirit.

Deceiving, lying and jealous spirits are emotions and

feelings and are also sins. Since, we know that emotions and

feelings are devils and demons and also sins. Then we can

put the Blood of Jesus Christ over every part of them, and

get rid of them. This is what it means to repent. Like we

discussed earlier, sin is a means to grow close to God and

the law was originally given to us, so we would know what

sin is. This was before the lawyers made the law as a means

to make money and making it hard to know what sin is. For

example let’s say, I get jealous, I can put the Blood of Jesus

over every part of jealousy, ask God to have mercy on me

and forgive me for jealousy in Jesus Name. Then ask God to

give me the victory over jealousy in Jesus name.

Why is it so important to know what the names of

demon and devil spirits are? If we are able to recognize the

sins and demon/devil spirits that are in us, we have more

power through the Holy Spirit to get rid of them. We can

name them, put the blood of Jesus over them, ask God to

forgive us of those sins that are devils and/or demons and

ask God to give us the victory over them in Jesus name. All

those demon and devil spirits work together to lead one to

confusion and fear. Fear and confusion are used to possess,

oppress and suppress people and keep one in thought.

Walking amongst the dead is a way of staging oneself

along a path of destruction, according to the ways of the

Devil and Satan. Satan's tactics have always been the same.

He uses lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride, and fear to

keep you and those around you captive to thought and your

self-natural human spirit mind. Pride is a devil sprit used to

inordinate one’s opinion of one’s own dignity, importance,

merit or superiority. Pride comes about with other evil

spirits like haughtiness, conceit, arrogance, vanity, etc. Lust

is an evil spirit that comes with an intense and

overwhelming desire for something or someone. Fear is a

devil spirit that systematically causes evil spirits such as

doubt and unbelief, whether they are imitative or material.

The Devil spirit of fear is a way of possessing one’s soul and

causing a demonic force of a distressing emotion aroused by

impending danger, evil, pain, etc.

Isaiah 45:11 says, “Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of

Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning

my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye


This is an example of the prayer I used to draw near

to God, through the Blood of Jesus Christ! I used this prayer

for about five months according to the weaknesses I had at

the time. Start with Praise God! Thank-you Jesus! Glory be

to God! Jesus is Lord! Praise be to Jesus! Hallelujah! Etc.

Say this over and over.

Put on the Blood of Jesus Christ!

1. I put the blood of Jesus over every part of this building or

house. I put the blood of Jesus over every part of the people

in this building or house.

2. I put the blood of Jesus over everyone I meet today, I see

today, and I speak to today. Have your perfect will in every

part of them in Jesus Holy name. I put the blood of Jesus

over there harden hearts. Father, Holy God of heaven soften

their harden hearts according to your will and ways. Bless

them mightily with your perfect love and perfect truth in

your Son Jesus Holy name.

3. I put the blood of Jesus over self-thinking, self-believing,

self-speaking, self-doing and self-wanting.

4. I humble myself before you Father, God of heaven. I

humble myself before all mankind. God be merciful to me a

sinner in Jesus name.

5. I put the blood of Jesus over my mind. Lord Jesus pour

out your precious, powerful, healing blood over my mind.

Wash my mind in your blood, Lord Jesus. Cleanse my mind

and make it white as snow. Father, Holy God of heaven give

me the victory over my mind in Jesus Holy name. I put on

the mind of Christ in Jesus name!

6. I put all my trust in my Father, God of heaven thru His

son Jesus Holy name.

7. I put the blood of Jesus over every part of me. Father,

Holy God of heaven search every part of me for any sin that

is in me and search every part of me for anything I have done

this day that is displeasing to you in Jesus Holy name.

8. I put the blood of Jesus over every part of me. I put the

blood of Jesus over all my sins, wash me in your precious

blood Lord Jesus, pour out your blood over every part of me

Lord Jesus, cleanse me and make me white as snow Lord


9. Father Holy God of heaven forgive me of all I've done this

day that was displeasing to you in Jesus Holy name. Father,

Holy God of heaven forgive me of all my sins in Jesus Holy


10. I put all my unrighteousness, all my sins, iniquities,

abominations, transgressions, trespasses, wrong doing,

wrong thinking, wrong believing and wrong speaking right

up to this second in time into your Holy Sea of forgetfulness,

Father, God of heaven in Jesus Holy name.

11. I put the blood of Jesus over pride, arrogance, conceit

and vanity. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory

over all pride in Jesus Holy name.

12. Father, God I command you in Jesus name to be master

of my mind, my life, my heart, my soul, my spirit and my


13. Father in Jesus name I command you to deliver me from

self-natural human spirit, Satan, and death in Jesus Holy


14. I put the blood of Jesus over debate and contention.

Father, Holy God of heaven, in Jesus name I command you

to deliver me from the demon spirit of debate and the

demon spirit of contention. Father, Holy God of heaven give

me the victory over debate and contention in Jesus Holy


15. I put the blood of Jesus over all doubt and unbelief.

Father, Holy God of heaven, in Jesus name I command you

to deliver me from the demon spirit of doubt and the demon

spirit of unbelief. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the

victory over all doubt and unbelief in Jesus Holy name.

16. I put the blood of Jesus over judging and condemning.

Father, Holy God of heaven, in Jesus Holy name I command

you to deliver me from the demon spirit of judging and the

demon spirit of condemning. Father, Holy God of heaven

give me the victory over judging and condemning in Jesus

Holy name.

17. I put the blood of Jesus over resentment and rebellion.

Father, Holy God of Heaven give me the victory over

resentment and rebellion in Jesus Holy name.

18. I put the blood of Jesus over defiance. Father, Holy God

of Heaven give me the victory over all defiance in Jesus Holy


19. I put the blood of Jesus over self-glorification. Father,

Holy God of Heaven give me the victory over self-

glorification in Jesus Holy name.

20. I put the blood of Jesus over self-exaltation. Father,

Holy God of heaven give me the victory over self-exaltation

in Jesus Holy name.

21. I put the blood of Jesus over all hate. Father, Holy God

of heaven deliver me from hate in Jesus Holy name.

22. I put the blood of Jesus over my strong opinions. Father,

Holy God of heaven deliver me from my strong opinions in

Jesus Holy name.

23. I put the blood of Jesus over haughty mind, haughty

walk, haughty talk, and haughty look. Father, Holy God of

heaven give me the victory over all haughtiness in Jesus

Holy name.

24. I put the blood of Jesus over all my sexuality in Jesus

Holy name. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory

over all my sexuality in Jesus Holy name.

25. I put the blood of Jesus over double mind ness, and


26. I put the blood of Jesus over worries, frustration and


27. I put the blood of Jesus over confusion, nervousness,

tension and fear.

28. I put the blood of Jesus over boredom and loneliness.

29. I put the blood of Jesus over lust, adultery and


30. I put the blood of Jesus over love of self-pleasures.

31. I put the blood of Jesus over sicknesses and diseases.

32. I put the blood of Jesus over head strong, and

wandering mind.

33. I put the blood of Jesus over all demonic spirits listed in

the Bible.

34. I put the blood of Jesus over all demonic spirits listed in

the dictionary of the world.

35. I put the blood of Jesus over all demonic spirits I don't

know the names of or know exist.

36. I put the blood of Jesus over every evil spirit. Father,

God cast out all these evil spirits from every part of me and

cast them back into the center of hell and don't let them

come back on me again in Jesus Holy name.

37. God bless me with your perfect love that sets me free

from all fears of the Devil and Satan in Jesus name. God

bless me with your perfect truth in your son that sets me free

from all lies, snares and traps of the Devil Satan.

38. I have my loins girded with the truth, which is the power

of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of incredible lasting life

of great peace and joy to the fullest in our Lord Jesus Christ.

I put on the breastplate of righteousness in God and His

perfect will, which is love and peace. I shod my feet with the

preparation of the gospel of peace and I will walk with God

of Heaven rejoicing through time forever. I put on the shield

of faith, wherewith I shall be protected from all the fiery

darts of the evil one. I put on the helmet of salvation, which

is the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I put on the sword of

the Spirit, which is the word of God and the truths I know of

the Holy truth in flaming fire.

39. Start praising God: Praise God, thank you Jesus,

Hallelujah, etc.

Conviction! (Convictions are things like pressure in your

head, flu like symptoms, pain in some part of your body,

etc.) When I get a conviction? I put the blood of Jesus over

every part of me. I put the blood of Jesus over all your sins.

(Ask God) Father, Holy God of heaven, “Is there something

you want me to know.” If He says, “Yes!” Then ask, Father,

Holy God of heaven, “What do you want me to know?” He

will give you the sin. Then you can put the Blood of Jesus

over every part of that sin. Ask, Father, Holy God of Heaven

have mercy on me; forgive me of (sin) in Jesus Holy name.

Father, Holy God of Heaven give me the victory over (sin) in

Jesus Holy name.

Casting out Satan and the Devil! Get the hence or get

behind me Satan/the Devil in Jesus Holy name. I resist you

Satan in Jesus name. I am a child of God. I command you to

depart from me immediately and take your stinking demons

with you in Jesus Holy name.

Casting out demons! Father in heaven I command your

hand in the name of Jesus to cast out the demon spirit of

(name of demon spirit), bind him up and tie him up; cast

him back into the pit of hell, where he came from, not to

come back upon me again in Jesus Holy name.

The Past! What's done is done, what's in the past is past. I

put the blood of Jesus over my looking back and giving place

to the past and dwelling upon it. Enemies I put the blood of

Jesus Christ over that person (name of person) and his

heart. Father I command you in the name of Jesus to soften

his/her harden heart and avenge him according to your will

and ways. God bless him/her with your perfect love and

perfect truth in Jesus mighty name.

If God wants you to pray for someone that is not in

the ministry!

Say this! I put the blood of Jesus over every part of that

person. Father, Holy God of heaven wash them in the blood

of Jesus, forgive them of their sins, have mercy on them.

Have your perfect will in every part of them in Jesus Holy

name. Set them free from all captivity that is in the Devil and

Satan. I put the blood of Jesus over there harden hearts.

Father, Holy God of heaven soften their harden hearts

according to your will and ways. Bless them mightily with

your perfect love and perfect truth in your Son Jesus Holy


The reality of one's soul possessed, oppressed,

obsessed and suppressed by evil forces of demons, devils,

Satan’s and forces of darkness do assuredly asunder one's

soul. One may not understand the forces of evil through the

self-natural human spirit mind, but life, as we know it, is

under attack by evil forces that we speak and read every day.

We have all heard the saying, sticks and stones may break

my bones, but words will never hurt me! Wrong!

By the words we speak or read we bring about

demons and devils through those words, and those words

bring about demons and devils that attack who ever receives

them or whoever they reside in. Evil spirits are not out there

somewhere in the sky, they are in our vocabulary and

walking amongst and in everyone, you see. By the words we

speak and keep in our minds, we bring about a way of

demonic forces and attacks that are not seen in this

dimension. If our eyes were opened to the forces of good and

evil spirits at war in another realm or dimension, then our

minds would not be able to contain it and we would die.

One may say, "I know what is real!" Maybe in a

material world. The self-natural human spirit mind is so

corrupted with evil forces of speech and writing, thought

and reading, that most people do not believe what they see

and hear anymore anyway. It is called the demon spirit of

confusion and goes good with the demon spirit of wandering

mind. People speak and read as a way of passing time or to

look important, to present a false image.

When we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive the

Word of God, and we are able to speak words of Truth. As

we can see words themselves are not bad, but the kinds of

words we speak may be bad. When we have the Holy Spirit,

we speak what we hear from the Holy Spirit and the Spirit is

Truth. When we speak out of the self-natural human spirit,

we excuse ourselves and justify our actions, beliefs, and the

recall of memory according to thought.

Our memories are a database of stored emotions and

feelings that are useless to bringing us to a state of life, and

life more abundantly. One can give place to thought and the

ways of the Devil and Satan by constantly recalling those evil

things that are in our self-natural human spirit mind. We

can come to the understanding that thought is a mere

dimension and realm of demons and devils. There are three

realms, and there are nine dimensions in the first realm

alone. You really think you create your own thought. Evil

spirits that inhabit the self-natural human spirit mind and

the body are working overtime to find a house in this

dimension. Continue to give place to thought and a life style

of demonic spirits and you will surely Die, but most people

are spiritually walking dead anyway, right!

Do not give into the system of educating yourself

with endless amounts of evil spirits that are in this age of

gathering information and worldly intelligence. People have

been lying to themselves and those around them for

centuries in order to present a false image of them, without

knowing that this image brings about devils and demons

that hinder us to fear. What latest fad are you following

today? Who do you want to be today? How about a child of

God? Praise God!

Who do you idolize your self-natural human spirit

mind or some creation the Devil and Satan have created in

some human image? I am telling you that the self-natural

human spirit mind can and will adapt to the indwelling of

demon and devil spirits or should I say the devils and

demons will adapt to the image your self-natural human

spirit mind thinks it wants to be today. We must first give

place to sin that comes with a demon spirit. Not only are we

carried away in sin by evil forces, but also we are given into

the reality that is not seen. What is reality anyway? It is an

evil force that is also a devil. Sicknesses, diseases, mental

diseases, cancer, addictions, and so on are all devils and

demons. We do not need doctors, psychologists, counselors

and all this foolishness that is in the world.

Through the precious Blood of Jesus, we are made

whole. Give time to the healing Blood of Jesus and you will

be made whole. I give you a way and a will that is promised

to those, who seek Him and in His Blood you may see the

hope that is in Christ Jesus. For He died once that we all,

through Him would have everlasting life and life, more

abundantly. Amen! In His Blood is life, life everlasting, and

more abundantly. In times past you were dead to sin and

now is the time for the fulfillment of the law and sin unto

everlasting life. Give time to those who seek you and you will

surely Die. For sin is Death, but everlasting life is in the

fulfillment of sin and sin abolished in the flesh by the death

of Jesus Christ.

When one may see the hope that is in Christ Jesus,

he or she may have hope that is also a knowing of Him that

raised Him from the dead and quickened His Spirit. When

one can understand that sin is a fulfillment of the law and

that the law raised up Christ Jesus, we are able to

understand why we sin, and sin can bring us to life and life

more abundantly. Jesus said I come not to bring peace, but

a sword. We are in a serious time and the heathen in those

church buildings and Rescue Missions that keep telling you

that the end times are here, are right! The end times are here

for the devils, demons, and souls that refuse to come to the

Lord Jesus Christ and in using His Blood. We are not here

to love devils into the kingdom of Heaven. We are mighty

warriors; we come with boldness and the power of the Holy

Spirit and the power of Jesus Christ.

Sooner or later one has to realize that he or she is not

their own. He or she is either of the self-natural human

spirit, self-natural human spirit mind, the Devil and Satan,

or the Lord Jesus Christ and Almighty Creator God. Take a

moment to speak to yourself and listen to the thoughts that

come about in your own mind. Think about yesterday or last

week. What the world calls negative or positive thoughts

that you just dwelled in are devils and demons. I hope today

is a day of reckoning for those who believe in a God that is

revolutionizing the way we think. This book is not intended

for those who are of Satan, but for those who are the

children of God. God will open the eyes and ears of those

who are of God and you will understand what is in this book.

But those who are of Satan, He will keep blind and their ears

shut. We must turn our minds off to those evil forces that we

speak and read every day and open our eyes, ears and hearts

to Almighty God! Free your self-natural human spirit and

mind from all thought and the corruption that thought

brings in another dimension.

Where would one be today if he or she knew the

depths of the Almighty Creator God? Take a moment of your

time to see an envelope of ideas unfolding right before your

very eyes. Open your eyes to the TRUTH that has been

hidden for centuries. This TRUTH has endured with much

long suffering and affliction throughout time as we know it.

Take time to turn off your self-natural human spirit mind to

those demons and devils and open your heart to the

unfolding TRUTH that is in Christ Jesus and in using His

precious Blood. This is not some philosophy or mind games

of emptiness or Buddha, this is not a religion or any other

mind exercise, but a means to hope in this time of darkness.

My fellow brothers and sisters that are of the House of

Israel, today is a day of reckoning and a way to the Most

Holy Place of all. Recognize that life everlasting and life

more abundantly are in the Blood of Jesus Christ and using


Matthew 12:34, 37 says, “O generation of vipers, how can

ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance

of the heart the mouth speaketh. For by thy words thou shalt

be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”

Teachings of scriptures through the self-natural

human spirit mind has brought about over 1200 different

interpretations, denominations and translations in this

world of corruption and the hypocrites have made a lot of

money at it. They are mixing truths with lies for their own

benefit. These people have been speaking and teaching lies

for generations now from colleges, to seminaries, to

churches, to Rescue Missions, they are everywhere. The

Bible is a compilation of several books and the words written

in them have passed through the minds of men and are

written according to the personality of men in the Holy

Spirit. There has been in these books a compilation of the

things of God, reproduced, edited, and translated in several

ways. These men of the Bible learned the ways of God by

living in the ways of God according to Gods will and time for

His glory. Man, especially church people use scriptures or

what they call the word of God to engage themselves in

different confrontations with the demon spirit of debate and

the demon spirit of contention, to exalt and glorify

themselves with the worldly knowledge they have of


Jeremiah 8:8-9 says, “How do ye say, we are wise, and the

law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it;

the pen of the scribes is in vain. The wise men are ashamed,

they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word

of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them?”

Matthew 15:7-11 says, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias

prophesy of you, saying, this people draweth nigh unto me

with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but

their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me,

teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. And he

called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and

understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a

man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth

a man.”

There were many people back in the time of the

disciples that started with them, but then left the truth. This

is how we have the churches that are deceiving and being

deceived! When I am speaking of the Bible, I am speaking of

these church people that rely on scriptures for their walk,

because they don't have the Holy Spirit. It is good to read

scriptures for learning, reproof and correction, but, my

point is if we did not have the Bible we could still learn the

will and ways of God, from God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus

Christ. Amen! Jesus Christ the same today also folks.

Every church building on earth is a synagogue of

Satan. My brothers in the Lord Jesus Christ are all poor folks

and we have all been homeless at one time or another for

God's glory. None of us have gone to seminary or college and

been educated by man and his false doctrine, but we have

been taught by God. The trials and tribulations that we must

go through are the will of God and are how we are able to

learn the ways of God and mature in the Lord by walking in

the Holy Spirit and learning from the Holy Spirit. As we

learn the ways of God, we are able to help others learn

through our trials and tribulations and the sure mercies of

the Most High God. Our conversations are always on the

things of God and the Kingdom of Heaven.

The washing of the Word of God (not scriptures) is

what gives us life along with the washing of the Blood of

Jesus. By hearing God and being obedient to what God tells

us to do is how we come to know the will of God and the

ways of God! God didn't just reveal Himself to a few people

and say to us, "Ok, Children of Israel here is a book that I am

going to let man mess up, now you read it and learn about


Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is quick, and

powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing

even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the

joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and

intents of the heart.”

Now Hebrews 4:12 does not say the scriptures are

quick, powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. But

it says the word of God! How are reading scriptures to

someone going to discern the thoughts and intents of the

heart? For those who are contained to learning the ways of

God just by reading about Him they are really missing out

on a wonderful God who wants to manifest Himself to you.

God is calling out to His children pleading with them to

listen to Him and hear His words of wisdom. God is

expressing that the word of God is in a conversation with

Him. Through the conversations with God, His word which

is Him speaking to us through the Holy Spirit and His Son

Jesus Christ (not someone reading a book to us), we can

know the wisdom and knowledge of God and be cleansed by

the washing of His Word.

Do you believe Moses, Jesus, David and the disciples

carried a Bible with them everywhere they went? Saying to

the people, "You better read the word of God!" How about

the Apostle Paul? Maybe Paul and Timothy would go to the

local book store in Corinth ever so often and buy the latest

version of the Bible. So they could understand the scriptures

better or read them easier. Paul and the disciples were

taught by the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. Before I received

the Holy Spirit, I would read the Bible and be confused like

the Christians and the other church people. Confusion is a

demon spirit and is not of God. God has allowed the

scriptures to be made into all these different versions and

allowed man to change the meaning of scriptures for a

reason. We are to rely on the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God and

those taught by God to teach us. Also, those who are not of

God cannot understand the things of God. Have you heard

of faith?

There is going to be a separation starting soon. The

goats (Christians and church people) and the sheep

(children of God) will be separated, and the sheep will be

together in the mountains of Jerusalem (America). Those

who think they are of God, because they read scriptures and

go to Satan's synagogues on Sunday have a rude awakening

coming in the near future. Woe to you Christians, you

walking dead, you zombies of Satan, you goats prepare

yourselves for the Truth. Throw your Bibles in the garbage

and come to know God. Life is in the Spirit not the letter.

Titus 1:11-16 says, “Whose mouths must be stopped, who

subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not,

for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of

their own, said, the Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, and

slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them

sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed

to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn

from the truth. Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto

them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but

even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that

they know God; but in works they deny him, being

abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work


The Cretians are a good example of the church

people that we have today, because their minds are naturally

given to lies and deceit. Also because of certain learned

traditions, manmade rules, ceremonies, regulations and a

church made legal system who under a pretense of godliness

have combined them with the Gospel. Thus, truths have

become mixed with lies. They are giving into the ways of the

world, (trust in centralized wealth, applying to men to rule

over them, constitutional orders, members of corporations

like the United States, coveting ones goods by way of

government force, self-righteousness and so on) instead of

the ways of God.

Purifying one’s soul is not done with fables,

ceremonies, reading out of a book or listening to someone

read to you. Even though the Old Testament law, which is

giving up goats, calves and lambs, washings and other

tabernacle laws for sin, are not required of this generation,

we are still to give up spiritual and physical sacrifices (if your

neighbor is hungry, feed him, if he needs a coat and you have

two, give him one, etc.). We still must have the washing of

the Word (not scriptures) to cleanse our self-natural human

spirit minds along with the Blood of Jesus!

If our minds, our self-natural human spirit minds

are not clean, how can we be regenerated? Woe to you

hypocrites, vipers, blind guides, fools, Pharisees, Sadducees,

Scribes, Lawyers, workers of iniquity. You ministers of

Satan. Your deceiving and being deceived has just begun, for

you will continue being deceived and the LORD will bring

delusions upon you. You children of Hell that are in these

church buildings, you Catholics, Protestants, Baptists and

all the other names you call yourselves, a.k.a. Christians,

prepare the way for the LORD and repent. All scriptures,

epistles and letters were inspired by God, through the Holy


2 Timothy 3:16 it says, “All scripture is given by

inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for

reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

The Holy Spirit is not God folks. There are three of

them, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Once again,

another lie from the pit of Hell. This thing the Christian's

call the trinity, or like an egg (all three separate, but all one

God). Now if you read scriptures through your self-natural

human spirit mind, just about anyone can interpret some

verses into this thing called the trinity. But, that is not the

interpretation of the Holy Spirit and the trinity is not

scriptural or sound doctrine, but a doctrine of devils. The

Holy Spirit is separate from God and Jesus. Christians

believe that the Holy Spirit is God, so when men that have

the Holy Spirit write scriptures they must be writing the

word of God. Come on you fools! Where did you come from,

the seed of Satan! We could take the Bible throw it in Lake

Tahoe and still learn the will and ways of God by the Holy

Spirit! But since you hypocrite antichrists don't have the

Holy Spirit you cannot learn the will and ways of God.

God speaks to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit

speaks to us, thus we speak what we hear. This is how we

hear the word of God. We don't go sit in one of Satan's

synagogues (church buildings) and listen to one of his evil

ministers read out of a book (the Bible or other doctrine)

and hear the word of God. These books are not the word of

God. The word of God is Spirit and we walk in the Spirit. We

are washed by the Word of God, by hearing God and doing

what He tells us to do, so we may be sanctified and cleansed.

We also speak truth that we have learned from the Holy

Spirit. The disciples and Jesus Himself always referred

when speaking of the scriptures, he would say, "For it is

written" or the Apostle Paul would say, “according to the

scriptures”. They never said, "For the word of God says"

meaning the Bible.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 says, “For I delivered unto you first

of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our

sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and

that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”

We have in the scriptures, the word of God, the

words that Prophets wrote and words written in a historical

form. Many times an Angel of the Lord would come to a

prophet and take him up in a vision and say, "write down

everything you see". Other times the disciples would write

down events and settings that already happened or they

witnessed at an earlier time. Jesus said, "For he who has an

ear let him hear what the Spirit says!" I'll tell you right now,

you continue going to these devil dwellings that are called

churches, in Jesus time they were called synagogues and

continue dwelling in your lifeless thoughts and the thoughts

of Satan, the Devil, and his devils. These thoughts will cause

you to surely die. I am so tired of these Christians, the

workers of iniquity, the children of Hell, the sons and

daughters of wickedness, showing me a Bible and saying this

is the word of God.

You will learn how to have a real relationship with

God after reading this book. I hope that you will come to the

fountain of youth that is only in the Lord Jesus Christ. I do

not mean the Lord Jesus Christ that has been preached to

you by Satan and his devils in the church buildings. There is

only one body of Christ and He is gathering his congregation

right now as I speak. I have been sitting in churches and

rescue missions across the country for the last nine years

and they are all the same.

They teach that were lucky to have one more day,

and the end is here, you had better hurry up and become one

of us hypocrites or you’re going to die. That is the whole

point; we want to die to the self-natural human spirit mind

so that we may live for eternity. These scare tactics that are

used by those who call themselves children of God has

brought about a society of Christians that are so deceived,

that all they know how to teach is deception. There is no

Truth in them. The Pharisees and Sadducees of our time

have brought in trillions of dollars through the corruption of

a number of different schemes like changing the translation

of the Bible into NIV, RSV, NLB, New King James, and so


I want to give just a brief summary of what was

required of the children of Israel, the priests, and the high

priest during the time of Moses and what it means for

believers today. When the children of Israel were in the

wilderness learning the will and ways of God in God’s time,

they learned about sacrifice under law. The people were

required to bring lambs, bullocks, pigeons, turtle doves, etc.

according to the sacrifice or whatever they were able to


The priests were ordained to do the service of God in

the Holy Place and the High Priest did the service of God in

the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle. Blood was required

for an atonement of sin. These sacrifices were physical

animals to be sacrificed. In some cases the children of Israel

when bringing their sacrifice, they would have to cut the

throat of the sacrifice that was being given to the priest and

the priest would do the rest required by God. There can be a

lot said about sacrifice, just read the book of Exodus,

Leviticus, Numbers and Hebrews.

1 Peter 2:5 “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual

house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,

acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”

A lot of the things written in the Old Testament are

physical examples and are prophetic of later spiritual things.

When it comes to us being priests, we are just that. What do

priests do, they do the service of God, according to God’s will

and way. So many people have been carried away with false

doctrines on what it means to be a child of God. I believe

that the Christian leaders in these synagogues that they

gather in are really spiritual psychologists. They are trying

to solve spiritual problems with worldly methods. Ask Jesus

into your heart and say this simple little prayer with me,

read your bible, and come to church on sun god day and you

will be saved. I don’t think so. Much is required of us to keep

our temples clean, so that we are able to assemble in

Heavenly places. For us as a body of Christ to be a habitation

for the Almighty Creator God to dwell in, we must be clean

(free from sin).

Romans 3:24-26 “Being justified freely by his grace

through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God

hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,

to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are

past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at

this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the

justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.”

For us to be established in grace, we first must

understand what grace is. Grace is not a free ticket to sin and

be totally lawless. Grace is putting on the Blood of Jesus over

ourselves and our sins. To be forgiven of our sins, we do not

have to give up goats, calves, lambs and so forth, but the

Blood of Jesus Christ is our sacrifice. By putting on the

Blood of Jesus we are doing the service of God by keeping

our tabernacle clean (our bodies), thus God will make our

bodies a habitation to dwell in. By putting on the Blood of

Jesus Christ over ourselves and our sins, we than can go

onto giving up burnt offerings through His Blood. By

partaking the cup of the Lord we burn up our iniquities

through His sacrifice, purging our sins, being made holy and

perfected to endure to the end. We are required to make

ourselves a living sacrifice for the Lord, so that we may

overcome our flesh by Jesus’ Blood.

When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was

baptized in His own Blood, He was literally covered in

Blood. When the Roman soldier stabbed Him in the side,

both water and Blood came out of Him. We no longer need

to be baptized like that of John the Baptist, John was

baptizing people as an expression of the things to come in

Christ Jesus. These people that later excepted the sacrifice

of Jesus Christ were all Baptized again, read the book of

Acts. They were baptized in the Blood of Jesus Christ, by

saying it. I put the Blood of Jesus Christ over every part of

me, I put the Blood of Jesus Christ over all my sins. I pray

Father, God have mercy on me a sinner, forgive me of all my

sins in Jesus Holy name. I pray Father, God give me the

victory over all my sins in Jesus Holy name. Praise God,

thank you Jesus, Blessed be the name of the Living GOD of

Israel in Jesus Holy name.

We are not under the Law of Moses, but under grace.

Meaning that the ordinances like giving up goats, lambs,

bullocks, etc., the washing of cups, pots, brazen vessels, and

of tables. We no longer have a physical tabernacle that

requires us to do these ordinances that cannot forgive sins,

but we now have a more perfect way that is in Christ Jesus

and his Blood, we have access to his Blood by faith. This does

not mean that we are a people without law, there is a

difference between laws that are against us, like the ones I

just spoke of and the commandments of God. Through grace

we are able to keep the commandments of God and do walk

in them. The whole idea of the Temple is to come together

and give up something like a bull for the people of God to

come together and eat meat, bread, drink wine and

fellowship together in the glory of God.

I’ll show you a way to a path of righteousness that is

only in the Blood of Jesus and using it properly, the straight

and narrow to the door of the Living God. Once you come to

the crucified Jesus and drink His everlasting Blood, you will

no longer be captive to your own self-natural human spirit

mind, Satan and Death. We are in the beginning of the time

of Jacobs’s troubles, a new beginning not and end. Those of

us who are the chosen people of Israel we are going to reign

with Jesus Christ here on earth for 1000 years. We will

become Holy Spiritual glorified beings, space explorers and

time travelers. Praise God! We who are of the House of

Israel may come to the TRUTH that is in the Blood of Jesus

Christ and using it. We may have life and life more

abundantly, become alive, awake and well; we are living,

breathing saints. We can have perfect peace, perfect joy,

perfect truth, perfect health, perfect life and perfect love that

are in Christ Jesus and His precious Blood of life. In order

for one to come to know the Spirit of the LORD and the

Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must put the Blood of

Jesus over every part of us and over our sins.

In Exodus and Leviticus of the Holy Bible there are

chapters after chapters of the importance of a blood

sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins. Take time to read

Exodus chapters 28 and 29 and you will see the importance

of having our garments clean and the importance of a blood

sacrifice. Our spirits must be cleaned through a blood

offering, in order for us to present ourselves before the

LORD. Our souls go to Heaven, not our spirits.

Exodus 29:20-21 says, “Then shalt thou kill the ram, and

take of his blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of

Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon

the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their

right foot, and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round

about. And thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar,

and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron, and

upon his garments, and upon his sons, and upon the

garments of his sons with him: and he shall be hallowed, and

his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with


In the Old Testament it was required by law to shed

the blood of goats, calves, lambs and so forth for the

remission of sins (thus, the Israelites sacrificing something

of their own. The people of Israel were only allowed to use

the finest animals they had, without spot or blemish. To

show the importance of a blood sacrifice and the cost of sin.

Animals in those days were not cheap, especially the finest

ones without blemishes. Some people were so poor, and they

had to sacrifice birds. Sin is more than just doing wrong; we

have shown you that in the first part of this book. Sins are a

means of life through the Blood of Jesus. The High Priest

and his sons were the only ones allowed to go into the

tabernacle once a year to atone for their sins and the sins of

the people. We can use the Blood of Jesus as often as we sin

for the forgiveness of sins; we can keep ourselves clean all

the time. We are kings and priests; we give up spiritual

sacrifices, because we are priests.

Hebrews 9:19-28 “For when Moses had spoken every

precept to all the people according to the law, he took the

blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool,

and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,

Moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and

all the vessels of the ministry. And almost all things are by

the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is

no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of

things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the

heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with

hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven

itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: Nor yet

that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth

into the holy place every year with blood of others; For then

must he often have suffered since the foundation of the

world: but now once in the end of the world hath he

appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And as

it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the

judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of

many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the

second time without sin unto salvation.”

James 4:8 it says, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw

nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your

hearts, ye double minded.”

We draw near to God by putting on the Blood of

Jesus as often as we sin. Confessing sins and repenting are

dimensions within themselves. A realm of forgiveness sits in

Heavenly places. To repent means to move away from living

in sin and draw near to God. In order for us to draw near to

God we must be obedient to the sprinkling of the Blood of

Jesus. The Most Holy Place is in Heaven and in Christ Jesus,

his Spirit resides in those who know how to keep their

garments clean and do keep their garments clean. Through

the Blood of Jesus we are able to except the doorway to

Heaven and sit in Heavenly places. I cannot express to you,

how important it is to use the Blood of Jesus. Before Jesus

died on the cross, He said, “It is finished!”

The reason for this is because His Blood was shed,

all around the cross and all over Himself. John the Baptist,

baptized in water to show an outward expression of the

baptism of Blood through Jesus Christ to come. Jesus was

baptized in water to show a symbolic expression of the

washing of the word of God. Jesus is the living word of God.

By being covered by His Blood, the word became alive and

He spoke everything He heard from God. When we put on

the Blood of Jesus we are than washed in the word of God.

Being immersed in water was also an outward expression of

burying the old man. Coming up out of the water to life.

Perfect peace and perfect joy comes through turning

our minds off and drawing near to God. The Blood of Jesus

gives us a place in Heaven and makes us Holy, spotless and

blameless. We are than no longer of this world, but we are

Heavenly and Holy. Praise God! Thank-you Jesus! You will

come to know that by turning your mind off to those devils

and demons through the Blood of Jesus, you will come to

the understanding, knowledge and wisdom of God

Almighty. God wants to manifest Himself to you and give

you everlasting life through His dear Son Jesus Christ.

There is no other way! The Church of God, the body of Christ

is not in any building and surely never will be. Soften your

harden hearts through the precious Blood of Jesus and have

everlasting life. We are more than conquerors through the

Lord Jesus Christ; we are lights standing in darkness.

1 Peter 2:9-10 it says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a

royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye

should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out

of darkness into his marvelous light; Which in time past

were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had

not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.”

When Jesus came He presented His own body as a

new living tabernacle or temple. The Lord Jesus Christ shed

His Blood one time, so that we may use it every time we sin.

The Holy Spirit will help us know what sins we commit and

will teach us all things. Through confessing our sins, putting

the Blood of Jesus over those sins, by saying it, “I put the

Blood of Jesus over every part of me; I put the Blood of Jesus

over all my sins. Father, God have mercy on me; forgive me

of my sins in Jesus Holy name. Father, God give me the

victory over all my sins in Jesus Holy name.

Anyone that has ever gone to church or a rescue

mission has heard at the end of a sermon, this thing they call

a sinners prayer. Now if anyone would like to receive Jesus

Christ as his or her personal savior, just ask Jesus to come

into your heart and say this simple prayer with me: “Father,

I know that I am a sinner. I plead the Blood of Jesus and

repent of my sins. I ask Father that you forgive me of my

sins. I believe Jesus died and rose again the third day. I ask

you Jesus to be Lord of my life and come into my heart. I

thank you Father for saving me from my sins and I say all

these things in Jesus name.”

Sound familiar or something like it, "Just ask Jesus

into your heart!" What did the sinner’s prayer and asking

Jesus into your heart do for you? When I did this, I received

nothing. I told my chaplain about the prayer I did and he

told me to start going to church, read the bible, and spend

time with God every day. When I would go to church, during

the singing part of the service, I would get this goose bump

feeling, warm fuzzy feeling, and chills up and down my back.

I had thought wow I have received the Holy Spirit. I would

also feel this devil spirit sometimes when someone

preaching could get me to a feeling and emotional state.

I was able to quit smoking, drinking, doing drugs,

was able to stay out of jail and did not get into trouble

anymore. The devil spirit of smoking, alcoholism, etc. and

the demon spirit of addiction went dormant in me. These

devils and demons were still in me, but they were no longer

active. It wasn’t until I got set free through the Blood of

Jesus, by using the Blood of Jesus, that those devils and

demons were cast out of me. I must have been born again

and received the Holy Spirit so I thought. I started hanging

around other Christians and church people and thought I

was on my way to the kingdom of God.

I have found after being in rescue missions all across

the country for about nine years and have heard all kinds of

Pastors, Preachers, Reverends, Ministers, and whatever else

they call themselves. These people have a great need to hear

a confession from someone needing spiritual guidance. The

notion that we just need to ask Jesus into our heart, read

scriptures, and go to church is a tradition of men and will

not get us set free and surely will not get you to know God.

We serve God 24 hours a day, not just once a week and

surely not on sun day or Sunday. We are to keep Friday

evening to Saturday evening Holy, which is the seventh day

of the week or the Sabbath. Songs, altar calls, being

converted, long prayers, yelling at the top of their lungs, fire

and brimstone, all kinds of different speaking techniques

are not of God.

Speaking techniques have brought about a system of

playing on people's emotions and bringing them to a feeling

and emotional state that is no more than a bunch of devils

and demons. These ministers of Satan preach about morals,

death, and how we are running out of time and the end is

here. We better hurry and ask Jesus into our hearts and are

saved, because Jesus is coming back tomorrow.

Hebrews 10:1-4 says, “For the law having a shadow of

good things to come, and not the very image of the things,

can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by

year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. For

then would they not have ceased to be offered? Because that

the worshippers once purged should have had no more

conscience of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a

remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not

possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take

away sins. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter

into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living

way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that

is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house

of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance

of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,

and our bodies washed with pure water.”

God’s grace is expressed in the offering of His only

begotten Son Jesus Christ. The perfect Lamb of God, Jesus

Christ laid down His life for atonement for the sins of this

world. We are not under the law of the tabernacle, which

required offerings of goats, lambs and bullocks and so on.

We are under grace, meaning this generation does not have

to offer up goats, lambs, and bullocks for the forgiveness of

sins. Jesus Christ came to this earth to shed His Blood for

the forgiveness of sins. He died once for the remission of

many, all sins.

Nowhere in the scriptures does it imply that we are

not to use the Blood of Jesus for the remission of sins. On

the contrary, the book of Hebrews explains to us that the

Blood of Jesus is a spiritual sacrifice for us to use to draw

near to God. The whole point of Jesus shedding His Blood is

for this generation to put on the Blood of Jesus, over

ourselves and our sins. God has made us priests so that

when we do sin, we may give up spiritual sacrifices for our

iniquities and transgressions as we sin, so we can draw close

to God.

Read: Galatians 3:24-27, 1 John 1:9, Romans 10:9-


Without the Blood of Jesus, there is no spiritual life.

A child of God’s spiritual foundation is through the Blood of

Jesus and using it. One must use the Blood of Jesus in order

to be forgiven and set free from sin. By saying, I put the

blood of Jesus over every part of me and over all of my sins.

Father, God forgive me of all my sins I have committed in

the past and now. Wash me clean in your precious and

powerful, healing blood, "Lord Jesus," and from sin, Satan

and death. By putting the Blood of Jesus over yourself and

over your sins on a daily basis, you will always overcome

Satan, spiritual death and physical death.

Always being covered in the powerful, healing Blood

of Jesus, one may be blameless, without spot before God of

Heaven. Ask God the Father to wash you in His precious

son's Blood every day of your life and over all of your sins.

To draw near to God we must first go to Jesus Christ. We

must be baptized or immersed in the Blood of Jesus. Being

baptized or immersed in water is an outward confession of

being purified. The only way God can forgive us of our sins

is if we actively confess and put the Blood of Jesus over every

part of ourselves and our sins or be immersed in the Blood

of Jesus. Washing ourselves and our sins in the Blood of

Jesus cleanses us from iniquity and transgressions.

When we plead the Blood of Jesus and wash

ourselves in His Blood and the Word of God. The Holy Spirit

manifests Himself and moves into our bodies making a

home. Jesus is the living Word of God. Jesus was sprinkled

with His own Blood making the Word of God alive. Believe

in the sacrifice of the offering of the Blood of Jesus. He was

crucified during the Passover. The Passover was a feast the

Israelite people kept to remember the promise of God. The

Word of God is in the Blood of Jesus. The crucified Word of

God and the Blood of Jesus brings us life everlasting. The

Holy Spirit agrees with the water and the Blood. Water is

symbolic for the Word of God. The Word of God washes us

continually. Jesus sprinkled His own Blood and made a New

Testament for the atonement of our sins, becoming the

perfect Lamb of God.

Read: James 1:22-25, Ephesians 5:26-27, Exodus


“There are only a few steps to start walking in the

Spirit. However, we must have all three. There are no short

cuts. We must repent and be baptized in Christ Jesus,

receive the Holy Spirit and be washed in the Word of God.

We must continue to confess our sins, put the Blood of Jesus

over each individual sin. Ask God to forgive us of those sins

in Jesus name and ask God to give us the victory over those

sins in Jesus name.

Hebrews 8:14-17 says, Now when the apostles which were

at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of

God, they sent unto them Peter and John: Who, when they

were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive

the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them:

only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)

Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the

Holy Ghost.”

Some people need to have hands laid on them, and

they receive the Holy Spirit. However, once we receive the

Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit can start teaching us how to walk

in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks, intercedes, testifies,

guides, commands, appoints, leads, reproves and convicts of

sin and shapes an individual’s life to Christ's. The Spirit

gives the gifts of wisdom, understanding, and insight to the

things that are in the spiritual realm and here on earth. The

Holy Spirit teaches all things to those who know Him.

My goal is not to have contention and debate (which

are devil spirits and sins) with the church people, but to

show the simple how the church people have been deceived.

My hope is that you won't be deceived as the Christians and

all the other church people, but will come to Jesus Christ

crucified and use His Blood for the remission of your sins

and have a wonderful life to the glory of God Almighty. The

Christians will be judged and God will deal with them

accordingly, but you may have life and life more abundantly.

Praise God! Thank-you Jesus!

Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized

into Christ have put on Christ.

Later in another book I will get into the only free

government which is called the Kingdom of God or the

Kingdom of Heaven. This free government is at hand and I

hope you join later to learn how to live free based on love,

faith, hope and charity and not by force. More later. God

Bless you in Jesus name.

My name is Brian Mattson forgiven (new name as

promised, Isaiah 62:2) name is David. I am an Israelite

from the tribe of Judah and the house of David. I live in

JerUSAlem also known as America. I have been studying the

Bible, history, psychology, sociology, social engineering,

politics, governments, laws, legalism, religions, the mind,

and whole lot more all of my life. My heart is set on wisdom,

knowledge, understanding, judgments, and discernment of

the Most High God of Hosts through the Blood of Jesus


More about Brian David Mattson at Book Daily.

Bringing to light out of darkness the lies in the church

buildings. We are 21st century disciples, saints, prophets,

teachers, healers, gifted children of God. We are Witnesses

for the Lord Jesus Christ and Almighty creator GOD.

Traveling the world speaking the Truth through the power

of the Holy Spirit in flaming fire. The Holy Spirit of

incredible lasting life of great peace and joy to the fullest in

Jesus Christ. Giving a testimony of God’s will and way

through the obedience of the sprinkling of the Blood of

Jesus. We are alive, awake and well in Christ Jesus, come

into the Kingdom of Heaven through the Blood of Jesus

Christ. Put on the Blood of Jesus over yourselves and your

sins. Now is the time to awake out of sleep.

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